- 776 Neoclassical Theory in America: J.B. Clark and Fisher
by James Tobin - 774 Forecasting Efficiency: Concepts and Applications
by William D. Nordhaus - 773 Comparative Statics and Local Indeterminacy in OLG Economies: An Application of the Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem
by John Geanakoplos & Donald J. Brown - 772R The Term Structure of Euromarket Interest Rates: An Empirical Investigation
by John Y. Campbell & Richard H. Clarida - 771 International Lending and Borrowing in a Stochastic Sequence Equilibrium
by Richard H. Clarida - 770R Real Indeterminacy with Financial Assets
by John Geanakoplos & Andreu Mas-Colell - 769 The Balance of Payments Adjustment Mechanism in a Rational Expectations Equilibrium
by Richard H. Clarida - 768 Multiple Time Series Regression with Integrated Processes
by Peter C.B. Phillips & Steven N. Durlauf - 767 Fractional Matrix Calculus and the Distribution of Multivariate Tests
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 766 The Uses, Value and Limitation of Game Theoretic Methods in Defense Analysis
by Martin Shubik - 765 Asymptotic Expansions in Nonstationary Vector Autoregressions
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 764 Existence, Regularity, and Constrained Suboptimality of Competitive Allocations When the Asset Market Is Incomplete
by John Geanakoplos & Heracles M. Polemarchakis - 763R Random Cell Chi-Square Diagnostic Tests for Econometric Models: II. Theory
by Donald W.K. Andrews - 762 Random Cell Chi-Square Diagnostic Tests for Econometric Models: I. Introduction and Applications
by Donald W.K. Andrews - 761R Asymptotic Results for Generalized Wald Tests
by Donald W.K. Andrews - 760 Sections and Extensions of Concave Functions
by Roger Howe - 759 The Many Properties of Money: A Strategic Market Game Analysis
by Martin Shubik - 758 An Unbiased Reexamination of Stock Market Volatility
by N. Gregory Mankiw & David Romer & Matthew D. Shapiro - 757 Understanding Spurious Regressions in Econometrics
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 756R Edgeworth Equilibria
by Donald J. Brown & Charalambos Aliprantis & Owen Burkinshaw - 754 A Characterization of Globally Optimal Paths in the Non-Classical Growth Model
by Rabah Amir - 753 Enough Gold in a Society Without and With Money-Lenders
by Martin Shubik - 752 Mass-Economies with Vital Small Coalitions; the F-Core Approach
by Peter J. Hammond & P. Kane & Myrna Holtz Wooders - 751 A Model of a Sudden-Death Field-Goal Football Game as a Sequential Duel
by Siddhartha Sahi & Martin Shubik - 750 The Numeraire, Money and the Missing Degree of Freedom
by Martin Shubik - 749 Relying on the Information of Interested Parties
by Paul R. Milgrom & John Roberts - 747 Some Three Person Games in Coalitional Form for Teaching and Experimentation
by Martin Shubik - 746 An Axiomatization of Utility and Subjective Probability Based on Objective Probability
by Mamoru Kaneko - 745R Coordinating Coordination Failures in Keynesian Models
by Russell Cooper & John Andrew - 744 The Use of Simple Games to Illustrate Concepts and to Provide Experimental Evidence
by Martin Shubik - 743 Do We Reject Too Often? Small Sample Bias in Tests of Rational Expectations
by N. Gregory Mankiw & Matthew D. Shapiro - 742 Aggregation and Linearity in the Provision of Intertemporal Incentives
by Bengt Holmstrom & Paul R. Milgrom - 741 Two Stage and Related Estimators and Their Applications
by Adrian Pagan - 740R Time Series Regression with a Unit Root
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 739 The Distribution of FIML in the Leading Case
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 738 Risk and Return: Consumption Beta Versus Market Beta
by Matthew D. Shapiro & N. Gregory Mankiw - 736 Capital Utilization and Capital Accumulation: Theory and Evidence
by Matthew D. Shapiro
- 735 The Dynamic Demand for Capital and Labor
by Matthew D. Shapiro - 734R A Note on the Unbiasedness of Feasible GLS, Quasi-Maximum Likelihood, Robust Adaptive, and Spectral Estimators of the Linear Model
by Donald W.K. Andrews - 733 Games with Perceptive Commanders But Less Perceptive Subordinates
by Martin Shubik - 732 Testing the Random Walk Hypothesis: Power Versus Frequency of Observation
by Pierre Perron & Robert J. Shiller - 731 The Exact Distribution of the Wald Statistic: The Non-Central Case
by Sam Ouliaris & Peter C.B. Phillips - 730 A Note on Enough Money in a Strategic Market Game with Complete or Fewer Markets
by Martin Shubik - 729 Managerial Incentives and Capital Management
by Bengt Holmstrom & I. Ricard & Joan Costa - 728 Neighborhood Systems for Production Sets with Indivisibilities
by Herbert E. Scarf - 727 Expansionary Government Policy in an Economy with Commodity and Labor
by Russell Cooper - 726 Optimal Cartel Equilibria with Imperfect Monitoring
by Dilip Abreu & David G. Pearce & Ennio Stacchetti - 725 Trends, Random Walks, and Tests of the Permanent Income Hypothesis
by Matthew D. Shapiro & N. Gregory Mankiw - 724 On a General Existence Theorem for Marginal Cost Pricing Equilibria
by Donald J. Brown & Geoffrey M. Heal & M. Ali Khan & Rajiv Vohra - 722 The Exact Distribution of the Wald Statistic
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 721 Testing for Serial Correlation and Unit Roots Using a Computer Function Routine Bases on ERA's
by Peter C.B. Phillips & R.C. Reiss - 720 General Equilibrium with Wage Rigidities: An Application to Belgium
by Victor Ginsburgh & Ludo Van der Heyden - 719R Stock Prices and Social Dynamics
by Robert J. Shiller - 718 The Use of Expected Future Variables in Macroeconometric Models
by Ray C. Fair - 717R Empirical Tests of the Rationality of Economic Forecasters: A Fixed Horizons Approach
by William D. Nordhaus & Steven N. Durlauf - 716 Product Warranties and Double Moral Hazard
by Russell Cooper & T.W. Ross - 715 Strategic Market Games: A Dynamic Programming Application to Money, Banking and Insurance
by Martin Shubik - 714 Plausible Outcomes for Games in Strategic Form
by Martin Shubik - 713 The Many Approaches to the Study of Monopolistic Competition
by Martin Shubik - 712 Nuclear Warfare, C_{3}I and First and Second Scenarios (A Sensitivity Analysis)
by Martin Shubik & Bracken, J. & Tulowitzki, Haviv - 711R A Mean-Variance Approach to Fundamental Valuations
by James Tobin - 710R Stability Comparisons of Estimators (5/1985 and 11/1985)
by Donald W.K. Andrews - 709 Price and Advertising Signals of Product Quality
by Paul R. Milgrom & John Roberts - 708R Job Discrimination, Market Forces and the Invisibility Hypothesis
by Paul R. Milgrom - 707 Estimated Trade-Offs Between Unemployment and Inflation
by Ray C. Fair - 706 The Cooperative Form, the Value and the Allocation of Joint Costs and Benefits
by Martin Shubik - 705R Consumption, Liquidity Constraints and Asset Accumulation in the Presence of Random Income Fluctuations
by Richard H. Clarida - 704 A Comparison of the Michigan and Fair Models: Further Results
by Ray C. Fair & Lewis Alexander - 703 A Comparison of the Michigan and Fair Models
by Ray C. Fair & Lewis Alexander - 702 Conditional Projection by Means of Kalman Filtering
by Richard H. Clarida & Diane Coyle - 701 On the Stochastic Steady-State Behavior of Optimal Asset Accumulation in the Presence of Random Wage Fluctuations and Incomplete Markets
by Richard H. Clarida - 700 A General Equilibrium Expression of the Paradox of Thrift
by Christophe Chamley - 699 Optimal Taxation of Capital Income in Economies with Identical Private and Social Discount Rates
by Christophe Chamley - 698 A Zero-One Result for the Least Squares Estimator
by Donald W.K. Andrews - 697 Robust Estimation of Location in a Gaussian Parametric Model: II
by Donald W.K. Andrews - 696 A Note on Biology, Time and the Golden Rule
by Martin Shubik - 694 Current Account, Exchange Rate, and Monetary Dynamics in a Stochastic Equilibrium Model
by Richard H. Clarida - 693 Effects of Expected Future Government Deficits on Current Economic Activity
by Ray C. Fair - 692 Excess Labor and the Business Cycle
by Ray C. Fair - 691 Insurance, Flexibility and Non-contingent Trades
by Russell Cooper - 690 Fiscal and Monetary Policy in a General Equilibrium Model
by Truman F. Bewley - 689 On a Variable Dimension Algorithm for the Linear Complementarity Problem
by Ludo Van der Heyden - 688R Monopoly Provision of Product Quality with Uninformed Buyers
by Russell Cooper & Thomas W. Ross - 687 Net Present Value Maximization and Imperfections in the Loan Market: A Note
by Cynthia Van Hulle - 656R Optimal Labor Contracts and the Role of Monetary Policy in an Overlapping Generations Model
by Russell Cooper
- 723R An Everywhere Convergent Series Representation of the Distribution of Hotelling's Generalized T_{0}^{2}
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 686 Stochastic Equilibrium and Turnpike Property: The Discounted Case
by Ramon Marimon - 685 Dominance and Shareholder Unanimity: A New Approach
by Cynthia Van Hulle - 684 The Optimality of Regulated Pricing: A General Equilibrium Analysis
by Donald J. Brown & Geoffrey M. Heal - 683 Finite Sample Econometrics Using ERA's
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 682 The Exact Distribution of the Stein-Rule Estimator
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 681 The Exact Distribution of Exogenous Variable Coefficient Estimators
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 680 The Exact Distribution of Zellner's SUR
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 679 On University Education in Econometrics: Remarks on an Article by Eric R. Sowey
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 678R A Note on the 'Corelessness' of Antibalance of a Game
by Martin Shubik & Shlomo Weber - 677 Intertemporally Separable Overlapping Generations Economies
by John Geanakoplos & Heracles M. Polemarchakis - 676 Information Patterns and Nash Equilibria in Extensive Games
by Pradeep Dubey & Mamoru Kaneko - 675 Strategic Resource Extraction: When Easy Doesn't Do It
by Jeremy I. Bulow & John Geanakoplos - 674 Multimarket Oligopoly
by Jeremy I. Bulow & John Geanakoplos & Paul D. Klemperer - 673R Multiperiod Insurance Contracts
by Russell Cooper & Beth Hayes - 672 Organizing Production in a Large Economy
by Paul R. Milgrom & Robert J. Weber - 671R Worker Asymmetric Information and Involuntary Unemployment
by Russell Cooper - 670 Linear Complementarity and the Average Volume of Simplicial Cones
by Roger Howe - 669 Macroeconomics Under Debate
by James Tobin - 668 Profit-Sharing in a Collusive Industry
by Martin J. Osborne & Carolyn Pitchik - 667 Forward Rates and Future Policy: Interpreting the Term Structure of Interest Rates
by Robert J. Shiller & John Y. Campbell & Kermit L. Schoenholtz - 666 Fiscal Incidence in a Dynamic Life-Cycle Model with Land
by Christophe Chamley & Wright, Brian D. Wright - 665 Blockmodeling Complex Statutes: Mapping Techniques Based on Combinatorial Optimization for Analyzing Economic Legislation and Its Stress Points over Time
by Scott A. Boorman & Paul R. Levitt - 664 First Order Autoregressive Processes and Strong Mixing
by Donald W.K. Andrews - 663 The Exact Distribution of LIML: II
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 662 Monetary Policies with Increasing Returns
by G. Chichilnisky & Geoffrey M. Heal - 661 A Strategic Market Game with Transaction Costs
by John D. Rogawski & Martin Shubik - 660 Predetermined Prices and the Allocation of Social Risks
by Costas Azariadis & Russell Cooper - 647R On Allocative Distortions in Problems of Self-Selection
by Russell Cooper
- 659 Robust and Asymptotically Efficient Estimation of Location in a Stationary Strong Mixing Gaussian Parametric Model
by Donald W.K. Andrews - 658 The Exact Distribution of LIML: I
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 657 Near-Markets and Market Games
by Martin Shubik & Myrna Holtz Wooders - 655 Global Stability in a Class of Markets with Three Commodities and Three Consumers
by Masayoshi Hirota - 654 Constancy and Constant Differences of Price Elasticities of Demand
by Tjalling C. Koopmans & Hirofumi Uzawa - 653 Marginal Versus Average Cost Pricing in the Presence of a Public Monopoly
by Donald J. Brown & Geoffrey M. Heal - 652 Investment Versus Savings Incentives: The Size of the Bang for the Buck and the Potential for Self-Financing Business Tax Cuts
by Alan J. Auerbach & Lawrence Kotlikoff - 651 A Geometric Explanation of the Transfer Paradox in a Stable Economy
by John Geanakoplos & Geoffrey M. Heal - 650 Stable Disequilibrium Prices: Macroeconomics and Increasing Returns I
by Geoffrey M. Heal - 649 Scarf's Procedure for Integer Programming and a Dual Simplex Algorithm
by Philip M. White & Andrew S. Caplin & Ludo Van der Heyden - 648 The Structure of Social Risk
by William D. Nordhaus & Steven N. Durlauf - 645 ERA's: A New Approach to Small Sample Theory
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 644 Core and Competitive Equilibria with Indivisibilities
by Martine Quinzii - 643 Utility Functions for Debreu's 'Excess Demands'
by John Geanakoplos - 642 On the Disaggregation of Excess Demand Functions
by John Geanakoplos & Heracles M. Polemarchakis - 641 Don't Bet on It
by John Geanakoplos & James K. Sebenius - 640 On Implicit Contracts and Involuntary Unemployment
by John Geanakoplos & Takatoshi Ito - 639 We Can't Disagree Forever
by John Geanakoplos & Heracles M. Polemarchakis - 638 Failure of the Alternation Theorem in Rational Approximations Over C_0(-infinity,infinity)
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 637 The Distribution of Matrix Quotients
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 636 A Bookmaker or Market Type Test for Specification in Discrete Choice Models
by John J. Beggs - 635 Information Processing and Jury Decisionmaking
by Alvin K. Klevorick & Michael Rothschild & Christopher Winship - 634R Revelation of Information in Strategic Market Games: A Critique of Rational Expectations
by Pradeep Dubey & John Geanakoplos & Martin Shubik - 632 Integral Polyhedra in Three Spaces
by Herbert E. Scarf - 631 Inefficiency of Nash Equilibria in a Private Goods Economy
by Pradeep Dubey & J.D. Rogawski - 629 Information About Moves in Extensive Games: II
by Pradeep Dubey & Mamoru Kaneko - 628 Equilibria for a Three-Person Location Problem
by Martin J. Osborne & Carolyn Pitchik - 627 Naval Procurement Problems: Theory and Practice
by Zvi A. Livne & Martin Shubik - 626 On the Exact Distribution of LIML (revised and extended, see CFDP 658)
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 625 Information About Moves in Extensive Games: I
by Pradeep Dubey & Mamoru Kaneko - 624 Stochastic Games II: The Minmax Theorem
by Curt Alfred Monash - 623 Stochastic Games I: Foundations
by Curt Alfred Monash - 622 Inefficiency of Nash Equilibria: I
by Pradeep Dubey & J.D. Rogawski - 621 Exact Small Sample Theory in the Simultaneous Equations Model
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 620 Cores of Partitioning Games
by Mamoru Kaneko & Myrna Holtz Wooders - 619 Approximate Cores of a General Class of Economies: Part II. Set-Up Costs and Firm Formation in Coalition Production Economies
by Martin Shubik & Myrna Holtz Wooders - 618 Approximate Cores of a General Class of Economies. Part I: Replica Games, Externalities, and Approximate Cores
by Martin Shubik & Myrna Holtz Wooders - 617 Small Sample Distribution Theory in Econometric Models of Simultaneous Equations
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 616 Macroeconomics and Fiscal Policy: Paul A. Samuelson and Modern Economics
by James Tobin - 615 How Fast Should We Graze the Global Commons?
by William D. Nordhaus - 614 The Conventionally Stable Sets in Noncooperative Games with Limited Observations: The Application to Monopoly and Oligopoly
by Mamoru Kaneko - 613R Money and Finance in the Macro-Economic Process
by James Tobin
- 612 The Epsilon Core of a Large Game
by Myrna Holtz Wooders - 611 Macroconfusion: The Dilemmas of Economic Policy
by William D. Nordhaus - 610 Payoffs in Non-Atomic Economies: An Axiomatic Approach
by Pradeep Dubey & Abraham Neyman - 609 Marginal Densities of Instrumental Variable Estimators in the General Single Equation Case
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 608 A New Approach to Small Sample Theory
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 607 Some Remarks on the Folk Theorem in Game Theory
by Mamoru Kaneko - 606 Game Theory: The Language of Strategy?
by Martin Shubik - 605 Asset Markets, General Equilibrium and the Neutrality of Money
by Christophe Chamley & Heracles M. Polemarchakis - 604 Economic Policy in the Face of Declining Productivity Growth
by William D. Nordhaus - 603 Schumpeterian Dynamics II. Technological Progress, Firm Growth and 'Economic Selection'
by Katsuhito Iwai - 602 Schumpeterian Dynamics I. An Evolutionary Model of Innovation and Imitation
by Katsuhito Iwai - 601 The Conventionally Stable Sets in Noncooperative Games with Limited Observations: Definitions and Introductory Arguments
by Mamoru Kaneko - 600 Algorithms for the Linear Complementarity Problem Which Allow an Arbitrary Starting Point
by Dolf A.J.J. Talman & Ludo Van der Heyden - 599 The Optimal Progressive Income Tax -- The Existence and the Limit Tax Rates
by Mamoru Kaneko - 598 On the Infinite Welfare Cost of Inflation and Other Second Order Effects
by Christophe Chamley - 597 Estimated Effects of Relative Prices on Trade Shares
by Ray C. Fair - 596 Arbitrage Pricing Theory in a Finite Economy
by John J. Beggs - 595 Approximate Equilibria with Bounds Independent of Preferences
by Robert M. Anderson & M. Ali Khan & Salim Rashid - 594 Mandatory Retirement Saving and Capital Formation
by Walter Dolde & James Tobin - 593 Market Structure in the 'Research and Development Phase'
by John J. Beggs - 592 Estimated Output, Price, Interest Rate, and Exchange Rate Linkages Among Countries
by Ray C. Fair - 591 Efficient Stationary Taxation and Intertemporal General Equilibrium
by Christophe Chamley & Douglas Downing - 590 Strong Core Theorems with Nonconvex Preferences
by Robert M. Anderson - 589 Interest Rate Policies and Informational Efficiency
by Laurence Weiss - 588 The Dynamic Interaction Between Industry Level Profits and Research and Development
by John J. Beggs - 587 Ratio Equilibrium in an Economy with an Externality
by Yozo Ito & Mamoru Kaneko - 586 Marginal Cost Pricing, Taxation and Subsidies in Urban Transport
by John J. Beggs - 585 Properties of Manipulative Government Forecasts
by John J. Beggs - 584 The Demand for Telephone Services in Australia and the Welfare Implications of Alternative Pricing Policies
by John J. Beggs - 583 An Empirical Note on the Disposition of U.S. Corporations to Undertake Research and Development Expenditures
by John J. Beggs - 582 Cake Slicing and Revealed Government Preference
by John J. Beggs & Samuel Strong - 581 Existence of Equilibrium in a Hyperfinite Exchange Economy: I and II
by Donald J. Brown & Lucinda M. Lewis - 580 Entrepreneurial Abilities and Liabilities in a Model of Self-Selection
by Christophe Chamley - 579 Equilibria of a Two-Person Non-Zero Sum Noisy Game of Timing
by Carolyn Pitchik - 578 Core Theory with Strongly Convex Preferences
by Robert M. Anderson - 577 Society, Land, Love or Money (A Strategic Model of How to Glue the Generations Together)
by Martin Shubik - 576 Duopoly with Differentiated Products and Entry Barriers
by Kofi O. Nti & Martin Shubik - 551 Incentive Arbitration and Time-Related Bargaining Costs
by Zvi A. Livne - 550 An Extension of the Nash Bargaining Problem: Introducing Time-Related Bargaining Costs
by Zvi A. Livne
- 575 A Path Following Procedure for Finding a Point in the Core of a Balanced N-Person Game
by Ludo Van der Heyden - 574 Additively Decomposed Quasiconvex Functions
by Gerard Debreu & Tjalling C. Koopmans - 573 On the Consistency of Non-Linear FIML
by Phillips, Peter C.B.