September 2010, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 254-269 Ricardian Equivalence and the Efficacy of Fiscal Policy in Australia
by Shane Brittle - 270-288 Structural Estimation of Variety Gains from Trade Integration in Asia
by D’Artis Kancs - 289-292 Policy Forum: Saving for Retirement: Important Considerations for Policies on Retirement Issues
by Guyonne Kalb - 293-301 Policy Forum: Saving for Retirement: Policy Options to Increase Retirement Saving in Australia
by Ross Guest - 302-311 Policy Forum: Saving for Retirement: The Fairness and Future of Australia's Retirement Income System
by David M. Knox - 312-320 Policy Forum: Saving for Retirement: Retirement Incomes and Employment Decisions of the Mature Aged
by John Freebairn & Diana Warren - 321-325 Policy Forum: Saving for Retirement: Retirement Savings: A Consumer Perspective
by Jonathan Kennedy & Peter Matwijiw - 326-336 Data Survey: The HILDA Survey: Progress and Future Developments
by Nicole Watson & Mark Wooden - 337-345 For the Student: Experimental Economics
by Nikos Nikiforakis
June 2010, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 103-113 Tax‐and‐Transfer Tensions: Designing Direct Tax Structures
by John Creedy - 114-135 The Entry Cost Shock and the Re‐rating of Power Prices in New South Wales, Australia
by Paul Simshauser & Elizabeth Molyneux & Michelle Shepherd - 136-152 Vacancies and Unemployment in Australia
by Phillip Chindamo & Lawrence Uren - 153-175 Australian Family Tax Reform and the Targeting Fallacy
by Patricia Apps & Ray Rees - 176-178 Telecommunications and Economic Activity
by Ross Williams - 179-186 ‘Big Bang’ Telecommunications Reform
by Joshua S. Gans & Stephen P. King - 187-193 A Broadband Services Typology
by Trevor Barr - 194-199 Telecommunications: A Market Failing Consumers
by Allan Asher & Elissa Freeman - 200-208 A Guide to Broadband Technologies
by Rob Ayre & Kerry Hinton & Brad Gathercole & Kate Cornick - 209-216 Exploring the Uses of Matched Employer–Employee Datasets
by Paul H. Jensen - 217-224 Using Microeconomics to Protect Competition
by Stephen P. King
March 2010, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-11 Review of the Australian Economy 2009–10: On the Road to Recovery
by Guay C. Lim & Chew Lian Chua & Edda Claus & Sarantis Tsiaplias - 12-27 Does Maternal Age Affect Children's Test Scores?
by Andrew Leigh & Xiaodong Gong - 28-38 Technological Change in Australian Manufacturing
by Harry Bloch - 39-51 Income Redistribution and Direct Taxes and Transfers in New Zealand
by John Creedy & Jamas Enright & Norman Gemmell & Nick McNabb - 52-53 Reforming the Health System: Paradise Lost?
by Anthony Scott - 54-62 Taxation and Obesity?
by John Freebairn - 63-70 Medicare Select: A Bold Reform?
by Jane Hall - 71-76 New Opportunities in Health Financing and Governance
by James R. G. Butler - 77-87 Patent Application Databases
by Alfons Palangkaraya - 88-99 Responses to the Illicit Drug Problem: Insights from Supply and Demand Analysis
by Suresh Narayanan & Balasingam Vicknasingam - 100-101 Editors' Report 2009
by Ross Williams & Ian McDonald & Mark Wooden
December 2009, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 387-396 Pricking Bubbles in the Wind: Could Central Banks Have Done More to Head Off the Financial Crisis?
by Howard Davies - 397-409 Political Cycles in the Australian Stock Market since Federation
by Andrew C. Worthington - 410-421 Assessing the Costs of a Haulage Regime
by Nick Wills‐Johnson - 422-434 Skill Upgrading in New Zealand, 1986–2001
by Dean Hyslop & Dave Maré - 435-452 Dynamic Gains and Market Access Insurance: Another Look at the Australia–US Free Trade Agreement
by Richard G. Harris & Peter E. Robertson - 453-456 Financial Regulation after the Global Financial Crisis
by Kevin Davis - 457-469 What We Have Learned and Not Learned from the Current Crisis about Financial Reform
by Robert A. Eisenbeis - 470-476 The Future of Financial Regulation: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis
by R. J. Edgar - 477-481 Financial Regulation: The Risks of Unintended Consequences or Early Mover Disadvantages
by Martin Codina - 482-489 Regulation of Retail Financial Services
by Deborah Ralston - 490-495 Market Data Resources for Researchers: The SIRCA Data Repository
by Maurice Peat - 496-506 Personal Income Taxation: From Theory to Policy
by John Creedy
September 2009, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 243-263 What Happened to Australia's Productivity Surge?
by Ben Dolman - 264-275 Government Subsidies for Professional Team Sports in Australia
by John K. Wilson & Richard Pomfret - 276-299 Children, Labour Supply and Child Care: Challenges for Empirical Analysis
by Guyonne Kalb - 300-320 Changes in Poverty Rates during the Howard Era
by Joan R. Rodgers & Peter Siminski & James Bishop - 321-326 Household Debt: Is It a Liability?
by Ross Williams - 327-339 Household Indebtedness
by Paul Bloxham & Christopher Kent - 340-346 Financial Deregulation and Household Debt: The Australian Experience
by Hugh Green & Ian Harper & Lachlan Smirl - 347-357 Household Debt: The Final Stage in an Artificially Extended Ponzi Bubble
by Steve Keen - 358-366 Household Debt in Australia: The Looming Crisis that Isn't
by Roger Wilkins & Mark Wooden - 367-376 Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children: A Valuable New Data Source for Economists
by Matthew Gray & Diana Smart - 377-385 Sports Economics
by Ross Booth
June 2009, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 121-130 Reflection on Microeconomic Policy Frameworks in Australia, and a Suggestion about Fairness
by Jonathan Pincus - 131-142 Models of Labour Services and Estimates of Australian Productivity
by Robert Dixon & John Freebairn - 143-154 Who's Getting Caught? An Analysis of the Australian Medicare Safety Net
by Kees Van Gool & Elizabeth Savage & Rosalie Viney & Marion Haas & Rob Anderson - 155-176 The Dynamics of Public Housing Tenure in Australia
by Stephen Whelan - 177-189 The Case for Gender‐Sensitive Superannuation Plan Design
by Anup K. Basu & Michael E. Drew - 190-200 Urban Transport in Australia: Has It Reached Breaking Point?
by John Stanley & David Hensher - 201-208 Australian Urban Transport and Social Disadvantage
by Graham Currie - 209-216 Transforming Australian Cities for a More Financially Viable and Sustainable Future: Transportation and Urban Design
by Rob Adams - 217-231 Measures of Household Wealth for Australia
by Paul Bloxham & Thomas Betts - 232-242 What Happens to the Australian Labour Market in Recessions?
by Jeff Borland
March 2009, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-11 Review of the Australian Economy 2008–09: Recessions, Retrenchments and Risks
by Guay C. Lim & Chew Lian Chua & Edda Claus & Sarantis Tsiaplias - 12-23 The Economic Impacts of a New Dam in South‐East Queensland
by Glyn Wittwer - 24-41 A Structural Model of Australia as a Small Open Economy
by Kristoffer P. Nimark - 42-63 The Influences of Institution Attended and Field of Study on Graduates' Starting Salaries
by Elisa Rose Birch & Ian Li & Paul W. Miller - 64-83 Emissions Trading, Wealth Transfers and the Wounded Bull Scenario in Power Generation
by Paul Simshauser & Thao Doan - 84-87 Does Australia Have a ‘National Innovation System’?
by Elizabeth Webster - 88-95 Using Markets in Innovation Policy
by Joshua Gans - 96-103 Beyond Central Planning: Innovation in Government in the 21st Century
by Nicholas Gruen - 104-109 Relationships in China and India: The Basis of Improved Business Model Innovation for Australian Enterprises
by Patrick Coleman - 110-118 Inflation Targeting
by G. C. Lim - 119-120 Editors' Report 2008
by Ross Williams & Ian McDonald & Mark Wooden
December 2003, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 361-373 Employment Effects of Minimum Wages: Evidence from a Quasi‐Experiment
by Andrew Leigh - 374-396 The Labour Market and Inequality
by Michael Keating - 397-414 The Australian Growth Experience, 1960–2000: Human Capital, R&D or Steady‐State Growth?
by Yuan K. Chou - 415-427 Contestability, Complementary Inputs and Contracting: The Case of Harbour Towage
by Joshua S. Gans & Stephen P. King - 428-434 Longitudinal Studies of Australian Youth
by Gary N. Marks & Sheldon Rothman - 435-441 Rare Book Auction Data in Australia
by Stuart Kells - 442-458 Demographic Change and the Japanese Recession
by Ian M. McDonald
September 2003, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 253-264 Innovation and Performance: Benchmarking Australian Firms
by Simon Feeny & Mark Rogers - 265-282 Wage Effects of Drinking in Australia
by Yew Liang Lee - 283-290 Inflation Expectations, Interest Rates and Arbitrary Income Transfers
by Tony Makin - 291-299 Inflation Targeting as a Framework for Monetary Policy: A Cross‐Country Analysis
by William Seyfried & Dale Bremmer - 300-305 Executive Compensation: Understanding the Issues
by Vivek Chaudhri - 306-315 Executive Stock Options: Back to Basics
by Mark Cassano - 316-323 Executive Compensation: Balancing Competing Priorities
by Michelle Brown & Danny Samson - 324-332 Executive Compensation: Getting the Mix Right
by Paul Kerin - 333-349 Reviewing the Intertemporal Consistency of ABS Household Income Data through Comparisons with External Aggregates
by Peter Siminski & Peter Saunders & Bruce Bradbury - 350-359 Can an Intertemporal Model Explain Australia's Current Account Deficit?
by Glenn Otto
June 2003, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 143-155 Analysing the Performance of Firms Using a Decomposable Ideal Index Number to Link Profit, Prices and Productivity
by John Salerian - 156-172 Flattening the Effective Marginal Tax Rate Structure in Australia: Policy Simulations Using the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb & Hsein Kew - 173-180 Protecting Employee Entitlements
by Kevin Davis & Geoff Burrows - 181-192 Unemployment Hysteresis in Australian States and Territories: Evidence from Panel Data Unit Root Tests
by Russell Smyth - 193-202 Water Policy: Setting the Scene
by Geoff Edwards - 203-212 Principles for the Allocation of Scarce Water
by John Freebairn - 213-224 Approaches to Increasing River Flows
by Alistair Watson - 225-234 Robust Reform: The Case for a New Water Entitlement System for Australia
by M. D. Young & J. C. McColl - 235-244 Demographic Data in Australia
by Edith Gray & Peter McDonald & Ann Evans - 245-252 Lessons from Economies in Transition from Central Planning
by Richard Pomfret
March 2003, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editors' Report 2002
by David Johnson - 3-21 Globalisation, Poverty and Inequality: Friends, Foes or Strangers?
by Ken Henry & Terry O'Brien - 22-40 A New Specification of Labour Supply in the MONASH Model with an Illustrative Application
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - 41-54 Bundling in the Australian Telecommunications Industry
by Franco Papandrea & Natalie Stoeckl & Anne Daly - 55-78 Choice of School in Australia: Determinants and Consequences
by Anh T. Le & Paul W. Miller - 79-88 Is Superannuation Safe? The Background and the Issues
by Jon D. Stanford - 89-97 Inadequacies and Inconsistencies in Superannuation Fund Financial Disclosure: The Need for a Principles‐Based Approach
by Gerry Gallery & Natalie Gallery - 98-107 Principal and Agent Problems in Superannuation Funds
by Michael E. Drew & Jon D. Stanford - 108-117 Is Superannuation Safe?
by Tom Valentine - 118-127 Regulation of Australian Superannuation
by Hazel Bateman - 128-133 Datastream
by Peter M. Summers - 134-142 The Effects of Wages on Aggregate Employment: A Brief Summary of Empirical Studies
by Elizabeth Webster
December 2002, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 363-379 The Lifetime Distributional Impact of Government Health Outlays
by Ann Harding & Richard Percival & Deborah Schofield & Agnes Walker - 380-390 The GST and Vertical, Horizontal and Reranking Effects of Indirect Taxation in Australia
by John Creedy - 391-404 A Cohort Analysis of the Determinants of Employment and Labour Force Participation: Indigenous and Non‐Indigenous Australians, 1981 to 1996
by M. C. Gray & B. H. Hunter - 405-422 Opportunities to Reform State Taxes
by John Freebairn - 423-429 Reviewing the Trade Practices Act: The Dawson Committee Inquiry
by Stephen P. King - 430-437 The Role of the ACCC in Australian Competition Policy
by Ross Jones - 438-445 A Critique of the Role, Powers and Activities of the ACCC: The Business View
by Steven Kates - 446-454 Possible Implications of the Dawson Inquiry for the ACCC
by Rhonda L. Smith - 455-462 European Economic and Monetary Integration and the Euro
by Tom van Veen
September 2002, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 227-243 Equity and Australian Development: Lessons from the First Century
by Ross Garnaut - 244-260 Total Factor Productivity and Efficiency of Australian Airports
by Malcolm Abbott & Su Wu - 261-275 Surveying Mobile Populations: Lessons from Recent Longitudinal Surveys of Indigenous Australians
by B. H. Hunter & D. E. Smith - 276-286 The Effects of Inflation and the Business Cycle on Revisions of Macroeconomic Data
by Christopher Bajada - 287-289 Introduction to the Policy Forum on Commonwealth–State Funding Arrangements
by David Johnson - 290-300 Issues in Commonwealth–State Funding
by Ross Garnaut & Vince FitzGerald - 301-303 Comments on ‘Issues in Commonwealth–State Funding’ by Ross Garnaut and Vince FitzGerald
by J. C. Bannon - 304-315 Efficiency Effects of Inter–Government Financial Transfers in Australia
by Peter B. Dixon & Mark R. Picton & Maureen T. Rimmer - 316-317 Flypaper Unstuck: Comment on Dixon, Picton and Rimmer
by Jonathan Pincus - 318-324 The Commonwealth Grants Commission and Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation
by Alan Morris - 325-334 The Distributional Impact of Selected Commonwealth Outlays and Taxes and Alternative Commonwealth Grant Allocation Mechanisms
by Ann Harding & Neil Warren & Gillian Beer & Ben Phillips & Kwabena Osei - 335-338 The Distributional Impact of Selected Commonwealth Outlays and Taxes and Alternative Commonwealth Grant Allocation Mechanisms: Comment
by Jim Hancock - 339-348 The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA)Survey: Wave 1
by Mark Wooden & Simon Freidin & Nicole Watson - 349-361 The Public Accounts and Fiscal Policy
by Tony Makin
June 2002, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 113-121 The Enlargement Challenge: Can Monetary Union Be Made to Work in an EU of 25 Members?
by Barry Eichengreen - 122-132 Assessing the Impact of Changes in Petroleum Prices on Inflation and Household Expenditures in Australia
by Abbas Valadkhani & William F. Mitchell - 133-154 The Growth of Jobless Households in Australia
by Peter Dawkins & Paul Gregg & Rosanna Scutella - 155-172 The Influence of Diversification and Market Structure on the R&D Intensity of Large Australian Firms
by Mark Rogers - 173-179 Childcare Policy: An Introduction and Overview
by Mark Wooden - 180-187 Childcare Policy to Promote Child Wellbeing
by Sarah Wise & Judy Ungerer & Ann Sanson - 188-196 Attitudes towards Childcare in Australia
by M. D. R. Evans & Jonathan Kelley - 197-203 Issues in Childcare Policy in Australia
by Peter McDonald - 204-213 Demand for Childcare Services and Labour Supply in Australian Families
by Denise Doiron & Guyonne Kalb - 214-220 Childcare and the ‘Care Gap’ in the United States and Australia
by Robert Drago - 221-226 Convergence: Do Poor Countries Tend to Catch Up with the Rich?
by Yuan K. Chou
March 2002, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editors' Report 2001
by David Johnson - 3-28 Can Supply‐Side Policies Reduce Unemployment? Lessons from North America
by Gary Burtless - 29-44 Would a Decrease in Fertility Be a Threat to Living Standards in Australia?
by Ross S. Ross S. & Ian M. McDonald - 45-54 Optimal Commodity Taxes in Australia
by Paul Blacklow & Ranjan Ray - 55-69 A Data Envelopment Analysis of the Efficiency of Victorian TAFE Institutes
by Malcolm Abbott & Chris Doucouliagos - 70-84 The Determinants of Relative Wage Change in Australia
by Elizabeth Webster & Yi‐Ping Tseng - 85-91 The OECD Review of Innovations in Labour Market Policies: The Australian Way
by Peter Dawkins - 92-96 The OECD Review of Australia's Labour Market Policies
by Peter Shergold - 97-103 Innovations in Labour Market Policies: The Australian Way Comments on an OECD Report
by Gary Burtless - 104-112 Population Ageing and the Role of Immigration
by Glenn Withers
December 2001, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 373-389 The Impact of Children on the Lifetime Earnings of Australian Women: Evidence from the 1990s
by Bruce Chapman & Yvonne Dunlop & Matthew Gray & Amy Liu & Deborah Mitchell - 390-402 The Cost of Monopoly in Australian Manufacturing
by Robert Dixon & Alan Gunther & Muhammad Mahmood - 403-414 The Economic Benefits of Australian University Degrees: Bachelor and Research Higher Degrees
by Frank P. Larkins - 415-436 Moving from Unemployment to Permanent Employment: Could a Casual Job Accelerate the Transition?
by Jenny Chalmers & Guyonne Kalb - 437-440 Gambling Taxation: A Comment
by David Paton & Donald S. Siegel & Leighton Vaughan Williams - 442-448 Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate
by Peter J. Stemp - 449-457 Exchange Rates and Income‐Sensitive Capital Flows
by Jim Perkins - 458-466 Assessing the Adequacy of Measures of Australia’s Price Competitiveness and Structural Change
by Don Harding - 467-477 The Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Australia
by Deborah Cobb‐Clark - 478-487 Cost Benefit Analysis in Theory and Practice
by Geoffrey Kingston
September 2001, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 243-262 Industrial Relations Reform in Australia: Causes, Consequences and Prospects
by Mark Wooden - 263-278 Progressivity of the Commonwealth Personal Income Tax, 1917–1997
by Julie P. Smith - 279-290 Use and Misuse of Tax Compliance Costs in Evaluating the GST
by Binh Tran‐Nam - 291-294 The Economics of Health and Health Policy: An Introduction
by Peter Dawkins - 295-311 Economic Issues in Health Policy
by David Johnson - 312-316 Economic Issues in Health Policy: Comment
by Glenn Withers - 317-319 Economic Issues in Health Policy: Comment
by Helen Owens - 320-331 Health, Health Care and Social Welfare
by Jane Hall - 332-335 Health and Welfare Measurement
by Elizabeth Savage - 336-352 Supply and Demand for Medical Care: Or, Is the Health Care Market Perverse?
by Jeff Richardson - 353-355 Evaluation of the Supplier‐Induced Demand for Medical Care Model
by John Freebairn - 356-366 A Hitchhiker's Guide to the World's Household Panel Data Sets
by John P. Haisken‐DeNew - 367-372 Currency Unions, Currency Boards and Other Fixed Exchange Rate Arrangements
by Mark Crosby
March 2001, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editors' Report 2000
by David Johnson - 3-13 Global Trade Liberalisation: Coordination and Coherence
by Supachai Panitchpakdi - 14-32 Earned Income Tax Credits: Do They Have Any Role to Play in Australia?
by David Ingles - 33-52 The Persistence of the Female Wage Disadvantage
by Anh T. Le & Paul W. Miller - 53-63 Some Economics of Safe Injecting Rooms
by Harry Clarke - 64-80 A Wage–Tax Policy to Increase Employment
by Peter B. Dixon & Maureen T. Rimmer - 81-85 Introduction to Policy Forum on Welfare Reform
by David Johnson - 86-99 The Case for Welfare Reform as Proposed by the McClure Report
by Peter Dawkins - 100-108 Reflections on Social Security and the Welfare Review
by Peter Saunders - 109-115 Comments on the Final Report of the Reference Group on Welfare Reform
by Alison McClelland - 116-124 Starting Research
by John Creedy
December 2000, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 299-302 Trade Liberalisation of Intermediate Inputs
by Mary Amiti - 303-316 Public Hospital Expenditure: How Is It Divided between Lower, Middle and Upper Income Groups?
by Deborah Schofield - 317-329 A Comparison of Income and Expenditure Inequality Estimates: The Australian Evidence, 1975–76 to 1993–94
by Paul Blacklow & Ranjan Ray - 330-336 The Impact of a Goods and Services Tax on Product Market Competition
by R. Damania - 337-348 Copyright, Parallel Imports and National Welfare: The Australian Market for Sound Recordings
by Theo Papadopoulos - 349-354 The Winner's Curse? Indigenous Australians in the Welfare System
by Anne Daly