March 2005, Volume 168, Issue 2
- 460-461 Statistical Analysis and Data Display
by Chris Chatfield - 461-461 Consumer Price Index Manual: Theory and Practice
by Mariano Ruiz Espejo - 461-462 Introduction to Mathematical Methods in Bioinformatics
by Mark Broom - 462-462 Spatial Evolutionary Modeling
by Andrew McCulloch - 462-463 Bayesian Field Theory
by Peter Craig - 463-463 Analysing Survival Data from Clinical Trials and Observational Studies
by Andrew W. Roddam - 463-464 Multivariate Probability
by Jordan Stoyanov - 464-464 Statistics for the Quality Control Chemistry Laboratory
by Andrew W. Roddam - 465-465 Statistical Power Analysis
by Andrea Le Fevre - 465-466 Statistics and Finance
by Theofanis Sapatinas - 466-466 Risk and Financial Management
by Lesley F. Wright - 466-466 Sensitivity Analysis in Practice: a Guide to Assessing Scientific Models
by Andrew McCulloch - 468-468 Corrigendum: A comparison study of realtime fatality rates: severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Toronto and Beijing, China
by Paul S. F. Yip & K. F. Lam & Eric H. Y. Lau & Pui‐Hing Chau & Kenneth W. Tsang & Anne Chao
January 2005, Volume 168, Issue 1
- 1-27 Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly
by Sheila M. Bird & Cox Sir David & Vern T. Farewell & Goldstein Harvey & Holt Tim & Smith Peter C. - 29-49 The case for small area microdata
by Mark Tranmer & Andrew Pickles & Ed Fieldhouse & Mark Elliot & Angela Dale & Mark Brown & David Martin & David Steel & Chris Gardiner - 51-61 A continuous time Markov model for the length of stay of elderly people in institutional long‐term care
by H. Xie & T. J. Chaussalet & P. H. Millard - 63-82 The quality of social security benefit data in the British Family Resources Survey: implications for investigating income support take‐up by pensioners
by Ruth Hancock & Geraldine Barker - 83-94 The random‐effects proportional hazards model with grouped survival data: a comparison between the grouped continuous and continuation ratio versions
by Leonardo Grilli - 95-107 The ubiquitous angle
by Graham R. Wood & David J. Saville - 109-126 Robust, accurate confidence intervals with a weak instrument: quarter of birth and education
by Guido W. Imbens & Paul R. Rosenbaum - 127-144 Exploring road mortality ratios in Europe: national versus regional realities
by Sylvain Lassarre & Isabelle Thomas - 145-158 The survival of newly founded firms: a case‐study into varying‐coefficient models
by Göran Kauermann & Gerhard Tutz & Josef Brüderl - 159-183 Generalized linear mixed models for ordered responses in complex multilevel structures: effects beneath the school or college in education
by Antony Fielding & Min Yang - 185-205 Releasing multiply imputed, synthetic public use microdata: an illustration and empirical study
by Jerome P. Reiter - 207-231 A panel data analysis of the effects of wages, standard hours and unionization on paid overtime work in Britain
by Adriaan S. Kalwij & Mary Gregory - 233-243 A comparison study of realtime fatality rates: severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Toronto and Beijing, China
by Paul S. F. Yip & K. F. Lam & Eric H. Y. Lau & Pui‐Hing Chau & Kenneth W. Tsang & Anne Chao - 245-246 Seymour Geisser, 1929–2004
by Donald A. Berry - 246-246 Sir Donald Macdougall OBE, 1912–2004
by Lord Croham - 250-250 Tools for Constructing Chronologies; Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries
by M. C. Jones - 250-251 Financial Modelling with Jump Processes
by René L. Schilling - 251-252 Bayesian Data Analysis, 2nd edn
by Anders Brix - 252-253 Multilevel Statistical Models, 3rd edn
by Sreenivasan Ravi - 253-254 Automatic Nonuniform Random Variate Generation
by Mohamed Afzal Norat - 254-254 Statistical Tools for Nonlinear Regression: a Practical Guide with S‐PLUS and R Examples, 2nd edn
by Paul Hewson - 254-255 Statistics for Epidemiology
by Derek Robinson - 255-255 Forecast Verification: a Practitioner's Guide in Atmospheric Sciences
by Kuldeep Kumar - 256-256 Diagnostic Checks in Time Series
by Mohamed Afzal Norat - 256-256 Polynomial Parameter Estimations of Close to Gaussian Random Variables
by Jordan Stoyanov - 256-257 Statistical Estimation of Epidemiological Risk
by Andrew W. Roddam - 257-258 Risk Analysis in Finance and Insurance
by Quentin L. Burrell - 258-259 Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes
by Scott A. Sisson - 259-260 Kendall's Advanced Theory of Statistics, volume 2B, Bayesian Inference, 2nd edn
by Dennis Lindley - 260-261 Measures of Interobserver Agreement
by Russell Ecob - 261-261 All of Statistics: a Concise Course in Statistical Inference
by Stuart Barber - 261-261 Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health‐Care Evaluation
by Mark A. Best - 262-262 Biostatistics and Epidemiology: a Primer for Biomedical Professionals
by Isaac Dialsingh
November 2004, Volume 167, Issue 4
- 575-578 Editorial: Measuring and communicating survey quality
by Peter Lynn - 579-595 The sensitivity of estimates of the change in population behaviour to realistic changes in bias in repeated surveys
by Andrew J. Copas & Vern T. Farewell & Catherine H. Mercer & Guiqing Yao - 597-611 A comparison of univariate and multivariate multilevel models for repeated measures of use of antenatal care in Uttar Pradesh
by Paula L. Griffiths & James J. Brown & Peter W. F. Smith - 613-626 Has the national minimum wage reduced UK wage inequality?
by Richard Dickens & Alan Manning - 627-637 Bayesian binary segmentation procedure for detecting streakiness in sports
by Tae Young Yang - 639-655 Modelling the evolution of distributions: an application to Major League baseball
by Gary Koop - 657-667 Rating teams and analysing outcomes in one‐day and test cricket
by P. E. Allsopp & Stephen R. Clarke - 669-756 Report of the Council for the session 2003–2004
by Andy Grieve - 757-758 Obituary: Petter Jakob Bjerve
by Olav Bjerkholt & Svein Longva - 760-760 Book reviews
by Derek Robinson - 760-760 Book reviews
by Quentin L. Burrell - 761-762 Book reviews
by N. H. Bingham - 762-762 Book reviews
by Scott L. Hershberger - 763-763 Book reviews
by Jennifer Lyn - 763-764 Book reviews
by Mohamed Afzal Norat - 764-764 Book reviews
by Mariano Ruiz Espejo - 764-764 Book reviews
by Mark A. Best - 764-765 Book reviews
by Marian Scott - 765-766 Book reviews
by Roger Harbord - 766-766 Book reviews
by Mohamed Afzal Norat - 767-768 Book reviews
by N. H. Bingham - 768-768 Book reviews
by Stuart Barber
August 2004, Volume 167, Issue 3
- 381-383 Editorial: Performance monitoring in the public services
by Sheila M. Bird - 447-448 Foreword to the papers on ‘Performance monitoring and surveillance’
by Nicky Best & Simon Day - 449-474 Statistical analysis of performance indicators in UK higher education
by David Draper & Mark Gittoes - 475-496 Higher education outcomes, graduate employment and university performance indicators
by Massimiliano Bratti & Abigail McKnight & Robin Naylor & Jeremy Smith - 501-517 Simultaneous modelling of multiple traffic safety performance indicators by using a multivariate generalized linear mixed model
by Trevor C. Bailey & Paul J. Hewson - 523-539 An overview of risk‐adjusted charts
by O. Grigg & V. Farewell - 541-559 Statistical issues in the prospective monitoring of health outcomes across multiple units
by Clare Marshall & Nicky Best & Alex Bottle & Paul Aylin - 565-566 Book reviews
by M. C. Jones - 566-567 Book reviews
by Scott Sisson - 567-568 Book reviews
by Chris Chatfield - 568-568 Book reviews
by Les Huson - 568-569 Book reviews
by Victor Moreno - 569-569 Book reviews
by Paul Hewson - 569-570 Book reviews
by David Kemp - 570-571 Book reviews
by Andrew W Roddam - 571-572 Book reviews
by Lesley Rushton - 572-572 Book reviews
by David Wooff - 572-573 Book reviews
by Mark A. Best - 573-574 Book reviews
by Anna Bartkowiak
July 2004, Volume 167, Issue 3
- 385-425 Ecological inference for 2 × 2 tables
by Jon Wakefield - 385-445 Ecological inference for 2 × 2 tables (with discussion)
by Jon Wakefield
May 2004, Volume 167, Issue 2
- 199-207 Editorial: Evaluating automatic edit and imputation methods, and the EUREDIT project
by John Charlton - 209-228 An alternative view of the 2001 census and future census taking
by Philip Redfern - 249-274 New ways of specifying data edits
by George Petrakos & Claudio Conversano & Gregory Farmakis & Francesco Mola & Roberta Siciliano & Photis Stavropoulos - 275-294 Multivariate outlier detection in incomplete survey data: the epidemic algorithm and transformed rank correlations
by Cédric Béguin & Beat Hulliger - 295-307 Combining editing and imputation methods: an experimental application on population census data
by Antonia Manzari - 309-322 Bayesian networks for imputation
by Marco Di Zio & Mauro Scanu & Lucia Coppola & Orietta Luzi & Alessandra Ponti - 323-339 Robust automatic methods for outlier and error detection
by Ray Chambers & Adão Hentges & Xinqiang Zhao - 341-373 Missing data and small area estimation in the UK Labour Force Survey
by Nicholas T. Longford - 376-376 Environmental Foresight and Models: a Manifesto
by Freda Kemp - 377-377 The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms
by Mariano Ruiz Espejo - 377-377 Applying the Rasch Model: Fundamental Measurement in the Human Sciences
by Mariano Ruiz Espejo - 378-378 Maximum Penalized Likelihood Estimation, Volume I, Density Estimation
by Pia Veldt Larsen - 378-379 Applied Functional Data Analysis: Methods and Case Studies
by Tim Auton - 379-379 Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement
by Gillian M. Arnold - 379-379 Large‐scale Assessment Programs for All Students: Validity, Technical Adequacy, and Implementation
by Nick Sofroniou
February 2004, Volume 167, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial: The need for randomized trials in social research
by Carol Fitz‐Gibbon - 5-36 A framework for progressively improving small area population estimates
by Philip Rees & Paul Norman & Dominic Brown - 37-52 Men matter more: the social class identity of married British women, 1985–1991
by Michael E. Sobel & Nan Dirk De Graaf & Anthony Heath & Ying Zou - 53-67 Offenders as victims of crime?: an investigation into the relationship between criminal behaviour and victimization
by Derek Deadman & Ziggy MacDonald - 69-101 Parental partnership and joblessness in childhood and their influence on young people's outcomes
by John Ermisch & Marco Francesconi & David J. Pevalin - 103-124 The validation of surrogate end points by using data from randomized clinical trials: a case‐study in advanced colorectal cancer
by Tomasz Burzykowski & Geert Molenberghs & Marc Buyse - 125-139 Estimating household structure in ancient China by using historical data: a latent class analysis of partially missing patterns
by Tim Futing Liao - 141-156 Evaluation of adjustments for partial non‐response bias in the US National Immunization Survey
by Philip J. Smith & David C. Hoaglin & J. N. K. Rao & Michael P. Battaglia & Danni Daniels - 157-178 A hazard model of the probability of medical school drop‐out in the UK
by Wiji Arulampalam & Robin A. Naylor & Jeremy P. Smith - 179-181 Faulty assumptions in Atkinson's criteria for clinical trial design
by Donald R. Taves - 184-184 Bioinformatics: the Machine Learning Approach, 2nd edn
by Mark A. Best - 184-185 Statistical Rules of Thumb
by Quentin L. Burrell - 185-186 Information Gap Decision Theory: Decisions under Severe Uncertainty
by Lesley F. Wright - 186-187 Components of Variance
by M. C. Jones - 187-188 Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods
by Kuldeep Kumar - 188-189 A Course in Financial Calculus . Mathematical Finance and Probability: a Discrete Introduction
by Freda Kemp - 189-190 Modern Medical Statistics: a Practical Guide
by P. Sprent - 190-191 Data Mining
by Freda Kemp - 191-192 Applied Quantitative Finance: Theory and Computational Tools
by Ravi Sreenivasan - 192-192 The Elements of Statistical Learning
by Theofanis Sapatinas - 192-194 Logistic Regression: a Self‐learning Text, 2nd edn
by David Wooff - 194-195 Hidden Markov Models for Bioinformatics
by Scott Sisson - 195-195 Statistical Analysis of Data from Marked Bird Populations
by Ruth King - 195-196 The Estimation and Tracking of Frequency
by Dharmendra Lingaiah - 196-197 Handbook of Statistics, Volume 21, Stochastic Processes: Modeling and Simulation
by Freda Kemp - 197-198 Handbook for Conducting Research on Human Sexuality
by James Tighe
October 2003, Volume 166, Issue 3
- 271-274 Editorial: Pharmaceuticals, patents and competition—some statistical issues
by Stephen Senn & Nicoletta Rosati - 274-277 Editorial: How long do pharmaceuticals stay in the market‐place?
by John Urquhart - 279-300 A multilevel cross‐classified modelling approach to peer review of grant proposals: the effects of assessor and researcher attributes on assessor ratings
by Upali W. Jayasinghe & Herbert W. Marsh & Nigel Bond - 301-327 Social identities and political cleavages: the role of political context
by Robert Andersen & Anthony Heath - 329-347 Using success to measure quality in British higher education: which subjects attract the best‐qualified students?
by Derek Leslie - 349-367 The need for new statistical legislation for the UK
by D. Holt - 369-387 Using panel methods to model waiting times for National Health Service surgery
by Stephen Martin & Peter C. Smith - 389-405 A Bayesian approach to Markov modelling in cost‐effectiveness analyses: application to taxane use in advanced breast cancer
by Nicola J. Cooper & Keith R. Abrams & Alex J. Sutton & David Turner & Paul C. Lambert - 407-423 Selection effects of source of contraceptive supply in an analysis of discontinuation of contraception: multilevel modelling when random effects are correlated with an explanatory variable
by Fiona Steele - 425-440 The evaluation of DNA evidence in pedigrees requiring population inference
by Fabio Corradi & Giampietro Lago & Federico M. Stefanini - 441-442 Corrigendum: The role of tobacco taxes in starting and quitting smoking: duration analysis of British data
by Martin Forster & Andrew M. Jones
June 2003, Volume 166, Issue 2
- 155-188 Inferences from DNA data: population histories, evolutionary processes and forensic match probabilities
by Ian J. Wilson & Michael E. Weale & David J. Balding - 203-204 The communication of risk
by D. R. Cox & S. C. Darby - 205-206 Foreword to the papers on ‘The communication of risk’
by Adrian Smith - 207-215 Human immunodeficiency virus risk: is it possible to dissuade people from having unsafe sex?
by John Richens & John Imrie & Helen Weiss - 217-223 Communicating risk—coronary risk scores
by Ian M. Graham & Elizabeth Clavel - 225-231 Tobacco—the importance of relevant information on risk
by Sarah C. Darby - 233-239 Tobacco: public perceptions and the role of the industry
by David Simpson & Sue Lee - 241-246 Communication of risk: health hazards from mobile phones
by D. R. Cox - 247-252 Crime victimization: its extent and communication
by Paul Wiles & Jon Simmons & Ken Pease - 253-260 Accidental fatalities in transport
by Andrew W. Evans - 261-270 Communicating the risks arising from geohazards
by Michael S. Rosenbaum & Martin G. Culshaw
February 2003, Volume 166, Issue 1
- 1-4 The National Statistician: 2 years on
by Len Cook - 5-21 A review and discussion of prospective statistical surveillance in public health
by Christian Sonesson & David Bock - 23-49 Remembrances of things past: test–retest reliability of retrospective migration histories
by James P. Smith & Duncan Thomas - 51-62 Screening for prostate cancer by using random‐effects models
by Larry J. Brant & Shan L. Sheng & Christopher H. Morrell & Geert N. Verbeke & Emmanuel Lesaffre & H. Ballentine Carter - 63-84 Patterns and trends in occupational attainment of first jobs in the Netherlands, 1930–1995: ordinary least squares regression versus conditional multinomial logistic regression
by Jos A. G. Dessens & Wim Jansen & Harry B. G. Ganzeboom & Peter G. M. Van Der Heijden - 85-104 Some new international comparisons of productivity performance at the sectoral level
by Jim Malley & Anton Muscatelli & Ulrich Woitek - 105-117 Estimation of life expectancy in the Middle Ages
by M. A. Jonker - 119-133 Estimation of a large cross‐classified multilevel model to study academic achievement in a modular degree course
by V. Simonite & W. J. Browne - 135-154 Is comprehensive education really free?: a case‐study of the effects of secondary school admissions policies on house prices in one local area
by Dennis Leech & Erick Campos
October 2002, Volume 165, Issue 3
- 401-403 Editorial: An independent statistical service?
by Greg Phillpotts - 405-434 How not to measure the efficiency of public services (and how one might)
by M. Stone - 405-434 Discussion on the paper by Stone
by Peter C. Smith - 435-464 Cross‐national comparison of internal migration: issues and measures
by M. Bell & M. Blake & P. Boyle & O. Duke‐Williams & P. Rees & J. Stillwell & G. Hugo - 465-480 A cross‐national study of the effects of family migration on women's labour market status: some difficulties with integrating microdata from two censuses
by Paul Boyle & Thomas J. Cooke & Keith Halfacree & Darren Smith - 481-493 New methods for comparing literacy across populations: insights from the measurement of poverty
by Kevin Denny - 495-522 A controlled donor imputation system for a one‐number census
by Fiona Steele & James Brown & Ray Chambers - 523-548 Still‐births among the offspring of male radiation workers at the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant: detailed results and statistical aspects
by Mark S. Pearce & Heather O. Dickinson & Murray Aitkin & Louise Parker - 549-566 Mixture models in measurement error problems, with reference to epidemiological studies
by Sylvia Richardson & Laurent Leblond & Isabelle Jaussent & Peter J. Green - 567-568 Correspondence
by Bernard L. Cohen
June 2002, Volume 165, Issue 2
- 191-221 Commissioned analysis of surgical performance using routine data: lessons from the Bristol inquiry
by David J. Spiegelhalter & Paul Aylin & Nicola G. Best & Stephen J. W. Evans & Gordon D. Murray - 221-231 Discussion on the paper by Spiegelhalter, Aylin, Best, Evans and Murray
by R. N. Curnow - 233-253 Causal variables, indicator variables and measurement scales: an example from quality of life
by Peter M. Fayers & David J. Hand - 253-261 Discussion on the paper by Fayers and Hand
by D. J. Bartholomew - 263-278 Deprivation, ill‐health and the ecological fallacy
by Gillian Lancaster & Mick Green - 279-296 Modelling the data measurement process for the index of production
by K. D. Patterson - 297-316 Random‐digit dialling in the UK: viability revisited
by Gerry Nicolaas & Peter Lynn - 317-334 Predicting successful and unsuccessful transitions from school to work by using sequence methods
by Duncan McVicar & Michael Anyadike‐Danes - 335-348 Investigating the economic and demographic determinants of sporting participation in England
by Lisa Farrell & Michael A. Shields - 349-373 The comparison of designs for sequential clinical trials with covariate information
by Anthony C. Atkinson - 375-397 Effects of neighbourhood demographic shifts on findings of environmental injustice: a New York City case‐study
by Makram Talih & Ronald D. Fricker - 399-400 Corrigendum: Building multivariable prognostic and diagnostic models: transformation of the predictors by using fractional polynomials
by W. Sauerbrei & P. Royston
February 2002, Volume 165, Issue 1
- 9-11 Evaluation of economic and social policies
by Peter Dolton - 13-30 Extending the reach of randomized social experiments: new directions in evaluations of American welfare‐to‐work and employment initiatives
by James A. Riccio & Howard S. Bloom - 31-38 Modelling impact heterogeneity
by Ian Plewis - 39-57 Testing for programme effects in a regression discontinuity design with imperfect compliance
by Erich Battistin & Enrico Rettore - 59-82 Some practical issues in the evaluation of heterogeneous labour market programmes by matching methods
by Michael Lechner - 83-95 The effect of careers guidance for employed adults on continuing education: assessing the importance of attitudinal information
by Michael White & John Killeen - 97-119 Measurement error evaluation of self‐reported drug use: a latent class analysis of the US National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
by Paul P. Biemer & Christopher Wiesen - 121-135 Political generations and partisanship in the UK, 1964–1997
by James Tilley - 137-153 Multivariate multilevel analyses of examination results
by Min Yang & Harvey Goldstein & William Browne & Geoffrey Woodhouse - 155-172 Ehrenberg law‐like relationship and anthropometry
by N. Forcheh - 173-185 Transactions of the Statistical Society of London (1837)
by Sidney Rosenbaum - 187-189 Modelling political popularity: a correction
by David Byers & James Davidson & David Peel
2001, Volume 164, Issue 3
- 423-425 Editorial: UK census 2001—progress and promise
by Ludi Simpson - 427-447 Proposals for 2001 samples of anonymized records: An assessment of disclosure risk
by Angela Dale & Mark Elliot - 449-465 A simple method for estimating a regression model for κ between a pair of raters
by Stuart R. Lipsitz & John Williamson & Neil Klar & Joseph Ibrahim & Michael Parzen