June 2015, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 150-162 Refinery Exchange Agreements: Pro-Competitive, Anti-Competitive or Benign?
by Alistair Davey - 163-176 Information Disclosure and Bank Risk-Taking under a Partially Implicit Deposit Insurance System: Evidence from China
by Zongrun Wang & Jiangyan Chen & Yuanyuan Wan & Yanbo Jin & Jared Anthony Mazzanti - 177-179 Introduction to the Forum on the Murray Financial System Inquiry
by Ross Garnaut - 180-185 Competition and Financial Regulation
by Kevin Davis - 186-189 Context and Issues for the Murray Inquiry
by Glenn Stevens - 190-191 Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Policies
by P. D. Jonson - 192-199 ‘Dog Days’ Full Employment without Depreciation: Can It Be Done?
by J. M. Dixon - 200-202 Does Australia Need a New Banking Model?
by Paul Kofman & Carsten Murawski - 203-204 The Role of the Super Funds in Allocating Australia's Capital
by Rodney Maddock - 205-208 Central Banking for All: A Modest Case for Radical Reform
by Nicholas Gruen - 209-213 The Australian Government's Settlement Database
by David Marshall & Gill McPadden & David Smith - 214-221 Exerting Influence: The Common Agency Model
by Graham Mallard
March 2015, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-14 The Australian Economy in 2014–15: An Economy in Transition
by Tim Robinson & Sarantis Tsiaplias & Viet H. Nguyen - 15-32 Does Income Inequality Make Us Less Happy?
by Jeremy K. Nguyen & Christopher M. Fleming & Jen-Je Su - 33-42 The Australian Multi-Factor Productivity Growth Illusion
by John Foster - 43-64 Household Asset-Holding Diversification in Australia
by Francesco Mariotti & Karen Mumford & Yolanda Pena-Boquete - 65-66 Policy Forum: On the Economics and Politics of Inequality
by Ian M. McDonald - 67-75 Rising Inequality: A Benign Outgrowth of Markets or a Symptom of Cancerous Political Favours?
by Paul Frijters & Gigi Foster - 76-82 The Consequences of Inequality for Public Policy in Australia
by Mark Triffitt - 83-92 Inequality and Its Socioeconomic Impacts
by Peter Whiteford - 93-102 Measuring Income Inequality in Australia
by Roger Wilkins - 103-111 Is Inequality Increasing?
by Richard Pomfret
December 2014, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 417-431 Two Decades of Change: The Australian Labour Market, 1993–2013
by Roger Wilkins & Mark Wooden - 432-454 A Survey of the Privatisation of Government-Owned Enterprises in Australia since the 1980s
by Malcolm Abbott & Bruce Cohen - 455-471 Sacrifice Ratios for Euro Area Countries: New Evidence on the Costs of Price Stability
by Ansgar Belke & Tobias Böing - 472-489 The Decline of the Self-Employment Rate in Australia
by Kadir Atalay & Woo-Yung Kim & Stephen Whelan - 490-491 Editor's Introduction
by Ross Williams - 492-508 Resolving Energy Policy Dilemmas in an Age of Carbon Constraints
by Ross Garnaut - 509-522 Australia's Liquefied Natural Gas Sector: Past Developments, Current Challenges and Ways Forward
by R. Quentin Grafton & N. Ross Lambie - 523-539 Fuelling Australia: Structural Changes and New Policy Challenges in the Petrol Industry
by David P. Byrne - 540-562 From First Place to Last: The National Electricity Market's Policy-Induced ‘Energy Market Death Spiral’
by Paul Simshauser - 563-573 A Guide to Information on Australian Resource Projects
by Kenneth W. Clements & Jiawei Si & Thomas Simpson - 574-579 How to Get into a Top 10 Economics PhD Program from Australia
by Rachael Meager
September 2014, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 279-289 Do the Intellectual Property Rights of Importers Matter for Promoting Australian Exports?
by Ruhul Salim & Nasser Al Mawali & Amirul Islam - 290-303 Agency Theory and Financial Planning Practice
by Geoffrey Kingston & Haijie Weng - 304-323 When Does Electricity Price Cap Regulation Become Distortionary?
by Paul Simshauser - 347-349 Public Policy in the Asian Century: Introduction
by Paul H. Jensen & Helen Sullivan - 350-369 Australia after the Asian Century White Paper
by Nicholas Reece - 370-377 Should We Be Sceptical about Prospects for an ‘Asian Century’?
by Andrew Walter - 378-385 Unprecedented Urbanisation in Asia and Its Impacts on the Environment
by Guanghu Wan & Chen Wang - 386-394 Science, Technology and Innovation Policy and Collaboration in the Asian Century
by Lauren A. Palmer - 395-408 An Introduction to the Patstat Database with Example Queries
by Gaétan de Rassenfosse & Hélène Dernis & Geert Boedt - 409-415 Another Look at the Economics of Minimum Wage Legislation
by Richard V. Burkhauser
June 2014, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 157-172 The Saving Behaviour of Immigrants and Home-Country Characteristics: Evidence from Australia
by Liliya Gatina - 173-188 Labour Market Dynamics in Australia
by Dennis Wesselbaum - 189-198 Cross-Market Linkages: The Case of Commodities, Bonds, Inflation and Industrial Production
by Julien Chevallier & Florian Ielpo - 199-217 Aboriginal Disadvantage in Major Cities of New South Wales: Evidence for Holistic Policy Approaches
by Rebecca Reeve & Wylie Bradford - 218-219 Introduction
by Ross Williams - 220-230 Using Linking to Sharpen Policy-Thinking: Early Findings from the Australian Census and Migrants Integrated Dataset
by David Smith & Therese Smith - 231-239 Immigration in a Population Context
by Glenn Withers - 240-250 Understanding the Impact of Migration on Innovation
by Paul H. Jensen - 251-257 Diasporas
by Pookong Kee - 258-268 Australia's National School Data and the ‘Big Data’ Revolution in Education Economics
by Kevin Pugh & Gigi Foster - 269-276 Search and the Labour Market
by Lawrence Uren
March 2014, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-12 Review of the Australian Economy 2013–14: The Age of Austerity?
by Guay C. Lim & Viet H. Nguyen & Chew Lian Chua - 13-43 The Consequences of Retail Electricity Price Rises: Rethinking Customer Hardship
by Paul Simshauser & Tim Nelson - 44-62 Occupational Differences and the Australian Gender Wage Gap
by Michael B. Coelli - 63-77 Asset Allocation Policy, Returns and Expenses of Superannuation Funds: Recent Evidence Based on Default Options
by Anup Basu & Stephanie Andrews - 78-85 Are We There Yet? Youth Transitions in Australia
by Tom Karmel - 86-99 Can School Characteristics Influence University Entrance Scores?
by Sinan Gemici & Patrick Lim & Tom Karmel - 100-106 The Impact of School Academic Quality on Low Socioeconomic Status Students
by Patrick Lim & Sinan Gemici & Tom Karmel - 107-114 The ‘Gap Year’ in Australia: Incidence, Participant Characteristics and Outcomes
by David D. Curtis - 115-123 Youth Allowance and the Financial Position of Young Australians
by Chris Ryan - 124-136 Young People's Aspirations and Their Occupational Outcomes
by Sinan Gemici & Alice Bednarz & Tom Karmel & Patrick Lim - 137-146 Administrative and Survey Data in Personnel Economics
by Jesper Bagger & Andrew Seltzer - 147-156 Evaluating Infrastructure Projects under Risk and Uncertainty: A Checklist of Issues
by Harry Clarke
December 2013, Volume 46, Issue 4
- / Effect of Inflation Targeting on Inflation Uncertainty: A SWARCH Analysis
by Bedri Kamil Onur Tas & Hasan Murat Ertugrul - / An Investigation of the Feldstein–Horioka Puzzle for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Economies
by Mu-Shun Wang - 395-404 The Wage Premium of Foreign Education: New Evidence from Australia
by Massimiliano Tani & Christopher Heaton & Gavin Chan - 405-423 Formal and Informal Employment in China: Probability of Employment and Determinants of Monthly Wages
by Hong Zuo - 460-461 Introduction
by Ross Williams - 462-472 Australia's Productivity: Past, Present and Future
by Dean Parham - 473-482 Australian Productivity Growth: Trends and Determinants
by Ellis Connolly & Linus Gustafsson - 483-488 Innovation and Productivity
by Russell Thomson & Elizabeth Webster - 489-498 Adding a Top-Up Sample to the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey
by Nicole Watson & Mark Wooden - 499-507 Choosing Your PhD Topic (and Why It Is Important)
by Paul H. Jensen
September 2013, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 259-268 Demystifying the Chinese Economy
by Justin Yifu Lin - 269-285 Modelling House Prices across Sydney
by Peter Abelson & Roselyne Joyeux & Stephane Mahuteau - 286-299 The Costs of Unpaid Higher Education Contribution Scheme Debts of Graduates Working Abroad
by Bruce Chapman & Tim Higgins - 300-311 Local Government Efficiency: Evidence from Western Australia
by James Fogarty & Amin Mugera - 312-324 Who Gains from Foreign Direct Investment-Induced Technology Spillovers? Horizontal and Vertical Linkages
by Akinori Tomohara & Kazuhiko Yokota - 325-326 Introduction
by Ross Williams - 327-337 Development and Principles of the National Disability Insurance Scheme
by John Walsh & Sarah Johnson - 338-344 National Disability Insurance Scheme Funding: The Case for Hypothecation
by Henry Ergas - 345-356 Explaining the Growth in the Number of Recipients of the Disability Support Pension in Australia
by Duncan McVicar & Roger Wilkins - 357-368 Is Australia One Recession Away from a Disability Blowout? Lessons from Other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Countries
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Mary C. Daly & Brian T. Lucking - 369-378 Impacts of Demand-Driven Reforms on Access to Vocational Education and Training for People with Disability
by Cain Polidano - 379-386 PanelWhiz and the Australian Longitudinal Data Infrastructure in Economics
by Markus H. Hahn & John P. Haisken-DeNew - 387-394 A Chinese Perspective on Economic Development: The Views of Justin Yifu Lin
by Ross Garnaut
June 2013, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 121-139 The Resources Boom and Economic Policy in the Long Run
by Peter Sheehan & Robert G. Gregory - 140-159 An Assessment Methodology for Domestic Systemically Important Banks in Australia
by Patrick Brämer & Horst Gischer - 160-175 Household Preference and Financial Commitment to Flood Insurance in South-East Queensland
by Alex Y. Lo - 176-188 Profitability of Interest-Free versus Interest-Based Banks in Turkey
by Ali Soylu & Nazif Durmaz - 189-190 Introduction
by Ross Williams - 191-195 A Healthy Beginning: The Origins of Medicare
by John Deeble - 196-201 The Development of Health Economics in Australia and Its Contribution to Policy
by Jane Hall - 202-215 The Henderson Question? The Melbourne Institute and 50 Years of Welfare Policy
by Robert G. Gregory - 216-222 A Reflection on the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey
by Sue Richardson - 223-226 Macroeconomics at the Melbourne Institute
by Guy Debelle - 227-233 Revenge of the Nerds: The Economics of Education Reform
by Andrew Leigh - 234-246 Modelling the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System's Energy Consumption Under-Coverage
by Kay Cao & Jason Wong & Anil Kumar - 247-258 Two-Sided Markets
by Stephen P. King
December 2012, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 395-409 Policy Uncertainty about Australia's Carbon Price: Expert Survey Results and Implications for Investment
by Frank Jotzo & Tim Jordan & Nathan Fabian - 410-421 Foreign Direct Investment in Australia Following the Australia–US Free Trade Agreement
by Stephen Kirchner - 422-440 Managed Futures for Long-Term Investors: A DEA Ranking Analysis
by Damir Tokic - 441-454 What Is the Recent Evidence on an Excess Supply of Legal Qualifications in Australia?
by Anne Daly - 455-456 Innovative China: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
by Paul H. Jensen - 457-462 Through the Looking Glass: Innovation in China in 20 Years’ Time
by Ross Garnaut - 463-466 The Evolution of Innovation Policy in China: A Brief Introduction
by Xiaobo Wu - 467-474 Trends and Prospects in China's Research and Development Sector
by Yanrui Wu - 475-477 Embracing the China of Tomorrow
by John Brumby - 478-483 The Quantity and Quality of Intellectual Property Rights in China
by Philip Noonan - 484-487 The Re-emergence of China: Economic and Strategic Implications for Australia
by John Lee - 488-496 Chasing Data: Sources of Data for the Study of Gambling Economics
by Lisa Farrell - 497-506 Petrol Price Cycles
by David P. Byrne
September 2012, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 255-268 The Governance of a Fragile Eurozone
by Paul De Grauwe - 269-289 Industrial Relations Reform: Chasing a Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow?
by Jeff Borland - 290-304 Dutch Disease in Australia: Policy Options for a Three-Speed Economy
by W. Max Corden - 305-324 Dynamic Pricing and the Peak Electricity Load Problem
by Paul Simshauser & David Downer - 325-326 Intergen+10: Clarifying the Crystal Ball
by Anthony Scott & Deborah Cobb-Clark & Philip Clarke - 327-334 A Decade of Intergenerational Reports: Contributing to Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability
by David Gruen & Duncan Spender - 335-343 The Population Dimension in the Intergenerational Reports
by Peter McDonald - 344-349 More than Additions to Population: The Economic and Fiscal Impact of Immigration
by Mark Cully - 350-361 Pensions, Ageing and Retirement in Australia: Long-Term Projections and Policies
by Rafal Chomik & John Piggott - 362-367 Funding and Providing Aged Care: Lessons from the Last Decade
by Henry Ergas - 368-378 Introducing ‘Journeys Home’
by Mark Wooden & Andrew Bevitt & Abraham Chigavazira & Nancy Greer & Guy Johnson & Eoin Killackey & Julie Moschion & Rosanna Scutella & Yi-Ping Tseng & Nicole Watson - 379-385 Using Psychology to Improve Economic Policy
by Ross Gittins - 386-394 I Want to Be an Economist: A Rejoinder to Ross Gittins
by Jeff Borland
June 2012, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 145-157 History of Federal–State Fiscal Relations in Australia: A Review of the Methodologies Used
by Ross Williams - 158-175 Unobserved Heterogeneity, Job Training and the Employer Size–Wage Effect in Australia
by Lixin Cai & C. Jeffrey Waddoups - 176-190 Supply Elasticity Estimates for the Sydney Housing Market
by Emily Gitelman & Glenn Otto - 191-201 Forecasting Housing Approvals in Australia: Do Forecasters Herd?
by Christian Pierdzioch & Jan-Christoph Rülke & Georg Stadtmann - 202-203 How Women Are Faring in the Australian Labour Market
by Judith Sloan - 204-210 Women in the Workforce
by Elizabeth Broderick - 211-215 That Pesky Problem of Persistent Gender Bias
by Deborah A. Cobb-Clark - 216-231 Wages in Managed Markets: An Explanation of the Gender Wage Gap?
by Jenny Gordon - 232-245 A Socio-Economic Profile of Families in the First Wave of the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children
by Killian Mullan & Gerry Redmond - 246-254 Renewable Resource Economics
by Stephanie McWhinnie
February 2012, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-13 Review of the Australian Economy 2011–12: A Case of Déjà Vu
by Guay C. Lim & Chew Lian Chua & Edda Claus & Viet H. Nguyen - 14-28 Regulating Synthetic Securitisation Following the Global Financial Crisis
by Edward J. Podolski - 29-49 Immigration and School Choice in Australia
by Astghik Mavisakalyan - 50-76 Trade Marks and Performance in Services and Manufacturing Firms: Evidence of Schumpeterian Competition through Innovation
by Christine Greenhalgh & Mark Rogers - 77-85 Designing a Carbon Price Policy: Introduction
by Peter Lloyd - 86-95 Policy Forum: Designing a Carbon Price Policy: Using Market‐Based Mechanisms for Emission Abatement: Are the Assumptions Plausible?
by Henry Ergas - 96-104 Policy Forum: Designing a Carbon Price Policy: Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions at the Lowest Cost
by John Freebairn - 105-113 Policy Forum: Designing a Carbon Price Policy: Is the Australian Climate Plan Fair to Australia's Energy‐Intensive, Trade‐Exposed Industries?
by Harry Clarke & Robert Waschik - 114-124 Policy Forum: Designing a Carbon Price Policy: Empirical Uncertainties in Climate Policy Implementation
by David Pearce - 125-133 Data Survey: eveloping the Statistical Longitudinal Census Dataset and Identifying Its Potential Uses
by Guangyu Zhang & Paul Campbell - 134-141 For the Student: Matching and Economic Design
by Georgy Artemov & Sven Feldmann & Simon Loertscher
December 2011, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 355-365 What Have We Learned from the Global Financial Crisis?
by John Quiggin - 366-386 Lessons from My School
by Paul W. Miller & Derby Voon - 387-403 Wine Tax Reform: The Impact of Introducing a Volumetric Excise Tax for Wine
by James J. Fogarty & Guy Jakeman - 404-417 Inflation Volatility and Forecast Accuracy
by Jamie Hall & Jarkko P. Jääskelä - 418-426 Australia's Engagement with Asia, 1990–2010
by Anne Leahy & Paul H. Jensen - 427-436 Business Cycle Co‐movement between Australia and East Asia
by Lei Lei Song & Sui‐Lay Tan - 437-445 Australian Opportunities through the Chinese Structural Transformation
by Ross Garnaut - 446-456 Will India Be the Next China? Challenges, Prospects and Implications for Australia
by Sisira Jayasuriya & Laura Panza - 457-467 Australian–Thai Trade: Has the Free Trade Agreement Made a Difference?
by Prema‐chandra Athukorala & Archanun Kohpaiboon - 468-479 First Home Buyers’ Support Schemes in Australia
by Mardi Dungey & Graeme Wells & Sam Thompson - 480-489 Economic Perspectives on Innovation
by Russell Thomson
September 2011, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 233-238 Neutrality of the Resource Super Profits Tax
by Diderik Lund - 239-244 Non‐Neutrality of the Proposed Resource Super Profits Tax
by Jerry Hausman - 245-257 Real Gross Domestic Product and the Terms of Trade
by Alan Hall - 258-268 Sterilised Interventions within a Heterogeneous Expectation Exchange Rate Model: Evidence from the Reserve Bank of Australia
by Abderazak Ben Maatoug & Ibrahim Fatnassi & Abdelwahed Omri - 269-292 The Hidden Costs of Wind Generation in a Thermal Power System: What Cost?
by Paul Simshauser - 293-294 The Balancing Act: Issues in the Funding of Public and Private Schools in Australia
by Deborah Cobb‐Clark - 295-307 A Comparison of Private Schooling in the United Kingdom and Australia
by Chris Ryan & Luke Sibieta - 308-320 What Determines Private School Choice? A Comparison between the United Kingdom and Australia
by Lorraine Dearden & Chris Ryan & Luke Sibieta - 321-329 The Real Issue in School Funding: An Analysis of Increasing Government School Expenditure and Declining Performance
by Ben Jensen & Julian Reichl & Andrew Kemp - 330-337 Independent Schools and Equity: Challenging Conventional Wisdom
by Bill Daniels - 338-346 Company Births, Deaths and Marriages: Flaws in Age Fields in Business Microdata
by Olav Muurlink & Adrian Wilkinson & David Peetz & Keith Townsend - 347-354 Auctions and Economic Design
by Simon Loertscher & Tom Wilkening
June 2011, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 123-136 Some Basic Economics of Carbon Taxes
by Harry Clarke - 137-152 Participation in and Completion of Vocational Education and Training for People with a Disability
by Cain Polidano & Kostas Mavromaras - 153-166 Changes in Inequalities of Access to Dental Care in Australia 1977–2005
by Edmund Maurice FitzGerald & Michelle Cunich & Philip Miles Clarke - 167-181 Effects of Tightening Smoking Regulations on Take‐up and Cessation of Smoking
by Hielke Buddelmeyer & Roger Wilkins - 182-188 State and Regional Disparities Before and After Transfers
by Ross Williams - 189-195 Structural Changes in Regional Economies
by John Freebairn - 196-206 State and Territory Employment and Unemployment Patterns in Australia
by Robert Dixon & David Shepherd - 207-214 Fiscal Capacity Equalisation of the Australian States
by Jeffrey D. Petchey - 215-224 Neuroeconomics: Investigating the Neurobiology of Choice
by Carsten Murawski - 225-232 Allocating Limited Water
by John Freebairn
March 2011, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-12 Review of the Australian Economy 2010–11: Growth, Jobs and Debt
by Guay C. Lim & Chew Lian Chua & Edda Claus & Jounghyeon Kim - 13-35 Safe Harbours in Merger Guidelines: What Should They Be?
by Qing Gong Yang & Michael Pickford - 36-50 The Role of Foreign Bond Issuance: The Case of Australia
by Jonathan A. Batten & Warren P. Hogan & Peter G. Szilagyi - 51-63 Will Self‐Managed Superannuation Fund Investors Survive?
by Peter J. Phillips - 64-65 Privatising Science: Introduction
by Paul H. Jensen - 66-72 Evaluating the Public Impact of Open Innovation
by Rochelle C. Dreyfuss - 73-78 The TRIPS Agreement and an Experimental Use Exception for ‘Research Tools’
by Chris Dent - 79-87 Do Patents and Intellectual Property Protection Hinder Biomedical Research? A Practical Perspective
by Julian Clark - 88-94 The Effects of Patents on Scientific Inquiry
by Paul H. Jensen & Elizabeth Webster - 95-101 Academic Patenting and the Consequences for Scientific Research
by Chiara Franzoni & Giuseppe Scellato - 102-112 Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL)
by Wenda Yan & Terence Chai Cheng & Anthony Scott & Catherine M. Joyce & John Humphreys & Guyonne Kalb & Anne Leahy - 113-120 The Global Financial Crisis and Undergraduate Macroeconomics
by Ross Guest - 121-122 Editors’ Report 2010
by Ross Williams & Ian McDonald & Mark Wooden
December 2010, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 347-356 Principles and Practice of Resource Rent Taxation
by Ross Garnaut - 357-375 Retirement in Australia: A Closer Look at the Financial Incentives
by Diana Warren & Umut Oguzoglu - 376-388 Estimating the Value of Undergrounding Electricity and Telecommunications Networks
by Ben McNair & Peter Abelson