November 1995, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 324-342 A smoothed maximum score estimator for the binary choice panel data model with an application to labour force participation
by E. Charlier & B. Melenberg & A. H. O. van Soest - 343-361 Neglected dynamics in panel data models; consequences and detection in finite samples
by I. T. van den Doel & J. F. Kiviet - 362-377 Longitudinal LISREL model estimation from incomplete panel data using the EM algorithm and the Kalman smoother
by R. A. R. G. Jansen & J. H. L. Oud - 378-391 Models for monthly penetrations with incomplete panel data
by D. Sikkel & A. W. Hoogendoorn
July 1995, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 133-137 Random variables with independent integer and fractional parts
by G. Marsaglia - 139-151 Data editing and imputation from a computational point of view
by L. C. R. J. Willenborg - 153-163 Asymptotic normality of the NPMLE of linear functionals for interval censored data, case 1
by J. Huang & J. A. Wellner - 165-184 On the estimation of the parameters for the Littlewood model in software reliability
by L. G. Barendregt & M. C. van Pul - 185-245 Data features1
by P. L. Davies
March 1995, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-8 Asymptotic confidence intervals for the length of the shortt under random censoring
by J. Beirlant & J. H. J. Einmahl - 9-30 Efficiency. of infinite dimensional M‐ estimators
by A. W. van der Vaart - 31-39 The largest square of successes covering the origin for Bernoulli trials on the lattice
by B. Kopociński - 41-62 Practical estimation of multivariate densities using wavelet methods
by K. Tribouley - 63-82 Distributional inference
by A. H. Kroese & E. A. van der Meulen & K. Poortema & W. Schaafsma - 83-93 Distributions slanted to the right
by U. Rösler - 95-109 Testing the logical structure of questionnaires
by L. C. R. J. Willenborg
November 1994, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 201-207 Covariance formulas via marginal martingales
by J. A. Wellner - 209-213 Some properties of the length of the shortest half
by A. Christmann & U. Gather & G. Scholz - 215-236 Small domain statistics: a review
by A. Chaudhuri - 237-252 Uniqueness in percolation theory
by R.W.J. Meester - 253-257 A note on Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS) estimate with infinite variance
by A. Thavaneswaran & B. Abraham - 259-270 Estimating word frequencies from lexical dispersion data
by P. Indefrey & H. Baayeny - 271-283 A goodness-of-fit test in the multinomial legit model based on weighted squared residuals
by F.A.G. Windmeijer
December 1993, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 233-244 Identification of simultaneous equation models with measurement error: a computerized evaluation
by A. Merckens & P. A. Bekker - 245-252 On discrete α‐unimodal distributions
by M. H. Alamatsaz - 253-267 The simultaneous processes of ageing and mortality
by P. G. H. Mulder - 269-277 The ascending ladder height distribution for a certain class of dependent random walks
by S. Asmussen & V. Schmidt - 279-283 Quantile‐locating functions and the distance between the mean and quantiles
by D. Gilat & T. P. Hill - 285-289 On randomization, modeling and experimental design: some remarks on a paper by De Vos
by M.J.W. Jansen - 289-290 Reply
by A. F. de Vos
September 1993, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 161-174 The analysis of proportions in agricultural experiments by a generalized linear mixed model
by J. Jansen & J. A. Hoekstra - 175-183 Isotonic estimators of monotone densities and distribution functions: basic facts
by P. Groeneboom & H. P. Lopuhaa - 185-198 Estimation of linear models with nequal restrictions
by J. J. A. Moors & J. C. van Houwelingen - 199-219 Testing equality of variances in the analysis of repeated measurements
by W. C. M. Kallenberg & G. S. Mudholkar & P. Subbaiah - 221-223 On the application of the Minkowski‐Farkas theorem to sampling designs
by M. Akahira & K. Takeuchi
June 1993, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 89-95 Estimation in a growth study with irregular measurement times
by K. Poortema & R. Y. J. Tarnminga & W. Schaafsma - 97-109 Building logistic models by means of a non parametric goodness of fit test: a case study
by S. le Cessie & J. C. van Houwelingen - 111-125 Efficiency of iterated WLS in the linear model with completely unknown heteroskedasticity
by B. B. van der Genugten - 127-151 Bayes estimates of muIti‐criteria decision alternatives using Monte Carlo integration
by C. G. E. Boender & H. K. van Dijk
March 1993, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-2 Guest editor's preface
by R. Grubel - 3-8 Aspects of statistical computing, past, present and future
by J. A. Nelder - 9-25 Computer algebra in probability and statistics
by W. S. Kendall - 27-42 Computation of robust estimates of multivariate location and shape
by D. M. Rocke & D. L. Woodruff - 43-57 On the backfitting algorithm for additive regression models
by W. Härdle & P. Hall - 59-75 Some applications of the fast Fourier transform algorithm in insurance mathematics This paper is dedicated to Professor W. S. Jewell on the occasion of his 60th birthday
by P. Embrechts & R. Grübel & S. M. Pitts - 77-80 Recent Ph.D. Theses in the Netherlands
by Wietse Dol - 81-88 Problem Section
by L. A. Klein Haneveld
December 1992, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 229-245 Variables control chart limits and tests for special causes
by R.J.M.M. Does & B.F. Schriever - 247-249 A Note on the Estimation of Non‐Differentiable Functions of MuItinomial ProbabiIities
by M. Weba - 251-253 On the existence of locally mvu estimators
by D. Plachky - 255-258 A note on mixed Poisson approximation
by M. Majsnerowska - 259-282 Estimating the Weight Undersize Distribution for the Wicksell problem
by A.W. Hoogendoorn - 283-297 Descriptive statistics of large data sets by scatter plots, an exploratory approach
by W.J.J. Rey
July 1992, Volume 46, Issue 2‐3
- 97-105 In memoriam Albert Verbeek (1946–1990)
by P.M. Kroonenberg - 107-142 The compactification of generalized linear models
by A. Verbeek - 143-152 Robust dynamic clustering
by M.A.F. Aboukalam & H. AI‐Nachawati - 153-163 On subset selection from logistic populations
by P. van der Laan - 165-177 A Central Limit Theorem for M‐estimators by the von Mises Method
by C.C. Heesterman & R.D. Gill - 179-194 Asymptotic linearity of minimax estimators
by A.W. van der Vaart - 195-207 Robustness of some non‐uniform random variate generators
by L.Y. Deng & R.S. Chhikara - 209-218 A characterization of gamma mixtures of stable laws motivated by limit theorems
by A.G. Pakes
March 1992, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-2 Guest Editors‘ Preface
by W.J. Keller & P. Kooiman - 5-19 Disclosure protection of microdata: problems and solutions
by W.J. Keller & J.G. Bethlehem - 21-32 On identification disclosure and prediction disclosure for microdata
by C.J. Skinner - 33-48 Strategies for measuring risk in public use microdata files
by B.V. Greenberg & L.V. Zayatz - 49-67 Disclosure risks for microdata
by R.J. Mokken & P. Kooiman & J. Pannekoek & L.C.R.J. Willenborg - 69-82 Disclosure risk for microdata stemming from official statistics
by U. Blien & H. Wirth & M. Muller - 85-94 Problem Section
by Ton Steerneman
December 1991, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 345-363 A Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns A case study
by L.G. Barendregt & M.J. Rottschäfer - 365-377 On randomization, modeling and experimental design; a new example in an old discussion
by A.F. de Vos - 379-389 Significance levels of linear rank tests using Edgeworth expansions
by A. Christmann & U. Gather - 391-404 Solution sets for linear dynamic errors‐in‐variables models
by W. Scherrer & M. Deistler & M. Kopel & W. Reitgruber - 405-411 R2 in Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations
by H. Neudecker & F.A.G. Windmeijer - 413-419 Problem Section
by Ton Steerneman
September 1991, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 227-254 Linear rank tests for comparing treatments with a control when data are subject to unequal patterns of censorship
by S. Chakraborti & M.M. Desu - 255-269 Nonparametric density estimation with grouped observations
by P. H.C. Eilers - 271-282 Restricted maximum likelihood estimation under Eisenhart model Ill
by K.R. Lee & C.H. Kapadia - 283-293 Statistical analysis of change in networks
by O. Frank - 295-325 Asymptotic distributions in random graphs with applications to social networks
by K. Nowicki - 327-331 Approximation for the cumulative and inverse gamma distribution
by K.J.A. Revfeim - 337-343 Problem Section
by Ton Steerneman
June 1991, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 73-84 Latent variables in econometrics
by J. Kmenta - 85-92 Measurement error and panel data1
by T.J. Wansbeek & R.H. Koning - 93-106 An application of approximate finite sample results to parameter estimation in a linear errors‐in‐variables model
by R. Friedmann & H. J. Mittag & A. Brandtstater - 107-119 Regression analysis with dichotomous regressors and misclassification
by P.A. Bekker & K. van Montfort & A. Mooijaart - 121-143 Identification with latent variables
by L.L. Wegge - 145-157 Models with latent variables: LISREL versus PLS
by H. Schneeweiss - 159-171 Robustness of normal theory statistics in structural equation models
by A. Mooijaart & P.M. Bentler - 173-185 A comparison of several approximations to the power function of the likelihood ratio test in covariance structure analysis
by A. Satorra & W.E. Saris & W.M. de Pijper - 187-194 Some remarks on measurement errors and the identification of panel data models
by C. Hsiao & G. Taylor - 195-206 Cooperation and conflict among nations: An application of multi‐sample confirmatory factor analysis
by J. Faber - 217-225 Problem Section
by Ton Steerneman
March 1991, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-8 Characterizations of logarithmic series distrimtrans
by A. Kyriakoussis & H. Papageorgiou - 9-19 Contamination in linear regression models and its influence on estimators
by H. Boscher - 21-29 Record values of the Lomax distribution
by M. Ahsanullah - 31-50 Shake‐and‐bake algorithms for the identification of nonredundant linear inequalities
by H.E. Romeijn - 51-65 Comparisons of Bayesian estimation procedures for two‐way contingency tables without interaction
by M.G.H. Jansen & T.A.B. Snijders
December 1990, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 185-193 The Van Dantzig Award
by P. van der Laan - 195-219 The analysis of unbalanced linear models with variance components
by B. Engel - 221-239 Quasi‐likelihood inference in a generalized linear mixed model for balanced data
by J. Engel - 241-261 Multiple‐dose design and bias‐reducing methods for limiting dilution assays
by L.W.G. Strijbosch & R.J.M.M. Does & W. Albers - 263-266 A simple proof of a rate of embedding for the partial sum process
by G.R. Shorack
September 1990, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 105-114 A Bayesian learning procedure for the.(s, Q) inventory policy
by C.G.E. Boender & A.H.G. Rinnooy - 115-123 Scheduling identical jobs on uniform parallel machines
by M.I. Dessouky & B.J. Lageweg & J.K. Lenstra & S.L. van de Velde - 125-138 On the System Setup and the Scheduling Problem in a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)
by F.C.R. Spieksma & K. Vrieze & A.G. Oerlemans - 139-148 A parallel insertion heuristic for vehicle routing with side constraints
by M.W.P. Savelsbergh - 149-174 An analytical theory of multi‐echelon production/distribution systems
by L.J.G. Langenhoff & W.H.M. Zijm - 175-183 Problem Section
by A.G.M. Steerneman
June 1990, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 45-68 Fighting the arch–enemy with mathematics‘
by L. de Haan - 69-78 The asymptotic distribution of the sum of weighted squared residuals in binary choice models
by F.A.G. Windmeijer - 79-82 The empirical distribution function as a tail estimator
by J.H.J. Einmahl - 83-85 On the characterization of the exponential distribution by the independence of its integer and fractional parts
by Lih–Yuan Deng & Raj S. Chhikara - 87-90 Distribution–free confidence intervals for the difference between quantiles
by D.R. Bristol
March 1990, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-22 A latent time–budget model
by J. de Leeuw & P.G.M. van der Heijden & P. Verboon - 23-27 A note on exchangeability of random variables
by A.M. Dean & D.A. Wolfe - 29-33 Some results on discrete a–monotonicity
by A.A. Alzaid & D.A. Al–Osh
December 1989, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 193-209 Regression Sampling in Statistical Auditing: A Practical Survey and Evaluation
by J.P.C. Kleijnen & J. Kriens & H. Timmermans & H. van den Wildenberg - 211-223 On Regression Sampling in Statistical Auditing: Bad Answers to the Wrong Questions?
by A.F. de Vos - 225-225 Rejoinder
by J.P.C. Kleunen & J. Kreins & H. TIMMERMANS & H. VAN DEN WILDENBERG - 227-244 The Misspecification of Arma Models
by D.S.G. Pollock - 245-253 A Note on Properties of Iterative Procedures of Asymptotic Inference
by H.C.H. Paardekooper & H.B.A. Steens & G. van der Hoek
September 1989, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 141-156 Approximate inference in multivariate nonlinear functional relationships
by H.N. Linssen & L.T.M.E. Hillegers - 157-167 Albert's theorem applied to problems of efficiency and MSE superiority
by P.A. Bekker & H. Neudecker - 169-174 Selection from Logistic populations
by P. van der Laan - 175-179 On the standarized empirical process
by J.H.J. Einmahl
June 1989, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 69-84 Interpolation and optimal linear prediction
by L.C.A. Corsten - 85-90 On the waiting time distribution in a GI/G/1 queue with a Coxian–2 service time distribution
by J.C.W. van Ommeren & R.D. Nobel - 91-108 Some rank tests for one–sided many–one comparisons
by G. Rothe - 109-125 Local asymptotic normality for randomly censored models with applications to rank tests
by A. Janssen
March 1989, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-30 Statistics of extremes in climatology
by T.A. Buishand - 31-52 Simulated annealing: An introduction
by E.H.L. Aarts & P.J.M. van Laarhoven - 53-59 On the independence of integer and fractional parts
by F.W. Steutel & J.G.F. Thiemann
December 1988, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 215-232 Logistic Regression, a review
by J.C. van Houwelingen & S. le Cessie - 233-252 Polytomous logistic regression
by J. Engel - 253-272 Extended Models for Quantal Response Data
by B.J.T. Morgan - 273-295 Logit based parameter estimation in the Rasch model
by N. Verhelst & I.W. Molenaar - 297-314 The Logit Model in Economics
by J.S. Cramer & G. Ridder
September 1988, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 153-162 Approximating the distribution of Greenwood's statistic
by R.J.M.M. Does & R. Helmers & C.A.J. Klaassen - 163-179 The De Mortibus distribution and variability of biological magnitudes
by E. Timmer - 181-191 Notes on the Markowitz portfolio selection method
by J. Kriens & J. Th. van Lieshout - 193-198 Characteristic properties of order statistics based on random sample size from an exponential distribution
by M. Ahsanullah
June 1988, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 83-90 Formal statistics and informal data analysis, or why laziness should be discouraged
by I.W. Molenaar - 91-98 Models and techniques
by J. de Leeuw - 99-102 Data analysis and statistics, report of a discussion
by D.N.M. de Gruijter - 103-116 A robust scale estimator based on the shortest half
by P.J. Rousseeuw & A.M. Leroy - 117-136 The sieve method, a sampling method for audit practice
by S. Driessen - 137-140 Note on discrete a‐unimodality
by F.W. Steutel - 141-141 Correction to “on discrete a‐unimodality”
by A.M. Abouammoh - 143-144 Recent Ph.D. Theses in The Netherlands
by B.S. van der LAAN
March 1988, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-16 Local Times of Bernoulli Walk
by J.C. de Vos & W. Vervaat - 17-27 Rank tests and random blocking of classified data
by J. Engel - 29-35 On a simple sequential decision problem
by M. Scarsini - 37-46 Some applications for Basil's independence theorem in testing econometric models
by G.D.A. Phillips & B.P.M. McCabe - 47-52 Choosing a base for the BLUS vector
by M.A. Evans - 53-61 First‐Order Integer‐Valued Autoregressive (INAR (1)) Process: Distributional and Regression Properties
by A. Alzaid & M. Al‐Osh - 67-74 Problem Section
by F.W. Steutel
December 1987, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 223-238 Regression with errors in variables: estimators based on third order moments
by K. van Montfort & A. Mooijaart & J. de Leeuw - 239-244 On Discrete oc–Unimodality
by A.M. Abouammoh - 245-252 On the Distribution of General Quadratic Functions in Normal Vectors
by M.C.M. de Gunst - 253-256 Exceptional Convergence of the Sample Variance
by T.S.K. Moothathu - 257-258 Recent Ph.D. Theses In The Netherlands
by L.T.M.E. HlLLEGERS - 259-266 Problem Section
by F.W. Steutel
September 1987, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 151-174 Statistical Problems in Ancient Numismatics
by A.J. Stam - 175-182 A Path Construction for the Virtual Waiting Time of an M/G/1 Queue
by G. Hooghiemstra - 183-190 A note on complete families of distributions
by J. Oosterhoff & B.F. Schriever - 191-202 On the construction of multivariate permutation tests in the two–sample case
by B. van Putten - 203-210 On the relative precision of several allocations in stratified sampling
by J.J.A. Moors
June 1987, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 77-87 Waiting Time Distribution for a Semaphone System
by J.F.E. Wallin - 89-97 Economic Process Control
by B.F. Arnold & E. von Col Iani - 99-109 Monotonicity of Rank Statistics in some Non–parametric: Testing Problems
by B.F. Schriever - 111-128 Partial Minimax Estimation in Regression Analysis
by F. Hering & G. Trenkler & P. Stahlecker - 129-137 Distributional Properties of Record Values from the Geometric Distribution
by M. Ahsanullah & B. Holland
March 1987, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-25 Polyhedral Combinatorics in Combinatorial Optimization
by A.M.H. Gerards & A.W.J. Kolen - 27-44 Randomized Response Techniques: A Review
by A. Chaudhuri & R. Mukherjee - 45-57 Log–Linear Mixed Models for Categorical Data
by V. Fidler - 59-64 Nonparametric estimation of variance, skewness and kurtosis of the distribution of a statistic by jackknife and bootstrap techniques
by M. Schemper - 65-67 Recent PH.D. Theses in The Netherlands
by J.H.J. Einmahl
December 1986, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 205-223 Successive Measurement Experiments
by A. Keen & J.T.N.M. Thissen & J.A. Hoekstra & J. Jansen - 225-235 Recursive And Related Residuals
by R.M. Loynes - 237-250 Estimation Of Probability Models From Income Class Data
by J.S. Cramer - 251-272 Rank Tests In 2x2 Designs
by E. Brunner & N. Neumann - 273-282 Ordering Of Risks And Weighted Compound Distributions
by M. J. Goovaerts & M. Vandebroeck & R. Kaas
September 1986, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 135-140 Skewness For The Weibull Family
by R.A. Groeneveld - 141-144 On The Unimodality Of The Generalized Negative Binomial Distribution
by P.C. Consul & F. Famoye - 145-155 A Generalized Signed–Rank Test For Comparison Of P Treatments
by V. Fidler & N.J.D. Nagelkerke - 157-168 Performance Of Studentized Range Statistic For Two Outliers In A Linear Model
by S. Lalitha & P.C. Joshi - 169-188 On The First–Order Efficiency And Asymptotic Normality Of Maximum Likelihood Estimators Obtained From Dependent Observations
by R.D.H. Heijmans & J.R. Magnus - 191-203 Problem Section
by F.W. Steutel
June 1986, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 79-80 In Memoriam
by Roel van Strik - 81-86 Change–Over Trials With Binary Data: Estimation
by V. Fidler - 87-91 A Nonparametric Test Against Ordered Alternatives For Data Defined By Intervals
by U. Abel - 93-98 A Distribution–Free Confidence Interval For The Difference Between Quantiles With Censored Data
by S. Chakraborti & M. M. Desu - 99-107 Performance Of Murphy'S Test For Two Outliers In A Linear Model
by S. Lalitha & P.C. Joshi - 109-115 Constrained Non–Linear Least Squares
by F. J. H. Don - 117-122 On The Unimodality Of Generalized Poisson Distribution
by P.C. Consul & F. Famoye - 123-128 The Appropriate Reduction Of The Weighted Empirical Process
by G.R. Shorack & J. Beirlant - 129-130 Corrigenda
by J.K. Lenstra
March 1986, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-11 Linear Trend Test Versus Global Test: A Comparison
by G. Rothe