January 1996, Volume 159, Issue 1
- 194-195 20. Fractals, Random Shapes and Point Fields
by Ben Hambly
May 1995, Volume 158, Issue 3
- 359-361 Editorial
by Peter G. Moore - 419-444 Model Uncertainty, Data Mining and Statistical Inference
by Chris Chatfield - 467-489 You Can Count on Us—With Confidence
by Bill McLennan - 491-504 Social Trends and Social Change
by Muriel Nissel - 505-524 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Predictions for England and Wales (1992–97): Sensitivity Analysis, Information, Decision
by N. E. Day & S. M. Gore & D. De Angelis - 525-545 Weighted Cumulative Sums for Text Analysis Using Word Counts
by A. F. Bissell - 547-562 Estimates of the British Jewish Population 1984–88
by Steven Haberman & Marlena Schmool - 563-574 Modelling the Class‐Party Relationship in Britain, 1964–92
by Anthony Heath & Geoffrey Evans & Clive Payne - 627-628 Obituary: Richard A. Stone, 1961–94
by Alan Veevers & Geoff Robinson - 629-630 1. Networks and Chaos—Statistical and Probabilistic Aspects
by Howell Tong - 630-631 2. Outliers in Statistical Data
by Anthony Atkinson - 631-632 3. Reviews of United Kingdom Statistical Sources: Vol. XXVII, Research and Development
by Denise Lievesley - 632-632 4. The Collected Works of John W. Tukey: Vol. VIII, Multiple Comparisons: 1948
by Karen Young - 633-633 5. Practical Risk Theory for Actuaries
by Stewart M. Coutts - 633-634 6. A Handbook of Statistical Analysis Using S‐Plus
by Neville Davies - 634-635 7. Studies in Applied Probability: Papers in Honour of Lajos Takács
by Rodney Coleman - 635-635 8. General Pattern Theory: A Mathematical Theory of Regular Structures
by B. D. Ripley - 635-636 9. Applied Bayesian Forecasting and Time Series Analysis
by Neville Davies - 636-637 10. Markov Decision Processes
by P. Whittle - 637-638 11. Subjective Probability
by Peter M. Lee
March 1995, Volume 158, Issue 2
- 203-229 The 1991 Census of Population in England and Wales
by Eric J. Thompson - 241-261 A Statistical Analysis of the 1992 Research Assessment Exercise
by Jim Taylor - 263-295 Analysis of Large Health Surveys: Accounting for the Sampling Design
by Edward L. Korn & Barry I. Graubard - 297-318 The Hazards of Doing a Phd: An Analysis of Completion and Withdrawal Rates of British Phd Students in the 1980S
by Lison L. Booth & Stephen E. Satchell - 319-331 The Measurement of Occupational Gender Segregation: Current Problems and a New Approach
by Robert M. Blackburn & Janet Siltanen & Jennifer Jarman - 333-338 Obituary: Frank Yates
by George Dyke - 338-338 Obituary: Churchill Eisenhart
by Robin Plackett - 339-340 1. Fractals Everywhere
by Eric Renshaw - 340-341 2. Bayesian Theory
by D. V. Lindley - 341-342 3. Statistical Methods for Spc and Tqm
by Neville Davies - 343-343 4. Aids Epidemiology: A Quantitative Approach
by Azra Ghani - 343-344 5. Statistical Models in Epidemiology
by M. Dewey - 344-345 6. Visualizing Data
by Adrian Bowman - 345-346 7. Analysis of Longitudinal Data
by Harvey Goldstein - 347-347 8. An Introduction to the Bootstrap
by Paul Marriott - 347-348 9. Competitive Equilibrium: Theory and Applications
by Andrew Sheer - 348-349 10. Principles of Applied Statistics
by R. I. Cooper - 349-349 11. A Handbook of Small Data Sets
by C. Chatfield - 350-350 12. Sample Survey Methods and Theory: Vol. 1, Methods and Applications; Vol. 2, Theory
by Antony Fielding - 351-351 13. Design and Analysis of Experiments: Vol. I, Introduction to Experimental Design
by Lynda White - 351-352 14. Simulation and Chaotic Behaviour of α‐Stable Stochastic Processes
by P. M. Lee - 352-353 15. Operator‐Limit Distributions in Probability Theory
by G. Blower - 353-354 16. Probability, Statistics and Optimization: A Tribute to Peter Whittle
by N. H. Bingham - 354-354 17. Introductory Statistics
by G. R. Braithwaite - 355-355 18. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers
by Joyce Snell - 355-356 19. Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods
by Joyce Snell - 356-356 20. Elementary Probability
by Mike Rees - 356-357 21. Probability Theory, an Analytic View
by Rodney Coleman - 357-358 22. Analysing Offending: Data, Models and Interpretations
by Monica Walker
January 1995, Volume 158, Issue 1
- 1-20 What is Statistics?
by David J. Bartholomew - 21-40 Inference in Forensic Identification
by David J. Balding & Peter Donnelly - 55-72 Evaluation of Methods for Ecological Inference
by N. Cleave & P. J. Brown & C. D. Payne - 73-89 An Assessment of Estimation Procedures for Multilevel Models with Binary Responses
by Germáan Rodríguez & Noreen Goldman - 91-106 Two Decades of Family Change: Secondary Analysis of Continuous Government Surveys
by Anne Harrop & Ian Plewis - 107-121 Detection and Estimation of J‐Shaped Risk‐Response Relationships
by Els J. T. Goetghebeur & Stuart J. Pocock - 123-141 An Empirical Investigation of Wagner's Hypothesis by Using a Model Occurrence Framework
by Gary Koop & Dale J. Poirier - 143-153 Before and after Bradford Hill: Some Trends in Medical Statistics
by Peter Armitage - 155-163 Sir Austin Bradford Hill: A Personal View of His Contribution to Epidemiology
by Richard Doll - 165-173 Official Labour Statistics: A Historical Perspective
by Roger Davidson - 175-177 The Graphical Presentation of a Collection of Means
by Harvey Goldstein & Michael J. R. Healy - 179-180 Obituary: Albert Baines, 1927–94
by G. M. Paddle - 180-181 Obituary: Geoffrey Penrice, 1923–94
by John Boreham - 181-182 Obituary: E. J. Hannan, 1921–94
by P. M. Robinson - 182-184 Obituary: Sir John Boreham, Kcb, 1925–94
by John Erritt - 185-186 1. Detection of Abrupt Changes: Theory and Applications
by Nigel Peach - 186-187 2. Sojourn Times in Feedback and Processor Sharing Queues
by J. Newton - 187-187 3. Measurement, Regression, and Calibration
by Anthony Atkinson - 188-188 4. Modelling Survival Data in Medical Research
by W. D. Ray - 188-189 5. The 1991 Census User's Guide
by Daniel Dorling - 189-190 6. Number‐Theoretic Methods in Statistics
by B. D. Ripley - 190-190 7. Statistical Analysis of Circular Data
by M. J. Prentice - 191-191 8. Predictive Inference: An Introduction
by Ian R. Dunsmore - 191-193 9. Time Series Models
by Neville Davies - 193-195 10. Time Series—Forecasting, Simulation, Applications
by Neville Davies - 195-195 11. The Theory of Linear Models
by Joyce Snell - 195-197 12. Design of Experiments: A No‐Name Approach
by D. Conniffe - 197-198 13. Algebraic Models for Social Networks
by P. Prescott - 198-199 14. Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications: Multitaper and Conventional Techniques
by A. Louise Swift - 199-199 15. Statistical Analysis of Software Reliability Models
by R. Allan Reese - 200-200 16. Cross‐Over Experiments: Design, Analysis, and Application
by Stephen Walker - 200-201 17. Statistical Models for Causal Analysis
by Tom Fearn - 201-202 18. Introduction to Probability Models
by Flavia Jolliffe - 202-202 19. Model Solving in Mathematical Programming
by Gautam Appa
May 1994, Volume 157, Issue 3
- 313-316 Editorial: Coverage of the Great Britain Census of Population and Housing
by Stephen N. Simpson - 317-338 Deconstructing Statistical Questions
by David J. Hand - 357-387 Bayesian Approaches to Randomized Trials
by David J. Spiegelhalter & Laurence S. Freedman & Mahesh K. B. Parmar - 417-432 Modelling the Health of Filipino Children
by Alok Bhargava - 433-440 A Conditional Approach to Point Process Modelling of Elevated Risk
by Peter J. Diggle & Barry S. Rowlingson - 441-455 Multistate Survival Models for Transitions and Reverse Transitions: An Application to Contraceptive Use Data
by M. Ataharul Islam - 497-499 Obituary: W. Edwards Deming (1900–93)
by J. Stuart Hunter - 499-500 Obituary: J. Tiago de Oliveira
by M. Ivette Gomes - 500-501 Obituary: Hugo Christiaan Hamaker (1905–93)
by Joan Keen - 501-502 Obituary: Robert E. Bohrer
by David Bartholomew - 503-503 1. Drug Safety Assessment in Clinical Trials
by David R. Jones - 504-504 2. Introduction to Probability and Statistics
by Paul Garthwaite - 504-505 3. Computer Intensive Statistical Methods: Validation Model Selection and Bootstrap
by B. J. Worton - 505-506 4. Quality Control in Analytical Chemistry
by Tom Fearn - 506-506 5. Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics
by Alan Kimber - 507-507 6. Random Coefficient Models
by J. A. Nelder - 508-508 7. The Econometric Modelling of Financial Time Series
by Andrew Walden - 508-509 8. Genstat
by James Roger - 509-509 9. Applied Factor Analysis in the Natural Sciences
by David J. Hand - 510-510 10. Bounded Rationality in Macroeconomics
by Terence C. Mills - 511-511 Video Reviews
by Shirley Y. Coleman
March 1994, Volume 157, Issue 2
- 173-176 Editorial: The Effect of Imprisonment on Crime
by Roger Tarling - 177-190 An Extension of the Induced Exposure Method of Estimating Driver Risk
by J. R. Cuthbert - 191-208 Time Series Regression for Counts: An Investigation into the Relationship between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Environmental Temperature
by M. J. Campbell - 209-229 Statistics and Quality Improvement
by George Box - 231-252 Picturing the 1992 British General Election
by Graham J. G. Upton - 253-270 Out for the Count: A Social Scientist's Analysis of Unemployment Statistics in the UK
by Paul Gregg - 271-283 Selecting Confounders from Covariates
by Gillian M. Raab - 285-298 Armadale: A Case‐Study in Environmental Epidemiology
by Andrew B. Lawson & Fiona L. R. Williams - 299-301 Obituary: Florence Nightingale David
by David Barton - 301-302 Obituary: Professor Catherine Marsh, 1952–93
by Angela Dale - 302-302 Obituary: David Salmond
by J. R. Cuthbert - 302-303 Obituary: Miss Jean Helen Thompson, Cbe
by Audrey Brown - 305-306 1. Social Research on Developing Countries: Surveys and Censuses in the Third World
by A. Fielding - 306-307 2. Biostatistics: A Methodology for the Health Sciences
by Stephan M. Rudolfer - 307-308 3. Counting Processes and Survival Analysis
by Martin Crowder - 308-309 4. Time Series
by W. D. Ray - 309-309 5. Poisson Processes
by David Kendall - 309-310 6. Simulation—A Statistical Perspective
by David Balmer - 311-311 7. Statistical Methods in Analytical Chemistry
by A. P. Grieve
January 1994, Volume 157, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Note
by Simon Thompson & Tim Holt - 3-16 The Use of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Diagnosis Information in Monitoring the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Epidemic
by O. O. Aalen & V. T. Farewell & D. De Angelis & N. E. DAY - 17-30 Bayesian Forecasting of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic in Scotland
by Gillian M. Raab & Sheila M. Gore & David J. Goldberg & Christl A. Donnelly - 31-40 Estimating Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Incidence Accounting for Reporting Delay
by D. De Angelis & W. R. Gilks - 41-56 The Use of Backcalculation to Estimate the Prevalence of Severe Immunodeficiency Induced by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in England and Wales
by Caroline A. Sabin & Christine A. Lee & Andrew N. Phillips - 57-68 A Note on Regional Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Projections
by Sheila M. Gore & Barry G. Evans & Daniela De Angelis & Roland Salmon - 69-87 Mathematical Models of the Transmission Dynamics of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in England and Wales: Mixing between Different Risk Groups
by John R. Williams & Roy M. Anderson - 89-103 An Estimate of the Prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in England and Wales by Using a Direct Method
by Johan Giesecke & Anne Johnson & Anne Hawkins & Ahilya Noone & Angus Nicoll & Jane Wadsworth & Kaye Wellings & Julia Field - 105-114 Completeness of Reporting Cases of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome by Clinicians
by B. G. Evans & A. McCormick - 115-129 Epidemics: Models and Data
by Denis Mollison & Valerie Isham & Bryan Grenfell - 151-153 Obituary: Philip Holgate 1934–93
by John Haigh - 153-154 Obituary: E. J. G. Pitman, 1897–1993
by P. Sprent - 155-156 1. Mortality on the Move
by Mary Hardy - 156-157 2. The British Population: Patterns, Trends, and Processes
by Máire Ní Bhrolcháin - 157-158 3. Likelihood
by C. G. G. Aitken - 158-159 4. Longitudinal Data with Serial Correlation: A State Space Approach
by W. D. Ray - 159-160 5. Sexual Behaviour and Aids in Britain
by Valerie Isham - 160-162 6. Reviews of United Kingdom Statistical Sources: Vol. XXVIII, the Food Industries
by P. J. Lund - 162-162 7. Discriminant Analysis and Statistical Pattern Recognition
by B. A. Moore - 163-164 8. Identifiability in Stochastic Models: Characterization of Probability Distributions
by Quentin L. Burrell - 164-164 9. Markov Decision Processes
by J. Q. Smith
May 1993, Volume 156, Issue 3
- 333-335 Editorial: Changes in Local Government Finance
by Mike Derbyshire - 335-338 Editorial: Government Statistical Service Views on the European Community Draft Data Protection Directive
by John Walker - 339-362 Long‐Term Demographic Interactions in Precensus England
by R. E. Bailey & M. J. Chambers - 363-377 On the Analysis of Mortality Events Associated with a Prespecified Fixed Point
by Andrew B. Lawson - 379-392 Spurious Correlation and the Fallacy of the Ratio Standard Revisited
by Richard A. Kronmal - 393-406 Estimating Risks of Progressing to Aids When Covariates are Measured with Error
by J. Raboud & N. Reid & R. A. Coates & V. T. Farewell - 407-421 Methodology of the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles
by J. Wadsworth & J. Field & A. M. Johnson & S. Bradshaw & K. Wellings - 423-442 Participation in Post‐Compulsory Education in Scotland
by Chris Robertson - 443-455 A Statistical Analysis of Batting in Cricket
by Alan C. Kimber & Alan R. Hansford - 498-499 Obituary: Professor Martin Gardner (1940–93)
by Clive Osmond - 499-500 Obituary: A. Ross Eckler
by Edwin D. Goldfield & Marie D. Wann - 501-502 1. A First Course in Order Statistics
by P. Prescott - 502-502 2. Applied Multivariate Data Analysis
by Clive Osmond - 503-503 3. Nonparametric Statistical Inference
by M. C. Jones - 503-504 4. Probability and Random Processes
by R. A. Doney - 504-504 5. Probability and Random Processes: Problems and Solutions
by W. D. Ray - 504-505 6. The Bootstrap and Edgeworth Expansion
by G. Alastair Young - 505-506 7. Multiple Comparisons, Selection Procedures and Applications in Biometry
by Rumana Omar - 506-506 8. Applied Multivariate Data Analysis: Vol. 2, Categorical and Multivariate Methods
by W. D. Ray - 507-507 9. Point Processes and Their Statistical Inference
by Martin Crowder - 507-508 10. Leading Economic Indicators—New Approaches and Forecasting Records
by C. O. Alexander - 508-509 11. Fractal Attraction: A Fractal Design System for the Macintosh
by Rodney C. L. Wolff - 509-510 12. Algorithms, Routines, and S Functions for Robust Statistics
by Peter Kelly - 510-511 13. Reviews of United Kingdom Statistical Sources: Vol. XXIX, Distribution
by Gary Davies - 511-511 14. Optimal Sequentially Planned Decision Procedures
by D. S. Coad - 511-512 15. Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization
by Guy Nason - 512-513 16. Cross‐Over Trials in Clinical Research
by J. R. Green - 513-514 17. Sampling
by C. J. Skinner
March 1993, Volume 156, Issue 2
- 139-141 Editorial: Statistics and Quality
by P. R. Fisk - 141-143 Editorial: Kipling on 19Th‐Century Quality Control in India
by Mervyn Stone - 145-166 Populations and Selection: Limitations of Statistics
by T. M. F. Smith - 167-194 Predictability and Prediction
by A. S. C. Ehrenberg & J. A. Bound - 207-223 Probabilities of Incorrect Decisions in Paternity Cases Using Multilocus Deoxyribonucleic Acid Probes
by R. N. Curnow & Sharon Wheeler - 225-230 Alcohol Consumption and Control Policy
by John C. Duffy - 231-235 Regularity in the Distribution of Alcohol Consumption
by Paul H. H. M. Lemmens - 237-270 Statistical Graduation in Local Demographic Analysis and Projection
by Peter Congdon - 271-286 The Research Performance of UK Universities: A Statistical Analysis of the Results of the 1989 Research Selectivity Exercise
by Jill Johnes & Jim Taylor & Brian Francis - 287-297 Communicating Statistics
by Tony Greenfield - 299-299 Letter to the Editors
by Michael Dewey - 301-304 Conference Report: Statistics and the Law
by C. G. G. Aitken - 304-309 Conference Report: The Role of the Royal Statistical Society in Statistical Computing in the 1990s
by John Hinde - 315-315 Obituary: K. A. Brownlee, 1918–90
by William Kruskal - 316-316 Obituary: Jean Bourgeois‐Pichat, 1912–90
by E. Grebenik - 316-318 Obituary: Abraham Manie Adelstein, 1916–92
by Frank Whitehead - 319-320 1. Bayesian Statistics 4
by J. Q. Smith - 320-321 2. Confidence Intervals on Variance Components
by A. P. Grieve - 321-321 3. Truncated and Censored Samples: Theory and Applications
by M. G. Schimek - 321-322 4. Alcohol and Illness: The Epidemiological Viewpoint
by Dave Collett - 322-323 5. Essentials of Econometrics
by F. R. Oliver - 323-324 6. Fundamentals of Exploratory Analysis of Variance
by Terence Iles - 324-324 7. Panel Surveys
by Myra O'Regan - 324-325 8. Fundamentals of Biostatistical Inference
by David Hirst - 325-326 9. Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis
by Terence C. Mills