2018, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 305-316 Data analysis on big data: improving the map and shuffle phases in Hadoop Map Reduce
by J.V.N. Lakshmi - 317-333 A fuzzy-based automatic prediction system for quality evaluation of conceptual data warehouse models
by Naveen Dahiya & Vishal Bhatnagar & Manjeet Singh - 334-350 Multi-criteria decision support for feature selection in network anomaly detection system
by C. Seelammal & K. Vimala Devi
2018, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 99-110 Particle swarm optimised fuzzy method for prediction of water table elevation fluctuation
by Shilpa Jain & Dinesh C.S. Bisht & Prakash Chandra Mathpal - 111-123 Using imputation algorithms when missing values appear in the test data in contrast with the training data
by Narges Sadat Bathaeian - 124-152 An approach for high utility pattern mining
by Malaya Dutta Borah & Rajni Jindal - 153-181 Clustering and latent semantic indexing aspects of the non-negative matrix factorisation
by Andri Mirzal - 182-203 Outlier detection using weighted holoentropy with hyperbolic tangent function
by Manasi Vinayak Harshe & Rajesh H. Kulkarni
2018, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-20 When will the 2015 millennium development goal of infant mortality rate be finally realised? - Projections for 21 OECD countries through 2050
by Yu Sang Chang & Jinsoo Lee & Hyuk Ju Kwon - 1-20 When will the 2015 millennium development goal of infant mortality rate be finally realised? - Projections for 21 OECD countries through 2050
by Yu Sang Chang & Jinsoo Lee & Hyuk Ju Kwon - 21-37 The consumer choice between the private doctors and the healthcare clinics
by Alagirisamy Kamatchi Subbiah Sukumaran - 21-37 The consumer choice between the private doctors and the healthcare clinics
by Alagirisamy Kamatchi Subbiah Sukumaran - 38-56 Identifying and prioritisation entrepreneurial behaviour factors using fuzzy AHP approach
by Mohammad Mehdi Parhizgar & Elham Keshavarz - 38-56 Identifying and prioritisation entrepreneurial behaviour factors using fuzzy AHP approach
by Mohammad Mehdi Parhizgar & Elham Keshavarz - 57-80 An efficient method for batch updates in OPTICS cluster ordering
by Dhruv Kumar & Poonam Goyal & Navneet Goyal - 57-80 An efficient method for batch updates in OPTICS cluster ordering
by Dhruv Kumar & Poonam Goyal & Navneet Goyal - 81-98 Estimating the time of a step change in the multivariate-attribute process mean using ANN and MLE
by Amirhossein Amiri & Mohammad Reza Maleki & Fatemeh Sogandi - 81-98 Estimating the time of a step change in the multivariate-attribute process mean using ANN and MLE
by Amirhossein Amiri & Mohammad Reza Maleki & Fatemeh Sogandi
2017, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 287-299 On effects of asymmetric information on non-life insurance prices under competition
by Hansjörg Albrecher & Daily-Amir Dalit - 300-313 Cost risk analysis and learning curve in the military shipbuilding sector
by Abderrahmane Sokri & Ahmed Ghanmi - 314-330 Uncertainty in basic short-term macroeconomic models with angel-daemon games
by Joaquim Gabarro & Maria Serna - 331-347 Clustering and hitting times of threshold exceedances and applications
by Natalia Markovich - 348-361 Execution time distributions in embedded safety-critical systems using extreme value theory
by Joan Del Castillo & Maria Padilla & Jaume Abella & Francisco J. Cazorla - 362-379 Risk aware intelligent system for insider threat detection
by R. Sarala & G. Zayaraz & V. Vijayalakshmi
2017, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 189-206 Using graphical techniques from discriminant analysis to understand and interpret cluster solutions
by Courtney McKim & James A. Bovaird & Chaorong Wu - 207-221 A feature-based selection technique for reduction of large scale data
by Ritu Chauhan & Harleen Kaur - 222-236 Recommendation of hashtags in social Twitter network
by King Chau Cheung & Tommy King Yin Cheung - 237-247 Solving time series classification problems using support vector machine and neural network
by Mohammed Alweshah & Hasan Rashaideh & Abdelaziz I. Hammouri & Hanadi Tayyeb & Mohammed Ababneh - 248-282 Recurrent neural networks to model input-output relationships of metal inert gas (MIG) welding process
by Geet Lahoti & Dilip Kumar Pratihar
2017, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 99-121 Improving blog spam filters via machine learning
by Weiwen Yang & Linchi Kwok - 122-144 Review on factors affecting customer churn in telecom sector
by Vishal Mahajan & Richa Misra & Renuka Mahajan - 145-166 Solving a multi-objective redundancy allocation problem under opportunistic maintenance strategy
by Ali Salmasnia & Mohsen Afsahi & Ali Ghorbanian & Hadi Mokhtari - 167-188 Variable selection in linear regression in the presence of outliers
by Tejaswi S. Kamble & Dattatraya N. Kashid
2017, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-16 Software fault proneness prediction: a comparative study between bagging, boosting, and stacking ensemble and base learner methods
by Mohammed Akour & Izzat Alsmadi & Iyad Alazzam - 17-33 Data quality improvement in data warehouse: a framework
by Rajiv Arora & Payal Pahwa & Daya Gupta - 34-45 Variable importance index based on the partial least squares and boxplot cutoff threshold for variable selection
by Noppamas Akarachantachote & Seree Chadcham & Kidakan Saithanu - 46-62 Mining frequent, maximal and closed frequent itemsets over data stream - a review
by M. Jeya Sutha & F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan - 63-74 Bayesian survival analysis: comparison of survival probability of hormone receptor status for breast cancer data
by Esin Avc? - 75-98 Effects of customer perception and social interactions on brand equity: automobile sector
by Archana Singh
2016, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 183-205 Do tuition increases lower student academic performance?
by Sudesh Mujumdar & Daniel Friesner & Timothy Schibik & Charles Harrington - 206-219 Analysis of composed fuzzy contexts through projection
by Prem Kumar Singh & Ch. Aswani Kumar - 220-243 An effective feature selection approach driven genetic algorithm wrapped Bayes naïve
by Sidahmed Mokeddem & Baghdad Atmani & Mostefa Mokaddem - 244-260 Age-based analysis of automobile component failure data: a case study
by Md. Shamim Aktar & Md. Rezaul Karim - 261-279 A hybrid CRO-based FLANN for financial stock market forecasting
by Soumya Ranjan Sahu & Himansu Sekhar Behera
2016, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 87-107 Indicative-geometric method for estimation of any business entity
by Sergii Kavun - 108-121 Feature selection in accident data: an analysis of its application in classification algorithms
by Amrita Sarkar & G. Sahoo & U.C. Sahoo - 122-142 A research study of sentiment analysis and various techniques of sentiment classification
by Gaurav Dubey & Ajay Rana & Jayanthi Ranjan - 143-160 Combining models in discrete discriminant analysis
by Anabela Marques & Ana Sousa Ferreira & Margarida G.M.S. Cardoso - 161-182 Performance of two classes of Bayes-shrinkage estimators of Weibull distribution
by Zuhair A. Al-Hemyari & H.A. Al-Dabag
2016, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 2-13 Type-1 fuzzy time series function method based on binary particle swarm optimisation
by Cagdas Hakan Aladag & Ufuk Yolcu & Erol Egrioglu & I. Burhan Turksen - 14-28 Software fault prediction using Mamdani type fuzzy inference system
by Ezgi Erturk & Ebru Akcapinar Sezer - 29-46 Component inventory allocation in assembly line balancing with fuzzy performance ratings
by Rifat G. Ozdemir & Tugbanur Sezen - 47-64 Route prioritisation in a multi-agent transportation environment via multi-attribute decision making
by Adil Baykasoglu & Vahit Kaplanoglu & Cenk Sahin - 65-86 Sub-assembly detection and line balancing using fuzzy goal programming approach
by Rifat G. Ozdemir & Ugur Cinar & Eren Kalem & Onur Ozcelik
2015, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 217-230 Use of biplot technique for the comparison of the missing value imputation methods
by B. Baris Alkan & Nesrin Alkan & Cemal Atakan & Yuksel Terzi - 231-252 Outlier preservation by dimensionality reduction techniques
by Martijn Onderwater - 253-283 An efficient, simulated and modified shrinkage procedure for the simple linear regression model
by Zuhair A. Al-Hemyari & I.H. Hussain - 284-300 Regularisation and reliability assessment of data in survey analysis
by Amin Hosseininasab - 301-321 A statistical control chart for monitoring customer waiting time
by Xiaofeng Zhao & Kenneth Gilbert
2015, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 114-128 Unified coding of qualitative and quantitative variables and their analysis with ascendant hierarchical classification
by Odysseas Moschidis - 129-140 Integrated aquaculture - an old concept with new applications in Greece
by Ioannis N. Vatsos & Panagiotis Angelidis & Alexandros Theodoridis & Christos Batzios - 141-155 A simulation methodology for evaluating emergency sourcing strategies of a discrete part manufacturer
by Christos Keramydas & Dimitris Tsiolias & Dimitrios Vlachos & Eleftherios Iakovou - 156-171 Exploring consumers' attitudes towards paper products that could be derived from transgenic plantations in Greece
by Lambros Tsourgiannis & Vassiliki Kazana & Anastasios Karasavvoglou & Christos Antonios Tsourgiannis & Giannoula Florou & Persefoni Polychronidou - 172-186 Selection of the most competent project designer based on multi-criteria and cluster analysis
by Georgios N. Aretoulis & Christophoros H. Triantafyllidis & Jason Papathanasiou & Ioannis K. Anagnostopoulos - 187-202 Strategic decision making using multicriteria analysis: new service development in Greek hotels
by Fotis Kitsios & Evangelos Grigoroudis & Konstantinos Giannikopoulos & Michael Doumpos & Constantin Zopounidis - 203-215 Multicriteria analysis of e-learning courses
by Ioannis Petasakis & Theodosios Theodosiou & Ioannis Kazanidis & Stavros Valsamidis
2015, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-20 Information enhancement in data mining: a study in data reduction
by Barin N. Nag & Chaodong Han & Dong-qing Yao - 21-39 Benchmarking thrift and mortgage finance companies
by D.K. Malhotra & Raymond Poteau & Joseph J. Fritz - 40-58 Selection of hazardous industrial waste transportation firm using extended VIKOR method under fuzzy environment
by Golam Kabir - 59-76 Mining association rules using hybrid genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimisation algorithm
by K. Indira & S. Kanmani - 77-95 Making strategy process intelligent with business intelligence: an empirical investigation
by Sanjeev Arora & Vinay Kumar Nangia & Rajat Agrawal - 96-109 Module defect prediction under the Eclipse platform: the quadratic effect of software size and the influence of prerelease defects
by James Jungbae Roh & Jim Stoeckel & Jooh Lee
2014, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 209-227 Characterised and personalised predictive-prescriptive analytics using agent-based simulation
by Don Perugini & Michelle Perugini - 228-260 Solving the 3D container ship loading planning problem by representation by rules and meta-heuristics
by Anibal Tavares De Azevedo & Cassilda Maria Ribeiro & Galeno José De Sena & Antônio Augusto Chaves & Luis LeduÃno Salles Neto & Antônio Carlos Moretti - 261-274 Machining parameter optimisation by genetic algorithm and artificial neural network
by Nafis Ahmad & Tomohisha Tanaka & Yoshio Saito - 275-285 A tabu search for the permutation flow shop problem with sequence dependent setup times
by Nicolau Santos & Rui Rebelo & João Pedro Pedroso - 286-306 Fuzzy free disposal hull models under possibility and credibility measures
by Rashed Khanjani Shiraz & Madjid Tavana & Khalil Paryab
2014, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 105-120 Performance measures for rare event targeting
by Wenxue Huang & Yuanyi Pan & Jianhong Wu - 121-136 Robustness and sensitivity of conjoint analysis versus multiple linear regression analysis
by Fahri Karakaya & Abhrawashyu Awasthi - 137-161 The fuzzy stability model: an interactive framework for measuring robustness and resiliency under uncertainty
by Madjid Tavana & Dawn A. Trevisani & Jerry L. Dussault - 162-187 Towards a framework for quantifying system non-functional data definition and database requirements
by Ahmad Al-Khasawneh & Khalid T. Al-Sarayreh & Kenza Meridji - 188-204 A comparative study of sound and vibration signals in detection of rotating machine faults using support vector machine and independent component analysis
by M. Saimurugan & K.I. Ramachandran
2014, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 2-14 Multivariate adaptive approach for monitoring simple linear profiles
by Galal M. Abdella & Kai Yang & Adel Alaeddini - 15-42 A one-sided MEWMA control chart for Poisson-distributed data
by Busaba Laungrungrong & Connie M. Borror & Douglas C. Montgomery - 43-72 Investigating estimation error reduction strategies in complex engineering systems
by Paul Goethals & Byung Rae Cho - 73-93 Multivariate process control for detection and cause identification of location shifts
by Amitava Mitra & Mark M. Clark - 94-104 A 0-1 quadratic programme for the case of missing data in regression
by Brian K. Smith & Justin R. Chimka & Heather Nachtmann
2013, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 229-251 Comparing non-parametric to parametric interaction terms in generalised additive models: production technology in the Canadian cable television industry
by Morteza Haghiri & Stephen M. Law & James F. Nolan & Alireza Simchi - 252-269 Soft computing for HR uncertainty management in steel industry
by Rajat Kumar Panigrahy & R.K. Mishra & Srikanta Patnaik - 270-290 A multiple-factor decision analysis framework for manufacturing outsourcing
by F. Fred Choobineh & Esmail Mohebbi & Bashar Al-Salim - 291-302 An equivalence between typical spectrographic data analysis and the formulations for time series analysis
by Leonardo Bennun - 303-322 Predicting intraday prices in stock market transactions using similarity profiled temporal associations
by Y.R. Ramesh Kumar & A. Govardhan & R.B.V. Subramanyam - 323-337 Supervised learning approaches and feature selection - a case study in diabetes
by Yugowati Praharsi & Shaou-Gang Miaou & Hui-Ming Wee
2013, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 122-147 Clustering genome data based on approximate matching
by Nagamma Patil & Durga Toshniwal & Kumkum Garg - 148-174 Time-based discovery in biomedical literature: mining temporal links
by Corrado Loglisci - 175-197 Improvements to the quantum evolutionary clustering
by Chafika Ramdane & Mohamed-Khireddine Kholladi - 198-213 Spot matching in 2D electrophoresis experiments
by Carlos Fernandez-Lozano & Alvaro Rodriguez-Tajes & Cristina Ruiz-Romero & Jose A. Seoane - 214-228 Analysis of mixed C-means clustering approach for brain tumour gene expression data
by S. Selva Kumar & H. Hannah Inbarani
2013, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 6-19 Structuring a multicriteria strategic decision problem for publishing decision support via facilitated modelling
by S. Alexopoulos & Y. Siskos & N. Tsotsolas & N. Hristodoulakis - 20-37 Multicriteria decision analysis in programme management: evaluation of education infrastructure projects using the AHP
by Christophoros C. Triantafyllidis & Jason Papathanasiou - 38-48 Evaluation of artificial neural networks as a model for forecasting consumption of wood products
by Giorgos Tigas & Panagiotis Lefakis & Konstantinos Ioannou & Athanasios Hasekioglou - 49-62 Service innovation strategies in Greek hotel sector: an exploratory study using the statistical method of multidimensional analysis
by Fotis Kitsios & Odysseas Moschidis & Efstratios Livanis - 63-83 A tourist satisfaction measurement model based on multiple criteria: application to the case of Skopelos Island
by Yannis Siskos & Vassilios Rodios & Nikos Tsotsolas - 84-100 Evaluating port efficiency in the Mediterranean
by Serafeim Polyzos & Spyros Niavis - 101-114 Combining the priority rankings of DEA and AHP methodologies: a case study on an ICT industry
by Emmanouil Stiakakis & Angelo Sifaleras
2012, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 315-339 Missing value imputation via copula and transformation methods, with applications to financial and economic data
by Craig Friedman & Jinggang Huang & Yangyong Zhang & Wenbo Cao - 340-377 Duplicate detection in pay-per-click streams using temporal stateful Bloom filters
by Chamila Walgampaya & Mehmed Kantardzic & Brent Wenerstrom - 378-397 A supply chain forecast and planning application for small businesses
by Jishan Zhu & Yajun Yang - 398-427 Comparative study of stock market forecasting using different functional link artificial neural networks
by Dwiti Krishna Bebarta & Birendra Biswal & P.K. Dash
2012, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 219-236 Evaluation of clustering algorithms for word sense disambiguation
by Bartosz Broda & Wojciech Mazur - 237-255 Data modelling and ontological semantics
by Zdenka Telnarova - 256-276 ANN application in emotional speech analysis
by Jana Tuckova & Martin Sramka - 277-291 On some properties of binary chromosomes and states of artificial immune systems
by Zbigniew Pliszka & Olgierd Unold - 292-313 Evaluating category performances in category management: an empirical regional study
by Ozgur Erdiller & Georgios Papamanousakis & George Baourakis & Gert Van Dijk & Constantin Zopounidis & Dimitrios Alexakis
2012, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 115-133 A machine learning algorithm for classification under extremely scarce information
by Lev V. Utkin & Yulia A. Zhuk - 134-153 Future states forecasting under uncertainty by using non-deterministic conditional relations
by Juliusz L. Kulikowski - 154-180 Measuring financial contagion in the stock markets using a copula approach
by Selma Jayech & Naceur Ben Zina - 181-204 Towards a multi-criteria analysis of linguistic summaries of time series via the measure of informativeness
by Anna Wilbik & Janusz Kacprzyk - 205-216 A comparative study on the performance of fuzzy logic, Bayesian logic and neural network towards decision-making
by Dharmpal Singh & Jagannibas Paul Choudhury & Mallika De
2012, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-20 A computer-assisted qualitative data analysis framework for the engineering management domain
by Amirali Saeedi & Toni L. Doolen - 21-42 The master Malmquist index measurement using DEA-based weighted average efficiency
by Mohsen Afsharian & Mohammadreza Alirezaee & Peter Reichling - 43-56 A comparative modelling analysis of firm performance
by Owen P. Hall Jr. & Darrol J. Stanley - 57-82 A data warehousing and data mining approach for analysis and forecast of cloudburst events using OLAP-based data hypercube
by Kavita Pabreja & Rattan K. Datta - 83-100 A non-linear programming model for insurance company investment portfolio management in Nigeria
by Emmanuel Olateju Oyatoye & Waheed Oladimeji Arilesere - 101-114 Normalised support: a virtual angle of measurement of 'interestingness'
by Waleed Alsabhan
2011, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 325-352 An investigation of TREPAN utilising a continuous oracle model
by William A. Young II & Gary R. Weckman & Maimuna H. Rangwala & Harry S. Whiting II & Helmut W. Paschold & Andrew H. Snow & Chad L. Mourning - 353-374 Factors affecting pouring ready mix concrete production rate using tower cranes in Egypt
by Emad El-Maghraby & Jan Frick & Christopher Irgens - 375-405 Effects of ramp type demand and Weibull deterioration rate on retailers' optimal pricing and lot-sizing policies for deteriorating items with partial backlogging
by M. Valliathal & R. Uthayakumar - 406-425 A class of efficient and modified testimators for the mean of normal distribution using complete data
by Z.A. Al-Hemyari & I.H. Hussain & A.N. Al-Jobori
2011, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 221-240 The approach for skill up in five-why for investigating root cause of quality problems
by Kousei Sugitani & Hiroshi Morita - 241-260 Evaluating the basic load consolidation strategies for a transportation company through logistics process modelling and simulation
by Adil Baykasoglu & Vahit Kaplanoglu - 261-280 Bacterial foraging trained wavelet neural networks: application to bankruptcy prediction in banks
by Paramjeet & V. Ravi - 281-299 Logistic regression in data analysis: an overview
by Maher Maalouf - 300-324 Does analysis matter in Six Sigma?: a case study
by Bikram Jit Singh & Dinesh Khanduja
2011, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 117-142 A statistical data mining approach in bacteriology for bacterial identification
by S.M. Monzurur Rahman & F.A. Siddiky & Uma Shrestha - 143-158 Market segmentation of non-adopters of balanced scorecard using CHAID analysis
by Suhanya Aravamudhan - 159-177 Wavelet decomposition and support vector machine for fault diagnosis of monoblock centrifugal pump
by V. Muralidharan & V. Sugumaran & N.R. Sakthivel - 178-201 Measuring data warehousing success: an empirical investigation applying the DeLone and McLean model
by Hajer Kefi & Nicole Koppel - 202-219 Coordinate inventory models with two-level credit policy and a price negotiation scheme in declining market
by Nita H. Shah & Nidhi Raykundaliya
2011, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-20 A new feature selection method based on support vector machines for text categorisation
by Yaquan Xu & Haibo Wang - 21-41 Determination of sample size using power analysis and optimum bin size of histogram features
by V. Indira & R. Vasanthakumari & N.R. Sakthivel & V. Sugumaran - 42-65 Optimising industrial performance improvement within a quantitative multi-criteria aggregation framework
by L. Berrah & J. Montmain & G. Mauris & V. Cliville - 66-84 Decision support system using artificial immune recognition system for fault classification of centrifugal pump
by N.R. Sakthivel & Binoy B. Nair & V. Sugumaran & Rajakumar S. Rai - 85-104 Decision-maker's preferences modelling in the engineering design through the interactive goal-programming
by Aida Kharrat & Souhail Dhouib & Habib Chabchoub & Belaid Aouni - 105-116 Identification of bottlenecks to improve equipment availability: a case study
by Sarat Kumar Jena & Sidhartha S. Padhi
2010, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 307-335 Using a meta-modelling knowledge management layer – a new approach to designing the enterprise information architecture
by Rashmi Malhotra - 336-355 Correlation modelling of complex data – physics, statistics and heuristics
by Kenneth W. Jackson & Mahmood Tabaddor - 356-372 Regression analysis using the imprecise Bayesian normal model
by Lev V. Utkin - 373-384 "It's not true": learning to learn from rejection
by Mirjam Southwell & Will Thomas - 385-410 XML based architectures for documents comparison, categorisation, and scrutinisation
by Harshad B. Prajapati & Vipul K. Dabhi - 402-406 Book Review: Artificial Intelligence Applications for Improved Software Engineering Development: New Prospects by Farid Meziane and Sunil Vadera
by Jose Luis Lopez-Cuadrado & Ricardo Colomo-Palacios & Israel Gonzalez-Carrasco & Angel Garcia-Crespo
2010, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 199-216 Bridging qualitative and quantitative methods for classifying policy actors into policy discourse communities: thematic analysis and formal concept analysis approaches
by Ahmet K. Suerdem - 217-242 Application of analytic hierarchy process in just-in-time manufacturing systems: a review
by Sanjay Sharma & Narayan Agrawal - 243-257 Applications of data mining in software engineering
by Quinn Taylor & Christophe Giraud-Carrier & Charles D. Knutson - 258-284 Teaching the applications of optimisation in game theory's zero sum and non-zero sum games
by William P. Fox - 285-306 The measurement of stakeholder salience: a strategy for the exploration of stakeholder theories
by Steven A. Samaras
2010, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 103-121 Malformed frogs: Bayesian and random-effect model analyses
by Jon E. Anderson & David M. Hoppe - 122-139 Testing terrorism theory with data mining
by Anthony Scime & Gregg R. Murray & Lance Y. Hunter - 140-154 Enhanced Russell measure in fuzzy DEA
by Meiqiang Wang & Yongjun Li - 155-169 A parameter estimation method for machine tool reliability analysis using expert judgement
by Bhupesh Kumar Lad & Makarand S. Kulkarni - 170-180 SDCS: six-dimensional classification strategy framework for COTS products
by Nitin Upadhyay & Bharat M. Deshpande - 181-198 Rao DISC-based similarity coefficient: a measure of similarity with respect to feature differences
by May Anne E. Mata
2010, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-21 Mining important association rules based on the RFMD technique
by Yoones Asgharzadeh Sekhavat & Mohammad Fathian & Mohammad Reza Gholamian & Somayeh Alizadeh - 22-37 Rotation-based model trees for classification
by S.B. Kotsiantis - 38-61 Application of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Proximal Support Vector Machine (PSVM) for fault classification of monoblock centrifugal pump
by N.R. Sakthivel & V. Sugumaran & Binoy B. Nair - 62-72 Is there a tacit acceptance of student samples in marketing and management research?
by Sebastian Fuchs & Marko Sarstedt - 73-84 An applied logistic model for online purchase decision via web-building experiments
by Robert Yeh & Ruiliang Yan - 85-102 A meta-heuristic approach to car allocation problem to reduce transportation cost over a fixed number of routes
by Prasun Das & Saddam Hossain & Abhijit Gupta
2009, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 313-331 Privacy preservation in data mining using hybrid perturbation methods: an application to bankruptcy prediction in banks
by Kunta Ramu & V. Ravi - 332-354 Constructing the FCM model of the agile NPD process with a genetic algorithm: the case of Iranian companies
by R. Fekri & S. Alizadeh - 355-363 A lot size inventory model for the Weibull distributed deterioration rate with discounted selling price and stock-dependent demand
by Nita H. Shah & Bhavin J. Shah & H.M. Wee - 364-384 Principal component analysis-based frequent pattern evaluation on the object-relational data model of a cricket match database
by P. UmaMaheswari & M. Rajaram - 385-406 A tutorial about diagnostic methodology with dementia data
by Ramalingam Shanmugam
2009, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 211-223 Fuzzy context-dependent data envelopment analysis
by Meiqiang Wang & Liang Liang - 224-241 A goal model-driven supply chain design
by Charu Chandra & Janis Grabis - 242-274 To difference or not to difference: a Monte Carlo investigation of inference in vector autoregression models
by Richard A. Ashley & Randal J. Verbrugge - 275-296 A framework to arrive at a unique performance measurement score for the balanced scorecard
by M. Punniyamoorthy & R. Murali - 297-312 Deriving strong association mining rules using a dependency criterion, the lift measure
by Sikha Bagui & Jiri Just & Subhash C. Bagui
2008, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 117-125 Generalised percentile ratios as robust measures of labour earnings inequality
by Shuaizhang Feng & Richard V. Burkhauser - 126-140 Data-mining application for country segmentation based on the RFM model
by Mehdi Ghazanfari & Samira Malek Mohamadi & Somayeh Alizadeh - 141-152 Improving public transit access to in-city villages
by Zhaoqiong Qin - 153-172 The effect of team-based performance appraisal on knowledge sharing: constructing and verifying an influencing model
by Tao Chang & Jianqiao Liao & Xinyan Wang - 173-192 The development of a simulation-based approach to optimise the inventory policy in a single-echelon supply chain: a case study
by A. Mahamani & K. Prahlada Rao & V. Pandurangadu - 193-209 Segmenting the mature travel market by motivation
by Yawei Wang & Yanli Zhang & John Xia & Zhongxian Wang
2008, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 4-28 Predicting credit card customer churn in banks using data mining
by Dudyala Anil Kumar & V. Ravi - 29-43 A composite logistic regression approach for ordinal panel data regression
by Ronghua Luo & Hansheng Wang - 44-59 How problem-solving really works
by Satya S. Chakravorty & Douglas N. Hales & James I. Herbert - 60-77 Mining fuzzy temporal patterns from process instances with weighted temporal graphs
by R.B.V. Subramanyam & A. Goswami & Bhanu Prasad - 78-103 Quality function deployment: a comprehensive literature review
by J.R. Sharma & A.M. Rawani & Milind Barahate - 104-115 The cross-border shoppers' behaviour: the case of Singapore
by Tak Kee Hui & David Wan