May 2010, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 202-226 A covariate‐adjusted adaptive design for two‐stage clinical trials with survival data
by Uttam Bandyopadhyay & Atanu Biswas & Rahul Bhattacharya - 227-253 Statistical inference on seemingly unrelated varying coefficient partially linear models
by Jinhong You & Xian Zhou
February 2010, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-18 Modeling and prediction of surgical procedure times
by Pieter S. Stepaniak & Christiaan Heij & Guus De Vries - 19-44 A third‐order point process characteristic for multi‐type point processes
by Carlos Comas & Jorge Mateu & Aila Särkkä - 45-70 Estimation of a k‐monotone density: characterizations, consistency and minimax lower bounds
by Fadoua Balabdaoui & Jon A. Wellner - 71-76 The introduction of the 5‐year impact factor: does it benefit statistics journals?
by Erjen van Nierop - 77-96 Multi‐sample simple step‐stress experiment under time constraints
by M. Kateri & U. Kamps & N. Balakrishnan - 97-111 A general asymptotic theory for time‐series models
by Shiqing Ling & Michael McAleer - 112-124 A new bivariate generalized Poisson distribution
by Felix Famoye - 125-128 On the number of categories in an ordered regression model
by Philip Hans Franses & J.S. Cramer
August 2009, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 245-257 Regression analysis on serial dilution data from virus validation robustness studies
by Nan Van Geloven & Eric A. Cator & Hendrik P. Lopuhaä & Mart P. Janssen - 258-268 A composite indicator dimension reduction procedure with application to university student satisfaction
by Marco Marozzi - 269-293 General framework for the rotation of units in repeated survey sampling
by Desislava Nedyalkova & Lionel Qualité & Yves Tillé - 294-323 Testing for linear vector autoregressive dynamics under multivariate generalized autoregressive heteroskedasticity
by Christian M. Hafner & Helmut Herwartz - 324-333 Towards a better understanding of correlation
by J. C. W. Rayner & Eric J. Beh - 334-346 Expert opinion versus expertise in forecasting
by Philip Hans Franses & Michael McAleer & Rianne Legerstee - 347-352 Change point detection in scale family distributions
by Reza Habibi - 353-367 Response adaptive procedures with dual optimality
by Uttam Bandyopadhyay & Rahul Bhattacharya - 368-384 Testing non‐nested demand relations: linear expenditure system versus indirect addilog
by Paul De Boer & Richard Paap
May 2009, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 125-130 Why is GDP typically revised upwards?
by Philip Hans Franses - 131-132 Reaction to Philip Hans Franses’ Note ‘Why is GDP typically revised upwards?’
by Peter Van De Ven - 133-134 Reaction to Philip Hans Franses’ Note ‘Why is GDP typically revised upwards?’
by Henk Kranendonk & Johan Verbruggen - 135-148 Optimal designs for Cox regression
by J. López‐Fidalgo & M. J. Rivas‐López & R. Del Campo - 149-182 Class‐specific tests of spatial segregation based on nearest neighbor contingency tables
by Elvan Ceyhan - 183-212 Estimation and model adequacy checking for multivariate seasonal autoregressive time series models with periodically varying parameters
by Eugen Ursu & Pierre Duchesne - 213-226 Estimating structural equation models with non‐normal variables by using transformations
by Kees van Montfort & Ab Mooijaart & Frits Meijerink - 227-244 New Model‐assisted Estimators for the Distribution Function Using the Pseudo Empirical Likelihood Method
by M. Rueda & J.F. Muñoz
February 2009, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-12 Statistics, ethics and probiotica
by Richard D. Gill - 13-23 Robust normal reference bandwidth for kernel density estimation
by Jin Zhang & Xueren Wang - 24-42 The beta‐binomial convolution model for 2×2 tables with missing cell counts
by Rob Eisinga - 43-51 Second‐order analysis of inhomogeneous spatio‐temporal point process data
by Edith Gabriel & Peter J. Diggle - 52-62 Why do statistics journals have low impact factors?
by Erjen Van Nierop - 63-81 Normal control charts with nonparametric safeguard
by Willem Albers & Wilbert C. M. Kallenberg - 82-100 Agreement between an isolated rater and a group of raters
by S. Vanbelle & A. Albert - 101-123 Sampling inspection by variables: nonparametric setting
by Ansgar Steland & Henryk Zähle
November 2008, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 405-424 Bayesian estimation of log odds ratios from R × C and 2 × 2 × K contingency tables
by Haydar Demirhan & Canan Hamurkaroglu - 425-440 Strong representation of the presmoothed quantile function estimator for censored data
by M. A. Jácome & R. Cao - 441-457 Queues with service speed adaptations
by R. Bekker & O.J. Boxma & J.A.C. Resing - 458-481 Monitoring process mean level using auxiliary information
by Muhammad Riaz - 482-508 Consistency and asymptotic normality of least squares estimators in generalized STAR models
by Svetlana Borovkova & Hendrik P. Lopuhaä & Budi Nurani Ruchjana - 509-509 Editorial statistics
by Philip Hans Franses & Paul De Boer & Elli Hoek Van Dijke
August 2008, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 255-255 Editorial introduction
by Ivo Adan & Alessandro Di Bucchianico & Remco Van Der Hofstad - 256-265 EURANDOM: a decade of European stochastics
by W. Th. Frank Den Hollander & Wim J. M. Senden & Willem R. Van Zwet - 266-282 Recent sojourn time results for multilevel processor‐sharing scheduling disciplines
by Samuli Aalto & Urtzi Ayesta - 283-298 IEEE 802.11s and the Philosophers’ problem
by Dee Denteneer & Sem Borst & Peter van de Ven & Guido Hiertz - 299-313 Back to the roots of the M/D/s queue and the works of Erlang, Crommelin and Pollaczek
by A. J. E. M. Janssen & J. S. H. Van Leeuwaarden - 314-330 Scaling limits of two‐dimensional percolation: an overview
by Federico Camia - 331-344 Gibbsian and non‐Gibbsian states at Eurandom
by Aernout C. D. Van Enter & Frank Redig & Evgeny Verbitskiy - 345-363 The ‘magic formula’ for linearly edge‐reinforced random walks
by Franz Merkl & Aniko Öry & Silke W. W. Rolles - 364-373 The changing focus of microarray analysis
by Nicola J. Armstrong - 374-392 Entropy concentration and the empirical coding game
by Peter Grünwald - 393-403 Convergence of stochastic approximation algorithms under irregular conditions
by Jian Zhang & Faming Liang
May 2008, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 155-172 Semiparametric analysis of clustered survival data under nonparametric frailty
by Malay Naskar - 173-192 Statistics for image sharpening
by Carlo Grillenzoni - 193-205 Imputing continuous data under some non‐Gaussian distributions
by Hakan Demirtas & Donald Hedeker - 206-207 On a distribution of Jasso and Kotz
by Saralees Nadarajah - 208-229 Pooling data for the analysis of dynamic marketing systems
by Csilla Horváth & Jaap E. Wieringa - 230-238 Method‐of‐moment view of linear simultaneous equation systems
by Myoung‐jae Lee - 239-254 Information loss for 2 × 2 tables with missing cell counts: binomial case
by Rob Eisinga
February 2008, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial introduction
by Johan H. L. Oud & Hermann Singer - 4-28 Continuous time modeling of panel data: SEM versus filter techniques
by Johan H. L. Oud & Hermann Singer - 29-57 Nonlinear continuous time modeling approaches in panel research
by Hermann Singer - 58-82 Analyzing reciprocal relationships by means of the continuous‐time autoregressive latent trajectory model
by Marc J. M. H. Delsing & Johan H. L. Oud - 83-103 Assessing the relationships between Nationalism, Ethnocentrism, and Individualism in Flanders using Bergstrom's approximate discrete model
by Toni Toharudin & Johan H. L. Oud & Jaak B. Billiet - 104-130 Estimating systematic continuous‐time trends in recidivism using a non‐Gaussian panel data model
by Siem Jan Koopman & Marius Ooms & André Lucas & Kees van Montfort & Victor Van Der Geest - 131-154 Continuous‐time modelling of irregularly spaced panel data using a cubic spline model
by Sy‐Miin Chow & Guangjian Zhang
November 2007, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 383-406 Surveillance of the mean behavior of multivariate time series
by Olha Bodnar & Wolfgang Schmid - 407-431 Estimation of a linear regression under microaggregation with the response variable as a sorting variable
by Matthias Schmid & Hans Schneeweiss & Helmut Küchenhoff - 432-445 Modelling soccer matches using bivariate discrete distributions with general dependence structure
by Ian McHale & Phil Scarf - 446-465 Diversification for general copula dependence
by Stan Alink & Matthias Löwe & Mario V. Wüthrich - 466-487 Testing for random effects in panel models with spatially correlated disturbances
by Helmut Herwartz - 488-508 Generalized M‐fluctuation tests for parameter instability
by Achim Zeileis & Kurt Hornik
August 2007, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 273-283 Extensions of linear diagonal‐parameter symmetry and quasi‐symmetry models for cumulative probabilities in square contingency tables
by Sadao Tomizawa & Nobuko Miyamoto & Kouji Yamamoto & Akinobu Sugiyama - 284-291 Constructing optimal randomized response designs with consideration for the level of privacy protection
by Kuo‐Chung Huang - 292-304 Analysis of marginally specified semi‐nonparametric models for clustered binary data
by Santu Ghosh & Kalyan Das & Peter Congdon - 305-328 A new continuous distribution and two new families of distributions based on the exponential
by Guillermina Jasso & Samuel Kotz - 329-344 Adaptive two‐treatment two‐period crossover design for binary treatment responses
by Uttam Bandyopadhyay & Atanu Biswas & Shirsendu Mukherjee - 345-357 A Bayesian approach for exact optimal measurement and cutting times for a Eucalyptus production forest
by M. J. Paulo & A. Otten - 358-382 Covariance functions that are stationary or nonstationary in space and stationary in time
by E. Porcu & J. Mateu & M. Bevilacqua
May 2007, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 173-197 A kernel‐based method for nonparametric estimation of variograms
by Keming Yu & Jorge Mateu & Emilio Porcu - 198-208 Interarrival times in a counting process and bird watching
by Dragi Anevski - 209-231 Confidence bounds for the mean in nonparametric multisample problems
by V. Bentkus & N. Kalosha & M. C. A. Van Zuijlen - 232-242 An exact non‐iterative sampling procedure for discrete missing data problems
by Guo‐Liang Tian & Ming Tan & Kai Wang Ng - 243-270 Reduced‐bias tail index estimation and the jackknife methodology
by M. Ivette Gomes & Cristina Miranda & Clara Viseu
February 2007, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial introduction
by Stan Van Hoesel & Albert Wagelmans - 4-15 A genetic algorithm for the partial binary constraint satisfaction problem: an application to a frequency assignment problem
by Antoon Kolen - 16-34 On the p‐coverage problem on the real line
by Stan P. M. Van Hoesel & Albert P. M. Wagelmans - 35-60 Disconnecting graphs by removing vertices: a polyhedral approach
by Maarten Oosten & Jeroen H. G. C. Rutten & Frits C. R. Spieksma - 61-74 Heuristic estimates in shortest path algorithms
by Wim Pijls - 75-91 Multiplicity and complexity issues in contemporary production scheduling
by N. Brauner & Y. Crama & A. Grigoriev & J. Van De Klundert - 92-114 Disruption management in flight gate scheduling
by Ulrich Dorndorf & Florian Jaehn & Chen Lin & Hui Ma & Erwin Pesch - 115-136 Tight LP‐based lower bounds for wavelength conversion in optical networks
by Arie M. C. A. Koster & Adrian Zymolka - 137-155 Optimal prepayment of Dutch mortgages
by Bart H. M. Kuijpers & Peter C. Schotman - 156-171 Note on the applicability of the VCG mechanism to capacitated assignment problems and extensions
by Reinder B. Lok & Dolores Romero Morales & Dries Vermeulen
November 2006, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 413-413 Editorial introduction
by Ruud Koning & Siem Heisterkamp - 414-437 Approaches to multiplicity issues in complex research in microarray analysis
by Daniel Yekutieli & Anat Reiner‐Benaim & Yoav Benjamini & Gregory I. Elmer & Neri Kafkafi & Noah E. Letwin & Norman H. Lee - 438-456 On modeling panels of time series
by Philip Hans Franses - 457-476 A model for identifying and ranking dangerous accident locations: a case study in Flanders
by Tom Brijs & Filip Van den Bossche & Geert Wets & Dimitris Karlis - 477-496 A score test under logistic regression models based on case–control data
by Biao Zhang - 497-509 Additive hazards regression of failure time data with covariate measurement errors
by Liuquan Sun & Zhigang Zhang & Jianguo Sun
August 2006, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 269-269 Editorial introduction
by Ronald J. M. M. Does & Jeroen De Mast - 270-282 Industrial statistics: a discipline with opportunities and challenges
by Jeroen De Mast & Ronald J. M. M. Does - 283-291 Credit to and in acceptance sampling
by David H. Baillie & Chris A. J. Klaassen - 292-308 Self‐adapting control charts
by Willem Albers & Wilbert C. M. Kallenberg - 309-326 Statistical process adjustment: a brief retrospective, current status, and some opportunities for further work
by E. Del Castillo - 327-338 Model‐based control charts in phase 1 statistical process control
by Alex J. Koning - 339-360 Performance assessment and improvement of control charts for statistical batch process monitoring
by Henk‐Jan Ramaker & Eric N. M. Van Sprang & Johan A. Westerhuis & Stephen P. Gurden & Age K. Smilde & Frank H. Van Der Meulen - 361-378 Optimal versus orthogonal and equivalent‐estimation design of blocked and split‐plot experiments
by Peter Goos - 379-395 A response surface approach to tolerance design
by A. Freek Huele & Jan Engel - 396-411 Aspects of statistical consulting not taught by academia
by R. Kenett & P. Thyregod
May 2006, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 79-79 Editorial introduction
by Philip Hans Franses & Patrick J. F. Groenen & Albert P. M. Wagelmans - 80-84 Fifty years of Econometric Institute
by J. Drèze - 85-111 ‘Rotterdam econometrics’: an analysis of publications of the Econometric Institute 1956–2004
by H. K. Van Dijk & J. F. Kaashoek & A. P. M. Wagelmans - 112-123 The Rotterdam program in Econometrics & Management Science
by Albert P. M. Wagelmans - 124-134 Statistica data analytica est et aliter
by J. C. Gower - 135-144 Visions of 70 years of psychometrics: the past, present, and future
by Patrick J. F. Groenen & L. Andries van der Ark - 145-170 Models and methods for economic policy: 60 years of evolution at CPB
by F. J. H. Don & J. P. Verbruggen - 171-180 Disequilibrium econometrics: 25 years later
by E. Malinvaud - 181-193 Re‐examining 50‐year‐old OLS estimates of the Klein–Goldberger model
by B. D. McCullough & Charles G. Renfro & Houston H. Stokes - 194-205 The working conditions of econometric scholars, then and now
by Mars Cramer - 206-224 Econometric software development: past, present and future
by Marius Ooms & Jurgen A. Doornik - 225-258 The development of the Dutch national accounts as a tool for analysis and policy
by Frits Bos - 259-268 Twenty‐five years of applied Operations Research at ORTEC
by Guus Boender & Gerrit Timmer
February 2006, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-2 In Memoriam Ton Steerneman
by Ruud H. Koning - 3-11 Tests for balanced incomplete block ranked data with ties
by D. J. Best & P. B. Brockhoff & J. C. W. Rayner - 12-45 Models for data transmission delay in cable networks
by Dee Denteneer - 46-56 Planning step‐stress life test with progressively type I group‐censored exponential data
by Shuo‐Jye Wu & Ying‐Po Lin & Yi‐Ju Chen - 57-72 Treatment effect of job‐training programmes on unemployment duration in Slovakia
by Bram van Dijk - 73-78 Waiting‐time probabilities in the M/G/1 retrial queue
by R. D. Nobel & H. C. Tijms
November 2005, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 375-375 Erratum
by Paul De Boer - 376-396 Processes with volatility‐induced stationarity: an application for interest rates
by João Nicolau - 397-413 Estimating a frequency unseen: an application to ornithology
by C. J. Albers & G. Th. De Roos & W. Schaafsma - 414-433 Panel unit root tests under cross‐sectional dependence
by Jörg Breitung & Samarjit Das - 434-447 On a 2 × 2 factorial design where the use of randomized response is one of the factors
by Ardo van den Hout & Gerty J. L. M. Lensvelt‐Mulders - 448-466 Exponential rates for kernel density estimation under association
by Carla Henriques & Paulo Eduardo Oliveira - 467-497 Operations Research in passenger railway transportation
by Dennis Huisman & Leo G. Kroon & Ramon M. Lentink & Michiel J. C. M. Vromans - 498-505 Ridge regression revisited
by Paul M. C. de Boer & Christian M. Hafner
August 2005, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 235-238 Editorial introduction
by Herold Dehling & Ton Steerneman - 239-267 Instrumental variable estimation based on grouped data
by Paul A. Bekker & Jan van der Ploeg - 268-276 Studentization and prediction in a multivariate normal setting
by Morris L. Eaton & D. A. S. Fraser - 277-297 Multilinear approximation on rectangles and the related moment problem
by Willem K. Klein Haneveld - 298-312 Search for relevant sets of variables in a high‐dimensional setup keeping the familywise error rate
by Jürgen Läuter & Ekkehard Glimm & Markus Eszlinger - 313-323 Generalized two‐sample U‐statistics for clustered data
by Mei‐Ling Ting Lee & Herold G. Dehling - 324-338 How to model multivariate extremes if one must?
by Thomas Mikosch - 339-364 Gas system failure rate
by T. Van Der Hoeven & A. G. M. Steerneman - 365-374 Some applications of multivariate statistics to physical anthropology
by G. N. van Vark
May 2005, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 119-158 Divisia price and quantity indices: 80 years after
by Bert M. Balk - 159-179 Local power functions of tests for double unit roots
by Niels Haldrup & Peter Lildholdt - 180-205 Optimization in telecommunication networks
by Stan Van Hoesel - 206-213 Neyman type A distribution revisited
by Jean–Claude Massé & Radu Theodorescu - 214-234 Sampling distributions associated with the multivariate t distribution
by Saralees Nadarajah & Samuel Kotz
February 2005, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial introduction
by Irene Klugkist & Herbert Hoijtink - 3-15 Posterior model probabilities via path‐based pairwise priors
by James O. Berger & German Molina - 16-29 Computing marginal likelihoods from a single MCMC output
by Ming‐Hui Chen - 30-44 Accept–reject Metropolis–Hastings sampling and marginal likelihood estimation
by Siddhartha Chib & Ivan Jeliazkov - 45-56 DIC in variable selection
by Angelika van der Linde - 57-69 Bayesian model selection using encompassing priors
by Irene Klugkist & Bernet Kato & Herbert Hoijtink - 70-81 Posterior predictive p‐values for classical null hypotheses
by Gunter Maris - 82-94 Testing log‐linear models with inequality constraints: a comparison of asymptotic, bootstrap, and posterior predictive p‐values
by Francisca Galindo‐Garre & Jeroen K. Vermunt - 95-106 Bayesian modification indices for IRT models
by Jean‐Paul Fox & Cees A. W. Glas - 107-118 Model selection in random effects models for directed graphs using approximated Bayes factors
by Bonne J. H. Zijlstra & Marijtje A. J. van Duijn & Tom A. B. Snijders
November 2004, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 381-387 Fifty years since Koyck (1954)
by Philip Hans Franses - 388-406 Asymptotic properties of estimators for the volume fractions of jointly stationary random sets
by S. Böhm & V. Schmidt & L. Heinrich - 407-427 The estimation of a state space model by estimating functions with an application
by Demetrios Papanastassiou & Demetrios Ioannides - 428-439 A comparison of the ratio of variances in distance‐based and classical multivariate analysis
by Patrick J. F. Groenen & Jacqueline J. Meulman - 440-465 Identifying, estimating and testing restricted cointegrated systems: An overview
by H. Peter Boswijk & Jurgen A. Doornik - 466-482 Simulation driven inferences for multiply imputed longitudinal datasets
by Hakan Demirtas - 483-502 Generalizations of the KPSS‐test for stationarity
by Bart Hobijn & Philip Hans Franses & Marius Ooms
August 2004, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 255-270 Bayesian assessment of dimensionality in reduced rank regression
by Jukka Corander & Mattias Villani - 271-295 Estimating the causal effect of a time‐varying treatment on time‐to‐event using structural nested failure time models
by Judith Lok & Richard Gill & Aad Van Der Vaart & James Robins - 296-312 Estimating multiple equation hybrid models with endogenous dummy regressors
by Joachim Wilde - 313-321 Efficiency of independence working analysis of correlated survival data with general cluster size
by Amita K. Manatunga & David Oakes - 322-348 A multivariate Poisson mixture model for marketing applications
by Tom Brijs & Dimitris Karlis & Gilbert Swinnen & Koen Vanhoof & Geert Wets & Puneet Manchanda - 349-364 A bivariate Poisson count data model using conditional probabilities
by Peter Berkhout & Erik Plug - 365-380 Scoring bank loans that may go wrong: a case study
by J. S. Cramer
May 2004, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 125-126 Editorial introduction
by Cora Maas & Jeroen Vermunt - 127-137 Robustness issues in multilevel regression analysis
by Cora J. M. Maas & Joop J. Hox - 138-160 Modelling response error in school effectiveness research
by Jean‐Paul Fox - 161-178 Regressor and random‐effects dependencies in multilevel models
by Peter Ebbes & Ulf Böckenholt & Michel Wedel - 179-196 Testing homogeneity in a random intercept model using asymptotic, posterior predictive and plug‐in p‐values
by Bernet Sekasanvu Kato & Herbert Hoijtink - 197-219 Performance of empirical Bayes estimators of random coefficients in multilevel analysis: Some results for the random intercept‐only model
by Math J. J. M. Candel - 220-233 An EM algorithm for the estimation of parametric and nonparametric hierarchical nonlinear models
by Jeroen K. Vermunt - 234-254 p2: a random effects model with covariates for directed graphs
by Marijtje A. J. van Duijn & Tom A. B. Snijders & Bonne J. H. Zijlstra
February 2004, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-20 About handy, handmade and handsome models
by Ivo W. Molenaar - 21-34 Predicting survival using disease history: a model combining relative survival and frailty
by J. J. Goeman & S. Le Cessie & R. J. Baatenburg de Jong & S. A. Van De Geer - 35-56 Finite sample properties for the semiparametric estimation of the intercept of a censored regression model
by Marcia M. A. Schafgans - 57-74 Estimators for particulate sampling derived from a multinomial distribution
by B. Geelhoed & H. J. Glass - 75-82 A survey technique for estimating the proportion and sensitivity in a dichotomous finite population
by Kuo‐Chung Huang - 83-96 A continuous mapping theorem for the argmax‐functional in the non‐unique case
by Dietmar Ferger - 97-110 The M/M/1 queue with gated random order of service
by Jacques Resing & Ronald Rietman - 111-124 The effectiveness of randomized complete block design
by Gwowen Shieh & Show‐Li Jan
November 2003, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 391-409 Three Corrected Score Tests for Generalized Linear Models with Dispersion Covariates
by Gauss M. Cordeiro & Denise A. Botter & Lúcia P. Barroso & Silvia L. P. Ferrari - 410-438 Methodological Advances in DEA: A survey and an application for the Dutch electricity sector
by Laurens Cherchye & Thierry Post - 439-469 Time Series Modelling of Daily Tax Revenues
by Siem Jan Koopman & Marius Ooms - 470-483 Discrete Spacings
by Chris A.J. Klaassen & J. Theo Runnenburg - 484-508 An Empirical Study of Cash Payments
by Jeanine Kippers & Erjen van Nierop & Richard Paap & Philip Hans Franses
August 2003, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 285-288 Editorial Introduction
by Catrien Bijleveld & Hans Nijboer - 289-304 Estimating the Size of a Criminal Population from Police Records Using the Truncated Poisson Regression Model
by Peter G.M. Van Der Heijden & Maarten Cruyff & Hans C. Van Houwelingen