July 2006, Volume 108, Issue 2
- 357-359 Book Review
by Svend Hylleberg
March 2006, Volume 108, Issue 1
- 1-14 Does Transparency of Central Banks Produce Multiple Equilibria on Currency Markets?
by Axel Lindner - 15-38 Monetary Policy, Expectations and Commitment
by George W. Evans & Seppo Honkapohja - 39-63 Monetary Institutions, Monopolistic Competition, Unionized Labor Markets and Economic Performance
by Fabrizio Coricelli & Alex Cukierman & Alberto Dalmazzo - 65-80 Liquidity Effects in Non‐Ricardian Economies
by Jean‐Pascal Bénassy - 81-95 The Tax‐smoothing Hypothesis: Evidence from Sweden, 1952–1999
by Johan Adler - 97-113 Sick of Being Unemployed? Interactions between Unemployment and Sickness Insurance
by Laura Larsson - 115-134 Using Hicksian Surplus Measures to Examine Consistency of Individual Preferences: Evidence from a Field Experiment
by John A. List - 135-156 Achieving Compliance when Legal Sanctions are Non‐deterrent
by Jean‐Robert Tyran & Lars P. Feld - 157-178 Endogenous Pollution Havens: Does FDI Influence Environmental Regulations?
by Matthew A. Cole & Robert J. R. Elliott & Per G. Fredriksson
December 2005, Volume 107, Issue 4
- 601-601 Editors’ Preface
by Jonas Agell & Karl O. Moene & Christian Schultz - 603-630 Moore's Law and the Semiconductor Industry: A Vintage Model
by Ana Aizcorbe & Samuel Kortum - 631-650 Information Technology and the World Economy
by Dale W. Jorgenson & Khuong Vu - 651-672 Panel‐data Estimates of the Production Function and the Revenue Function: What Difference Does It Make?
by Jacques Mairesse & Jordi Jaumandreu - 673-692 Skill Upgrading and Production Transfer within Swedish Multinationals
by Pär Hansson - 693-709 Spillovers from Foreign Firms through Worker Mobility: An Empirical Investigation
by Holger Görg & Eric Strobl - 711-735 Capital–Skill Complementarity and Inequality in Sweden
by Matthew J. Lindquist - 737-757 Welfare Implications of Non‐scale R&D‐based Growth Models
by Thomas M. Steger - 759-761 Bojer, Hilde: Distributional Justice: Theory and Measurement
by Markus Jäntti - 762-767 Bårdsen, Gunnar; Eitrheim, Øyvind; Jansen, Eilev S. and Nymoen, Ragnar: The Econometrics of Macroeconomic Modelling
by Jesper Lindé
September 2005, Volume 107, Issue 3
- 399-417 Intergenerational Mobility under Private vs. Public Education
by James B. Davies & Jie Zhang & Jinli Zeng - 419-435 Intergenerational Earnings Mobility in Norway: Levels and Trends
by Espen Bratberg & Øivind Anti Nilsen & Kjell Vaage - 437-457 College Choice and Subsequent Earnings: Results Using Swedish Sibling Data
by Lena Lindahl & Håkan Regnér - 459-474 Optimal Workfare with Voluntary and Involuntary Unemployment
by Claus Thustrup Kreiner & Torben Tranæs - 475-494 Direct Displacement Effects of Labour Market Programmes
by Matz Dahlberg & Anders Forslund - 495-519 Stick, Carrot and Skill Acquisition
by Trine Filges & Birthe Larsen - 521-546 New‐Keynesian Models and Monetary Policy: A Re‐examination of the Stylized Facts
by Ulf Söderström & Paul Söderlind & Anders Vredin - 547-561 Intertemporal Equity and Hartwick's Rule in an Exhaustible Resource Model
by Wolfgang Buchholz & Swapan Dasgupta & Tapan Mitra - 563-581 Economic Implications of Alternative Allocation Schemes for Emission Allowances
by Christoph Böhringer & Andreas Lange - 583-599 Regulation and Evolution of Compliance in Common Pool Resources
by Anastasios Xepapadeas
June 2005, Volume 107, Issue 2
- 203-216 Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott's Contribution to the Theory of Macroeconomic Policy
by Guido Tabellini - 217-238 Real Business Cycle Models: Past, Present and Future
by Sergio Rebelo - 239-259 Is Inflation Always and Everywhere a Monetary Phenomenon?
by Paul De Grauwe & Magdalena Polan - 261-278 Explaining the Transition between Exchange Rate Regimes
by Paul Masson & Francisco J. Ruge‐Murcia - 279-298 Performance Pay and Adverse Selection
by Espen R. Moen & Åsa Rosén - 299-314 Experience Rating versus Employment Protection Laws in a Model where Firms Monitor Workers
by Julia Fath & Clemens Fuest - 315-333 Reforms of Environmental Policies in the Presence of Cross‐border Pollution and Public–Private Clean‐up
by Panos Hatzipanayotou & Sajal Lahiri & Michael S. Michael - 335-352 Income Taxation, Endogenous Factor Prices and Production Efficiency
by Thomas Gaube - 353-373 Unemployment and Crime: Is There a Connection?
by Karin Edmark - 375-394 Home versus School Learning: A New Approach to Estimating the Effect of Class Size on Achievement
by Mikael Lindahl - 395-397 Book Review
by Robert D. Cairns
March 2005, Volume 107, Issue 1
- 1-23 Can a Mixed Health Care System be Desirable on Equity Grounds?
by Maurice March & Fred Schroyen - 25-44 Sex and the City
by Lena Edlund - 45-66 The Effect of Life Expectancy on Fertility, Saving, Schooling and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence
by Jie Zhang & Junsen Zhang - 67-81 Family Altruism and Incentives
by Roberta Gatti - 83-102 Malnutrition and Child Labor
by Garance Genicot - 103-121 Unions: Rent Creators or Extractors?
by Toke Skovsgaard Aidt & Vania Sena - 123-140 Should Governments Subsidise Inward Foreign Direct Investment?
by Mette Rose Skaksen - 141-156 Inflation, Price Level and Hybrid Rules under Inflation Uncertainty
by Jarkko P. Jääskelä - 157-173 The Triple Inefficiency of Uncoordinated Environmental Policies
by Michael Hoel - 175-195 International Environmental Agreements and Strategic Voting
by Wolfgang Buchholz & Alexander Haupt & Wolfgang Peters
December 2004, Volume 106, Issue 4
- 603-622 Do Fundamentals Explain the Behaviour of the Swedish Real Effective Exchange Rate?
by Kristian Nilsson - 623-645 Swedish Postwar Business Cycles: Generated Abroad or at Home?
by Jesper Lindé - 647-659 Expansionary Fiscal Contractions? Evidence from Panel Data
by Vincent Hogan - 661-675 Is the Optimal Labor Income Tax Progressive in a Unionized Economy?
by Thomas Aronsson & Tomas Sjögren - 677-701 Profit Sharing, Credit Market Imperfections and Equilibrium Unemployment
by Erkki Koskela & Rune Stenbacka - 703-720 Good Jobs, Bad Jobs and Redistribution
by Kjell Erik Lommerud & Bjørn Sandvik & Odd Rune Straume - 721-744 Does the Gap in Family‐friendly Policies Drive the Family Gap?
by Helena Skyt Nielsen & Marianne Simonsen & Mette Verner - 745-763 Fertility, Taxation and Family Policy
by Patricia Apps & Ray Rees - 765-782 Teams, Teamwork and Absence
by John S. Heywood & Uwe Jirjahn - 783-804 Banking Competition, Risk and Regulation
by Wilko Bolt & Alexander F. Tieman - 805-821 Prices vs. Quantities: The Irrelevance of Irreversibility
by Fridrik M. Baldursson & Nils‐Henrik M. Von Der Fehr - 823-825 Book Review
by Erling Eide
October 2004, Volume 106, Issue 3
- 391-392 Editors’ Preface
by Ernst Fehr & Steinar Holden & Christian Schultz - 393-415 Money, Sex and Happiness: An Empirical Study
by David G. Blanchflower & Andrew J. Oswald - 417-435 Choosing the Joneses: Endogenous Goals and Reference Standards
by Armin Falk & Markus Knell - 437-452 Why are Small Firms Different? Managers’ Views
by Jonas Agell - 453-474 Fairness and Incentives in a Multi‐task Principal–Agent Model
by Ernst Fehr & Klaus M. Schmidt - 475-494 Is There a Hold‐up Problem?
by Tore Ellingsen & Magnus Johannesson - 495-510 Social Comparisons in Ultimatum Bargaining
by Iris Bohnet & Richard Zeckhauser - 511-532 Decreasing Impatience: A Criterion for Non‐stationary Time Preference and “Hyperbolic” Discounting
by Drazen Prelec - 533-554 What’s Causing Overreaction? An Experimental Investigation of Recency and the Hot‐hand Effect
by Theo Offerman & Joep Sonnemans - 555-579 Neuroeconomics: Why Economics Needs Brains
by Colin F. Camerer & George Loewenstein & Drazen Prelec - 581-602 Noisy Directional Learning and the Logit Equilibrium
by Simon P. Anderson & Jacob K. Goeree & Charles A. Holt
June 2004, Volume 106, Issue 2
- 165-185 The Nobel Memorial Prize for Robert F. Engle
by Francis X. Diebold - 187-213 The Nobel Memorial Prize for Clive W. J. Granger
by David F. Hendry - 215-230 Public Employment and Regional Risk Sharing
by Lars‐Erik Borge & Egil Matsen - 231-251 Consumption Externalities, Habit Formation and Equilibrium Efficiency
by Jaime Alonso‐Carrera & Jordi Caballé & Xavier Raurich - 253-271 Taxation of Mobile Factors as Insurance under Uncertainty
by Kangoh Lee - 273-297 Tax Base and Crowding‐in Effects of Balanced Budget Fiscal Policy
by Ludger Linnemann - 299-313 Is the MPC's Voting Record Informative about Future UK Monetary Policy?
by Petra Gerlach‐Kristen - 315-337 What Determines Real Exchange Rates? The Nordic Countries
by Anders Bergvall - 339-359 Sustainability Policy and Environmental Policy
by John C. V. Pezzey - 361-384 A General Approach to Welfare Measurement through National Income Accounting
by Geir B. Asheim & Wolfgang Buchholz - 385-387 Comment on S. Valdés‐Prieto, “The Financial Stability of Notional Account Pensions”
by Friedrich Breyer - 389-390 Response to Breyer
by Salvador Valdés‐Prieto
March 2004, Volume 106, Issue 1
- 1-22 Identifying Earnings Assimilation of Immigrants under Changing Macroeconomic Conditions
by Erling Barth & Bernt Bratsberg & Oddbjørn Raaum - 23-44 Unemployment Benefits, Contract Length and Nominal Wage Flexibility
by Lars Calmfors & Åsa Johansson - 45-64 Labour Tax Reform, the Good Jobs and the Bad Jobs
by Henrik Jacobsen Kleven & Peter Birch Sørensen - 65-82 Are Higher Education Subsidies Second Best?
by Berthold U. Wigger - 83-106 The Taxation of Financial Capital under Asymmetric Information and the Tax‐competition Paradox
by Wolfgang Eggert & Martin Kolmar - 107-122 Merger Profitability and Trade Policy
by Steffen Huck & Kai A. Konrad - 123-142 Are We Better Off if Our Politicians Have More Information?
by Johan Lagerlöf - 143-158 Immiserizing Growth in a Closed Economy
by Kala Krishna & Cemile Yavas
December 2003, Volume 105, Issue 4
- 507-525 The Legacy of Knut Wicksell to Capital Theory
by Edmond Malinvaud - 527-553 Wicksell, Lindahl and the Theory of Public Goods
by Joaquim Silvestre - 581-595 Multinational Companies, Technology Spillovers and Plant Survival
by Holger Görg & Eric Strobl - 597-617 Training Systems and Labor Mobility: A Comparison between Germany and Sweden
by Tomas Korpi & Antje Mertens - 619-641 How Rigid are Nominal Wages? Evidence and Implications for Germany
by Christoph Knoppik & Thomas Beissinger - 643-659 Federal Monetary Policy
by Carsten Hefeker - 661-679 Heroin Consumption, Prices and Addiction: Evidence from Self‐reported Panel Data
by Anne Line Bretteville‐Jensen & Erik Biørn
September 2003, Volume 105, Issue 3
- 319-338 Longevity and Life‐cycle Savings
by David E. Bloom & David Canning & Bryan Graham - 339-358 Saving, Wealth and the Transition from Transfers to Individual Responsibility: The Cases of Taiwan and the United States
by Ronald Lee & Andrew Mason & Timothy Miller - 359-378 The Baby Boom and the Stock Market Boom
by Kyung‐Mook Lim & David N. Weil - 379-400 Public Saving and Policy Coordination in Aging Economies
by Martin Flodén - 401-418 Early Mortality Declines at the Dawn of Modern Growth
by Raouf Boucekkine & David de la Croix & Omar Licandro - 419-440 Mortality and Early Growth in England, France and Sweden
by Nils‐Petter Lagerlöf - 441-464 Recent Technological and Economic Change among Industrialized Countries: Insights from Population Growth
by Paul Beaudry & Fabrice Collard - 465-486 Demographic and Economic Pressure on Emigration out of Africa
by Timothy J. Hatton & Jeffrey G. Williamson - 487-506 Fiscal Implications of Immigration—A Net Present Value Calculation
by Kjetil Storesletten
June 2003, Volume 105, Issue 2
- 155-156 Press Release from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
by Daniel Kahneman & Vernon L. Smith - 157-180 The Nobel Memorial Prize for Daniel Kahneman
by Matthew Rabin - 181-205 Vernon Smith's Insomnia and the Dawn of Economics as Experimental Science
by Theodore C. Bergstrom - 207-220 The Repo Auctions of the European Central Bank and the Vanishing Quota Puzzle
by Dieter Nautz & Jörg Oechssler - 221-245 Monetary Policy Rules and Business Cycles
by Soyoung Kim - 247-254 How High is the Private Gain from Wage Indexation?
by Stefan Laséen - 255-274 Firm Size Distribution and Growth
by Patrizio Pagano & Fabiano Schivardi - 275-293 Risk Preferences, Production Risk and Firm Heterogeneity
by Subal C. Kumbhakar & Ragnar Tveterås - 295-310 Transport Taxes with Multiple Trip Purposes
by Kurt Van Dender
March 2003, Volume 105, Issue 1
- 1-14 Polarization, Political Instability and Active Learning
by Ioulia V. Ossokina & Otto H. Swank - 15-30 Survey Evidence on Wage Rigidity and Unemployment: Sweden in the 1990s
by Jonas Agell & Per Lundborg - 31-48 Immigration, Unemployment and Pensions
by Alexander Kemnitz - 49-72 The Location of Firms in Unionized Countries
by Jakob Roland Munch - 73-86 Endogenous Growth: A Knife Edge or the Razor's Edge?
by Carl‐Johan Dalgaard & Claus Thustrup Kreiner - 87-98 Embodied Technological Change, Learning‐by‐doing and the Productivity Slowdown
by Raouf Boucekkine & Fernando Del Río & Omar Licandro - 99-118 R&D and Absorptive Capacity: Theory and Empirical Evidence
by Rachel Griffith & Stephen Redding & John Van Reenen - 119-138 The Managers versus the Consultants
by Emili Grifell‐Tatjé & C. A. Knox Lovell - 139-154 The Impact of Transfer Fees on Professional Sports: An Analysis of the New Transfer System for European Football
by Eberhard Feess & Gerd Muehlheusser
December 2002, Volume 104, Issue 4
- 495-513 Multinational Firms and Technology Transfer
by Amy Jocelyn Glass & Kamal Saggi - 515-530 Technological Complexity, Wage Differentials and Unemployment
by Alberto Dalmazzo - 531-545 Knowledge Spillovers in Europe: A Patent Citations Analysis
by Per Botolf Maurseth & Bart Verspagen - 547-566 Food Prices and Market Structure in Sweden
by Marcus Asplund & Richard Friberg - 567-586 Outsourcing, Imports and Labour Demand
by Martin Falk & Bertrand M. Koebel - 587-604 Are Family Transfers Crowded Out by Public Transfers?
by Werner GÜth & Theo Offerman & Jan Potters & Martin Strobel & Harrie A. A. Verbon - 605-620 When Environmental Policy is Superfluous: Growth and Polluting Resources
by Poul Schou - 621-639 Unemployment and Migration: Does Moving Help?
by Sari Pekkala & Hannu Tervo - 641-656 Unemployment and Labor–market Reform: A Contract Theoretic Approach
by Hans Peter Gruner
September 2002, Volume 104, Issue 3
- 341-341 Macroeconomic Risk, Policies and Institutions: Editor’ Preface
by Steinar Holden & Christian Schultz - 343-364 International Integration, Risk and the Welfare State
by Torben M. Andersen - 365-389 European Banking Distress and EMU: Institutional and Macroeconomic Risks
by Michael M. Hutchison - 391-397 Time Inconsistency and the Exchange Rate Channel of Monetary Policy
by Kai Leitemo & Øistein Roisland & Ragnar Torvik - 399-422 Optimal Degrees of Transparency in Monetary Policymaking
by Henrik Jensen - 423-441 Effects of Fiscal Contractions: The Importance of Preceding Exchange Rate Movements
by Göran Hjelm - 443-469 How is the Debt Managed? Learning from Fiscal Stabilizations
by Alessandro Missale & Francesco Giavazzi & Pierpaolo Benigno - 471-493 Distributional Effects of Fiscal Consolidation
by Svend E. Hougaard Jensen & Thomas F. Rutherford
June 2002, Volume 104, Issue 2
- 195-211 Markets with Asymmetric Information: The Contributions of George Akerlof, Michael Spence and Joseph Stiglitz
by Karl–Gustaf Lofgren & Torsten Persson & Jorgen W. Weibull - 213-236 Weak and Strong Signals
by John G. Riley - 261-276 Optimal Discretion
by Yvan Lengwiler & Athanasios Orphanides - 277-287 Relative Prices in Monetary Union and Floating
by Juhana Vartiainen - 289-299 Product Market Integration and Wages in Unionized Countries
by Jakob Roland Munch & Jan Rose Skaksen - 301-320 Central Wage Setting under Multiple Technological Equilibria: A Mechanism for Equilibrium Elimination
by Mark A. Roberts - 321-340 Redistribution and Subsidies for Higher Education
by Carmen Bevia & Inigo Iturbe–Ormaetxe
March 2002, Volume 104, Issue 1
- 1-26 Reputation and Reciprocity: Consequences for the Labour Relation
by Simon Gächter & Armin Falk - 27-47 Is the Efficiency Wage Efficient? The Social Norm and Organizational Corruption
by Juin‐jen Chang & Ching‐chong Lai - 49-67 Swimming with the Tide: Solidary Wage Policy and the Gender Earnings Gap
by Per‐Anders Edin & Katarina Richardson - 69-85 Changes in the Finnish Wage Structure: Will Demand and Supply Do?
by Roope Uusitalo - 87-104 Measuring Structural Unemployment: NAWRU Estimates in the Nordic Countries
by Steinar Holden & Ragnar Nymoen - 105-124 Financial Market Imperfections, Labour Market Imperfections and Business Cycles
by Lutz G. Arnold - 125-145 Monetary Policy with Uncertain Parameters
by Ulf Söderström - 147-171 Evaluating Social Policy by Experimental and Nonexperimental Methods
by Espen Bratberg & Astrid Grasdal & Alf Erling Risa - 173-188 Publicly Provided Private Goods and Redistribution: A General Equilibrium Analysis
by Jukka Pirttilä & Matti Tuomala
December 2001, Volume 103, Issue 4
- 545-558 The Law of One Price—A Case Study
by Jonathan Haskel & Holger Wolf - 559-583 Equal Pay for Equal Work? Evidence from Sweden and a Comparison with Norway and the U.S
by Eva M. Meyersson Milgrom & Trond Petersen & Vemund Snartland - 585-597 Fewer in Number but Harder to Employ: Incidence and Duration of Unemployment in an Economic Upswing
by Erik Hernaes - 599-623 A Simple Model of Commodity Taxation and Cross‐border Shopping
by Søren Bo Nielsen - 625-643 Repeated Interaction and the Public Provision of Private Goods
by Claudio Thum & Marcel Thum - 645-671 Revenue Recycling and the Welfare Effects of Road Pricing
by Ian W. H. Parry & Antonio Bento - 673-688 Is Environmental Dumping Greater when Plants are Footloose?
by Alistair Ulph & Laura Valentini - 689-706 Ecological Dumping under Monopolistic Competition
by Michael Pfluger - 707-722 Optimal Financial Structure: An Incomplete Contracting Model
by Tore Leite
September 2001, Volume 103, Issue 3
- 367-367 Intergenerational Transfers, Taxes and the Distribution of Wealth. Editors' Preface
by Bertil Holmlund & Henry Ohlsson & Erling Steigum - 369-389 Heterogeneous Dynasties and the Political Economy of Public Debt
by Gregory De Walque & Louis Gevers - 391-414 Do Germans Save to Leave an Estate? An Examination of the Bequest Motive
by Hendrik Jurges - 415-443 Family Transfers Involving Three Generations
by Luc Arrondel & Andre Masson - 445-465 Wealth Distribution and Optimal Inheritance Taxation in Life‐cycle Economies with Intergenerational Transfers
by Burkhard Heer - 467-484 Family Background and Economic Status in Finland
by Eva Osterbacka - 485-504 Marriage Settlements
by Anne Laferrere - 505-524 How Much is Transfer and How Much is Insurance in a Pay‐as‐you‐go System? The German Case
by Axel Borsch‐Supan & Anette Reil‐Held - 525-544 Till Death Do Us Part or I Get My Pension? Wives' Pension Holding and Marital Dissolution in the United States
by Hiromi Ono & Frank Stafford
June 2001, Volume 103, Issue 2
- 191-204 James Heckman's Contributions to Economics and Econometrics
by Richard Blundell - 205-216 Bibliography of James Heckman's Publications, 1972‐2000
by Richard Blundell - 217-230 Daniel McFadden and the Econometric Analysis of Discrete Choice
by Charles F. Manski - 231-239 Bibliography of Daniel L. McFadden’s Publications, 1963‐2001
by Charles F. Manski - 241-264 The Impacts of Technology, Trade and Outsourcing on Employment and Labor Composition
by Catherine J. Morrison Paul & Donald S. Siegel - 265-282 Strategic Innovation with Complete and Incomplete Labour Market Contracts
by Alistair Ulph & David Ulph - 283-293 Status, the Distribution of Wealth, and Growth
by Giacomo Corneo & Olivier Jeanne - 295-316 Does Precommitment Raise Growth? The Dynamics of Growth and Fiscal Policy
by Thomas Krichel & Paul Levine - 317-331 Sources of Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations in the Nordic Countries
by Annika Alexius - 333-349 Regional Insurance and Migration
by Carlo Devillanova - 351-366 Uncertainty and the Timing of Automobile Purchases
by John Hassler
March 2001, Volume 103, Issue 1
- 1-23 A Contribution to the Theory of Welfare Accounting
by Martin L. Weitzman - 25-40 MeasuringIncome and Measuring Sustainability
by Malcolm Pemberton & David Ulph - 41-61 Social Insurance with In‐kind Provision of Private Goods
by Dan Anderberg - 63-77 Risk‐sharing and Growth: The Role of Precautionary Savings in the “Education” Model
by Gianluca Femminis - 79-99 Capital Accumulation and Unemployment: A Tale of Two “Continents”
by Jim Malley & Thomas Moutos - 101-118 Trade and Location with Horizontal and Vertical Multi‐region Firms
by Karolina Ekholm & Rikard Forslid - 119-126 When Does an Inflation Target Yield the Second Best?
by Roel Beetsma & Lans Bovenberg - 127-145 Linkages among Interest Rates in the United States, Germany and Norway
by Helge Bremnes & Oystein Gjerde & Frode Sattem