June 2004, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 351-369 Preference‐Based Discrimination and Profit: On the Profitability of Discriminatory Spatial Policy
by Rodney B. Wallace - 371-374 A Strategic Approach to Software Protection: Comment
by Martin Peitz
March 2004, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Daniel F. Spulber - 3-35 Intermediaries in Entrepôt Trade: Hong Kong Re‐Exports of Chinese Goods
by Robert C. Feenstra & Gordon H. Hanson - 37-67 Vertical Networks and US Auto Parts Exports: Is Japan Different?
by Keith Head & John Ries & Barbara J. Spencer - 69-93 Network Intermediaries in International Trade
by James E. Rauch & Joel Watson - 95-123 International Franchising Practices in Mexico: Do Franchisors Customize Their Contracts?
by Francine Lafontaine & Joanne E. Oxley - 125-150 Market Structure and the Demand for Free Trade
by Orlando I. Balboa & Andrew F. Daughety & Jennifer F. Reinganum - 151-170 Product Differentiation and the Location of International Production
by Gianni De Fraja & George Norman - 171-205 Directed Credit? The Loan Market in High‐Growth Japan
by Yoshiro Miwa & J. Mark Ramseyer
December 2003, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 447-494 The Role of Network Effects in the US VCR Market, 1978–1986
by Hiroshi Ohashi - 495-530 Board Efficiency and Internal Corporate Control Mechanisms
by Clara Graziano & Annalisa Luporini - 531-555 A Comparison of Exit and Voice Relationships Under Common Uncertainty
by Herbert Dawid & Michael Kopel - 557-589 Bargaining When Exchange Affects the Value of Future Trade
by Charles J. Hadlock & Tracy Lewis - 591-616 Hamburger Prices and Spatial Econometrics
by Arturs Kalnins
September 2003, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 291-325 Minimum Differentiation in Commercial Media Markets
by Esther Gal‐Or & Anthony Dukes - 327-362 Knowledge Spillovers and Growth in the Disagglomeration of the Us Advertising‐Agency Industry
by Charles King & Alvin J. Silk & Niels Ketelhöhn - 363-386 The Dvd‐vs.‐Divx Standard War: Empirical Evidence of Network Effects and Preannouncement Effects
by David Dranove & Neil Gandal - 387-417 Randal Heeb Innovation and Vertical Integration in Complementary Markets
by Randal Heeb - 419-445 Selling to Socially Responsible Consumers: Competition and The Private Provision of Public Goods
by Mark Bagnoli & Susan G. Watts
June 2003, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 151-178 Patents, Invalidity, and the Strategic Transmission of Enabling Information
by James J. Anton & Dennis A. Yao - 179-205 Endogenous Technological Spillovers: Causes and Consequences
by Hans Gersbach & Armin Schmutzler - 207-230 Efficient Intercarrier Compensation for Competing Networks When Customers Share the Value of A Call
by Patrick Degraba - 231-259 Backward Integration by a Dominant Firm
by Laurent Linnemer - 261-289 Downstream Competition, Foreclosure, and Vertical Integration
by Gilles Chemla
March 2003, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-29 Power in the Firm and Managerial Career Concerns
by Jaime Ortega - 31-66 Private Politics
by David P. Baron - 67-89 Does Ownership Matter? Evidence from the Zaibatsu Dissolution Program
by Yoshiro Miwa & J. Mark Ramseyer - 91-118 Why aren't all Truck Drivers Owner‐Operators? Asset Ownership and the Employment Relation in Interstate for‐hire Trucking
by Jack A. Nickerson & Brian S. Silverman - 119-138 Sunk Costs, Contestability, and the Latent Contract Market
by Christodoulos Stefanadis - 139-150 R&D Competition when firms Choose Variance
by Luís M. B. Cabral
December 2002, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 551-594 Do Pharmaceutical Sales Respond to Scientific Evidence?
by Pierre Azoulay - 595-635 The Determinants of Organizational Change and Structural Inertia: Technological and Organizational Factors
by Massimo G. Colombo & Marco Delmastro - 637-662 Open Source Software: Private Provision of a Public Good
by Justin Pappas Johnson - 663-684 Bundling and the Reduction of the Winner's Curse
by Indranil Chakraborty - 685-716 In Support of Trigger Strategies: Experimental Evidence from Two‐Person Noncooperative Games
by Charles F. Mason & Owen R. Phillips
September 2002, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 379-421 An Economic Approach to the Psychology of Change: Amnesia, Inertia, and Impulsiveness
by David Hirshleifer & Ivo Welch - 423-452 Venture‐Capital Syndication: Improved Venture Selection vs. The Value‐Added Hypothesis
by James A. Brander & Raphael Amit & Werner Antweiler - 453-472 Revisiting Oligopolistic Reaction: Are Decisions on Foreign Direct Investment Strategic Complements?
by Keith Head & Thierry Mayer & John Ries - 473-485 Why Should the Boss Own the Assets?
by Birger Wernerfelt - 487-511 On the Use of Nonfinancial Performance Measures in Management Compensation
by Dirk Sliwka - 513-546 Mergers to Monopoly
by Mihkel M. Tombak - 547-549 Product Switching Cost and Strategic Flexibility: Correction
by Armel Jacques
June 2002, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 169-224 The Fable of the Keiretsu
by Yoshiro Miwa & J. Mark Ramseyer - 225-251 Patent Licensing Under Strategic Delegation
by Ana I. Saracho - 253-256 Symposium on Organizational Change
by Susan Helper - 257-288 The Impact of Activity‐Based Costing on Managerial Decisions at Insteel Industries—A Field Study
by V.G. Narayanan & Ratna G. Sarkar - 289-328 Social Capital and Organizational Change in High‐Involvement and Traditional Work Organizations
by Jon Gant & Casey Ichniowski & Kathryn Shaw - 329-377 Employee Involvement And Pay At Us And Canadian Auto Suppliers
by Susan Helper & David I. Levine & Elliot Bendoly
March 2002, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-35 Network Incentives in Managed Health Care
by Ching‐To Albert Ma & Thomas G. Mcguire - 37-79 Managed Care Incentives and Inpatient Complications
by Philip A. Haile & Rebecca M. Stein - 81-107 Health Insurance, Moral Hazard, and Managed Care
by Ching‐To Albert Ma & Michael H. Riordan - 109-133 Public and Private Provision of Health Care
by Pedro Pita Barros & Xavier Martinez‐Giralt - 135-168 Horizontal Integration Between Brand and Generic Firms in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Fiona M. Scott Morton
December 2001, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 463-507 Optimal Money Burning: Theory and Application to Corporate Dividends
by B. Douglas Bernheim & Lee S. Redding - 509-528 The Strategic Effects of Vertical Market Structure: Common Agency and Divisionalization in the US Motion Picture Industry
by Kenneth S. Corts - 529-563 Strategic and Queue effects on Entry in Spanish Banking
by Lucio Fuentelsaz & Jaime Gomez - 565-590 Asymmetric Information, Bargaining, and International Mergers
by Satya P. Das & Sarbajit Sengupta - 591-619 Financially Interlinked Business Groups
by Maitreesh Ghatak & Raja Kali - 621-662 Price Competition and Advertising Signals: Signaling by Competing Senders
by Mark N. Hertzendorf & Per Baltzer Overgaard
September 2001, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 301-330 On the Evolution of Overconfidence and Entrepreneurs
by Antonio E. Bernardo & Ivo Welch - 331-358 Electricity Auctions
by Thomas‐Olivier Léautier - 359-390 Implicit Contracts, Managerial Incentives, and Financial Structure
by Roberta Dessí - 391-417 Trade Secrets and Information Sharing
by Thomas Rønde - 419-433 Second‐Mover Advantages in Dynamic Quality Competition
by Heidrun C. Hoppe & Ulrich Lehmann‐Grube - 435-461 Endogenously Asynchronous Entries into an Uncertain Industry
by Midori Hirokawa & Dan Sasaki
June 2001, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 173-199 The Social Cost of Cheap Pseudonyms
by Eric J. Friedman* & Paul Resnick - 201-233 Product Differentiation and Upstream‐Downstream Relations
by Lynne Pepall & George Norman - 235-264 Strategic Quality Decisions under Heterogeneous Resource Endowments
by Byong‐Duk Rhee & Seth W. Norton - 265-276 Corners in Auctions
by Indranil Chakraborty & Richard Engelbrecht‐Wiggans - 277-299 Vertical Integration and Proprietary Information Transfers
by John S. Hughes & Jennifer L. Kao
March 2001, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction to Volume 10
by Daniel F. Spulber - 3-5 Introduction
by Pablo T. Spiller - 7-45 Private Politics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Integrated Strategy
by David P. Baron - 47-89 Theories of Strategic Nonmarket Participation: Majority‐Rule and Executive Institutions
by David P. Baron - 91-122 The Structure and Conduct of Corporate Lobbying: How Firms Lobby the Federal Communications Commission
by John M. de Figueiredo & Emerson H. Tiller - 123-147 The Institutional Environment for Telecommunications Investment
by Witold J. Henisz & Bennet A. Zelner - 149-171 Saints and Markets: Activists and the Supply of Credence Goods
by Timothy J. Feddersen & Thomas W. Gilligan
December 2000, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 453-483 Renegotiation and Collusion in Organizations
by Leonardo Felli & J. Miguel Villas‐Boas - 485-511 Incumbency and R&D Incentives: Licensing the Gale of Creative Destruction
by Joshua S. Gans & Scott Stern - 513-548 A Practitioner's Guide to Estimation of Random‐Coefficients Logit Models of Demand
by Aviv Nevo - 549-584 Managerial Compensation and Capital Structure
by Elazar Berkovitch & Ronen Israel & Yossef Spiegel - 585-614 A Test of the Resource‐Based Model Using Baseball Free Agents
by Laura Poppo & Keith Weigelt - 615-642 Weak Property Rights and Holdup in R&D
by Bharat N. Anand & Alexander Galetovic
June 2000, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 157-188 Exercising Market Power in Proprietary Aftermarkets
by Severin Borenstein & Jeffrey K. Mackie‐Mason & Janet S. Netz - 189-210 Takeover Waves
by Ramon Fauli‐Oller - 211-230 Vertical Foreclosure, Technological Choice, and Entry on the Intermediate Market
by Eric Avenel & Corinne Barlet - 231-255 External Liberalization and Foreign Presence: Cross‐Industry Evidence From Poland and Hungary
by Robert E. Kennedy - 257-286 Graft, Bribes, and the Practice of Corruption
by Juan D. Carrillo - 287-320 Multimarket Contact and Price Coordination in the Cellular Telephone Industry
by Meghan R. Busse - 321-338 Divisionalization and Delegation in Oligopoly
by Miguel González‐Maestre - 339-362 Focused Firms and the Incentive to Innovate
by Kenneth S. Corts - 363-395 Regulatory Reform and Bureaucratic Responsiveness to Firms: the Impact of User Fees in the FDA
by Mary K. Olson - 397-424 Pay to Switch or Pay to Stay: Preference‐Based Price Discrimination in Markets with Switching Costs
by Greg Shaffer & Z. John Zhang - 425-451 Reputation, Honesty, and Efficiency with Insider Information: an Experiment
by Gary Charness & Nuno Garoupa
June 2000, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 157-188 Exercising Market Power in Proprietary Aftermarkets
by Severin Borenstein & Jeffrey K. Mackie‐Mason & Janet S. Netz - 189-210 Takeover Waves
by Ramon Fauli‐Oller - 211-230 Vertical Foreclosure, Technological Choice, and Entry on the Intermediate Market
by Eric Avenel & Corinne Barlet - 231-255 External Liberalization and Foreign Presence: Cross‐Industry Evidence from Poland and Hungary
by Robert E. Kennedy - 257-288 Graft, Bribes, and the Practice of Corruption
by Juan D. Carrillo
March 2000, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-24 Intermediation Can Replace Certification
by Paolo G. Garella & Martin Peitz - 25-51 Systems Competition, Vertical Merger, and Foreclosure
by Jeffrey Church & Neil Gandal - 53-83 Price and Nonprice Competition with Endogenous Market Structure
by George Symeonidis - 85-113 Contract Mixing in Franchising as a Mechanism for Public‐Good Provision
by Chong‐En Bai & Zhigang Tao - 115-156 The Effect of Organizational form on Information Flow and Decision Quality: Informational Cascades in Group Decision Making
by Steve L. Slezak & Naveen Khanna
December 1999, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 453-487 Process‐ Versus Function‐Based Hierarchies
by Julio J. Rotemberg - 489-521 Hassle Costs: The Achilles' Heel of Price‐Matching Guarantees
by Morten Hviid & Greg Shaffer - 523-544 Coupon Advertising Under Imperfect Price Information
by José Luis Moraga‐González & Emmanuel Petrakis - 546-580 Quality Competition, Insurance, and Consumer Choice in Health Care Markets
by Thomas P. Lyon - 581-602 Product Differentiation, Strategic Divisionalization, and Persistence of Monopoly
by Lasheng Yuan
September 1999, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 311-313 Introduction
by Ching‐To Albert Ma & Thomas G. Mcguire - 315-350 Mergers and Exclusionary Practices in Health Care Markets
by Esther Gal‐Or - 351-382 Using Subjective Risk Adjusting to Prevent Patient Dumping in the Health Care Industry
by David E. M. Sappington & Tracy R. Lewis - 383-431 Separating the True Effect from Gaming in Incentive‐Based Contracts in Health Care
by Mingshan Lu - 433-452 Measuring Hospital Cost‐Sharing Incentives Under Refined Prospective Payment
by Boyd H. Gilman
June 1999, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 163-190 A Strategic Approach to Software Protection
by Oz Shy & Jacques‐Françlois Thisse - 191-221 Termination and Coordination in Partnerships
by Deborah Minehart & Zvika Neeman - 223-249 Effects of One‐Way Spillovers on Market Shares, Industry Price, Welfare, and R & D Cooperation
by Rabah Amir & John Wooders - 251-270 Foreign Direct Investment Strategies and Firms' Capabilities
by Georges Siotis - 271-310 Policy Shocks, Market Intermediaries, and Corporate Strategy: The Evolution of Business Groups in Chile and India
by Tarun Khanna & Krishna Palepu
March 1999, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-32 Adverse Selection with Competitive Inspection
by Gary Biglaiser & James W. Friedman - 33-60 A Reexamination of Yardstick Competition
by Joel Sobel - 61-93 Empirical Evaluation of Regulatory Regimes in Local Telecommunications Markets
by F. Gasmi & J. J. Laffont & W. W. Sharkey - 95-131 Price Dynamics and Consumer Learning
by Ramon Caminal & Xavier Vives - 133-160 Licensing vs. Litigation: The Effect of the Legal System on Incentives to Innovate
by Reiko Aoki & Jin‐Li Hu - 161-162 Erratum: “Time Schedule and Program Profile: TV News in Norway and Denmark”
by Tore Nilssen & Lars Sørgard
December 1998, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 489-520 Corporate Control Through Board Dismissals and Takeovers
by David Hirshleifer & Anjan V. Thakor - 521-549 Strategic Invasion in Markets with Switching Costs
by Ruqu Wang & Quan Wen - 551-571 Rational Nonprofit Entrepreneurship
by Marc Bilodeau & Al Slivinski - 573-613 Agency‐Theory and Internal‐Labor‐Market Explanations of Bonus Payments: Empirical Evidence from Spanish Firms
by Pedro Ortín‐Ángel & Vicente Salas‐fumás - 615-645 Entry Deterrence, Product Quality: Price and Advertising as Signals
by Laurent Linnemer - 647-668 Minimum Advertised Price
by Raja Kali - 669-676 Hiring Risky Workers: Some Evidence
by Simon Burgess & Julia Lane & David Stevens
September 1998, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 327-361 Increases in Executive Pay Following Privatization
by Catherine D. Wolfram - 363-396 The Effectiveness and Targeting of Television Advertising
by Ron Shachar & Bharat N. Anand - 397-433 Contract Renegotiation with Time‐Varying Valuations
by Andreas Blume - 435-460 Seller Financing of Consumer Durables
by Arijit Sen - 461-488 Product Switching Cost and Strategic Flexibility
by Myong‐Hun Chang
June 1998, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 143-182 The Vertical Organization of Industry: Systems Competition versus Component Competition
by Joseph Farrell & Hunter K. Monroe & Garth Saloner - 183-208 Statistical Causality and Strategic Behavior in Industrial Markets
by Thomas W. Gilligan & Subrata Sarkar - 209-235 Time Schedule and Program Profile: TV News in Norway and Denmark
by Tore Nilssen & Lars Sørgard - 237-263 Influence Costs, Structural Inertia, and Organizational Change
by Scott Schaefer - 265-306 Disciplinary Takeovers and Industry Effects
by Rudolf Kerschbamer - 307-326 Profitability under an Open versus a Closed System
by Michael Kende
March 1998, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-32 Patent Breadth, Patent Life, and the Pace of Technological Progress
by Ted O'Donoghue & Suzanne Scotchmer & Jacques‐François Thisse - 33-65 Task Shifts vs. Termination as Devices for Eliciting Optimal Effort Supply
by Pier Angelo Mori - 67-88 Oligopoly, Financial Structure, and Resolution of Uncertainty
by John S. Hughes & Jennifer L. Kao & Arijit Mukherji - 89-103 Competition for Managers and Product Market Efficiency
by Fátima Barros & Inés Macho‐Stadler - 105-126 Yardstick Competition and Investment Incentives
by Dag Morten Dalen - 127-137 Health‐Care Payment Systems: Cost and Quality Incentives—Comment
by Rajiv L. Sharma - 139-142 Health‐Care Payment Systems: Cost and Quality Incentives—Reply
by Ching‐to Albert Ma
December 1997, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 679-724 Entry and Predation: British Shipping Cartels 1879–1929
by Fiona Scott Morton - 725-753 Option Contracts and Vertical Foreclosure
by Ching‐To Albert Ma - 755-785 Nonlinear Supply Contracts, Exclusive Dealing, and Equilibrium Market Foreclosure
by Daniel P. O'Brien & Greg Shaffer - 787-820 Tender Offers, Proxy Contests, and Large‐Shareholder Activism
by Sudipto Dasgupta & Vikram Nanda - 821-847 Regulation of Duopoly: Managed Competition vs Regulated Monopolies
by Asher Wolinsky - 849-876 The Regulation of Predatory Firms
by Antoine Faure‐Grimaud - 877-897 Paying Customers to Switch
by Yongmin Chen - 899-913 Limited Liability and Bonus Contracts
by Son Ku Kim
September 1997, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 425-430 Introduction
by John McMillan & Michael Rothschild & Robert Wilson - 431-495 The FCC Spectrum Auctions: An Early Assessment
by Peter Cramton - 497-527 Synergies in Wireless Telephony: Evidence from the Broadband PCS Auctions
by Lawrence M. Ausubel & Peter Cramton & R. Preston McAfee & John McMillan - 529-548 Making More from Less: Strategic Demand Reduction in the FCC Spectrum Auctions
by Robert J. Weber - 549-572 Up in the Air: GTE's Experience in the MTA Auction for Personal Communication Services Licenses
by David J. Salant - 573-603 Second‐Price Auctions with Asymmetric Payoffs: An Experimental Investigation
by Christopher Avery & John H. Kagel - 605-638 Laboratory Experimental Testbeds: Application to the PCS Auction
by Charles R. Plott - 639-675 Experiments Testing Multiobject Allocation Mechanisms
by John O. Ledyard & David Porter & Antonio Rangel
June 1997, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 201-234 The Firm as a Multicontract Organization
by Jean‐Jacques Laffont & David Martimort
March 1997, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction
by Ching‐to Albert Ma & Thomas G. McGuire - 5-43 Exclusionary Equilibria in Health‐Care Markets
by Esther Gal‐Or - 45-74 Dynamic Equilibrium in the Hospital Industry
by Gautam Gowrisankaran & Robert J. Town - 75-90 Generic Entry and the Pricing of Pharmaceuticals
by Richard G. Frank & David S. Salkever - 91-128 Hospital Reimbursement Incentives: An Empirical Analysis
by Mark McClellan - 129-150 Competition among Health Maintenance Organizations
by William E. Encinosa & David E. M. Sappington - 151-174 The Interaction between a Most‐Favored‐Customer Clause and Price Dispersion: An Empirical Examination of the Medicaid Rebate Rules of 1990
by Fiona M. Scott Morton - 175-200 Buyer Alliances and Managed Competition
by Yeon‐Koo Che & Ian Gale
June 1997, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 235-256 Multiprincipal Agency Relationships as Implied by Product Market Competition
by Esther Gal‐Or - 257-289 Contract Complexity, Incentives, and the Value of Delegation
by Nahum Melumad & Dilip Mookherjee & Stefan Reichelstein - 291-346 Integrated Strategy and International Trade Disputes: The Kodak‐Fujifilm Case
by David P. Baron - 347-376 Capacity Commitment versus Flexibility
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux - 377-401 Firm Characteristics and the Speed of FDA Approval
by Mary K. Olson - 403-423 Division of Labor in Teams
by Y. Joseph Lin - 425-451 The Regulation of Predatory Firms
by Antoine Faure‐Grimaud
December 1996, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 449-457 Closing the Treasury Amendment Loophole
by Jack Sandner - 459-471 U.S. Futures Exchanges Face“Mission Impossible”
by Patrick H. Arbor - 473-496 Termination Clauses in Long‐Term Contracts
by Arijit Sen - 497-514 Managerial Incentives for Takeovers
by Ramon Faulí‐Oller & Massimo Motta - 515-534 Bankruptcy, Takeovers, and Wage Contracts
by Sandro Brusco - 535-564 Wage Bargaining in Industries with Market Power
by A. Jorge Padilla & Samuel Bentolila & Juan J. Dolado - 565-579 Most‐Favored‐Customer Clauses and Multilateral Contracting: When Nondiscrimination Implies Uniformity
by Patrick DeGraba
September 1996, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 307-315 In Defense of Downsizing: Competitiveness and Corporate Ownership
by Robert J. Eaton - 317-341 Product Range and Interfirm Competition
by Paul W. Dobson & Michael Waterson - 343-359 Long‐Term or Short‐Term Managerial Incentive Contracts
by Juan Carlos Barcena‐Ruiz & Maria Paz Espinosa - 361-377 Price and Money‐Back Guarantees as Signals of Product Quality
by Shiou Shieh - 379-407 The Role of Debt in Procurement Contracts
by Yossef Spiegel - 409-432 Vertical Integration, Foreclosure, and profits in the Presence of Double Marginalization
by Géarard Gaudet & Ngo Van Long - 433-447 Why Lever into a Zero‐Profit Industry: Tying, Foreclosure, and Exclusion
by Patrick DeGraba
June 1996, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 149-174 Damaged Goods
by Raymond J. Deneckere & R. Preston McAfee