- 0034 Wie kann die durchschnittliche Ausbildungsquote in Deutschland korrekt gemessen werden?
by Peter Jacobebbinghaus & Jens Mohrenweiser & Thomas Zwick - 0033 Was macht eine zentrale Abschlusspruefung aus?
by Florian Birkenfeld & Shima'a Hanafy - 0031 Risk-Return Trade-Offs to Complete Educational Paths: Vocational, Academic and Mixed
by Simone Tuor & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0030 The Impact of Job Training on the Performances of Moroccan Firms: Empirical Evidence with Firm-Level Panel Data
by Said Hanchane & Audrey Dumas - 0029 What is it About Schooling That the Labor Market Rewards? The Components of the Return to Schooling
by Cyril Pasche - 0028 The Role of Firm Size in Training Provision Decisions: evidence from Spain
by Laia Castany - 0027 Optimal Grading
by Robertas Zubrickas - 0026 Technological change and employer-provided training: Evidence from German establishments
by Ardiana N. Gashi & Geoff Pugh & Nick Adnett - 0025 A signalling model of school grades: centralized versus decentralized examinations
by Maria De Paola & Vincenzo Scoppa - 0024 The Impact of Continuous Training on a Firm's Innovations
by Stefan Bauernschuster & Oliver Falck & Stephan Heblich - 0022 It takes three to tango in employment: Matching vocational education organisations, students and companies in labour market
by Mika Maliranta & Satu Nurmi & Hanna Virtanen - 0021 The effect of quantitative and qualitative training on labour demand in Belgium: a monopolistic competition approach
by Benoit Mahy & Melanie Volral - 0020 Zur Logik betrieblicher Qualifizierungsstrategien im internationalen Vergleich
by Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0019 Schulleistungen von Maedchen und Jungen. Gleichberechtigung als Bildungsmotor?
by Florian Birkenfeld - 0018 Probleme und Chancen lebenslangen Lernens aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Perspektive
by Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0017 Apprenticeship Training – What for? Investment in Human Capital or Substitute for Cheap Labour?
by Jens Mohrenweiser & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0016 Why do Firms Train Apprentices? The Net Cost Puzzle Reconsidered
by Jens Mohrenweiser & Thomas Zwick - 0015 The Costs of Hiring Skilled Workers
by Marc Blatter & Samuel Muehlemann & Samuel Schenker - 0014 The Swiss Leading House on Economics of Education, Firm Behaviour and Training Policies
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Johannes Mure - 0013 What happened to the PISA 2000 participants five years later?
by Kathrin Bertschy & Alejandra Cattaneo & Stefan C. Wolter - 0012 Unsere zukuenftigen Lehrerinnen und Lehrer - Institutionelle Faktoren bei der Wahl eines Studiums an einer Paedagogischen Hochschule
by Stefan Denzler & Stefan C. Wolter - 0011 Do Students Expect Compensation for Wage Risk?
by Jürg Schweri & Stefan C. Wolter & Joop Hartog
- 0032 Apprenticeship Training and Commitment to Training Provision
by Christian Dustmann & Uta Schoenberg - 0023 On the Link Between On-the-Job Training and Earnings Dispersion
by Said Hanchane & Jacques Silber - 0010 Avoiding Labor Shortages by Employer Signaling - On the Importance of Good Work Climate and Labor Relations
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Simone Tuor - 0006 International Student Migration to Germany
by Donata Bessey - 0005 An empirical analysis of the decision to train apprentices
by Samuel Muehlemann & Stefan C. Wolter & Juerg Schweri & Rainer Winkelmann - 0003 Are the Elderly a Threat to Educational Expenditures?
by Alejandra Cattaneo & Stefan C. Wolter - 0002 Premature Apprenticeship Terminations: An Economic Analysis
by Donata Bessey & Uschi Backes-Gellner
- 0009 Incentives for Schools, Educational Signals and Labour Market Outcomes
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Stephan Veen - 0008 Demographic Change and Public Education Spending a Conflict between Young and Old?
by Ueli Grob & Stefan C. Wolter - 0007 Distinguishing Companies with Different Apprenticeship Training Motivations – Evidence from German Establishment Data
by Jens Mohrenweiser & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0004 The Puzzle of Non-Participation in Continuing Training – An Empirical Study of Permanent vs. Occasional Non-Participation
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Johannes Mure & Simone Tuor - 0001 Regional Effects on Employer Provided Training: Evidence from Apprenticeship Training in Switzerland
by Samuel Muehlemann & Stefan C. Wolter