November 2010, Volume 69, Issue 5
- 1614-1635 Heterodox Economics and the Scientist's Role in Society
by Marco Novarese & Andrea Pozzali
October 2010, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 1127-1154 Sociology, Economics, and Gender
by Julie A. Nelson - 1155-1177 Evolutionary Alternatives to Equilibrium Economics
by Joseph E. Pluta - 1178-1205 The Law of Population and the Austrian School
by Stephen P. Barrows - 1206-1229 Robbins and Malthus on Scarcity, Abundance, and Sufficiency
by Adel Daoud - 1230-1250 The CAPITAL in Social Capital: An Austrian Perspective
by Pavel Chalupnicek - 1251-1278 Comparing Forms of Common Property Resource and Collective Goods Organizations Operating Water Markets in the Colorado Lower Arkansas River Basin
by Troy Lepper & David Freeman - 1279-1293 Ricardo, Gold, and Rails: Discovering the Origins of Progress and Poverty
by Richard W. England - 1294-1320 The Economics and Ethics of Hurricane Katrina
by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. & Walter E. Block - 1321-1327 The Ethics of Countering the Private Counterfeiter: Rejoinder to Block
by Laura Davidson - 1328-1331 Rejoinder to Davidson on Counterfeiting
by Walter Block
July 2010, Volume 69, Issue 3
- 895-902 In Memory of the Father: Laurence S. Moss
by Joshua Louis Moss - 903-906 Pick a Card . . . Any Card
by Vicki L. Moss - 907-935 Franz Oppenheimer's (1864–1943) Social Economic Approach to Health
by Ursula Backhaus - 936-982 Creative Destruction, Economic Insecurity, Stress, and Epidemic Obesity
by Jon D. Wisman & Kevin W. Capehart - 983-1010 The Effects of Household Income Volatility on Divorce
by John M. Nunley & Alan Seals - 1011-1033 Propertyless in Peru, Even with a Government Land Title
by Carrie B. Kerekes & Claudia R. Williamson - 1034-1053 The Effect of Income Distribution on the Ability of Growth to Reduce Poverty: Evidence from Rural and Urban African Economies
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 1054-1078 Charitable Donations and the Estate Tax: A Tale of Two Hypotheses
by William Beranek & David R. Kamerschen & Richard H. Timberlake - 1079-1106 Guanxi Management in Lean Production System—An Empirical Study of Taiwan‐Japanese Firms
by Meiling Wong - 1107-1124 Arthur Farquhar on Economic Delusions: An Examination of the Case for Protection
by Thomas L. Martin
April 2010, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 668-692 The New Economic Sociology of Prices: An Analysis Inspired by the Austrian School of Economics
by Renaud Fillieule - 693-716 Language Nuances and Socioeconomic Outcomes
by Alberto Chong & Jorge Guillen & Vanessa Rios - 717-735 School Kids and Oil Rigs: Two More Pieces of the Post‐Katrina Puzzle in New Orleans
by Kelly Frailing & Dee Wood Harper, Jr. - 736-758 Racial Fractionalization and School Performance
by Joshua C. Hall & Peter T. Leeson - 759-782 Is There a Natural Rate of Crime?
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Ingrid Nielsen & Russell Smyth - 783-801 Health Perception and Health Care Access: Sex Differences in Behaviors and Attitudes
by Marta Gil‐Lacruz & Ana I. Gil‐Lacruz - 802-822 Motives for Intergenerational Transfers: New Test for Exchange
by Jingshu Wang - 823-839 Intrinsic Motivation and the Logic of Collective Action: The Impact of Selective Incentives
by Andreas P. Kyriacou - 840-866 From W. N. Hohfeld to J. R. Commons, and Beyond? A “Law and Economics” Enquiry on Jural Relations
by Massimiliano Vatiero - 867-880 In Defense of Counterfeiting Illegitimate Money
by Walter E. Block - 881-891 The Predatory State by James Kenneth Galbraith
by D. W. MacKenzie
January 2010, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 1-4 Acknowledgments
by Widdy S. Ho - 5-13 Introduction
by Widdy S. Ho - 14-34 Laurence Steven Moss, 1944–2009
by James C. W. Ahiakpor - 35-39 Remembering Larry Moss
by Bradley W. Bateman - 40-44 Cultivating Catallactics: Laurence Moss as Scholar and Mentor
by Peter J. Boettke - 45-48 Larry Moss: One of the Good Guys in Economics
by David Colander - 49-50 Larry Moss: An Editorial Appreciation
by Craufurd Goodwin - 51-57 Continuing a Conversation with Larry Moss
by Samuel Hollander - 58-63 The Preaching Must Never Stop: Remembering Larry Moss
by Roger Koppl - 64-66 Laurence Moss: A Remembrance
by C. R. McCann, Jr. - 67-77 Larry Moss and the Struggle Against Racism by the Whately Professors of Political Economy
by Sandra J. Peart & David M. Levy - 78-84 The Case for Economic Reasoning in MBA Education Revisited
by Lidija Polutnik - 85-89 Working with Larry Moss and Marjorie Grice‐Hutchinson
by Christopher K. Ryan - 90-134 Laurence S. Moss, 1944–2009
by Warren J. Samuels - 135-138 On Laurence Moss: Unafraid to Say the Emperor Has No Clothes
by Mark Tomass - 139-150 Laurence S. Moss as a Young Scholar
by Karen I. Vaughn - 151-165 Alfred Marshall and the Concept of Class
by Patrik Aspers - 166-187 Richard Whately and the Gospel of Transparency
by David Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 188-202 Hermeneutics and the Heidegger = Schumpeter Theses
by Yuichi Shionoya - 203-205 Larry and the Feds
by David Allen - 206-207 Equal Access to Justice for All
by Richard McMahon - 208-209 Laurence Moss as Exceptional Professor
by Barbara Wong - 210-231 Isaac Butt and the Early Development of the Marginal Utility Theory of Imputation
by Laurence S. Moss - 232-265 Mountifort Longfield's Supply‐and‐Demand Theory of Price and Its Place in the Development of British Economic Theory
by Laurence S. Moss - 266-289 Carl Menger's Theory of Exchange
by Laurence S. Moss - 290-320 Film and the Transmission of Economic Knowledge: A Report
by Laurence S. Moss - 321-332 Optimal Jurisdictions and the Economic Theory of the State: Or, Anarchy and One‐World Government Are Only Corner Solutions
by Laurence S. Moss - 333-358 Hayek's Ricardo Effect: A Second Look
by Laurence S. Moss & Karen I. Vaughn - 359-374 Evolutionary Change and Marshall's Abandoned Second Volume
by L. S. Moss - 375-397 The Chicago Intellectual Property Rights Tradition and the Reconciliation of Coase and Hayek
by Laurence Moss - 398-430 Thomas Hobbes's Influence on David Hume: The Emergence of a Public Choice Tradition
by Laurence S. Moss - 431-460 Finding New Wine in Old Bottles: What Historians Must Do When Leontief Coefficients Are No Longer the Designated Drivers of Economics
by Laurence S. Moss - 461-498 Ricardian Economics: Reasoning About Counterintuitive Tendencies When System Constraints Are Present
by Laurence S. Moss - 499-523 Hobbes and the Early Uses of Economic Method
by Laurence S. Moss - 524-562 The Seligman‐Edgeworth Debate About the Analysis of Tax Incidence: The Advent of Mathematical Economics, 1892–1910
by Laurence S. Moss - 563-585 The Henry George Theorem and the Entrepreneurial Process: Turning Henry George on his Head
by Laurence S. Moss - 586-594 Playing Fast and Loose with the Facts About the Writings of Malthus and the Classical School
by Laurence S. Moss - 595-628 Price Theory and the Study of Deception in the Exchange Process
by Laurence S. Moss
November 2009, Volume 68, Issue 5
- 1041-1061 The Market, the Firm, and the Economics Profession
by Daniel Sutter - 1063-1084 Smith and Living Wages: Arguments in Support of a Mandated Living Wage
by Betsy Jane Clary - 1085-1106 Paradigms and Novelty in Economics: The History of Economic Thought as a Source of Enlightenment
by Wilfred Dolfsma & Patrick J. Welch - 1107-1133 Too Much Competition in Higher Education? Some Conceptual Remarks on the Excessive‐Signaling Hypothesis
by Karsten Mause - 1135-1152 Corruption's Effect on Business Venturing Within the United States
by David T. Mitchell & Noel D. Campbell - 1153-1167 Henry George Under the Microscope: Comments on “Henry George's Political Critics”
by Richard Giles
October 2009, Volume 68, Issue 4
- 829-854 Editor's Introduction
by Clifford W. Cobb - 855-888 1. The Role of Land Markets in Economic Crises
by Mason Gaffney - 889-982 2. A New Framework for Macroeconomics
by Mason Gaffney - 983-1038 3. Money, Credit, and Crisis
by Mason Gaffney
July 2009, Volume 68, Issue 3
- 639-663 Private Property and the Law of Nature in Locke's Two Treatises: The Best Advantage of Life and Convenience
by B. Jeffrey Reno - 665-677 Business Success Through Social Networks? A Comment on Social Networks and Business Success
by Henrik Egbert - 679-701 Market Uncertainty and Socially Embedded Reputation
by Harris H. Kim - 703-746 With Friends Like These: Endogenous Labor Market Segregation with Homogeneous, Nonprejudiced Agents
by Tavis Barr - 747-773 Economic Crime as Hiding Behavior
by Oskar Engdahl - 775-789 The Western Expansion as a Common Pool Problem: The Contrasting Histories of the Brazilian and North American Pioneers
by Fernando Zanella & Christopher Westley - 791-828 Reconsideration of Economic Views of a Classical Empire and a Nation‐State During the Mercantilist Ages
by Mehmet Bulut
April 2009, Volume 68, Issue 2
- 353-386 An Introduction to Destructive Coordination
by Mehrdad Vahabi - 387-411 The Career Consequences of a Mistaken Research Project: The Case of Polywater
by Arthur M. Diamond, Jr. - 413-426 Determinants of Intercountry Internet Diffusion Rates
by Phanindra V. Wunnava & Daniel B. Leiter - 427-443 Stereotypes, Asian Americans, and Wages: An Empirical Strategy Applied to Computer Use at Work
by Sanae Tashiro & Cecilia A. Conrad - 445-464 Do Higher Real Minimum Wages Lead to More High School Dropouts? Evidence from Maryland Across Races, 1993–2004
by Stephanie O. Crofton & William L. Anderson & Emily C. Rawe - 465-489 Home Ownership and School Outcomes of Children: Evidence from the PSID Child Development Supplement
by Lisa L. Mohanty & Lakshmi K. Raut - 491-516 Art Museum Attendance, Public Funding, and the Business Cycle
by Sarah J. Skinner & Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. & John D. Jackson - 517-539 The Impact of American Politics on Perceptions of Women's Golfing Abilities
by Michelle M. Arthur & Harry J. Van Buren III & Robert G. Del Campo - 541-551 Migration and the Tiebout‐Tullock Hypothesis Revisited
by Richard J. Cebula - 553-579 College Football and Student Quality: An Advertising Effect or Culture and Tradition?
by D. Randall Smith - 581-602 Seasonal Homes and the Local Property Tax: Evidence from New York State
by Lester Hadsell & Chad Colarusso - 603-638 Investigating Smoker's Profile: The Role of Psychosocial Characteristics and the Effectiveness of Tobacco Policy Tools
by Elena Raptou & Konstadinos Mattas & Constantinos Katrakilidis
January 2009, Volume 68, Issue 1
- 1-7 Preface and Acknowledgments
by Edward Demenchonok - 9-49 Philosophy After Hiroshima: From Power Politics to the Ethics of Nonviolence and Co‐Responsibility
by Edward Demenchonok - 51-76 1. Globalization and Violence: The Challenge to Ethics
by Edward Demenchonok & Richard Peterson - 77-99 2. The Democratic Peace Myth: From Hiroshima to Baghdad
by Andrew Fiala - 101-126 3. The Holocaust Sublime: Singularity, Representation, and the Violence of Everyday Life
by John Sanbonmatsu - 127-151 4. Can Historical Responsibility Strengthen Contemporary Political Culture?
by Jenny Tillmanns - 153-180 5. The Project of Reconciliation and the Road to Redemption: Hegel's Social Philosophy and Nietzsche's Critique
by Steven V. Hicks - 181-203 6. No More Hiroshimas and Sharp Weapons
by Keping Wang - 205-229 7. Relevant Hellenic Factors Favoring Effective Dialogue and Peaceful Coexistence
by Leonidas Bargeliotes - 231-252 8. The Grounding of Forgiveness: Martha Nussbaum on Compassion and Mercy
by Paul Gallagher - 253-272 9. Human Rights: Historical Learning in the Shadow of Violence
by Richard T. Peterson - 273-301 10. The Universal Concept of Human Rights as a Regulative Principle: Freedom Versus Paternalism
by Edward Demenchonok - 303-326 11. Toward Lasting Peace: Kant on Law, Public Reason, and Culture
by Marc Lucht - 327-351 12. Transculture: A Broad Way Between Globalism and Multiculturalism
by Mikhail Epstein
November 2008, Volume 67, Issue 5
- 743-775 Do Off‐Label Drug Practices Argue Against FDA Efficacy Requirements? A Critical Analysis of Physicians' Argumentation for Initial Efficacy Requirements
by Daniel B. Klein & Alexander Tabarrok - 777-826 Intergenerational Earnings Mobility Among Daughters and Sons: Evidence from Sweden and a Comparison with the United States
by Lalaina H. Hirvonen - 827-857 Solving the “Lachmann Problem”: Orientation, Individualism, and the Causal Explanation of Socioeconomic Order
by Paul Lewis - 859-888 Globalization and Economic Development: Impact of Social Capital and Institutional Building
by Ming Yu Cheng & Ron Mittelhammer - 889-913 Business Groups in 20th‐Century Swedish Political Economy: A Sociological Perspective
by Mattias Smångs - 915-939 Entrepreneurial Culture and Economic Growth: Revisiting McClelland's Thesis
by Sjoerd Beugelsdijk & Roger Smeets - 941-968 Measuring the Returns to Networking and the Accumulation of Social Capital: Any Evidence of Bonding, Bridging, or Linking?
by Peter Urwin & Giorgio Di Pietro & Patrick Sturgis & Gregor Jack - 969-971 History and Significance of the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA‐II): A Symposium
by Wilfred Dolfsma - 973-983 History of the Meetings of the Allied Social Science Associations Since World War II
by John J. Siegfried - 985-1005 The Evolution of the Allied Social Science Associations
by Betsy Jane Clary - 1007-1023 A Brief History of the American Economic Association
by Michael A. Bernstein - 1025-1030 The Legalization of Drugs – By Douglas Husak and Peter de Marneffe
by John Levendis - 1030-1038 Understanding Capitalism: Critical Analysis from Karl Marx to Amartya Sen – Edited by Douglas Dowd
by Adli Abouzeedan
October 2008, Volume 67, Issue 4
- 535-545 My Family Memories of Marjorie Grice‐Hutchinson in Malaga, Southern Spain
by Leonardo Cervera Navas - 547-565 The Complex Course of Ideological Change
by Robert Higgs - 567-603 Early Liberal Socialism in Latin America: Juan B. Justo and the Argentine Socialist Party
by Carlos Rodríguez Braun - 605-628 On the Economics of Moral Preferences
by Viktor J. Vanberg - 629-644 Does Direct Democracy Increase Voter Turnout? Evidence from the 2004 General Election
by Richard J. Cebula - 645-660 Can Good Apples Be Mixed with Bad Economics? A Mengerian Critique of the Alchian and Allen Theorem
by William L. Anderson & Scott Kjar - 661-681 Labor Market Policies as Instruments of Industry Policy: What Can Europe Learn from Southeast Asia?
by Anis Chowdhury - 683-717 Labor Market Duality and Leisure Industries in Spain: Quality of Life Versus Standard of Living
by Juan L. Paramio & José L. Zofío - 719-737 Brain Drain: A Management or a Property Problem?
by Bogdan Glăvan
July 2008, Volume 67, Issue 3
- 401-413 Observations on The “Vanity of the Philosopher”
by Charles R. McCann, Jr. - 415-428 The “Vanity of the Philosopher”: Analytical Egalitarianism, Associationist Psychology, and Eugenic Remaking?
by Andrew Farrant - 429-443 In the Shadows of Vanity: Religion and the Debate Over Hierarchy
by J. Daniel Hammond - 445-453 The Vanity of the Economist: A Comment on Peart and Levy's The “Vanity of the Philosopher”
by Kevin D. Hoover - 455-471 Classical Equality: On the Content of Analytical Egalitarianism
by Joseph Persky - 473-479 Thinking About Analytical Egalitarianism
by David M. Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 481-527 Social Anthropology in Economic Literature at the End of the 19th Century: Eugenic and Racial Explanations of Inequality
by Terenzio Maccabelli
April 2008, Volume 67, Issue 2
- 149-175 Are Reports of Discrimination Valid? Considering the Moral Hazard Effect
by Major G. Coleman & William A. Darity Jr. & Rhonda V. Sharpe - 177-206 Evidence That the Presence of a Half‐Sibling Negatively Impacts a Child's Personal Development
by Claudia Wood Strow & Brian Kent Strow - 207-239 Financial Transfers from Living Parents to Adult Children: Who Is Helped and Why?
by Brent Berry - 241-263 Homo Economicus Meets G. H. Mead: A Contribution to the Critique of Economic Theory
by David Wilson & William Dixon - 265-286 Learning to be Sociable: The Evolution of Homo Economicus
by Irene C. L. Ng & Lu‐Ming Tseng - 287-313 From Self‐Interest Motives to Justice Motives: The Challenges of Some Experimental Results
by Helena Lopes - 315-329 An Evaluation of Keynes's Projected Possibilities
by C.‐Y. Cynthia Lin - 331-358 Institutional Stickiness and the New Development Economics
by Peter J. Boettke & Christopher J. Coyne & Peter T. Leeson - 359-379 Evaluating the Penetration of Capitalism in Postsocialist Moscow
by Colin C. Williams & John Round - 381-389 Supercapitalism – By Robert Reich
by D.W. MacKenzie - 389-393 Making Chicago Price Theory: Friedman–Stigler Correspondence 1945–1957 – J. Daniel Hammond, and Claire H. Hammond
by Béatrice Cherrier
January 2008, Volume 67, Issue 1
- 1-45 Henry George's Political Critics
by Michael Hudson - 47-60 Henry George, Emile de Laveleye, and the Issue of Peasant Proprietorship
by Jerome F. Heavey - 61-66 Frank H. Knight's Criticism of Henry George
by Ross B. Emmett - 67-88 Apprehending the Social Philosophy of Henry George
by Charles R. McCann - 89-117 The Marginalists Who Confronted Land
by Fred E. Foldvary - 119-141 Keeping Land in Capital Theory: Ricardo, Faustmann, Wicksell, and George
by Mason Gaffney - 143-147 Comment
by Mark Perlman
November 2007, Volume 66, Issue 5
- 857-861 Candace Eleanor Genovese: Memoriam, In Exaltation, and Dolor
by Frank C. Genovese - 863-887 What If the Leader of the Central Bank Told Hilarious Jokes and Did Card Tricks? A Panel of Experts
by Perry Mehrling & Laurence S. Moss & Jocelyn Pixley & George S. Tavlas - 889-899 Reconciling Weber and Mises on Understanding Human Action
by Gene Callahan - 901-924 Changes in the Effectiveness of State Medicaid Drug Program Cost‐Containment Policies Following OBRA 1990
by William J. Moore & Etienne E. Pracht - 925-936 The Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Per‐Student Public Education Expenditures at the State Level: 1987–2000
by Mark P. Gius - 937-957 A Scheme to Determine Tax Rates Fairly and Quantitatively
by Qihou Zhou - 959-975 The Dangers of Automobile Travel: A Reconsideration
by Roger Roots - 977-984 Against Both Private and Public Counterfeiting
by Mateusz Machaj - 985-1004 The Welfare Effects of the National Cooperative Research Act (NCRA) of 1984 and the National Cooperative Production Amendments (NCPA) of 1993
by Yi Liu & Margaret O’Reilly‐Allen & Zaher Zantout - 1005-1027 Hostile Territory: High‐Tension Religion and the Jewish Peddler
by Colleen E. H. Berndt - 1029-1032 Deception in Markets: An Economic Analysis – Caroline Gerschlager
by Sheryl Tuttle Ross - 1033-1052 Constructing a World Fit for Marxism: Utopia and Utopistics of Professor Wallerstein
by Andrew Savchenko
October 2007, Volume 66, Issue 4
- 647-660 My Life, My Times, and My Research: An Autobiographical Sketch
by Roman A. Ohrenstein - 661-680 The Talmudic Doctrine of “The Benefit of a Pleasure”: Psychological Well‐Being in Talmudic Literature
by Roman A. Ohrenstein - 681-696 The Pelagian Controversy: An Economic Analysis
by John H. Beck - 697-726 The “Sect Effect” in Charitable Giving: Distinctive Realities of Exclusively Religious Charitable Givers
by Russell N. James & Deanna L. Sharpe - 727-746 The Agency Relationship in Churches: An Empirical Analysis
by Charles Zech - 747-763 Religious Market Competition and Clergy Salary: Evidence from SBC Congregations in the South
by Michelle W. Trawick & Stephen E. Lile - 765-794 Religion and International Trade: Does the Sharing of a Religious Culture Facilitate the Formation of Trade Networks?
by Joshua J. Lewer & Hendrik Van den Berg - 795-816 Protestantism, Labor Force Participation, and Employment Across Countries
by Horst Feldmann - 817-855 Culture and Economic Systems
by Frederic L. Pryor
July 2007, Volume 66, Issue 3
- 465-491 What Do Bettors Want? Determinants of Pari‐Mutuel Betting Preference
by Marshall Gramm & C. Nicholas McKinney & Douglas H. Owens & Matt E. Ryan - 493-532 The Double‐Auction Gambling Market: An Experimental Examination
by Kyle W. Hampton - 533-544 State Lotteries and Agency Costs: Hidden Costs to Nonparticipants
by Richard B. Whitaker - 545-570 Hitting the Jackpot or Hitting the Skids: Entertainment, Poverty, and the Demand for State Lotteries
by Garrick Blalock & David R. Just & Daniel H. Simon - 571-591 Voting with a Hand on the Bible and Not on the Wallet: The 1996 Video Poker Referendum in Louisiana
by John L. Scott & Paul S. Nelson - 593-607 Do Casinos Cause Economic Growth?
by Douglas M. Walker & John D. Jackson - 609-645 Problems in Quantifying the Social Costs and Benefits of Gambling
by Douglas M. Walker
April 2007, Volume 66, Issue 2
- 261-266 Editor's Introduction
by L. S. Moss - 267-288 Economists' Opinions of Economists' Work
by William L. Davis - 289-308 The Input Relationship Between Co‐Authors in Economics: A Production Function Approach
by Marshall H. Medoff - 309-334 Is There a Free‐Market Economist in the House? The Policy Views of American Economic Association Members
by Daniel B. Klein & Charlotta Stern - 335-378 What Do Economists Talk About? A Linguistic Analysis of Published Writing in Economic Journals
by Nils Goldschmidt & Benedikt Szmrecsanyi - 379-398 Theory, Reality, and Performativity in Markets
by Patrik Aspers - 399-412 PAC Congressional Election Campaign Contributions and Other Political or Economic Influences on the Voter Participation Rate
by Richard J. Cebula - 413-431 Are Congressional Black Caucus Members More Reliable? Loyalty Screening and Committee Assignments of Newly Elected Legislators
by Franklin G. Mixon & Amanda C. Pagels - 433-442 HOPE VI Housing Program: Was it Effective?
by Michael Brazley & John I. Gilderbloom - 443-455 Testing a Hazard Model for the Housing Market in New Orleans
by Amaresh Das