March 2011, Volume 113, Issue 1
- 145-166 Deregulation of Shopping Hours: The Impact on Independent Retailers and Chain Stores
by Tobias Wenzel - 167-189 The Relevant Market for Production and Wholesale of Electricity in the Nordic Countries: An Econometric Study
by Mikael Juselius & Rune Stenbacka - 190-211 Life Satisfaction Dynamics with Quarterly Life Event Data
by Paul Frijters & David W. Johnston & Michael A. Shields - 212-227 Self‐regulation through Goal Setting
by Alexander K. Koch & Julia Nafziger
June 2011, Volume 113
- 237-259 Search Theory: The 2010 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
by James Albrecht - 260-285 Unemployment and Right‐wing Extremist Crime
by Armin Falk & Andreas Kuhn & Josef Zweimüller - 286-317 Migration and Wage‐setting: Reassessing the Labor Market Effects of Migration
by Herbert Brücker & Elke J. Jahn - 318-341 Psychological Traits and Earnings Differentials among Men: A Study of Second‐generation Immigrants in Sweden
by Niklas Hanes & Erik Norlin - 342-363 Effects of Chinese Imports on Relative Wages: Microevidence from Chile
by Roberto Álvarez & Luis Opazo - 364-387 Income Inequality and Technology Diffusion: Evidence from Developing Countries
by Ari Hyytinen & Otto Toivanen - 388-417 Natural Resource Booms and Inequality: Theory and Evidence
by Benedikt Goderis & Samuel W. Malone - 418-443 Identity, Utility, and Cooperative Behaviour: An Evolutionary Perspective
by Philipp C. Wichardt - 444-469 Hospital Competition and Quality with Regulated Prices
by Kurt R. Brekke & Luigi Siciliani & Odd Rune Straume - 470-492 Newspaper Circulation and Local Government Efficiency
by Christian Bruns & Oliver Himmler
December 2010, Volume 112, Issue 4
- 643-645 Guest Editors' Preface to the Special Issue on Price and Wage Dynamics
by Mark Bils & Nils Gottfries & Steinar Holden & Richard Friberg & Matti Liski & Ragnar Torvik - 646-672 Altruistic Dynamic Pricing with Customer Regret
by Julio J. Rotemberg - 673-696 Closely Competing Firms and Price Adjustment: Some Findings from an Online Marketplace
by Takayuki Mizuno & Makoto Nirei & Tsutomu Watanabe - 697-722 Micro‐based Estimates of Heterogeneous Pricing Rules: The United States vs. the Euro Area
by Luis J. Álvarez & Pablo Burriel - 723-752 The Kinked Demand Curve and Price Rigidity: Evidence from Scanner Data
by Maarten Dossche & Freddy Heylen & Dirk Van den Poel - 753-781 One TV, One Price?
by Jean M. Imbs & Haroon Mumtaz & Morten O. Ravn & Hélène Rey - 782-811 Employment Fluctuations with Downward Wage Rigidity: The Role of Moral Hazard
by James Costain & Marcel Jansen - 812-840 Downward Wage Rigidities and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Monetary Union
by Stephan Fahr & Frank Smets - 841-863 Downward Wage Rigidity in a Model of Equal Treatment Contracting
by Pedro Martins & Andy Snell & Jonathan P. Thomas - 864-883 New Evidence on Implicit Contracts from Linked Employer–Employee Data
by Juha Kilponen & Torsten Santavirta - 884-910 Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity: Survey Evidence from European Firms
by Jan Babecký & Philip Du Caju & Theodora Kosma & Martina Lawless & Julián Messina & Tairi Rõõm
September 2010, Volume 112, Issue 3
- 441-470 International Knowledge Diffusion and Home‐bias Effect: Do USPTO and EPO Patent Citations Tell the Same Story?
by Emanuele Bacchiocchi & Fabio Montobbio - 471-488 Which Firms Buy Licenses? Market Positions and License Expenditures
by Dirk Czarnitzki & Kornelius Kraft - 489-513 Party Discipline and Environmental Policy: The Role of “Smoke‐filled Back Rooms”
by Per G. Fredriksson & Jim R. Wollscheid - 514-545 Trade Costs and the Open Macroeconomy
by Dennis Novy - 546-569 A Reappraisal of the Virtues of Private Sector Employment Programmes
by Brian Krogh Graversen & Peter Jensen - 570-594 Price of High‐quality Daycare and Female Employment
by Marianne Simonsen - 595-617 Housing Allowance and the Rent of Low‐income Households
by Aki Kangasharju - 618-639 Measurement Error in Education and Growth Regressions
by Miguel Portela & Rob Alessie & Coen Teulings - 640-641 Corrigendum: Monetary Policy, Expectations and Commitment
by George W. Evans & Seppo Honkapohja
June 2010, Volume 112, Issue 2
- 245-261 The Uncommon Insight of Elinor Ostrom
by Theodore C. Bergstrom - 263-288 Transaction‐Cost Economics: Past, Present, and Future?
by Robert Gibbons - 289-314 Where Should the Elderly Live and Who Should Pay for Their Care?
by Thomas Aronsson & Sören Blomquist & Luca Micheletto - 315-338 Schooling and Citizenship in a Young Democracy: Evidence from Postwar Germany
by Thomas Siedler - 339-360 Whose Job Goes Abroad? International Outsourcing and Individual Job Separations
by Jakob R. Munch - 361-387 Picking “Lemons” or Picking “Cherries”? Domestic and Foreign Acquisitions in Norwegian Manufacturing
by Ragnhild Balsvik & Stefanie A. Haller - 389-415 Product Market Reform and Innovation in the EU
by Rachel Griffith & Rupert Harrison & Helen Simpson - 417-440 Runner‐up Patents: Is Monopoly Inevitable?
by Emeric Henry
March 2010, Volume 112, Issue 1
- 1-24 Kantian Equilibrium
by John E. Roemer - 25-53 Collective Trust Behavior
by Håkan J. Holm & Paul Nystedt - 55-76 School Choice and Segregation: Evidence from an Admission Reform
by Martin Söderström & Roope Uusitalo - 77-100 Adverse Selection and Entrepreneurship in a Model of Development
by Esteban Jaimovich - 101-126 Dynamics of Export Market Entry and Exit
by Pekka Ilmakunnas & Satu Nurmi - 127-161 Transmission of Nominal Exchange Rate Changes to Export Prices and Trade Flows and Implications for Exchange Rate Policy
by Mathias Hoffmann & Oliver Holtemöller - 163-183 Has Job Stability Decreased? Population Data from a Small Open Economy
by Espen Bratberg & Kjell G. Salvanes & Kjell Vaage - 185-210 The Layoff Rat Race
by Dan Bernhardt & Steeve Mongrain - 211-233 Wage Formation and Bargaining Power during the Great Depression
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Jurgen A. Doornik & Jan Tore Klovland
December 2009, Volume 111, Issue 4
- 625-627 Editors' Preface
by Rikard Forslid & Richard Friberg & Matti Liski & Stephen Redding & Ragnar Torvik - 629-653 Firm Heterogeneity, Contract Enforcement, and the Industry Dynamics of Offshoring
by Alireza Naghavi & Gianmarco Ottaviano - 655-680 Vertical Specialization and International Business Cycle Synchronization
by Costas Arkolakis & Ananth Ramanarayanan - 681-709 Products and Productivity
by Andrew B. Bernard & Stephen J. Redding & Peter K. Schott - 711-740 Product Choice and Market Competition: The Case of Multiproduct Electronic Plants in Taiwan
by Bee Yan Aw & Yi Lee - 741-764 Tax Reform, Delocation, and Heterogeneous Firms
by Richard Baldwin & Toshihiro Okubo - 765-788 Redistributing Gains from Globalisation
by Hartmut Egger & Udo Kreickemeier - 789-809 Foreign Plants and Industry Productivity: Evidence from Chile
by Natalia Ramondo - 811-833 Tough Love: Do Czech Suppliers Learn from their Relationships with Multinationals?
by Beata S. Javorcik & Mariana Spatareanu - 835-861 Foreign Direct Investment and the Incentives to Innovate and Imitate
by Irene Brambilla & Galina Hale & Cheryl Long - 863-891 Can Production Subsidies Explain China's Export Performance? Evidence from Firm‐level Data
by Sourafel Girma & Yundan Gong & Holger Görg & Zhihong Yu - 893-916 Learning‐by‐Exporting Revisited: The Role of Intensity and Persistence
by Martin Andersson & Hans Lööf
September 2009, Volume 111, Issue 3
- 439-456 Sin City? Why is the Divorce Rate Higher in Urban Areas?
by Pieter A. Gautier & Michael Svarer & Coen N. Teulings - 457-486 The Effect of Marriage on Education of Immigrants: Evidence from a Policy Reform Restricting Marriage Migration
by Helena Skyt Nielsen & Nina Smith & Aycan Çelikaksoy - 487-510 The Ethnic Employment and Income Gap in Sweden: Is Skill or Labor Market Discrimination the Explanation?
by Martin Nordin & Dan‐Olof Rooth - 511-526 Migration Effects of Welfare Benefit Reform
by Karin Edmark - 527-546 Indirect versus Direct Constraints in Markets with Vertical Integration
by Roman Inderst & Tommaso Valletti - 547-565 Bargaining over a Common Good with Private Information
by Therese Lindahl & Magnus Johannesson - 567-596 How Important are Financial Frictions in the United States and the Euro Area?
by Virginia Queijo von Heideken - 597-624 International Comparisons of Living Standards by Equivalent Incomes
by Marc Fleurbaey & Guillaume Gaulier
June 2009, Volume 111, Issue 2
- 217-250 Putting the “New” into New Trade Theory: Paul Krugman's Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics
by J. Peter Neary - 251-275 Optimal Social Insurance with Linear Income Taxation
by Lans Bovenberg & Peter Birch Sørensen - 277-297 Income Disparity, Inequity Aversion and the Design of the Healthcare System
by John Leach - 299-321 Tax Reform, Sector‐specific Labor Supply and Welfare Effects
by John K. Dagsvik & Marilena Locatelli & Steinar Strøm - 323-349 Rent‐sharing and Collective Bargaining Coverage: Evidence from Linked Employer–Employee Data
by Nicole Guertzgen - 351-367 Neoclassical versus Frontier Production Models? Testing for the Skewness of Regression Residuals
by Timo Kuosmanen & Mogens Fosgerau - 369-386 Endogenous Sunk Costs, Flexible Manufacturing and the Productivity Effects of International Trade
by Carsten Eckel - 387-415 Incorporating Judgement in Fan Charts
by Pär Österholm - 417-438 Interest on Reserves and the Flexibility of Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
by Ulrike Neyer
March 2009, Volume 111, Issue 1
- 1-27 Ethnic Diversity, Civil War and Redistribution
by Thomas P. Tangerås & Nils‐Petter Lagerlöf - 29-50 Micro Foundations for Wage Flexibility: Wage Insurance at the Firm Level
by Ana Rute Cardoso & Miguel Portela - 51-71 Does Equal Pay Legislation Reduce Labour Market Inequality?
by Leo Kaas - 73-102 Speculative Attacks with Multiple Sources of Public Information
by Camille Cornand & Frank Heinemann - 103-124 Takeover Contests, Toeholds and Deterrence
by David Ettinger - 125-149 Paternalism and Tax Competition
by Kaisa Kotakorpi - 151-187 Wealth Concentration over the Path of Development: Sweden, 1873–2006
by Jesper Roine & Daniel Waldenström - 189-207 Inflow Uncertainty in Hydropower Markets
by Petter Vegard Hansen
December 2008, Volume 110, Issue 4
- 635-637 Editors' Preface
by Anders Björklund & Nils Gottfries & Alan B. Krueger & Espen R. Moen - 639-662 Does Raising the Principal's Wage Improve the School's Outcomes? Quasi‐experimental Evidence from an Unusual Policy Experiment in Israel
by Victor Lavy - 663-693 Quasi‐experimental Estimates of the Effect of Class Size on Achievement in Norway
by Edwin Leuven & Hessel Oosterbeek & Marte Rønning - 695-709 The College Wage Premium and the Expansion of Higher Education in the UK
by Ian Walker & Yu Zhu - 711-731 Compensating Wage Differentials for Schooling Risk in Denmark
by Luis Diaz‐Serrano & Joop Hartog & Helena Skyt Nielsen - 733-753 Returns to Apprenticeship Training in Austria: Evidence from Failed Firms
by Josef Fersterer & Jörn‐Steffen Pischke & Rudolf Winter‐Ebmer - 755-775 Signalling or Human Capital: Evidence from the Finnish Polytechnic School Reform
by Ulla Hämäläinen & Roope Uusitalo - 777-805 Luther and the Girls: Religious Denomination and the Female Education Gap in Nineteenth‐century Prussia
by Sascha O. Becker & Ludger Woessmann - 807-825 Gender Differences in Educational Attainment: Evidence on the Role of Tracking from a Finnish Quasi‐experiment
by Tuomas Pekkarinen - 827-852 Education and Fertility: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
by Karin Monstad & Carol Propper & Kjell G. Salvanes - 853-875 Proxying Ability by Family Background in Returns to Schooling Estimations is Generally a Bad Idea
by Erik Mellander & Sofia Sandgren‐Massih
September 2008, Volume 110, Issue 3
- 447-471 Financial Globalization, International Business Cycles and Consumption Risk Sharing
by Michael J. Artis & Mathias Hoffmann - 473-488 Taylor Rules for the ECB using Expectations Data
by Janko Gorter & Jan Jacobs & Jakob De Haan - 489-518 Some Evidence on the Adjustment of Producer Prices
by David Cornille & Maarten Dossche - 519-542 Adjustment Costs, Inventories and Output
by Leif Danziger - 543-565 Capital Structure under Costly Enforcement
by Hans K. Hvide & Tore Leite - 567-589 Why the European Union Should Adopt Formula Apportionment with a Sales Factor
by Thomas Eichner & Marco Runkel - 591-608 Public and Private Education in an Integrated Europe: Studying to Migrate and Teaching to Stay?
by Panu Poutvaara - 609-634 Rising Earnings Inequality in Sweden: The Role of Composition and Prices
by David Domeij
June 2008, Volume 110, Issue 2
- 237-260 The 2007 Nobel Memorial Prize in Mechanism Design Theory
by Dilip Mookherjee - 261-276 Do School Subsidies Promote Human Capital Investment among the Poor?
by César Martinelli & Susan W. Parker - 277-296 Resources and Student Achievement—Evidence from a Swedish Policy Reform
by Peter Fredriksson & Björn Öckert - 297-320 Inequity Aversion and Team Incentives
by Pedro Rey‐Biel - 321-337 Moral Hazard, Income Taxation and Prospect Theory
by Ravi Kanbur & Jukka Pirttilä & Matti Tuomala - 339-366 Stress that Doesn't Pay: The Commuting Paradox
by Alois Stutzer & Bruno S. Frey - 367-384 Do Slotting Allowances Harm Retail Competition?
by Øystein Foros & Hans Jarle Kind - 385-401 The Threat Effect of Active Labour Market Programmes
by Michael Rosholm & Michael Svarer - 403-417 Trade Integration and Business Cycle Convergence: Is the Relation Robust across Time and Space?
by Andrew Abbott & Joshy Easaw & Tao Xing - 419-443 Risk Sharing and Efficiency Implications of Progressive Pension Arrangements
by Hans Fehr & Christian Habermann - 445-446 Hydropower Economics by Førsund, Finn R
by David Newbery
March 2008, Volume 110, Issue 1
- 1-21 When Do Employees Leave Their Job for Entrepreneurship?
by Ari Hyytinen & Mika Maliranta - 23-43 Entrepreneurship and Liquidity Constraints: Evidence from Sweden
by Jenny Nykvist - 45-71 Age‐related Optimal Income Taxation
by Sören Blomquist & Luca Micheletto - 73-92 Peers and Culture
by María Sáez‐Martí & Anna Sjögren - 93-117 Adult Outcomes for Children of Teenage Mothers
by Marco Francesconi - 119-143 Two‐level CES Production Technology in the Solow and Diamond Growth Models
by Chris Papageorgiou & Marianne Saam - 145-167 Economic Growth, TFP Convergence and the World Export of Ideas: A Century of Evidence
by Jakob B. Madsen - 169-195 Prices, Productivity and Wage Bargaining in Open Economies
by Anders Forslund & Nils Gottfries & Andreas Westermark - 197-221 Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Interactions in a Small Open Economy
by Hilde C. Bjørnland - 223-227 Federal Monetary Policy: A Comment
by Achim Hauck & Uwe Vollmer - 229-230 Response to “Federal Monetary Policy: A Comment”
by Carsten Hefeker
December 2007, Volume 109, Issue 4
- 643-644 Editors' Preface
by Robert Hall & Nils Gottfries & Steinar Holden & Espen R. Moen & Christian Schultz - 645-665 Labor‐market Volatility in Matching Models with Endogenous Separations
by Dale Mortensen & Éva Nagypál - 667-693 Heterogeneity, Job Creation and Unemployment Volatility
by Veronica Guerrieri - 695-721 Embodied Technical Change and the Fluctuations of Unemployment and Wages
by Michael Reiter - 723-742 Public Employment and the Business Cycle
by Vincenzo Quadrini & Antonella Trigari - 743-777 Labor Market Dynamics and the Business Cycle: Structural Evidence for the United States
by Morten O. Ravn & Saverio Simonelli - 779-806 U.S. Labor Market Dynamics Revisited
by Eran Yashiv - 807-836 Occupational and Job Mobility in the US
by Giuseppe Moscarini & Kaj Thomsson - 837-855 Inflation and Unemployment in General Equilibrium
by Guillaume Rocheteau & Peter Rupert & Randall Wright - 857-881 The Macroeconomic Consequences of Reciprocity in Labor Relations
by Jean‐Pierre Danthine & André Kurmann - 883-903 Testing and the Composition of the Labor Pool
by Johnathan Boone & Joel Watson
September 2007, Volume 109, Issue 3
- 439-467 Worker Absenteeism in Search Equilibrium
by Per Engström & Bertil Holmlund - 469-485 Financial Matching, Asymmetric Information and Entrepreneurial Risk Taking
by Timo Vesala - 487-504 Revenue Sharing and Information Exchange under Non‐discriminatory Taxation
by Michael Keen & Jenny E. Ligthart - 505-529 Redistributive Taxation under Ethical Behaviour
by Robin Boadway & Nicolas Marceau & Steeve Mongrain - 531-550 The Fear of Exclusion: Individual Effort when Group Formation is Endogenous
by Kjell Arne Brekke & Karine Nyborg & Mari Rege - 551-572 Asset Specificity and Vertical Integration
by Ola Kvaløy - 573-591 Human Capital and Overinvestment in R&D
by Ana Balcão Reis & Tiago Neves Sequeira - 593-617 Resource Curse or Not: A Question of Appropriability
by Anne D. Boschini & Jan Pettersson & Jesper Roine - 619-642 Inflation Adjustment and Labour Market Structures: Evidence from a Multi‐country Study
by Christopher Bowdler & Luca Nunziata
June 2007, Volume 109, Issue 2
- 203-224 Edmund Phelps: Macroeconomist and Social Scientist
by Peter Howitt - 225-243 On the Coexistence of Banks and Markets
by Hans Gersbach & Harald Uhlig - 245-266 Foreign Money Shocks and the Welfare Performance of Alternative Monetary Policy Regimes
by Ozge Senay & Alan Sutherland - 267-290 Optimal Monetary Policy and Sectoral Shocks: Is International Monetary Cooperation Beneficial?
by Wolfram Berger - 291-302 Financial Instability under a Flexible Exchange Rate
by Damien Besancenot & Radu Vranceanu - 303-319 Contests with Multi‐tasking
by Derek J. Clark & Kai A. Konrad - 321-339 Do Antitrust Laws Facilitate Collusion? Experimental Evidence on Costly Communication in Duopolies
by Ola Andersson & Erik Wengström - 341-368 Estimating Risk Attitudes in Denmark: A Field Experiment
by Glenn W. Harrison & Morten I. Lau & E. Elisabet Rutström - 369-386 Too Much of a Good Thing? The Quantitative Economics of R&D‐driven Growth Revisited
by Holger Strulik - 387-413 Early Starts, Reversals and Catch‐up in the Process of Economic Development
by Areendam Chanda & Louis Putterman - 415-438 Class Size, Teacher Hours and Educational Attainment
by Martin Browning & Eskil Heinesen
March 2007, Volume 109, Issue 1
- 1-24 Rational Underdevelopment
by Klaus Desmet & Ignacio Ortuño Ortín - 25-47 Marriage, Divorce and Reciprocity‐based Cooperation
by Dan Anderberg - 49-70 A Model of Reputation in Cheap Talk
by Lars Frisell & Johan N. M. Lagerlöf - 71-91 Simple Reputation Systems
by John Kennes & Aaron Schiff - 93-106 Asymmetric Demand Information and Foreign Direct Investment
by Rafael Moner‐Colonques & Vicente Orts & José J. Sempere‐Monerris - 107-113 The Optimal Perception of Inflation Persistence is Zero
by Kai Leitemo - 115-135 The Monetary Policy of the European Central Bank
by Paolo Surico - 137-151 Optimal Fiscal Policies, Congestion and Over‐entry
by Juin‐jen Chang & Hsiao‐wen Hung & Jhy‐yuan Shieh & Ching‐chong Lai - 153-175 Optimal Protection of Property Rights in a General Equilibrium Model of Growth
by George Economides & Hyun Park & Apostolis Philippopoulos - 177-195 Does the CPI Mirror the Cost of Living? Engel's Law Suggests Not in Norway
by Erling Røed Larsen
December 2006, Volume 108, Issue 4
- 513-514 Editors' Preface
by Jonas Agell & Espen Moen & Torsten Persson & Christian Schultz - 515-546 A Simple Model of Inefficient Institutions
by Daron Acemoglu - 547-569 Party Control of State Government and the Distribution of Public Expenditures
by Stephen Ansolabehere & James M. Snyder - 571-585 A Theory of Civil Conflict and Democracy in Rentier States
by Silje Aslaksen & Ragnar Torvik - 587-606 Median‐voter Equilibria in the Neoclassical Growth Model under Aggregation
by Marina Azzimonti & Eva De Francisco & Per Krusell - 607-642 Competitive Lobbying and Supermajorities in a Majority‐rule Institution
by David P. Baron - 643-668 Lobbying Bureaucrats
by Morten Bennedsen & Sven E. Feldmann - 669-682 Policy Positions, Information Acquisition and Turnout
by Arianna Degan - 683-702 Flexible Integration? Mandatory and Minimum Participation Rules
by Bård Harstad - 703-725 Social Conflict and Gradual Political Succession: An Illustrative Model
by William Jack & Roger Lagunoff - 727-742 Bipolar Multicandidate Elections with Corruption
by Roger B. Myerson
October 2006, Volume 108, Issue 3
- 361-372 Using Employer Hiring Behavior to Test the Educational Signaling Hypothesis
by James W. Albrecht & Jan C. Van Ours - 373-396 Competition between Employed and Unemployed Job Applicants: Swedish Evidence
by Stefan Eriksson & Jonas Lagerström - 397-418 Low‐inflation Targeting and Long‐run Unemployment
by Per Lundborg & Hans Sacklén - 419-432 A Union‐bashing Model of Inflation Targeting
by Frode Meland - 433-458 Can the Large Swings in Russian Life Satisfaction be Explained by Ups and Downs in Real Incomes?
by Paul Frijters & Ingo Geishecker & John P. Haisken‐DeNew & Michael A. Shields - 459-479 Integration, Fragmentation and the Geography of Welfare
by Barbara Dluhosch - 481-497 Temporary Bottlenecks, Hydropower and Acquisitions
by Jostein Skaar & Lars Sørgard - 499-512 Countervailing Power and Price Transparency
by Morten Hviid & H. Peter Møllgaard
July 2006, Volume 108, Issue 2
- 185-211 Robert Aumann's Game and Economic Theory
by Sergiu Hart - 213-229 Thomas Schelling's Contributions to Game Theory
by Avinash Dixit - 231-249 Conflict and the Social Contract
by Helmut Bester & Karl Wärneryd - 251-277 The Political Economy of Xenophobia and Distribution: The Case of Denmark
by John E. Roemer & Karine Van der Straeten - 279-298 Social Insurance and Redistribution with Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection
by Robin Boadway & Manuel Leite‐Monteiro & Maurice Marchand & Pierre Pestieau - 299-316 Career Concerns, Monetary Incentives and Job Design
by Oddvar M. Kaarbøe & Trond E. Olsen - 317-337 Reducing Start‐up Costs for New Firms: The Double Dividend on the Labor Market
by Uwe Dulleck & Paul Frijters & Rudolf Winter‐Ebmer - 339-352 Employment Protection and Product Market Competition
by Sebastian G. Kessing - 353-356 Note on Longevity and Aggregate Savings
by Eytan Sheshinski