- 357 Alternative Theories of Wage Determination and Unemployment in L.D.C.'s: II. The Efficiency Wage Model
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 356 Some Observations on 'Optimal' Economic Growth and Exhaustible Resources
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 355 Fiat Money in an Economy with One Nondurable Good and No Credit (A Noncooperative Sequential Game)
by Martin Shubik & Ward Whitt - 354 The Theory of 'Screening', Education, and the Distribution of Income
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 353 Incentives and Risk-Sharing in Sharecropping
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 352 Voting, Preference Orderings and Cooperative Games
by Martin Shubik - 351 Game Theory and Political Science
by Martin Shubik - 350 A Note on the Shape of the Pareto Optimal Surface
by Gordon H. Bradley & Martin Shubik - 349 Money and the Decentralization of Exchange
by Joseph M. Ostroy & Ross M. Starr
- 348 Technological Development and Employment
by James Tobin - 347 Information, Duopoly and Competitive Markets: A Sensitivity Analysis
by Martin Shubik - 346 Input Quality, Obsolescence and Unemployment
by J. Kirker Stephens - 345 Social Choice on Pollution Management: The GENOSSENSCHAFTEN
by Alvin K. Klevorick & Gerald H. Kramer - 344 Some Further Results on the Measurement of Inequality
by Michael Rothschild & Joseph E. Stiglitz - 343 Existence of a 'Local' Cooperative Equilibrium in a Class of Voting Games
by Gerald H. Kramer & Alvin K. Klevorick - 342 Existence of a Competitive Equilibrium in a Nonstandard Exchange Economy
by Donald J. Brown - 341 Voting Behavior and Aggregate Policy Targets
by Susan J. Lepper - 340 Benefit-Cost Analysis and Trade Policies
by Partha Dasgupta & Joseph E. Stiglitz - 339 On the Irrelevance of Corporate Financial Policy
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 338 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part V. The Rate of Interest on Fiat Money in a Closed Economy
by Martin Shubik - 337 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part IX. Competitive and Controlled Price Economies: The Arrow Debreu Model Revisited
by Martin Shubik - 336 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part VIII. Transactions Costs in a Market Economy
by Martin Shubik - 335 Alternative Theories of Wage Determination and Unemployment in L.D.C.'s: I. The Labor Turn-Over Model
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 334 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part VI. The Rate of Interest, Noncooperative Equilibrium and Bankruptcy
by Lloyd S. Shapley & Martin Shubik - 333 Notes on Transactions Costs and the Analysis of Microeconomic Monetary Theory
by William D. Nordhaus - 332 Notes on Transactions Costs and the Analysis of Microeconomic Theory
by Ross M. Starr - 331 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part VII. Money, Trust and Equilibrium Points in Games in Extensive Form
by Martin Shubik - 330 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part IV. Fiat Money and Noncooperative Equilibrium in a Closed Economy
by Martin Shubik - 329 The Effects of Inflation on the Distribution of Economic Welfare
by William D. Nordhaus - 328 A General Equilibrium Calculation of the Effects of Differential Taxation of Income from Capital in the U.S
by John B. Shoven & John Whalley - 327 The Marginal Revolution After One Hundred Years
by Ronald G. Bodkin - 326 The Cores of Large Standard Exchange Economies
by Donald J. Brown & Abraham Robinson - 325 A Comparison of Alternative Estimators for a Dynamic Relationship Estimated from a Time Series of Cross-Sections When the Disturbances Are Small
by Jon K. Peck - 313R On the Definition and Computation of a Capital Stock Invariant Under Optimization
by Terje Hansen & Tjalling C. Koopmans
- 324 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part III. The Missing Degree of Freedom: Commodity Money and Oligopoly in a General Equilibrium Model
by Martin Shubik - 323 Alternative Management of Common Property Resources under Free Access and Private Ownership
by Martin L. Weitzman - 322 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions: Part II. On the Paradox of the Efficient Price System in a Completely Centralized Economy and in a Capitalist Individual Ownership Economy
by Martin Shubik - 321 A New Measure of Income from Wealth
by Donald A. Nichols - 320 A Theory of Money and Financial Institutions. Part I. The General Approach Adopted
by Martin Shubik - 319 Is Growth Obsolete?
by William D. Nordhaus & James Tobin - 318 On the Scope of Gaming
by Martin Shubik - 317 Duality Theory of Convex Programming for Infinite Horizon Economic Models
by Martin L. Weitzman - 316 Competitive Equilibrium and Game Theory Solutions: Part I. The Core and Value
by Lloyd S. Shapley & Martin Shubik - 315 Summary Comment
by James Tobin - 314 Wealth, Liquidity, and the Propensity to Consume
by James Tobin - 312 Systems of Indirect Management in a Planned Economy: Effectiveness Models and Their Applications in Poland
by Witold Trzeciakowski - 311 Wealth, Liquidity, and Consumption
by Walter Dolde & James Tobin - 310 The Price of Money in a Pure Exchange Monetary Economy
by Ross M. Starr - 309 Friedman's Theoretical Framework
by James Tobin - 308 Nonstandard Exchange Economies
by Donald J. Brown & Abraham Robinson - 307 An Estimate of Racial Discrimination in Rental Housing
by Thomas King & Peter M. Mieszkowski - 306 On Transitions between Steady States
by Joseph E. Stiglitz
- 305 Taxation, Risk-Taking, and the Allocation of Investment
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 304 The Property Tax: An Excise Tax or a Profits Tax?
by Peter M. Mieszkowski - 303 The Badly Behaved Economy with the Well Behaved Production Function
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 302 On Durbin's Test for Serial Correlation in Distributed Lag Models
by G.S. Maddala & A.S. Rao - 301 On the Asymptotic Properties of Certain Two-Step Procedures Commonly Used in the Estimation of Distributed Lag Models
by David M. Grether & G.S. Maddala - 300 Equilibrium and Demand for Media of Exchange in a Pure Exchange Economy with Transactions Costs
by Ross M. Starr - 299 Differential Taxation, Public Goods, and Economic Efficiency
by Joseph E. Stiglitz & Partha Dasgupta - 298 Non-Linear Time Series Regression
by E.J. Hannan - 297 An Econometric Model of Postwar Japan
by Fumimasa Hamada - 296 Recent Developments in Price Dynamics
by William D. Nordhaus - 295 The Structure of Exchange in Barter and Monetary Economies
by Ross M. Starr - 294 Time Series Regression with Linear Constraints
by E.J. Hannan & R.D. Terrell - 293 On the Existence of a Cooperative Solution for a General Class of N-Person Games
by Herbert E. Scarf - 292 Aggregation and Disaggregation in the Pure Theory of Capital and Growth: A New Parable
by Martin L. Weitzman - 291 The Estimation of Mixed Regression, Autoregression, Moving Average and Distributed Lag Models
by E.J. Hannan & D.F. Nichols - 290 Food Prices in Relation to Income Levels in New York City
by Roger E. Alcaly & Alvin K. Klevorick - 289 Duopoly with Price and Quantity as Strategic Variables
by Richard E. Levitan & Martin Shubik - 288 Pecuniary Externalities: A Game Theoretic Analysis
by Martin Shubik - 287 Price Duopoly and Capacity Constraints
by Richard E. Levitan & Martin Shubik
- 286 Material Balances under Uncertainty
by Martin L. Weitzman - 285 Investment, Savings and Employment in the Long-Run
by David M.C. Newbery & A.B. Atkinson - 284 On a Class of Equilibrium Conditions for Majority Rule
by Gerald H. Kramer - 283 Money and Income: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc?
by James Tobin - 282 Borrowing-Lending Interest Rate Differentials and the Time Allocation of Consumption
by Thayer H. Watkins - 281 An Analysis of the Importance of the Malleable Capital Assumption in Optimal Growth Models
by David M.C. Newbery - 280 Economic Aspects of Information
by Luigi M. Tomasini - 279 Distributed Lags, Prediction, and Signal Extraction
by David M. Grether - 278 The Choice of Techniques in a Dual Economy
by David M.C. Newbery - 277 A Fixed Point Algorithm for Approximating the Optimal Solution of a Concave Programming Problem
by Terje Hansen - 276 An Example of an Algorithm for Calculating General Equilibrium
by Herbert E. Scarf - 275 Increasing Risk: A Definition and Its Economic Consequences
by Michael Rothschild & Joseph E. Stiglitz - 274 Game Theory, Behavior and the Paradox of the Prisoners Dilemma -- 3 Solutions
by Martin Shubik - 273 Optimal Growth with Scale Economies in Overhead Capital
by Martin L. Weitzman - 272 On The Applications of a Recent Combinatorial Algorithm
by Terje Hensen & Herbert E. Scarf - 271 A Note on a Variance-Components Model Useful in the Study of Cross-Sections over Time
by Marc Nerlove - 270 Price Variation Duopoly with Differentiated Products and Random Demand
by Richard E. Levitan & Martin Shubik - 269 Comparison of k-Class Estimators When the Disturbances Are Small
by Joseph B. Kadane - 268 Risk Aversion over Time and a Capital-Budgeting Problem
by Alvin K. Klevorick - 267 The 'Bridge Game' Economy
by Martin Shubik - 266 Shiftable vs. Non-Shiftable Capital: A Synthesis
by Martin L. Weitzman - 265 An Economic Theory of Technological Change
by William D. Nordhaus - 264 The Time Allocation of Consumption under Debt Limitations
by Thayer H. Watkins - 263 Money and Permanent Income: Some Empirical Tests
by James Tobin & Craig Swan - 262 A Note on Behavior towards Risk with Many Commodities
by Joseph E. Stiglitz
- 261 Some Properties of 'Optimal' Seasonal Adjustment
by David M. Grether & Marc Nerlove - 260 Optimal Entrepreneurial Decisions in a Completely Stochastic Environment
by Nils H. Hakansson - 259 A Long-Run Cost Function for the Local Service Airline Industry: An Experiment on Non-Linear Estimation
by George Eads & Marc Nerlove & William Raduchel - 258 Countably Additive Measures in Cores of Games
by Yakar Kannai - 257 Further Evidence on the Estimation of Dynamic Economic Relations from a Time Series of Cross-Sections
by Marc Nerlove - 256 Soviet Postwar Economic Growth and Capital Labor Substitution
by Martin L. Weitzman - 255 Regularity in the Distribution of Participation in Group Discussions
by Joseph B. Kadane & Gordon H. Lewis - 254 Stochastic Theories of Participation
by Joseph B. Kadane & Gordon H. Lewis & John G. Ramage - 253 Money Illusion, Price Expectations, and the Aggregate Consumption Function
by William H. Branson & Alvin K. Klevorick - 252 Theory of Liquidity Preference and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 251 The Distribution, When the Residuals Are Small, of Statistics Testing Overidentifying Restrictions
by Joseph B. Kadane - 250 Lags in Fiscal and Monetary Impacts on Investment in Producers Durable Equipment
by Charles W. Bischoff - 249 A Note on a Simulated Stock Market
by Martin Shubik - 248 The Effects of Income, Wealth, and Capital Gains Taxation on Risk Taking
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 247 Some Experimental Non-Constant-Sum Games Revisited. Perception of Opponent's Payoffs. Part III
by Martin Shubik & David H. Stern - 246 An Experimental Research in Oligopoly
by James W. Friedman - 245 Notes on Optimal Monetary Growth
by James Tobin - 244 Pitfalls in Financial Model-Building
by William C. Brainard & James Tobin - 243 Quiz Show Problems
by Joseph B. Kadane
- 242 A Re-Examination of the Modigliani Miller Theorem
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 241 The Optimal Life of a Patent
by William D. Nordhaus - 240 Some Experimental Non-Constant-Sum Games Revisited. Part II
by Martin Shubik & David H. Stern - 239 Iterative Multi-Level Planning with Production Targets
by Martin L. Weitzman - 238 Distribution of Income and Wealth Among Individuals
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 237 A Note on Taxation, Increasing Returns Due to Set-up Costs and Competitive Equilibrium
by Martin Shubik - 236 Some Experimental Non-Constant-Sum Games Revisited. Part I
by Martin Shubik & David H. Stern - 235 An Econometric Study of Cotton Production and Trade Before 1860
by Gavin Wright - 234 A Noncooperative View of Oligopoly
by James W. Friedman - 233 Price Strategy Oligopoly with Product Variation
by Lloyd S. Shapley & Martin Shubik - 232 On the Computation of Equilibrium Prices
by Herbert E. Scarf - 231 Cross-Section Analysis and Bank Dynamics
by Donald D. Hester & James L. Pierce - 230 Welfare, Static and Dynamic Solution Concepts
by Martin Shubik - 229 Maximizing Stationary Utility in a Constant Technology
by Richard Beals & Tjalling C. Koopmans - 228 Intertemporal Distribution and 'Optimal' Aggregate Economic Growth
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 227 Part VII: The Nonsymmetric Game: The Generalized Beat-the-Average Solution
by Levitan, Richard E. & Martin Shubik - 226 Spectral Analysis of the Relation between Employment Changes and Output Changes
by Daniel S. Hammermesh - 225 Part V: The Nonsymmetric Game: Joint Maximum, Efficient Solution and Measures of Collusion and Welfare
by Richard E. Levitan & Martin Shubik - 224 The Cournot Equilibrium in a Nonsymmetric Oligopolistic Market (A Business Game for Teaching and Research Purposes: Part VI)
by Richard E. Levitan & Martin Shubik - 223 An Empirical Analysis of the Postwar Savings and Loan Industry
by John E. Spencer - 222 A Note on the Limit of the Core of an Exchange Economy
by Terje Hansen - 221 Distributed Lags and Unobserved Components in Economic Time Series
by Marc Nerlove - 220 The Role of the Neyman Pearson Lemma in the Theory of Discrete Search
by Joseph B. Kadane - 219 Part IV: Mathematical Structure and Analysis of the Nonsymmetric Game
by Richard E. Levitan & Martin Shubik - 218 An Impossibility Result Concerning the Theory of Decision-Making
by Gerald H. Kramer - 217 A Further Comparison of Some Models of Duopoly
by Martin Shubik - 216R The Approximation of Fixed Points of a Continuous Mapping
by Herbert E. Scarf - 203BR Simulation of Socio-Economic Systems. Part II: An Aggregative Socio-Economic Simulation of a Latin American Country
by Martin Shubik
- 215 A Note on the Role of Money in Providing Sufficient Intermediation
by David Cass & Menahem E. Yaari - 214 Optimal Employment and Inflation over Time
by Edmond S. Phelps - 213 Structural Restrictions and Estimation Efficiency in Linear Econometric Models
by Thomas J. Rothenberg - 212 Objectives, Constraints and Outcomes in Optimal Growth Models
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 211 An Algorithm for a Class of Nonconvex Programming Problems
by Herbert E. Scarf - 210 Estimation of A Fixed Coefficients Vintage Model of Production
by Richard Attiyeh - 209 Some Econometric Problems in the Analysis of Inventory Cycles
by Kenneth F. Wallis - 208 Notes on the Taxonomy of Problems Concerning Public Goods
by Martin Shubik - 207 Equal Profits as a Fair Division
by James W. Friedman - 206R Structure of Preference over Time
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - 205 Efficient Estimation with a priori Information: A Classical Approach
by Thomas J. Rothenberg - 204 Game Theory and Economic Behavior
by Martin Shubik - 203A Simulation of Socio-Economic Systems. Part I: General Considerations
by Martin Shubik - 202 Application of Signal Extraction Techniques in the Study of Economic Time Series
by David M. Grether - 201 An Empirical Analysis of Risk Taking by Firms in the Savings and Loan Industry
by Donald D. Hester - 200 Measurable, Transferable, Comparable Utility and Money
by Martin Shubik
- 199 Quasi and Generalized Golden Rule Paths: A Study of Commanding Growth Paths
by Edmond S. Phelps - 198 Individual Saving, Aggregate Capital Accumulation, and Efficient Growth
by David Cass & Menahem E. Yaari - 197 Uncertainty and Diversification in International Trade
by William C. Brainard & Richard N. Cooper - 196 Axioms for Factor Augmenting Technical Progress
by Edmond S. Phelps - 195 A Re-Examination of the Pure Consumption Loans Model
by David Cass & Menahem E. Yaari - 194 The Ramsey Problem and the Golden Rule of Accumulation
by Edmond S. Phelps - 193 Random Measure Preserving Transformations
by Robert J. Aumann - 192 An Experimental Study of Cooperative Duopoly
by James W. Friedman - 191 Absorptive Capacity and the Golden Rule of Accumulation
by Edmond S. Phelps - 190 Investment in Humans, Technological Diffusion and the Golden Rule of Education
by Edmond S. Phelps - 189 Investment in Humans, Technological Diffusion and Economic Growth
by Richard R. Nelson & Edmond S. Phelps - 188 A Model of Fixed Capital without Substitution
by Robert M. Solow & James Tobin & C.C. Von Weisazacker & Menahem E. Yaari - 187 A Dynamic Model of the Competitive Firm
by Edward Zabel - 186 A Model of Induced Invention, Growth and Distribution
by Emmanuel M. Drandakis & Edmond S. Phelps - 185 Factor-Price-Frontier Estimation of a 'Vintage' Production Model of the Post-war U.S. Nonfarm Business Sector
by Edmond S. Phelps & Charlotte Phelps - 184 The Relation Between Bank Portfolios and Earnings: An Econometric Analysis
by Donald D. Hester & John F. Zoellner - 183 Optimal Output and Price Policies for General Distributed Lag Demand Equations
by Robert L. Graves & Lester G. Telser - 182R The Core of an N Person Game
by Herbert E. Scarf
- 181 A Time Series Analysis of Interest Rates
by David I. Fand - 180 A Business Game for Teaching and Research Purposes. Part III. Discussion and Manual for Users
by Martin Shubik - 179 A Parametric Simplicial Formulation of Houthakker's Capacity Method
by C. Van De Panne & Andrew B. Whinston - 178 Optimum Economic Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation: A Turnpike Theorem
by David Cass - 177 The Construction of Utility Functions from Expenditure Data
by S.N. Afriat - 176 Models of Technical Progress and the Golden Rule of Research
by Edmond S. Phelps - 175 Stock Market Indices: A Principal Components Analysis
by George J. Feeney & Donald D. Hester - 174 An Experimental Study in Oligopoly
by James W. Friedman - 173 Second Essay on the Golden Rule of Accumulation
by Edmond S. Phelps - 172 A Decomposition Algorithm for Quadratic Programming
by Andrew B. Whinston - 171 Convexity in the Theory of Choice under Risk
by Menahem E. Yaari - 170 An Informal Aggregative Socio-Economic Simulation of a Latin American Country
by James W. Friedman & Martin Shubik - 169 The Existence of a Competitive Equilibrium in a Monetary Economy
by Emmanuel M. Drandakis - 168 The Monetary Mechanism: Some Partial Relationships
by James L. Pierce - 167 Ownership and the Production Function
by Lloyd S. Shapley & Martin Shubik - 166 On Prices, Fiat Money, Credit and Transferable Utility. Part I
by Martin Shubik - 161R Anticipated Inflation and Economic Welfare in a Neoclassical Model
by Edmond S. Phelps - 156 Consumption-Saving Decisions When the Horizon is Random
by Menahem E. Yaari
- 165 On an Asymptotic Non-Substitution Theorem in the Two-Sector Closed Production Model
by Emmanuel M. Drandakis - 164 A Two-Country, Three Commodity, Dynamic Model of International Trade
by T.N. Srinivasan