February 2022, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-50 Instructional Leadership Practices Among Headmasters and The Correlation with Primary Schools’ Achievement in Sabah, Malaysia
by Fazal Mohamed Mohamed Sultan & Gunasegaran Karuppannan & Justin Rumpod - 1-61 Flipped-Learning Approach in Business English Translation Course in a Chinese Independent College
by Zheying Xiao - 1-67 Arab EFL Learner Perceptions of English Phonemes: A Cross-Language Phonetic Interference
by Taif Al-Kinany & Abdullah Al-Abri & Hafid Ambusaidi - 1-78 The Use of Metadiscourse by Saudi and British Authors: A Focus on Applied Linguistics Discipline
by Thamer Binmahboob - 1-90 English Language Teaching, Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2022
by Gavin Yu
January 2022, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-1 EFL Learners’ Perceptions Regarding the Use of Busuu Application in Language Learning: Evaluating the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
by Mada AlDakhil & Hind AlFadda - 1-16 Establishing an Operational Model of Rating Scale Construction for English Writing Assessment
by Xuefeng Wu - 1-37 Can I MOOC to Catch up? The Effects of Using an LMOOC as a Remedial Tool for EFL Students in Thailand
by Napat Jitpaisarnwattana & Hamish Chalmers - 1-53 Cultural Differences in EFL Teaching Methods between Korean and Non-Korean Teachers
by Thomas S. Jeffery - 1-69 A Case Study of Intercultural Sensitivity of Junior School Students in an International School
by Xinjie Luo & Chubai Liu & Qingsheng Lu - 1-79 The Effect of Using KWL (Know-Want-Learned) Strategy on Reading Comprehension Of 5th Grade EFL Students in Kuwait
by Amel AlAdwani & Anam AlFadley & Maha AlGasab & Ahmad F. Alnwaiem - 1-92 Expressions of Modality Associate Degree Business Explanation Essay Conclusions: A Functional Linguistic Perspective
by Lok Ming Eric Cheung - 106-106 Item Objective Congruence Analysis for Multidimensional Items Content Validation of a Reading Test in Sri Lankan University
by Fouzul Kareema Mohamed Ismail & Ainol Madziah Bt Zubairi - 118-118 Investigation of Teacher Support and Teacher Training During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Tools and Skills Moving the Classroom Forward
by Wannaprapha Suksawas & Sita Yiemkuntitavorn - 130-130 Constructing the Global Diversity or Reproducing the Orientalist Gaze: Evaluating Identity Options and Cultural Elements in an English Intercultural Communication Textbook
by Yu Zhang & Zhijuan Ni & Juan Dong & Jia Li - 144-144 Proposal for Need Analysis in an Exam Preparation Course: A Descriptive Study
by Cristian Alexander Chiroque Chero - 154-154 Radio Drama Competition as an Effective Tool to Boost the Motivation and Self-Confidence of Primary and Secondary School English Learners in Hong Kong
by Kevin Kai-Wing Chan & William Ko Wai Tang - 164-164 A Study on English Collocation Errors of Thai EFL Students
by Thidakul Boonraksa & Suparvadee Naisena - 178-178 Mobile-Learning-Based Exploration of English Reading Teaching Reform for Non-English Majors in China
by Wentao Guo - 189-189 English Language Teaching, Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2022
by Gavin Yu
December 2021, Volume 14, Issue 12
- 1-1 Exploring Secondary School EFL Teachers’ Assessment Literacy in Practice: A Case Study in China
by Yuanyuan Chen - 1-8 Revisiting Effects of Native Speakerism on Thai Teachers and Students in the Age of English as a Lingua Franca
by Rutthaphak Huttayavilaiphan - 1-18 Application of Cohesion Theory in CET-4 Listening Comprehension
by Chunxia Fu - 1-23 “Please Let me Use Google Translate†: Thai EFL Students’ Behavior and Attitudes toward Google Translate Use in English Writing
by Wichuta Chompurach - 1-36 Challenges of Implementing Technology in ESL Writing Classrooms: A Case Study
by Basim Alamri - 1-44 Peer Scaffolding During EFL Reading Activities: A Sociocultural Perspective
by Rattana Yawiloeng - 1-55 Parents’ Involvement in High-Stakes Language Assessment: A Review of Test Impact on Parent Behavior
by Jing Zhang - 1-69 On Intercultural Communicative Competence: Student-teachers’ Accounts of Colombian Cultural Identity
by Francisco Perez-Gomez & Dra. Dina Elizabeth Cortes Coss - 1-91 Impact of Affective Factors on Senior High School Students with Low English Reading Ability
by Chubai Liu & Xinjie Luo - 101-101 Investigation Into Motivation Types of Saudi and Chines EFL Learners and Gender Role Differences
by Asma Alqahtani - 117-117 Chinese EFL University Students’ Self-Reported Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies
by Sijing Fu - 126-126 L2 English Speakers’ Perception of Their English Accent: An Investigation of European and Asian Attitudes
by Miki Shibata - 144-144 Instructional Design for EFL Reading at Senior High Schools from the Perspective of Thinking Quality
by Yanhong Shao & Shumin Kang - 154-154 The Effect of Total Physical Response Method on Vocabulary Learning/Teaching: A Mixed Research Synthesis
by Tugba Inciman Celik & Tolga Cay & Sedat Kanadli - 171-171 The Impact of EFL Teachers’ Pedagogical Beliefs and Practices: Communicative Language Teaching in a Saudi University Context
by Ahmed Alghamdi - 183-183 Teachers’ Practice and Perceptions of Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment of Presentation Skills
by Patteera Thienpermpool - 189-189 The Impact of Using Automated Writing Feedback in ESL/EFL Classroom Contexts
by Ameni Benali - 196-196 A Study of Communicative Strategies of Thai and Filipino Teachers of English
by Peerapimol Nawamawat & Payung Cedar - 218-218 Effect of Instructions in Course Book Tasks on Promoting Higher-Order Thinking Skills
by Hanoof Khalid Alshaiji & Shaima Jamal Al-Saeed - 227-227 The Empirical Study of Lexical Approach in College English Classroom Teaching and its Effects on Art Major’s Writing
by Jianwei Wang - 239-239 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2021
by Gavin Yu
November 2021, Volume 14, Issue 11
- 1-1 Target Language Use in Communicative English Lessons: The Emotional Perspective
by Takako Inada - 1-9 The Utilisation of Duolingo to Enhance the Speaking Proficiency of EFL Secondary School Students in Saudi Arabia
by Sultan R Alfuhaid - 1-16 An Investigation on the Part-Time Job Social Behavior of English Majors
by Zhen Zhou & Wei Chen - 1-24 The Lack of Qualified EFL Teachers in Saudi Schools: A Qualitative Interview Study
by Abdullah N Alqahtani - 1-30 Analysing the Writing Skill Self-Efficacy of Students at English and German Language Teaching Departments
by Bilal Üstün - 1-38 Google Classroom: Understanding EFL Students’ Attitudes towards Its Use as an Online Learning Platform
by Jitlada Moonma - 1-49 English Language Anxiety of Tertiary Level Learners in Bangladesh: Level and Sources
by Abdullah Al Mamun - 1-61 Linguistic Impediments of Communicative Proficiency: A Case Study of Students in the CSHS, Shaqra University, Thadiq, KSA
by Hatim Hassan Tawfiq & Abdelshafie Alrayeh Abdelshafie - 1-66 CEFR Based Learning Approach: Using Literature to Enhance EFL Students’ Reading Skills and Critical Thinking Skills
by Sukanya Kaowiwattanakul - 1-80 EFL Students’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Virtual Classrooms in Enhancing Communication Skills
by Yousif A. Alshumaimeri & Abeer M. Alhumud - 1-97 Disinventing Native Speakerism in English Language Teaching
by Junshuan Liu - 108-108 The Struggling English Language Learners: Case Studies of English Language Learning Difficulties in EFL Context
by Sultan H. Alharbi - 118-118 Effectiveness of Blended Approach in Teaching and Learning of Language Skills in Saudi Context: A Case Study
by Jameel Ahmad - 128-128 English Teachers’ Understanding of Thailand Basic Education Core Curriculum
by Jutarat Vibulphol & Denchai Prabjandee & Meena Chantharattana & Praew Bupphachuen - 144-144 A Theoretical Review on the Need to Use Standardized Oral Assessment Rubrics for ESL Learners in Saudi Arabia
by Reem Aamer Alaamer - 151-151 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 11, November 2021
by Gavin Yu
October 2021, Volume 14, Issue 10
- 1-1 Receptive Vocabulary Acquisition in Pre-Primary Education through Soft-Content and Language Integrated Learning
by Marta Segura & Helena Roquet & Júlia Barón - 1-23 Application of Learner-Centered Approach in College English Instruction in China: A Case Study
by Shengnan Du - 1-35 Text-Relevant Video Segments and Reading Comprehension of Culturally Unfamiliar Texts with Adult Speakers of English as a Second Language (ESL)
by Amirreza Karami & Freddie A. Bowles - 1-49 Development of the World Englishes Instructional Model to Enhance Students’ Listening Comprehension toward Varieties of English
by Navarat Boonsamritphol & Sorabud Rungrojsuwan - 1-62 The Use of Listening Comprehension Strategies in Distance Language Education
by Aysel Deregözü - 1-70 L2 Learner Cognitive Psychological Factors About Artificial Intelligence Writing Corrective Feedback
by LiQin Wu & Yong Wu & XiangYang Zhang - 1-84 The Correlation between Old and New Linguistic Paradigms: A Literature Review Based on Kuhn’s School of Thoughts
by Hanan Sarhan Alsubaiai - 1-92 “How the Furby Coming is…†: Interference of First Language and Culture in Thai EFL Learners’ Paragraph Writing
by Sakulrat Worathumrong - 105-105 To Whom Are You Writing? Examining Audience in L2 Textbook Writing Activities
by Thamer Kalfut - 130-130 Grammaring, Its Effects on Oral Performance Among EFL Beginner-Level Learners in Higher Education
by Erickzon D. Astorga Cabezas & Paulina Bahamondes Beltran - 143-143 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 10, October 2021
by Gavin Yu
September 2021, Volume 14, Issue 9
- 1-1 Affix Acquisition of Chinese English Learners: A Case Study Based on a Self-Built Corpus
by Zhixuan Liu - 1-12 Applying the Matrix Model in an English for Presentation Online Class during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of an Undergraduate Class in Thailand
by Prapaporn Sompakdee & Wichuta Chompurach & Werachai Thanamaimas & Siraprapa Kotmungkun - 1-24 Revisiting Native Speakerism in ELT: Viewpoints of Chinese EFL Program Administrators on the Recruitment and Workplace Situations of Foreign English Teachers
by Junshuan Liu - 1-32 Possible Impact of Overseas Study on Language Ability and Motivation to Study English
by Setsuko Mori & Peter Gobel - 1-39 An Online Teaching Design of Oral English against COVID-19: An “Ideological-and-Political-Theories-Education-in-All-Courses†Perspective
by Jiejing Pan - 1-48 Writing and Identity: A Narrative Inquiry on Two Saudi Arabian ESL Females
by Mustafa A. Hersi - 1-61 Interpreting Textbooks for BTI Students in China: Retrospection, Problems and Prospect
by Yue Wang - 1-67 The Implementation of Sheltered Instructional Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model in Saudi Schools: A Study of EFL Teachers’ Perspectives
by Ahlam Aldakhil & Hind Alfadda - 1-80 Second-Language Reading Process for Professional English: A Case Study
by Che-Han Chen - 1-89 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 9, September 2021
by Gavin Yu
August 2021, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1-1 Use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for Teaching Reading Skills in Saudi Universities
by Abdallah Abdulmahsan A. BinSaran - 1-8 Transitivity Structure of Research Articles: Variations across Sections
by Xindi Zheng - 1-19 The Role of Facebook in Enhancement of Undergraduates’ Receptive Skills at a Saudi University
by Ahmad Qadi - 1-29 English Language Learning Demotivating Factors for Saudi High School EFL Students
by Raneem Alyousif & Zainab Alsuhaibani - 1-40 Extensive Reading: A Multifaceted Panacea for EFL Students at KKU
by Ahmad I. Assiri & Ahlullah Siddiqui - 1-47 Arabic as a Foreign Language: Phonological Analysis of Speech Sounds Produced by Students
by Awad H. Alshehri - 1-58 Online Proctoring of High-Stakes English Language Examinations: A Survey of Past Candidates’ Attitudes and Perceptions
by David Coniam & Leda Lampropoulou & Angeliki Cheilari - 1-73 Dynamic Assessment in Language Learning; An Overview and the Impact of Using Social Media
by Haya Mohammed Anazi Alsaadi - 1-83 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 8, August 2021
by Gavin Yu
July 2021, Volume 14, Issue 7
- 1-1 The Implementation of Blended Learning to Enhance English Reading Skills of Thai Undergraduate Students
by Sudsuang Yudhana - 1-8 Effectiveness of Corpus in Distinguishing Two Near-Synonymous Verbs: Damage and Destroy
by Qiuyuan Song - 1-21 The Impact of Language Testing Washback in Promoting Teaching and Learning Processes: A Theoretical Review
by Faten Alqahtani - 1-27 Use of Refusal Strategies among Saudi EFL Students: An Investigative Study
by Ahmad Hatim Qadi - 1-44 Effects of L1 Use on L2 Text Quality: Rethinking Cognitive Process of Formulating L1 Texts during L2 Writing
by Kayo Tsuji - 1-58 Self-Perceptions of Non-Native Students in an Undergraduate TESOL Program
by Patra Jumsai Na Ayudhya - 1-72 Action Research for Unearthing Paradigmatic Assumptions in a MALL Environment: Reflecting on a WhatsAppâ„¢ Intervention to Support Foundation Year Students' Communication
by Najat Hussein Alsowayegh & Ibrahim Garba - 1-82 Characteristics of Saudi EFL Learners’ Learning Styles
by Khalid Al-Seghayer - 1-95 The Development of STEP, the CEFR-Based English Proficiency Test
by Kietnawin Sridhanyarat & Supakarn Pathong & Todsapon Suranakkharin & Amornrat Ammaralikit - 107-107 Teachers’ Perception towards Formative Assessment in Saudi Universities’ Context: A Review of Literature
by Hanan Sarhan Alsubaiai - 117-117 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 7, July 2021
by Gavin Yu
June 2021, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 1-1 Academic Literacy for Deaf Postsecondary Students through Integrated Reading and Writing Instruction
by Sue Livingston - 1-12 Research on the Effect of Peer Feedback Training in English Writing Teaching—A Case Study of Students in Business English Major
by Jialiang Chen - 1-25 Insights into CEFR and Its Implementation through the Lens of Preservice English Teachers in Thailand
by Witchuda Phoolaikao & Apisak Sukying - 1-36 Effects of Strategy-Based Instruction on Low Proficiency Omani ESL Learners’ Acquisition of Writing Skills
by P. M. Binu - 1-43 A Study of Using E-Writing Instructional Design Program to Develop English Writing Ability of Thai EFL Learners
by Pongpatchara Kawinkoonlasate - 1-62 Effectiveness of Multimodal Glossing Reading Program on English Vocabulary Acquisition
by Nunpaporn Durongbhandhu & Danuchawat Suwanasilp - 1-76 A Literature Review of Foreign Studies on the Impact of CALL on Second Language Acquisition from 2015
by Qiuxin Zhang - 1-84 Perceived Learning Outcomes and Interaction Mode Matter: Students’ Experience of Taking Online EFL Courses During COVID-19
by Yaqiong Cui - 1-96 Metadiscourse and Counterargument Integration in Student Argumentative Papers
by Philip M. McCarthy & Noor W. Kaddoura & Khawlah Ahmed & Rachel Hall Buck & Anuja M. Thomas & Ayah Al-harthy & Nicholas D. Duran - 114-114 Exploring EFL Learners’ Comments on Web-Based Peer Feedback: Local and Global Revisions
by Abdullah Al Abri - 125-125 Body Language as a Communicative Aid amongst Language Impaired Students: Managing Disabilities
by Nnenna Gertrude Ezeh & Ojel Clara Anidi & Basil Okwudili Nwokolo - 135-135 Chatting with AI Bot: Vocabulary Learning Assistant for Saudi EFL Learners
by Reem Alsadoon - 158-158 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 6, June 2021
by Gavin Yu
May 2021, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 1-1 Perception and Interest of English Language Learners (ELL) toward Collaborative Teaching; Evaluation towards Group Activities
by Abdulbagi Babiker Ali Abulhassan & Fatima Ibrahim Eltayeb Hamid - 1-13 Japanese University Students’ Perceptions of Foreign English Teachers
by Soyhan Egitim & Travis Garcia - 1-23 Identifying Guessing in English Language Tests via Rasch Fit Statistics: An Exploratory Study
by David Coniam & Tony Lee & Leda Lampropoulou - 1-30 English as a Career Subject: Analysis of Nepalese Students’ Expectations, Achievements and Reflections
by Binod Luitel & Kamal Kumar Poudel - 1-41 Cultivation of Student Translator Autonomy in UK Higher Education
by Xiaoqing Fang & Philip Morris - 1-58 A Contrastive Study of English and Arabic Vowel Phonemes
by Ehsan Mohammed Abdelgadir - 1-77 Summarization in English as a Foreign Language: A Study Comparing L2 Summary Performances to Summarizer's L2 Vocabulary Size and L1 Summarizing Skill
by Makiko Kato - 1-89 A Case Study of ASEAN EFL Learners’ Collaborative Writing and Small Group Interaction Patterns in Google Docs
by Nakhon Kitjaroonchai & Suksan Suppasetseree - 109-109 A Pragmatic Study on Teachers’ Feedback in EFL Classroom in China
by Ying Liu & Xin Liu & Yibei Zhang - 124-124 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 5, May 2021
by Gavin Yu
April 2021, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 1-1 Prospects of Mother Tongue as a Medium of Instruction in Nigerian Primary Level Education
by Johnkenedy A. Ozoemena & Festus U. Ngwoke & Basil O. Nwokolo - 1-9 Why Not Social and Emotional Learning?
by Roslyn J. F. Billy & Carmen Medina GarrÃguez - 1-16 The Future of English and Its Varieties: An Applied Linguistic Perspective
by Abdelrahman Abdalla Salih - 1-25 The Impacts of a Face-to-Face Training in Combination with LINE Application and Professional Learning Communities on English Teacher Development
by Areerug Mejang & Wannaprapha Suksawas - 1-34 Textbook Digitization: A Case Study of English Textbooks in China
by Xiangning Li - 1-43 Exploration and Exploitation of Mobile Apps for English Language Teaching: A Critical Review
by Julius Irudayasamy & Sani Yantandu Uba & Carmel Antonette Hankins - 1-55 Characteristics of Pronoun “Who and Its Concordance†in Chinese College Students’ English Narrative Writing from the Perspective of Corpus-Based Method - A Case Study of Series of Compositions of “The Most Unforgettable Person I Ever Knowâ€
by Xi-ping Li - 1-66 Web-Enhanced Peer Feedback in ESL Writing Classrooms A Literature Review
by Atif Elboshi - 1-77 Review of the English Tense System: Decoding Dichotomies and Restructuring Instructional Practice
by Vijay Singh Thakur & Moosa Ahmed Ali Sulaiman & Ehsan Elahi - 1-87 Kuwaiti Instructors' Beliefs about English Language Teaching and Their Awareness of Global English
by Ahmad F. Alnwaiem & Abdullah M. Alazemi & Abdullah A. Alenezi - 1-94 Media-Support Teaching and Learning of English Language as a Second Language: Eliminating Stereotypes
by Nnenna Gertrude Ezeh & Ojel Clara Anidi & Basil Okwudili Nwokolo - 105-105 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 4, April 2021
by Gavin Yu
March 2021, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 1-1 Enhancing Teachers’ Intercultural Competence with Online Technology as Cognitive Tools: A Literature Review
by Qinxu Jiang & Shimin Soon & Yuandong Li - 1-12 A Comparative Genre-Based Analysis of Move-Step Structure of RAIs in Two Different Publication Contexts
by Sultan H. Alharbi - 1-25 Comparison of Metaphorical Expressions of the Heart Between Chinese and English
by Gong Cheng - 1-32 Teachers’ Strategies for Decreasing Students’ Anxiety Levels to Improve Their Communicative Skills
by Takako Inada - 1-42 A Neurodidactic Model for Teaching Elementary EFL Students in a College Context
by Edwin Y. Barbosa - 1-59 Need Analysis: English Language Use by Students in the Tourism and Hospitality and Industry
by Passamon Lertchalermtipakoon & Umarungsri Wongsubun & Pongpatchara Kawinkoonlasate - 1-72 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 3, March 2021
by Gavin Yu
February 2021, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 1-1 Museums as Learning Spaces: A Case Study of Enhancing ESP Students’ Language Skills in Kuwait University
by Munirah AlAjlan - 1-9 A Correlational Study of the English Listening and Speaking Anxiety in Rural Areas
by Tuan Muhammad Hanif Tuan Ab Hamid & Faizah Idrus - 1-20 Effectiveness of the ADDIE Model within an E-Learning Environment in Developing Creative Writing in EFL Students
by Abdullah M. Almelhi - 1-37 A Mixed-Method Examination of Adopting Focus-on-Form TBLT for Children’s English Vocabulary Learning
by Zih-ying Lu & Sa-hui Fan - 1-56 Thinking Path Schema of English Translation for Chinese Classics: An Empirical Study on Translation Schema in Translation Courses
by Xiaojuan Peng - 1-68 An Evaluation of a Fourth Level English Textbook Used in Secondary Schools in Riyadh City
by Yusuf Ahmad K. Alsulami - 1-84 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 2, February 2021
by Gavin Yu
January 2021, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-1 Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kuwait: from the Ideal to Real
by Taiba Sadeq & Rahima Akbar & Fatma Al Wazzan - 1-13 iPads for Cognitive Skills in EFL Primary Classrooms: A Case Study in Saudi Arabia
by Jawza Alshammari & Ruth Reynolds & Kate Ferguson-Patrick - 1-29 EFL Female Students’ Perceptions towards Cheating in Distance Learning Programmes
by Alaa Mamoun Saleh & Zilal Meccawy - 1-37 A Survey on Preservice English Teachers’ Intercultural Communicative Competence in China
by Wanrong Lei - 1-48 Close to the Heart or Close to the Home? Motivational Factors Influencing EFL Teaching as a Career Choice among Female Arab Citizens of Israel Students
by Iman Garra-Alloush & Wisam Chaleila & Abeer Watted - 1-58 The Construct of English Competence and Test Design for Non-English Major Postgraduates
by Tinghua Li & Yuwen Zhang - 1-64 Building Literacies at Tertiary Level: Integrated Tests for Reading Comprehension and Written Expression to Algerian University Learners
by Miloud Bekkar & Belabbés Ouerrad - 1-74 A Methodological Review of Machine Learning in Applied Linguistics
by Zhiqing Lin - 1-86 The Lived Experiences in English Language Learning of the Thai Visually Impaired Students in the Inclusive Classroom
by Buarattana Attachoo & Pragasit Sitthitikul - 1-99 Higher Education’s Marketization Impact on EFL Instructor Moral Stress, Identity, and Agency
by Timothy Scott - 107-107 Changemaking and English Language Learners (Els): Language, Content and Skill Development through Experiential Education
by Viviana Alexandrowicz - 123-123 The Effect of Implicit Corrective Feedback on English Writing of International Second Language Learners
by Hanadi Abdulrahman Khadawardi - 140-140 Friendship Group Activities: Voices from Chinese EFL Learners
by Jia Wang - 152-152 English Language Teaching, Vol. 14, No. 1, January 2021
by Gavin Yu
December 2021, Volume 13, Issue 12
- 1-1 Equivalence in Bilingual Dictionaries
by Xiaomei Yu - 1-5 ‘Tutoring Is Not Proofreading’. Exploring the Perceptions of Writing Tutors at University Writing Centres, Saudi Arabia: An Exploratory Study
by Rehab Alowayid - 1-15 Online Language Learning for Thai EFL Learners: An Analysis of Effective Alternative Learning Methods in Response to the Covid-19 Outbreak
by Pongpatchara Kawinkoonlasate - 1-27 Religious Education in the Arab World: Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Egypt as Models
by Mona Taha Muhammad Omar - 1-37 Construction of Modular-Based Curriculum Framework for Medical English Teaching in China
by Changyou Wang & Haiyang Wang & Xinhua Luan - 1-43 Towards A Model to Improve English Language Standards in Schools: Impact of Socio-Economic Factors of Stakeholders
by Viruli A. De Silva & Hemamali Palihakkara - 1-57 A Narrative Inquiry into a Newcomer School Principal’s Professional Development for ELLs
by Liping Wei - 1-65 Complexities of Writing Skill at the Secondary Level in Bangladesh Education System: A Quantitative Case Study Analysis
by Sujana Suvin - 1-76 Review of Research on Portfolios in ESL/EFL Context
by Lijuan Wang & Chunyan He - 1-83 Intercultural Language Teaching Practice in EFL Classroom China--College English Instruction Based on Film The Proposal
by Fang Liu - 1-91 The Effect of Mobile Learning on Students’ Reading Self-Efficacy: A Case Study of the APP “English Liulishuoâ€
by Mengna Liu - 102-102 WhatsApp Activities for Enhancing TEFL Pedagogical Knowledge and Classroom Practices: Suggested Types and Student-Teachers' Reflection
by Sumer Salman Abou Shaaban - 113-113 English Language Teaching, Vol. 13, No. 12, December 2020
by Gavin Yu
November 2020, Volume 13, Issue 11
- 1-1 Investigating Mentor Teachers’ Roles in Mentoring Pre-Service Teachers’ Teaching Practicum: A Malaysian Study
by Biao Li Phang & Badariah Binti Sani & Nur Aizuri Binti Md Azmin - 1-12 English Vocabulary Teaching Techniques at Junior Middle Schools
by Xiaomei Yu - 1-15 Implementing CA-T Model Lessons in Schools: A Preliminary Study in Southern Border Provinces of Thailand
by Kemtong Sinwongsuwat & Kathleen Nicoletti - 1-30 A Case Study on the Conceptualization and Teaching Practice of L2 Argumentative Writing Instruction
by Zhiying Chen - 1-40 English Language Materials Development: Text-Driven Framework as an Approach
by Sayed Ahmad Al-Mousawi - 1-49 Implementing Group Work in General and ESP Classrooms in Kuwait’s Public Institutions
by Abdullah M. Alazemi & Abdullah A. Alenezi & Ahmad F. Alnwaiem - 1-59 ESL Learners’ Sense of Alienation: An Exploratory Mixed Method Research on the Role of ESL Teachers’ Remarking Practices
by Misbah A. Khan & Misbah R. Khan & Iftikhar A. Chughtai - 1-75 Evidence-Based Practices of English Language Teaching: A Meta-Analysis of Meta-Analyses
by Hamad H. Alsowat - 1-94 On the Strategies to Cultivate College Students’ Autonomous English Learning Ability in the New Era
by Guoqiao Wang & Ligang Han - 100-100 Children's Books by Canonical Authors in the EFL Classroom
by Elena Ortells - 113-113 Learner-Centredness in Teachers’ Beliefs: A Qualitative Multiple-Case Study of Chinese Secondary Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
by Mingkun Lou & Greg Restall - 130-130 Foreign Language Virtual Class Room: Anxiety Creator or Healer?
by Mohammad Tanvir Kaisar & Sabrina Yasmin Chowdhury - 140-140 Internally Displaced and Refugee Students in Cameroon: Some Pedagogical Proposals
by Gilbert Tagne Safotso - 145-145 English Language Teaching, Vol. 13, No. 11, November 2020
by Gavin Yu
October 2020, Volume 13, Issue 10
- 1-1 An E-Prime Study on the Cognitive Mechanisms of English Predicative Metaphor Comprehension by Chinese EFL Learners
by Yuanlian Su & Jie Liu - 1-14 Application of Production-Oriented Approach in College English Instruction in China: A Case Study
by Hong Zhang - 1-23 The Potential of Online Technology for Language Learning
by Shuang Zeng - 1-38 Jordanian Students’ Perceptions, Understanding, and Knowledge towards the Role of Internet in Learning “Englishes†and English Language Skills
by Raeda Tartory - 1-57 A Systematic Review of Self-Coping Strategies Used by University Students to Cope with Public Speaking Anxiety
by Xue Ting Tee & Wirawahida Kamarulzaman & Tjin Ai Tan Joanna - 1-74 Saudi Female EFL Instructors’ Perceptions of the Effects of Professional Development on Their Self-Efficacy
by Khawlah H. Almuhammadi & Hussein M. Assalahi & Abeer Ahmed Madini - 1-85 A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports on Sino-US Trade War in The New York Times
by Ruiqi Zhou & Siying Qin - 1-99 The Degree of Teaching Knowledge for Saudi EFL Teachers: An Investigation for Madinah EFL Teachers' Perceptions Regarding TPACK Framework
by Abdullah Abdul Muhsen Alharbi - 111-111 An AWE-Based Diagnosis of L2 English Learners’ Written Errors
by Jiun-Iung Lei - 120-120 Exploring Visual Mispronunciation at Segmental Level among EL 2 Chinese Students
by Chao Wu & Pan Wang