2025, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-25 Safety First or Saving Lives? How Medical Responders Would Decide when Facing an Active Violent Incident. Results from an Explorative Cross-National Survey
by Ellebrecht Nils & Joval Anna & Kaplan Tomer & Wacht Oren & Weinstein Eric S. - 27-60 Use of Crisis Communication Strategies by Food Bank Network During a Global Pandemic
by Haupt Brittany “Brie” & Azevedo Lauren & O’Grady Michael - 61-79 Strategic Planning for Post-Earthquake Health Services Continuity: Leveraging Family Healthcare Centers in Istanbul
by Ucal Sari Irem & Adana Mustafa Mert & Atilgan Onurhan - 81-87 Beyond Chinese Spy Balloons: Why We Need to Teach East Asian Studies in U.S. Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Programs
by Young Benjamin R. - 89-95 How a Chemical Weapons Threat Positively Impacted a Hospital’s Emergency Preparedness
by Long Tara & Corder Belinda
2024, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 297-329 Crisis as Opportunities for Robust Government: A Systematic Review of Policy Process Literature
by Zhang Manli & Crow Deserai A. & Dai Shihao & Ma Ben - 331-358 Evaluating the Quality of State Hazard Mitigation Plans Based on Hazard Identification, Risk, and Vulnerability Assessments
by Habets Margot & Jackson Sarah L. & Baker Savannah L. & Huang Qian & Blackwood Leah & Kemp Erin M. & Cutter Susan L. - 359-382 The Homeland Kaleidoscope: Perceptions of Threats and Coping Among Israeli Civilians in a Diversity of Conflict Zones
by Tiargan Orr Roni & Dolev Aya & Ben-Shalom Uzi - 383-415 Distribution Center Location Selection in Humanitarian Logistics Using Hybrid BWM–ARAS: A Case Study in Türkiye
by Erden Caner & Ateş Çağdaş & Esen Sinan - 417-440 Associations Between Public Service Motivation, Depression and Anxiety Among Firefighters: A Chain Mediation Model of Employee Resilience and Job Satisfaction
by Liu Hongbing & Guo Chunfu & Han Ziqiang - 441-466 In Defense of Disinformation
by Murphy Brian J.
2024, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 141-146 Cross-Border and Transboundary Resilience
by Adrot Anouck & Buscher Monika & Fiedrich Frank & Rigaud Eric & Wiens Marcus - 147-166 Modeling Spontaneous Volunteers in Cross-Border Crisis Scenarios
by Schulte Yannic & van der Heyde Miriam & Wiens Marcus & Fiedrich Frank & Schultmann Frank - 167-187 Between Here and There. The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Restoring the Supply Chain of Face Masks During the COVID-19 Crisis
by Boersma Kees & Larruina Robert - 189-207 A National Disaster Medicine Quality Management Tool in an International Context – A Theoretical Study
by Berthold Theresa & Zill Marcel & Alpers Birgitt & Gräsner Jan-Thorsten & Wnent Jan - 209-242 Standardization Gaps in European Disaster Management
by Vollmer Maike & Berchtold Claudia & Sakkas Georgios & Tsaloukidis Ioannis & Kazantzidou-Firtinidou Danai & Woitsch Pertti & Perilä Jaakko - 243-271 Disaster Management in the Western Balkans Territory – Condition Analysis and Conceptualisation of the Cross-Border Cooperation Model
by Trbojević Milovan & Radovanović Mirjana - 273-296 Readability and Suitability of Local Disaster Preparedness Materials in Predominantly Hispanic Border Communities: A Case Study of Cameron County, Texas
by Sepielak Katarzyna & Wladyka Dawid
2024, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-26 Should Homeland Security Studies Survive?
by Dahl Erik J. & Ramsay James D. - 27-47 Urban Governance of Disaster Response Capacity: Institutional Models of Local Scalability
by Krogh Andreas Hagedorn & Røiseland Asbjørn - 49-69 A Framework for a Mobile Knowledge Management Application for Crisis and Emergency Management
by Bayrak Tuncay - 71-97 Strengthening Food Systems Resilience Before, During and After Disasters and Other Crises
by Ryan Benjamin J. & Telford Victoria & Brickhouse Mark & Acosta Jose & Allen Cara & Bhatia Sanjaya & Campbell Jacqueline & Crowe Connor & Everrett Jeremy & Fendt Matthew & Fink Rok & Hatch Kristy & Hatch Tim & Johnson Aaron & Jones Reiley & Kanitz Lori A. & Knapp Landon & Krey Kathy & Larson Grant & McKone Joshua & Santa Cruz Andrea & Sandifer Paul A. & Brooks Bryan W. - 99-125 Responding to the February 2021 Texas Freeze: A Case Study of the Reaction to the Cascading Effects of a Complex Disaster
by Spraktes Faith & McEntire David A - 127-139 Disaster Coordination: What’s Missing?
by Harvey Jeffery Wayne
2023, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 209-238 Strategic Planning in Emergency Management: Highlighting the Critical Role (and Impacts) of the Planning Process
by Manning Scott Robert - 239-269 Critical Review of National Flood Policy Outcomes
by Stanley Michelle & Hotard Abbey & Pilgreen Daniel & Meyer Michelle - 271-305 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS): Applications and Integration into Hazard Mitigation Planning
by Lawson Catherine T. & Rajan Karthik Soundara - 307-350 Climate-Related Vulnerability Assessment Toward Disaster Risk Reduction: Insight from Pakistan
by Abbas Hafiz Waqar & Guo Xuesong - 351-384 An Exploration of Local Emergency Management Program Accreditation Pursuit
by Jensen Jessica & Ferreira Marcelo - 385-403 Politicization of COVID-19 and Conspiratorial Beliefs Among Emergency & Public Health Officials
by DeYoung Sarah E. & Farmer Ashley K.
2023, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 59-74 A Comparison of Hazard Vulnerability Indexes for Washington State
by Sheehan Tim & Min Esther & Hess Jeremy - 75-95 The Application of Emergency Management Principles to Violent Crime Response and Urban Resilience
by Taylor David W. & Wood Erik & Frazier Tim - 97-131 Supporting Humanitarian Crisis Decision Making with Reliable Intelligence Derived from Social Media Using AI
by Garcia Christopher & Rabadi Ghaith & Abujaber Dia & Seck Mamadou - 133-168 The Use of Social Media by Emergency Stakeholder Groups: Lessons Learned from Areas Affected by Hurricanes Isaac and Sandy
by Kirby Ryan H. & Reams Margaret & Lam Nina S.-N. - 169-181 Infectious Disease as a Security Threat: A Mental Framework for Future Emergency Preparedness
by Houser Ryan Scott - 183-208 Gauging the Impact of Satellite & Space Systems on Critical Infrastructure[CI]: Risk Management is Neither an Enigma nor a Mystery for CI Systems Security
by McCreight Robert
2023, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Power of Governments in Fight Against COVID-19: High-Performing Health Systems or Government Response Policies?
by Sariyer Gorkem & Sozen Mert Erkan & Ataman Mustafa Gokalp - 19-58 Defining Fire as a Weapon (FaaW): Clarity, Implications, and Opportunity for the Homeland Security Enterprise
by Marino Michael
2022, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 257-279 Multiplexity in Conceptualizing Network Effectiveness in Emergency Management
by Hu Qian & Sadiq Abdul-Akeem & Kapucu Naim - 281-321 Measuring Community Disaster Resilience Over Time
by McConkey Sally Ann & Larson Eric R. - 323-345 The Social Supportive Role of Food and Meals Following Hurricane Florence
by Clay Lauren & Greer Alex & Slotter Rachel & King Danielle - 347-349 An Assessment of Crisis Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic
by McEntire David A.
2022, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 149-173 An Overview of Local Floodplain Administrators and Training Needs in FEMA Region 6
by Siebeneck Laura & Zavar Elyse & Manandhar Rejina - 175-203 Standardization and Interoperability of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) for Disaster Management
by DeVito Marco J. & Wood Erik & Frazier Tim - 205-243 The Impact of Social Media on Disaster Volunteerism: Evidence from Hurricane Harvey
by Demiroz Fatih & Akbas Esra - 245-249 Media Mis-Information and Dis-Information: Future Impact on Disaster Management
by Shenhar Gilead & Davis Timothy & Hopmeier Michael & Settle Lori - 251-255 Daniel P. Aldrich: Black wave: How networks and governance shaped Japan’s 3/11 disasters
by Yasui Etsuko
2022, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-25 The Hazard Consequence Prediction System: A Participatory Action Research Approach to Enhance Emergency Management
by Becker Austin & Hallisey Noah & Kalaidjian Ellis & Stempel Peter & Rubinoff Pamela - 27-49 Strengthening Disaster Response Through Analysis of Crime During Hurricane Ike
by Augusto Daniel - 51-66 Examining the Potential Impacts of Social Vulnerability on Damage Levels in Areas Affected by Hurricane Harvey
by Liew Hui-Peng & Eidem Nathan - 67-86 Incorporating Ethics in Disaster Communication Strategy: The Case of the U.S. Government in Deepwater Horizon
by Horsley J. Suzanne & Hutchins Amber L. - 87-125 Economic Impacts of Spillover Effects of Terrorism Countermeasures at Public Assembly Sites
by Rose Adam Z. & Wei Dan & Byrd Katie & John Richard - 127-135 Agricultural Security: Critical National Infrastructure We Cannot Ignore
by McCreight Robert - 137-148 The Greening of Homeland Security
by Yılmaz Sefer
2021, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 225-250 Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Community Engagement and Data Collection Strategies in Post-Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico
by Saum-Manning Lisa - 251-281 Stochastic Modeling of Non-linear Terrorism Dynamics
by Drmola Jakub & Hubík Tomáš - 283-316 Opioid Crisis Response and Resilience: Results and Perspectives from a Multi-Agency Tabletop Exercise at the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
by Siedschlag Alexander & Lu Tiangeng & Jerković Andrea & Kensinger Weston - 317-334 Access and Inclusion in Emergency Management Online Education: Challenges Exposed by the COVID-19 Pivot
by Hackerott Caroline S. & Provencio Alyssa L. & Santos-Hernandez Jenniffer M. - 335-346 What COVID Teaches Us About Homeland Security: How Not to be the Mouse
by Lawson Chappell H. - 347-361 Reframing Risk in the Wake of COVID-19
by Blackburn Christine Crudo & Shelke Sayali & Alatorre Sharon Zaldivar
2021, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 125-150 The Use of Crisis Communication Strategies in Emergency Management
by Haupt Brittany - 151-176 Stress Testing to Assess Recovery from Extreme Events
by Plodinec M. John - 177-213 Understanding Job Placement of Recent Emergency Management Graduates: An Initial Test of a Theoretical Framework
by Kirkpatrick Sarah & Jensen Jessica - 215-218 COVID-19 Highlights Best Emergency Preparedness Approach: Lead by Example
by Kline Crystal - 219-223 Claire Connolly Knox and Brittany “Brie” Haupt: Cultural Competency for Emergency and Crisis Management: Concepts, Theories, and Case Studies
by Richards Antoine B.
2021, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-21 Preparing the CDC Public Health Workforce for Emergency Response
by Davis Xiaohong M. & Rouse Edward N. & Stampley Chaunté - 23-47 Developing a Case-based Emergency Response System with Adaptive Case Management
by Shahrah Abobakr Y. & Al-Mashari Majed A. - 49-65 Emergency Manager Perceptions of the Effectiveness and Limitations of Mass Notification Systems: A Mixed Method Study
by Pelfrey William V. - 67-91 Media, Disaster Response, Ebola: What Local Government Needs to Understand About Media Influence of Response Operations When the Improbable Becomes Reality
by Don Williams Brian & Nelson James P. - 93-123 The Role of Social Media in Disaster Recovery Following Hurricane Harvey
by Page-Tan Courtney
2020, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 1-08 Bridging Gaps in the Development of CBRN Defense Technologies Through Multi-Sectorial Collaboration–A Call for Action
by Bodas Moran & Kimhi Yuval & Robin Guy & Krasner Esther - 1-13 First Responders’ and Librarians’ Intention to Use Web-Based Resources for Response Information During Biological, Chemical, and Radiological Terrorism Events
by Turner James & Rebmann Terri & Loux Travis & Tao Donghua & Garza Alexander - 1-20 Geospatial Analysis in Responding to a Nuclear Detonation Scenario in NYC: The Gotham Shield Exercise
by Lowe Luis & Salame-Alfie Adela & Neurath Bob & Quinn Celia & Ansari Armin & Whitcomb Robert & Dopson Stephanie - 1-26 A Decision Methodology for Determining Suitable Post-Disaster Accommodations: Reconsidering Effective Indicators for Decision-making Processes
by Hosseini S. M. Amin & de la Fuente Albert & Pons Oriol & Mendoza Arroyo Carmen - 1-29 More Monitoring, Less Coordination: Twitter and Facebook Use between Emergency Management Agencies
by Wukich Clayton - 1-33 Evaluation of Basic Trainings for Rescue Forces
by Niemann Lena & Thielsch Meinald T. - 1-036 Representative Bureaucracy in Emergency Management: Attitudes About Contemporary Emergency Management Policy and Politics in Local Agencies
by Hildebrand Sean - 1-37 Strategic Planning in Emergency Management: Evaluating the Impacts on Local Program Quality
by Manning Scott Robert - 1-43 Comparing Actions and Lessons Learned in Transportation and Logistics Efforts for Emergency Response to Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Harvey
by Collier John & Balakrishnan Srijith & Zhang Zhanmin
May 2020, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-04 Color-coding for COVID-19 Management: An Idea Whose Time has Come
by Coppola Damon P. & Ryan Benjamin J. - 1-9 Current State of (Dis)Integration: Public Health and Fusion Centers
by Minks Cody & Richter Anke - 1-12 The Boko Haram Impasse: Community Policing as a Nostrum for Conflict Resolution
by Olofinbiyi Sogo Angel & Steyn Jean - 1-13 Vulnerability and Disaster: Practitioner Strategies for Addressing the Needs of Vulnerable Populations
by Williams Brian D. & Webb Gary R. - 1-13 Considerations of Resilience in the Homeland Security Literature: Towards Conceptual Convergence?
by Haase Thomas W. & Demiroz Fatih - 1-17 Coordination, Communication, and Clade X: Challenges and Lessons Learned from Health Emergency Exercise After-Action Reports and How They Can Help Guide Future Efforts to Improve Information Sharing
by Myers Nathan - 1-23 Community Long Term Care Ombudsman Program Disaster Assistance: Ready, Willing or Able?
by Wayne Nelson H. & Yang Bo Kyum & Ellen Netting F. & Monahan Erin
January 2020, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-3 Terri M. Adams and Leigh R. Anderson. Policing in Natural Disasters: Stress, Resilience, and the Challenges of Emergency Management
by Peak William - 1-9 Perceptions of Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Fear, Risk and the 2016 Trump Effect
by Brogan Michael & Rusciano Frank Louis & Thompson Victor & Walden Kayla - 1-9 Dynamic Ad Hoc Social Networks in Improvised Intelligence/Counter-Intelligence Exercises: A Department of Homeland Security Red-Team Blue-Team Live-Action Roleplay
by Myers Kellen & Lemanski Natalie & Fefferman Nina H. & DeNegre Ashley & Mayberry Alexander & Redere Agnesa & Schwab Samantha & Stringham Oliver & Gallos Lazaros - 1-12 Estimating the Sequencing of Evacuation Destination and Accommodation Type in Hurricanes
by Damera Abhishek & Gehlot Hemant & Ukkusuri Satish & Murray-Tuite Pamela & Ge Yue & Lee Seungyoon - 1-13 Engaging Stakeholders for Collaborative Decision Making in Humanitarian Logistics Using System Dynamics
by Guo Xuesong & Kapucu Naim
October 2019, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-2 Mark G. Stewart and John Mueller. Are We Safe Enough? Measuring and Assessing Aviation Security
by Millett Mark C. - 1-9 Uncovering the Real Recovery Challenge: What Emergency Management Must Do
by McCreight Robert & Harrop Wayne - 1-11 Geospatial Preparedness: Empirical Study of Alternative Sources of Information for the Humanitarian Community
by San Martin Roberto & Painho Marco - 1-14 Promoting the Resilience of Older Adults Through Participatory Climate Change Adaptation Planning
by Rhoades Jason & Gruber James & Horton Bill - 1-14 Implementing Disaster Policy: Exploring Scale and Measurement Schemes for Disaster Resilience
by Cutter Susan L. & Derakhshan Sahar - 1-19 Deciding to Apply for Federal Disaster Assistance: A Preliminary Investigation of Disaster Decision-Making using a Bounded Rationality Framework
by Rivera Jason D.
May 2019, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-2 James Bohland, Jack Harrald and Deborah Brosnan. The Disaster Resiliency Challenge: Transforming Theory to Action
by Fast Jacob - 1-5 Beyond ICS: How Should We Govern Complex Disasters in the United States?
by Nowell Branda & Steelman Toddi - 1-12 Developing Degree Programs in Emergency Management: Ghana’s Experience
by Yakubu Mariama & Jensen Jessica - 1-17 A resilience engineering approach to integrating human and socio-technical system capacities and processes for national infrastructure resilience
by Thomas John E. & Eisenberg Daniel A. & Seager Thomas P. & Fisher Erik
January 2019, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-7 Grid Collapse Security, Stability and Vulnerability Issues: Impactful Issues Affecting Nuclear Power Plants, Chemical Plants and Natural Gas Supply Systems
by McCreight Robert - 1-7 The Expanding Domestic Role of Western Armed Forces and its Implications
by Kalkman Jori Pascal - 1-17 A Hybrid Hierarchical Framework Toward Security Effectiveness for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resiliency: A Hospital Case Study
by White Latechia & Eveleigh Timothy & Bereket Tanju - 1-18 Disaster Risk Analysis Part 2: The Systemic Underestimation of Risk
by Mamuji Aaida A. & Etkin David
December 2018, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 1-8 Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Full-Scale Exercise of Epidemiologic Capacity for Bioterrorism Response
by Stone Kahler W. & Karaye Ibraheem & Horney Jennifer A. & Morehead Bonnie F. & Davis Carol M. - 1-11 Pre-Disaster Established Trust and Relationships: Two Major Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Implementing the ICS
by Chang Ray & Trainor Joseph - 1-11 An Analysis of the Emergency Fire Response to the Colorado 2012 Waldo Canyon and 2013 Black Forest Fires
by Marzolf Gregory S. & Sega Ronald M. - 1-17 C2 Agility for Emergency Management: Examining the Katrina and Sandy Responses
by Earle Caroline R. - 1-19 Household Disaster Preparedness in New York City before Superstorm Sandy: Findings and Recommendations
by Martins V. Nuno & Louis-Charles Hans M. & Nigg Joanne & Kendra James & Sisco Sarah
September 2018, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 1-13 Antecedents of Border Management Network in El Paso, Texas: An Exponential Random Graph Model
by Yeo Jungwon - 1-14 Cybersecurity at the Grassroots: American Local Governments and the Challenges of Internet Security
by Norris Donald F. & Mateczun Laura & Joshi Anupam & Finin Tim - 1-19 Social Vulnerability Evaluation for Ankang City, China, using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Method
by Guo Xuesong & Kapucu Naim - 1-24 Using Simulated Annealing to Improve the Information Dissemination Network Structure of a Foreign Animal Disease Outbreak Response
by Pleuss James D. & Heier Stamm Jessica L. & Ellis Jason D. - 1-27 Development of Competency-Based Education Standards for Homeland Security Academic Programs
by Ramsay James D. & Renda-Tanali Irmak
June 2018, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-7 Improving Community Resilience through Disaster Simulation: How Simulation-based Education Augments Emergency Management Exercises
by Zavaleta Kathryn Walker & Asirvatham Usha & Callies Byron & Franz Walter B. & Scanlan-Hanson Lori & Molella Robin G. - 1-11 The Impact of a Strong Commitment on Disaster Resilience: A Longitudinal Study of the 2012 Korean Typhoons
by Jung Kyujin & Song Minsun - 1-14 Catastrophes and their Classifications: Revising New York City’s Hurricane Evacuation Maps after Irene and Sandy
by Wilson Michael T. - 1-17 Disaster Risk Analysis Part 1: The Importance of Including Rare Events
by Etkin David A. & Mamuji Aaida A. & Clarke Lee - 1-17 Who Will Stay, Who Will Leave: Decision-Making of Residents Living in Potential Hurricane Impact Areas During a Hypothetical Hurricane Event in the Rio Grande Valley
by Kyne Dean & Lomeli Arlett Sophia & Donner William & Zuloaga Erika
April 2018, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-2 Emergency & Disaster Preparedness for Health Professionals: Second Edition
by Richards Antoine B. - 1-3 A Theory of Homeland Security
by White Richard - 1-10 Behavior Analysis of Illegal Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico
by Pala Ali & Zhang Jing & Zhuang Jun & Allen Nathan - 1-13 Estimated Time of Restoration (ETR) Guidance for Electric Distribution Networks
by Wanik David & Anagnostou Emmanouil & Hartman Brian & Layton Thomas - 1-13 Social Media and Crisis Communications: A Survey of Local Governments in Florida
by Neely Stephen R. & Collins Matthew
December 2017, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 1-13 Local Recovery Coordinators and the National Disaster Recovery Framework: Questions Regarding the Form, Necessity, and Potential of the Role
by Jensen Jessica & Kirkpatrick Sarah J. Bundy - 1-14 Developing and Implementing Next-Generation Computer-Aided Dispatch: Challenges and Opportunities
by Shahrah Abobakr Y. & Hossain M. Anwar & Al-Mashari Majed A. - 1-24 Identifying Constraints to Increase the Resilience of Cities: A Case Study of the City of Porto Alegre
by da Silva Stefano Gustavo & Lacerda Daniel Pacheco & Veit Douglas Rafael & Pantaleão Luis Henrique
September 2017, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 1-5 Military Provision of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief in Non-Conflict Crises
by Canyon Deon V. & Ryan Benjamin J. & Burkle Frederick M. - 1-9 The Flint Water Crisis and the Role of Professional Emergency Managers in Risk Mitigation
by Paine Mark & Kushma Jane A. - 1-14 The National Capabilities for Animal Response in Emergencies (NCARE) Study: An Assessment of US States and Counties
by Spain C. Victor & Miller Gregory S. & Green R.C. & Davis Lacie & Britt Susan
July 2017, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 1-10 Health Security in Hawaii by 2050: The Physical Effects of Climate Change
by Canyon Deon V. & Burkle Frederick M. & Speare Rick - 1-11 Independent-Living Senior Communities in Disaster: Self-Efficacy and Trust in Responding Agencies
by Bonnan-White Jess - 1-12 Twenty Challenges in Incident Planning
by Karagiannis Georgios Marios & Synolakis Costas
April 2017, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-6 Quarantine: Erring On the Side of Public Safety
by Taylor Eric R. - 1-13 Reasons for Volunteering in the Field of Civil Protection in Germany
by Kehl Doris & Kietzmann Diana & Schmidt Silke - 1-13 Reacting to Crisis: The Costs of First Response by the United States Navy
by Apte Aruna & Yoho Keenan - 1-14 Toward a Legal Perspective on Crisis Information Management: Legal Values and Privacy-Sensitive Information at Odds?
by Biersteker Erwin & Ferguson Julie E. & Beersma Bianca & Groenewegen Peter - 1-16 Assessing Risk Communication in Social Media for Crisis Prevention: A Social Network Analysis of Microblog
by Shi Jia & Zhu Zhengwei & Guo Xuesong & Kapucu Naim & Haupt Brittany
December 2016, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 1-2 Young Adults’ Security Perceptions: Troubling, but an Opportunity for the Response Field
by Vermeulen Karla - 1-12 The Civil Air Patrol: The Struggle for Identity and Relevance
by Rooks John Thomas & Richardson Tracey M. - 1-13 Pets and Evacuation: An Ongoing Challenge in Disasters
by Farmer Ashley K. & DeYoung Sarah E. & Wachtendorf Tricia - 1-18 A Capabilities-Based Framework for Disaster Response Exercise Design and Evaluation: Findings from Oil Spill Response Exercises
by Greenberg Brandon & Voevodsky Paule & Gralla Erica
September 2016, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 295-300 Biodefense Spending and Waste: Impact on Public Health Initiatives
by Kelly Erin Lynne & Zola Adam & Strzalkowski Monica & Macmillan Benjamin & Macgreggor-Skinner Gavin - 301-327 An Innovative System to Enhance Situational Awareness in Disaster Response
by Mohsin Bukhtiar & Steinhäusler Friedrich & Madl Pierre & Kiefel Maximilian - 329-349 Rethinking Crisis Communications on Campus: An Evaluation of Faculty and Staff Perceptions about Emergency Notification Systems
by Elsass H. Jaymi & McKenna Joseph M. & Schildkraut Jaclyn - 351-365 Disaster Preparedness Resource Allocation and Technical Support for Native American Tribes in California
by Lawrence Rachel I. & Adam Atif & Mann Semran K. & Bliss Walleska & Bliss Jesse C. & Randhawa Manjit - 367-393 A Systems-Of-Systems Conceptual Model and Live Virtual Constructive Simulation Framework for Improved Nuclear Disaster Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Mitigation
by Davis Matthew & Proctor Michael & Shageer Buder - 395-418 The Use of Social Media by Alleged Members of Mexican Cartels and Affiliated Drug Trafficking Organizations
by Nix Justin & Smith Michael R. & Petrocelli Matthew & Rojek Jeff & Manjarrez Victor M.
July 2016, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 219-229 Comprehensive Homeland Security: Developing a Domestic Protection Force for the United States
by Brady Kyle R. - 231-246 Living with Terrorism: Unimaginable Nightmare or Prospective Reality
by Kahan Jerome H. - 247-277 Barriers to Use of Social Media by Emergency Managers
by Plotnick Linda & Hiltz Starr Roxanne - 279-294 Assessment of Awareness and Preparedness of Pennsylvania Veterinarians to Recognize and Respond to Foreign Animal Diseases
by Campagnolo Enzo Riccardo & Bicking Kinsey Cara & Beaudoin Amanda & Long Jonah
April 2016, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 3-33 Deliberative Risk Ranking to Inform Homeland Security Strategic Planning
by Lundberg Russell & Willis Henry H. - 35-50 Population as a Proxy for Infrastructure in the Determination of Event Response and Recovery Resource Allocations
by Stamber Kevin L. & Unis Carl J. & Shirah Donald N. & Gibson Jessica A. & Fogleman William E. & Kaplan Paul - 51-75 Opportunities and Constraints to Rural HAZMAT Risk Reduction
by Thompson Courtney M. & Frazier Tim G. & Vachon Michele D. - 77-94 Cyber Defense as a part of Hazard Mitigation: Comparing High Hazard Potential Dam Safety Programs in the United States and Sweden
by Burk Rosemary A. & Kallberg Jan - 95-112 Assessing Risk Following a Wireless Emergency Alert: Are 90 Characters Enough?
by Casteel Mark A. & Downing Joe R. - 113-135 Changes in Self-Reported Household Preparedness Levels among a Rural Population after Exposure to Emergency Preparedness Campaign Materials
by McNeill Charleen C. & Alfred Danita & Mastel-Smith Beth & Fountain Rebecca & MacClements Jonathan - 137-166 The Self-Organization of Digital Volunteers across Social Media: The Case of the 2013 European Floods in Germany
by Kaufhold Marc-André & Reuter Christian - 167-189 Fire Department Turnout Times: A Contextual Analysis
by Reglen Dennis & Scheller Daniel S. - 191-218 ‘Set Adrift’: Fatalism as Organizational Culture at Canadian Seaports
by Quigley Kevin F. & Mills Bryan
December 2015, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 763-774 Reflections on 40 Years in the Hazards and Disasters Community
by Rubin Claire B. - 775-791 Communicable Disease and Homeland Security: An Assessment of the US 2014 Ebola Incident
by Taylor Eric R. - 793-800 Border Security: Defining it is the Real Challenge
by Manjarrez Victor M. - 801-808 Tax Stimulus: The Third Direction for U.S. Government Cybersecurity Policy
by Carlberg Kenneth - 809-822 Reducing Public Health Risk During Disasters: Identifying Social Vulnerabilities
by Wolkin Amy & Burrer Sherry & Patterson Jennifer Rees & Soler Elena & Harris Shelly & McGeehin Michael & Greene Sandra - 823-843 Healthcare Workers’ Willingness to Report to Work During an Influenza Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Review
by Rossow Caren C. & Ivanitskaya Lana V. & Fulton Lawrence V. & Fales William D. - 845-859 Understanding Comprehension Levels of Emergency Notifications by Limited English Proficient US Residents: Case Study of Korean-Americans in New York City
by Jung Alice R. & Hristovski Kiril D. & Brown Albert F. & Ulrich Jon W. - 861-873 Bioterrorism and Local Agency Preparedness: Results from an Experimental Study in Risk Communication
by Malet David & Korbitz Mark - 875-889 Human Resource Management Practices to Support Emotional Labor in Emergency Response
by Mastracci Sharon - 891-914 Examining Coordination in Disaster Response Using Simulation Methods
by Guo Xuesong & Kapucu Naim - 915-940 A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach to Provide Solutions for Emergency Aid Stations Location Problem and a Case Study for Pendik/İstanbul
by Tozan Hakan & Donmez Sercan - 941-966 A Socio-Demographic Analysis of Responses to Terrorism
by Salvatore Christopher & Rubin Gabriel - 967-983 Are Emergency Departments in Istanbul Ready for the Earthquakes? Past Experience and Suggestions for Future Preparedness from Employees’ Viewpoint and the Literature
by Gul Muhammet & Guneri Ali Fuat
September 2015, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 437-467 Network Disaster Response Effectiveness: The Case of ICTs and Hurricane Katrina
by Davis G. Leah & Robbin Alice - 469-496 Principle-Based Design: A Methodology and Principles for Capitalizing Design Experiences for Information Quality Assurance
by Bharosa Nitesh & Janssen Marijn - 497-528 Increasing Evacuation Communication Through ICTs: An Agent-based Model Demonstrating Evacuation Practices and the Resulting Traffic Congestion in the Rush to the Road
by Stephens Keri K. & Jafari Ehsan & Boyles Stephen & Ford Jessica L. & Zhu Yaguang - 529-569 Managing Network Based Governance Structures in Disasters: The Case of the Passau Flood in 2013
by Wittmann Sebastian & Jurisch Marlen & Krcmar Helmut - 571-602 Geographic Information Systems for Disaster Response: A Review
by Tomaszewski Brian & Judex Michael & Szarzynski Joerg & Radestock Christine & Wirkus Lars - 603-626 Determinants of Emergency Management Decision Support Software Technology: An Empirical Analysis of Social Influence in Technology Adoption
by Jennings Eliot & Arlikatti Sudha & Andrew Simon - 627-652 Using Social Multimedia Content to Inform Emergency Planning of Recurring and Cyclical Events in Local Communities
by Shih Patrick C. & Han Kyungsik & Carroll John M. - 653-677 Social Media and the Virality of Risk: The Risk Amplification through Media Spread (RAMS) Model
by Vijaykumar Santosh & Jin Yan & Nowak Glen - 679-706 Social Media in Crisis: When Professional Responders Meet Digital Volunteers
by Hughes Amanda Lee & Tapia Andrea H. - 707-735 Closing the Citizen-Government Communication Gap: Content, Audience, and Network Analysis of Government Tweets
by Wukich Clayton & Mergel Ines - 737-761 Re-Tweet Count Matters: Social Influences on Sharing of Disaster-Related Tweets
by Li Huaye & Sakamoto Yasuaki - 763-784 Synthetic Environments for Investigating Collaborative Information Seeking: An Application in Emergency Restoration of Critical Infrastructures
by Mendonça David & Wallace William A. & Brooks James & Cutler Barbara
June 2015, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 211-240 Quadrennial Homeland Security Reviews: What Value for Whom?
by Kahan Jerome - 241-255 Fixing a Failure to Identify Intelligence in the Domestic Setting: Aligning Collection and Analysis to Address an All-Hazards Mission
by Tromblay Darren E. - 257-271 State Intervention During Public Health Emergencies: Is the United States Prepared for an Ebola Outbreak?
by Maras Marie-Helen & Miranda Michelle D. - 273-298 Coerced Confusion? Local Emergency Policy Implementation After September 11
by Hildebrand Sean - 299-318 A Medical System for Supporting Civilian Crisis Response
by Ren Chiang H. & Smith William K. & Christensen James - 319-350 The Response Phase of the Disaster Management Life Cycle Revisited Within the Context of “Disasters Out of the Box”
by De Smet Hans & Leysen Jan & Schreurs Bert - 351-385 Understanding Risk Communication Gaps through E-Government Website and Twitter Hashtag Content Analyses: The Case of Indonesia’s Mt. Sinabung Eruption
by Chatfield Akemi Takeoka & Reddick Christopher G. - 387-406 A Spatial and Longitudinal Analysis of Unmet Transportation Needs During Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
by Joh Kenneth & Bame Sherry I. & Norman Alexandria - 407-435 A Two-level Agent-Based Model for Hurricane Evacuation in New Orleans
by Liang Wei & Lam Nina S.-N. & Qin Xiaojun & Ju Wenxue
April 2015, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-21 Future of FEMA – Preparedness or Politics?
by Kahan Jerome - 23-42 Constitutional Authority in Crisis: Examining a State Governor’s Emergency Powers
by McCreight Robert - 43-66 Defining and Distinguishing Homeland from National Security and Climate-Related Environmental Security, in Theory and Practice
by O’Sullivan Terrence M. & Ramsay Jim