- 202506 Government Size, Civic Capital and Economic Performance: An O-ring approach
by L. Mauro & F. Pigliaru & G. Carmeci - 202505 Skill-biased remote work and incentives
by F. Cerina & L.G. Deidda & S. Nobili - 202504 Under Big Gods' Eyes. The Impact of Religious Beliefs on Altruistic Punishment During COVID-19 Pandemic
by F. Atzori & G. Ballicu & V. Pelligra - 202503 Silent alarms: workplace injuries under-reporting in Italy
by F. Angei - 202502 One plus one makes less than two? Consolidation policies and mortality in the Italian NHS
by S. Balia & R. Brau & S. Pau - 202501 Accessibility across Italy: A grid cell approach
by V. Licio & A.M. Pinna
- 202426 Terror and Turnout: The Impact of Terrorism During the Years of Lead
by C. Caporali & F. Crudu & C. Detotto - 202425 Remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic: evidence from a three-level survey of Italian schools
by A. Caria & A. Di Liberto & S. Pau - 202424 The influence of regional contextual factors on public university efficiency in Italy
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci - 202423 The taste for Generativity
by L. Becchetti & I.M. Buso & L. Corazzini & V. Pelligra - 202422 Financial frictions and market power accumulation
by G. Spano - 202421 Common ownership and uncertainty
by G. Spano - 202420 Bank Recovery and Resolution Planning, Liquidity Management and Fragility
by L. Deidda & E. Panetti - 202419 Bargaining power: Do individuals outperform groups?
by S.B. Caudill & L. Ciucci & C. Detotto - 202418 Determinants of Tourists' Expenditure: Systematic Literature Review, Meta-analysis, and Econometric Analysis
by M. Meleddu & D. Paolini & V. Posadas - 202417 Collateral requirements, cost of credit, and firms' discouragement from applying for bank loans
by P. Arca & L. Deidda & G. Atzeni - 202416 Dynamic tail risk forecasting: what do realized skewness and kurtosis add?
by G.M. Gallo & O. Okhrin & G. Storti - 202415 Financial Returns, Sentiment and Market Volatility: a Dynamic Assessment
by G.M. Gallo & C.Ongari & S. Borgioli - 202414 Influence of Local and Global Economic Policy Uncertainty on the volatility of US state-level equity returns: Evidence from a GARCH-MIDAS approach with Shrinkage and Cluster Analysis
by V. Candila & O. Cepni & G. M. Gallo & R. Gupta - 202413 Integrating justice and ecological economics: a theoretical framework and indicator toolkit for analysing conflict in protected areas
by E.R.L. Sanna & M. Meleddu - 202412 EU funds and TFP growth: how the impact changed over time and space
by R. Paci & E. Marrocu & F. Aresu - 202411 Brain gain vs. brain drain. The effects of universities' mobile students on territorial inequalities
by I. Etzo & R. Paci & C. Usala - 202410 Financial frictions, common ownership and firms' market power in a general equilibrium model
by G. Spano - 202409 Energy and Environmental Synergy: Cooperative Strategies for the Euro-Mediterranean Transition
by R. Saba & A. Pireddu - 202408 Educational divide between voters: A nationwide trend?
by R. Zelli & M.G. Pittau & F. Politano - 202407 Framed Norms. The effect of choice-belief information on tax compliance
by F. Atzori & V. Pelligra - 202406 Concentration, Market Power and International Tax Competition
by S. Nobili - 202405 Inference for deprivation profiles in a binary setting
by P.L. Conti & M.G. Pittau & R. Zelli - 202404 A Vector Multiplicative Error Model with Spillover Effects and Co-movements
by E. Otranto - 202403 Smart Strategies, Smarter Performance: the Impact of S3 and Industry 4.0 on Firms' Outcomes
by L. Serafini & E. Marrocu & R. Paci - 202402 Men's premarital migration and marriage payments: Evidence from Indonesia
by H. Champeaux & E. Gautrain & K. Marazyan - 202401 Measuring Norms and Enumerator Effects: Survey Method Matters
by P. Álvarez-Aragón & H. Champeaux
- 202315 Saving Behaviour and the Intergenerational Allocation of Leisure Time
by F. Cerina & X. Raurich - 202314 Research Infrastructures and Regional Growth: the case of Europe
by L. Vargiu & B. Biagi & M.G. Brandano & P. Postiglione - 202313 Dissecting inequality: conceptual problems, trends and drivers
by A. Tidu - 202312 Italy's National Recovery and Resilient Plan: Will it Narrow the North-South Productivity Gap?
by L. Mauro & F. Pigliaru - 202311 The economic impact of the tourism sector on the overall Italian economy: An Input-Output Approach
by F. Antolini & S. Cesarini & G. Garau - 202310 The Impact of the Pandemic and War on Surplus Redistribution Mechanisms: A Sectoral Analysis of France and Italy
by G. Garau & A.K. El Meligi - 202309 The impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector in Italy: a regional spatial perspective
by A.C. Pinate & A. Faggian & M.G. Brandano - 202308 Modeling and evaluating conditional quantile dynamics in VaR forecasts
by F. Cipollini & G.M. Gallo & A. Palandri - 202307 Early railways and industrial development: Local evidence from Sardinia in 1871–1911
by U. Gragnolati & L. Moretti & R. Ricciuti - 202306 Volatility jumps and the classification of monetary policy announcements
by G.M. Gallo & D. Lacava & E. Otranto - 202305 The impact of Global Value Chains participation on countries' productivity
by D. Dessì & R. Paci - 202304 On the relationship between Markov Switching inference and Fuzzy Clustering: A Monte Carlo evidence
by L. Scaffidi Domianello & E. Otranto - 202303 The role of localised, recombinant and exogenous technological change in European regions
by T.E. Uberti & M.A. Maggioni & E. Marrocu & S. Usai - 202302 University study programmes and students dynamics
by L. Ciucci & C. Detotto & B. Biagi & M. Pulina - 202301 Drivers of intentions and drivers of actions: willingness to participate versus actual participation in fire management in Sardinia, Italy
by G. Concu & C. Detotto & M. Vannini
- 202206 Measuring spatial dispersion: an experimental test on the M-index
by S. Usai & Frederick Guy & A. Tidu - 202205 Smooth and Abrupt Dynamics in Financial Volatility: the MS-MEM-MIDAS
by L. Scaffidi Domianello & G.M. Gallo & E. Otranto - 202204 Experts and Arbitration Outcomes: Insights from Public Procurement Contract Disputes
by M. Vannini & B. Mccannon & R. Marselli & C. Detotto - 202203 Global influence and national diversity in socio-technical transitions: a sectoral taxonomy
by C. Sillig & G. Marletto - 202202 Public capital and institutions' quality in the Italian regions
by F. Aresu & E. Marrocu & R. Paci - 202201 On the Emergence of Cooperative Industrial and Labor Relations
by A. Ricci & S. Scicchitano & M. Conti & G. Cardullo & G. Sulis
- 202111 Effects of migration with endogenous labor supply and heterogeneous skills
by Gianfranco E. Atzeni & LG Deidda & M. Delogu & D. Paolini - 202110 Agglomeration in manufacturing and services: an experimental application of a distance-based measure to Sardinia
by A. Tidu & S. Usai & Frederick Guy - 202109 Political Selection and Monetary Incentives in Local Parliamentary Systems
by A. Caria & F. Cerina & Marco Nieddu - 202108 Economic and social polarization dynamics in the EU
by G. Garau & A. Tola & M.V. Camerada & S. Lampreu & S. Carrus - 202107 Direct and indirect effects of universities on European regional productivity
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci & S. Usai - 202106 The Signalling Role of Trade Credit on Loan Contracts: Evidence from a Counterfactual Analysis
by P. Arca & Gianfranco E. Atzeni & LG Deidda - 202105 Do universities look like patent trolls? An Empirical Study of University Patent Infringement Litigation in the United States
by G.S Ascione & L. Ciucci & C. Detotto & V. Sterzi - 202104 Robots versus labor skills: a complementarity/substitutability analysis
by M. Battisti & M. Del Gatto & A. F. Gravina & C. F. Parmeter - 202103 Infrastructure Accumulation in Developing Countries: the Role of the Informal Sector
by W. Addessi & M. Delogu - 202102 From the historical Roman road network to modern infrastructure in Italy
by V. Licio & A.M. Pinna & L. DeBenedictis - 202101 Depowering Risk: Vehicle Power Restriction and Teen Driver Accidents in Italy
by Rinaldo Brau & Marco Nieddu & S. Balia
- 202008 On Classifying the Effects of Policy Announcements on Volatility
by G.M. Gallo & D. Lacava & E. Otranto - 202007 Modelling Realized Covariance Matrices: a Class of Hadamard Exponential Models
by L. Bauwens & E. Otranto - 202006 Measuring the Effects of Unconventional Policies on Stock Market Volatility
by G.M. Gallo & D. Lacava & E. Otranto - 202005 Drop-out decisions in a cohort of Italian university students
by M. Delogu & D. Paolini & Gianfranco E. Atzeni & LG Deidda - 202004 Smart Specialization Strategy: any relatedness between theory and practice?
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci & D. Rigby & S. Usai - 202003 Total Factor Productivity and Relative Prices: the case of Italy
by G. Garau & S. Deriu - 202002 A Note on Employment and Wage Polarization in the U.S
by F. Cerina & A. Moro & M. Rendall - 202001 Business models for streaming platforms: content acquisition, advertising and users
by E. Carroni & D. Paolini
- 201916 Regional variation in apprenticeship and permanent employment rates: which causes?
by D. Sonedda - 201915 Regional disparities in the functioning of the labour markets
by D. Sonedda - 201914 Economic development in Sardinia: overcoming the insularity gap
by B. Biagi & B. Dettori & S. Usai & R. Paci - 201913 On financial frictions and firm market power
by M. Casares & LG Deidda & J. E. Galdon-Sanchez - 201912 Employment Protection and Firm-provided Training: Quasi-experimental Evidence from a Labour Market Reform
by M. Bratti & M. Conti & G. Sulis - 201911 Incentivized Peer Referrals for Tuberculosis Screening: Evidence from India
by J. Goldberg & M. Macis & P. Chintagunta - 201910 Paying for Kidneys? A Randomized Survey and Choice Experiment
by J. J. Elías & N. Lacetera & M. Macis - 201909 Spatial Polarization
by F. Cerina & E. Dienesch & A. Moro & M. Rendall - 201908 Skill Biased Technical Change and Misallocation: A Unified Framework
by M. Del Gatto & C. F. Parmeter & M. Battisti - 201907 Going Green: Environmental Regulation, eco-innovation and technological alliances
by F. Fusillo & F. Quatraro & S. Usai - 201906 External R&D Acquisition and Product Innovation
by G Medda & OA Carboni - 201905 Development of Bank Microcredit
by JJ. Cao-Alvira & LG Deidda - 201904 When history leaves a mark: a new measure of Roman roads
by V. Licio - 201903 Reorganization of supply chains as a key for the envision of socio- technical transitions. The case of tourism
by S. Franceschini & G. Marletto - 201902 The business model of a streaming platform
by E. Carroni & D. Paolini - 201901 Mixture models for consumers' preferences in healthcare
by M. Meleddu & M. Pulina & G. Solinas & S. Capecchi
- 201813 Exports and FDI: comparing networks in the new millennium
by A. Baronchelli & T.E. Uberti - 201812 Unions, Two-Tier Bargaining and Physical Capital Investment: Theory and Firm-Level Evidence from Italy
by G. Cardullo & M. Conti & G. Sulis - 201811 Estimating the Effect of Physical Exercise on Juveniles' Health Status and Subjective Well-Being in China
by J. Guan & JdD Tena - 201809 Banks' Liquidity Management and Financial Fragility
by E. Panetti & LG Deidda - 201808 Lost in mainstreaming? Agrifood and urban mobility grassroots innovations with multiple pathways and outcomes
by G. Marletto & C. Sillig - 201807 Do Social Medical Insurance Schemes Improve Children's Health in China?
by J. Guan & JdD Tena - 201806 Investment in education and household consumption
by C. Aina & D. Sonedda - 201805 Reducing Bias in a Matching Estimation of Endogenous Treatment Effect
by A. Di Pino & M.G. Campolo & E. Otranto - 201804 How tourist flows are affected by the introduction of the euro?
by W. Addessi & MG. Brandano & B. Biagi - 201803 Nonlinearities and Regimes in Conditional Correlations with Different Dynamics
by L. Bauwens & E. Otranto - 201802 Employment Protection, Temporary Contracts and Firm-provided Training: Evidence from Italy
by G. Sulis & M. Conti & M. Bratti - 201801 The long-term effects of the historical Roman road network: trade costs of Italian provinces
by V. Licio & A.M. Pinna & L. De Benedictis
- 201711 A Huff model with heterogeneous retailers fits well in Southern Italy
by M. Del Gatto & C. Mastinu - 201710 The Productivity Puzzle and Misallocation: an Italian Perspective
by S. Calligaris & M. Del Gatto & F. Hassan & G. I.P. Ottaviano & F. Schivardi - 201709 Technology-specific Production Functions
by M. Battisti & F. Belloc & M. Del Gatto - 201708 Do Investment and Innovation Boost Export? An Analysis on European Firms
by OA Carboni & G Medda - 201707 Clustering Space-Time Series: A Flexible STAR Approach
by E. Otranto & M. Mucciardi - 201706 The dynamics of social capital during public participation: new knowledge from an on-going monitoring
by S. Franceschini & G. Marletto - 201705 Banks' Liquidity Management and Systemic Risk
by E. Panetti & LG Deidda - 201704 From the Field to the Lab. An Experiment on the Representativeness of Standard Laboratory Subjects
by L. Frigau & T. Medda & V. Pelligra - 201703 Sectoral Composition of Consumption Expenditure: A Regional Analysis
by W. Addessi & M. Pulina - 201702 Cultural identity and willingness to protect and preserve art
by C. Detotto & M. Meleddu & M. Vannini - 201701 Teacher assessments versus standardized tests: is acting "girly" an advantage?
by L. Casula & A. Di Liberto
- 201616 Sequentiality and Distance(s) in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence from Micro Data
by M. Del Gatto & C.S. Mastinu - 201615 Green licenses and environmental corruption: a random matching model
by A. Antoci & S. Borghesi & G. Iannucci - 201614 Responding to (Un)Reasonable Requests
by V. Pelligra & T. Reggiani & D.J. Zizzo - 201613 Asset exemption in entrepreneurs' bankruptcy and the informative role of collateral
by P. Arca & Gianfranco E. Atzeni & LG Deidda - 201612 Loan production and monetary policy
by LG Deidda & J.E. Galdon-Sanchez & M. Casares - 201611 An analysis on the Italian agricultural firms: effects of public subsidies
by V. Santoni & M. Pulina - 201610 Does Experience Affect Fairness, Reciprocity and Cooperation in Lab Experiments?
by V. Pelligra & T. Reggiani & T. Medda - 201609 The effect of tourism taxation: a synthetic control approach
by B. Biagi & MG. Brandano & M. Pulina - 201608 A Flexible Specification of Space–Time AutoRegressive Models
by M. Mucciardi & E. Otranto - 201607 Testing for Heterogeneity of Preferences in Randomized Experiments: A Satisfaction-Based Approach Applied to Multiplayer Prisoners' Dilemmas
by F. Salustri & V. Pelligra & L. Becchetti - 201606 Firm Dynamics and Employment Protection: Evidence from Sectoral Data
by A. Bottasso & M. Conti & G. Sulis - 201605 R&D, Export, and Investment Decision
by OA Carboni & G Medda - 201604 Happiness and Preferences in a Legality Social Dilemma Comparing the Direct and Indirect Approach
by F. Rossetti & V. Pelligra & G. Corrado & L. Becchetti - 201603 Gender differences in Socially Responsible Consumption. An Experimental Investigation
by L. Becchetti & V. Pelligra & F. Salustri & A. Vásquez - 201602 Are Women Naturaliter More Cooperative? An Experimental Investigation of the Vote-with-the-Wallet Game
by L. Becchetti & V. Pelligra & A. Vásquez - 201601 The Corporate Legality Game A Lab Experiment on The Impact of Policies, Frames and Information
by L. Becchetti & V. Pelligra & F. Rossetti
- 201522 Insularity and the development of a local network: a simulation model applied to the Italian railway system
by K. Mannaro & M. Marchesi & L. Cocco & F. Cerina & F. Pigliaru - 201521 Is insularity a locational disadvantage? Insights from the New Economic Geography
by F. Cerina - 201520 Economy-wide rebound effects from an increase in efficiency in the use of energy: the Italian case
by G. Mandras & G. Garau - 201519 Tourism and quality of life: a capability approach
by M. Meleddu & V. Royuela & B. Biagi & MG. Ladu - 201518 Access to microcredit and borrowers' behavior: Evidence from Sardinia
by M. Hamadi & Gianfranco E. Atzeni & LG Deidda & F. Chessa & S. Usai - 201517 The Impact of Electronic Payments on Bank Cost Efficiency: Nonparametric Evidence
by G. Ardizzi & F. Crudu & C. Petraglia - 201516 Innovation activities and learning processes in the crisis. Evidence from Italian export in manufacturing and services
by R. Brancati & E. Marrocu & M. Romagnoli & S. Usai - 201515 R&D Spending and Investment Decision: Evidence from European Firms
by OA Carboni & G Medda - 201514 Other-Regarding Preferences and Reciprocity: Insights from Experimental Findings and Satisfaction Data
by L. Becchetti & V. Pelligra & S.F. Taurino - 201513 Can islands profit from economies of density? An application to the retail sector
by M. Deidda & M. Marchesi & L. Cocco & F. Pigliaru - 201512 The Impact of Redistribution Mechanisms in the Vote with the Wallet Game: Experimental Results
by L. Becchetti & V. Pelligra & F. Salustri - 201511 Price Formation of Pledgeable Securities
by A. Pinna - 201510 The Impact of Large Orders in Electronic Markets
by P. Gottardo & M. Murgia & A. Pinna & L. Bosetti - 201509 Adding Flexibility to Markov Switching Models
by E. Otranto - 201508 Strategic Promotion and Release Decisions for Cultural Goods
by P. Belleflamme & D. Paolini - 201507 The Great Beauty: Public Subsidies in the Italian Movie Industry
by G. Meloni & D. Paolini & M. Pulina - 201506 Peer Group, Distance and tuition fees: when widening university participation is still better
by E. Carroni & B. Cesi & D. Paolini - 201505 Productivity and employment dynamics: new evidence from Italian regions
by B. Biagi & MG. Ladu - 201504 Islands as 'Bad Geography'. Insularity, Connectedness, Trade Costs and Trade
by L. DeBenedictis & A.M. Pinna - 201503 Geography, Cultural Remoteness and Economic Development: A Regional Analysis of the Economic Consequences of Insularity
by M. Del Gatto & C. Mastinu - 201502 Firm Performance when Ownership is very Concentrated: Evidence from a Semiparametric Panel
by M. Hamadi & A. Heinen - 201501 Top-down and Bottom-up. Testing a mixed approach to the generation of priorities for sustainable urban mobility
by G. Marletto & F. Mameli & E. Pieralice
- 201414 Reward from public office and the selection of politicians by parties
by LG Deidda & F. Cerina - 201413 Mixed pension systems sustainability
by R. Melis & A. Trudda - 201412 Socio-technical dynamics and political institutions: A multilevel Darwinian framework of sustainability transitions
by G. Marletto - 201411 Shall We Keep Early Diers Alive?
by A. Pinna - 201410 American Beauty: trade flows and export costs of US movies
by JdD Tena & G. Meloni & D. Paolini - 201409 Free patient mobility is not a free lunch. Lessons from a decentralised NHS
by S. Balia & Rinaldo Brau & E. Marrocu - 201408 A deliberative-participative procedure for sustainable urban mobility – Findings from a test in Bari (Italy)
by S. Franceschini & G. Marletto - 201407 Insularity and economic development: a survey
by M. Deidda - 201406 Spatial Effects in Dynamic Conditional Correlations
by P. Bertuccelli & M. Mucciardi & E. Otranto - 201405 Are knowledge flows all alike? Evidence from European regions
by F. Quatraro & S. Usai - 201404 Online and offline social participation and social poverty traps. Can social networks save human relations?
by M. Sodini & F. Sabatini & A. Antoci - 201403 Understanding the relationship between gambling and other addictive behaviors
by A. Bussu & C. Detotto - 201402 Optimal Individual Choice of Contribution to Second Pillar Pension System in Lithuania
by T. Gudaitis & A. Fiori Maccioni - 201401 Measuring Environmental and Economic Efficiency in Italy: an Application of the Malmquist-DEA and Grey Forecasting Model
by OA Carboni & P. Russu
- 201324 Financial liberalization and the development of microcredit
by JJ. Cao-Alvira & LG Deidda - 201323 Economic hardship, housing cost burden and tenure status: evidence from EU-SILC
by M. Deidda - 201322 Measuring insularity as a state of nature. Is there a case of bad geography?
by V. Licio & A.M. Pinna - 201321 The European firms' export activity to the neighbouring countries
by V. Licio & A.M. Pinna - 201320 Trade activity between the EU and its neighboring countries: Trends and potential
by A.M. Pinna & K. Dimitris - 201319 On the potential interaction between labour market institutions and immigration policies
by C. Cigagna & G. Sulis - 201318 Financial Clustering in Presence of Dominant Markets
by R. Gargano & E. Otranto - 201317 Financial Liberalization with Hidden Trades
by E. Panetti - 201316 Length of stay in the host country and educational achievement of immigrant students: the Italian case
by A. Di Liberto - 201315 Lithuanian pension system's reforms following demographic and social transitions
by A. Fiori Maccioni & A. Bitinas - 201314 Competition, Loan Rates and Information Dispersion in Microcredit Markets
by Andréas Heinen & M. Hamadi & Guillermo Baquero - 201313 Jackknife Instrumental Variable Estimation with Heteroskedasticity
by P.A. Bekker & F. Crudu - 201312 Health Shocks and Labour Transitions Across Europe
by C. Deiana - 201311 Networks, proximities and inter-firm knowledge exchanges
by E. Marrocu & S. Usai & R. Paci - 201310 A Note on Marginal Deterrence: Evidence
by C. Detotto & B. Mccannon & M. Vannini - 201309 Bargaining in the Shadow of Arbitration
by R. Marselli & M. Vannini & B. Mccannon - 201308 The Concurrent Impact of Cultural, Political, and Spatial Distances on International Mergers and Acquisitions
by MC. Di Guardo & E. Marrocu & R. Paci - 201307 Integration and Welfare with Horizontal Multinationals
by K. Yamamoto & T. Morita & F. Cerina - 201306 Car and the city: Socio-technical pathways to 2030
by G. Marletto - 201305 The effect of socio-economic and emotional factors on gambling behaviour
by A. Bussu & C. Detotto - 201304 Modeling the Dependence of Conditional Correlations on Volatility
by L. Bauwens & E. Otranto - 201303 The economic consequences of crime in Italy
by OA Carboni & C. Detotto - 201302 Economics of bankruptcy exemption: Signaling value of collateral, cost of credit and access to credit
by P. Arca & Gianfranco E. Atzeni & LG Deidda - 201301 Business cycle and monetary policy analysis with market rigidities and financial frictions
by M. Casares & LG Deidda & JE. Galdon Sanchez
- 201236 M&A and knowledge flows in the European Union's Neighboring Countries
by R. Paci & MC. Di Guardo - 201235 Tourism and regional growth in Europe
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci - 201234 Endogenous Growth and Sustainable Tourism
by F. Cerina - 201233 Unbundling technology adoption and tfp at the firm level. Do intangibles matter?
by M. Battisti & F. Belloc & M. Del Gatto - 201232 The "Revealed" Competitiveness of U.S. Exports
by J. Gruber & B. Mandel & M. Del Gatto & F. Di Mauro - 201231 Financial crisis: a new measure for risk of pension funds assets
by M. Cadoni & R. Melis & A. Trudda - 201230 Global Indeterminacy in a Tourism Sector Model
by OA Carboni & P. Russu - 201229 A Model of Economic Growth with Public Finance: Dynamics and Analytic Solution
by OA Carboni & P. Russu - 201228 Comparative efficiency of producer cooperatives and conventional firms in a sample of quasi-twin companies
by MG. Brandano & C. Detotto & M. Vannini - 201227 Does tourism affect house prices? Some evidence from Italy
by B. Biagi & MG. Brandano & D. Lambiri - 201226 Sunk Capital, Unions and the Hold-Up Problem: Theory and Evidence from Sectoral Data
by G. Cardullo & M. Conti & G. Sulis - 201225 Catch me if you learn: development-specific education and economic growth
by F. Manca & F. Cerina