- 375 The Political Economy of School Size: Evidence from Chilean Rural Areas
by Francisco Gallego - 374 Evaluating Public Policies with High Frequency Data: Evidence for Driving Restrictions in Mexico City Revisited
by Christian Salas - 373 Correlation Structure between Inflation and Oil Futures Returns: An Equilibrium Approach
by Jaime Casassus & Diego Ceballos - 372 Institutions and Cyclical Properties of Macroeconomic Policies in the Global Economy
by César Calderón & Roberto Duncan & Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel. - 370 Inclusive, Balanced, Sustained Growth in the Asia-Pacific
by Yongfu Cao & Wendy Dobson & Yiping Huang & Peter A. Petri & Michael Plummer & Raimundo Soto & Shinji Takagi - 369 La demanda de las AFP chilenas: 1993-2002
by Iván Marinovic & Salvador Valdés
- 368 Aid, Real Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Ibrahim A. Elbadawi & Linda Kaltani & Raimundo Soto - 367 Entry into Export Markets and Product Quality Differences
by Roberto Álvarez; Rodrigo Fuentes. & Rodrigo Fuentes. - 366 Removing the Constraints for Growth: Some Guidelines Some Guidelines
by César Calderón; Rodrigo Fuentes. & Rodrigo Fuentes. - 365 The Impact of Government Spending on the Duration and the Intensity of Economic Crises: Latin America 1900-2000
by Rodrigo Cerda. - 364 Corporate tax, firm destruction and capital stock accumulation: Evidence from Chilean plants
by Rodrigo Cerda; Diego Saravia. & Diego Saravia. - 363 Debt Valuation Effects when there is Foreign Currency-Denominated Debt
by Claudia Martínez; Rodrigo Vergara. & Rodrigo Vergara. - 362 Crime Prevention Programs: Evidence for a Developing Country
by Rodrigo Vergara. - 361 Escalamiento de cargos de acceso e incentivos a la predación de un operador de telefonía local integrado verticalmente
by Fernando Coloma & Juan-Pablo Montero - 360 Inflation Targeting Twenty Years on: Where, When, Why, With what Effects, What lies ahead?
by Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel. - 359 Determinantes de la Productividad Total de Factores en Paraguay:¿Factores de Corto o Largo Plazo?
by Juan Eduardo Coeymans. - 358 Introducción de Factores de Riesgo en el Financiamiento de la Salud Primaria en Chile
by Arístides Torche. - 357 Estudio Actuarial de los Fondos de Cesantía 2008
by Rodrigo Cerda; Fernando Coloma. & Fernando Coloma. - 356 School Choice in Chile: Looking at the Demand Side
by Francisco Gallego & Andrés Hernando - 355 Market Power in Pollution Permit Markets
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 354 On Reputational Rents as an Incentive Mechanism in Competitive Markets
by Bernardita Vial & Felipe Zurita. - 351 On Coase and Hotelling
by Juan-Pablo Montero & Matti Liski - 350 The Role of Social Networks on Regulation in the Telecommunication Industry
by Rodrigo Harrison & Gonzalo Hernández & Roberto Muñoz. - 349 Los Retornos a la Educación en Chile: Estimaciones por Corte Transversal y por Cohortes
by Claudio Sapelli. - 348 The Evolution of the Intergenerational Mobility of Education in Chile by Cohorts: Facts and Possible Causes
by Claudio Sapelli.
- 353 The Unexpected Effects of Caps on Non-Economic Damages
by Álvaro Bustos & Ronen Avraham. - 352 A Dynamic Theory of Common Law Courts
by Álvaro Bustos - 347 Permisos Transables de Emisión en Chile: Lecciones, Desafíos y Oportunidades para Países en Desarrollo
by Enrique Calfucura & Jessica Coria & José Miguel Sánchez - 346 Prices and Market Structure: An Empirical Analysis of the Supermarket Industry in Chile
by Loreto Lira & Magdalena Ugarte & Rodrigo Vergara. - 345 Determinantes de la Inversión en Paraguay
by Juan Eduardo Coeymans. - 344 Determinantes del Desempleo en Paraguay
by Juan Eduardo Coeymans. - 343 On the Determinants and Implications of School Choice: Semi-Structural Simulations for Chile
by Francisco Gallego & Andrés E. Hernando - 342 Historical Origins of Schooling: The Role of Democracy and Political Decentralization
by Francisco Gallego - 341 Forward Trading in Exhaustible-Resource Oligopoly
by Juan-Pablo Montero & Matti Liski - 340 Mecanismos de Subasta para la Protección Ambiental y de Otros Recursos Comunes
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 339 Christian Missionaries and Education in Former Colonies: How Institutions Mattered
by Francisco Gallego & Robert Woodberry - 338 Dollarization, Economic Growth, and Employment
by Raimundo Soto - 337 Unemployment and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics in Latin American Economies
by Raimundo Soto - 336 La Predicción de la Insolvencia de Empresas Chilenas
by Felipe Zurita - 335 A Theory of Noncontributory Pension Design
by Salvador Valdés - 334 Good, Bad, and Ugly Colonial Activities: Studying Development Across the Americas
by Miriam Bruhn & Francisco Gallego - 333 The Evolution of Social Norms and Individual Preferences
by Rodrigo Harrison & Mauricio Villena - 332 Auctions with Resale Market and Asymmetric Information
by Rodrigo Harrison & Roberto Muñoz; & Felipe Varas - 331 Network Structure in a Link-formation Game: An Experimental Study
by Alexander Elbittar & Rodrigo Harrison & Roberto Muñoz - 330 La Conquista de la Inflación: Revisión y Análisis de la Literatura Reciente
by Francisco Rosende - 329 Market power in an exhaustible resource market: The case of storable pollution permits
by Matti Liski & Juan-Pablo Montero - 328 Inflación y Tipo de Cambio: Chile 1810-2005
by Gert Wagner & José Díaz - 327 Competitive Equilibrium and Reputation under Imperfect Public Monitoring
by Bernardita Vial
- 326 Dollarization of Debt Contracts: Evidence from Chilean Firms
by Miguel Fuentes - 325 El Papel de las Instituciones en el Crecimiento Económico: Reflexiones a partir de la literatura reciente
by Francisco Rosende - 324 Theory and Empirics of Real Exchange Rates in Developing Countries
by Raimundo Soto & Ibrahim A. Elbadawi - 323 Un Problema Común: La Selección de la Estrategia de Desarrollo
by Dominique Hachette - 322 ¿Por qué Latino América es Subdesarrollada?
by Dominique Hachette - 321 Consumo de Acero, Inversión y Producto en América Latina. Un Análisis de Cointegración y de la Dinámica de Corto Plazo
by Juan Eduardo Coeymans. - 320 Pass-Through to Import Prices: Evidence from Developing Countries
by Miguel Fuentes - 319 La Experiencia de los Primeros Años del Euro
by Fernando Ossa - 318 Liquidity and Market Incompleteness
by Felipe Zurita - 317 On the Role and Effects of IMF Seniority
by Diego Saravia - 316 Optimal Capital Income Taxation with Heterogeneous Firms
by Rodrigo Cerda & Diego Saravia - 315 Economía Chilena 1810-2000. Producto Total y Sectorial. Una Nueva Mirada
by José Díaz & Rolf Lüders & Gert Wagner
- 314 Sovereign Defaulters: Do International Capital Markets Punish Them?
by Miguel Fuentes & Diego Saravia - 313 Tipo de Cambio Nominal en un Régimen de Flotación: Chile 2000-2005
by Luis Felipe Lagos & Rodrigo Cerda - 312 Firm Dynamics and Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations: Does Trade Openness Matter? Evidence from Mexico's Manufacturing Sector
by Miguel Fuentes & Pablo Ibarrarán - 311 A Simple Auction Mechanism for the Optimal Allocation of the Commons
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 310 Pensiones en Chile: ¿Qué Hubiese Ocurrido sin la Reforma de 1981?
by Rodrigo Cerda - 309 Movilidad en la Cartera de Cotizantes por AFP: La Importancia de ser Primero en Rentabilidad
by Rodrigo Cerda - 308 La Caída de la Inflación en Chile: Políticas, Instituciones y Suerte
by Francisco Rosende & Matías Tapia - 307 Do Large Retailers Affect Employment? Evidence from an Emerging Economy
by Rosario Rivero & Rodrigo Vergara
- 306 Financial Integration, Technology Differences and Capital Flows
by Sebastián Claro - 305 How Uncompetitive is the State-Owned Industrial Sector in China
by Sebastián Claro - 304 Market Power in a Storable-Good Market: Theory and Applications to Carbon and Sulfur Trading
by Matti Liski & Juan-Pablo Montero - 303 The Brother in Law Effect
by David K Levine & Federico Weinschelbaum & Felipe Zurita - 302 Unemployment Insurance in Chile: Does it Stabilize the Business Cycle?
by Rodrigo Cerda & Rodrigo Vergara - 301 La Productividad Científica de Economía y Administración en Chile. Un Análisis Comparativo
by Claudia Contreras & Gonzalo Edwards & Alejandra Mizala - 300 Capital Taxes and the Quality of Growth: The Case of Chile
by Raimundo Soto - 299 Entry and Prices: Evidence from the Chilean Supermarket Industry
by Loreto Lira & Rosario Rivero & Rodrigo Vergara - 298 Welfare-Enhancing Collusion in the Presence of a Competitive Fringe
by Juan-Pablo Montero & Juan Ignacio Guzmán - 297 Inversión Privada e Impuestos Corporativos: Evidencia para Chile
by Rodrigo Cerda & Felipe Larraín - 296 Productividad en Chile: Determinantes y Desempeño
by Rodrigo Vergara - 295 Business Cycle and Political Election Outcomes: New Evidence from The Chilean Democracy
by Rodrigo Cerda & Rodrigo Vergara - 294 Government Subsidies and Political Elections: Evidence for Chile
by Rodrigo Cerda & Rodrigo Vergara - 293 Capítulo VI: El Regionalismo Latinoamericano o Aventuras Integracionistas Continentales
by Dominique Hachette - 292 Is Fiscal Policy Effective? Evidence for an Emerging Economy: Chile 1833-2000
by Rodrigo Cerda & Hermann González & Luis Felipe Lagos - 291 The Implementation of Monetary Policy in an Emerging Economy: The Case of Chile
by Christian A Johnson & Rodrigo Vergara - 290 Returns to Schooling and Income Distribution by Cohort in Chile: An Analysis Based on Synthetic Panel Data
by Claudio Sapelli - 289 Private vs Public Voucher Schools in Chile: New Evidence on Efficiency and Peer Effects
by Claudio Sapelli & Bernardita Vial - 288 Un Siglo de Tributación Minera en Chile: 1880-1980
by Gert Wagner - 287 Mirando el Desarrollo Económico de Chile: Una Comparación Internacional
by Verónica Mies & Rodrigo Fuentes - 286 Productividad Sectorial en Chile: 1986-2001
by Rodrigo Vergara & Rosario Rivero - 285 Understanding International Differences in Trade and Capital Market Integration
by Sebastián Claro - 284 FDI and Labor Markets in General Equilibrium
by Sebastián Claro - 283 Inflation of Tradable Goods
by Rodrigo Cerda - 282 Market Power and Primary Commodity Prices: The Case of Copper
by Rodrigo Cerda - 281 El Valor Económico de Reducir las Tasas de Mortalidad: El Caso de Chile
by Rodrigo Cerda & Arístides Torche - 280 Catalyzing Private Capital Flows: Do IMF Programs Work as Commitment Devices?
by Ashoka Mody & Diego Saravia - 279 Contabilidad Regulatoria: Las AFP Chilenas, 1993-2003
by Salvador Valdés & Iván Marinovic - 278 Tradable Permits with Incomplete Monitoring: Evidence from Santiago's Particulate Permits Programs
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 277 Toward a Modern State in Chile: Institutions, Governance, and Market Regulation
by Eduardo Saavedra & Raimundo Soto
- 276 Latin American Economic Growth in the Late 20th. Century: Evidence and Interpretation
by Andrés Solimano & Raimundo Soto - 275 Algunos Problemas Económicos Latinoamericanos durante el Siglo XX
by Dominique Hachette - 274 Spatial Inequality, Migration, and Economic Growth in Chile
by Raimundo Soto & Arístides Torche - 273 El Marco Teórico de la Política Monetaria
by Francisco Rosende - 272 Causas y Concecuencias del Milagro Económico en China
by Sebastián Claro - 271 Forward Contracting and Collusion in Oligopoly
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 270 Learning in Final-Offer Arbitration with Multiple Offers
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 269 Markets for Environmental Protection; Desing and Performance
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 268 Taxation and Private Investment: Evidence for Chile
by Rodrigo Vergara - 267 A Model of Arbitration in Regulation
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 266 Derechos Transables de Desarrollo y Contratos de Asociación
by Gonzalo Edwards - 265 Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions of Trade Liberalization
by Sebastián Claro - 264 Oportunidades y Desafíos para Chile de la Apertura Económica en China
by Sebastián Claro - 263 Política Monetaria bajo Incertidumbre: Reflexiones después de Jackson Hole 2003
by Francisco Rosende - 262 Ignorance, Fixed Costs, and the Stock-Market Participation Puzzle
by Alberto Naudon & Matías Tapia & Felipe Zurita - 261 La Tasa de Descuento Revisitada
by Felipe Zurita - 260 Beyond Earthquakes: The New Directions of Expected Utility Theory
by Felipe Zurita - 223 Política Comercial: Instrumentos y Antecedentes. Chile en los Siglos XIX y XX
by José Díaz & Gert Wagner
- 259 Deserción Escolar y Trabajo Juvenil: ¿Dos Caras de una Misma Decisión?
by Claudio Sapelli & Arístides Torche - 258 Government Concession Contracts in Chile: The Role of Competition in the Bidding Process
by Ricardo Paredes & José Miguel Sánchez - 257 The Political Economics of Import Substitution Industrialization
by Claudio Sapelli - 256 Peer Effects and Relative Performance of Voucher Schools in Chile
by Claudio Sapelli & Bernardita Vial - 255 Chile: Effects of Old Age on Health Services Utilization and Consequences on System Design
by Claudio Sapelli - 254 Ecuaciones de Mincer y las Tasas de Retorno a la Educación en Chile: 1990-1998
by Claudio Sapelli - 253 Multiple Equilibria in Body-Mass
by Rodrigo Cerda - 252 Social Security Financial Crises
by Rodrigo Cerda - 251 Impuestos Óptimos en Empresas
by Rodrigo Cerda - 250 Endogenous Social Security Financial Crises
by Rodrigo Cerda - 249 ¿Es Efectiva la Política Fiscal? Evidencia para una Economía Emergente
by Rodrigo Cerda & Hermann González & Luis Felipe Lagos - 248 Unveiling the Micro-Dynamics of Sustained Growth in Chile
by Raphael Bergoeing & Andrea Repetto & Raimundo Soto - 247 Conducción de la Política Monetaria
by Francisco Rosende - 246 Is it Possible to Move the Copper Market
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 245 Labor Market Implications of Limited Integration
by Sebastián Claro - 244 Fundamentos del Tipo de Cambio Real en Chile
by Rodrigo Cerda & Alvaro Donoso & Aldo Lema - 243 Desalineamientos Monetarios, Desalineamientos Cambiarios e Inflación
by Rodrigo Cerda & Aldo Lema - 242 Notas para la Regulación Eficiente de la Transmisión Eléctrica
by Juan-Pablo Montero & Salvador Valdés - 241 Export Tariff, Welfare and Public Finance: Nitrates from 1880 to 1930
by Rolf Lüders & Gert Wagner - 240 Tariffs, Technology and Global Integration
by Sebastián Claro - 239 25 Años de Reformas Económicas en China: 1978-2003
by Sebastián Claro - 238 Drugs, Market Size and Population
by Rodrigo Cerda - 237 Market-Oriented Reforms: Definitions and Measurement
by Norman Loayza & Raimundo Soto - 236 A Note on Market Power in an Emission Permits Market with Banking
by Matti Liski & Juan-Pablo Montero - 235 Wages and Unemployment in the United States: Reviving a Wage Gap Explanation
by Sebastián Claro - 234 La Corrupción desde una Perspectiva Económica
by Raimundo Soto
- 233 Análisis de la Sustitución entre la Telefonía Fija Local y la Telefonía Móvil en Chile y alguna Evidencia Internacional
by Fernando Coloma & Jorge Tarziján - 232 Regulación: Objetivos, Problemas y Opciones que se Abren en el Mercado de la Telefonía Fija Local
by Fernando Coloma & Jorge Tarziján - 231 La Tasa de Descuento en Proyectos de Largo Plazo
by Gonzalo Edwards - 230 Inflation Targeting in Latin America
by Vittorio Corbo & Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel - 229 Exchange Rate Regimes in the Americas: Is Dollarization the Solution?
by Vittorio Corbo - 228 Another Look at Exhange Rate and Monetary Regime Options for Latin America
by Vittorio Corbo - 227 The Effect of a Constant or a Declining Discount Rate on Optimal Investment Timing
by Gonzalo Edwards - 226 A Cross-Country Estimation of the Elasticity of Substitution between Labor and Capital in Manufacturing Industries
by Sebastián Claro - 225 The Temporal Efficiency of SO2 Emissions Trading
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 224 Testing the Efficiency of a Tradeable Permits Market
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 222 Protección de la Competencia en Chile: El Estado y Laboratorios Chile y Recalcine (1992-93)
by Edgardo Barandiarán & Ricardo Paredes - 221 Comparing the Net Benefits of Incentive Based and Command and Control Regulations in a Developing Context: the Case of Santiago, Chile
by Raúl O'Ryan & José Miguel Sánchez - 220 Taxation and Investment: Lessons from the Microeconomic Structure
by Rodrigo Cerda - 219 Testing Real Business Cycle Models in an Emerging Economy
by Raimundo Soto & Raphael Bergoeing - 218 On the Costs and Effectiveness of Tarjeting State Employment: Germany in the 1990s and China in the 2000s
by Sebastián Claro - 217 Competencia y Resultados Educativos: Teoría y Evidencia para Chile
by Francisco Gallego - 216 Second Generation Electricity Reforms in Latin America and the California Paradigm
by Juan-Pablo Montero & Hugh Rudnick - 215 Market Structure and Environmental Innovation
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 214 Diagnosing Market Power in Chile's Electricity Industry
by Soledad Arellano - 213 Policy-driven productivity in Chile and Mexico in the 1980s and 1990s
by Raimundo Soto & Raphael Bergoeing & Timothy Kehoe & Patrick Kehoe. - 212 Manufacturing Employment Cycle
by Sebastián Claro - 211 Liquidity and the Simple Industrial Organization of Stock Exchanges
by Felipe Zurita & Alexander Galetovic - 210 Pricing and Marketing Rules with Brand Loyalty
by Salvador Valdés - 209 Tariff and FDI Liberalization: What to Expect from China's Entry into the WTO?
by Sebastián Claro - 208 The Economic Foundations of Demographic Transition
by Rodrigo Cerda - 207 Why does Health Share of Income Increase over Time?
by Rodrigo Cerda - 206 Does Life Expectancy Affect Per Capita Income Growth?
by Rodrigo Cerda - 205 Capital Flows, Openess and Real Exchange Rate Variability
by Rodrigo Cerda - 204 Does Social Security Affect Retirement and Labor Supply? Using the Chilean Experience as an Experiment
by Rodrigo Cerda - 203 Is There an Endogenous Problem if Sustainability on the Pay-as-you-go Social Security System? Using the Chilean Experience as an Experiment
by Rodrigo Cerda - 202 On The Endogenous Sustainability of the Non-funded Social Security System
by Rodrigo Cerda - 201 Trading Quasi-emission Permits.Vers. 6/2003
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 200 La Vinculación del Legislador a los Derechos Fundamentales
by Edgardo Barandiarán - 199 La Nueva Síntesis Keynesiana: Análisis e Implicancias de Política
by Francisco Rosende
- 198 Liquidity as an Insurance Problem
by Felipe Zurita - 197 Speculation in Financial Markets: A Survey
by Felipe Zurita - 196 On the Limits to Speculation in Centralized versus Decentralized Market Regimes
by Felipe Zurita - 195 Self Selection and Moral Hazard in Chilean Health Insurance
by Claudio Sapelli & Bernardita Vial - 194 La Teoría de la Paridad del Poder de Compra de las Monedas y el Tipo de Cambio Flexible
by Fernando Ossa
- 193 Teoría del Crecimiento Económico: Un Debate Inconcluso
by Francisco Rosende - 192 A Market-Based Environmental Policy Experiment in Chile
by Juan-Pablo Montero & José Miguel Sánchez & Ricardo Katz - 191 El Mecanismo Automático de Ajuste Internacional: Orígenes y Desarrollo en la Teoría Económica
by Fernando Ossa
- 466 The Causal Impact of Human Capital on R&D and Productivity: Evidence from the United States
by Verónica Mies & Matías Tapia & Ignacio Loeser - 190 La Estructura de Tasas de Interés, Crecimiento e Inflación: Un Análisis para Chile
by Viviana Fernández - 189 Economía Chilena 1860-1995. Estadísticas Monetarias
by Pedro Jeftánovic & José Jofré & Rolf Lüders & Marcelo Paglia - 188 Economía Chilena 1810-1995. Cuentas Fiscales
by José Jofre & Rolf Lüders & Gert Wagner - 187 Economía Chilena 1810-1995. Estadísticas Históricas
by Juan Braun-Llona & Matías Braun-Llona & Ignacio Briones & José Díaz & Rolf Lüders & Gert Wagner - 186 Economía Chilena 1810-1995: Evolución Cuantitativa del Producto Total y Sectorial
by José Díaz & Rolf Lüders & Gert Wagner - 185 Reducing Inflation. The Chilean Experience
by Vittorio Corbo - 184 Acceso a las Prestaciones de Salud en Chile: Un Análisis Econométrico
by Claudio Sapelli & Bernardita Vial - 183 ¿Fonasa para Pobres, ISAPRE para Ricos?
by Claudio Sapelli & Arístides Torche - 182 Jubilación en los Sistemas Pensionales Privados
by Salvador Valdés & Gonzalo Edwards - 181 Focalización en los Programas de Vivienda Básica
by Fernando Coloma & Gonzalo Edwards - 180 Una Visión de la Economía Chilena a la Luz de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia: Documento Base y Respuesta de los Obispos Chilenos
by Instituto de Economía - 179 Tarificación Eléctrica en Presencia de Economías de Escala: El Gasoducto y el Despacho de las Centrales a Gas
by Fernando Coloma & Salvador Valdés - 178 Vendedores de AFP: Producto del Mercado o de Regulaciones Ineficientes?
by Salvador Valdés