December 2019, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 468-475 Mega‐Regional Agreements and Their Impact on Australia
by Peter A. Petri & Michael G. Plummer - 476-495 Introducing the Longitudinal Multi‐Agency Data Integration Project and Its Role in Understanding Income Dynamics in Australia
by Nicholas Biddle & Robert Breunig & Francis Markham & Chris Wokker - 496-506 The Economics of Ageing—What do you Face?
by Ian M. McDonald
September 2019, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 279-293 Teaching Public Economics with Special Reference to Australian and US Cultures
by Peter Abelson - 294-304 Optimal Monetary Policy in China with Money as Not Redundant
by Guoxiong Zhang - 305-320 Tracing the Sources of South Australian Economic Slumps
by Dou Jiang - 321-322 Introduction
by Efrem Castelnuovo - 323-335 Yield Curve and Financial Uncertainty: Evidence Based on US Data
by Efrem Castelnuovo - 336-343 Does Monetary Policy Respond to Uncertainty? Evidence from Australia
by Natalia Ponomareva & Jeffrey Sheen & Ben Zhe Wang - 344-352 Measuring Uncertainty for New Zealand Using Data‐Rich Approach
by Trung Duc Tran & Tugrul Vehbi & Benjamin Wong - 353-362 Surveying Lifelong Learning in the German National Educational Panel Study
by Silke Anger & Marie‐Christine Laible & Annette Trahms & Basha Vicari - 363-372 The Influence of Climate on Migration
by Dennis Wesselbaum
June 2019, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 149-157 Depositor Protection and Bank Liquidity Regulation: Distortions Affecting Superannuation
by Kevin Davis & Rodney Maddock - 158-177 The Longer‐term Impacts of Job Displacement on Labour Market Outcomes in New Zealand
by Dean R Hyslop & Wilbur Townsend - 178-199 State of Confusion: Economic Policy Uncertainty and International Trade and Investment
by Stephen Kirchner - 200-211 Violence in the Household and Happiness in Mexico
by Humberto Charles‐Leija & Gilberto Aboites & Ignacio Llamas - 212-216 Introduction: Australian Higher Education as an Industry
by Ross Williams - 217-225 Distributing Student Places in Australian Higher Education
by Andrew Norton - 226-235 Valuing the Humanities
by John O’Mahony & Rohan Garga & Michael Thomas & Max Kimber - 236-247 Productivity and Policy in Higher Education
by Kenneth Moore & Gwilym Croucher & Hamish Coates - 247-254 The National Coronial Information System: Saving Lives through the Power of Data
by Lauren Dunstan - 255-271 Practical Empirical Research Using gretl and hansl
by Artur Tarassow
March 2019, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 5-18 The Australian Economy in 2018–2019: Convergence in Economic Activity across Australia
by Viet H. Nguyen & Jiao Wang - 19-40 Should We Tax Sugar and If So How?
by Peter Lloyd & Donald MacLaren - 41-60 Do Foreign Mergers and Acquisitions Increase Acquired Firms’ Innovation? Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms
by Zheng Zhang & Yuping Deng & Sam Hak Kan Tang - 61-75 Trends in Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Canada
by Ehsan Latif - 76-77 Introduction
by Efrem Castelnuovo - 78-93 What Do We Know About the Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Policy? A Brief Survey of the Literature on Fiscal Multipliers
by Efrem Castelnuovo & Guay Lim - 94-106 The Cyclical Behaviour of the Labour Force Participation Rate in Australia
by Richard Evans & Angus Moore & Daniel M Rees - 107-115 Contributions of Employment Change to Annual Wage Growth in New Zealand
by Dean R Hyslop & Amy Rice - 116-126 How Much Have Lending Standards Constrained US Recovery After the Financial Crisis?
by Martin Fukač - 127-133 Chinese Family and Society Dynamics Using the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) Household Panel
by Sherry Tao Kong & Qiong Wu - 134-144 What Do Australian Economics PhDs Do?
by Kenneth Clements & Jiawei Si
December 2018, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 453-473 Challenges Facing the World Trade Organization: An Overview
by Gary P Sampson - 474-485 Policy Options to Reduce Electricity Greenhouse Gas Emissions
by John Freebairn - 486-501 How Financial Freedom and Integration Change Public Debt Impact on Financial Development in the Asia‐Pacific: A Panel Smooth Transition Regression Approach
by Duy‐Tung Bui - 502-511 Australia's Growth in Households and House Prices
by Creina Day - 512-513 Introduction
by Efrem Castelnuovo - 514-526 Cryptocurrencies: A Crash Course in Digital Monetary Economics
by Jesús Fernández‐Villaverde - 527-539 Cryptocurrencies and Digital Fiat Currencies
by Robert Kirkby - 540-550 Central Bank Digital Cash and Cryptocurrencies: Insights from a New Baumol–Friedman Demand for Money
by Donato Masciandaro - 551-563 Cryptocurrencies, Mainstream Asset Classes and Risk Factors: A Study of Connectedness
by George Milunovich - 564-577 Australia Has the World's Best Petrol Price Data: FuelWatch and FuelCheck
by David P Byrne & Jia Sheen Nah & Peng Xue - 578-602 Ratios of Parameters: Some Econometric Examples
by Jenny Lye & Joe Hirschberg
September 2018, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 309-335 How Monetary Policy Affects Your Gross Domestic Product
by Andrew G Haldane - 336-350 Mapping the Australian Poverty Profile: A Multidimensional Deprivation Approach
by Peter Saunders & Yuvisthi Naidoo - 351-367 Does Taxation Stifle Corporate Investment? Firm‐Level Evidence from ASEAN Countries
by Serhan Cevik & Fedor Miryugin - 368-381 Work Me Not Into Temptation: Exploring the Relationship between Work and Healthy Eating in Dieters Using Data from the HILDA Survey
by Heather Brown & Justin Presseau - 382-395 Dragon CEOs and Firm Value
by Tao Chen - 396-398 Introduction
by Ian M McDonald - 399-410 Australia Demonstrates the Rise of Populism is About More than Economics
by Danielle Wood & John Daley & Carmela Chivers - 411-417 The Economic Consequences of Mr Trump
by Max Corden & Ross Garnaut - 418-425 Populism and Fiscal Illusion
by Sinclair Davidson - 426-440 The Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: 20 Years and Beyond
by Somayeh Parvazian & Ronnie Semo - 441-448 Stepping up to Teaching in Business: Understanding Teaching Effectiveness for Small Classes
by Angela Paladino
June 2018, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 165-174 India's Search for Prosperity
by Vijay Joshi - 175-190 Why Are Australian Wages Lagging and What Can Be Done About It?
by Joe Isaac - 191-210 The Timing of Income Tax Changes in the Face of Projected Debt Increases
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy & Grant Scobie - 211-231 The Labour Market Effects of ‘Working for Families’ In New Zealand
by John Creedy & Joseph Mercante & Penny Mok - 232-243 The Global Iron and Steel Industry: From a Bilateral Oligopoly to a Thwarted Monopsony
by Sylvain Sourisseau - 244-246 Introduction
by Ross Williams - 247-252 Pump Up the Volume: Making Health and Wellbeing the Centre Stage of Economic Growth
by Anthony Scott - 253-261 Education Policy Reforms to Boost Productivity in Australia
by Gigi Foster - 262-268 Federalism and Tax Reform
by John Freebairn - 269-275 The Not†So†Strange Death of Multifactor Productivity Growth
by John Quiggin - 276-285 The Survey of Income and Housing
by Matthew Taylor - 286-300 A Primer on the ‘Reproducibility Crisis’ and Ways to Fix It
by W. Robert Reed - 301-302 Editors' Report 2017
by Ross Williams & Ian McDonald & Chris Ryan
March 2018, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 5-20 The Australian Economy in 2017–2018: The Importance of Stronger Non†Mining Business Investment Growth
by Tim Robinson & Jiao Wang - 21-40 Income Inequality in New Zealand, 1935–2014
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell & Loc Nguyen - 41-51 Grattan Institute's Case for Sugar Tax Is Not Proven
by Jonathan Pincus - 52-67 Choosing the Social Discount Rate for Australia
by Peter Abelson & Tim Dalton - 68-69 Introduction to the Policy Forum: Macroeconomic Policies after the Global Financial Crisis
by Efrem Castelnuovo - 70-86 Macroeconomic Policies in a Low Interest Rate Environment: Back to Keynes?
by Efrem Castelnuovo & Guay Lim & Giovanni Pellegrino - 87-98 Measuring Uncertainty and Its Impact on a Small Open Economy
by Lucy Greig & Amy Rice & Tugrul Vehbi & Benjamin Wong - 99-131 Towards Understanding Macrofinancial Impacts of Loan†to†Value Ratio Policy in New Zealand: A General Equilibrium Perspective
by Martin Fukac & Lucy Greig & Daniel Snethlage - 132-138 Firm†Level Analysis Using the ABS’ Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE)
by David Hansell & Bilal Rafi - 139-157 Public Sector Discount Rates: A Comparison of Alternative Approaches
by John Creedy & Hemant Passi
December 2017, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 377-397 Are Robots Taking Our Jobs?
by Jeff Borland & Michael Coelli - 398-411 The Impacts of the Presence of Disabled Members on Intra-household Allocation in Older Australian Households
by Xiaodong Gong & Laurie Brown - 412-426 Assessing the Association between Trust and Concentration Area of Migrant Ethnic Minority in Sydney
by Yogi Vidyattama - 427-440 The Rising Systemic Importance of Chinese Banks: Should the World Be Concerned?
by Necmi Kemal Avkiran & Lin Mi - 441-449 Where Is the Chinese Economy Going? A Forum on Contemporary Policy and Performance
by Ross Garnaut & Lauren Johnston & Ligang Song - 450-459 Structural Reform for Economic Growth
by Fang Cai & Xiaojing Zhang - 460-468 China's Macroeconomic Balancing Act: Shifting to New Drivers of Growth and Sustaining Financial Stability
by Yiping Huang & Yan Shen & Qiuzi Fu - 469-477 Technological Progress in Developing Renewable Energies
by Kejun Jiang - 478-483 The DataLab of the Australian Bureau of Statistics
by Talei Parker - 484-497 Alternative Distributions for Inequality Comparisons
by John Creedy
July 2017, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 257-277 Wages, Promises and Effort in an Intercultural Labour Market: Experimental Evidence from Australia
by Tony Beatton & Uwe Dulleck & Jonas Fooken & Markus Schaffner - 278-293 Weighing the Significance of World War I for the Australian Economy
by William Coleman - 294-308 Measuring Economic Change in the Illawarra, New South Wales: An Integrated Framework
by Ashkan Masouman & Charles Harvie - 309-326 Is Informal Employment a Result of Market Segmentation? Evidence from China
by Jiro Nemoto & Hong Zuo - 327-328 Introduction
by Nicolas Salamanca & Anna Zhu - 329-337 Australian Children Growing Up with Opportunity
by Guyonne Kalb - 338-347 Social Disadvantage and Education
by Chris Ryan - 348-355 Welfare and Children's Well-Being
by David C. Ribar - 356-362 The Building a New Life in Australia (BNLA) Dataset: A Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants in Australia
by Pilar Rioseco & John De Maio & Cuc Hoang - 363-372 An Introduction to Data Cleaning Using Internet Search Data
by Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo & Kalvinder Shields
June 2017, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 137-151 ‘We Will End Up Being a Third Rate Economy … A Banana Republic’: How Behavioural Economics Can Improve Macroeconomic Outcomes
by Ian M. McDonald - 152-168 Investor–State Dispute Settlement Systems in Emerging Mega-Integration Blocs
by Miroslav N. Jovanović - 169-180 The Optimal Threshold for GST on Imported Goods
by John Creedy - 181-194 Where Will Your Next Holden Come From? The 2004 EU Enlargement and Trade with Australia
by Richard Pomfret & Patricia Sourdin - 195-196 Introduction to the Policy Forum on Australian Homelessness
by David C. Ribar & Yi-Ping Tseng - 197-204 The Australian Housing System: A Quiet Revolution?
by Gavin A. Wood & Rachel Ong - 205-213 Using Administrative Data for Research on Homelessness: Applying a US Framework to Australia
by Stephen Metraux & Yi-Ping Tseng - 214-219 Early Research Findings from Journeys Home: Longitudinal Study of Factors Affecting Housing Stability
by David C. Ribar - 220-228 Housing First: Lessons from the United States and Challenges for Australia
by Stefan G. Kertesz & Guy Johnson - 229-235 Assessment and Prediction in Homelessness Services and Elsewhere
by Brendan O'Flaherty - 236-250 Empirical Research: Getting Started with Stata
by Daniel Tiong
March 2017, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 5-20 The Australian Economy in 2016–17: Looking Beyond the Apartment Construction Boom
by Tim Robinson & Viet H. Nguyen & Jiao Wang - 21-31 Improved Forecasts of Tax Revenue via the Permanent Income Hypothesis
by Lance A. Fisher & Geoffrey Kingston - 32-51 Inequality and Growth: Reviewing the Economic and Social Impacts
by Tony Ward - 52-65\ An Examination of Broadacre Farm Size and Performance in Western Australia
by Tim Lefroy & James Key & Ross Kingwell - 66-67 Introduction
by Efrem Castelnuovo - 68-78 A Short Review of the Recent Literature on Uncertainty
by Efrem Castelnuovo & Guay Lim & Giovanni Pellegrino - 79-84 Observations on Uncertainty
by Nicholas Bloom - 85-88 Uncertainty and Monetary Policy
by Christopher Kent - 89-102 Accounting for Uncertainty in Public Debt Targets
by Martin Fukač & Robert Kirkby - 103-106 Policy Uncertainty from a Central Bank Perspective
by C. John McDermott - 107-109 Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Policy
by John Swieringa - 110-120 Getting Started with PATSTAT Register
by Gaétan de Rassenfosse & Martin Kracker & Gianluca Tarasconi - 121-129 Measurement of Peer Effects
by Chris Ryan
December 2016, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 389-412 Markets, Monopolies and Moguls: The Relationship between Inequality and Competition
by Andrew Leigh & Adam Triggs - 413-431 Exploring Evergreening: Insights from Two Medicines
by Hazel V. J. Moir - 432-452 Do Pro-Poor Schools Reach Out to the Poor? Location Choice of BRAC and ROSC Schools in Bangladesh
by M. Niaz Asadullah - 453-470 Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Correlation in BMI Categories in Long-Term Relationships
by Heather Brown - 471-473 The Economics of Ageing: Introduction
by Ian M. McDonald - 474-482 Ageing, Death and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey
by Mark Wooden & Ning Li - 483-493 Australian Superannuation: The Current State of Play
by Rafal Chomik & John Piggott - 494-502 Gender Issues in an Ageing Society
by Siobhan Austen - 503-514 Introducing ‘Young Minds Matter’
by Jennifer Hafekost & Sarah Johnson & David Lawrence & Michael Sawyer & John Ainley & Cathrine Mihalopoulos & Stephen R. Zubrick - 515-523 Economics of Incarceration
by Kevin T. Schnepel
September 2016, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 241-250 Ireland—A Remarkable Economic Recovery?
by Frances Ruane - 251-271 Educational Achievement and the Allocation of School Resources
by Deborah A. Cobb-Clark & Nikhil Jha - 272-289 Heterogeneous Treatment Effects? An Examination of Australian Non-Government Primary Schools
by Joan Rodgers & Frank Neri & Ian Moran - 290-303 The Attrition Rate, Lifetime and Hoarding of Australian Decimal Coins
by Eric J. Frazer & John van der Touw - 304-306 Introduction
by Ross Williams - 307-316 Taxation of Housing
by John Freebairn - 317-327 The Inexorable Rise in House Prices in Australia since 1970: Unique or Not?
by Nigel Stapledon - 328-339 Why Does Australia Have an Affordable Housing Problem and What Can Be Done About It?
by Judith Yates - 340-351 Retirees, Creatives and Housing Market Complexity: Challenges for Policy-Makers
by Ashton de Silva & Sarah Sinclair & Sveta Angelopoulos - 352-364 Tax Compliance and Data: What Is Available and What Is Needed
by Benno Torgler - 365-380 Bayesian Vector Autoregressions
by Tomasz Woźniak
February 2016, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 117-135 Minority Religious Groups and Life Satisfaction in India
by Matteo Migheli - 136-145 Can Theory Explain the Evidence on Fertility Decline Reversal?
by Creina Day - 146-168 Australia's National Electricity Market: Optimising Policy to Facilitate Demand-Side Response
by Tim Nelson & Fiona Orton - 169-173 Alexander Sutherland: A Forgotten Pioneer of Health Economics in Australia?
by Philip Clarke & Guido Erreygers - 174-183 Evaluating the Contribution of Higher Education to Australia's Research Performance
by Ross Williams - 184-191 Funding Research in Universities: The Watt Report 2015
by Paul Jensen & Elizabeth Webster - 192-199 Promotion of Innovation and Job Growth in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Australia: Evidence and Policy Issues
by Harry Bloch & Mita Bhattacharya - 200-207 A New Institutional Approach to Innovation Policy
by Sinclair Davidson & Jason Potts - 208-223 The Australian Data-Driven Urban Research Platform: Systems Paper
by Richard O. Sinnott - 224-233 Regression Discontinuity Designs: An Introduction
by Katrien Stevens
March 2016, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 5-19 The Australian Economy in 2015–16: Uncertainties and Challenges
by Tim Robinson & Sarantis Tsiaplias & Viet H. Nguyen - 20-43 Quantifying Australia's ‘Three-Speed’ Boom
by Rod Tyers & Aaron Walker - 44-53 Effect of Higher Capital Requirements on the Funding Costs of Australian Banks
by James R. Cummings & Sue Wright - 54-58 Examining the Unemployment Invariance Hypothesis: The Case of Australia
by Phuong Nguyen Van - 59-76 How Uncertain Are Long-Run Fiscal Projections? Non-Parametric Stochastic Modelling for New Zealand
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy & Grant Scobie - 77-82 Introduction to the Policy Forum: Macroeconomic Consequences of Macroprudential Policies
by Efrem Castelnuovo & Guay Lim & Tim Robinson - 83-85 Macroprudential Policies in Australia: Design and Effects
by Prasanna Gai - 86-88 Macroprudential Policy in an Australian Context
by Warwick J. McKibbin - 89-92 Macroprudential Policy: More Questions than Answers
by Adam Cagliarini - 93-95 Macroprudential Regulation and Banking Regulation
by Kevin Davis - 96-104 Intellectual Property Government Open Data: Australian Business Number Links to All Intellectual Property Data in Australia
by Benjamin Mitra-Kahn & Matthew Johnson & Bradley Man & Luke Meehan - 105-111 Economics of Civil War
by Eik Leong Swee
December 2015, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 333-356 Service Oligopolies and Australia's Economy-Wide Performance
by Rod Tyers - 357-368 Who Pays the Australian Corporate Income Tax?
by John Freebairn - 369-381 Social Cohesion and Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation
by Zahid Pervaiz & Amatul R. Chaudhary - 382-399 Wage Differentials and Employment Choice of Chinese Rural-Migrant and Urban-Resident Workers
by Yuling Cui & Daehoon Nahm & Massimiliano Tani - 400-401 Introduction
by Ross Williams - 402-409 Competition Policy and the Competition Policy Review
by Stephen P. King - 410-416 Current Issues in Competition Policy
by Allan Fels - 417-427 The Harper Review: Qualified Hope for Australian Competition Law
by Caron Beaton-Wells - 428-435 The Harper Review Recommendations on Anticompetitive Agreements: Some Comments
by Arlen Duke & Rhonda L. Smith - 436-441 Centrelink Payments Data
by Lou Will - 442-452 Cost–Benefit Evaluation of Mining Projects
by Peter Abelson
September 2015, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 225-242 The Australian Labour Market: The More Things Change …
by Jeff Borland - 243-257 Does Research and Development Intensity Enhance Industrial Growth Performance during Economic Downturns? Inter-Industry Evidence from Australia
by Sam Hak Kan Tang - 258-272 Middle-Class Welfare and Vertical Redistribution in Australia: A Fiscal Incidence Analysis
by Alan Tapper & Alan Fenna & John Phillimore - 273-287 Measuring Mendicancy: Identifying Capacity for Future Economic Sustainability by Developing a Measure of Government Dependency
by Lisa Denny & Eugene Polkan - 288-289 Introduction
by Anthony Scott - 290-297 Medicare at Middle Age: Adapting a Fundamentally Good System
by Stephen Duckett - 298-304 Strengthening Medicare to Improve Health Outcomes
by Leanne Wells & Josephine Root - 305-313 Towards Value-Based Health Care in Medicare
by Anthony Scott - 314-320 Would You Like to Know What Makes People Happy? An Overview of the Datasets on Subjective Well-Being
by Nattavudh Powdthavee - 321-332 Post-Keynesian Economics: A User's Guide
by Neil Hart & Peter Kriesler
June 2015, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 113-121 Structural Adjustment and Unemployment in Selected Eurozone Countries
by Rosaria Rita Canale & Giorgio Liotti - 122-132 Measuring the Progressivity of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
by Rachel J. Knott & Philip M. Clarke & Emma L. Heeley & John P. Chalmers - 133-149 A State-Space Approach to Australian Gross Domestic Product Measurement
by Daniel M. Rees & David Lancaster & Richard Finlay - 150-162 Refinery Exchange Agreements: Pro-Competitive, Anti-Competitive or Benign?
by Alistair Davey - 163-176 Information Disclosure and Bank Risk-Taking under a Partially Implicit Deposit Insurance System: Evidence from China
by Zongrun Wang & Jiangyan Chen & Yuanyuan Wan & Yanbo Jin & Jared Anthony Mazzanti - 177-179 Introduction to the Forum on the Murray Financial System Inquiry
by Ross Garnaut - 180-185 Competition and Financial Regulation
by Kevin Davis - 186-189 Context and Issues for the Murray Inquiry
by Glenn Stevens - 190-191 Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Policies
by P. D. Jonson - 192-199 ‘Dog Days’ Full Employment without Depreciation: Can It Be Done?
by J. M. Dixon - 200-202 Does Australia Need a New Banking Model?
by Paul Kofman & Carsten Murawski - 203-204 The Role of the Super Funds in Allocating Australia's Capital
by Rodney Maddock