March 2003, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 32-47 Cross‐functionality and leadership of the new product development teams
by Sandra Valle & Lucía Avella - 48-63 A hierarchical framework of new products development: an example from biotechnology
by Maria Tereza Alexandre & Olivier Furrer & D. Sudharshan - 64-74 Building organisational culture that stimulates creativity and innovation
by E.C. Martins & F. Terblanche
December 2002, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 185-193 Innovative pricing effects: theory and practice in mobile Internet networks
by Andreas Jonason - 194-207 New product development in German and US technology firms
by James T. Simpson & Christine Kollmannsberger & Helmut Schmalen & David Berkowitz - 208-213 Concept testing of Internet services
by Muammer Ozer - 214-223 Formalization and innovation revisited
by Wynand E.J. Bodewes - 224-236 Open or closed strategy in developing new products? A case study of industrial NPD in SMEs
by Martti Tapio Lindman
September 2002, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 117-129 New product development team improvisation and speed‐to‐market: an extended model
by Ali E. Akgün & Gary S. Lynn - 130-151 Emerging e‐commerce business models: an analysis of case studies from West Lothian, Scotland
by Tony Kinder - 152-163 Innovation networks in economics: from the incentive‐based to the knowledge‐based approaches
by Andreas Pyka - 164-171 Profitability in market‐oriented SMEs: does product innovation matter?
by Helen Salavou - 172-180 Guiding innovation socially and cognitively: the innovation team model at Skanova Networks
by Tomas Hellström & Merle Jacob & Ulf Malmquist
June 2002, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 57-72 Multi‐dimensionality of learning in new product development teams
by Ali E. Akgu¨n & Gary S. Lynn & Richard Reilly - 73-85 Innovation management education for multicultural organisations: challenges and a role for logistics
by Alberto G. Canen & Ana Canen - 86-97 Individual and team‐based idea generation within innovation management: organisational and research agendas
by Rodney McAdam & John McClelland - 98-106 Assessing the validity of new product development techniques in Spanish firms
by Tomás Manuel Bañegil Palacios & Francisco Javier Miranda González - 107-112 The right of employees/inventors to claim back their patents from corporations
by Radoslav P. Kotorov
March 2002, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 4-17 Situations for innovation management: towards a contingency model
by Anders Drejer - 18-26 Innovation as the core competency of a service organisation: the role of technology, knowledge and networks
by Jay Kandampully - 27-39 Strategic issues in managing innovation’s fuzzy front‐end
by Jongbae Kim & David Wilemon - 40-49 An adopter‐centered approach to understanding adoption of innovations
by Rex Eugene Pereira
December 2001, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 168-178 Innovation processes in an accident and emergency department
by Ángeles Muñoz Fernández - 179-185 Some considerations about interactions between regulation and technological innovation: the case of a sustainable technology, biodegradable materials in Germany
by Marie Delaplace & Hakim Kabouya - 186-193 The role of regulations in the diffusion of environment technologies: micro and macro issues
by Dilek Cetindamar - 194-215 Innovation through creation of strategic communities in traditional big businesses: a case study of digital telecommunication services in Japan
by Mitsuru Kodama
September 2001, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 117-126 The role of market research in the development of discontinuous new products
by Paul Trott - 126-133 Leading for innovation through symbiosis
by Amar Dev Amar - 133-142 Innovation and firm size: an empirical study for Spanish engineering consulting companies
by Daniel Arias‐Aranda & Beatriz Minguela‐Rata & Antonio Rodríguez‐Duarte - 142-153 Internet shopping adoption by Greek consumers
by Adam P. Vrechopoulos & George J. Siomkos & Georgios I. Doukidis - 153-163 Innovation’s dynamics in mobile phone services in France
by Abdelillah Hamdouch & Esther Samuelides
June 2001, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 64-72 Restructuring for agility at Volvo Car Technical Service (VCTS)
by Golaleh Ebrahimpur & Merle Jacob - 73-87 The design of the investment post‐audit process in large organisations: evidence from a survey
by Giovanni Azzone & Paolo Maccarrone - 88-94 A benchmark study of strategic commitment to innovation
by Angela Cottam & John Ensor & Christine Band - 95-112 The fuzzy front end and success of new product development: a causal model
by Qingyu Zhang & William J. Doll
March 2001, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 6-19 The distribution model in the diffusion of innovations: a comparison of different European countries
by Enar Ruíz Conde & Francisco José Más Ruíz - 20-31 Innovation as newness: what is new, how new, and new to whom?
by Jon‐Arild Johannessen & Bjørn Olsen & G.T. Lumpkin - 32-36 Factors influencing product development team satisfaction
by Gloria Barczak & David Wilemon - 37-52 Implementation of success factors in new product development – the missing links?
by Bjarne Jensen & Hanne Harmsen - 53-59 Resource adequacy in new product development: a discriminant analysis
by Xueli Huang & Geoffrey N. Soutar & Alan Brown
December 2000, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 181-189 Networked innovation: developing the AXE110 “mini‐exchange” at Ericsson
by Tomas Hellström & Ulf Malmquist - 190-198 Competitive positioning and market orientation: two interrelated constructs
by Enrique Bigné & Natalia Vila‐López & Inés Küster‐Boluda - 199-211 The new concept of manufacturing “DNA” within an analytic hierarchy process‐driven expert system
by J. Razmi & H. Rahnejat & M.K. Khan - 212-222 New product development in British SMEs
by D.J. Woodcock & S.P. Mosey & T.B.W. Wood - 222-231 R&D and marketing integration in NPD in the pharmaceutical industry
by Mohammed Rafiq & Tim Saxon
September 2000, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 116-125 The multicultural context of brand loyalty
by Fred Palumbo & Paul Herbig - 125-136 Integrating product and technology development
by Anders Drejer - 137-149 Psychological characteristics and process: the role of entrepreneurship in Spanish SMEs
by Montserrat Entrialgo & Esteban Fernández & Camilo J. Vázquez - 150-159 Success and failure of 50 innovation projects in Dutch companies
by Anton J. Cozijnsen & Willem J. Vrakking & Mariska van IJzerloo - 160-173 NPD frameworks: a holistic examination
by Charles Shepherd & Pervaiz K. Ahmed
June 2000, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 59-71 Management styles in industrial R&D organisations
by Andrea Cavone & Vittorio Chiesa & Raffaella Manzini - 72-90 A sociotechnical approach to the innovation of a network technology in the public sector – the introduction of smart homes in West Lothian
by Tony Kinder - 91-99 An integrated approach to innovative product development using Kano’s model and QFD
by X.X. Shen & K.C. Tan & M. Xie - 100-106 From product innovation to solutions innovation: a new paradigm for competitive advantage
by Charles Shepherd & Pervaiz K. Ahmed
March 2000, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 7-15 The price/acceptance function: perspectives of a pricing policy in European telecommunication markets
by Tobias Kollmann - 15-27 Patterns of technological innovation in subcontracting firms: an empirical study in the food machinery industry
by Alberto Petroni - 27-36 Determinants of new product selling performance: an empirical examination in The Netherlands
by Erik Jan Hultink & Kwaku Atuahene‐Gima & Iris Lebbink - 35-44 Service innovation multi‐country launch: causes of delays
by George M. Chryssochoidi & Veronica Wong - 45-52 Developing skills in strategic transformation
by Gary J. Stockport
December 1999, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 95-108 Strategic innovation at large companies through strategic community management – an NTT multimedia revolution case study
by Mitsuru Kodama - 109-117 From direct to hybrid marketing: a new IBM go‐to‐market model
by Alessandro Gandolfo & Franco Padelletti - 116-128 Managing and organizing innovation in the knowledge economy
by Jon‐Arild Johannessen & Johan Olaisen & Jon‐Arild Johannessen & Bjørn Olsen - 129-146 Measuring the dimensions of market knowledge competence in new product development
by Tiger Li & S. Tamer Cavusgil
August 1999, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 55-62 The business‐to‐business customer in the service innovation process
by Claude R. Martin & David A. Horne & Anne Marie Schultz - 63-70 Career route preferences of design engineers: an empirical research
by Alberto Petroni - 71-81 Quality differentiation for competitive advantage: a contingency approach
by Reginald M. Beal & Archie Lockamy - 82-85 Gaining competitiveness through innovation
by D. Keith Denton
April 1999, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 6-11 Successful market innovation
by Axel Johne - 12-19 TQM and business innovation
by Angel R. Martínez Lorente & Frank Dewhurst & Barrie G. Dale - 20-35 The effectiveness of market information in enhancing new product success rates
by Susan Hart & Nikolaos Tzokas & Michael Saren - 36-48 Benchmarking for brand innovation
by Pervaiz K. Ahmed & Mohamed Zairi
December 1998, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 106-122 The world’s path to the better mousetrap: myth or reality? An empirical investigation into the launch strategies of high and low advantage new products
by Erik Jan Hultink & Susan Hart - 123-138 Innovating in reverse: services and the reverse product cycle
by Faïz Gallouj - 139-147 Investigation of the relationship between total quality and innovation: a research study involving small organisations
by Rodney McAdam & Gren Armstrong & Brigitta Kelly - 148-156 Activity‐based management and the product development process
by Paolo Maccarrone
August 1998, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 59-66 Best practice in supply chain management: the experience of the retail sector
by Mohamed Zairi - 67-73 An integrated approach towards product innovation in international manufacturing organisations
by Glenn Hardaker - 74-84 Empirically testing the impact of change management effectiveness on company performance
by Tor Guimaraes & Curtis Armstrong - 85-93 The dynamics of change innovation and risk in corporate wholesale finance
by Barry Howcroft
April 1998, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 7-20 The “QFD/FMEA interface”
by D.M. Ginn & D.V. Jones & H. Rahnejat & M. Zairi - 21-29 Innovation overview and future challenges
by Brian S. Cumming - 30-43 Culture and climate for innovation
by Pervaiz K. Ahmed - 44-56 Managing innovation by design ‐ how a new design typology may facilitate the product development process in industrial companies and provide a competitive advantage
by Myfanwy Trueman