March 1996, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 131-147 Survival of Small Firms: Guerrilla Warfare
by Chaim Fershtman
Winter 1995, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 529-562 Nonlinear Pricing and Oligopoly
by Stole, Lars A - 563-589 Better Late Than Early: Vertical Differentiation in the Adoption of a New Technology
by Dutta, Prajit K & Lach, Saul & Rustichini, Aldo - 591-621 Shareholder Activism, "Voluntary" Restructuring, and Internal Labor Markets
by Garvey, Gerald T & Swan, Peter L - 623-649 Vertical Contracts as Strategic Commitments: How Are They Enforced?
by Alexander, Cindy R & Reiffen, David - 651-672 Stable R&D Cooperation with Spillovers
by Kesteloot, Katrien & Veugelers, Reinhilde
December 1995, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 529-562 Nonlinear Pricing and Oligopoly
by Lars A. Stole - 563-589 Better Late than Early: Vertical Differentiation in the Adoption of a New Technology
by Prajit K. Dutta & Saul Lach & Aldo Rustichini - 591-621 Shareholder Activism, “Voluntary” Restructuring, and Internal Labor Markets
by Gerald T. Garvey & Peter L. Swan - 623-649 Vertical Contracts as Strategic Commitments: How are They Enforced?
by Cindy R. Alexander & David Reiffen - 651-672 Stable R&D Cooperation with Spillovers
by Katrien Kesteloot & Reinhilde Veugelers
September 1995, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 399-426 Organizational Diseconomies of scale
by R. Preston McAfee & John McMillan - 427-443 Managerial Incentives Based on Acquisition of Information
by Bernard Caillaud & Bruno Jullien - 445-476 Product Rivalry with multiple Strategic weapons: an Analysis of price and advertising Competition
by Margaret E. Slade - 477-490 Incentive Contracting Under Limited Liability
by Eun‐Soo Park - 491-508 Input Market Competition and the Make‐or‐Buy Decision
by Gerald T. Garvey & Rohan Pitchford - 509-528 Why Retailers Sell Private Labels
by David E. Mills
Fall 1995, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 399-426 Organizational Diseconomies of Scale
by McAfee, R Preston & McMillan, John - 427-443 Managerial Incentives Based on Acquisition of Information
by Caillaud, Bernard & Jullien, Bruno - 445-476 Product Rivalry with Multiple Strategic Weapons: An Analysis of Price and Advertising Competition
by Slade, Margaret E - 477-490 Incentive Contracting under Limited Liability
by Park, Eun-Soo - 491-508 Input Market Competition and the Make-or-Buy Decision
by Garvey, Gerald T & Pitchford, Rohan - 509-528 Why Retailers Sell Private Labels
by Mills, David E
Summer 1995, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 133-137 Competition in Telecommunications: Introduction
by Spulber, Daniel F - 139-146 Restructuring the Wireless Industry and the Information Skyway: Executive Forum
by Ginn, Sam - 147-185 Tacit Collusion under Regulation in the Pricing of Interstate Long-Distance Telephone Services
by MacAvoy, Paul W - 187-236 The Effect of Incentive Regulation on Infrastructure Modernization: Local Exchange Companies' Deployment of Digital Technology
by Greenstein, Shane & McMaster, Susan & Spiller, Pablo T - 237-265 Explaining the Choice among Regulatory Plans in the U.S. Telecommunications Industry
by Donald, Stephen G & Sappington, David E M - 267-343 Money Out of Thin Air: The Nationwide Narrowband PCS Auction
by Cramton, Peter C - 345-373 Auctioning the Airwaves: The Contest for Broadband PCS Spectrum
by Chakravorti, Bhaskar, et al - 375-397 Horizontal Integration for Bargaining Power: Evidence from the Cable Television Industry
by Chipty, Tasneem
June 1995, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 133-137 Introduction
by Daniel F. Spulber - 139-146 Executive Forum Restructuring the Wireless Industry and the Information Skyway
by Sam Ginn - 147-185 Tacit Collusion Under regulation in the Pricing of Interstate Long‐Distance Telephone Services
by Paul W. MacAvoy - 187-236 The Effect of Incentive regulation on Infrastructure Modernization: Local Exchange Companies' Deployment of Digital Technology
by Shane Greenstein & Susan Mcmaster & Pablo T. Spiller - 237-265 Explaining the Choice Among Regulatory Plans in the U.S. Telecommunications Industry
by Stephen G. Donald & David E. M. Sappington - 267-343 Money Out of Thin Air: The nationwide Narrowband pcs Auction
by Peter C. Cramton - 345-373 Auctioning the Airwaves: The Contest for Broadband pcs Spectrum
by Bhaskar Chakravorti & William W. Sharkey & Yossef Spiegel & Simon Wilkie - 375-397 Horizontal integration for bargaining Power: Evidence from the Cable Television Industry
by Tasneem Chipty
Spring 1995, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 7-31 Why Are Royalty Rates Higher in Service-Type Franchises?
by Rao, Ram C & Srinivasan, Shubashri - 33-53 Usage Heterogeneity and Extended Warranties
by Padmanabhan, V - 55-68 Must Sell
by Cabral, Luis & Sakovics, Jozsef - 69-84 Marketing Channels and the Durable Goods Monopolist: Renting versus Selling Reconsidered
by Purohit, Devavrat - 85-107 Models of Competitive Price Promotions: Some Empirical Evidence from the Coffee and Saltine Crackers Markets
by Villas-Boas, J Miguel - 109-131 Empirical Analysis of a Dynamic Duopoly Model of Competition
by Chintagunta, Pradeep K & Jain, Dipak C
March 1995, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-5 Introduction
by Rajiv Lal - 7-31 Why Are Royalty Rates Higher in Service‐type Franchises?
by Ram C. Rao & Shubashri Srinivasan - 33-53 Usage Heterogeneity and Extended Warranties
by V. Padmanabhan - 55-68 Must Sell
by Luís Cabral & József Sákovics - 69-84 Marketing Channels and the Durable Goods Monopolist: Renting versus Selling Reconsidered
by Devavrat Purohit - 85-107 Models of Competitive Price Promotions: Some Empirical Evidence from the Coffee and Saltine Crackers Markets
by J. Miguel Villas‐Boas - 109-131 Empirical Analysis of a Dynamic Duopoly Model of Competition
by Pradeep K. Chintagunta & Dipak C. Jain
Winter 1995, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 585-603 The Acquisition of Restructured Firms: An Illustration of Market Discipline?
by Seward, James K & Walsh, James P - 605-637 Reputation, Product Quality, and Warranties
by Al-Najjar, Nabil Ibraheem - 639-662 Rendering Alternative Offerings Less Profitable with Resale Price Maintenance
by Shaffer, Greg - 663-684 Pollution Regulation and Incentives for Pollution-Control Research
by Biglaiser, Gary & Horowitz, John K - 685-717 Competitive Advantage and Internal Organization: Nucor Revisited
by Ghemawat, Pankaj
December 1994, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 585-603 The Acquisition of Restructured Firms: An Illustration of Market Discipline?
by James K. Seward & James P. Walsh - 605-637 Reputation, Product Quality, and Warranties
by Nabil Ibraheem Al‐Najjar - 639-662 Rendering Alternative Offerings Less Profitable with Resale Price Maintenance
by Greg Shaffer - 663-684 Pollution Regulation and Incentives for Pollution‐Control Research
by Gary Biglaiser & John K. Horowitz - 685-717 Competitive Advantage and Internal Organization: Nucor Revisited
by Pankaj Ghemawat
Fall 1994, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 437-480 Costs, Institutional Mobility Barriers, and Market Structure: Advertising Agencies as Multiproduct Firms
by Silk, Alvin J & Berndt, Ernst R - 481-519 Racing to Invest? The Dynamics of Competition in Ethical Drug Discovery
by Cockburn, Iain & Henderson, Rebecca - 521-543 Firm Growth and Survival: Does Ownership Structure Matter?
by Kamshad, Kimya M - 545-559 Random Advertising and Monopolistic Price Dispersion
by Bester, Helmut - 561-584 When Is Advertising a Signal of Product Quality?
by Horstmann, Ignatius J & MacDonald, Glenn M
September 1994, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 437-480 Costs, Institutional Mobility Barriers, and Market Structure: Advertising Agencies as Multiproduct Firms
by Alvin J. Silk & Ernst R. Berndt - 481-519 Racing To Invest? The Dynamics of Competition in Ethical Drug Discovery
by Iain Cockburn & Rebecca Henderson - 521-543 Firm Growth and Survival: Does Ownership Structure Matter?
by Kimya M. Kamshad - 545-559 Random Advertising and Monopolistic Price Dispersion
by Helmut Bester - 561-584 When Is Advertising a Signal of Product Quality?
by Ignatius J. Horstmann & Glenn M. MacDonald
June 1994, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 257-278 Contracts and Specific Investment: An Empirical Test of Transaction Cost Theory
by Bruce R. Lyons - 279-300 Does Competition Make Firms More Flexible? A Study of Limited Managerial Cognition
by Johan Stennek - 301-323 The Consequences of Appointment Methods and Party Control for Telecommunications Pricing
by Susan R. Smart - 325-353 Compensation Schemes and Labor Market Competition: Piece Rate versus Wage Rate
by Carmen Matutes & Pierre Regibeau & Katharine Rockett - 355-406 Economic Analysis and Management Strategy: A Survey Continued
by Daniel F. Spulber - 407-436 A Review of Milgrom and Roberts'sEconomics, Organization and Management
by Sharon Gifford
Summer 1994, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 257-278 Contracts and Specific Investment: An Empirical Test of Transaction Cost Theory
by Lyons, Bruce R - 279-300 Does Competition Make Firms More Flexible? A Study of Limited Managerial Cognition
by Stennek, Johan - 301-323 The Consequences of Appointment Methods and Party Control for Telecommunications Pricing
by Smart, Susan R - 325-353 Compensation Schemes and Labor Market Competition: Piece Rate versus Wage Rate
by Matutes, Carmen & Regibeau, Pierre & Rockett, Katharine - 355-406 Economic Analysis and Management Strategy: A Survey Continued
by Spulber, Daniel F - 407-436 Economics, Organization and Management: A Review Article
by Gifford, Sharon
March 1994, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction: The Industrial Organization of Health Care
by Thomas G. McGuire & Michael H. Riordan - 7-51 Choice of Treatment Intensities by a Nonprofit Hospital Under Prospective Pricing
by William P. Rogerson - 53-70 Excessive Investment in Hospital Capacities
by Esther Gal‐Or - 71-92 Payer Competition and Cost Shifting in Health Care
by Jacob Glazer & Thomas G. McGuire - 93-112 Health Care Payment Systems: Cost and Quality Incentives
by Ching‐to Albert Ma - 113-142 Designing Optional No‐Fault Insurance Policies for Health Care Systems
by David E. M. Sappington - 143-167 Local Hospital Competition in Large Metropolitan Areas
by Larry M. Manheim & Gloria J. Bazzoli & Min‐Woong Sohn - 169-209 Recent Theory and Evidence on Competition in Hospital Markets
by David Dranove & William D. White - 211-255 Issues in the Industrial Organization of the Market for Physician Services
by Martin Gaynor
Spring 1994, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-6 The Industrial Organization of Health Care: Introduction
by McGuire, Thomas G & Riordan, Michael H - 7-51 Choice of Treatment Intensities by a Nonprofit Hospital under Prospective Pricing
by Rogerson, William P - 53-70 Excessive Investment in Hospital Capacities
by Gal-Or, Esther - 71-92 Payer Competition and Cost Shifting in Health Care
by Glazer, Jacob & McGuire, Thomas G - 93-112 Health Care Payment Systems: Cost and Quality Incentives
by Ma, Ching-to Albert - 113-142 Designing Optional No-Fault Insurance Policies for Health Care Systems
by Sappington, David E M - 143-167 Local Hospital Competition in Large Metropolitan Areas
by Manheim, Larry M & Bazzoli, Gloria J & Sohn, Min-Woong - 169-209 Recent Theory and Evidence on Competition in Hospital Markets
by Dranove, David & White, William D - 211-255 Issues in the Industrial Organization of the Market for Physician Services
by Gaynor, Martin
Winter 1993, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 449-482 Collusive Bidding in Hostile Takeovers
by McAfee, R Preston, et al - 483-507 Eastern European Economic Integration and Foreign Direct Investment
by Norman, George & Motta, Massimo - 509-530 A Theory of the Distribution of Underpriced Initial Public Offers by Investment Banks
by Fulghieri, Paolo & Spiegel, Matthew - 531-565 Financial Distress and Optimal Capital Structure Adjustments
by Heinkel, Robert & Zechner, Josef - 567-592 Managerial Reaction to Takeover Bids: A Theory of Strategic Resistance
by De, Sankar & Knez, Peter J - 593-614 Refusals to Deal, Price Discrimination, and Independent Service Organizations
by Chen, Zhiqi & Ross, Thomas W
December 1993, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 449-482 Collusive Bidding in Hostile Takeovers
by R. Preston McAfee & Daniel Vincent & Michael A. Williams & Melanie Williams Havens - 483-507 Eastern European Economic Integration and Foreign Direct Investment
by George Norman & Massimo Motta - 509-530 A Theory of the Distribution of Underpriced Initial Public Offers by Investment Banks
by Paolo Fulghieri & Matthew Spiegel - 531-565 Financial Distress and Optimal Capital Structure Adjustments
by Robert Heinkel & Josef Zechner - 567-592 Managerial Reaction to Takeover Bids: A Theory of Strategic Resistance
by Sankar De & Peter J. Knez - 593-614 Refusals to Deal, Price Discrimination, and Independent Service Organizations
by Zhiqi Chen & Thomas W. Ross
Fall 1993, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 333-338 Introduction: Auditors' Legal Liability in the United States
by Balachandran, Bala V - 339-348 Audit Services and Fees of Large Accounting Firms
by Balachandran, Bala V & Simon, Daniel - 349-360 Auditors' Liability: Opportunities for Research
by Kinney, William R, Jr - 361-366 The Liability Crisis: Its Impact on Clients
by Weinbach, Lawrence A - 367-373 The Future of the Accounting Profession
by Cook, J Michael - 375-383 The Liability Crisis: Its Impact on Accounting Practitioners
by Freedman, Eugene M - 385-394 Accountants' Liability: Researchable Issues
by Elliott, Robert K - 395-400 A Global Look at Accountants' Litigation
by Grobstein, Michael & Liggio, Carl D - 401-410 Effects of Marked-to-Market Accounting on Capital Markets and Life Insurance Company Investment Policies
by Biggs, John H - 411-417 The Liability Crisis: Audit Failures or Accounting Principles Failures?
by Schuetze, Walter P - 419-426 Accountants' Liability: Regulatory and Legal Issues
by Ruder, David S - 427-433 Discussion: The Evolution of Lawsuits against Auditors--Determinants, Consequences, and Solutions
by Lys, Thomas - 435-443 Discussion: Limiting Auditors' Liability
by Dye, Ronald A
September 1993, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 333-338 Introduction: Auditors' Legal Liability in the United States
by Bala V. Balachandran - 339-348 Audit Services and Fees of Large Accounting Firms
by Bala V. Balachandran & Daniel Simon - 349-360 Auditors' Liability: Opportunities for Research
by William R. Kinney - 361-366 The Liability Crisis: Its Impact on Clients
by Lawrence A. Weinbach - 367-373 The Future of the Accounting Profession
by J. Michael Cook - 375-383 The Liability Crisis: Its Impact on Accounting Practitioners
by Eugene M. Freedman - 385-394 Acountants' Liability: Researchable Issues
by Robert K. Elliott - 395-400 A Global Look at Accountants' Litigation
by Michael Grobstein & Carl D. Liggio - 401-410 Effects of Marked‐to‐Market Accounting on Capital Markets and Life Insurance Company Investment Policies
by John H. Biggs - 411-417 The Liability Crisis: Audit Failures or Accounting Principles Failures?
by Walter P. Schuetze - 419-426 Accountants' Liability: Regulatory and Legal Issues
by David S. Ruder - 427-433 Discussion: The Evolution of Lawsuits Against Auditors—Determinants, Consequences, and Solutions
by Thomas Lys - 435-443 Discussion: Limiting Auditors' Liability
by Ronald A. Dye
June 1993, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 165-198 Power in Profit‐Maximizing Organizations
by Julio J. Rotemberg - 199-243 Advertising as Information: Matching Products to Buyers
by Kyle Bagwell & Garey Ramey - 245-276 Rent Division, Restructuring, and Managerial Risk Taking: A Strategic Bargaining Model
by Thomas H. Noe & Michael J. Rebello - 277-297 Dynamic R&D Competition, Research Line Diversity, and Intellectual Property Rights
by Jay Pil Choi - 299-323 Task Assignmentand Agency Structures
by Yukiko Hirao - 325-332 A Reviewof Dixitand Nalebuff'sThinking Strategically: The Competitive Edgein Business, Politics, and Everyday Life
by Adam Brandenburger
Summer 1993, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 165-198 Power in Profit-Maximizing Organizations
by Rotemberg, Julio J - 199-243 Advertising as Information: Matching Products to Buyers
by Bagwell, Kyle & Ramey, Garey - 245-276 Rent Division, Restructuring, and Managerial Risk Taking: A Strategic Bargaining Model
by Noe, Thomas H & Rebello, Michael J - 277-297 Dynamic R&D Competition, Research Line Diversity, and Intellectual Property Rights
by Choi, Jay Pil - 299-323 Task Assignment and Agency Structures
by Hirao, Yukiko - 325-332 A Review of Dixit and Nalebuff's Thinking Strategically: The Competitive Edge in Business, Politics, and Everyday Life
by Brandenburger, Adam
Spring 1993, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-14 Is It Time to Create a New Theory of the Firm?
by Emshoff, James R - 15-22 Is It Time to Create a New Theory of the Firm? Discussion
by Scheffman, David T - 23-40 Competing Research Joint Ventures
by Kamien, Morton I & Zang, Israel - 41-70 Diversification as a Strategic Preemptive Weapon
by Aron, Debra J - 71-95 Paying for Joint Costs in Health Care
by Ma, Ching-To Albert & McGuire, Thomas G - 97-120 Intermediation in Search Markets
by Gehrig, Thomas - 121-134 Editorial: Do Firms Differ?
by Spulber, Daniel F - 135-161 Commitment to a Process Innovation: Nucor, USX, and Thin-Slab Casting
by Ghemawat, Pankaj
March 1993, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial: Executive Forum
by Daniel F. Spulber - 3-14 Is It Time To Createa New Theoryofthe Firm?
by James R. Emshoff - 15-22 Is It Time To Createa New Theoryof the Firm? Discussion
by David T. Scheffman - 23-40 Competing Research Joint Ventures
by Morton I. Kamien & Israel Zang - 41-70 Diversificationas a Strategic Preemptive Weapon
by Debra J. Aron - 71-95 Paying For Joint Costs in Health Care
by Ching‐to Albert Ma & Thomas G. McGuire - 97-120 Intermediation in Search Markets
by Thomas Gehrig - 121-134 Editorial: Do Firms Differ?
by Daniel F. Spulber - 135-161 Commitment to a Process Innovation: Nucor, USX, and Thin‐Slab Casting
by Pankaj Ghemawat
Winter 1992, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 585-606 A Model of Competitive Limit Pricing
by Bagwell, Kyle - 607-628 Systematic Price Differences between Successive Auctions Are No Anomaly
by Black, Jane & De Meza, David - 629-650 Price Competition When Consumers Are Uncertain about Which Firm Sells Which Quality
by Gabszewicz, Jean J & Grilo, Isabel - 651-675 Integration, Complementary Products, and Variety
by Church, Jeffrey & Gandal, Neil - 677-698 Upstream Pricing and Advertising Signal Downstream Demand
by Albaek, Svend & Overgaard, Per Baltzer - 699-723 Innovation, Product Durability, and Market Structure
by Goering, Gregory E
December 1992, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 585-606 A Modelof Competitive Limit Pricing
by Kyle Bagwell - 607-628 Systematic Price Differences Between Successive Auctionsare no Anomaly
by Jane Black & David de Meza - 629-650 Price Competition When Consumersare Uncertain About Which Firm Sells Which Quality
by Jean J. Gabszewicz & Isabel Grilo - 651-675 Integration, Complementary Products, and Variety
by Jeffrey Church & Neil Gandal - 677-698 Upstream Pricingand Advertising Signal Downstream Demand
by Svend Albaek & Per Baltzer Overgaard - 699-723 Innovation, Product Durability, and Market Structure
by Gregory E. Goaring
September 1992, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 423-454 Exclusivity Clauses And Best Price Policies In Input Markets
by Patrick DeGraba & Andrew Postlewaite - 455-473 A Model Of Search And Shopping By Homogeneous Customers Without Price Precommitment By Firms
by Andrew F. Daughety - 475-505 Restoring The Principle Of Minimum Differentiation In Product Positioning
by Byong‐Duk Rhee & André de Palma & Claes Fornell & Jacques‐François Thisse - 507-533 Regulation By Duopoly
by Emmanuelle Auriol & Jean‐Jacques Laffont - 535-574 Economic Analysis And Management Strategy: A Survey
by Daniel F. Spulber - 575-582 A Review Of Ghemawat'S Commitment: The Dynamic Of Strategy
by Margaret A. Peteraf
Fall 1992, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 423-454 Exclusivity Clauses and Best Price Policies in Input Markets
by DeGraba, Patrick & Postlewaite, Andrew - 455-473 A Model of Search and Shopping by Homogeneous Customers without Price Precommitment by Firms
by Daughety, Andrew F - 475-505 Restoring the Principle of Minimum Differentiation in Product Positioning
by Rhee, Byong-Duk, et al - 507-533 Regulation by Duopoly
by Auriol, Emmanuelle & Laffont, Jean-Jacques - 535-574 Economic Analysis and Management Strategy: A Survey
by Spulber, Daniel F - 575-582 A Review of Ghemewat's Commitment: The Dynamic of Strategy
by Peteraf, Margaret A
Summer 1992, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 237-275 Information, Control, and Organizational Structure
by Baron, David P & Besanko, David - 277-311 Econometric Analysis of Collusive Behavior in a Soft-Drink Market
by Gasmi, F & Laffont, J J & Vuong, Q - 313-337 Job Security and Product Market Competition
by Gal-Or, Esther - 339-369 Deregulation, Mergers, and Cost Savings in Class I U.S. Railroads, 1974-86
by Vellturo, Christopher A, et al - 371-396 Collusion by Asymmetrically Informed Firms
by Kihlstrom, Richard & Vives, Xavier