December 2009, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 1179-1214 Footloose Monopolies: Regulating a “National Champion”
by Giacomo Calzolari & Carlo Scarpa
September 2009, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 615-621 Introduction to the Special Issue on Economics and Strategy of Entrepreneurship
by Thomas Hellmann & Scott Stern - 623-663 Local Industrial Conditions and Entrepreneurship: How Much of the Spatial Distribution Can We Explain?
by Edward L. Glaeser & William R. Kerr - 665-709 Social Interactions and Entrepreneurial Activity
by Mariassunta Giannetti & Andrei Simonov - 711-728 The Superstar Inventors and Entrepreneurs: How Were They Educated?
by William J. Baumol & Melissa A. Schilling & Edward N. Wolff - 729-773 Patents, Thickets and the Financing of Early‐Stage Firms: Evidence from the Software Industry
by Iain M. Cockburn & Megan J. MacGarvie - 775-816 Competing on Standards? Entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property, and Platform Technologies
by Timothy S. Simcoe & Stuart J.H. Graham & Maryann P. Feldman - 817-844 Specialization and Success: Evidence from Venture Capital
by Paul Gompers & Anna Kovner & Josh Lerner - 845-870 Entrepreneurial Financing, Advice, and Agency Costs
by Roland Strausz - 871-900 Firms' Stakeholders and the Costs of Transparency
by Andres Almazan & Javier Suarez & Sheridan Titman - 901-934 Hidden Talents: Entrepreneurship and Pareto‐Improving Private Information
by Andrew F. Daughety & Jennifer F. Reinganum
June 2009, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 285-322 Empirical Analysis of Competition between Wal‐Mart and Other Retail Channels
by Lesley Chiou - 323-346 Positive Assortive Merging
by Carmine Ornaghi - 347-392 Vertical Networks, Integration, and Connectivity
by Pinar Doğan - 393-421 Market‐Share Contracts with Asymmetric Information
by Adrian Majumdar & Greg Shaffer - 423-455 Information Acquisition and Choice Under Uncertainty
by Isabelle Brocas & Juan D. Carrillo - 457-486 Provider Competition in a Dynamic Setting
by Marie Allard & Pierre Thomas Léger & Lise Rochaix - 487-545 Barriers to Entry of a Vertically Integrated Health Insurer: An Analysis of Welfare and Entry Costs
by Katherine Ho - 547-588 The Role of Upstream‐Downstream Competition on Bundling Decisions: Should Regulators Force Firms to Unbundle?
by Adam D. Rennhoff & Konstantinos Serfes - 589-613 Yardstick Competition and Quality
by Thomas P. Tangerås
March 2009, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction to the Special Issue on Management Strategy and the Environment
by Thomas P. Lyon - 7-43 A Positive Theory of Moral Management, Social Pressure, and Corporate Social Performance
by David P. Baron - 45-73 Private Environmental Activism and the Selection and Response of Firm Targets
by Michael J. Lenox & Charles E. Eesley - 75-104 Averting Regulatory Enforcement: Evidence from New Source Review
by Nathaniel O. Keohane & Erin T. Mansur & Andrey Voynov - 105-123 Public, Private and Nonprofit Regulation for Environmental Quality
by Lucie Bottega & Jenny De Freitas - 125-169 How Well Do Social Ratings Actually Measure Corporate Social Responsibility?
by Aaron K. Chatterji & David I. Levine & Michael W. Toffel - 171-201 Greening the Supply Chain: When Is Customer Pressure Effective?
by Magali Delmas & Ivan Montiel - 203-233 Households' Willingness to Pay for “Green” Goods: Evidence from Patagonia's Introduction of Organic Cotton Sportswear
by Ramon Casadesus‐Masanell & Michael Crooke & Forest Reinhardt & Vishal Vasishth - 235-262 Market Effects of Changes in Consumers' Social Responsibility
by Aurora García‐Gallego & Nikolaos Georgantzís - 263-284 Interfirm and Intrafirm Switching Costs in a Vertical Differentiation Setting: Green versus Nongreen Products
by Linda A. Toolsema
December 2008, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 803-837 Market Segmentation: The Role of Opaque Travel Agencies
by Dmitry Shapiro & Xianwen Shi - 839-864 Recruitment, Training, and Career Concerns
by Heski Bar‐Isaac & Juan‐José Ganuza - 865-893 Input Suppliers, Differential Pricing, and Information Sharing Agreements
by Anthony Creane - 895-911 Buying Back Subcontractors: The Strategic Limits of Backward Integration
by Didier Laussel - 913-935 Little Firms and Big Patents: A Model of Small‐Firm Patent Signaling
by Wolfgang Gick - 937-972 Signaling Quality in an Oligopoly When Some Consumers Are Informed
by Yaron Yehezkel - 973-1010 Sustaining Collusion in Growing Markets
by Hélder Vasconcelos - 1011-1040 The Quest for Quality: A Quality Adjusted Dynamic Regulatory Mechanism
by Gianni De Fraja & Alberto Iozzi - 1041-1058 Almost Common Value Auctions: An Experiment
by Susan L. Rose & John H. Kagel
September 2008, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 581-606 Covenants not to Compete, Labor Mobility, and Industry Dynamics
by April M. Franco & Matthew F. Mitchell - 607-631 Herding versus Hotelling: Market Entry with Costly Information
by David B. Ridley - 633-665 Primetime Spin: Media Bias and Belief Confirming Information
by Jeremy Burke - 667-682 In Defense of Boards
by Silvia Dominguez‐Martinez & Otto H. Swank & Bauke Visser - 683-707 Finitely Loyal Customers, Switchers, and Equilibrium Price Promotion
by Bing Jing & Zhong Wen - 709-731 Pricing Internal Trade to Get a Leg up on External Rivals
by Anil Arya & Brian Mittendorf - 733-758 Strategic Disclosure of Intermediate Research Results
by David Gill - 759-779 Strategic R&D Location by Multinational Firms: Spillovers, Technology Sourcing, and Competition
by René Belderbos & Elissavet Lykogianni & Reinhilde Veugelers - 781-802 A Citation‐Based Ranking of Strategic Management Journals
by Ofer H. Azar & David M. Brock
June 2008, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 271-294 Stacking the Deck: Idling and Reactivation of Capacity in Offshore Drilling
by Kenneth S. Corts - 295-316 Understanding the Inputs into Innovation: Do Cities Substitute for Internal Firm Resources?
by Chris Forman & Avi Goldfarb & Shane Greenstein - 317-343 The Implications of Trade Credit for Bank Monitoring: Suggestive Evidence from Japan
by Yoshiro Miwa & J. Mark Ramseyer - 345-377 Edgeworth Price Cycles and Focal Prices: Computational Dynamic Markov Equilibria
by Michael D. Noel - 379-412 Patents, Research Exemption, and the Incentive for Sequential Innovation
by GianCarlo Moschini & Oleg Yerokhin - 413-441 Technology Adoption with Multiple Alternative Designs and the Option to Wait
by Luís Cabral & Cristian Dezső - 443-487 On Some Procedures of Forming a Multipartner Alliance
by Annelies De Ridder & Agnieszka Rusinowska - 489-540 Reputation and Managerial Truth‐Telling as Self‐Insurance
by Adlai Fisher & Robert Heinkel - 541-579 But Is It Myopia? Risk Aversion and the Efficiency of Stock‐Based Managerial Incentives
by Jonathan Carmel
March 2008, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-33 Repeat Purchase amid Rapid Quality Improvement: Structural Estimation of Demand for Personal Computers
by Jeffrey T. Prince - 35-66 Are Frequent‐Flyer Programs a Cause of the “Hub Premium”?
by Mara Lederman - 67-95 Fat Products
by Alexei Alexandrov - 97-112 Are Sunk Costs a Barrier to Entry?
by Luís M. B. Cabral & Thomas W. Ross - 113-148 Information Acquisition and Strategic Disclosure in Oligopoly
by Jos Jansen - 149-183 Distorted Performance Measures and Dynamic Incentives
by Oddvar M. Kaarbøe & Trond E. Olsen - 185-218 Designing Contracts for University Spin‐offs
by InÉs Macho‐Stadler & David Pérez‐Castrillo & Reinhilde Veugelers - 219-245 Option Contracts in Supply Chains
by Sabine Böckem & Ulf Schiller - 247-270 Downstream Competition, Bargaining, and Welfare
by George Symeonidis
December 2007, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 793-825 Horizontally Differentiated Market Makers
by Simon Loertscher - 827-858 Consumer Stockpiling and Price Competition in Differentiated Markets
by Liang Guo & J. Miguel Villas‐Boas - 859-892 Measuring Word of Mouth's Impact on Theatrical Movie Admissions
by Charles C. Moul - 893-910 Renegotiation Facilitates Contractual Incompleteness
by Birger Wernerfelt - 911-942 Does Making Specific Investments Unobservable Boost Investment Incentives?
by Randolph Sloof & Hessel Oosterbeek & Joep Sonnemans - 943-970 Selection Tournaments, Sabotage, and Participation
by Johannes Münster - 971-994 An Analysis of Pure‐Revenue Technology Licensing
by Neus Palomeras - 995-1030 Patient Admission Patterns and Acquisitions of “Feeder” Hospitals
by Sayaka Nakamura & Cory Capps & David Dranove - 1031-1051 Inventories, Manufacturer Returns Policies, and Equilibrium Price Dispersion under Demand Uncertainty
by Howard P. Marvel & Hao Wang
September 2007, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 539-545 Introduction to the Special Issue on Nonmarket Strategy and Social Responsibility
by David P. Baron & Daniel Diermeier - 547-576 Does Private Money Buy Public Policy? Campaign Contributions and Regulatory Outcomes in Telecommunications
by Rui J. P. De Figueiredo & Geoff Edwards - 577-598 Reputation When Threats and Transfers Are Available
by Ernesto Dal Bó & Pedro Dal Bó & Rafael Di Tella - 599-634 Strategic Activism and Nonmarket Strategy
by David P. Baron & Daniel Diermeier - 635-682 Information or Opinion? Media Bias as Product Differentiation
by Bharat Anand & Rafael Di Tella & Alexander Galetovic - 683-717 Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
by David P. Baron - 719-740 Regulation, Corporate Social Responsibility and Activism
by Aleix Calveras & Juan‐JosÉ Ganuza & Gerard Llobet - 741-771 Corporate Social Responsibility and Managerial Entrenchment
by Giovanni Cespa & Giacinta Cestone - 773-792 An Empirical Analysis of the Strategic Use of Corporate Social Responsibility
by Donald S. Siegel & Donald F. Vitaliano
June 2007, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 251-283 When Should Leaders Share Information with Their Subordinates?
by Jordi Blanes I Vidal & Marc Möller - 285-318 Equity and Adverse Selection
by Ramarao Desiraju & David E. M. Sappington - 319-349 Implications of Executive Hedge Markets for Firm Value Maximization
by Boǧaçhan Çelen & Saltuk Özertürk - 351-383 Piracy and Competition
by Paul Belleflamme & Pierre M. Picard - 385-405 Preliminary Injunctions and Damage Rules in Patent Law
by John R. Boyce & Aidan Hollis - 407-436 Optimal Licensing Contracts and the Value of a Patent
by Can Erutku & Yves Richelle - 437-467 Competitive Mixed Bundling and Consumer Surplus
by John Thanassoulis - 469-505 Price and Quantity Competition in a Differentiated Duopoly with Upstream Suppliers
by Mónica Correa‐López - 507-535 Foreclosure with Incomplete Information
by Lucy White - 537-537 Erratum: Spatial Competition in Variety and Number of Stores
by Shin‐Kun Peng & Takatoshi Tabuchi
March 2007, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-34 Platform Owner Entry and Innovation in Complementary Markets: Evidence from Intel
by Annabelle Gawer & Rebecca Henderson - 35-51 Delegation, Committees, and Managers
by Birger Wernerfelt - 53-79 Compensation Dispersion Between and Within Hierarchical Levels
by Pedro Ortín‐Ángel & Vicente Salas‐Fumás - 81-109 Entrepreneurs and the Process of Obtaining Resources
by Thomas Hellmann - 111-128 Entrepreneurship and the Division of Ownership in New Ventures
by Dominique Demougin & Oliver Fabel - 129-156 Assessing the R&D Management of a Firm in Terms of Speed and Science Linkage: Evidence from the US Patents
by Sadao Nagaoka - 157-189 An Empirical Look at Software Patents
by James Bessen & Robert M. Hunt - 191-226 An Empirical Analysis of Planned Obsolescence
by Toshiaki Iizuka - 227-250 Spatial Competition in Variety and Number of Stores
by Shin‐Kun Peng & Takatoshi Tabuchi
December 2006, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 821-851 The Boundaries of the Firm: The Choice Between Stand‐Alone and Integrated Firms
by Elazar Berkovitch & Ronen Israel & Efrat Tolkowsky - 853-881 A Theory of Fraud and Overtreatment in Experts Markets
by Ingela Alger & François Salanié - 883-908 Collusive Market Sharing and Corruption in Procurement
by Ariane Lambert‐Mogiliansky & Konstantin Sonin - 909-942 Coordination, Differentiation, and the Timing of Radio Commercials
by Andrew Sweeting - 943-968 Customer Directed Advertising and Product Quality
by Lola Esteban & José M. Hernández & José Luis Moraga‐González - 969-998 Demand for Customized Products, Production Flexibility, and Price Competition
by William Novshek & Lynda Thoman - 999-1015 Differentiated Duopoly with Asymmetric Costs
by Piercarlo Zanchettin - 1017-1039 Wage Bargaining Under the National Labor Relations Act
by Jesse A. Schwartz & Quan Wen - 1041-1067 Interim Information in Long‐Term Contracts
by Roland Strausz
September 2006, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 549-576 Synergies and Internal Agency Conflicts: The Double‐Edged Sword of Mergers
by Paolo Fulghieri & Laurie Simon Hodrick - 577-608 Mergers with Product Market Risk
by Albert Banal‐Estañol & Marco Ottaviani - 609-648 The Role of Debt Purchases in Takeovers: A Tale of Two Retailers
by Thomas H. Noe & Michael J. Rebello - 649-684 Authority and Commitment: Why Universities, Like Legislatures, Are Not Organized as Firms
by Scott E. Masten - 685-706 Observable Contracts as Commitments: Interdependent Contracts and Moral Hazard
by Michael L. Katz - 707-733 The Ignored Performance Measure
by Volker Laux - 735-761 Optimal Contracts for Long‐Term Decisions and the Threat of Dismissal
by Illoong Kwon - 763-787 Allocating Ideas: Horizontal Competition in Tournaments
by Juan‐José Ganuza & Esther Hauk - 789-819 Possibly‐Final Offers
by Nolan H. Miller & Nikita E. Piankov & Richard J. Zeckhauser
June 2006, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 255-278 The Conduct of Economics: The Example of Fisher Body and General Motors
by Ronald Coase - 279-316 A Model of Direct and Intermediated Sales
by Terrence Hendershott & Jie Zhang - 317-352 State Dependence at Internet Portals
by Avi Goldfarb - 353-369 Reputation in Auctions: Theory, and Evidence from eBay
by Daniel Houser & John Wooders - 371-396 License Auctions and Market Structure
by Heidrun C. Hoppe & Philippe Jehiel & Benny Moldovanu - 397-429 Platform Sharing in a Differentiated Duopoly
by Arghya Ghosh & Hodaka Morita - 431-456 Feints
by Kenneth Hendricks & R. Preston McAfee - 457-478 Optimal Task Design: To Integrate or Separate Planning and Implementation?
by Fahad Khalil & Doyoung Kim & Dongsoo Shin - 479-515 Trade Liberalization and Industrial Restructuring: The Role of Cross‐Border Mergers and Acquisitions
by Olivier Bertrand & Habib Zitouna - 517-548 Relational Contracting in Partnerships
by Katherine Doornik
March 2006, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-35 Real Options in an Asymmetric Duopoly: Who Benefits from Your Competitive Disadvantage?
by Grzegorz Pawlina & Peter M. Kort - 37-66 Dynamic Competition with Experience Goods
by J. Miguel Villas‐Boas - 67-99 Nationalism in Winter Sports Judging and Its Lessons for Organizational Decision Making
by Eric Zitzewitz - 101-123 Marketing Innovation
by Yongmin Chen - 125-141 Consumer Cognition and Pricing in the Nines in Oligopolistic Markets
by Kaushik Basu - 143-166 Unbeatable Value Low‐Price Guarantee: Collusive Mechanism or Advertising Strategy?
by Juan A. Mañez - 167-185 Entry‐Deterring Capacity in the Texas Lodging Industry
by Michael Conlin & Vrinda Kadiyali - 187-206 Team Incentives under Relative Performance Evaluation
by Junichiro Ishida - 207-227 Quality and Location Choices under Price Regulation
by Kurt R. Brekke & Robert Nuscheler & Odd Rune Straume - 229-254 Defensive Publications in an R&D Race
by Talia Bar
December 2005, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 775-778 Introduction
by Pierre Dubois & Farid Gasmi - 779-812 Property Rights Protection of Biotechnology Innovations
by Diana M. Burton & H. Alan Love & Gokhan Ozertan & Curtis R. Taylor - 813-847 The Buyer's Option in Multi‐Unit Ascending Auctions: The Case of Wine Auctions at Drouot
by Philippe Février & William Roos & Michael Visser - 849-877 Dynamic Incentives and Agent Discrimination in Broiler Production Tournaments
by Porametr Leegomonchai & Tomislav Vukina - 879-904 Product Differentiation and Mergers in the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry
by Jean‐Pierre Dubé - 905-931 An Econometric Analysis of Brand‐Level Strategic Pricing Between Coca‐Cola Company and PepsiCo
by Tirtha Dhar & Jean‐Paul Chavas & Ronald W. Cotterill & Brian W. Gould - 933-953 Overestimation and Venture Survival: An Empirical Analysis of Development Commitments in International Master Franchising Ventures
by Arturs Kalnins
September 2005, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 509-511 Introduction
by Thomas C. Buchmueller & Ching‐To Albert Ma - 513-542 Games Hospitals Play: Entry Deterrence in Hospital Procedure Markets
by Leemore S. Dafny - 543-574 HMO Participation in Medicare+Choice
by John Cawley & Michael Chernew & Catherine McLaughlin - 575-589 The Effects of Competition on Variation in the Quality and Cost of Medical Care
by Daniel P. Kessler & Jeffrey J. Geppert - 591-621 How to Regulate Heterogeneous Hospitals?
by Brigitte Dormont & Carine Milcent - 623-646 Waiting Lists and Patient Selection
by Pedro Pita Barros & Pau Olivella - 647-664 The Existence and Nature of Physician Agency: Evidence of Stinting from the British National Health Service
by Martin Chalkley & Colin Tilley - 665-699 An Alternative Perspective On Information Asymmetry; Implications For Consumer Authority In Physician Services Markets
by Richard B. Smith - 701-727 The Effect of Prescription Drug Advertising on Doctor Visits
by Toshiaki Iizuka & Ginger Zhe Jin - 729-753 The Impact of a Three‐Tier Formulary on Demand Response for Prescription Drugs
by Haiden A. Huskamp & Richard G. Frank & Kimberly A. McGuigan & Yuting Zhang - 755-773 Spillover Effects of Restrictive Drug Formularies on Physician Prescribing Behavior: Evidence from Medicaid
by Y. Richard Wang & Mark V. Pauly
June 2005, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 231-261 Cofinancing to Manage Risk in the Motion Picture Industry
by Ronald L. Goettler & Phillip Leslie - 263-297 Intra‐Industry Capital Structure Dispersion
by Andres Almazan & Carlos A. Molina - 299-337 Who Appoints Them, What Do They Do? Evidence on Outside Directors from Japan
by Yoshiro Miwa & J. Mark Ramseyer - 339-376 Competing for the Public Through the News Media
by David P. Baron - 377-401 Advertising and Coordination in Markets with Consumption Scale Effects
by C. Robert Clark & Ignatius J. Horstmann - 403-429 The Structure of Payments in Technology Transfer Contracts: Evidence from Spain
by Pedro Mendi - 431-460 Learning by Exporting: New Insights from Examining Firm Innovation
by Robert M. Salomon & J. Myles Shaver - 461-476 Cooperative R&D with Endogenous Technology Differentiation
by María José Gil Moltó & Nikolaos Georgantzís & Vicente Orts - 477-508 When Promoters Like Scalpers
by Larry Karp & Jeffrey M. Perloff
March 2005, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-28 Product‐Line Length as a Competitive Tool
by Michaela Draganska & Dipak C. Jain - 29-59 Streets, Malls, and Supermarkets
by Howard Smith & Donald Hay - 61-91 Price Dispersion and Consumer Reservation Prices
by Simon P. Anderson & André De Palma - 93-119 Chain‐Store Pricing Across Local Markets
by Paul W. Dobson & Michael Waterson - 121-139 When Does a Firm Support Substitute Open Source Programming?
by Mikko Mustonen - 141-164 Winner Take All: Competition, Strategy, and the Structure of Returns in the Internet Economy
by Thomas Noe & Geoffrey Parker - 165-186 Keeping Two Sets of Books: The Relationship Between Tax and Incentive Transfer Prices
by Charles E. Hyde & Chongwoo Choe - 187-207 Envy and Compassion in Tournaments
by Christian Grund & Dirk Sliwka - 209-229 Vertical Disintegration
by Yongmin Chen
December 2004, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 561-597 Astroturf: Interest Group Lobbying and Corporate Strategy
by Thomas P. Lyon & John W. Maxwell - 599-615 Retail Contracting and Organizational Form: Alternatives to Chain Affiliation in the Motel Industry
by Michael J. Mazzeo - 617-633 Business Strategy, Human Capital, and Managerial Incentives
by George J. Mailath & Volker Nocke & Andrew Postlewaite - 635-655 Differentiation‐Induced Switching Costs and Poaching
by Thomas Gehrig & Rune Stenbacka - 657-669 Programming and Advertising Competition in the Broadcasting Industry
by Jean J. Gabszewicz & Didier Laussel & Nathalie Sonnac - 671-702 Quality of Information and Oligopolistic Price Discrimination
by Qihong Liu & Konstantinos Serfes - 703-729 Agency Problems and Commitment in Delegated Bargaining
by Hongbin Cai & Walter Cont - 731-754 Buyers' Alliances for Bargaining Power
by Suchan Chae & Paul Heidhues - 755-776 Optimal Debt Contracts with Renegotiation
by Murat Usman
September 2004, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 375-404 Trust in Agency
by Ramon Casadesus‐Masanell - 405-427 Strategic Delegation with Multiproduct Firms
by Rafael Moner‐Colonques & José J. Sempere‐Monerris & Amparo Urbano - 429-459 All‐Units Discounts in Retail Contracts
by Sreya Kolay & Greg Shaffer & Janusz A. Ordover - 461-472 Organizational Languages
by Birger Wernerfelt - 473-515 Information Technology and the Organization of Firms
by Thomas Marschak - 517-538 Patents, Secrets, and the First‐Inventor Defense
by Vincenzo Denicolò & Luigi Alberto Franzoni - 539-560 Sequential Investment, Firm Motives, and Agglomeration of Japanese Electronics Firms in the United States
by Wilbur Chung & Jaeyong Song
June 2004, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 207-240 Firm Organization and the Structure of Retail Markets
by Emin M. Dinlersoz - 241-272 Does Advertising Overcome Brand Loyalty? Evidence from the Breakfast‐Cereals Market
by Matthew Shum - 273-302 Durable Goods, Monopoly Maintenance, and Time Inconsistency
by Hodaka Morita & Michael Waldman - 303-319 Durable‐Goods Monopoly with Endogenous Innovation
by Jae Nahm - 321-350 Entrepreneurial Boldness and Excessive Investment
by Isabelle Brocas & Juan D. Carrillo