October 2010, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 421-435 Exit fees and termination fees revisited: funding irrigation infrastructure in a manner compatible with water trade
by Darryl Biggar - 437-456 Australia's National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality: a retrospective assessment
by David J. Pannell & Anna M. Roberts - 457-475 Flood prone risk and amenity values: a spatial hedonic analysis
by Oshadhi Samarasinghe & Basil Sharp - 477-490 The income elasticity of meat: a meta-analysis
by Craig A. Gallet - 491-507 Dairy disaggregation and joint production in an economy-wide model *-super-‡
by Angus Charteris & Niven Winchester - 509-526 The costs and benefits of land fragmentation of rice farms in Japan
by Kentaro Kawasaki - 527-560 Measuring and decomposing agricultural productivity and profitability change
by Christopher J. O'Donnell - 561-582 Exploring the impact of R&D and climate change on agricultural productivity growth: the case of Western Australia
by Ruhul A. Salim & Nazrul Islam - 583-599 Testing for convergent validity between travel cost and contingent valuation estimates of recreation values in the Coorong, Australia
by John Rolfe & Brenda Dyack - 601-617 Minimum-data analysis of ecosystem service supply in semi-subsistence agricultural systems
by John M. Antle & Bocar Diagana & Jetse J. Stoorvogel & Roberto O. Valdivia
July 2010, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 259-263 Fisheries economics: cutting a broad swath in the field of scientific inquiry
by Diane P. Dupont - 273-280 Maximum economic yield
by R. Quentin Grafton & Tom Kompas & Long Chu & Nhu Che - 281-299 Maximizing profits and conserving stocks in the Australian Northern Prawn Fishery
by Tom Kompas & Cathy M. Dichmont & André E. Punt & A. Deng & Tuong Nhu Che & Janet Bishop & Peter Gooday & Yemin Ye & S. Zhou - 301-320 Transactions costs as an obstacle to fisheries self-governance in New Zealand
by Ralph E. Townsend - 321-341 Marine protected areas in spatial property-rights fisheries
by Christopher Costello & Daniel T. Kaffine - 343-360 Productive performance in fisheries: modeling, measurement, and management
by Catherine J. Morrison Paul & Ronald G. Felthoven & Marcelo de O. Torres - 361-377 Controlling excess capacity in common-pool resource industries: the transition from input to output controls
by Dale Squires & Yongil Jeon & R. Quentin Grafton & James Kirkley - 379-383 Stochastic efficiency analysis with risk aversion bounds: a comment
by J. B. Hardaker & Gudbrand Lien - 385-387 Henry Paul Schapper, 19 July 1918-27 April 2010
by Ian Moncrieff & Roger Mauldon
April 2010, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 141-141 Editorial
by R. Quentin Grafton - 143-164 New policies create a new politics: issues of institutional design in climate change policy
by Henry Ergas - 165-184 Strategic issues in global climate change policy
by Harry Clarke - 185-202 The logic of collective action and Australia's climate policy
by John C.V. Pezzey & Salim Mazouz & Frank Jotzo - 203-217 Understanding the effect of an emissions trading scheme on electricity generator investment and retirement behaviour: the proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
by Neil Ross Lambie - 219-238 Auctioning greenhouse gas emissions permits in Australia
by Regina Betz & Stefan Seifert & Peter Cramton & Suzi Kerr - 239-258 Managing forests, livestock, and crops under global warming: a micro-econometric analysis of land use changes in Africa
by S. Niggol Seo
January 2010, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-4 Climate change, economics and hope: a comment on Brennan
by Graham R. Marshall - 5-7 Climate hopes: pious and otherwise
by Geoffrey Brennan - 9-25 Climate change and the Australian agricultural and resource industries
by Ross Garnaut - 27-41 Time-varying Armington elasticity and country-of-origin bias: from the dynamic perspective of the Japanese demand for beef imports
by Shigekazu Kawashima & Deffi Ayu Puspito Sari - 43-60 Farm-level impacts of prolonged drought: is a multiyear event more than the sum of its parts?
by Dannele E. Peck & Richard M. Adams - 61-80 Household size and residential water demand: an empirical approach
by Fernando Arbués & Inmaculada Villanúa & Ramón Barberán - 81-98 Deregulation of wholesale petrol prices: what happened to capital city petrol prices?
by Alistair Davey - 99-118 An empirical assessment of the value of irrigation water: the case study of Murrumbidgee catchment
by Muhammad Ejaz Qureshi & Ram Ranjan & Sumaira Ejaz Qureshi - 119-136 Do family farms really converge to a uniform size? The role of unobserved farm efficiency
by Yuval Dolev & Ayal Kimhi - 137-139 Politics and the Environment: Risk and the Role of Government and Industry
by Emma Aisbett
October 2009, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 467-483 Station level gasoline demand in an Australian market with regular price cycles
by Zhongmin Wang - 485-501 At-home meat consumption in China: an empirical study
by Hongbo Liu & Kevin A. Parton & Zhang-Yue Zhou & Rod Cox - 503-519 Complexity in choice experiments: choice of the status quo alternative and implications for welfare measurement
by Peter Boxall & W. L. (Vic) Adamowicz & Amanda Moon - 521-525 Stochastic efficiency analysis with risk aversion bounds: a correction
by Jack Meyer & James W. Richardson & Keith D. Schumann - 527-545 Capitalized amenity value of urban wetlands: a hedonic property price approach to urban wetlands in Perth, Western Australia
by Sorada Tapsuwan & Gordon Ingram & Michael Burton & Donna Brennan - 547-564 Respondents' ignoring of attribute information in a choice modelling survey
by William Henry Kaye-Blake & Walt L. Abell & Eva Zellman - 565-584 Modelling hydroclimatic uncertainty and short-run irrigator decision making: the Goulburn system
by Marnie Griffith & Gary Codner & Erwin Weinmann & Sergei Schreider - 585-602 Economic management of anthelmintic resistance: model and application
by Caris L. Pech & Graeme J. Doole & Johanna M. Pluske - 603-623 Role of credence and health information in determining US consumers' willingness-to-pay for grass-finished beef
by Wendy J. Umberger & Peter C. Boxall & R. Curt Lacy - 625-626 Book review
by Mike Young
July 2009, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 309-326 Climate change: a rational choice politics view
by Geoffrey Brennan - 327-343 Applying the dissonance-minimising format to value cultural heritage in developing countries
by Tran Huu Tuan & Stale Navrud - 345-366 Declining inflows and more frequent droughts in the Murray-Darling Basin: climate change, impacts and adaptation
by David Adamson & Thilak Mallawaarachchi & John Quiggin - 367-383 Impact of research investment on Cassava production technologies in India
by Tavva Srinivas - 385-392 Estimation of trade elasticities in the presence of trade barriers, multinationals and imperfect competition
by Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani - 393-411 Effect of yield and price risk on conversion from conventional to organic farming
by Szvetlana Acs & Paul Berentsen & Ruud Huirne & Marcel van Asseldonk - 413-436 Modelling the origins of managerial ability in agricultural production
by Peter Nuthall - 437-456 Impacts of climate change on lower Murray irrigation
by Jeff Connor & Kurt Schwabe & Darran King & David Kaczan & Mac Kirby - 457-459 Bob Richardson, 21/11/1944 - 21/7/2008
by Bill Malcolm & Barry White & Andrew Kennon - 461-463 Book review
by Gabriela Scheufele
April 2009, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 175-192 Urban water management: optimal price and investment policy under climate variability
by Neal Hughes & Ahmed Hafi & Tim Goesch - 193-212 Economic contribution of French serradella (Ornithopus sativus Brot.) pasture to integrated weed management in Western Australian mixed-farming systems: an application of compressed annealing
by Graeme J. Doole & David J. Pannell & Clinton K. Revell - 213-229 Effects of Great Barrier Reef degradation on recreational reef-trip demand: a contingent behaviour approach
by Marit E. Kragt & Peter C. Roebeling & Arjan Ruijs - 231-249 Evaluating combined land conservation benefits from perennial pasture: lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) for management of dryland salinity and herbicide resistance in Western Australia
by Graeme J. Doole & David J. Pannell - 251-264 The optimal extraction of water along an arbitrarily configured river system
by Alex Coram & Lyle Noakes - 265-284 Climate change impacts on investment in crop sowing machinery
by Ross Kingwell & Imma Farré - 285-303 Protein and the demand for hard wheats
by William W. Wilson & Wesley Wilson & Bruce Dahl
January 2009, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-17 Property rights and the public trust doctrine in environmental protection and natural resource conservation
by Jedidiah Brewer & Gary D. Libecap - 19-35 Double trouble: the importance of accounting for and defining water entitlements consistent with hydrological realities
by Michael D. Young & Jim C. McColl - 37-58 Encumbering harvest rights to protect marine environments: a model of marine conservation easements
by Robert T. Deacon & Dominic P. Parker - 59-84 Tradable rights to emit air pollution
by Dallas Burtraw & David A. Evans - 85-103 Property rights and western United States water markets
by Zachary Donohew - 105-127 Economic development lessons from and for North American Indian economies
by Terry L. Anderson & Dominic P. Parker - 129-144 The tragedy of the commons: property rights and markets as solutions to resource and environmental problems
by Gary D. Libecap - 145-174 Conflicting uses of marine resources: can ITQs promote an efficient solution?
by Ragnar Arnason
December 2008, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 365-380 On the economics of agricultural production
by Jean-Paul Chavas - 381-399 Evaluating off-site environmental mitigation using choice modelling
by Geoffrey N. Kerr & Basil M.H. Sharp - 401-417 Demand under product differentiation: an empirical analysis of the US wine market
by Timothy R. Davis & Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani & Susana Iranzo - 419-432 Wheat breeding, productivity and slow variety change: evidence from the Punjab of India after the Green Revolution
by Melinda Smale & Joginder Singh & Salvatore Di Falco & Patricia Zambrano - 433-452 Economic and ecosystem impacts of illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing in Northern Australia
by Sean Pascoe & Tomas A. Okey & Shane Griffiths - 453-470 Biosecurity in agriculture: an economic analysis of coexistence of professional and hobby production
by Michele Graziano Ceddia & Jaakko Heikkilä & Jukka Peltola - 471-485 Missing markets for storage and the potential economic cost of expanding the spatial scope of water trade
by Donna Brennan - 487-504 Classical decision rules and adaptation to climate change
by Clarke Harry - 505-525 Exchange rates and foreign direct investment: theoretical models and empirical evidence
by Shauna Phillips & Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani
September 2008, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 217-233 Bringing competition to urban water supply
by Hugh Sibly & Richard Tooth - 235-252 Rotational grazing adoption in cattle production under a cost-share agreement: does uncertainty have a role in conservation technology adoption?
by Seon-Ae Kim & Jeffrey M. Gillespie & Krishna P. Paudel - 253-282 Design efficiency for non-market valuation with choice modelling: how to measure it, what to report and why
by Riccardo Scarpa & John M. Rose - 283-302 China's agriculture, smallholders and trade: driven by the livestock revolution?
by Allan Rae - 303-319 Exploring the cost effectiveness of land conservation auctions and payment policies
by Jeffery D. Connor & John R. Ward & Brett Bryan - 321-338 Demand for fish in Asia: a cross-country analysis
by Madan Mohan Dey & Yolanda T. Garcia & Kumar Praduman & Somying Piumsombun & Muhammad Sirajul Haque & Luping Li & Alias Radam & Athula Senaratne & Nguyen Tri Khiem & Sonny Koeshendrajana - 339-362 Optimal management of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaud.) in phase rotations in the Western Australian Wheatbelt
by Graeme J. Doole - 363-364 Land and Longhouse: Agrarian Transformation in the Uplands of Sarawak - by R.A. Cramb
by Jill Windle
June 2008, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 113-131 Removing border protection on wheat and rice: effects on rural income and food self-sufficiency in China
by Yinhua Mai - 133-147 Fluid milk consumption in urban Qingdao, China
by Junfei Bai & Thomas I. Wahl & Jill J. McCluskey - 149-168 Testing for differences in benefit transfer values between state and regional frameworks
by John Rolfe & Jill Windle - 169-182 Factors influencing adoption of conservation tillage in Australian cropping regions
by Francis H. D'Emden & Rick S. Llewellyn & Michael P. Burton - 183-202 Should farmers invest in financial assets as a risk management strategy? Some evidence from New Zealand
by Gilbert Nartea & Paul Webster - 203-212 Hidden action, risk aversion and variable fines in agri-environmental schemes
by Adam Ozanne & Ben White - 213-215 Economics for Collaborative Environmental Management: Renegotiating the Commons - by Graham R. Marshall
by Au Shion Yee
March 2008, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-16 Agricultural trade reform under the Doha Agenda: some key issues
by Will Martin & Kym Anderson - 17-36 Investment planning under uncertainty and flexibility: the case of a purchasable sales contract
by Oliver Musshoff & Norbert Hirschauer - 37-55 Price elasticity of water allocations demand in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District
by Sarah Wheeler & Henning Bjornlund & Martin Shanahan & Alec Zuo - 57-76 Farms' technical inefficiencies in the presence of government programs
by Teresa Serra & David Zilberman & José M. Gil - 77-95 Is Australia on a sustainability path? Interpreting the clues
by Alan Randall - 97-110 Fiddling while carbon burns: why climate policy needs pervasive emission pricing as well as technology promotion
by John C.V. Pezzey & Frank Jotzo & John Quiggin - 111-112 Book review
by John Rolfe
December 2007, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 359-384 Productivity growth and the returns from public investment in R&D in Australian broadacre agriculture
by John Mullen - 385-401 Beyond semi-dwarf wheat yield increases: impacts on the Australian wheat industry of on-going spillovers from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
by John P. Brennan - 403-424 Bioeconomic analysis of protected area use in fisheries management
by Jared Greenville & Gordon MacAulay - 425-443 Applying search theory to determine the feasibility of eradicating an invasive population in natural environments
by Oscar J. Cacho & Susan Hester & Daniel Spring - 445-457 Bargaining rationale for cooperative generic advertising
by John M. Crespi & Jennifer S. James - 459-474 Consumption of dairy products in urban China: results from Beijing, Shangai and Guangzhou
by Frank Fuller & John Beghin & Scott Rozelle - 475-490 Modelling a mixed system of air pollution fee and tradable permits for controlling nitrogen oxide: a case study of Taiwan
by Chao-Ning Liao - 491-510 Soil conservation and technical efficiency among hillside farmers in Central America: a switching regression model
by Daniel Solís & Boris E. Bravo-Ureta & Ricardo E. Quiroga - 511-513 Rethinking Voluntary Approaches in Environmental Policy - By Rory Sullivan
by Galina Ivanova
September 2007, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 223-224 2007 AARES Distinguished Fellow
by Philip G. Pardey - 225-226 2007 AARES Distinguished Fellow
by Carolyn Tanner - 227-241 Pricing Sydney water
by R. Quentin Grafton & Tom Kompas - 243-261 The welfare costs of urban outdoor water restrictions
by Donna Brennan & Sorada Tapsuwan & Gordon Ingram - 263-281 Water use and salinity in the Murray-Darling Basin: A state-contingent model
by David Adamson & Thilak Mallawaarachchi & John Quiggin - 283-303 Economic assessment of acquiring water for environmental flows in the Murray Basin
by M. Ejaz Qureshi & Jeff Connor & Mac Kirby & Mohammed Mainuddin - 305-321 Economic cost of environmental flows in an unregulated river system
by Randall Jones & Jason Crean & Parakrama Aluwihare & Rebecca Letcher - 323-341 Policy interventions to promote the adoption of water saving sprinkler systems: the case of lettuce on the Gnangara Mound
by Donna Brennan - 343-352 Historical regulation of Victoria's water sector: A case of government failure?
by E. Harris
June 2007, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 113-119 Use of the single factoral terms of trade to analyse agricultural production
by Euan Fleming - 121-135 The demand for alcohol: a meta-analysis of elasticities
by Craig A. Gallet - 137-156 Input usage, output mix and industry deregulation: an analysis of the Australian dairy manufacturing industry
by Kelvin Balcombe & Hristos Doucouliagos & Iain Fraser - 157-174 Estimating values for recreational fishing at freshwater dams in Queensland
by John Rolfe & Prabha Prayaga - 175-194 Investigating distance effects on environmental values: a choice modelling approach
by Giovanni B. Concu - 195-211 The economics of land fragmentation in the north of Vietnam
by Pham Van Hung & T. Gordon MacAulay & Sally P. Marsh
March 2007, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-15 Predicting performance in undergraduate agricultural economics
by Elizabeth Nolan & Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani - 17-38 Economic drought management index to evaluate water institutions' performance under uncertainty
by Eva Iglesias & Alberto Garrido & Almudena Gómez-Ramos - 39-56 Optimisation and the selection of conservation contracts
by Stefan Hajkowicz & Andrew Higgins & Kristen Williams & Daniel P. Faith & Michael Burton - 57-72 Simulating economic values of a genetic improvement program for Australian farmed saltwater crocodiles
by Emily M. Gray & Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani & Sally R. Isberg - 73-89 Peasants and plantations in the Sri Lankan tea sector: causes of the change in their relative viability
by Deepananda Herath & Alfons Weersink - 91-107 Ambivalent statements in contingent valuation studies: inclusive response formats and giving respondents time to think
by Henrik Svedsater - 109-112 Institutional Economics and Fisheries Management: The Case of Pacific Tuna - Edited by Elizabeth H. Peterson
by Jared Greenville
December 2006, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 469-489 Precaution: principles and practice in Australian environmental and natural resource management
by Deborah C. Peterson - 490-509 Contract theory and agricultural policy analysis: a discussion and survey of recent developments
by Steven Y. Wu - 510-526 Constant market shares analysis: uses, limitations and prospects
by Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani - 527-537 Trends versus cycles in global wine export shares
by Walter C. Labys & Bruce C. Cohen - 538-555 Trade liberalisation and greenhouse gas emissions: the case of dairying in the European Union and New Zealand
by Caroline Saunders & Anita Wreford & Selim Cagatay
September 2006, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 269-270 Special issue on water economics and policy
by David Pannell & Deborah Peterson & Bob Lindner - 271-272 2006 AARES Distinguished Fellow
by Alan Randall - 273-274 2006 AARES Distinguished Fellow
by Ronald Duncan - 275-275 2006 AARES Distinguished Fellow
by Victor Wright - 277-293 Third-party effects of water trading and potential policy responses
by Anna Heaney & Gavan Dwyer & Stephen Beare & Deborah Peterson & Lili Pechey - 295-312 Water rights for variable supplies
by John Freebairn & John Quiggin - 313-326 The optimal allocation of water along a system of rivers: a continuous model with sequential bidding
by Alex Coram - 327-346 New Zealand freshwater management and agricultural impacts
by Ross Cullen & Kenneth Hughey & Geoffrey Kerr - 347-359 Urban water demand with fixed volumetric charging in a large municipality: the case of Brisbane, Australia
by Mark Hoffmann & Andrew Worthington & Helen Higgs - 361-380 The potential impact of markets for irrigation water in Italy and Spain: a comparison of two study areas
by Joan Pujol & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi - 381-402 Mathematical optimisation of drainage and economic land use for target water and salt yields
by Tom Nordblom & Iain Hume & Andrew Bathgate & Michael Reynolds - 403-423 Water policy reform in Australia: lessons from the Victorian seasonal water market
by Donna Brennan - 425-435 Repurchase of renewal rights: a policy option for the National Water Initiative
by John Quiggin - 437-449 Regulation versus pricing in urban water policy: the case of the Australian National Water Initiative
by Joel Byrnes & Lin Crase & Brian Dollery - 451-462 Water rights: a comparison of the impacts of urban and irrigation reforms in Australia
by Lin Crase & Brian Dollery
June 2006, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 131-152 Supply and demand for commodity components: implications of free trade versus the AUSFTA for the US dairy industry
by Julian M. Alston & Joseph V. Balagtas & Henrich Brunke & Daniel A. Sumner - 153-169 The state-contingent approach to production under uncertainty
by John Quiggin & Robert G. Chambers - 171-188 Measuring risk attitude of agricultural producers using a mail survey: how consistent are the methods?
by Scott Fausti & Jeffrey Gillespie - 189-206 Capacity reduction, quota trading and productivity: the case of a fishery
by Kevin J. Fox & R. Quentin Grafton & Tom Kompas & Tuong Nhu Che - 207-226 Protected areas in fisheries: a two-patch, two-species model
by Jared Greenville & T. Gordon MacAulay - 227-245 Dynamic adaptation to resource scarcity and backstop availability: theory and application to groundwater
by Phoebe Koundouri & Christina Christou - 247-263 Towards the measurement of the impacts of improving research capacity: an economic evaluation of training in wheat disease resistance
by John P. Brennan & Kathryn J. Quade - 265-267 Jack Duloy, 1932-2005
by Warren Musgrave & Graham Pyatt & Alistair Watson
March 2006, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-15 Modelling the supply of ecosystem services from agriculture: a minimum‐data approach
by John M. Antle & Roberto O. Valdivia - 17-32 Antitrust analysis of supermarkets: global concerns playing out in local markets
by Ronald W. Cotterill - 33-50 The Australian grocery industry: a competition perspective
by Rhonda L. Smith - 51-64 The power of two: squaring off with Australia's large supermarket chains
by David K. Round - 65-83 Technology choice and efficiency on Australian dairy farms
by Tom Kompas & Tuong Nhu Che - 85-101 Price or politics? An investigation of the causes of expropriation
by Roderick Duncan - 103-113 Selling Australia as ‘clean and green’
by Hui‐Shung (Christie) Chang & Paul Kristiansen
December 2005, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 363-377 Dynamic general equilibrium analysis of improved weed management in Australia's winter cropping systems
by Glyn Wittwer & David T. Vere & Randall E. Jones & Garry R. Griffith - 379-394 Consumer versus citizen preferences in contingent valuation: evidence on the role of question framing
by Ville Ovaskainen & Matleena Kniivilä - 395-411 Optimal management of the New Zealand longfin eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii)
by Graeme J. Doole - 413-427 Process versus product: which determines consumer demand for genetically modified apples?
by William Kaye‐Blake & Kathryn Bicknell & Caroline Saunders - 429-451 Food policy and poverty in Indonesia: a general equilibrium analysis
by Peter Warr
September 2005, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 239-241 Vale ‘KO’ Campbell
by John W. Longworth - 243-261 Australasian environmental economics: contributions, conflicts and ‘cop‐outs’
by Jeff Bennett - 263-281 GM crop technology and trade restraints: economic implications for Australia and New Zealand
by Kym Anderson & Lee Ann Jackson - 283-301 Economic substitution for US wheat food use by class
by Thomas L. Marsh - 303-320 Optimal management of a flammable forest providing timber and carbon sequestration benefits: an Australian case study
by Daniel Spring & John Kennedy & Ralph Mac Nally - 321-338 Tariffs and steel: US safeguard actions
by Jared Greenville & T.Gordon MacAulay
June 2005, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 125-141 Efficiency tests of agricultural commodity futures markets in China
by H. Holly Wang & Bingfan Ke - 143-158 Policy reform and farmers' wheat allocation in rural China: a case study
by David Buschena & Vincent Smith & Hua Di - 159-175 Irrigation, poverty and inequality in rural China
by Qiuqiong Huang & David Dawe & Scott Rozelle & Jikun Huang & Jinxia Wang - 177-195 Evolution of tubewell ownership and production in the North China Plain
by Jinxia Wang & Jikun Huang & Scott Rozelle - 197-209 Bovine spongiform encephalopathy in Japan: consumers' food safety perceptions and willingness to pay for tested beef
by Jill J. McCluskey & Kristine M. Grimsrud & Hiromi Ouchi & Thomas I. Wahl - 211-226 Social capital and soil conservation: evidence from the Philippines
by Rob A. Cramb
March 2005, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-21 Measuring producer welfare under output price uncertainty and risk non‐neutrality
by David S. Bullock & Philip Garcia & Kie‐Yup Shin - 23-46 Microeconometric analysis of wine grape supply contracts in Australia
by Iain Fraser - 47-62 Empirical investigation of investment behaviour in Australia's pastoral region
by Frank W. Agbola & Stephen R. Harrison - 63-74 Diversification choices in agriculture: a Choice Modelling case study of sugarcane growers
by Jill Windle & John Rolfe - 75-89 Regional economic impacts of a plant disease incursion using a general equilibrium approach
by Glyn Wittwer & Simon McKirdy & Ryan Wilson - 91-114 Valuing options for reserve water in the Fitzroy Basin
by John Rolfe & Jill Windle
December 2004, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 569-590 Chinese animal product consumption in the 1990s
by Hengyun Ma & Allan Rae & Jikun Huang & Scott Rozelle - 591-611 Valuing New South Wales rivers for use in benefit transfer
by Mark Morrison & Jeff Bennett - 613-627 Wildlife trade and endangered species protection
by Paul C. Missios - 629-651 Does ignoring multidestination trips in the travel cost method cause a systematic bias?
by Timo Kuosmanen & Eleonora Nillesen & Justus Wesseler
September 2004, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 395-417 Where's the economics? The core discipline of farm management has gone missing!
by Bill Malcolm - 419-443 What's it worth? An examination of historical trends and future directions in environmental valuation
by Wiktor L. Adamowicz - 445-462 Donning Coase‐coloured glasses: a property rights view of natural resource economics
by Terry L. Anderson