- 186 A Model of Induced Invention, Growth and Distribution
by Emmanuel M. Drandakis & Edmond S. Phelps - 185 Factor-Price-Frontier Estimation of a 'Vintage' Production Model of the Post-war U.S. Nonfarm Business Sector
by Edmond S. Phelps & Charlotte Phelps - 184 The Relation Between Bank Portfolios and Earnings: An Econometric Analysis
by Donald D. Hester & John F. Zoellner - 183 Optimal Output and Price Policies for General Distributed Lag Demand Equations
by Robert L. Graves & Lester G. Telser - 182R The Core of an N Person Game
by Herbert E. Scarf
- 181 A Time Series Analysis of Interest Rates
by David I. Fand - 180 A Business Game for Teaching and Research Purposes. Part III. Discussion and Manual for Users
by Martin Shubik - 179 A Parametric Simplicial Formulation of Houthakker's Capacity Method
by C. Van De Panne & Andrew B. Whinston - 178 Optimum Economic Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation: A Turnpike Theorem
by David Cass - 177 The Construction of Utility Functions from Expenditure Data
by S.N. Afriat - 176 Models of Technical Progress and the Golden Rule of Research
by Edmond S. Phelps - 175 Stock Market Indices: A Principal Components Analysis
by George J. Feeney & Donald D. Hester - 174 An Experimental Study in Oligopoly
by James W. Friedman - 173 Second Essay on the Golden Rule of Accumulation
by Edmond S. Phelps - 172 A Decomposition Algorithm for Quadratic Programming
by Andrew B. Whinston - 171 Convexity in the Theory of Choice under Risk
by Menahem E. Yaari - 170 An Informal Aggregative Socio-Economic Simulation of a Latin American Country
by James W. Friedman & Martin Shubik - 169 The Existence of a Competitive Equilibrium in a Monetary Economy
by Emmanuel M. Drandakis - 168 The Monetary Mechanism: Some Partial Relationships
by James L. Pierce - 167 Ownership and the Production Function
by Lloyd S. Shapley & Martin Shubik - 166 On Prices, Fiat Money, Credit and Transferable Utility. Part I
by Martin Shubik - 161R Anticipated Inflation and Economic Welfare in a Neoclassical Model
by Edmond S. Phelps - 156 Consumption-Saving Decisions When the Horizon is Random
by Menahem E. Yaari
- 165 On an Asymptotic Non-Substitution Theorem in the Two-Sector Closed Production Model
by Emmanuel M. Drandakis - 164 A Two-Country, Three Commodity, Dynamic Model of International Trade
by T.N. Srinivasan - 163A Appendix to 'On the Concept of Optimal Economic Growth'
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 163 On the Concept of Optimal Economic Growth
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 162 Conjugate Functions and Symmetric Duality
by Andrew B. Whinston - 160b Alternative Fiscal Policies for Targeted Growth
by T.N. Srinivasan - 160a On the Feasibility of Targeted Growth Through Taxation and the Social Virtue of Private Thrift
by Edmond S. Phelps - 159 Commercial Banks as Creators of 'Money'
by James Tobin - 158 On the Existence of an Optimal Plan in a Continuous-Time Allocation Process
by Menahem E. Yaari - 157 A Test of the Specification of the Aggregate Production Function
by Ronald G. Bodkin - 155 On the Consumer's Lifetime Allocation Process
by Menahem E. Yaari - 154R Factor Substitution in the Two-Sector Growth Model
by Emmanuel M. Drandakis - 153 Properties of Efficient Accumulation Paths in a Closed Production Model
by Emmanuel M. Drandakis - 152 Proportional Growth and Turnpike Theorems
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 151 Seasonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series and Multiple Regression
by Michael C. Lovell
- 150 On Flexibility of Future Preference
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 149 An Analysis of the Effects of Transitory Income on Expenditure of Norwegian Households
by Harold W. Watts - 148 The Demand for Cash and Working Balances of Corporations
by Alan W. Heston - 147 The Wage-Price Productivity Nexus
by Ronald G. Bodkin - 146 Welfare Economics and the Theory of Second Best
by Otto A. Davis & Andrew B. Whinston - 145 Non-Existence of Consistent Estimator Sequences and Unbiased Estimates: A Practical Example
by H.S. Konijn - 144 On a Theorem of Halmos Concerning Unbiased Estimation of Moments
by H.S. Konijn - 143 On the Existence of a Subinvariant Measure
by Tjalling C. Koopmans & Richard E. Williamson - 142 Stationary Utility and Time Preference
by Peter A. Diamond & Tjalling C. Koopmans & Richard E. Williamson - 141 Price Guides in Decentralized Organization
by Andrew B. Whinston - 140 Models of the Joint Demand for Cash and for an Interest-Bearing Asset. Part One
by Tore Johansen - 139R On a Two Sector Model of Growth
by T.N. Srinivasan - 138 Part I: Price-Quantity Markets
by George J. Feeney - 137 Size of Firm, Market Structure, and Innovation
by Edwin Mansfield - 136 The Expenditures of the Firm on Research and Development
by Edwin Mansfield - 135 An Empirical Evaluation of Theories of Saving
by Harold W. Guthrie - 134R The Speed of Response of Firms to New Techniques
by Edwin Mansfield - 133 Substitution, Fixed Proportions, Growth and Distribution
by Edmond S. Phelps - 132R Intrafirm Rates of Diffusion of an Innovation
by Edwin Mansfield - 131 Inventory Investment
by Michael C. Lovell - 63R Financial Intermediaries and the Effectiveness of Monetary Controls
by James Tobin & William C. Brainard
- 115R3 A Business Game for Teaching and Research Purposes
by Martin Shubik - 115R2 A Business Game for Teaching and Research Purposes
by Martin Shubik - 115R1 A Business Game for Teaching and Research Purposes
by Martin Shubik - 130 On a Theorem of Scarf
by Gerard Debreu - 129 New Concepts and Techniques for Equilibrium Analysis
by Gerard Debreu - 128 An Inter-City Consumption Function
by Harold W. Watts - 127 Corporate Cash and Security Holdings: An Empirical Study of Cash, Securities and Other Current Accounts of Large Corporations
by Alan W. Heston - 126 Entry, Gibrat's Law, Innovation, and the Growth of Firms
by Edwin Mansfield - 125 Monetary Policy, Debt Management and Interest Rates: A Quantitative Appraisal
by Arthur M. Okun - 124 A Note on Uncertainty, Bayesian Inference and Competitive Behavior
by Phoebus J. Dhrymes - 123 Some Empirical Estimates of Short Run Price and Output Policies
by Edwin S. Mills - 122 On Devising Unbiased Estimators for the Parameters of a Cobb Douglas Production Function
by Phoebus J. Dhrymes - 121 Spatial Distribution of Industry
by H.C. Bos - 120 Economic Growth and Wicksell's Cumulative Process
by Martin J. Beckmann - 119 Administered Prices and Imports: The Steel Industry
by Lawrence B. Krause - 118 Input-Output and Activity Analysis in Industrial Concerns
by Alan S. Manne - 117 Investment Criteria and Choice of Techniques of Production
by T.N. Srinivasan - 116 The Growth of Television Ownership in the United Kingdom
by Andrew D. Bain - 114 Output, Sales and Inventory Policy in the Competitive Firm and the Stability of a Competitive Market
by Edwin S. Mills - 113 Some Informal Comments on Models of Decision Processes Under Uncertainty
by Martin Shubik - 112 Incentives, Decentralized Control, the Assignment of Joint Costs and Internal Pricing
by Martin Shubik - 111 An Empirical Examination of a Commercial Bank Loan Offer Function
by Donald D. Hester - 110R An Analysis of the New View of Investment
by Edmond S. Phelps - 109 The Accumulation of Risky Capital: A Discrete-Time Sequential Utility Analysis
by Edmond S. Phelps - 108 Estimation in the Linear Decision Model
by Walter D. Fisher - 107 Extended Edgeworth Bargaining Games and Competitive Equilibrium
by Martin Shubik - 105 Some Experimental Non-Zero Sum Games With Lack of Information about the Rules
by Martin Shubik - 104 Objective Functions and Models of Corporate Optimization
by Martin Shubik - 89R Buffer Stocks, Sales Expectations, and Stability: A Multi-Sector Theory of the Inventory Cycle
by Michael C. Lovell
- 106 Comparative Advantage and Development Policy
by Hollis B. Chenery - 103 Factors Affecting the Occupational Migration of Labor from Agriculture
by Charles H. Berry - 102 Patterns of United States Imports, 1947-1958
by Lawrence B. Krause - 101 Capital Risk and Household Consumption: A Sequential Utility Analysis
by Edmond S. Phelps - 100 Approaches to the Study of Decision-Making Relevant to the Firm
by Martin Shubik - 99 An Objective Permanent Income Concept for the Household
by Harold W. Watts - 98 Inter-Generation Transfers of Wealth and the Theory of Saving
by James Tobin & Harold W. Guthrie - 97 Partial Trace Correlation Theory
by John W. Hooper - 96 Programming of Economic Development
by Alan S. Manne - 95 Product-Mix Alternatives: Flood Control, Electric Power, and Irrigation
by Alan S. Manne - 94 Corporation Dividend Payout Ratios and Target Ratios -- Their Significance and Determination
by Guy Stevens - 93 Demand for Tourists' Goods and Services in a World Market
by Harold W. Guthrie - 92 A New Technique in Equilibrium Analysis
by Gerard Debreu - 91 A Keynesian Model Extended by Explicit Demand and Supply Functions for Investment-Goods
by Bjorn Thalberg - 90R Forced Saving in a Keynesian Economy: An Analysis of Demand-Pull Inflation
by Michael C. Lovell - 88 A Model of Bank Portfolio Selection
by Richard C. Porter - 85R Investment, Replacement, and an Index of Technology
by Benton F. Massell
- 87 On the Appraisal of Cyclical Turning Point Predictors
by Arthur M. Okun - 86 Manufacturers' Inventories, Sales Expectations, and the Acceleration Principle
by Michael C. Lovell - 84 Comment on 'Interindustry Economics' by Chenery and Clark
by Alan S. Manne - 83 Analysis of a Production Problem by Dynamic Programming
by Martin J. Beckmann - 82 Theory of an Efficient Several-Person Firm
by Jacob Marschak - 81 Stationary Ordinal Utility and Impatience
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 80 Lagrange Multipliers Revisited
by Morton Slater - 79 Some Examples of Global Instability of the Competitive Equilibrium
by Herbert E. Scarf - 78 Consumers' Propensities to Hold Liquid Assets
by Harold W. Guthrie - 77R The Error of Forecast for Multivariate Regression Models
by John W. Hooper & Arnold Zellner - 76 Topological Methods in Cardinal Utility Theory
by Gerard Debreu - 75 Some Team Models of a Sales Organization
by C.B. McGuire - 74 Binary Choice Constraints on Random Utility Indicators
by Jacob Marschak - 73 On the Job Shop Scheduling Problem
by Alan S. Manne - 72 On 'An Identity in Arithmetic'
by Gerard Debreu - 71 Comparisons of Information Structures
by C.B. McGuire - 70 Remarks on the Economics of Information
by Jacob Marschak - 69 Consumer Expenditures and the Capital Account
by James Tobin & Harold W. Watts - 68 A Dynamic Programming Model of the Consumption Function
by Martin J. Beckmann - 67 A Few Remarks on the Assortment Problem
by Wieslaw Sadowski - 66 Random Orderings and Stochastic Theories of Response
by H.D. Block & Jacob Marschak - 65 Efficient and Viable Organizational Forms
by Jacob Marschak - 64 A Capital-Intensive Approach to the Small Sample Properties of Various Simultaneous Equation Estimators
by Robert Summers - 62 Linear Programming and Sequential Decision Models
by Alan S. Manne
- 61 Testing for Neutrality of Technological Change. (Is Technological Change Neutral?)
by Sidney G. Winter - 60 A Theory of Life Insurance Company Portfolio Selection
by Leroy S. Wehrle - 59e Economic Theory of Teams. Chapter 5
by Jacob Marschak & Roy Radner - 59c Economic Theory of Teams. Chapter 3
by Jacob Marschak & Roy Radner - 59b Economic Theory of Teams. Chapter 2
by Jacob Marschak & Roy Radner - 59a Economic Theory of Teams. Chapter 1
by Jacob Marschak & Roy Radner - 58 Capital Formation and Technological Change
by Benton F. Massell - 57 Cardinal Utility for Even-chance Mixtures of Pairs of Sure Prospects
by Gerard Debreu - 56 Consumer Conformity in a Sample of College Students
by Donald D. Hester - 55 Limit Distributions of Failure Time for Series -- Parallel Systems
by Roy Radner - 54R Capacity Expansion and Probabilistic Growth
by Alan S. Manne - 53 Some Models of a Sales Organization
by C.B. McGuire - 52 Estimation of an Index of Site Productivity
by George M. Furnival & Richard Rosett - 51 Returns to Scale in Business Administration
by Martin J. Beckmann - 50b An Inventory Model for Repair Parts -- Approximations in the Case of Variable Delivery Time
by Martin J. Beckmann - 50a An Inventory Policy for Repair Parts
by Martin J. Beckmann - 49 The Measurement of Capacity
by Lawrence R. Klein - 48 On Incentives to Forecasters and to Decision Makers Under Uncertainty
by John C. Harsanyi - 47 An Analysis of the Distribution of Wages and Salaries in Great Britain
by T.P. Hill
- 46 Bargaining in Ignorance of the Opponents' Utility Function
by John C. Harsanyi - 45 A Review of Some Economic Forecasts
by Arthur M. Okun - 44 Restatement of the Theory of Normal Backwardation
by Hendrik S. Houthakker - 43 Measures of Relative Income for Testing Theories of Consumer Behavior
by Harold W. Guthrie - 42 Random Orderings
by H.D. Block & Jacob Marschak - 41 On the Predictive Value of Consumer Intentions and Attitudes
by James Tobin - 40 The Value of Anticipations Data in Forecasting National Product
by Arthur M. Okun - 39 Stochastic Choice and Cardinal Utility
by Gerard Debreu - 38 Long-Run Income Expectations and Consumer Saving
by Harold W. Watts - 37 A Target Assignment Problem
by Alan S. Manne - 36 Consumer Response to Innovation: Television
by Thomas F. Dernburg - 35 Working Wives: An Econometric Study
by Richard Rosett - 34 The Estimation of Distributed Lags
by Lawrence R. Klein - 33 Alternative Forecasts of Saving 1947-56
by James Tobin - 30 The Estimation of Relationships in which the Dependent Variable Is Subject to Inertia
by Richard Rosett - 29 A Note on Least Squares Bias in Household Expenditure Analysis
by Robert Summers - 28 Minimax Estimation for Linear Regressions
by Roy Radner - 27 A Simplex Method for the Portfolio Selection Problem
by Harry Markowitz - 26 Water Storage Policy in a Simplified Hydroelectric System
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 25 On the Two Bin Inventory Policy: An Application of the Arrow-Harris-Marschak Model
by Martin J. Beckmann & Richard F. Muth - 24 Consumer Debt and Spending: Some Evidence from Analysis of a Survey
by James Tobin - 23 Programming of Economic Lot Sizes
by Alan S. Manne - 22 Experimental Tests of Stochastic Decision Theory
by Jacob Marschak & Donald Davidson - 21 Theory of Teams: Introduction
by Jacob Marschak - 13 The Application of Linear Programming to Team Decision Problems
by Roy Radner
- 21 A New Approach to the Aggregation Problem
by Fritz C. Holte - 20 A Flow Model of Communication Towards an Economic Theory of Information
by Martin J. Beckmann - 19 The Theory of Backwardation for a Stationary Economy with Random Stocks
by Martin J. Beckmann - 18 A Theory of the Movement and Solution of Problems within an Organization
by Roy Radner - 17 Plant and Equipment Expenditures Surveys: Intentions and Fulfillment
by Robert A. Levin - 16 A Note on the Modigliani-Hohn Production Smoothing Model
by Alan S. Manne - 15 A Simple Analysis of the Leontief System
by L.W. McKenzie - 14 Liquidity Preference as Behavior Towards Risk
by James Tobin - 13 A Direct Approach to the Slutsky Relation
by L.W. McKenzie - 12 The Klein-Goldberger Forecasts for 1951, 1952 and 1954, Compared with Naive-Model Forecasts
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 11 The Efficiency of Estimation in Econometric Models
by Lawrence R. Klein - 10 Market Equilibrium
by Gerard Debreu - 9 An Econometric Investigation of the Lifetime Size Distribution of Average Annual Income
by Robert Summers - 3R Estimation of Relationships for Limited Dependent Variables
by James Tobin
- 8 On the Allocation of Personnel in Teams
by Martin J. Beckmann - 7 Suggested Experiments on Tastes and Beliefs
by Jacob Marschak - 6 Remarks on the Rationale of Leadership
by Jacob Marschak - 5 Team Decision Problems
by Roy Radner & Jacob Marschak - 4 Assignment Problems and the Location of Economic Activities
by Tjalling C. Koopmans & Martin J. Beckmann - 2 Comments on Organizational Aspects of the Inventory Control Problem
by Richard F. Muth - 1 The Application of Multivariate Probit Analysis to Economic Survey Data
by James Tobin
- 1970 Testing Equality of Covariance Matrices via Pythagorean Means
by Jin Seo Cho & Peter C.B. Phillips - 1968 Restricted Likelihood Ratio Tests in Predictive Regression
by Peter C.B. Phillips & Ye Chen - 1950 Changing Times, Changing Values: A Historical Analysis of Sectors within the US Stock Market 1872-2013
by Oliver D. Bunn & Robert J. Shiller - 1943 How Might a Central Bank Report Uncertainty"
by Ray C. Fair