- 201223 Institutional Complexity and Managerial Efficiency: A Simple Model
by D. Paolini - 201222 Management Efficiency in Football: An Empirical Analysis of two Extreme Cases
by M. Jara & D. Paolini - 201221 Regional innovation performance in Europe
by M. Foddi & S. Usai - 201220 Do managerial skills matter? An analysis of the impact of managerial features on performance for the Italian football
by C. Detotto & D. Paolini - 201219 Understanding Ransom Kidnapping and Its Duration
by M. Vannini & B. Mccannon & C. Detotto - 201218 Visit and Buy. An Empirical Analysis on Tourism and Exports
by A.M. Pinna - 201217 Spillover Effects in the Volatility of Financial Markets
by E. Otranto - 201216 Employment Subsidies, Informal Economy and Women's Transition into Work in a Depressed Area: Evidence from a Matching Approach
by M. Deidda & A. Di Liberto & M. Foddi & G. Sulis - 201215 Model effect on projected mortality indicators
by A. Debòn & S. Haberman & F. Montes & E. Otranto - 201214 Volatility Transmission across Currency, Commodity and Equity Markets under Multi-Chain Regime Switching: Implications for Hedging and Portfolio Allocation
by A. Khalifa & S. Hammoudeh & E. Otranto & S. Ramchander - 201213 Knowledge assets and regional performance
by R. Paci & E. Marrocu - 201212 The Origins of the Sovereign Debt of Italy: a Common Pool Issue?
by L. Mauro & C. Buiatti & G. Carmeci - 201211 Analysis of regional endogenous growth
by R. Basile & S. Usai - 201210 Different tourists to different destinations. Evidence from spatial interaction models
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci - 201209 Volatility Spillover, Interdependence, Comovements across GCC, Oil and U.S. Markets and Portfolio Management Strategies in a Regime-Changing Environment
by A. Khalifa & S. Hammoudeh & E. Otranto - 201208 Exports and Wages: Rent Sharing, Workforce Composition or Returns to Skills?
by M. Macis & F. Schivardi - 201207 Social conformity and suicide
by A. Bussu & C. Detotto & V. Sterzi - 201206 Education race, supply of skills and the wage skill premium
by LG Deidda & D. Paolini - 201205 The Markov Switching Asymmetric Multiplicative Error Model
by E. Otranto - 201204 A Spatial Analysis of R&D: the Role of Industry Proximity
by OA Carboni - 201203 Club performance dynamics at Italian regional level
by N. Garrido & F. Mureddu - 201202 Regional development and creativity
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci - 201201 The effect of tourism on crime in Italy: a dynamic panel approach
by B. Biagi & MG. Brandano & C. Detotto
- 201123 Movements of People for Movements of Goods?
by A.M. Pinna & Rinaldo Brau - 201122 A Statistical Information System supporting Environmental Policies
by G. Garau & G. Mandras & L. Schirru - 201121 The complementary effects of proximity dimensions on knowledge spillovers
by R. Paci & E. Marrocu & S. Usai - 201120 Tax Evasion and Presumptive Taxation Methods. A Case Study in Italy: Sector Studies
by G. Pulina - 201119 The perceptions of an island community towards cruise tourism: A factor analysis
by G. Del Chiappa & M. Meleddu & M. Pulina - 201118 Structural Change and Growth in a NEG model
by F. Cerina & F. Mureddu - 201117 Exploring the dynamics of the efficiency in the Italian hospitality sector. A regional case study
by M. Deidda & N. Garrido & M. Pulina - 201116 Italian economic dualism and convergence clubs at regional level
by N. Garrido & F. Mureddu - 201115 Past dominations, current institutions and the Italian regional economic performance
by A. Di Liberto & M. Sideri - 201114 Museum visitors can be regarded as specific cultural tourists? A length of stay analysis
by JG. Brida & M. Meleddu & M. Pulina - 201113 Classification of Volatility in Presence of Changes in Model Parameters
by E. Otranto - 201112 The risk neutral valuation paradox
by A. Fiori Maccioni - 201111 Don't Be Ashamed to Say You Didn't Get Much: Redistributive Effects of Information Disclosure in Donations and Inequity-Aversion in Charitable Giving
by L. Becchetti & V. Pelligra - 201110 The knowledge regions in the enlarged Europe
by A. Colombelli & M. Foddi & R. Paci - 201109 Proximity, Networks and Knowledge Production in Europe
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci & S. Usai - 201108 Empathy, Guilt-Aversion and Patterns of Reciprocity
by V. Pelligra - 201107 Cycles in Crime and Economy Revised
by C. Detotto & E. Otranto - 201106 The attractiveness of a modern and contemporary art museum
by JG. Brida & M. Meleddu & M. Pulina - 201105 An urban icon? The case of the Iceman Ötzi
by JG. Brida & M. Meleddu & M. Pulina - 201104 A Country for Old Men? An Analysis of the Determinants of Long-Term Home Care in Europe
by S. Balia & Rinaldo Brau - 201103 Social Capital, Institutions and Growth: Further Lessons from the Italian Regional Divide
by L. Mauro & F. Pigliaru - 201102 How efficient is the Italian hospitality sector? A window DEA and truncated-Tobit analysis
by JG. Brida & C. Detotto & M. Pulina - 201101 University choice, peer group and distance
by B. Cesi & D. Paolini
- 201033 A Neoclassical Growth Model with Public Spending
by OA Carboni & G Medda - 201032 To Give or Not To Give? Equity, Efficiency and Altruistic Behavior in a Survey-Based Experiment
by V. Pelligra & L. Stanca - 201031 Education or Creativity: what matters most for economic performance?
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci - 201030 TFP convergence across European regions: a comparative spatial dynamics analysis
by A. Di Liberto & S. Usai - 201029 Heterogeneity in R&D Cooperation: An Empirical Investigation
by OA Carboni - 201028 Human Capital, Employment Protection and Growth in Europe
by M. Conti & G. Sulis - 201027 Investigating the behavior of embarking cruisers in a Caribbean homeport: a factor and a censured-Tobit analysis
by JG. Brida & M. Pulina & E. Riaño & SZ Aguirre - 201026 Visitors' experience in a modern art museum: a structural equation model
by JG. Brida & M. Pulina & E. Riaño - 201025 Distance matters – The environmental impact of regional and national supply chains of canned tomatoes
by G. Marletto & C. Silling - 201024 Productivity growth in the Old and New Europe: the role of agglomeration externalities
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci & S. Usai - 201023 Cycles in Crime and Economy: Leading, Lagging and Coincident Behaviors
by C. Detotto & E. Otranto - 201022 Z-Estimators and Auxiliary Information under Weak Dependence
by F. Crudu - 201021 Corporate Control and Executive Selection
by F. Lippi & F. Schivardi - 201020 The Role of Family in Suicide Rate in Italy
by C. Detotto & V. Sterzi - 201019 Risk-Taking and Asset-Side Contagion in an Originate-to-Distribute Banking Model
by A. Pinna - 201018 Optimal Leniency Programs in Antitrust
by A. Pinna - 201017 A literature review on the tourism-led-growth hypothesis
by JG. Brida & M. Pulina - 201016 Cruise visitors' intention to return as land tourists and recommend a visited destination. A structural equation model
by JG. Brida & M. Pulina & E. Riaño & SZ Aguirre - 201015 Crime as tourism externality
by B. Biagi & C. Detotto - 201014 Universal service financing in competitive postal markets: one size does not fit all
by A. Gautier & D. Paolini - 201013 Counting the cost of crime in Italy
by C. Detotto & M. Vannini - 201012 Competition and the signaling role of prices
by LG Deidda & F. Adriani - 201011 High skills, high growth: is tourism an exception?
by A. Di Liberto - 201010 Social Preferences and Perceived Intentions. An experiment with Normally Developing and Autistic Spectrum Disorders Subjects
by V. Pelligra & A. Isoni & R. Fadda & I Doneddu - 201009 Credit within the firm
by L. Guiso & L. Pistaferri & F. Schivardi - 201008 Relationship Finance, Market Finance and Endogenous Business Cycles
by LG Deidda & B. Fattouh - 201007 Reconsidering the well-being: the Happy Planet Index and the issue of missing data
by A. Campus & M. Porcu - 201006 Measures of wealth and well-being. A comparison between GDP and ISEW
by V. Carta & M. Porcu - 201005 Institutional Complexity and Managerial Efficiency: A Theoretical Model and an Empirical Application
by M. Jara & D Forrest & D. Paolini - 201004 Financial Development and Selection into Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Italy and US
by M. Deidda - 201003 Evaluating the distributional effects of the italian fiscal policies using quantile regressions
by G. Casalone & D. Sonedda - 201002 A Time Varying Parameter Approach to Analyze the Macroeconomic Consequences of Crime
by C. Detotto & E. Otranto - 201001 Precautionary saving, financial risk and portfolio choice
by M. Deidda
- 200918 Precautionary savings under liquidity constraints: evidence from Italy
by M. Deidda - 200917 Improving the Forecasting of Dynamic Conditional Correlation: a Volatility Dependent Approach
by E. Otranto - 200916 Intangible capital and firms productivity
by R. Paci & M. Pontis & E. Marrocu - 200915 Regional inflation dynamics using space-time models
by H. Marques & G. Pino & JdD Tena - 200914 Impact of Importing Foreign Talent on Performance Levels of Local Co-Workers
by J Alvarez & D Forrest & I. Sanz & JdD Tena - 200913 Is Agglomeration really good for Growth? Global Efficiency, Interregional Equity and Uneven Growth
by F. Cerina & F. Mureddu - 200912 GMM, Generalized Empirical Likelihood, and Time Series
by F. Crudu - 200911 Can national survey data be used to select a core set of indicators for monitoring the sustainability of urban mobility policies?
by F. Mameli & G. Marletto - 200910 They arrive with new information. Tourism flows and production efficiency in the European regions
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci - 200909 An Empirical investigation of the Determinants of R&D Cooperation
by OA Carboni - 200908 Entry Barriers in Retail Trade
by F. Schivardi & E. Viviano - 200907 The Design of Voluntary Agreements in Oligopolistic Markets
by Rinaldo Brau & C. Carraro - 200906 A participative procedure to select indicators of sustainable urban mobility policies
by F. Mameli & G. Marletto - 200905 Does more crime mean fewer jobs? An ARDL model
by C. Detotto & M. Pulina - 200904 Persistent regional gaps and the role of social capital: hints from the Italian Mezzogiorno's case
by F. Pigliaru - 200903 Wage Returns to Experience and Tenure for Young Men in Italy
by G. Sulis - 200902 Constructing a Social Accounting Matrix for Sardinia
by G. Ferrari & G. Garau & P. Lecca - 200901 Does deflation method matter for productivity measures?
by G. Garau & P. Lecca & L. Schirru
- 200823 Total factor productivity, intangible assets and spatial dependence in the European regions
by B. Dettori & E. Marrocu & R. Paci - 200822 Pollution Adverse Tourists and Growth
by S. Giannoni & F. Cerina - 200821 Schooling, Production Structure and Growth: An Empirical Analysis on Italian Regions
by C. Hirsch & G. Sulis - 200820 Agglomeration and Growth with Endogenous Expenditure Shares
by F. Cerina & F. Mureddu - 200819 Screening and short-term contracts
by D. Paolini - 200818 Measuring Productivity
by M. Del Gatto & A. Di Liberto & C. Petraglia - 200817 Identifying Financial Time Series with Similar Dynamic Conditional Correlation
by E. Otranto - 200816 Gas industry reforms and consumers' prices in the European Union
by M. Florio & Rinaldo Brau & R. Doronzo - 200815 The Effect of R&D Subsidies on Private R&D: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing Data
by OA Carboni - 200814 Getting out of the car: an institutional/evolutionary approach to sustainable transport policies
by G. Marletto - 200813 Clustering Mutual Funds by Return and Risk Levels
by F. Lisi & E. Otranto - 200812 International TFP Dynamics and Human Capital Stocks: a Panel Data Analysis, 1960-2003
by A. Di Liberto & F. Pigliaru & P. Chelucci - 200811 Impact Analysis of Regional Knowledge Subsidy: a CGE Approach
by G. Garau & P. Lecca - 200810 Asset Allocation Using Flexible Dynamic Correlation Models with Regime Switching
by E. Otranto - 200809 Investments in Education in a Two-Sector, Random Matching Economy
by C. Mendolicchio & D. Paolini & T. Pietra - 200807 Human Capital Policies in a Static, Two-Sector Economy with Imperfect Markets
by C. Mendolicchio & D. Paolini & T. Pietra - 200806 A Panel Data Analysis of Electric Consumptions in the Residential Sector
by V. Statzu & E. Strazzera - 200805 Differences of Cultural Capital among Students in Transition to University. Some First Survey Evidences
by M. Pitzalis & I. Sulis & M. Porcu - 200804 Assessing the Effectiveness of a Stochastic Regression Imputation Method for Ordered Categorical Data
by I. Sulis & M. Porcu - 200803 Recognizing and Forecasting the Sign of Financial Local Trends using Hidden Markov Models
by M. Bigeco & E. Grosso & E. Otranto - 200802 A Realistic Model for Official Interest Rates
by JdD Tena & E. Otranto - 200801 Clustering Heteroskedastic Time Series by Model-Based Procedures
by E. Otranto
- 200716 Specialization and Concentration of the Manufacturing Industry in the Italian Local Labor Systems
by S. Lodde - 200715 Gender Wage Differentials in Italy: a Structural Estimation Approach
by G. Sulis - 200714 Over-signaling vs Underpricing: The Role of Financial Intermediaries in Initial Public Offerings
by F. Adriani & LG Deidda & S. Sonderegger - 200713 What Can Monopsony Explain of the Gender Wage Differential in Italy?
by G. Sulis - 200712 Crossing The Alps: Three Transport Policy Options
by G. Marletto - 200711 Human Capital And Productivity Growth In The Italian Regional Economies: A Sectoral Analysis
by S. Lodde - 200710 Delegation, Externalities and Organizational Design
by A. Gautier & D. Paolini - 200709 Assessing visitor satisfaction with tourism rejuvenation policies: the case of Rimini, Italy
by Rinaldo Brau & AE. Scorcu & L. Vici - 200708 Search and the Firm's Choice of the Optimal Labor Contract
by D. Paolini - 200707 Shape of U.S. business cycle and long-run effects of recessions
by G. Carboni - 200706 Productivity and Firm Selection: Intra- vs International Trade
by G. Corcos & M. Del Gatto & G. Mion & GIP. Ottaviano - 200705 Reporting expected longevity and smoking: evidence from the SHARE
by S. Balia - 200704 Knowledge flows across European regions
by R. Paci & S. Usai - 200703 Trade Integration, Firm Selection and the Costs of Non-Europe
by M. Del Gatto & G. Mion & GIP. Ottaviano - 200702 Intentions, Trust and Frames: A note on Sociality and the Theory of Games
by V. Pelligra - 200701 Government Size and the Composition of Public Spending in a Neoclassical Growth Model
by OA Carboni & G Medda
- 200617 Skill dispersion and firm productivity: an analysis with employer-employee matched data
by S. Iranzo & F. Schivardi & E. Tosetti - 200616 What determines entrepreneurial clusters?
by L. Guiso & F. Schivardi - 200615 Trust Responsiveness: On the Dynamics of Fiduciary Interactions
by V. Pelligra - 200614 How fast are small tourist countries growing? The 1980-2003 evidence
by Rinaldo Brau & A. Lanza & F. Pigliaru - 200613 The effects of public capital on the productivity of the Italian regions
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci - 200612 Agglomeration economies and growth-The case of Italian local labour systems, 1991-2001
by R. Paci & S. Usai - 200611 The Monopolist's Blues
by F. Adriani & LG Deidda - 200610 Quality of Life in the Economic and Urban Economic Literature
by B. Biagi & D. Lambiri & V. Royuela - 200609 Tourism, environmental quality and economic growth: empirical evidence and policy implications
by M. Pulina & B. Biagi - 200608 Regional Disparity in ICT Adoption: an Empirical Evaluation of The Effects of Subsidies in Italy
by Gianfranco E. Atzeni & OA Carboni - 200606 Total Factor Productivity Estimates: Some Evidence from European Regions
by MG. Ladu - 200605 La politica dei trasporti come politica per l'innovazione: spunti da un approccio evolutivo
by G. Marletto - 200604 Application of the ML Hausman approach to the demand of water for residential use: heterogeneity vs two-error specification
by E. Strazzera - 200603 Structural Funds and Regional Convergence in Italy
by S. Loddo - 200602 Tourism specialization and environmental sustainability in a dynamic economy
by F. Cerina - 200601 Gli effetti del capitale pubblico sulla produttività delle regioni italiane
by E. Marrocu & R. Paci & F. Pigliaru
- 200514 Uncovering the macrostructure of tourists' preferences. A choice experiment analysis of tourism demand to Sardinia
by Rinaldo Brau & D. Cao - 200513 Technological activity in the european regions
by B. Dettori & R. Paci & S. Usai - 200512 Innovation Clusters in the European Regions
by RM. Serrano & R. Paci & S. Usai - 200511 Banks, Financial Markets and Growth
by LG Deidda & B. Fattouh - 200510 Agglomeration and Growth in the NEG: a critical assessment
by F. Cerina & F. Pigliaru - 200509 Collateral and Risk Sharing in group lending: evidence from an urban microcredit program
by M. Kugler & R. Oppes - 200508 Convergence and divergence in Neoclassical Growth models with human capital
by A. Di Liberto - 200507 Growth and Employment: A survey on the Demand Side of the Labour Market
by MG. Ladu - 200506 Total Factor Productivity Growth and Employment: A Simultaneous Equations Model Estimate
by MG. Ladu - 200505 Health and Economic Behaviour: a Critical Survey of the Literature
by S. Balia - 200504 An econometric analysis of student withdrawal and progression in post-reform Italian Universities
by G. Boero & T. Laureti & R. Naylor - 200503 Banking with sentiments. A model of fiduciary interactions in micro-credit programs
by V. Pelligra - 200502 Modeling Elicitation effects in contingent valuation studies: a Monte Carlo Analysis of the bivariate approach
by M. Genius & E. Strazzera - 200501 Marshall's ceteris paribus in a dynamic framework
by F. Cerina
- 200420 The economic analysis of voluntary approaches to environmental protection. A survey
by Rinaldo Brau & C. Carraro - 200419 ICT and local development: a case study of the metropolitan area of Cagliari
by C. Murroni - 200418 Convergence clubs and the role of human capital in Spanish Regional Growth
by A. Di Liberto - 200417 Banking structure and Regional Economic Growth: lessons from Italy
by S. Usai & M. Vannini - 200416 Mortality, Lifestyle and Socio-Economic Status
by S. Balia & AM. Jones - 200415 Geographical and sectoral clusters of innovation in Europe
by RM. Serrano & R. Paci & S. Usai - 200414 ICT productivity and firm propensity to innovative investment: learning effect evidence from italian micro data
by Gianfranco E. Atzeni & OA Carboni - 200413 Few bad apples or plenty of lemons: which makes it harder to market plums?
by F. Adriani & LG Deidda - 200412 A choice modelling approach to investigate biases in individual and aggregated benefit estimates due to omission of distance
by G. Concu - 200411 Effects of distance on non-use values
by G. Concu - 200410 Le tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione nelle piccole imprese dei settori maturi
by A. Sassu & S. Lodde - 200409 L'efficienza tecnica dei distretti di Corte d'Appello italiani: aspetti metodologici, benchmarking e arretrato smaltibile
by R. Marselli & M. Vannini - 200408 Public vs private demand for covering long term care expenditures
by M. Lippi Bruni & A.M. Pinna & Rinaldo Brau - 200407 Dinamiche demografiche, agglomerazione e determinanti economiche. Il caso italiano
by M. Bellinzas - 200406 R&S e spillover industriali: un'analisi sulle imprese italiane
by G Medda & C. Piga - 200405 How to measure the unobservable: a panel technique for the analysis of TFP convergence
by A. Di Liberto & F. Pigliaru & R. Mura - 200404 How to incentive Who? Intra-personal and inter-personal mechanisms
by V. Pelligra - 200403 European rural tourism: agrotouristic firms in Sardinia and their life cycle
by DG. Dettori & A. Paba & M. Pulina - 200402 Wage Dispersion and Equilibrium Search. Models: Some Evidence from Italy
by G. Sulis - 200401 Old and new intervention Policy: a survey of empirical studies for the Mezzogiorno
by S. Loddo
- 200313 Innovation Networks and Knowledge Flows across the European Regions
by R. Paci & E. Batteta - 200312 Piccole imprese e tecnologie della comunicazione: un'indagine empirica
by A. Sassu & S. Lodde - 200311 Tradizione e innovazione nel settore vinicolo in Sardegna
by A. Sassu & S. Lodde - 200310 Spatial distribution of innovation activity. The case of European regions
by RM. Serrano & R. Paci & S. Usai - 200309 How fast are tourism countries growing? The cross country evidence
by Rinaldo Brau & A. Lanza & F. Pigliaru - 200308 The copula approach of sampling selection modelling: an application to the recreational value of forests
by M. Genius & E. Strazzera - 200307 Forecasting inflation: a comparison of linear Phillips curve models and nonlinear time serie models
by G. Ascari & E. Marrocu - 200306 Oil and price dynamics in international petroleum markets
by A. Lanza & M. Manera & M. Giovannini - 200305 La disponibilità a pagare per la copertura del rischio di non autosufficienza: analisi econometrica e valutazioni di policy
by G. Fiorentini & A.M. Pinna & M. Lippi Bruni & Rinaldo Brau - 200304 Credit Rationing in High-Tech firms and sample selection
by Gianfranco E. Atzeni & C. Piga - 200303 Quantitative forecasting for Tourisme: OLS and ARIMAX approaches
by M. Pulina - 200302 Durata degli studi e voto di laurea: una indagine econometrica su alcune facoltà dell'Università di Cagliari
by G. Boero & R. Pinna - 200301 Border effects in the enlarged EU area
by A.M. Pinna & M. Manchin