October 2015, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 327-343 Rural enterprise in Mexico: a case of necessity diversification
by Gary Bosworth & Gerard McElwee & Rob Smith - 344-360 Stabilizing institutions for new venture investment decisions
by Michael Crum & Thomas E. Nelson - 361-375 Addressing gender disparities through farming organisations in Malawi
by Charlie Ager
August 2015, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 206-220 Comparing entrepreneurial communities
by Justin Paul & Archana Shrivastava - 221-232 Gender, trust and risk-taking: a literature review and proposed research model
by Rachid Zeffane - 233-252 African Pentecostalism as entrepreneurial space
by Sanya Ojo - 253-276 The potential of community entrepreneurship for neighbourhood revitalization in the United Kingdom and the United States
by David Varady & Reinout Kleinhans & Maarten van Ham - 277-294 A look at female entrepreneurship in Kosovo: an exploratory study
by Veland Ramadani & Gadaf Rexhepi & Hyrije Abazi-Alili & Bersant Beqiri & Abdullah Thaçi
May 2015, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 94-113 The theory of planned behaviour, micro-growers and diversification: an exploratory study
by Abel Duarte Alonso & Vlad Krajsic - 114-131 The evolving motivations of ethnic entrepreneurs
by Julie Knight - 132-155 Migration reasons, traits and entrepreneurial motivation of African immigrant entrepreneurs
by Risimati Maurice Khosa & Vivence Kalitanyi - 156-181 Australian indigenous women’s seafood harvesting practices and prospects for integrating aquaculture
by Ann E. Fleming & Lisa Petheram & Natasha Stacey - 182-203 Resilience in the context of two traditional Spanish rural sectors: an exploratory study
by Abel Duarte Alonso
March 2015, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 6-16 Social entrepreneurship in the informal economy: a case study of re-enactment festivals
by Valery Gordin & Mariya Dedova - 17-30 Supporting the cause – a case study on social entrepreneurial identity at the Rosenlund heritage site
by Jennie Elfving - 31-44 Cultural heritage and entrepreneurship – inspiration for novel ventures creation
by Kärt Summatavet & Mervi Raudsaar - 45-60 Contextualizing entrepreneurial learning in basic and vocational education
by Lenita Hietanen & Taina Järvi - 61-75 Finnish student teachers’ critical conceptions of entrepreneurship education
by Marja-Leena Rönkkö & Jaana Lepistö - 76-91 A value-creating framework for enhancing entrepreneurial learning in networks
by Lenita Nieminen & Arja Lemmetyinen
October 2014, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 234-260 The development experiences of two small African and Northern European communities under globalisation
by Tomi Ovaska & Louw Van der Walt & Robert B. Anderson - 261-286 Approaching rural firm growth: a literature review
by Maria Tunberg - 287-299 Korean entrepreneurs in Kansas City metropolitan area
by Kyoung-Ho Shin - 300-317 Social entrepreneurship and post conflict recovery in Uganda
by Arthur Sserwanga & Rebecca Isabella Kiconco & Malin Nystrand & Rachel Mindra - 318-330 Determinants of innovation in the handicraft industry of Fiji and Tonga: an empirical analysis from a tourism perspective
by Suwastika Naidu & Anand Chand & Paul Southgate
August 2014, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 162-179 Black entrepreneurship: a case study on entrepreneurial activities and ambitions in a South African township
by Peter Preisendoerfer & Ansgar Bitz & Frans J. Bezuidenhout - 180-187 Innovation in agro-food chain
by Rosa Caiazza & Tiziana Volpe & David Audretsch - 188-197 Main rules and actors of Italian system of innovation: how to become competitive in spin-off activity
by Rosa Caiazza & Tiziana Volpe - 198-216 Entrepreneurial processes in new company creation
by Aleksandra Gawel & Timo Toikko - 217-232 Centralized decentralization for tribal business development
by Tremane Lindsay Barr & John Reid
May 2014, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 86-102 “You reap what you pick”
by Ram A. Cnaan & Ganesh Bhat & Lucas C.P.M. Meijs & Femida Handy - 103-110 Factors affecting spin-off creation
by Rosa Caiazza - 111-125 Uncoupling enterprise culture from capitalism
by Colin C. Williams - 126-146 Culture, values and entrepreneurial motivation in Bhutan
by Dave Valliere - 147-158 Business strategies used by Micro-SMEs in a Bangkok street market
by John Walsh
March 2014, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 4-19 Evaluating the legitimacy of entrepreneurship and small business as a field of study
by Kirk C. Heriot & Andres Jauregui & Tobias Huning & Michael Harris - 20-33 Understanding teacher entrepreneurship in the globalized society
by Izhar Oplatka - 34-50 Enterprise and entrepreneurship education: towards a comparative analysis
by Brian Jones & Norma Iredale - 51-70 EU entrepreneurial learning: perspectives of university students
by Simeon Spiteri & Felix Maringe - 71-81 Are we committed to teach entrepreneurship in business school?
by Rohit H. Trivedi
October 2013, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 316-339 Rescripting criminal identity
by Robert Smith - 340-353 Ethno-cultural clusters and informal entrepreneurship in Russia
by Oxana Karnaukhova - 354-372 Footloose and fancy-free: sojourning entrepreneurs in China
by Tamar Almor & Orly Yeheskel - 373-382 Social protest: the Israeli case
by Avichai Shuv-Ami - 383-396 Cambodian returnees' entrepreneurial ventures
by Heidi Dahles
August 2013, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 188-195 Entrepreneurial migration: characteristics, causes and effects
by Mai Thi Thanh Thai & Ekaterina Turkina - 196-212 Immigrant entrepreneurs' selectivity: host market distance and opportunity
by Dilene R. Crockett - 213-232 Cultural determinants of Arab entrepreneurship: an ethnographic perspective
by Jean‐François Lalonde - 233-244 Building an entrepreneurial network: the experiences of immigrant entrepreneurs
by Simon Stephens - 245-273 Formal and informal CPAs on business strategy and performance
by Menita Liu Cheng & Jianfeng Wu & Jianjun Zhang - 274-292 An emerging African business quarter amid urban decline
by Giles Andrew Barrett & David McEvoy - 293-310 Immigration, education and entrepreneurship in developed countries
by Kent E. Neupert & C. Christopher Baughn
May 2013, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 108-124 Social capital, networks, trust and immigrant entrepreneurship: a cross‐country analysis
by Ekaterina Turkina & Mai Thi Thanh Thai - 125-135 Livelihoods or ecopreneurship? Agro‐economic experiments in Hambantota, Sri Lanka
by Karl Palmås & Jonas Lindberg - 136-154 Entrepreneurship among British Africans: moving forward by looking backward
by Sonny Nwankwo - 155-166 Microfinance and mobile banking for the bottom of the pyramid
by Martha Reeves & Neha Sabharwal - 167-182 Proposed model of entrepreneurial mindset for the state government higher education institutions in Pakistan
by Javed Nayyar & S. Sohail H. Naqvi
March 2013, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 7-11 The implementation of global ranking rules within countries in transition and their unintended perverted effects
by Ilie Rotariu - 12-22 Architecture and dynamics of Russian‐German economic relations
by Anton Pakhomov & Viola von Cramon‐Taubadel & Balasanyan Marat - 23-35 Specificities of EU cluster policies
by Alka Obadić - 36-49 The role of management innovativeness in modern organizations
by Zlatko Nedelko & Vojko Potocan - 50-59 Values and the value system of the youth, using the example of student population
by Ivana Silic & Zelimir Dulcic & Meri Visic - 60-73 The influence of international trade of goods of the Republic of Croatia
by Ivan Kovač & Ivana Kovač - 74-80 Radical innovation culture in Croatian manufacturing industry
by Tomislav Baković & Tonći Lazibat & Ines Sutić - 81-94 Some findings on career counselling in higher education
by Marjana Merkač Skok & Tatjana Dolinšek - 95-102 Determinants of competitive advantage in tuna farming industry in Croatia
by Iva Jusup & Domagoj Hruška & Dinko Primorac
October 2012, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 304-324 Institutionalization in cultural industries
by Bradley A. Almond & Rich DeJordy - 325-338 New model rural cooperatives in Gansu: a case study
by Max Saunders & David Bromwich - 339-349 Bolivian prison entrepreneurship
by Cristal Downing - 350-368 Exploring strategic risk in communities: evidence from a Canadian province
by Thomas Cooper - 369-382 Claude Blanchet, entrepreneur, intrapreneur and public sector manager
by Louis Jacques Filion & Mircea‐Gabriel Chirita - 383-396 Diasporas, migration, and trade: the Indian diaspora in North America
by Masud Chand
August 2012, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 194-212 Inuit culture and opportunity recognition for commercial caribou harvests in the bio economy
by Aldene H. Meis Mason & Robert B. Anderson & Leo‐Paul Dana - 213-229 Indigenous perspectives on ecotourism development: a British Columbia case study
by Katherine L. Turner & Fikret Berkes & Nancy J. Turner - 230-250 Partnerships towards NTFP development: perspectives from Pikangikum First Nation
by Ryan D. Pengelly & Iain Davidson‐Hunt - 251-270 Aboriginal antidiabetic plant project with the James Bay Cree of Québec
by Alain Cuerrier & Ashleigh Downing & Elisabeth Patterson & Pierre Haddad - 271-283 Rethinking and re‐shaping indigenous economies: Māori geothermal energy enterprises
by Maria Bargh - 284-299 Social enterprises for development asbuen vivir
by Michela Giovannini
May 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 108-123 Targeting firm social strategy at the community level in subsistence markets
by Raed Elaydi - 124-137 Distance education: towards an organizational and cultural change in higher education
by Miri Barak - 138-153 Do Indian immigrant entrepreneurs residing in different host countries display the same behavioural patterns?
by Huibert Peter de Vries - 154-168 Academic entrepreneurship in UK biotechnology firms
by Călin Gurău & Leo‐Paul Dana & Frank Lasch - 169-184 “Off stage‐on stage”: men and women entrepreneurs leading change and business growth
by Dafna Kariv
March 2012, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-27 A framework for assessing the impacts of community‐based enterprises on household poverty
by Nuttamon Teerakul & Renato A. Villano & Fiona Q. Wood & Stuart W. Mounter - 28-38 Ethnic enterprise governance: a public choice analysis of Liverpool's Chinatown
by Anthony J. Evans - 39-56 Transmission of entrepreneurial spirit from first to second generation ethnic minorities in Montreal
by Sebastien Arcand - 57-83 Developing and animating enterprising individuals and communities
by Robert Smith - 84-100 Building a bioeconomy in the heartland
by Lee Dunham & Mark Ahn & Anne S. York
October 2011, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 248-264 Rural banks' financial capital and livelihoods development of women farmers in Ghana
by M.A. Akudugu - 265-285 Opportunity formation in social entrepreneurship
by Steffen Korsgaard - 286-299 Transformational place building: a mixed method exploration of small businesses
by David F. Thomas & James M. Gould & Diane B. Gaede & Richard R. Jurin - 300-308 Criminal entrepreneurship, white‐collar criminality, and neutralization theory
by Petter Gottschalk & Robert Smith - 309-323 Indigenous wildlife enterprise
by Beau J. Austin & Stephen T. Garnett
August 2011, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 184-198 Patterns of entrepreneurship of Arab women in Israel
by Khaled Mohammed Abu‐Asbah & Sibylle Heilbrunn - 199-211 Planting seeds of enterprise
by Léo‐Paul Dana & Waata Hipango - 212-222 Entrepreneurship and social and community care
by Elisabeth Sundin - 223-241 Entrepreneurial implications of Nigeria's oil industry local content policy
by Ugwushi Bellema Ihua & Olatunde Abiodun Olabowale & Kamdi Nnanna Eloji & Chris Ajayi
May 2011, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 112-130 Sources of enterprise success in Amish communities
by Donald B. Kraybill & Steven M. Nolt & Erik J. Wesner - 131-144 Environmental dynamism, innovation, and dynamic capabilities: the case of China
by Hao Jiao & Ilan Alon & Yu Cui - 145-157 Entrepreneurship, the informal economy and rural communities
by Colin C. Williams - 158-178 Rural sustainability and the built environment
by Rod Bantjes
March 2011, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 11-28 Dynamic capabilities of institutional entrepreneurship
by Kevin McKague - 29-40 Construmex: housing investments for Mexican migrants and their families
by Loretta Serrano González - 41-57 VidaGás: delivering better health to Northern Mozambique with LPG
by Courtenay Sprague & Stu Woolman - 58-67 The contribution of grassroots businesses to post‐conflict development in Liberia
by Alfred K. Tarway‐Twalla - 68-82 Development of small and medium enterprises in a developing country
by Tulus Tahi Hamonangan Tambunan - 83-97 Assessing the factors of adoption of agrochemicals by plantain farmers in Ghana
by Irene S. Egyir & E. Owusu‐Benoah & F.O. Anno‐Nyako & B. Banful - 98-107 Specialized banking services for small scale entrepreneurs: the case of Mibanco, Peru
by Pedro P. Franco Concha
October 2010, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 284-295 Landmines and international business community: a political ecology perspective
by Satyendra Singh - 296-311 Fish traders in artisanal fisheries on the Kenyan coast
by A. Allan Degen & Jan Hoorweg & Barasa C.C. Wangila - 312-322 Reinventing the railroad suburb: community conflict in the new suburbia
by Hugh Bartling - 323-345 Ultra‐Orthodox recycling narratives: implications for planning and policy
by Tanhum Yoreh - 346-371 Those who stayed loyal
by Kylie Rochford
August 2010, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 204-219 Entrepreneurship education in the higher education institutions (HEIs) of post‐communist European countries
by Urmas Varblane & Tõnis Mets - 220-233 Problem‐solving techniques of growing very small businesses
by S. Perks - 234-251 Resolving the paradox of enterprising communities in Eastern Europe
by Zelimir William Todorovic & Jun Ma - 252-267 Local planning for sustainable development
by Caroline Saunders & Paul Dalziel - 268-278 Religious environmentalism as a vital contribution to sustainability
by Anne White
June 2010, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 120-141 The overseas Taiwanese in Belize
by Marissa Popma & Carel Roessingh - 142-147 Green and fair trade of indigenous palm candy
by V. Praseeda Sanu & T.S. Anand Kumar & Jeyanth K. Newport - 148-161 Role of linkages and diversity of partnerships in a Mexican community‐based forest enterprise
by Alejandra Orozco‐Quintero & Fikret Berkes - 162-178 The Aivilingmiut people of Repulse Bay (Naujaat), Canada
by Leo Paul Dana & Pujjuut Manitok & Robert Brent Anderson - 179-183 Tinapa business resort: beyond the drawing board
by Jumoke G. Isekeije - 184-198 Ethnic Chinese enterprises and the embeddedness of failure
by Heidi Dahles
March 2010, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 13-23 Money is not the problem: the KIT story
by Jan Donner - 24-36 Promises of societal entrepreneurship: Sweden and beyond
by Mats A. Lundqvist & Karen L. Williams Middleton - 37-67 The legitimization of social entrepreneurship
by Chantal Hervieux & Eric Gedajlovic & Marie‐France B. Turcotte - 68-84 Factors that inhibit partnering for social start‐up enterprises
by Simone J.F.M. Maase & Bart A.G. Bossink - 85-108 The politics of narrating social entrepreneurship
by Pascal Dey & Chris Steyaert
October 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 341-354 Changing paradigms?
by Deborah Stiles & Greg Cameron - 355-368 Regime or coalition? Power relations and the urban agenda in Saint John, 1950‐2000
by Greg Marquis - 369-377 Harnessing cultural and human capital for economic sustainability: a New Brunswick model
by Tony Tremblay - 378-392 Water and development in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia
by John R. Wagner & Kasondra White - 393-404 Enabling volunteer health planning capacity: a rural Canadian case study
by Maureen Coady - 405-414 Re‐conceptualizing health and learning in terms of community resilience and enterprise
by Wendy L. Kraglund‐Gauthier & Sue Folinsbee & B. Allan Quigley & Hélène Grégoire - 415-425 Self‐employed craft production is embedded work
by L. Lynda Harling Stalker
August 2009, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 241-255 Indigenous knowledge of fodder tree selectivity by local goats in the mid‐hills of Nepal
by Luma Nidhi Pandey & Michael Kam & Shambhu B. Pandey & Chet R. Upreti & Netra P. Osti & A. Allan Degen - 256-268 Understanding entrepreneurial behaviour in organized criminals
by Robert Smith - 269-290 Re‐visiting Indonesian cases for cluster realism
by Martin Perry & Tulus Tahi Hamonangan Tambunan - 291-305 Wine tourism as a development initiative in rural Canary Island communities
by Lynnaire Sheridan & Abel Duarte Alonso & Pascal Scherrer - 306-316 The dynamic context of cultural and social sustainability of communities in Southwest Alaska
by Davin Holen - 317-333 Small‐scale ceramic enterprises in South‐Western Nigeria
by Tolulope Lawrence Akinbogun
May 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 125-137 The effect of bridging networks on entrepreneurial activity
by Björn Berggren & Lars Silver - 138-151 The measurement of social capital in the entrepreneurial context
by Paul J. Ferri & David Deakins & Geoff Whittam - 152-175 The impact of Greek Orthodoxy on entrepreneurship: a theoretical framework
by George Gotsis & Zoe Kortezi - 176-192 Crer
by António Carrizo Moreira & Susana Paula Leitão Martins - 193-204 Almost indigenous: cultural tourism in Acadia and Acadiana
by Ginger Jones & Kevin Ells - 205-216 Forging peaceful relationships between oil‐companies and host‐communities in Nigeria's Delta region
by Rhuks Temitope Ako & Lawrence Ogechukwu Obokoh & Patrick Okonmah - 217-234 Crafts engagement in the economic survival of South‐Western Nigerian rural women
by T.L. Akinbogun & S.R. Ogunduyile
March 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 8-24 Developing a framework of success ofBumiputeraentrepreneurs
by Firdaus Abdullah & Jamil Hamali & Abdul Rahman Deen & Gluma Saban & Abg Zainoren Abg Abdurahman - 25-58 Export‐oriented small and medium industry clusters in Indonesia
by Tulus Tambunan - 59-70 Case study: Al Amana of Morocco
by Chantal McPhee & Annette St‐Onge - 71-83 Credit delivery and sustainability of micro‐credit schemes in Nigeria
by Tomola M. Obamuyi - 84-93 Economic openness and rural communities in Guatemala
by José Nicolás Cabrera‐Schneider - 94-117 A study of the impact of oil and gas development on the Dene First Nations of the Sahtu (Great Bear Lake) Region of the Canadian Northwest Territories (NWT)
by Leo Paul Dana & Robert Brent Anderson & Aldene Meis‐Mason
October 2008, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 285-299 Cultural determinants of entrepreneurial emergence in a typical sub‐Sahara African context
by Nnamdi O. Madichie & Anayo D. Nkamnebe & Ellis I. Idemobi - 300-331 Managerial performance and business success
by Kariv Dafna - 332-347 A study of SMEs in Singapore
by Rosalind Chew & Soon‐Beng Chew - 348-366 Attitudes toward entrepreneurship and small business
by Vishal K. Gupta & Anne S. York - 367-386 Aligning personal and entrepreneurial vision for success
by Deborah Hurst & Shelley MacDougall & Chris Pelham - 387-401 Case study: international development in Ukraine
by Brian Jones & Norma Iredale
August 2008, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 185-191 Introduction to special issue on indigenous entrepreneurs
by Howard H. Frederick - 192-203 Potikitanga:indigenous entrepreneurship in a Maori context
by Paul Tapsell & Christine Woods - 204-224 Does culture and social capital impact on the networking attributes of indigenous entrepreneurs?
by Dennis Foley - 225-239 Indigenous women as entrepreneurs in global front line innovation systems
by Maria Ude´n - 240-253 Indigenous entrepreneurship in Samoa in the face of neo‐colonialism and globalization
by Keith Morrison - 254-264 Entrepreneurial activities of indigenous African women: a case of Ghana
by Smile Dzisi - 265-274 Tourism, indigenous peoples and endogeneity in the Chatham Islands
by Peter Wiltshier & Andrew Cardow
May 2008, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 100-123 Resource configuration and creative practices of community entrepreneurs
by Odd Jarl Borch & Anniken Førde & Lars Rønning & Ingebjørg Kluken Vestrum & Gry Agnete Alsos - 124-139 Trust formation and experiences of prejudice and discrimination of Roma entrepreneurs in Finland
by Ritva Anttonen - 140-150 Membertou First Nation indigenous people succeeding as entrepreneurs
by Harvey Johnstone - 151-167 Oil and gas and the Inuvialuit people of the Western Arctic
by Leo‐Paul Dana & Aldene Meis‐Mason & Robert B. Anderson - 168-179 Tackling youth restiveness in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria through entrepreneurship
by Sunday Ikechukwu Owualah & Lawrence Ogechukwu Obokoh
March 2008, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-20 Communities of disentrepreneurship
by Benson Honig & Leo Paul Dana - 21-36 Entrepreneurial and market orientation relationship to performance
by Zelimir William Todorovic & Jun Ma - 37-51 Factors influencing entrepreneurial intensity in communities
by Sibylle Heilbrunn - 52-72 Social capital and co‐leadership in ethnic enterprises in Canada
by Sylvie Paré & Teresa V. Menzies & Louis Jacques Filion & Gabrielle A. Brenner - 73-87 Crafting a local‐global nexus in the Australian wine industry
by David Aylward & Michael Clements
October 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 293-307 Gender‐based income disparity among self‐employed professionals
by Stephen L. Mueller - 308-320 Challenges faced by rural/remote tourism businesses on Vancouver Island: an exploratory study
by Lynne Siemens - 321-336 Taos Pueblo: an indigenous community holding on to Promethean values
by Leo Paul Dana & Robert Brent Anderson - 337-351 Community economic development through partnerships
by Joan Mount & Helen Mulc - 352-381 Seeds to Success: tough business decisions in a non‐profit environment
by Steven A. Samaras
August 2007, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 209-221 Communities and social enterprises in the age of globalization
by Fikret Berkes & Iain J. Davidson‐Hunt - 222-239 Entrepreneurship programs, operational efficiency and growth of small businesses
by Aderemi Ayinla Alarape - 240-251 Overcoming entrepreneurship development constraints: the case of Bangladesh
by Mohammed S. Chowdhury - 252-267 Environmental uncertainty and vertical integration in a small business network
by Sylvain Charlebois & Ronald D. Camp - 268-284 Walking a tightrope between artistry and entrepreneurship
by Karin Berglund & Maria Dahlin & Anders W. Johansson
June 2007, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 121-134 Market justice, religious orientation, and entrepreneurial attitudes
by Alex De Noble & Craig S. Galbraith & Gangaram Singh & Curt H. Stiles - 135-141 Ifa, the deity of wisdom, and importance of work among the Yoruba people
by Lai Olurode - 142-154 A humility‐based enterprising community: the Amish people in Lancaster County
by Leo Paul Dana - 155-161 The overlooked rugged communitarians of Ireland
by Emer Ní Bhrádaigh - 162-174 Religion and entrepreneurship in New Zealand
by Peter Carswell & Deborah Rolland - 175-187 The modern Weberian thesis: a short review of the literature
by Joel A. Ryman & Craig A. Turner - 188-201 An empirical note on entrepreneurial activity, intrinsic religiosity and economic growth
by Craig S. Galbraith & Devon M. Galbraith
April 2007, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 7-26 Enacting local economic development – theoretical and methodological challenges
by Bengt Johannisson - 27-37 Socio‐spatial variations in the nature of entrepreneurship
by Colin C. Williams - 38-53 Social capital as a club good: the case of ethnic communities and entrepreneurship
by Craig S. Galbraith & Carlos L. Rodriguez & Curt H. Stiles - 54-76 Aboriginal partnerships in Canada: focus on the Diavik Diamond Mine
by Richard Missens & Leo Paul Dana & Robert Anderson