April 2011, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 227-251 New product development best practice in SME and large organisations: theory vs practice
by John Nicholas & Ann Ledwith & Helen Perks - 252-269 Managing the fuzzy front‐end: insights from process firms
by Monika Kurkkio
January 2011, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-26 Innovation modes and design as a source of innovation: a firm‐level analysis
by Andrea Filippetti - 27-50 Small manufacturing and service enterprises as innovators: a comparison by size
by Helena Forsman & Hannu Rantanen - 51-73 Organizational politics in new product development project selection
by Marion A. Weissenberger‐Eibl & Benjamin Teufel - 74-92 Knowledge brokering: spanning technological and network boundaries
by Carsten Bergenholtz - 93-117 The open innovation paradox: knowledge sharing and protection in R&D collaborations
by Marcel Bogers - 118-132 Firm‐level performance impact of IS support for product innovation
by Michael J. Zhang
October 2010, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 385-408 Improving integration capabilities with management control
by Rolf Brühl & Nils Horch & Mathias Osann - 409-438 Exploring the determinants of the reconfiguration capability: a dynamic capability perspective
by Hisham Hamid Hawass - 439-465 Decision of institutional cooperation on R&D
by Ana Ma Serrano‐Bedia & Ma Concepción López‐Fernández & Gema García‐Piqueres - 466-480 Organizational culture as determinant of product innovation
by Julia C. Naranjo Valencia & Raquel Sanz Valle & Daniel Jiménez Jiménez - 481-506 Measuring performance in R&NPD
by Ciriaco Bassani & Valentina Lazzarotti & Raffaella Manzini & Luisa Pellegrini & Stefano Santomauro - 507-525 Suggestion systems in organizations: what motivates employees to submit suggestions?
by Veronika I.D. Buech & Alexandra Michel & Karlheinz Sonntag
August 2010, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 272-293 The development of a scale to measure consumer doubt toward new products
by Maria Sääksjärvi & Kaj P.N. Morel - 294-312 A study of management tasks and stakeholders in a hybrid corporate incubator
by Are Branstad - 313-332 The link between non‐technological innovations and technological innovation
by Caroline Mothe & Thuc Uyen Nguyen Thi - 333-354 An exploratory study of marketing, logistics, and ethics in packaging innovation
by Maria Vernuccio & Alessandra Cozzolino & Laura Michelini - 355-379 Addressing R&D investment decisions: a cross analysis of R&D project selection methods
by Chiara Verbano & Anna Nosella
April 2010, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 128-154 Types of innovation, sources of information and performance in entrepreneurial SMEs
by Miika Varis & Hannu Littunen - 155-171 The governance of university‐industry knowledge transfer
by Federica Rossi - 172-196 The pool effect of dyad‐based capabilities on seller firms' innovativeness
by Jon Charterina & Jon Landeta - 197-221 Limits to the diffusion of innovation
by Jason MacVaugh & Francesco Schiavone - 222-243 Concurrent commercialization and new‐product adoption for construction products
by Andrew P. McCoy & Ralph Badinelli & C. Theodore Koebel & Walid Thabet - 244-266 Collaborative product development
by Changyue Luo & Debasish N. Mallick & Roger G. Schroeder
January 2010, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-23 Outsourcing of NPD activities: a best practice approach
by Jonas Rundquist & Fawzi Halila - 24-45 Revisiting the case of float glass
by Olavi Uusitalo & Toni Mikkola - 46-61 The relationship among modularity, functional coordination, and mass customization
by Sohel Ahmad & Roger G. Schroeder & Debasish N. Mallick - 62-80 Adoption of NPD flexibility practices in new technology‐based firms
by Tommaso Buganza & Martin Gerst & Roberto Verganti - 81-99 Diffusion of product signs in industrial networks: the advantage of the trend‐setter
by Claudio Dell'Era & Roberto Verganti - 100-119 Motivating and supporting collaboration in open innovation
by Maria Antikainen & Marko Mäkipää & Mikko Ahonen
October 2009, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 416-443 Exploring management control in radical innovation projects
by Vittorio Chiesa & Federico Frattini & Lucio Lamberti & Giuliano Noci - 444-469 Exploring the microfoundations of external technology commercialization
by Mattia Bianchi & Vittorio Chiesa & Federico Frattini - 470-491 Product innovation in small manufacturers, market orientation and the industry's five competitive forces
by Miguel Hernández‐Espallardo & Elena Delgado‐Ballester - 492-511 Selecting the right channel for knowledge transfer between industry and science
by Maarten van Gils & Geert Vissers & Jan de Wit - 512-532 Implementation of strategic green orientation in supply chain
by Paul Hong & He‐Boong Kwon & James Jungbae Roh
July 2009, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 285-305 Investigating the adoption of open innovation in the bio‐pharmaceutical industry
by Davide Chiaroni & Vittorio Chiesa & Federico Frattini - 306-325 Open innovation process to inbound knowledge
by Tommaso Buganza & Roberto Verganti - 326-345 Exploring the field of open innovation
by Maria Elmquist & Tobias Fredberg & Susanne Ollila - 346-363 Information technology as knowledge management enabler in product development
by Elena Revilla & Beatriz Rodríguez‐Prado & Isabel Prieto - 364-385 The role of top management team's information technology (IT) infrastructure view on new product development
by Serdar S. Durmuşoğlu - 386-407 Functional actors and perceptions of innovation attributes: influence on innovation adoption
by Sami Kristian Häggman
April 2009, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 161-176 Universities‐industry collaboration strategies: a micro‐level perspective
by Toke Bjerregaard - 177-199 System group idealogue approach to innovation: scientific basis and practitioner guidelines
by E. Roland Andersson - 200-222 Collaborative product development and situated knowledge contexts
by Poul Houman Andersen & Kristin Balslev Munksgaard - 223-242 An empirical investigation of innovation determinants in food machinery enterprises
by Barbara Bigliardi & Alberto Ivo Dormio - 243-256 Increased understanding of service experiences through involving users in service development
by Sara Sandström & Peter Magnusson & Per Kristensson - 257-279 Profiles of innovation in business‐to‐business e‐commerce
by Damien Power
January 2009, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-24 Imitation analysis
by David J. Langley & Nico Pals & J. Roland Ortt & Tammo H.A. Bijmolt - 25-61 Performance measurement of research and development activities
by Vittorio Chiesa & Federico Frattini & Valentina Lazzarotti & Raffaella Manzini - 62-85 Classification of ambiguity in new product development projects
by Eric Brun & Alf Steinar Saetre & Martin Gjelsvik - 86-101 Organizational diversity and shared vision
by Catherine L. Wang & Mohammed Rafiq - 102-128 Understanding the role of developer/builders in the concurrent commercialization of product innovation
by Andrew P. McCoy & Walid Thabet & Ralph Badinelli - 129-155 Antecedents and consequences of teamwork quality in new product development projects
by Mumin Dayan & C. Anthony Di Benedetto
October 2008, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 441-471 Dynamic capabilities to match multiple product generations and market rhythm
by Scott G. Dacko & Ben S. Liu & D. Sudharshan & Olivier Furrer - 472-487 Alliance governance and product innovation project decision making
by Robert A.W. Kok & Paul A. Creemers - 488-521 Process model for university‐industry research collaboration
by Simon Philbin - 522-538 The evolution of innovation management towards contextual innovation
by J. Roland Ortt & Patrick A. van der Duin - 539-559 Measuring innovation culture in organizations
by C. Brooke Dobni - 560-576 Selecting promising business ideas for innovative IT services
by Melanie Baier & Gernot Graefe & Ellen Roemer
August 2008, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 313-329 Immortal firms in mortal markets?
by Nicholas Dew & Saras D. Sarasvathy & Stuart Read & Robert Wiltbank - 330-348 Organising new business development: open innovation at Degussa
by Stefanie Bröring & Philipp Herzog - 349-365 Managing internal technology transfer in complex product development
by Thomas Magnusson & Glenn Johansson - 366-388 Innovation generation process
by Boaz Bernstein & Prakash J. Singh - 389-412 Fostering innovation
by Daniel Jiménez‐Jimenez & Raquel Sanz Valle & Miguel Hernandez‐Espallardo - 413-434 The role of technological and organizational innovation in the relation between market orientation and performance in cultural organizations
by Camarero Carmen & Garrido María José
April 2008, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 160-181 The role of trust in organisational innovativeness
by Riikka Ellonen & Kirsimarja Blomqvist & Kaisu Puumalainen - 182-198 Management of radical innovation and environmental challenges
by Gunilla Ölundh Sandström & Johan Tingström - 199-218 The role of procedural justice in the new product development process
by Mumin Dayan & Mustafa Colak - 219-240 Service development in traditional product manufacturing companies
by Heiko Gebauer & Regine Krempl & Elgar Fleisch - 241-281 A Balanced Scorecard framework for R&D
by Teresa García‐Valderrama & Eva Mulero‐Mendigorri & Daniel Revuelta‐Bordoy - 282-305 Constructing the first customer reference to support the growth of a start‐up software technology company
by Jari Ruokolainen
January 2008, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-24 Into the drivers of innovation adoption
by Maryse J. Brand & Eelko K.R.E. Huizingh - 25-50 Language mining
by Claudio Dell'Era & Alessio Marchesi & Roberto Verganti & Francesco Zurlo - 51-86 Management of innovation networks: a case study of different approaches
by Jukka Ojasalo - 87-102 Images of new product success: a case study in search of local validity
by Derk Jan Kiewiet & Marjolein C. Achterkamp - 103-124 Data, information and knowledge in regional innovation networks
by Helinä Melkas & Vesa Harmaakorpi - 125-141 Organizing R&D in a global environment
by Anders Richtnér & Jon Rognes - 142-156 Online innovation: the case of open source software development
by Sladjana Vujovic & John Parm Ulhøi
October 2007, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 413-433 Fostering corporate entrepreneurship through internal marketing
by Leonidas A. Zampetakis & Vassilis Moustakis - 434-452 The economic value of patent protection and rivalry in the Spanish electrical sector
by Ricardo Sellers‐Rubio & Juan L. Nicolau‐Gonzálbez & Francisco Mas‐Ruiz - 453-466 Is the screening of product ideas supported by the NPD process design?
by Kristina Risom Jespersen - 467-488 Searching for factors influencing technological asset value
by Vittorio Chiesa & Federico Frattini & Elena Gilardoni & Raffaella Manzini & Emanuele Pizzurno - 489-509 User involvement in radical innovation: are consumers conservative?
by Eva Heiskanen & Kaarina Hyvönen & Mari Niva & Mika Pantzar & Päivi Timonen & Johanna Varjonen - 510-531 How to sell technology services to innovators: evidence from nanotech Italian companies
by Vittorio Chiesa & Alfredo De Massis & Federico Frattini & Raffaella Manzini - 532-558 Evaluating an Australian public policy organization's innovation capacity
by Allan O'Connor & Göran Roos & Tony Vickers‐Willis
August 2007, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 296-315 Workplace reformation, activebaand knowledge creation
by Dai Senoo & Remy Magnier‐Watanabe & María P. Salmador - 316-332 University‐industry collaboration
by Lawrence Dooley & David Kirk - 333-347 Creating communities of practices to manage technological knowledge
by Bas Meeuwesen & Hans Berends - 348-366 Science parks as knowledge organizations – the “ba” in action?
by Finn Hansson - 367-390 Knowledge creation in strategy‐making: implications for theory and practice
by María Paz Salmador & Eduardo Bueno - 391-406 Organizational politics and the “process of knowing”
by Tim Edwards
May 2007, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 149-175 Information processing and new product success: a meta‐analysis
by Iryna Pentina & David Strutton - 176-200 Innovation diffusion: a stakeholder and social network view
by Indrit Troshani & Bill Doolin - 201-214 Using biological models to improve innovation systems
by John Rice & Nigel Martin - 215-235 Creativity and the fallacy of misplaced concreteness in new drug development
by Mats Sundgren & Alexander Styhre - 236-251 Innovation networks and capability building in the Australian high‐technology SMEs
by Kavoos Mohannak - 252-267 Customer‐related proactiveness in the radical innovation development process
by Birgitta Sandberg - 268-288 ICT use in marketing as innovation success factor
by Jordi Vilaseca‐Requena & Joan Torrent‐Sellens & Ana Isabel Jiménez‐Zarco
January 2007, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 7-24 Influence of the business technological compatibility on the acceptance of innovations
by Blanca Hernández Ortega & Julio Jiménez Martínez & Mª José Martín De Hoyos - 25-40 Do organisational factors support creativity and innovation in Polish firms?
by Kasia Zdunczyk & John Blenkinsopp - 41-64 How leaders influence employees' innovative behaviour
by Jeroen P.J. de Jong & Deanne N. Den Hartog - 65-89 The lure of simplicity: learning perspectives on innovation
by Thomas Kalling - 90-108 Social cognitive theory in technological innovations
by Vanessa Ratten & Hamish Ratten - 109-125 Staff development and performance appraisal in a Brazilian research centre
by Cristina Lourenço Ubeda & Fernando Cesar Almada Santos - 126-143 Product counterfeiting, non‐consensual acquisition of technology and new product development
by P. Trott & A. Hoecht
October 2006, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 333-346 A measurement scale for product innovation performance
by Joaquín Alegre & Rafael Lapiedra & Ricardo Chiva - 347-369 Innovation generation in charity promotional web sites
by Roger Bennett - 370-395 Concepts to products
by Ilkka Jokioinen & Petri Suomala - 396-417 Market orientation, learning orientation, and innovation capabilities in SMEs
by Halit Keskin - 418-443 Supporting new product creation in the Mondragón Valley
by Steven P. MacGregor & Joseba Arana & Igor Parra & Ma. Pilar Lorenzo - 444-465 Constructing, enacting and packaging innovations
by Bjørn Erik Mørk & Thomas Hoholm & Margunn Aanestad - 466-483 Enhancing innovation capability through relationship management and implications for performance
by Photis Panayides
July 2006, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 241-257 Building technology foresight: using scenarios to embrace innovation
by Stephen A.W. Drew - 258-268 Creativity work environment: do UK advertising agencies have one?
by John Ensor & Angela Pirrie & Christine Band - 269-278 The impact of TQM practices on performance
by Jiang Feng & Daniel I. Prajogo & Kay Chuan Tan & Amrik S. Sohal - 279-299 A template for commercialising science and facilitating innovation
by Simon Smith & Richard J. Pech - 300-311 Science‐based innovation as systematic risk‐taking
by Alexander Styhre - 312-326 Framework to study the social innovation networks
by Vesa P. Taatila & Jyrki Suomala & Reijo Siltala & Soili Keskinen
April 2006, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 129-148 Creativity is not enough: ICT‐enabled strategic innovation
by Constantinos C. Markides & Jamie Anderson - 149-160 Vehicles for attention creation: the case of a concept car at Volvo Cars
by Maria Backman & Sofia Börjesson - 161-178 Stakeholder identification in innovation projects
by Janita F.J. Vos & Marjolein C. Achterkamp - 179-201 Influence of top management team vision and work team characteristics on innovation
by Camelo‐Ordaz Carmen & Fernández‐Alles María de la Luz & Martínez‐Fierro Salustiano - 202-214 Teleworking and new product development
by Angel Martínez‐Sánchez & Manuela Pérez‐Pérez & Pilar de‐Luis‐Carnicer & Ma José Vela‐Jiménez - 215-233 Inhibitors of disruptive innovation capability: a conceptual model
by Marnix Assink
January 2006, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-19 Engineering change request management in a new product development process
by Bhuiyan Nadia & Gatard Gregory & Thomson Vince - 20-43 Determinants of radical product innovations
by Andreas Herrmann & Torsten Tomczak & Rene Befurt - 44-60 Managing the balance of perspectives in the early phase of NPD
by Kamilla Kohn - 61-78 An entrepreneurial decision process model describing opportunity recognition
by Richard J. Pech & Alan Cameron - 79-91 Innovation in disruptive regulatory environments
by Alan Pilkington & Romano Dyerson - 92-107 Fading eco‐benign networks
by Mats Williander - 108-120 Sensemaking throughout adoption and the innovation‐decision process
by Larry Seligman
December 2005, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 393-408 Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation part 2: a role‐ and process‐based approach
by Elizabeth Shaw & Andrew O'Loughlin & Elspeth McFadzean - 409-423 The role of mental models in innovative teams
by Graydon Davison & Deborah Blackman - 424-436 Customer involvement in new product development
by Stefan Lagrosen - 437-452 Market orientation and innovation: an inter‐relationship analysis
by Joaquín Aldas‐Manzano & Inés Küster & Natalia Vila - 453-470 Status, role and satisfaction among development engineers
by Barbara Bigliardi & Alberto Petroni & Alberto Ivo Dormio - 471-481 The validation of a use innovativeness scale
by Antonia Girardi & Geoffrey N. Soutar & Steven Ward
September 2005, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 269-282 An empirical study of university spin‐off development
by Manuel H. Gübeli & David Doloreux - 283-304 Longitudinal evaluation of innovation implementation in SMEs
by Paul Humphreys & Rodney McAdam & Jonathon Leckey - 305-322 Enabling intrapreneurship: the case of a knowledge‐intensive industrial company
by Karina Skovvang Christensen - 323-335 Metaphoric boundary objects as co‐ordinating mechanisms in the knowledge sharing of innovation processes
by Kaj U. Koskinen - 336-349 Knowledge‐processing capabilities and innovative performance: an empirical study
by Ari Jantunen - 350-372 Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation part 1: the missing link
by Elspeth McFadzean & Andrew O'Loughlin & Elizabeth Shaw - 373-388 A multi‐level theory of innovation implementation
by Rodney McAdam
June 2005, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 145-156 Consumer perceived risk in successive product generations
by Maria Sääksjärvi & Minttu Lampinen - 182-204 Dispersed leadership predictor of the work environment for creativity and productivity
by John D. Politis - 205-226 Configured for innovation: the case of palliative care
by Graydon Davison - 227-239 Immobility of tacit knowledge and the displacement of the locus of innovation
by Ali Yakhlef - 240-262 DiffuNET: The impact of network structure on diffusion of innovation
by Ben Shaw‐Ching Liu & Ravindranath Madhavan & D. Sudharshan
March 2005, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-30 The valuation of technology in buy‐cooperate‐sell decisions
by Vittorio Chiesa & Elena Gilardoni & Raffaella Manzini - 31-55 New knowledge creation through dialectical leadership
by Mitsuru Kodama - 56-78 Adoption of behaviour: predicting success for major innovations
by David J. Langley & Nico Pals & J. Roland Ortt - 79-90 Market‐oriented new product development
by Helle Alsted Søndergaard - 91-106 Innovation projects in Israeli incubators
by Bernard Kahane & Tzvi Raz - 107-119 Innovation through acquisition
by Robert M. Pech & Richard J. Pech & Ding Wei & Hong Shi - 120-137 Methods for modeling and supporting innovation processes in SMEs
by Barbara Scozzi & Claudio Garavelli & Kevin Crowston
December 2004, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 257-266 Employee creativity and the role of risk
by Todd Dewett - 267-279 Intuition and pharmaceutical research: the case of AstraZeneca
by Mats Sundgren & Alexander Styhre - 280-291 A technology acceptance model of innovation adoption: the case of teleworking
by Manuela Pérez Pérez & Angel Martínez Sánchez & Pilar de Luis Carnicer & María José Vela Jiménez - 292-302 The pattern of development and diffusion of breakthrough communication technologies
by J. Roland Ortt & Jan P.L. Schoormans - 303-313 The development and validation of the organisational innovativeness construct using confirmatory factor analysis
by Catherine L. Wang & Pervaiz K. Ahmed - 314-324 Basic propositions for the study of the technological innovation process in the firm
by Mariano Nieto
September 2004, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 169-177 Knowledge‐based organizations: perspectives from San Francisco Bay area companies
by Michael Albert & Thierry Picq - 178-186 The role of trading partner relationships in determining innovation performance: an empirical examination
by Daniel I. Prajogo & Damien J. Power & Amrik S. Sohal - 187-204 Personality, attitude, and leader influences on divergent thinking and creativity in organizations
by Scott David Williams - 205-217 Process performance in product development: measures and impacts
by Ahmad Syamil & William J. Doll & Charles H. Apigian - 218-228 Manufacturing firms and integrated solutions: characteristics and implications
by Charlotta Windahl & Pierre Andersson & Christian Berggren & Camilla Nehler - 229-250 The use of strategies in managing technological innovation
by Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat
June 2004, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 89-101 Motivating knowledge workers to innovate: a model integrating motivation dynamics and antecedents
by A.D. Amar - 102-112 Knowledge sharing in integrated product development
by Paul Hong & William J. Doll & Abraham Y. Nahm & Xiao Li - 113-127 The ASP phenomenon: an example of solution innovation that liberates organization from technology or captures it?
by Nada K. Kakabadse & Andrew Kakabadse & Pervaiz K. Ahmed & Alexander Kouzmin - 128-140 The dynamic nature of innovation partnering: a longitudinal study of collaborative interorganizational relationships
by Cassandra Marshall - 141-149 Hollywood wives revisited: a study of customer involvement in the XC90 project at Volvo Cars
by Fredrik Dahlsten - 150-161 A model of product design management in the Spanish ceramic sector
by Ricardo Chiva‐Gómez & Joaquín Alegre‐Vidal & Rafael Lapiedra‐Alcamí
March 2004, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-22 Patents and product development strategies: a model of antecedents and consequences of patent value
by Debra Malewicki & K. Sivakumar - 23-32 Creating an international market for disruptive innovations
by Birgitta Sandberg & Sten‐Olof Hansén - 33-44 The concept of innovativeness: should we need to focus?
by Helen Salavou - 45-55 Overcoming the innovation‐alliance paradox: a case study of an explorative alliance
by Håkan Linnarsson & Andreas Werr - 56-64 Innovation management and organizational learning: a discursive approach
by Valérie Chanal - 65-79 Success factors in transition countries
by Majda Bastic
December 2003, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 201-212 Accelerated learning in new product development teams
by Gary S. Lynn & Ali E. Akgün & Halit Keskin - 213-227 The patterns of success in product development: a case study
by Petri Suomala & Ilkka Jokioinen - 228-238 Benefits of involving users in service innovation
by Peter R. Magnusson - 239-252 The TQM trajectories in research and development: two Italian cases
by Giorgio Petroni & Alberto Ivo Dormio & Anna Nosella & Chiara Verbano - 253-263 Technophobia, gender influences and consumer decision‐making for technology‐related products
by David Gilbert & Liz Lee‐Kelley & Maya Barton
September 2003, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 137-149 Knowledge management and new product development: a study of two companies
by Abraham B. (Rami) Shani & James A. Sena & Tommy Olin - 150-158 Determinants of adoption for organisational innovations approaching saturation
by Alan A. Brandyberry - 159-172 Knowledge integration processes and the appropriation of innovations
by Donald Hislop - 173-181 Memes and cognitive hardwiring: why are some memes more successful than others?
by Richard J. Pech - 182-196 The need for a new product development framework for engineer‐to‐order products
by Abd. Rahman Abdul Rahim & Mohd. Shariff Nabi Baksh
June 2003, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 80-89 Facilitating, accelerating, and sustaining the innovation diffusion process: an epidemic modeling approach
by Walter Hivner & Willie E. Hopkins & Shirley A. Hopkins - 90-100 Consumer adoption of technological innovations
by Maria Saaksjarvi - 101-110 Corporate consulting in product innovation: overcoming the barriers to utilization
by Robert Sandberg & Andreas Werr - 111-117 Memetics and innovation: profit through balanced meme management
by Richard J. Pech - 118-132 Creating a project climate for successful product innovation
by Paul Harborne & Axel Johne
March 2003, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 8-17 Determinants of innovation in small food firms
by Tessa Avermaete & Jacques Viaene & Eleanor J. Morgan & Nick Crawford - 18-31 Strategic management of technological innovations in the small to medium enterprise
by Paolo Pratali