March 2001, Volume 103, Issue 1
- 147-164 Market Structure and Fiscal Policy Effectiveness
by Hassan Molana & Junxi Zhang - 165-184 Energy Consumption for Space Heating: A Discrete–Continuous Approach
by Runa Nesbakken
December 2000, Volume 102, Issue 4
- 547-561 Government Spending and Welfare with Returns to Specialization
by Michael B. Devereux & Allen C. Head & Beverly J. Lapham - 563-583 Shaken or Stirred? Financial Deregulation and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Norway
by Gunnar Bardsen & Jan Tore Klovland - 585-604 Asymmetric Shocks and Monetary Policy in a Currency Union
by Philip R. Lane - 605-620 Self‐fulfilling Currency Crises and Central Bank Independence
by Bernard Bensaid & Olivier Jeanne - 621-643 Who Wants an Independent Central Bank? Monetary Policy‐making and Politics
by F. Gulcin Ozkan - 645-668 Wage Indexation, Employment and Inflation
by Francesco Drudi & Raffaela Giordano - 669-688 Insider Bargaining Power, Starting Wages and Involuntary Unemployment
by Nils Gottfries & Tomas Sjostrom - 689-705 Labour Taxation in a Unionised Economy with Home Production
by Ann‐Sofie Kolm - 707-723 Progressive Taxation and Wage Setting: Some Evidence for Denmark
by Ben Lockwood & Torsten Sløk & Torben Tranaes - 725-736 Performance Standards and Incentive Pay in Agency Contracts
by Katerina Sherstyuk - 737-746 The Distributional Impact of Public Goods Provision: A Veil of Ignorance Approach
by Claudio Thum & Alfons J. Weichenrieder
September 2000, Volume 102, Issue 3
- 325-325 Social Security in the 21st Century. Editors' Preface
by Bertil Holmlund & Agnar Sandmo & Erling Steigum - 327-348 Economic and Social Security in the Twenty‐first Century, with Attention to Europe
by Jacques H. Dreze - 349-371 Social Security Reform and National Wealth
by John Laitner - 373-393 Adverse Selection in the Annuities Market and the Impact of Privatizing Social Security
by Jan Walliser - 395-417 The Financial Stability of Notional Account Pensions
by Salvador Valdes‐Prieto - 419-443 Pension Reform during the Demographic Transition
by Hans Fehr - 445-462 The Welfare State, Budgetary Pressure and Labour Market Shifts
by Anthony B. Atkinson - 463-479 Unskilled Migration: A Burden or a Boon for the Welfare State?
by Assaf Razin & Efraim Sadka - 481-502 Early Retirement and Economic Incentives
by Erik Hernoes & Marte Sollie & Steinar Strøm - 503-522 The Political Economy of Social Security
by Georges Casamatta & Helmuth Cremer & Pierre Pestieau - 523-545 A Positive Theory of Social Security
by Guido Tabellini
June 2000, Volume 102, Issue 2
- 181-191 In Memoriam: Trygve Haavelmo, 1911–1999
by Vidar Christiansen & Asbjorn Rodseth - 199-210 Robert A. Mundell’s Nobel Memorial Prize
by Rudiger Dornbusch - 211-222 A Review of Some of the Economic Contributions of Robert A. Mundell, Winner of the 1999 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics
by Andrew K. Rose - 235-251 The Saving Behaviour of a Two‐person Household
by Martin Browning - 253-267 Redistribution with Unobservable Bequests: A Case for Taxing Capital Income
by Robin Boadway & Maurice Marchand & Pierre Pestieau - 269-284 Health Insurance, Liquidity and Growth
by Benoit Carmichael & Yazid Dissou - 285-302 Constructing Bounds on Per Capita Income Differentials across Countries
by Robert J. Hill - 303-310 The Malmquist Productivity Index and Plant Capacity Utilization
by Bruno De Borger & Kristiaan Kerstens - 311-324 Rent Control and Prices of Owner‐occupied Housing
by Jonas Haèckner & Sten Nyberg
March 2000, Volume 102, Issue 1
- 1-21 Is it Harmful to Allow Partial Cooperation?
by Paul Beaudry & Pierre Cahuc & Hubert Kempf - 23-39 Conditional Cooperation and Voluntary Contributions to Public Goods
by Claudia Keser & Frans Van Winden - 41-56 CES Production Functions and Economic Growth
by Rainer Klump & Harald Preissler - 57-75 R&D, Human Capital and International Technology Spillovers: A Cross‐country Analysis
by Dirk Frantzen - 77-99 Unemployment Shocks and Income Distribution: How did the Nordic Countries Fare during their Crises?
by Rolf Aaberge & Tom Wennemo & Anders Bjorklund & Markus Jantti & Peder J. Pedersen & Nina Smith - 101-121 Price Adjustments by a Gasoline Retail Chain
by Marcus Asplund & Rickard Eriksson & Richard Friberg - 123-134 Self‐employment and Liquidity Constraints: Evidence from Finland
by Edvard Johansson - 135-150 Intergenerational Altruism and the Environment
by Pierre‐Andre Jouvet & Philippe Michel & Jean‐Pierre Vidal - 151-162 International Trade, Bargaining and Efficiency: The Holdup Problem
by Marina Wes
December 1999, Volume 101, Issue 4
- 493-493 Industrial Policy in Open Economies
by Bertil Holmlund & Kjell Erik Lommerud & Erling Steigum - 495-513 The International Division of Industries: Clustering and Comparative Advantage in a Multi‐industry Model
by Anthony J. Venables - 515-532 Self‐reinforcing Agglomerations? An Empirical Industry Study
by Karen Helene Midelfart Knarvik & Frode Steen - 533-554 Another Nail in the Coffin? Or Can the Trade Based Explanation of Changing Skill Structures Be Resurrected?
by Thibaut Desjonqueres & Stephen Machin & John Van Reenen - 555-576 Declining Returns to Education in Norway? Comparing Estimates across Cohorts, Sectors and over Time
by Torbjørn Haegeland & Tor Jakob Klette & Kjell G. Salvanes - 577-596 Beat 'em or Join 'em? Export Subsidies versus International Research Joint Ventures in Oligopolistic Markets
by J. Peter Neary & Paul O'Sullivan - 597-616 Industrial Policy and Firm Heterogeneity
by Pedro P. Barros & Tore Nilssen - 617-630 Multinationals without Advantages
by Andrea Fosfuri & Massimo Motta - 631-649 International Competition for Multinational Investment
by Jan I. Haaland & Ian Wooton - 651-672 Partnerships, Buy‐Out Options and Investment in Emerging Markets
by H. Peter Møllgaard & Per Baltzer Overgaard - 673-688 Transfer Pricing and Ownership Structure
by Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen & Guttorm Schjelderup
September 1999, Volume 101, Issue 3
- 337-361 Inflation Targeting: Some Extensions
by Lars E. O. Svensson - 363-377 Do Monetary Unions Make Economic Sense? Evidence from the Scandinavian Currency Union, 1873–1913
by U. Michael Bergman - 379-404 The Labour Input Response to Permanent Changes in Output: An Errors‐in‐Variables Analysis Based on Panel Data
by Erik Biørn & Tor Jakob Klette - 405-424 Parametric Approaches to Productivity Measurement: A Comparison among Alternative Models
by Subal C. Kumbhakar & Almas Heshmati & Lennart Hjalmarsson - 425-440 Education Subsidies, Social Security and Growth: The Implications of a Demographic Shock
by Frederic Docquier & Philippe Michel - 441-457 Schooling, Training, Growth and Minimum Wages
by Morten O. Ravn & Jan Rose Sørensen - 459-475 Investors Facing Opportunistic Governments: Is it Really Good to “Know the Market” before Investing?
by Michaela Erbenová & Steinar Vagstad - 477-487 Labour Hoarding, Price Rigidity and the Theory of Imperfect Competition under Uncertain Demand
by Eric Toulemonde
June 1999, Volume 101, Issue 2
- 163-172 Amartya K. Sen's Contributions to the Study of Social Welfare
by Kenneth J. Arrow - 173-190 The Contributions of Amartya Sen to Welfare Economics
by Anthony B. Atkinson - 205-222 Political Stock Markets and Unreliable Polls
by Peter Bohm & Joakim Sonnegard - 223-239 Pricing‐to‐market in Swedish Exports
by Annika Alexius & Anders Vredin - 241-256 Stabilisation, Policy Targets and Unemployment in Imperfectly Competitive Economies
by George Bratsiotis & Christopher Martin - 257-275 Profit Sharing, Capital Formation and the NAIRU
by Jurgen Jerger & Jochen Michaelis - 277-296 Virtual and Composite Fundamentals in the ERM
by Klaas H. W. Knot & Jan‐Egbert Sturm - 297-314 Temporary Migration, Human Capital, and Language Fluency of Migrants
by Christian Dustmann - 315-335 Residential Mobility and the Housing Market in a Two‐sector Neoclassical Growth Model
by Anna M. Hardman & Yannis M. Ioannides
March 1999, Volume 101, Issue 1
- 1-9 Does Increased International Influence Cause Higher Stock Market Volatility?
by John Hassler - 11-31 The Transition to Market Economies in an Endogenous Growth Model with Altruistic Agents
by Jie Zhang - 33-47 How Will EMU Affect Inflation and Unemployment in Europe?
by Hans Peter Grüner & Carsten Hefeker - 49-65 Lower Tax Progression, Longer Hours and Higher Wages
by Claus Thustrup Hansen - 67-82 Fiscal Institutions and Wage Bargaining in the Local Public Sector
by Bjarne Strøm - 83-96 Measuring Attitudes Towards Inequality
by Yoram Amiel & John Creedy & Stan Hurn - 97-114 Disability Retirement in a Welfare State
by Espen Bratberg - 115-126 Optimal Tax‐Transfer Systems and Redistributive Policy
by Johan Fellman & Markus Jäntti & Peter J. Lambert - 127-142 Discount Chains and Brand Policy
by Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen & Lars Sørgard - 143-147 Rehabilitating Weak Complementarity
by Jon R. Neill
December 1998, Volume 100, Issue 4
- 673-691 The Cost of Life Expectancy and the Implicit Social Valuation of Life
by Steve Dowrick & Yvonne Dunlop & John Quiggin - 693-710 Implications of Economic Interdependence for Endogenous Wage Indexation Decisions
by Jay H. Bryson & Chih‐huan Chen & David D. VanHoose - 711-731 Wage Drift and the Relevance of Centralised Wage Setting
by Steinar Holden - 733-746 Domestic Jobs and Foreign Wages
by Jan Hatzius - 747-764 Persistence, Asymmetries and Interrelation in Factor Demand
by Marga Peeters - 765-780 Pollution Taxation and Revenue Recycling under Monopoly Unions
by Jon Strand - 781-800 Bequests, Credit Rationing and in situ Values in the Faustmann–Pressler–Ohlin Forestry Model
by Olli Tahvonen
September 1998, Volume 100, Issue 3
- 545-564 Subsidies versus Public Provision of Private Goods as Instruments for Redistribution
by Robin Boadway & Maurice Marchand & Motohiro Sato - 565-574 Non‐Cooperative Public‐Good Provision and Productivity Differentials
by Eduardo Ley - 575-591 An Overlapping Generations Model of Climate‐Economy Interactions
by Richard B. Howarth - 593-610 Tax Reform, Structural Unemployment and the Environment
by A. Lans Bovenberg & Frederick Van Der Ploeg - 611-625 Egalitarian Wage Policies and Long‐Term Unemployment
by Knut Røed - 627-642 Distributing the Benefits from the Commons: A Square‐Root Formula
by Joaquim Silvestre - 643-661 Do Addicts Behave Rationally?
by Ernst Fehr & Peter K. Zych - 663-664 “Involuntary Unemployment and Environmental Policy: The Double Dividend Hypothesis”: A Comment
by Christian M. Scholz
June 1998, Volume 100, Issue 2
- 411-424 Black, Merton and Scholes — Their Central Contributions to Economics
by Darrell Duffie - 425-445 Robert Merton, Myron Scholes and the Development of Derivative Pricing
by Stephen M. Schaefer - 457-472 Nominal Interest Rates as Indicators of Inflation Expectations
by Paul Söderlind - 473-494 How Does Uncertainty about Future Fiscal Policy Affect Current Macroeconomic Variables?
by Neil Rankin - 495-512 On Central Bank Independence and the Stability of Policy Targets
by Francesco Lippi - 513-527 The Rise, Fall and Sustainability of Capital‐Resource Economies
by John Pezzey & Cees A. Withagen - 529-535 Rational Choice in Strategic Environments: Further Observations
by Olivier De Wolf & Françoise Forges - 537-541 Rational Strategic Choice Revisited
by B. Douglas Bernheim
March 1998, Volume 100, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editors' Preface
by Torben M. Andersen & Karl O. Moene - 1-9 The First Century of The Scandinavian Journal of Economics
by Mats Persson - 11-32 Efficiency with Non‐Convexities: Extending the “Scandinavian Consensus” Approaches
by Peter J. Hammond & Antonio Villar - 33-40 Comment on P. J. Hammond and A. Villa, “Efficiency with Non‐Convexities: Extending the “Scandinavian Consensus” Approaches”
by Jean‐Charles Rochet & Agnar Sandmo - 41-68 The Economics of Poverty in Poor Countries
by Partha Dasgupta - 69-77 Comment on P. Dasgupta, “The Economics of Poverty in Poor Countries”
by Kaushik Basu & Thorvaldur Gylfason - 79-104 Emission Taxes versus Other Environmental Policies
by Michael Hoel - 105-112 Comment on M. Hoel, “Emission Taxes versus Other Environmental Policies”
by Kerstin Schneider & Peter Bohm - 113-141 Unemployment Insurance in Theory and Practice
by Bertil Holmlund - 143-152 Comment on B. Holmlund, “Unemployment Insurance in Theory and Practice”
by Alan Manning & Steinar Strøm - 153-179 Modelling Policy Issues in a World of Imperfect Competition
by Egbert Dierker & Birgit Grodal - 181-186 Comment on E. Dierker and B. Grodal, “Modelling Policy Issues in a World of Imperfect Competition”
by Heracles M. Polemarchakis & Seppo Honkapohja - 187-206 Pitfalls in the Theory of International Trade Policy: Concertina Reforms of Tariffs, and Subsidies to High‐Technology Industries
by J. Peter Neary - 207-212 Comment on J. P. Neary, “Pitfalls in the Theory of International Trade Policy: Concertina Reforms of Tariffs, and Subsidies to High‐Technology Industries”
by Alasdair Smith & Harry Flam - 213-237 Business Cycles: Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications
by Russell W. Cooper - 239-245 Comment on R. W. Cooper, “Business Cycles: Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications”
by Jean‐Pierre Danthine & Nils Gottfries - 247-275 Open‐Economy Macroeconomics: Developments in Theory and Policy
by Maurice Obstfeld - 277-283 Comments on M. Obstfeld, “Open‐Economy Macroeconomics: Developments in Theory and Policy”
by Patrick J. Kehoe & Asbjørn Rødseth - 289-324 The Demand for Broad Money in the United Kingdom, 1878–1993
by Neil R. Ericsson & David F. Hendry & Kevin M. Prestwich - 325-334 Comments on N. R. Ericsson, D. F. Hendry and K.M. Prestwich, “The Demand for Broad Money in the United Kingdom, 1878–1993”
by Timo Teräsvirta & Svend Hylleberg - 335-357 Limits to Institutional Reforms
by Thráinn Eggertsson - 359-366 Comments on T. Eggertsson, “Limits to Institutional Reforms”
by Avner Ben‐Ner & Louis Putterman & Tone Ognedal - 367-394 The Political Economy of Fiscal Consolidations
by Roberto Perotti - 395-404 Comments on R. Perotti, “The Political Economy of Fiscal Consolidations”
by Michael Wallerstein & Assar Lindbeck
December 1997, Volume 99, Issue 4
- 1-1 Incentives and Organization
by Torben Andersen & Karl O. Moene & Christian Schultz - 485-495 Collusion in Organizations
by Jean‐Jacques Laffont & Jean‐Charles Rochet - 497-518 Collusion and Renegotiation in a Principal–Supervisor–Agent Relationship
by Roland Strausz - 519-540 Reciprocal Supervision, Collusion and Organizational Design
by Jean‐Jacques Laffont & Mathieu Meleu - 541-554 Coordination in Oligopoly
by Johan Stennek - 555-579 A Theory of Bureaucratization Based on Reciprocity and Collusive Behavior
by David Martimort - 581-596 Efficiency Wages and X‐Inefficiencies
by Tore Ellingsen - 597-615 One Cow, One Vote?
by Svend Albæk & Christian Schultz
September 1997, Volume 99, Issue 3
- 355-370 Adjusting Green NNP to Measure Sustainability
by Geir B. Asheim - 371-387 International and Intergenerational Environmental Externalities
by A. Andrew John & Rowena A. Pecchenino - 389-403 Portfolio Fishing
by Friðrik Már Baldursson & Guðmundur Magnússon - 405-424 Redistribution and Small Coalitions of Friends
by Fred Schroyen - 425-446 Factor Taxation, Income Distribution and Capital Market Integration
by Andreas Haufler - 447-461 Simple Rules for the Optimal Taxation of International Capital Income
by Michael Keen & Hannu Piekkola - 463-470 Better Monetary Control May Decrease the Distortion of Stabilisation Policy: A Comment
by Wilko Letterie - 471-484 Climbing Career Steps: Becoming a Full Professor of Economics
by Ali C. Tasiran & Ann Veiderpass & Bo Sandelin
June 1997, Volume 99, Issue 2
- 179-198 Research and Development in Public Economics: William Vickrey’s Inventive Quest of Efficiency
by Jacques Drèze - 207-235 James Mirrlees' Contributions to the Theory of Information and Incentives
by Avinash Dixit & Timothy Besley - 241-259 Environmental Policy with Endogenous Plant Locations
by Michael Hoel - 261-279 Optimal Tax and Public Investment Rules for Congestion Type of Externalities
by Inge Mayeres & Stef Proost - 281-297 Water on Fire: Gains from Electricity Trade
by Nils‐Henrik M. Von Der Fehr & Lise Sandsbråten - 299-314 Labor Market Institutions and the Second‐Best Tariff
by Martín Rama - 315-333 Market Rigidities and Labour Market Flexibility: An International Comparison
by Kjell G. Salvanes - 335-350 Changing Risk Premia: Evidence from a Small Open Economy
by Björn Hansson & Peter Hördahl - 351-354 Book Review: Johansen, Søren: Likelihood‐based Inference in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Models Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995, x+267 pp. ISBN 0‐19‐877449‐4
by Rolf Larsson
March 1997, Volume 99, Issue 1
- 1-13 Sustainability and Technical Progress
by Martin L. Weitzman - 15-27 Imperfect Competition, Capital Shortages and Unemployment Persistence
by Jean‐Pascal Bénassy - 29-44 Do Environmental Standards Harm Manufacturing Employment?
by Rolf Golombek & Arvid Raknerud - 45-59 Involuntary Unemployment and Environmental Policy: The Double Dividend Hypothesis
by Kerstin Schneider - 61-72 Tax Enforcement Problems
by Francisco Marhuenda & Ignacio Ortuño‐Ortín - 73-80 Monetary Policy Cooperation May Not Be Counterproductive
by Henrik Jensen - 81-97 Saving Accounts versus Stocks and Bonds in Household Portfolio Allocation
by Stefan Hochguertel & Rob Alessie & Arthur Van Soest - 99-118 Growth, Competition and Welfare
by Theo Van De Klundert & Sjak Smulders - 119-127 Biased Technical Change and the Malmquist Productivity Index
by Rolf Färe & Emili Grifell‐Tatjé & Shawna Grosskopf & C. A. Knox Lovell - 129-142 Economic Incentives and the Demand for Higher Education
by Peter Fredriksson