August 1988, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 230-234 No open door for foreign rice in Japan
by Weigand, Robert E. - 235-239 International food stamps
by Peterson, Willis - 240-244 Viability of Saudi Arabian agriculture
by Looney, Robert E. - 245-256 The twilight of flour rationing in Pakistan
by Alderman, Harold - 257-269 Parallel rice markets : Policy lessons from northern Senegal
by Morris, Michael L. - 270-282 Entitlements, availability and famine : A revisionist view of Wollo, 1972-1974
by Devereux, Stephen - 283-292 Sugar in the Philippines : Policy responses to a distorted world market
by Nelson, Gerald C. - 293-304 Developing a food control system : The Tanzanian experience
by Jukes, D. J. - 305-312 Rejoinder : India's dairy development and Operation Flood
by Atkins, P. J. - 313-316 Fast-growing agricultural exports of developing countries
by Islam, Nurul - 316-317 Image and substance concerning multisectoral nutrition planning
by Field, John Osgood - 317-318 IFAD's involvement in ending hunger : Eleventh Session of the 142-nation Governing Council of the International Fund for Agricultural Dvelopment (IFAD), Rome, Italy, 26-29 January 1988
by Madeley, John - 319-320 EEC policies and the world's hungry : Food and hunger: a Conference on World Agricultural Policies, organized by the Organizing Committee of the Council of Europe Campaign on North-South Interdependence, London, UK, 18 March 1988
by Madeley, John - 320-322 Accelerating food production in Sub-Saharan Africa : edited by John W. Mellor, Christopher L Delgado and Malcolm J. Blackie published for the International Food Research Institute by the Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1987, 448 pp, $39.50
by Holtzman, John S. - 322-323 US agriculture and Third World development : edited by Randall B. Purcell and Elizabeth Morrison Lynne Rienner, Boulder, CO, USA, 1987, $26.50
by Kracht, Uwe - 323-325 Agricultural marketing policy : collected by Dieter Elz and Caroline Hoisington World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, 1986, 2 vols, 633 pp
by Meissner, Frank - 325-327 Agricultural marketing enterprises for the developing world : by John C. Abbott Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1987, 217pp, [UK pound]27.50 hb, [UK pound]9.95 pb
by Smith, L. D. - 327-328 The politics of food : by Geoffrey Cannon Century Hutchinson, London, UK, 1987, 565 pp, $14.95
by Millstone, Erik
May 1988, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 134-139 The macroeconomy and the limits to US farm policy
by Blandford, David & Meyers, William H. & Schwartz, Nancy E. - 140-153 Food security through seasonal stabilization : The case of Madagascar
by Shuttleworth, Graham & Bull, Ross & Hodgkinson, Peter - 154-166 Agricultural diversification by crop introduction : The US experience with the soybean
by Lockeretz, William - 167-177 Introduced crops in developing countries : A sustainable agriculture?
by Wood, D. - 178-184 Plant genetic resources and food security
by Williams, Trevor - 185-198 Agricultural price policies and the oil boom : Wheat and meat in Iran, 1962-78
by Shafaeddin, Mehdi - 199-207 Impact evaluation of child nutrition programmes
by Hoorweg, Jan - 212-214 Conference on competition policy in the food industries: Reading, UK, 10-11 September 1987
by Mark, John - 214-217 The 7th United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD VII): Geneva, Switzerland, 9 July-3 August 1987
by Shafaeddin, S. M. - 217-219 th World Congress of Food Science and Technology organized by the Singapore Institute of Food Science and Technology under the auspices of the International Union of Food Science and Technology: Singapore, 28 September-2 October 198
by Cuthbertson, W. F. J. - 219-220 National policies and agricultural trade : OECD, Paris, France, 1987, 333 pp, FF 2500 hb, FF 120 pb
by Maughan, C. W. - 220-221 Crop insurance for agricultural development : Peter Hazell, Carlos Pomareda and Alberto Valdes Pulished for IFPRI by the Jhons Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1986, 322 pp, [UK pound]26.50
by Peters, G. H. - 221-223 The transformation of Mexican agriculture : International Structure and the Politics of Rural Change by Steven E. Sanderson Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, USA, 1986, 324 pp
by Meissner, Frank - 223-224 Collective farms which work? : Nigel Swain Cambridge University Press Cambridge, UK, 1985, 235pp, [UK pound]25.00
by Wadekin, K. -E. - 224-225 Food, health and the consumer : T.R. Gormley, G. Downey and D. O'Beirne Elsevier Applied Science, London, UK, 1987, 317 pp, [UK pound]34.00
by Jones, J. V. S.
February 1988, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 2-9 Introduction : Food policy, food aid and economic adjustment
by Shaw, John & Singer, Hans - 10-17 Food policy, food aid and structural adjustment programmes : The context of agricultural development
by Mellor, John W. - 18-26 Adjustment with a human face : The role of food aid
by Stewart, Frances - 27-36 Market restructuring and pricing policies
by Tuinenburg, Kees - 37-46 Macroeconomic adjustment and human nutrition
by Pinstrup-Andersen, Per - 47-55 The politics of adjustment : The African case
by Hopkins, Raymond F. - 56-66 Efficient alleviation of poverty and hunger : A new international assistance facility
by Reutlinger, Shlomo - 67-72 Measuring the impact of food aid
by Jennings, Anthony - 73-82 Financial facilities of the IMF and the food deficit countries
by Kaibni, Nihad M. - 83-89 Adjustment and the poor : The role of the World Bank
by Nicholas, Peter - 90-97 Food security and adjustment : The EC contribution
by Franco, Marc - 98-103 US food aid for countries implementing structural adjustment
by Sukin, Hope E. - 104-105 Country case studies : Agricultural commercialization: food consumption effects in Kenya
by Kennedy, Eileen - 105-108 The need for and possible uses of food aid in the Philippines
by Bouis, Howarth E. - 109-111 Sierra Leone: food aid and the currency float
by Longhurst, Richard & Kamara, Samura & Mensurah, Joseph - 111-114 Economic reforms, food policy and the poor in Sri Lanka
by Edirisinghe, Neville - 114-117 The role of food aid in promoting food production in Zambia
by Kumar, Shubh K. - 117-118 Structural adjustment in Ghana
by Green, Reginald Herbold - 124-126 Coping with economic crisis in the Third World : UN-NGO workshop on debt, adjustment and the needs of the poor, Oxford, UK, 19-22 September 1987
by Lemaresquier, Thierry - 126-127 A new focus for development : Thirteenth ministerial session of the World Food Council, Beijing, China, 8-11 June 1987
by Kracht, Uwe - 127-128 Adjustment and the agricultural sector : Overseas development institute: conference on the design and impact of Adjustment Programmes on Agriculture and Agricultural Institutions, ODI Regent's College, London, UK, 10-11 September 1987
by Commander, Simon - 128-129 Food aid: The challenge and the opportunity : Hans Singer, John Wood and Tony Jennings Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1987, 245 pp, [UK pound]25.00 hb, [UK pound]8.95 pb
by Shaw, D. J. - 129-130 Adjustment with a human face protects vulnerable growth : Richard Jolly, Andrea Cornea and Frances Stewart Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1987, [UK pound]27.50 hb, [UK pound]8.95pb
by Green, Reginald Herbold
November 1987, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 290-294 Prospects for reform of the Common Agricultural Policy
by Tanner, Carolyn & Swinbank, Alan - 295-298 Privatizing agriculture : Policy options in developing countries
by Maddock, Nicholas - 299-317 Liberalization and agricultural marketing : Recent causes and effects in third world economies
by Reusse, E. - 318-331 Trends and projections for Bangladeshi food production : An alternative viewpoint
by Alauddin, Mohammad & Tisdell, Clem - 332-336 Trends and projections for Bangladeshi food production : Rejoinder to M. Alauddin and C. Tisdell
by Boyce, James K. - 337-348 An African fertilizer crisis : Origin and economic effects in the Gambia
by von Braun, Joachim & Puetz, Detlev - 349-364 Who governs the Rome food agencies?
by Talbot, Ross B. & Wayne Moyer, H. - 365-375 Nutrition planning is alive and well, thank you
by Berg, Alan - 376-383 Operation flood: impacts and issues
by Doornbos, Martin & van Stuijvenberg, Pieter & Terhal, Piet - 389-390 Work in progress at the Centre for Development Studies
by Barrow, Christopher & Santos, Eduardo - 390-391 Food policies for a healthy population
by Lewandowska, Grazyna - 391-397 Food policy in Mexico: The search for self-sufficiency : edited by James E. Austin and Gustavo Esteva Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, USA, 1987, 307 pp, $29.00
by Meissner, Frank - 397-397 Poverty and hunger issues and options for food security in developing countries : World Bank Policy Study, The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, 1986, 69 pp, [UK pound]7.50
by Allen, George - 397-397 Landlessness: A growing problem : by Radna Sinha Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy, 1984, 112 pp
by Allen, George - 397-397 The political economy of soil erosion in developing countries : by Piers Blaikie Longman, Harlow, UK, 1985, 188 pp
by Allen, George - 397-397 Agriculture, poverty and freedom in developing countries : by Eric Clayton Macmillan, London, UK, 1983, 277 pp
by Allen, George - 397-397 Agricultural change and rural poverty: Variations on a theme by Dharm Narain : edited by John W. Mellor and Gunvant M. Desai Published for IFPRI by The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA, 1985, 232 pp, [UK pound]21.95
by Allen, George - 397-401 Agriculture and equitable growth: The case of Punjab- Haryana : by John R. Westly Westview Press, Boulder, CO, USA, 1986, 369 pp, [UK pound]32.50
by Allen, George - 401-402 World food marketing systems : edited by Erdener Kaynak Butterworths, Borough Green, Sevenoaks, Kent, UK, 1986, 333 pp, [UK pound]37.50
by Smith, L. D. - 402-403 Food trade and food security in ASEAN and Australia : by Anne Booth, Cristina C. David et al ASEAN-Australia Joint Research Project, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 1986, 269 pp
by Leeks, Tony - 403-405 The harvest of sorrow: Soviet collectivization and the terror-famine : by Robert Conquest Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1986, 412 pp, $19.95
by Meissner, Frank
August 1987, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 178-178 Fertiliser aid
by Ojala, E. M. - 179-183 The new US farm policies
by Paarlberg, Don - 184-195 The stabilisation of the international coffee market
by Edwards, Ron - 196-216 Induced innovation and agricultural development
by Ruttan, Vernon W. - 217-227 Brazilian agricultural research : Export vs nutrition
by Pastore, Jose - 228-239 The soft underbelly of applied knowledge : Conceptual and operational problems in nutrition planning
by Field, John Osgood - 240-244 Agribusiness and FAO : A critical view
by Bolton, Brian - 245-246 A common fund? : UN Negotiating Conference on a Common Fund for Commodities, Geneva, 7 March-3rd April, 1977
by Madeley, John - 246-247 Food and water : The UN water conference, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 14-25 March, 1977
by Stein, Robert E. - 247-248 Policies or politics to end malnutrition? : International study symposium on policy making and planning to reduce malnutrition, University of California, Berkeley, 29 March to 1 April, 1977
by Payne, P. P. - 248-249 International grain reserves Who pays? : Rebuilding grain reserves: Towards an International System by Philip H. Trezise 66 pages, $2.95, 1976, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC
by Hallwood, Paul - 250-250 Beyond criticism to questioning -- the radical why : Radical agriculture Richard Merrill 459 pages, 1976, [UK pound]5.20, Harper Colophon Books, Harper & Row, New York
by Ulbricht, T. L. V. - 255-258 Policy uses of agricultural economics : Too much planning, too little implementation
by Desai, Ashok V. - 258-260 Accelerating agricultural development
by Bolton, J. C. - 260-261 Letter to the editor
by Talbot, Ross B.
May 1987, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 90-93 USSR grain imports: past and future
by Allen, George - 94-105 Forecasting USSR grain imports
by Borsody, Lajos - 106-115 A model of import demand for grain in the Soviet Union
by Ennew, C. T. - 116-122 Have the Soviets turned the corner on grain imports?
by Cook, Edward C. - 123-126 Japan's agricultural policy failure
by Maruyama, Magoroh - 127-145 Current issues in the world sugar economy
by Harris, Simon - 146-160 Food distribution within the family : Evidence and implications for research and programmes
by Haaga, John G. & Mason, John B. - 161-175 Fish and nutrition in India
by Kent, George - 181-182 New ways to control farm pests : Parasitis '86: International conference and exhibition on integrated pest control, Geneva, Switzerland, 9-13 December 1986
by Madeley, John - 182-183 Restoring the European balance : Conference on the future of agriculture in Europe, organized by the `club de Bruxelles`, Brussels, Belgium, 5-6 November 1986
by Ellerton, Amanda - 183-184 The international grain trade: Problems and prospects : by Nick Butler Croom Helm, London, UK, 1986, 196 pp, [UK pound]25.00
by Tickner, Vincent - 185-185 Internal marketing of food in Latin America : Problems, products and policies by Gregory J. Scott and M. Gary Costello international development research centre, Ottawa, Canada, 1985, 253 pp
by Meissner, Frank - 185-186 Alternative agricultural and food policies and the 1985 farm bill : edited by Gordon C. Rausser and Kenneth R. Farrell Giannini foundation of agricultural economics, university of California, CA and national center for food and agricultural policy, Washington, DC, 1985, 425 pp
by Paarlberg, Don - 186-187 Pioneers in development : edited by Gerald M. Meier and Dudley Seers published for the world bank by Oxford university press, Oxford, UK, 1984, 372 pp, [UK pound]34.00 hb, [UK pound]12.50 pb
by Allen, George
February 1987, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 2-4 Cash transfers to the poorest : New instruments for a poverty-oriented development aid approach
by Schubert, Bernd - 5-9 Rejoinder: An untenable hypothesis on the causes of famine
by Bowbrick, Peter - 10-14 Reply: Famine and Mr Bowbrick
by Sen, Amartya - 15-28 Multisectoral nutrition planning: a post-mortem
by Field, John Osgood - 29-34 Nutrition and international agricultural research
by Harriss, Barbara - 35-45 The politics of food : The case of FR Germany
by Hendriks, Gisela - 47-61 Monitoring and evaluation of irrigated agriculture : A case study of Bhima Project, India
by Biswas, Asit K. - 63-75 Structure and dynamics of fertilizer subsidy : The case of Bangladesh
by Ahmed, Raisuddin - 77-81 An alternative procedure for granting farm input subsidies in Africa
by Akinola, Amos A. - 82-83 Agricultural policy and trade : Adjusting domestic programs in an international framework by D. Gale Johnson, K. Hemmi and P. Lardinois New York University Press, NY, USA, 1985, 132 pp, $25
by Peters, G. H. - 83-84 Marketing boards in Tropical Africa : Monograph of the African Studies Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands edited by Kwame Arhin, Paul Hesp and Laurens van der Laan KPI, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, UK, 1985, 208 pp, [UK pound]30
by Tickner, Vincent - 84-85 The rice economy of Asia : by Randolph Barker, Robert W. Herdt with Beth Rose Resources for the Future, distributed by the Johns Hopkins University Press, Washington, DC, USA, 1985, 324 pp, $30 hb, $12 pb
by Fee, Wan Leong - 86-86 Nutrition and development : edited by Margaret Biswas and Per Pinstrup-Anderson Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1985, 190 pp, [UK pound]15
by Ulbricht, Tilo - 87-87 World food, population and development : edited by Gigi M. Beradi Rowman & Allenheld, New Jersey, USA, 1985, 346 pp, $29.95 hb
by Talbot, Ross B.
November 1986, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 274-278 Towards a food and nutrition policy for Australia : An environmentalist view
by Fisher, Frank G. - 279-284 The state of food and agriculture in Islamic countries
by Mollett, J. A. - 285-288 Food irradiation in Asia and the Pacific
by Wedekind, L. H. - 289-297 The new political economy of food and agricultural development
by Mellor, John W. & Adams, Richard Jr - 298-310 The food crisis and environmental conservation in Africa
by Stiles, Daniel & Brennan, Ross - 311-322 Food aid: Pitfalls and potential
by Stewart, Frances - 323-333 The evolution of a regulation system in agriculture : The Swedish case
by Rabinowicz, Ewa & Haraldsson, Ingemar & Bolin, Olof - 334-344 Agricultural policy decisions in the EC : Consequences of institutional imbalance
by Schmitt, Guenther - 345-357 Reforms in regulatory processes affecting Canada's food industry
by Brown-John, C. Lloyd - 358-359 Securing a food supply for all : Poverty and hunger, issues and options for food security in developing countries by Schlomo Reutlinger, World Bank policy study, Washington, DC, USA, 1986, 69 pp, $7.50
by Meissner, Frank - 359-360 Want in the midst of plenty : Breadlines knee-deep in wheat, food assistance in the great depression by Janet Poppendieck Rutgers University Press, NJ, USA, 1986, 306 pp
by Paarlberg, Don - 360-361 A practical look at Asia's problems : Rural development in Asia: Meetings with peasants by Gilbert Etienne Sage, London, UK, 1986, 276 pp, [UK pound]16 hb, [UK pound]8 pb
by Iqbal, Badar A. - 361-362 What future for Africa? : Famine: A man-made disaster? by the independent commission on International Humanitarian issues Pan, London, UK, 1985, [UK pound]1.95, Africa in crisis: The causes, the cures of environmental bankruptcy by Lloyd Timberlake Earthscan, London, UK, 1985, 224 pp
by Wisner, Ben - 363-363 Planning a prudent diet : The food connection, the BBC guide to healthy eating by Colin Tudge BBC, London, UK, 1985, 151 pp, [UK pound]8.95 hb, [UK pound]4.25 pb
by Marks, Linda - 364-364 You are what you don't eat : What is America eating? edited by Frances Peter National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA, 1986, 173 pp, hunger strike, the Anorectic's struggle as a Metaphor for our age by Susie Orbach W. W. Norton, New York, NY, USA, 201 pp, $15.95
by Meissner, Frank - 364-365 Council of Europe's Agricultural Conference on European Agriculture 2000 : Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, 8-9 April 1986
by Hawkins, Sir Paul - 365-366 First European Congress of Food Science and Technology on Cereals in a European Context : Bournemouth, UK, 1-3 July 1986
by Axford, D. W. E. - 369-370 Special session of the United Nations general assembly on the critical economic situation in Africa : New York, NY, USA, 27 May-1 June 1986
by Madeley, John
August 1986, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 190-192 Food and environmental policies in Africa
by Biswas, Margaret R. & Biswas, Asit K. - 193-196 After the famine : Food aid policy and management issues in sub-Saharan Africa
by Stephens, Thomas W. - 197-201 The co-responsibility levy -- a misnomer?
by Hubbard, L. J. - 202-204 Radical food for thought : Food policy in Cuba and Nicaragua
by Redclift, Michael - 205-215 Meeting world food objectives : Towards an improved trade environment in agriculture
by Vanegas, Manuel Sr - 216-222 Women and food aid : A developmental perspective
by Katona-Apte, Judit - 223-237 Egypt's food subsidy policy : Lessons and options
by Alderman, Harold & von Braun, Joachim - 238-252 Trade policies and variability in international grain markets
by Monke, Eric A. & Salam, Salah Abdel - 253-258 Welfare implications of sugar pricing in Pakistan
by Khan, Mahmood Hasan - 259-263 Famines: the Bowbrick-Sen dispute and some related issues
by Allen, George - 264-265 Food trade and foreign policy : India, the Soviet Union, and the United States by Robert L. Paarlberg Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, USA, 1985, 261 pp, $29.95 hb, $12.95 pb
by Willett, Joseph W. - 265-266 The US-USSR grain agreement : by Roger B. Porter, Cambridge University Press, 1984, 160 pp, $27.95
by Zeimetz, Kathryn A. - 266-266 Perspectives for the common agricultural policy : Papers presented at a seminar on the EEC Commission's Green Paper Agra Europe, London, UK, 1985, 68 pp, [UK pound]15
by Ulbricht, Tilo - 266-267 Against the grain? : The EC Cereals Policy by N.F. Beard Centre for Agricultural Strategy/Knight Frank and Rutley, Reading and London, UK, 1986
by Ulbricht, Tilo - 267-269 Food, politics and society in Latin America : edited by John C. Super and Thomas C. Wright University of Nebraska Press, London, UK, 1985, 261 pp, [UK pound]21.95
by Meissner, Frank - 269-269 The European wine industry : by Roger Voss Special Report No 1980, The Economist Intelligence Unit, The Economist Publications, London, 1984, 85 pp
by Welch, Diana - 269-270 Food additives : by Erik Millstone, Penguin Books, Middlesex, UK, 1986, 163 pp, [UK pound]2.95
by Ulbricht, Tilo
May 1986, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 94-98 Sustaining growth in Indian agriculture
by Iqbal, Badar A. & Talha, Mohammed - 99-104 US agriculture: another slumbering giant
by Nichols, Wm. Patrick - 105-124 The causes of famine : A refutation of Professor Sen's theory
by Bowbrick, Peter - 125-132 The causes of famine : A reply
by Sen, Amartya - 133-142 Farming and optimal resource utilization in Guyuan, China
by Zhu, Feng-Shu & Rochin, Refugio I. & Chiao, Yen-Shong - 143-156 Sustainable food production : Interactions among natural resources, technology and institutions
by Crosson, Pierre - 157-173 Responding to the CAP : Alternative strategies for the USA
by Paarlberg, Robert L. - 174-175 Not much turbulence in Malaga : The International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Malaga, Spain, 26 August - 4 September 1985
by Talbot, Ross B. - 175-176 Waste-fed aquaculture : ICLARM International Conference on Detrital Systems for Aquaculture, Bellagio, Italy, 26-31 August 1985 (ICLARM Contribution No 275)
by Pullin, Roger S. V. - 176-177 Food, agriculture and land : The Oxford Farming Conference: Prosperity with Responsibility, Oxford, UK, 6-8 January, 1986
by Ulbricht, Tilo - 178-180 Agricultural development in Bangladesh : E. Boyd Wennergren, C.H. Antholt and M.D. Whitaker Westview Press, Boulder, CO, USA, 1984, 378 pp, [UK pound]28
by Clay, Edward - 181-181 China: Agriculture to the year 2000 : The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, 1985, 143 pp
by Allen, George - 184-185 The world food problem: 1950-1980 : David Grigg Basil Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 1984, 276 pp
by Talbot, Ross B. - 185-186 Ethiopia: The challenge of hunger : by Graham Hancock Victor Gollancz, London, UK, 1985, 127 pp, [UK pound]3.95
by Iqbal, Badar A.
February 1986, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 2-6 Alternative procedures for project identification
by Bull, Ross - 7-11 Alleviating rural poverty in sub-Saharan Africa
by Sherbini, Abdel-Aziz El - 12-16 The Greek food sector : Foreign control, dependence and competition
by Bourantas, Dimitris - 17-18 New perspectives on food aid assessment
by Huddleston, Barbara - 19-26 Assessing the components of prospective food aid requirements
by Konandreas, Panos - 27-41 Assessing the extra-commercial food needs of low-income countries
by Nightingale, Ray W. & Stallings, David - 42-46 Food aid forecasting : The literature on needs and requirements
by Clay, Edward - 47-70 Limitations and constraints of Colombia's Food and Nutrition Plan (PAN)
by Uribe, Consuelo - 71-82 Post-emergency planning in sub-Saharan Africa : The agricultural sector
by Mollett, J. A. - 83-84 Slump in UK aid
by Madeley, John - 84-85 Rethinking the American farm problem
by Mark, John - 85-87 Food industry focus on diet and health
by Mark, John - 87-88 International cooperation in nutrition
by Biswas, Margaret R. - 88-90 Food as a human right : edited by Asbjorn Eide, Wenche Barthe Eide, Susantha Goonatilake, Joan Gussow and Omawale The United Nations University Tokyo, 1984, 289 pp
by George, Susan - 90-91 Beef in Japan : Politics, Production, Marketing and Trade By John W. Longworth University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4067, Australia, 1983, 327pp
by Mori, Hiroshi
November 1985, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 300-301 Grapevine
by Sharp, Robin - 302-302 Food business
by Dillon, Sheila - 303-305 The IMF's food financing facility : Much ado about nothing
by Kirkpatrick, Colin - 306-316 The right to food in historical perspective
by Spitz, Pierre - 317-326 Hungary's meat price and trade policies : Conforming to some economic constraints of a socialist country
by Hall, Bruce F. & Hall, Lana L. - 327-336 Is rationing socialist? : Cuba's food distribution system
by Benjamin, Medea & Collins, Joseph - 337-351 Disaggregating food consumption parameters : Designing targeted nutritional interventions
by Waterfield, Charles - 352-364 A protectionist foodgrain price policy : The case of rice in Panama
by Senauer, Benjamin - 365-373 An improved maize marketing system for African countries : The case of Zimbabwe
by Child, Brian & Muir, Kay & Blackie, Malcolm - 374-377 Pricing milk in Ecuador: the impact of transport costs
by Park, William L. - 377-379 Recommendations on food irradiation
by Wedekind, Lothar & Bernardy, Maria - 380-381 Room for Manoeuvre : An exploration of public policy in agriculture and rural development edited by Edward J. Clay and Bernard B. Schaffer Heinemann, London, UK, 1984, 209pp, [UK pound]7.50
by Tomich, Thomas P. - 381-382 Food grain procurement and consumption in China : Kenneth R. Walker Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1984, 329 pp, [UK pound]25.00, US $49.95
by Allen, George
August 1985, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 188-189 Grapevine
by Sharp, Robin