- 557 Intergenerational Political Economy (A Game Theoretic Model of How to Glue the Generations Together)
by Martin Shubik - 556 Extension of a Dynamical Model of Political Equilibrium
by Gerald H. Kramer - 555 Policy Responses to the Productivity Slowdown
by William D. Nordhaus - 554 Optimal Intertemporal Taxation and the Public Debt
by Christophe Chamley - 553 The Welfare Cost of Capital Income Taxation in a Growing Economy
by Christophe Chamley - 552 A Model of Output, Employment, Capital Formation and Inflation
by R.W. Bailey & V.B. Hall & Peter C.B. Phillips - 549 An Application of the Khachian-Shor Algorithm to a Class of Linear Complementary Problems
by Ilan Adler & Richard P. McLean & J. Scott Provan - 548 A Model of U.S. Financial and Nonfinancial Economic Behavior
by David Backus & William C. Brainard & Gary Smith & James Tobin - 547 Weakly Democratic Regular Tax Equilibria in a Local Public Goods Economy with Perfect Consumer Mobility
by Donald K. Richter - 546 Output Supply, Employment, and Intra-Industry Wage Dispersion
by Philip H. Dybvig & Gerald David Jaynes - 545 Inequality, Exploitation, Justice and Socialism: A Theoretical-Historical Approach
by John E. Roemer - 544 Rawlsian Justice as the Core of a Game
by John E. Roemer & Roger Howe - 543 Exploitation and Class: Part II, Capitalist Economy
by John E. Roemer - 542 Linear Complementarity and the Degree of Mappings
by Roger Howe
- 541R A Multicountry Econometric Model
by Ray C. Fair - 540 Some Relationships Between Discrete and Continuous Models of an Urban Economy
by Richard P. McLean & Thomas J. Muench - 539 Morse Programs
by Okitsugu Fujiwara - 538 On the Tendency Toward Convexity of the Vector Sum of Sets
by Roger Howe - 537 An Algorithm for FIML and 3SLS Estimation of Large Nonlinear Models
by William R. Parke - 536 The Spending Behavior of Wealth- and Liquidity-Constrained Consumers
by Kim Kowalewski & Gary Smith - 535 Disequilibrium Models of Financial Institutions
by Gary Smith & William C. Brainard - 534 The Energy Crisis and Macroeconomic Policy
by William D. Nordhaus - 533 Tax-Based Incomes Policies: A Better Mousetrap?
by William D. Nordhaus - 532 How Should We Revise Our Beliefs About Nuclear Power Safety After Three Mile Island?
by William D. Nordhaus - 531 Competitive Bidding and Proprietary Information
by Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans & Robert J. Webber - 530 On the Relation of Various Reliability Measures to Each Other and to Game Theoretic Values
by Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans & David R. Strip - 529 The Design of Distributed Service Systems
by David R. Strip & Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans - 528 Information Aggregation and Policy
by Laurence Weiss - 527 The ALEP Definition of Complementarity and Least Concave Utility Functions
by Yakar Kannai - 526 Production Sets with Indivisibilities: Generalities and the Case of Two Variables
by Herbert E. Scarf - 525 Stochastic Games, Oligopoly Theory and Competitive Resource Allocation
by Martin Shubik & Matthew J. Sobel - 524 Most Convex Functions are Smooth
by Roger Howe - 523 On the Non-Existence of Multiplicative Equilibrium Bidding Strategies
by Engelbrecht-Wiggans & Robert J. Weber - 522 The Short-Run Macroeconomics of Floating Exchange Rates: An Exposition
by James Tobin & Jorge B. de Macedo - 521 A Strategic Market Game with Price and Quantity Strategies
by Pradeep Dubey & Martin Shubik - 520 Price-Quantity Strategic Market Games
by Pradeep Dubey - 519 Full Information Estimates of a Nonlinear Macroeconometric Model
by Ray C. Fair & William R. Parke - 518 An Even More Elementary `Calculus' Proof of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem
by Yakar Kannai - 517 Cooperative Game Solutions: Australian, Indian and U.S. Opinions
by Martin Shubik - 516 An Index Theorem for General Equilibrium Models with Production
by Timothy J. Kehoe - 515 Subjectivity in the Valuation of Games
by Robert J. Weber - 514 Market Induced Welfare Optima
by Rolf R. Mantel - 513 Value Theory without Efficiency
by Pradeep Dubey & Abraham Neyman & Robert J. Weber - 500R Bidding in Auctions with Multiplicative Lognormal Errors: An Example
by Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans - 496R Auctions and Bidding Models: A Survey
by Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans
- 512 Fiscal and Monetary Policies, Capital Formation, and Economic Activity
by Willem H. Buiter & James Tobin - 511 An Estimate of the Uncertainty of Policy Effects in a Macro-economic Model
by Ray C. Fair - 510 Balance of Payments and the Foreign Exchange Market: A Dynamic Partial Equilibrium Model
by Pentti J.K. Kouri - 509 A Model of Stochastic Equilibrium in a Quasi-Competitive Industry
by John Sutton - 508R Finiteness and Inefficiency of Nash Equilibria
by Pradeep Dubey - 507 The Capital Stock Modified Competitive Equilibrium
by Martin Shubik - 506 A Proposal for International Monetary Reform
by James Tobin - 505 Economics among the Sciences
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 504 Equity, Efficiency and Increasing Returns
by Donald J. Brown & Geoffrey M. Heal - 503 The Optimal Payment of Unemployment Insurance Benefits over Time
by Steven Shavell & Laurence Weiss - 502 Government Deficits and Capital Accumulation
by James Tobin - 501 Nash Equilibria of Market Games: II. Finiteness
by Pradeep Dubey - 499 A Model of International Trade and Finance
by Laurence Weiss - 498 Comparison of Public Choice Systems
by Robert J. Weber - 497 Debt Neutrality: A Brief Review of Doctrine and Evidence
by Willem H. Buiter & James Tobin - 495 A Model for the Distribution of the Number of Bidders in an Auction
by Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans - 494 An Example of a Multi-Object Auction Game
by Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans - 493 An Integrated Model of Household Flow-of-Funds Allocations
by David Backus & Douglas D. Purvis - 492 An Analysis of the Accuracy of Four Macroeconometric Models
by Ray C. Fair - 491 The Role for Active Monetary Policy in a Rational Expectations Model
by Laurence Weiss - 490 Profitability and Growth in a Small Open Economy
by Pentti J.K. Kouri - 489 Systems Defense Games: Colonel Blotto, Command and Control
by Martin Shubik & Robert J. Weber - 488 Exchange Rates and the International Adjustment Process
by Pentti J.K. Kouri & Jorge B. de Macedo - 487 A Note on the Saddlepoint Approximation in the First Order Non-Circular Autoregression
by Peter C.B. Phillips - 486 The Transition from Exhaustible to Renewable or Inexhaustible Resources
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 485 The Structure of Neutral Monotonic Social Functions
by Julian H. Blau & Donald J. Brown - 484 On 'On the Foundations of the Theory of Monopolistic Competition'
by Pradeep Dubey & Martin Shubik - 483 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 37. The Profit Maximizing Firm: Managers and Stockholders
by Pradeep Dubey & Martin Shubik - 482 Competitive Valuation of Cooperative Games
by Martin Shubik & Robert J. Weber - 481 Myopic Economic Agents
by Donald J. Brown & Lucinda M. Lewis - 480 Estimating the Expected Predictive Accuracy of Econometric Models
by Ray C. Fair - 479 A Model of the Jury Decision Process
by Alvin K. Klevorick & Michael Rothschild - 478 The Nucleolus as a Noncooperative Game Solution
by Martin Shubik & H. Peyton Young - 472R The Effects of Money Supply on Economic Welfare
by Weiss, Laurence Weiss
- 477 Modelling the Choice of Residential Location
by Daniel McFadden - 476 Game Theory Models and Methods in Political Economy
by Martin Shubik - 475 Nash Equilibria of Market Games: I. Existence and Convergence
by Pradeep Dubey - 474 Quantitative Methods for Analyzing Travel Behaviour of Individuals: Some Recent Developments
by Daniel McFadden - 473 The Computation of Equilibrium Prices: An Exposition
by Herbert E. Scarf - 471R Probabilistic Values for Games
by Robert J. Weber - 471 Probabilistic Values for Games
by Pradeep Dubey & Robert J. Weber - 470 Sealed Bid Auctions with Non-Additive Bid Functions
by Richard Englebrecht-Wiggans - 469 The Greedy Heuristic Applied to a Class of Set Partitioning and Subset Selection Problems
by Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans - 468 The Long Run Implications of an IS-LM Simulation Model
by Gary Smith - 467 Information Conditions, Communication and General Equilibrium
by Pradeep Dubey & Martin Shubik - 466 The Long Run Implications of a Two Sector Model with Immobile Capital
by Gary Smith - 465 On Modeling the Economic Linkages among Countries
by Ray C. Fair - 464 The Long Run Consequences of Monetary and Fiscal Policies When the Governments Budget Is Not Balanced
by Gary Smith - 463 Deficit Spending and Crowding Out in Shorter and Longer Runs
by James Tobin - 462 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions
by Martin Shubik - 461 Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Interpretations of the IS-LM Model
by Gary Smith - 460R Strategic Market Games: A Sketch of an Approach to the Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Together with an Informal Guide to Some Papers
by Martin Shubik - 459 An Analysis of a Macroeconometric Model with Rational Expectationsin the Bond and Stock Markets
by Ray C. Fair - 458 How Dead is Keynes?
by James Tobin - 457 Modeling Technological Change: Use of Mathematical Programming Models in the Energy Sector
by William D. Nordhaus & Ludo Van der Heyden - 456 Monetary Policies and the Economy -- The Transmission Mechanism
by James Tobin - 455 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 22. A Price-Quantity Buy-Sell Market with and without Contingent Bids
by Martin Shubik - 454 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 36. The Money Rate of Interest (A Multiperiod Nonatomic Trading and Production Economy with Outside Money, Inside Money and Optimal Bankruptcy Rules)
by Pradeep Dubey & Martin Shubik - 453 An Observation on the Structure of Production Sets with Indivisibilities
by Herbert E. Scarf - 452 Policy Effects in a Model of the Balance of Payments
by Ray C. Fair - 451 A Model of the Balance of Payments
by Ray C. Fair - 450 A Shortrun Macroeconomic Model of an Open Economy
by Gary Smith - 449 What is the Value of Advanced Nuclear Power?
by William D. Nordhaus - 448 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 35. Bankruptcy and Optimality in a Closed Trading Mass Economy Modelled as a Noncooperative Game
by Pradeep Dubey & Martin Shubik - 447 Noncooperative Exchange with a Continuum of Traders
by Pradeep Dubey & Lloyd S. Shapley - 446 The Sensitivity of Fiscal-Policy Effects to Assumptions about the Behavior of the Federal Reserve
by Ray C. Fair - 445 Logrolling and Budget Allocation Games
by Martin Shubik & Ludo Van der Heyden - 444 An Extension of the Brown-Robinson Equivalence Theorem
by Donald J. Brown & M. Ali Khan - 443 Strategies for the Control of Carbon Dioxide
by William D. Nordhaus - 442 Can the Government Affect Real Output?: A Critique of Models with Rational Expectations
by Ray C. Fair
- 441 Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 34. A Multiperiod Trading Economy with Fiat Money, Bank Money and an Optimal Bankruptcy Rule
by Martin Shubik - 440 Probabilistic Generalizations of the Shapley Value
by Pradeep Dubey - 439 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 33. On the Value of Market Information
by Martin Shubik - 438 Wages, the Terms of Trade, and the Exchange Rate Regime
by Douglas D. Purvis - 437 Price Information and the Economics of Consumerism: A Model of Stochastic Equilibrium
by John Sutton - 436 A Theory of Extramarital Affairs
by Ray C. Fair - 435 Economic Growth and Climate: The Carbon Dioxide Problem
by William D. Nordhaus - 434 A Note on the Computation of the Tobit Estimator
by Ray C. Fair - 433 The Small-Disturbance-Asymptotic Moments of the Instrumental Variables and Ordinary Least Squares Estimators for a Dynamic Equation with Correlated Errors
by Jon K. Peck - 432 A Model of Insurance Markets with Asymmetric Information
by Charles Wilson - 431 A Dynamic Economy with Shares, Fiat, Bank and Accounting Money
by Joseph J.M. Evers & Martin Shubik - 430 A Model of the World Economy
by Ray C. Fair - 429 A Closed Economic System with Production and Exchange Modelled as a Game of Strategy
by Pradeep Dubey & Martin Shubik - 428 The Linear Exchange Model and Induced Welfare Optima
by Rolf R. Mantel - 427 Asset Markets and the Cost of Capital
by James Tobin & William C. Brainard - 426 A Short-Run Two-Commodity Macroeconomic Model
by Gary Smith & William Starnes - 424R A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 30 (revised). The Optimal Bankruptcy Rule in a Trading Economy Using Fiat Money
by Martin Shubik & Charles Wilson - 423 On Disequilibrium Economic Dynamics. Part IV. The Theory of Long-Run Phillips Curve
by Katsuhito Iwai - 422 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 28. The Noncooperative Equilibria of a Closed Trading Economy with Market Supply and Bidding Strategies
by Pradeep Dubey & Martin Shubik - 421 Concepts of Optimality and Their Uses
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 420 The Use of Optimal Control Techniques to Measure Economic Performance
by Ray C. Fair - 419 On a General Approach to Optimality in Game Theory
by Eduardas Vilkas - 418 The Effects of Economic Events on Votes for President
by Ray C. Fair - 417 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 27. Beyond General Equilibrium
by Martin Shubik - 416 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 26. On the Number of Types of Markets with Trade in Money
by Martin Shubik - 415 Inflation Theory and Policy
by William D. Nordhaus
- 414 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 25. A Closed Economy with Exogenous Uncertainty, Different Levels of Information, Money, Futures and Spot Markets
by Pradeep Dubey & Martin Shubik - 413 A General Equilibrium Model of World Trade. Part II. The Empirical Specification
by Victor Ginsburgh & Jean Waelbroeck - 412 A General Equilibrium Model of World Trade. Part I. Full Format Computation of Economic Equilibria
by Victor Ginsburgh & Jean Waelbroeck - 411 On Disequilibrium Economic Dynamics. Part III. A Keynesian Theory of Money Wage Adjustment
by Katsuhito Iwai - 410R A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 24. Trade and Prices in a Closed Economy with Exogenous Uncertainty, Different Levels of Information, Money and No Futures Markets
by Pradeep Dubey & Martin Shubik - 409 Implications of Microeconomic Theory for Community Excess Demand Functions
by Rolf R. Mantel - 408 Examples of Production Relations Based on Microdata
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 407 The Influence of Interest Rates on Resource Prices
by Geoffrey M. Heal - 406 The Values of a Nonstandard Competitive Allocation
by Donald J. Brown & Peter A. Loeb - 405 The Demand for Energy: An International Perspective
by William D. Nordhaus - 404 The Estimation of a Dynamic Equation Following a Preliminary Test for Autocorrelation
by Jon K. Peck - 403 Price Taking or Price Making Behavior: An Alternative to Full Cost Price Functions
by Victor Ginsburgh & Israel Zang - 402 A Critical Analysis of Ridge Regression
by Frank Campbell & Gary Smith - 401 Invariant Competitive Equilibrium in an Infinity-Horizon Economy with Negotiable Shares
by Joseph J.M. Evers - 400 A Control Variable Investigation of the Properties of Autoregressive Instrumental Variables Estimators for Dynamic Systems
by David F. Hendry & Frank Srba - 399 The Limiting Distribution of Inconsistent Instrumental Variables Estimators in a Class of Stationary Stochastic Systems
by David F. Hendry - 398 Testing Dynamic Specification in Small Simultaneous Systems: An Application to a Model of Building Society Behavior in the United Kingdom
by David F. Hendry & Gordon J. Anderson - 397 On Controlling the Economy to Win Elections
by Ray C. Fair - 396 A Dynamical Model of Political Equilibrium
by Gerald H. Kramer - 395 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 23. Fiat Money, Bank Money, the Force of the Rate of Interest and the Vanishing Float
by Martin Shubik - 394 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part 21. Fiat Money, Bank Money, the Float and the Money Rate of Interest
by Martin Shubik - 393 Collective Rationality
by Donald J. Brown - 392 A Duality Theory for Convex Infinite-Horizon Programming
by Joseph J.M. Evers - 391 Acyclic Aggregation over Finite Sets of Alternatives
by Donald J. Brown - 390 The Solution of Systems of Piecewise Linear Equations
by B. Curtis Eaves & Herbert E. Scarf - 389 A Finite Algorithm for the Linear Exchange Model
by B. Curtis Eaves - 388 Oligopoly, Theory, Communication and Information
by Martin Shubik - 387 Keynesian Models of Recession and Depression
by James Tobin - 386 On Disequilibrium Economic Dynamics. Part II. Wicksellian Disequilibrium Dynamics, Say's Law and the End of the Natural Rate Theory of Unemployment
by Katsuhito Iwai
- 385 On Disequilibrium Economic Dynamics. Part I. Microfoundations of Wicksellian Disequilibrium Dynamics
by Katsuhito Iwai - 384 Long Run Effects of Fiscal and Monetary Policy on Aggregate Demand
by James Tobin & Willem H. Buiter - 383 Multicollinearity and Forecasting
by Gary Smith - 382 The Value of a priori Information in Estimating a Financial Model
by Gary Smith & William C. Brainard - 381 Further Notes on the Misuse of R^2
by Gary Smith - 380 Okun's Law Revisited
by Gary Smith - 379 Competitive Equilibrium Contingent Commodities and Information
by Martin Shubik - 378 Global Analysis and Economics VI. Geometric Analysis of Pareto Optima and Price Equilibria under Classical Hypotheses
by Steve Smale - 377 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part XVI. Mathematical Models for a Theory of Money and Financial Institutions
by Martin Shubik - 376 Fiscal Capacity, Equalization and Public Expenditure for Education
by Susan J. Lepper - 375 Equilibrium Wage Distributions
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 374 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part XVIII. A Noncooperative Model of a Closed Trading Economy with Many Traders and Two Bankers
by Martin Shubik - 373 The Walrasian and Von Neumann Equilibria: A Comparison
by Jerzy Los & Maria Wycech-Los - 372 Transactions Technology and the Use of Intermediary Agents
by Ross M. Starr - 371 On the Role of Numbers and Information in Competition
by Martin Shubik - 370 The Moments of the 3SLS Estimates of the Structural Coefficients of a Simultaneous Equation Model
by J.D. Sargan - 369 Towards Keynesian Micro-Dynamics of Price, Wage, Sales and Employment
by Katsuhito Iwai - 368 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part XV. A Trading Model to Avoid Tatonnement Metaphysics
by Martin Shubik - 367 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part XVII. On the Eight Basic Units of a Dynamic Economy with Spot and Futures Markets
by Martin Shubik
- 366 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part XIII. Trade with Spot Markets, Fiat Money and Internal Banking
by Martin Shubik - 365 The General Equilibrium Model is the Wrong Model and a Noncooperative Strategic Process Model is a Satisfactory Model for the Reconciliation of Micro and Macroeconomic Theory
by Martin Shubik - 364 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part XII. A Dynamic Economy with Fiat Money Without Banking and With and Without Production Goods
by Martin Shubik - 363 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part XI. Trade with Fiat Money but No Individual Trust. A Preliminary Stage towards Banking
by Martin Shubik - 362 Regulation of Natural Monopolies and the Fair Rate of Return
by Hayne E. Leland - 361 Production Theory and the Stock Market
by Hayne E. Leland - 360 Acyclic Choice
by Donald J. Brown - 359 The General Equilibrium Model with Joint Ownership of the Corporation (Voting Stock and the Core)
by Martin Shubik - 358 Some Problems of Centralized Economy
by N.N. Moiseev & A.G. Schmidt