January 2025, Volume 28, Issue 11
- 23-48 Technological insights on blockchain adoption: the electric vehicle supply chain use case
by Vittorio Capocasale & Maria Elena Bruni & Guido Perboli
December 2024, Volume 28, Issue 11
- 1-22 The dilemma of accuracy in bankruptcy prediction: a new approach using explainable AI techniques to predict corporate crises
by Francesco Fasano & Carlo Adornetto & Iliess Zahid & Maurizio La Rocca & Luigi Montaleone & Gianluigi Greco & Alfio Cariola
March 2024, Volume 28, Issue 11
- 49-76 A human-centered perspective on individual risks for digital innovation management: an integrative conceptual review
by Hilda Du Plooy & Francesco Tommasi & Andrea Furlan & Federica Nenna & Luciano Gamberini & Andrea Ceschi & Riccardo Sartori
June 2024, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 50-64 Management of heterogeneous AI-based industrial environments by means of federated adaptive-robot learning
by Tamai Ramírez & Higinio Mora & Francisco A. Pujol & Antonio Maciá-Lillo & Antonio Jimeno-Morenilla
March 2024, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 27-49 Business model innovation and Industry 5.0: a possible integration in GLAM institutions
by Antonio Botti & Giovanni Baldi - 65-84 Management toward Industry 5.0: a co-workership approach on digital transformation for future innovative manufacturing
by Anna Karin Olsson & Kristina M. Eriksson & Linnéa Carlsson - 113-138 Human-centricity in Industry 5.0 – revealing of hidden research topics by unsupervised topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
by Peter Madzik & Lukas Falat & Luay Jum’a & Mária Vrábliková & Dominik Zimon
April 2024, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 5-26 The Industry 5.0 (I50) paradigm, blockchain-based applications and the smart city
by Anna Visvizi & Radosław Malik & Gianluca Maria Guazzo & Vilma Çekani
February 2024, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 85-112 How do reward personalization options influence the public’s willingness to participate in innovation projects? Insights from crowdfunding in Industry 5.0
by Wei Wang & Haiwang Liu & Yenchun Jim Wu
October 2024, Volume 27, Issue 9
- 516-541 Managing proof-of-concept (PoC) programs in public research organizations: a dynamic capabilities perspective
by Giovanni Tolin & Andrea Piccaluga - 542-561 Green Logistics 5.0: a review of sustainability-oriented innovation with foundation models in logistics
by Bernardo Nicoletti & Andrea Appolloni
August 2024, Volume 27, Issue 9
- 487-515 Innovating the bank-firm relationship: a spherical fuzzy approach to SME funding
by Egidio Palmieri & Greta Benedetta Ferilli
May 2024, Volume 27, Issue 9
- 198-222 Strategies for digital entrepreneurship success: the role of digital implementation and dynamic capabilities
by Tal Berman & Daniel Schallmo & Sascha Kraus - 248-279 Eco-innovation and SMEs’ sustainable performance: a meta-analysis
by Stephen Oduro - 280-304 Mapping the landscape: unveiling the structural dynamics of industry platforms
by Khaled Abed Alghani & Marko Kohtamäki & Sascha Kraus - 305-336 Understanding dynamic capabilities in emerging technology markets: antecedents, sequential nature, and impact on innovation performance in the extended reality industry
by Christian Zabel & Daniel O’Brien
February 2024, Volume 27, Issue 9
- 94-126 Design and development of a digital diagnostic clinical pathway: evidence from an action research study
by Armando Calabrese & Antonio D'Uffizi & Nathan Levialdi Ghiron & Luca Berloco & Elaheh Pourabbas & Nathan Proudlove - 127-149 Combining topic modeling and bibliometric analysis to understand the evolution of technological innovation adoption in the healthcare industry
by Nicola Cobelli & Silvia Blasi - 150-172 The urban transport companies in Spain: analysis of efficiency with data envelopment analysis
by Sandra Flores-Ureba & Clara Simon de Blas & Joaquín Ignacio Sánchez Toledano & Miguel Ángel Sánchez de Lara - 173-197 Can hybrid strategy improve SME performance? The role of innovation and adaptive capacity
by Santiago Gutiérrez-Broncano & Jorge Linuesa-Langreo & Mercedes Rubio-Andrés & Miguel Ángel Sastre-Castillo
January 2024, Volume 27, Issue 9
- 73-93 Better abstract or concrete, narrating or not: optimal strategies for the communication of innovation
by Ernesto Cardamone & Gaetano Miceli & Maria Antonietta Raimondo
December 2024, Volume 27, Issue 9
- 562-581 FinTech as a digital innovation in microfinance companies – systematic literature review
by Uwakmfon Promise Offiong & Katarzyna Szopik-Depczyńska & Katarzyna Cheba & Giuseppe Ioppolo
April 2024, Volume 27, Issue 9
- 223-247 Open innovation at the digital frontier: unraveling the paradoxes and roadmaps for SMEs' successful digital transformation
by Francesco Paolo Appio & Emanuele Cacciatore & Fabrizio Cesaroni & Antonio Crupi & Veronica Marozzo
July 2024, Volume 27, Issue 9
- 360-383 Innovating the management of supply chains for social sustainability: from the state of the art to an integrated framework
by Gabriele Zangara & Luigino Filice - 384-407 Non-profit and hybrid organizations as multi-sided platforms: insights from the analysis of sustainability models
by Paolo Landoni & Daniel Trabucchi - 408-436 Leading impactful research: applying platform thinking to drive collaborative inquiry in the innovation field
by Daniel Trabucchi & Paola Bellis & Tommaso Buganza & Filomena Canterino & Abraham B. (Rami) Shani & Roberto Verganti & Joseph Press - 437-460 Digitally transforming the organization through knowledge management: a socio-technical system (STS) perspective
by Asha Thomas - 461-486 Board gender diversity in innovative SMEs: an investigation across industrial sectors
by Valeria Schifilliti & Elvira Tiziana La Rocca
June 2024, Volume 27, Issue 9
- 337-359 Exploring the dynamics of design thinking in management education and training: a critical review, taxonomic analysis and practical implications
by Arushi Bathla & Ginni Chawla & Mahrane Hofaidhllaoui & Marina Dabic
February 2024, Volume 27, Issue 7
- 2373-2391 How relevant is the individual’s levels of innovativeness in the investment decisions in equity crowdfunding campaigns?
by Antonio Salvi & Vittorio Boscia & Niccolò Nirino & Gazi Mahabubul Alam & Felice Petruzzella
September 2023, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 754-782 Green entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge creation process as enablers of green innovation performance: the moderating role of resource orchestration capability
by Hisham Idrees & Jin Xu & Ny Avotra Andrianarivo Andriandafiarisoa Ralison - 783-805 Data-driven supply chain orientation and innovation: the role of capabilities and information complexity
by Xinmeng Liu & Suicheng Li & Xiang Wang & Cailin Zhang - 806-824 Culture and technology in digital transformations: how large companies could renew and change into ecosystem businesses
by Annika Steiber & Don Alvarez - 877-899 Study on the impact of digital economy on innovation output based on dynamic panel data model
by Jianing Xu & Weidong Li
November 2023, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 1061-1094 Linking innovation and firm performance in an emerging market: does supply chain play a mediation role?
by It Nguyen Van & Anna Kotaskova & Alberto Ferraris & Thanh Tiep Le - 1114-1140 Quantity or quality? The effect of green finance on enterprise green technology innovation
by Xin Li & Siwei Wang & Xue Lu & Fei Guo - 1164-1180 Workplace tele pressure and innovative work performance. A moderation mediation study through work-family conflicts and job burnout
by Attia Aman-Ullah & Azelin Aziz & Antonio Ariza-Montes & Heesup Han - 1181-1201 Exploring SMEs innovation paths with augmented and virtual reality technologies
by Elena Pessot & Andrea Zangiacomi & Marco Sacco - 1202-1223 Technological innovation under trade disputes: how does product market competition matter?
by Shuchuan Hu & Qinghua Xia & Yi Xie - 1224-1244 Tapping into the configurational paths to employee digital innovation in the realm of the dualistic AMO framework
by Fumeng Li & Jiancheng Long
December 2023, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 848-876 The role of digital public services in promoting international tourism: empirical evidence from European regions
by Le Thanh Ha - 1010-1033 Being innovative is not enough: a semi-parametric assessment of the efficiency of post-incubation innovative firms
by Maria Cristina Longo & Calogero Guccio & Marco Ferdinando Martorana - 1141-1163 Comparative analysis on R&D internationalization under economy-level technological disparities and ownership-specific technological differences
by Andrea Appolloni & Pohkam Wong & Yuenping Ho & Supeng Zheng & Xiangan Ding
August 2023, Volume 28, Issue 3
October 2023, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 825-847 How does TMT heterogeneity affect breakthrough innovation? The moderating effect of strategic decision-making logics
by Xuecheng Yang & Yunfei Shao - 900-927 Keeping pace with the times: research on the impact of digital leadership on radical green innovation of manufacturing enterprises
by Hongna Tian & Jingge Han & Meiling Sun & Xichen Lv - 928-947 Does black-box supplier involvement help buyers' product modular and architectural innovation? The moderating role of product modularity
by Yuzhong Li - 948-977 Effects of the UNE 166.002 standards on the incremental and radical product innovation and organizational performance
by Juan Antonio Giménez Espín & Micaela Martínez-Costa & Daniel Jiménez Jiménez - 978-1009 From lagging behind to going beyond: windows of opportunity and latecomers' catch-up strategies
by Yicun Li & Yuanyang Teng & Dong Wu & Xiaobo Wu - 1034-1060 Can digital transformation improve the quality of enterprise innovation in China?
by Ying Zhao & Hongdi Xu & Guangyan Liu & Yanting Zhou & Yan Wang - 1095-1113 How do patent thickets affect financial performance: a three-way interaction model
by Xiaodong Yuan & Fan Hou
July 2023, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 187-209 Brazilian agtech scalability: proposal and assessment of a local multidimensional model
by Paulo Henrique Bertucci Ramos & Marcelo Caldeira Pedroso - 210-234 The influence of the pillars of digital academic entrepreneurship on university students’ entrepreneurial intention
by Ana Garcez & Mário Franco & Ricardo Silva - 235-270 Do knowledge-oriented leadership and knowledge management capabilities help firms to stimulate ambidextrous innovation: moderating role of technological turbulence
by Muhammad Riaz & Wu Jie & Zulfiqar Ali & Mrs Sherani & Liu Yutong - 351-371 How digitalization saved 2020 European Capitals of Culture
by Alessandra Ricciardelli & Pasquale Del Vecchio & Marzia Ventura & Rocco Reina - 372-402 Executive compensation incentives, innovation openness and green innovation: evidence from China's heavily polluting enterprises
by Jianfei Zhao & Thitinan Chankoson & Wenjin Cheng & Anan Pongtornkulpanich - 403-425 CEO power and open innovation: evidence from China
by Manqing Tan - 426-453 Knowledge absorption pathways for eco-innovation: an empirical analysis of small and medium-sized enterprises in the European Union
by Miyana Yoshino & Benjamin Sadlek & Masaru Yarime & Adnan Ali
August 2023, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 271-297 The influence of advertisement humor on new product purchase intention: mediation by emotional arousal and cognitive flexibility
by Weiyu Du & Xin Shen & Serdar S. Durmusoglu & Jinjin Li - 298-323 Decoding the data economy: a literature review of its impact on business, society and digital transformation
by Andrea Sestino & Adham Kahlawi & Andrea De Mauro - 454-510 Open innovation strategy: a systematic literature review
by Tiago Sá & João J.M. Ferreira & Shital Jayantilal - 511-559 Is sustained participation a myth in crowdsourcing? A review
by Hasan Humayun & Masitah Ghazali & Mohammad Noman Malik - 560-590 Digital marketing adoption by small travel agencies: a comprehensive PLS-SEM model using reflective and higher-order formative constructs
by Ankita Sharma & Swati Sharma - 591-607 How future innovations benefit from current innovations
by Yan Shi & Bo Zou & Hao Xin - 608-630 Collaboration with universities and innovation efficiency: do relationship depth and organizational routines matter?
by Valentina Lazzarotti & Gloria Puliga & Raffaella Manzini & Salvatore Tallarico & Luisa Pellegrini & Mohammad H. Eslami & Muhammad Ismail & Harry Boer - 631-655 How does corporate social responsibility contribute to innovation performance? The moderating role of social media strategic capability and big data analytics capability
by Chenxiao Wang & Fangcheng Tang & Qingpu Zhang & Wei Zhang - 681-700 How and when is boundary-spanning behaviour related to innovative behaviour: role of intrinsic motivation and organisational support
by Jinqiang Zhu & Lu Xin & Mengyi Li - 701-720 How creative vouchers can allocate public resources for innovation effectively
by Michele Coletti & Paolo Landoni
June 2023, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 141-165 Investigating the factors affecting green innovation of service sector: a moderated mediation model
by Shabnam Khan & Saqib Rehman & Adeel Nasir - 166-186 Not all innovation is prioritized: economic policy uncertainty, industry environmental, and firms' relative exploitative innovation emphasis
by Xi Zhong & Ge Ren & Xiaojie Wu - 324-350 Digitalization of information provided by destination marketing organizations in developing regions: the case of Vietnamese Mekong Delta
by Da Van Huynh & Brigitte Stangl & Dieu Thi Tran
September 2023, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 656-680 The interplay of entrepreneurial personality and startup innovativeness – the mediation effect of technology adoption
by Felix Simon Rudolf Becker & Kevin Escoz Barragan & Daria Huge sive Huwe & Beatrice Shenara Ernst & Giuseppe Strina
December 2023, Volume 27, Issue 9
- 1-21 Artefacts as boundary objects for concept development: a configurational approach
by Federico Paolo Zasa & Tommaso Buganza - 22-51 Rethinking innovation through industry and society 5.0 paradigms: a multileveled approach for management and policy-making
by Orlando Troisi & Anna Visvizi & Mara Grimaldi - 52-72 The struggle of sensor-based digital servitization: analysis and perspectives for organizational digital transformation in SMEs
by Thomas Trabert & Luca Doerr & Claudia Lehmann
February 2023, Volume 27, Issue 8
- 2393-2418 Management innovation and its relation to innovation outcomes and firm performance: a systematic literature review and future research agenda
by Edwin Alexander Henao-García & Raúl Armando Cardona Montoya
March 2023, Volume 27, Issue 8
- 2419-2456 Deep and organizational learning as innovation catalyzer in digital business ecosystems – a scenario analysis on the tourism destination Berlin
by Arne Schuhbert & Hannes Thees & Harald Pechlaner - 2457-2482 Employees' technology adoption in the context of smart tourism development: the role of technological acceptance and technological readiness
by Marija Cimbaljević & Dunja Demirović Bajrami & Sanja Kovačić & Vanja Pavluković & Uglješa Stankov & Miroslav Vujičić - 2483-2521 The development of the sustainable innovation capabilities construct using grounded theory: evidence from Chinese equipment manufacturers
by Wei Wang & Yi Zhang & Shuguang Chen - 2575-2596 The effect of co-patenting as a form of knowledge meta-integration on technological differentiation at Siemens
by Irina Ervits - 2623-2645 From entrepreneurial leadership to new product development performance: A study of the Coleman bathtub model
by Madeeha Sultan & Ghulam Hussain & Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail & Muhammad Amir Rashid
April 2023, Volume 27, Issue 8
- 2522-2544 Simmelian ties for SMEs' green-innovation improvement in manufacturing industries: mediating and moderating effects
by Xinsheng Cheng & Yingjie Xu & Fengshu Li - 2545-2574 Exploring the effects of director network on open innovation: the moderating role of CEO short-sightedness
by Chaohui Xu & Yingjie Xu - 2597-2622 How machine learning changes Project Risk Management: a structured literature review and insights for organizational innovation
by Giustina Secundo & Gioconda Mele & Giuseppina Passiante & Angela Ligorio - 2646-2667 The impact of online customer reviews on product iterative innovation
by Pingye Tian & Qing Yang - 2668-2700 Policy and innovation of the wind power industry in China: do female executives matter?
by Zihao Jiang & Jiarong Shi - 2701-2721 Knowledge sharing barriers and knowledge sharing facilitators in innovation
by Mahdi Salehi & Sami Abdulridha Sadeq Alanbari - 2722-2728 Community mobilisation and collaboration through innovative approaches to overcome significant disasters: an analysis of the biggest earthquake in Turkish history
by Serdal Temel & Susanne Durst - 2753-2779 How digital transformation helps enterprises achieve high-quality development? Empirical evidence from Chinese listed companies
by Ye Wu & Haohui Li & Ruiyu Luo & Yubing Yu
May 2023, Volume 27, Issue 8
- 2729-2752 The effects of market orientation and market knowledge search on business model innovation: evidence for two distinct pathways
by Jiangfeng Ye & Shunqing Shi & Yanan Feng - 2780-2817 A framework of accelerator design: harmonizing fragmented knowledge
by Alexander Kramer & Philipp Veit & Dominik K. Kanbach & Stephan Stubner & Thomas K. Maran - 2818-2840 Fostering green innovation: the roles of big data analytics capabilities and green supply chain integration
by Ayman Wael Alkhatib - 2841-2861 Older adult's commercial diffusion of household sector innovation: a vocational and retirement perspective
by Xin Yu - 2862-2885 The role of bricolage in countering resource constraints and uncertainty in start-up business model innovation
by Sha Xu & Jie He & Alastair M. Morrison & Xiaohua Su & Renhong Zhu - 2886-2904 Thriving in management innovation: an institutional perspective
by Pouria Khosravi & Cameron Newton & Azadeh Rezvani & Reza Ghanbarzadeh & Morteza Akbari - 2905-2924 The affective side of innovation ambidexterity: the influence of TMT entrepreneurial passion diversity
by Jiawen Chen & Linlin Liu - 2925-2943 Multiple organizational capabilities for effective business model innovation and increased performance
by Dimitrios Kafetzopoulos & Elpida Tryfon Samara & Ypatia Theodorakioglou - 2944-2965 Configuration analysis of the innovation pathway of gerontechnological enterprises under the market-organization-technology perspective
by Supeng Zheng & Andrea Appolloni & Haifen Lin & Xiangan Ding - 2966-2993 Innovation comes with responsibility: a dual moderation model of taking charge and innovative job performance
by Pingqing Liu & Yunyun Yuan & Lifeng Yang & Bin Liu & Shuang Xu - 2994-3013 Win the next war vs innovate or die: framing the digital transformation across the Taiwanese sectors
by Yung-Ching Tseng & Hua-Wei Hung & Bou-Wen Lin
June 2023, Volume 27, Issue 8
- 3014-3034 E-entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviours in the United Arab Emirates: an empirical investigation in the digital transformation era
by Dhia Qasim & Ahmed Shuhaiber & Ashraf Bany Mohammed & Marco Valeri - 3035-3059 Returnee firms, R&D input and innovation performance: critical roles of political and economic stakeholders
by Caiting Dong & Xielin Liu & Si Zhang - 3060-3082 From Industry 4.0 adoption to innovation ambidexterity to firm performance: a MASEM analysis
by Stephen Oduro & Alessandro De Nisco - 3083-3112 Examining the effect of technology-related divestitures on exploratory innovation: evidence from China
by Xintong Wu & Yuchen Gao & Yimei Hu
September 2023, Volume 27, Issue 7
- 2326-2350 Equity crowdfunding platforms and sustainable impacts: encountering investors and technological initiatives for tackling social and environmental challenges
by Claudia Yáñez-Valdés & Maribel Guerrero
January 2023, Volume 27, Issue 7
- 2351-2372 Contacts on LinkedIn: equity crowdfunding platforms' networks and creators' innovation performance
by Elvira Anna Graziano & Lucrezia Fattobene & Guido Giovando & Annaclaudia Pellicelli
March 2023, Volume 27, Issue 7
- 2275-2301 Towards financing the entrepreneurial SMEs: exploring the innovation drivers of successful crowdfunding via a multi-layer decision-making approach
by Hannan Amoozad Mahdiraji & Seyed Hossein Razavi Hajiagha & Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi & Donatella Busso & Alain Devalle
February 2023, Volume 27, Issue 7
- 2302-2325 Mapping knowledge assets categories for successful crowdfunding strategies
by Antonio Lerro & Francesco Santarsiero & Giovanni Schiuma & Ilona Bartuseviciene
February 2023, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 1813-1836 Open-up or stay closed: the effect of TMT gender diversity on open innovation
by Abubakr Saeed & Ashiq Ali & Hammad Riaz - 1912-1937 Preferences and challenges towards the adoption of the fourth industrial revolution technologies by hotels: a multilevel concurrent mixed approach
by Benjamin Appiah Osei & Michael Cheng - 1938-1966 Servant and authentic leadership as drivers of innovative work behaviour: the moderating role of creative self-efficacy
by Hamid Mahmood Gelaidan & Abdullah Kaid Al-Swidi & Mohammed A. Al-Hakimi - 1967-1985 The impact of proactive personality and psychological capital on innovative work behavior: evidence from software houses of Pakistan
by Irfan Ullah & Raja Mazhar Hameed & Abid Mahmood - 1986-2014 The importance of specific open innovation practices for radical innovations within companies of different sizes
by Zorica Aničić - 2015-2041 Research trends on guest experience with service robots in the hospitality industry: a bibliometric analysis
by Tayfun Yörük & Nuray Akar & Neslihan Verda Özmen - 2042-2065 Industry 4.0 technologies as a lever for sustainability in the communication of large companies to stakeholders
by Michela Piccarozzi & Alessandra Stefanoni & Cecilia Silvestri & Giuseppe Ioppolo - 2066-2083 When is research and development more effective in times of crisis? The role of environmental policies
by Claudio Petti & Dominique Lepore & Olena Liakh & Gianluca Elia - 2084-2100 Visiting museums via augmented reality: an experience fast-tracking the digital transformation of the tourism industry
by Sabine Khalil & Andreas Kallmuenzer & Sascha Kraus - 2101-2121 Impact of digital inclusive finance on household tourism consumption: evidence from China
by Xiaojun Wu & Huijia Chang - 2149-2172 The theoretical framework of enterprise digital innovation: insights from a qualitative meta-analysis
by Qin Lin
January 2023, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 1837-1863 Adoption of cryptocurrencies for remittances in the UAE: the mediation effect of consumer innovation
by Devid Jegerson & Mehmood Khan & Charilaos Mertzanis - 1864-1884 The relationship between stressors and Chinese employees' innovative work behavior: the role of task crafting and psychological detachment
by Jinmeng Yu & Jinlan Liu & Sheng Lin & Xianglan Chi - 1885-1911 How market orientation affects open innovation? Exploring the role of information and communication technology capability
by Miaomiao Yin & Jiying Li
March 2023, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 2122-2148 Where are your ideas going? Idea adoption in online user innovation communities
by Min Qin & Shuqin Li & Fangtong Cai & Wei Zhu & Shanshan Qiu
August 2023, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 1793-1811 Does marketing orientation impact the innovation activity of R&D departments influenced by user-driven innovation? The correspondence analysis
by Katarzyna Szopik-Depczyńska & Izabela Dembińska & Agnieszka Barczak & Krzysztof Szczepaniak & Jim Secka & Giuseppe Ioppolo
February 2023, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 1596-1623 Political skills matter: the role of academic entrepreneurs in team innovation
by Xueyan Zhang & Xiaohu Zhou & Qiao Wang & Zhouyue Wu & Yue Sui
January 2023, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 1624-1642 Innovation sharing a remedial measure: the case of Covid-19 pandemic
by Sumran Ali & Jawaria Ashraf & Muhammad Ghufran & Peng Xiaobao & Liu Zhiying - 1643-1678 The different effects of venture capital and the trade-off between product innovation effectiveness and efficiency
by Ting Xiao & Zhi Yang & Yanhui Jiang - 1679-1703 Exploring the factors for open innovation in post-COVID-19 conditions by fuzzy Delphi-ISM-MICMAC approach
by Shafqat Ullah & Zhu Jianjun & Khizar Hayat & Dario Natale Palmucci & Pavol Durana - 1704-1722 Exploring the antecedents of frugal innovation and operational performance: the role of organizational learning capability and entrepreneurial orientation
by Ana Clara Berndt & Giancarlo Gomes & Felipe Mendes Borini - 1723-1742 The role of social media marketing activities in driving self–brand connection and user engagement behavior on Instagram: a moderation–mediation approach
by Blend Ibrahim & Ahmad Aljarah - 1743-1766 The configurational effects of centrifugal and centripetal forces on firms' breakthrough innovation and strategic performance in the artificial intelligence context
by Jun Yu & Qian Wen & Qin Xu - 1767-1792 The impact of innovation news coverage on illiquid stocks: the case of US market
by Elena Fedorova & Valentin Stepanov
May 2023, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 692-712 Robotic process automation: bibliometric reflection and future opportunities
by Dahlia Fernandez & Omkar Dastane & Hafizah Omar Zaki & Aini Aman
December 2023, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 715-750 Exports or public procurement to resist in the post-pandemic world? How e-commerce appeases this food and beverage SMEs ambidextrous dilemma
by Jacopo Ballerini & Daniele Giordino & Luboš Smrčka & Francesca Culasso
February 2023, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 110-126 Searching for the crowd in sustainable tourism and leisure projects
by Veronica De Crescenzo & Francesca Simeoni & Klaus Ulrich & Samuel Ribeiro Navarrete - 655-673 Sustainable leadership and heterogeneous knowledge sharing: the model for frugal innovation
by Qaisar Iqbal & Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej - 674-695 The impact of innovation orientation and knowledge management on business services performance moderated by technological readiness
by Krzysztof Borodako & Jadwiga Berbeka & Michał Rudnicki & Mariusz Łapczyński
May 2023, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 328-352 Leveraging on intra- and inter-organizational collaboration in Industry 4.0 adoption for knowledge creation and innovation
by Marco Bettiol & Mauro Capestro & Eleonora Di Maria & Roberto Grandinetti - 353-384 Decoding Asian consumers' willingness to pay for organic food product: a configurational-based approach
by Veronica Marozzo & Alessandra Costa & Antonio Crupi & Tindara Abbate - 591-610 Governing FinTech for performance: the monitoring role of female independent directors
by Claudia Arena & Simona Catuogno & Valeria Naciti
October 2023, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 611-634 Valuation in emerging technoscience business: a case study of Finnish biobank research
by Ilpo Helén & Hanna Lehtimäki - 635-654 Exploring the relationship between entrepreneurial ecosystem inputs and outcomes: the role of digital technology adoption
by Luca Marinelli & Sara Bartoloni & Alessandra Costa & Federica Pascucci
November 2023, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 696-714 Entrepreneurial coaching for innovation in SMEs: development and validation of a measurement scale
by Mohammad Azizi & Hamid Hosseinloo & Jane F. Maley & Marina Dabić - 751-774 How can tourism managers' happiness be generated through personal and innovative tourism services?
by Rafael Robina-Ramirez & Marta Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado & Rafael Ravina-Ripoll
January 2023, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 86-109 The role of equity crowdfunding campaigns in shaping firm innovativeness: evidence from Italy
by Giuseppe Valenza & Marco Balzano & Mario Tani & Andrea Caputo
April 2023, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 233-241 On the use of AI-based tools like ChatGPT to support management research
by Bastian Burger & Dominik K. Kanbach & Sascha Kraus & Matthias Breier & Vincenzo Corvello - 242-277 Digitalizing business models in hospitality ecosystems: toward data-driven innovation
by Orlando Troisi & Anna Visvizi & Mara Grimaldi - 278-307 The role of crowdfunding in endorsing responsible open innovation for shared value co-creation: a systematic literature review
by Valentina Cillo & Elena Borin & Asha Thomas & Anurag Chaturvedi & Francesca Faggioni - 308-327 An innovative approach to online consumer behaviour segmentation: the self-determination theory in an uncertain scenario
by Andrea Appolloni & Vincenzo Basile & Federica Caboni & Lucia Pizzichini
March 2023, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 127-159 An exploration of the causal structure underlying crowdfunding: theoretical findings and practical implications
by Roberto Linzalone & Salvatore Ammirato & Alberto Michele Felicetti - 160-176 Design thinking for innovation: context factors, process, and outcomes
by Nicolas Rösch & Victor Tiberius & Sascha Kraus - 177-205 Digital transformation in tourism: bibliometric literature review based on machine learning approach
by Peter Madzík & Lukáš Falát & Lukáš Copuš & Marco Valeri - 206-232 Exploring how different innovation ecosystems create shared value: insights from a multiple case study analysis
by Giulia Piantoni & Marika Arena & Giovanni Azzone
August 2023, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 415-448 Navigating the crowdfunding landscape: a study of knowledge trajectories based on main path analysis
by Abderahman Rejeb & Karim Rejeb & Andrea Appolloni & Horst Treiblmaier - 449-477 Value co-creation via machine learning from a configuration theory perspective
by Claudia Presti & Federica De Santis & Francesca Bernini - 478-501 A survey on incumbent digital transformation: a paradoxical perspective and research agenda
by Tiziano Volpentesta & Esli Spahiu & Pietro De Giovanni - 502-526 Industry 4.0 base technologies and business models: a bibliometric analysis
by Giulio Ferrigno & Nicola Del Sarto & Andrea Piccaluga & Alessandro Baroncelli - 527-551 Digital transformation in family-owned winery SMEs: an exploratory analysis in the South-Italian context
by Alessandra Costa & Angelo Presenza & Tindara Abbate - 552-590 Big data and human resource management: paving the way toward sustainability
by Ginevra Gravili & Rohail Hassan & Alexandru Avram & Francesco Schiavone
June 2023, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 385-414 Disentangling the relationship between business model, absorptive capacity, differentiation strategy and performance. Evidence from a transition economy
by Blendi Gerdoçi & Nertila Busho & Daniela Lena & Marco Cucculelli
December 2022, Volume 27, Issue 7
- 2210-2231 Mapping the field of crowdfunding and new ventures: a systematic literature review
by Sanjay Chaudhary & Amandeep Dhir & Enrico Battisti & Tomas Kliestik - 2232-2249 Matching innovation strategies and crowdfunding campaigns: an explorative investigation
by Diego Matricano & Elena Candelo
October 2022, Volume 27, Issue 7
- 2183-2209 Crowdfunding small businesses and startups: a systematic review, an appraisal of theoretical insights and future research directions
by Mark Anthony Camilleri & Stefano Bresciani - 2250-2274 Crowd inputs in reward-based and equity-based crowdfunding: a latent Dirichlet allocation approach on their potential for innovation
by Edoardo Crocco & Elisa Giacosa & Dorra Yahiaoui & Francesca Culasso
December 2022, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 1453-1474 Past for Future – museums as a digitalized “interaction platform” for value co-creation in tourism destinations
by Francesco Saverio Massari & Pasquale Del Vecchio & Eva Degl'innocenti - 1475-1495 Digital transformation using industry 4.0 technology by food and beverage companies in post COVID-19 period: from DCV and IDT perspective
by Sheshadri Chatterjee & Ranjan Chaudhuri & Demetris Vrontis & Antonino Galati - 1496-1520 How technological relatedness influences inter-firm collaborative performance: an empirical study on 5 high-tech fields of scientific and technological achievements
by Guilong Zhu & Fu Sai & Zitao Qin - 1521-1546 Smart tourism: antecedents to Indian traveller's decision
by Manisha Paliwal & Nishita Chatradhi & Archana Singh & Ramkrishna Dikkatwar - 1547-1574 Exploring measures to enhance the low adoption rate of IR 4.0 technologies: a qualitative inquiry with hotels during COVID-19
by Benjamin Appiah Osei & Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan & Balasubramanian Kandappan & Foster Frempong - 1575-1595 Public user innovation: exploring the support mechanisms and user roles in a public organisation
by Siw Marita Fosstenløkken
December 2022, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 1206-1224 Disintermediation and the role of DMCs: a new management strategy in rural tourism
by Asuncion Fernandez-Villaran & Jorge Rivera-García & Ricardo Pastor-Ruiz - 1225-1248 Innovation conviction, innovation mindset and innovation creed as precursors for the need for achievement and women's entrepreneurial success in South Africa: entrepreneurial education as a moderator
by Eugine Tafadzwa Maziriri & Brighton Nyagadza & Tinashe Chuchu - 1249-1269 Financial technology to address the liability of poorness? A typology of FinTech organisations
by Nadeera Ranabahu - 1270-1298 Exploration versus exploitation: how interorganizational power dependence influences SME product innovation? An empirical study in China
by Zhengyang Wu & Feng Yang & Fangqing Wei - 1299-1337 Green supply chain management and innovation persistence–Based on environmental turbulence perspective
by Ziqin Yu & Xiang Xiao - 1338-1361 The more funds the better? External funds, R&D investment and firm innovation: critical role of firm leaders' international experience
by Li Liu & Caiting Dong - 1362-1380 “Live in the present” or “focus on the future”: the effects of ambidextrous marketing capabilities on entrepreneurial performance
by Wei Li & Hewen Ming & Jianmin Song - 1381-1402 Food 4.0 for competing during the COVID-19 pandemic: experimenting digitalization in family firms
by Domenica Barile & Giustina Secundo & Pasquale Del Vecchio - 1403-1449 Do we innovate atop giants' shoulders?
by Fushu Luan & Yang Chen & Ming He & Donghyun Park
November 2022, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 1082-1108 Managerial control systems and innovation partnership success: an empirical analysis in Italian firms
by Anna Pistoni & Anna Arcari & Chiara Gigliarano - 1109-1133 Crowdfunding and innovation: a bibliometric review and future research agenda
by Augusto Bargoni & Alberto Ferraris & Stefano Bresciani & Mark Anthony Camilleri - 1134-1159 Seizing the moment in the flux of Industry 4.0: technological opportunism, innovativeness and new product performance in international markets
by Jinwan Cho & Insik Jeong & Eunmi Kim & Hyo Eun Cho - 1160-1181 The differential impact of user- and firm-generated content on online brand advocacy: customer engagement and brand familiarity matter
by Ahmad Aljarah & Dima Sawaftah & Blend Ibrahim & Eva Lahuerta-Otero - 1182-1205 The coupling and coordination relationship of the digital economy and tourism industry from the perspective of industrial integration
by Xinliang Ye & Jing Wang & Ruihong Sun
October 2022, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 1057-1081 At the crossroad of digital and tourism entrepreneurship: mediating effect of digitalization in hospitality industry
by Marcin Suder & Joanna Duda & Rafał Kusa & Alexandra Mora-Cruz
August 2022, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 713-741 Effect of knowledge resources on innovation and the mediating role of dynamic capabilities: case of medical tourism sector in Iran
by Gerry Edgar & Amirali Kharazmi & Sedigheh Behzadi & Omid Ali Kharazmi
October 2022, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 1001-1023 Achieving sustainable competitiveness of tourism dynamics with resource-based view
by Elitua Simarmata & Retno Kusumastuti & Chandra Wijaya - 1024-1041 Spurring innovation through intentional organizational crisis: the moderating effects of past performance and resources allocation capability
by Yan Shi & Bo Zou & Chunlan Wang & Ou Li - 1042-1055 Crowdsourcing initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic: empirical evidence from the Italian context
by Silvia Vermicelli & Livio Cricelli & Michele Grimaldi & Benito Mignacca & Serena Strazzullo
September 2022, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 742-774 Walking the managerial tightrope: top management involvement in product innovation projects
by Burcu Felekoglu & Serdar S. Durmusoglu & Anja M. Maier & James Moultrie - 775-799 Promoting tourism business through digital marketing in the new normal era: a sustainable approach
by Santus Kumar Deb & Shohel Md. Nafi & Marco Valeri - 800-824 Exploring institutional pressure, the top management team's response, green innovation adoption, and firm performance: evidence from Taiwan's electrical and electronics industry
by Yi-Chun Huang & Chih-Hsuan Huang - 825-850 The state of the art of innovation management: insights from a retrospective review of theEuropean Journal of Innovation Management
by Nisha Bamel & Satish Kumar & Umesh Bamel & Weng Marc Lim & Riya Sureka - 851-871 A framework for sustainable technological innovation capability: a research and policy direction
by Shepherd Dhliwayo & Abdella Kosa Chebo - 872-893 Role of smart technology use behaviour in enhancing tourist revisit intention: the theory of planned behaviour perspective
by Kundan Zheng & Jeetesh Kumar & Puvaneswaran Kunasekaran & Marco Valeri - 894-921 How do firms use virtual brand communities to improve innovation performance? Based on consumer participation and organizational learning perspectives
by Jian Zheng & Renjing Liu & Ru Zhang & Hao Xu - 922-943 Theory of planned behavior and GEM framework – How can cognitive traits for entrepreneurship be used by incubators and accelerators?
by Gustavo Morales-Alonso & José Antonio Blanco-Serrano & Yilsy Núñez Guerrero & Mercedes Grijalvo & Francisco José Blanco Jimenez - 944-961 Food start-ups: leveraging digital marketing and disruptive information systems innovations to survive in the post-COVID environment
by Mohammed Almansour - 962-980 Leader mindfulness and employee innovative work behaviour: a mediated moderation model
by Chitra Khari & Aneet Bali