January 2016, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 39-59 Regulation of relationships between heterogeneous farmers and an aquifer accounting for lag effects
by Cyril Bourgeois & Pierre-Alain Jayet - 60-78 The Green Paradox and the importance of endogenous resource exploration
by Ines Österle - 79-96 A real options analysis of Australian wheat production under climate change
by Todd Sanderson & Greg Hertzler & Tim Capon & Peter Hayman - 97-111 Increasing returns, individuality and use of the common pool
by Chang Yee Kwan - 112-129 Pesticide-handling practices: the case of coffee growers in Papua New Guinea
by Belén Zapata Diomedi & Céline Nauges - 130-154 Optimisation of water procurement decisions in an irrigation district: the role of option contracts
by Dolores Rey & Javier Calatrava & Alberto Garrido - 155-156 Jack (John Alfred) Sinden
by Oscar Cacho & Robyn Hean & Dodo Thampapillai
October 2015, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 479-498 Nonmarket valuation in developing countries: incorporating labour contributions in environmental benefits estimates
by Rajesh K. Rai & Helen Scarborough - 499-517 Private transaction costs of participation in water quality improvement programs for Australia's Great Barrier Reef: Extent, causes and policy implications
by Anthea Coggan & Martijn Grieken & Alexis Boullier & Xavier Jardi - 518-532 Location equilibria in a mixed duopsony with a cooperative
by Panos Fousekis - 533-548 Mining booms and the exchange rate
by John Freebairn - 549-570 Multifactor productivity growth and the Australian mining sector
by Arif Syed & R. Quentin Grafton & Kaliappa Kalirajan & Dean Parham - 571-585 World Energy Outlook 2014 projections to 2040: natural gas and coal trade, and the role of China
by Ian Cronshaw - 586-601 Reconsidering royalty and resource rent taxes for Australian mining
by John Freebairn - 602-623 Australia's coal seam gas boom and the LNG entry result
by Paul Simshauser & Tim Nelson - 624-639 Understanding the resource curse (or blessing) across national and regional scales: Theory, empirical challenges and an application
by David A. Fleming & Thomas G. Measham & Dusan Paredes - 640-641 Obituary
by John Kerin - 642-643 2014 AARES Distinguished Fellow
by Donald MacLaren - 644-645 2014 AARES Distinguished Life Member
by James G. Ryan
July 2015, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 317-333 Assistance to Australian agriculture from Federation to World War II
by Peter Lloyd & Donald MacLaren - 334-354 No-take marine reserves and illegal fishing under imperfect enforcement
by Satoshi Yamazaki & Eriko Hoshino & Budy P. Resosudarmo - 355-374 Convenience yield and the theory of storage: applying an option-based approach
by Akihiro Omura & Jason West - 375-392 A within-sample investigation of test–retest reliability in choice experiment surveys with real economic incentives
by Morten Raun Mørkbak & Søren Bøye Olsen - 393-411 Nonparametric estimates of productivity and efficiency change in Australian Broadacre Agriculture
by Farid Khan & Ruhul Salim & Harry Bloch - 412-432 Disaggregated econometric estimation of consumer demand response by alcoholic beverage types
by Preety Srivastava & Keith R. McLaren & Michael Wohlgenant & Xueyan Zhao - 433-445 Effects of media headlines on consumer preferences for food safety, quality and environmental attributes
by David L. Ortega & H. Holly Wang & Nicole J. Olynk Widmar - 446-457 The economic value of forests in supplying local climate regulation
by Eugenio Figueroa & Roberto Pasten - 458-478 Improving value transfer through socio-economic adjustments in a multicountry choice experiment of water conservation alternatives
by Roy Brouwer & Julia Martin-Ortega & Thijs Dekker & Laura Sardonini & Joaquin Andreu & Areti Kontogianni & Michalis Skourtos & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi & Manuel Pulido-Velazquez & John Rolfe & Jill Windle
April 2015, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 159-170 Relative assistance to Australian agriculture and manufacturing since Federation
by Peter Lloyd & Donald MacLaren - 171-188 Efficiency analysis under uncertainty: a simulation study
by Sriram Shankar - 189-207 Investing in irrigation development in North West Queensland, Australia
by Glyn Wittwer & Onil Banerjee - 208-224 Impact of debt structure on production efficiency and financial performance of Broadacre farms in Western Australia
by Amin W. Mugera & Gerald G. Nyambane - 225-241 Capturing social network effects in technology adoption: the spatial diffusion of hybrid rice in Bangladesh
by Patrick S. Ward & Valerien O. Pede - 242-257 Optimising seed portfolios to cope ex ante with risks from bad weather: evidence from a recent maize farmer survey in China
by Junfei Bai & Zhigang Xu & Huanguang Qiu & Haiyan Liu - 258-274 Factors influencing hybrid rice adoption: a Bangladesh case
by Khondoker A. Mottaleb & Samarendu Mohanty & Andrew Nelson - 275-287 Demand for milk quantity and safety in urban China: evidence from Beijing and Harbin
by Leilei Cheng & Changbin Yin & Hsiaoping Chien - 288-307 Individual fishing quotas and fishing capacity in the US Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery
by Daniel Solís & Julio Corral & Lawrence Perruso & Juan J. Agar - 308-311 Handbook on Experimental Economics and the Environment , edited by John A. List and Michael K. Price . Published by Edward Elgar Publishing , Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, USA , 2013 , 520 pages, ISBN: 978 1 84720 645 9, AUD$ 275.00 (hardcover)
by Louise Blackmore - 311-313 Environmental Markets: A Property Rights Approach , by Terry L. Anderson and Gary D. Libecap . Published by Cambridge University Press , Cambridge, UK , 2014 , pp. 240 , ISBN: 978 0 5212 7965 9, AUD$ 37.59 (paperback) AUD$ 94.03 (hardcover)
by Tim Capon - 314-316 Climate Economics: Economic Analysis of Climate Change and Climate Policy , edited by Richard S. J. Tol . Published by Edward Elgar , Cheltenham, UK , 2014 , pp. 208 pages, ISBN: 178 254 591 3, AU$ 149 (hard cover), AU$ 47.36 (paperback)
by Harry Clarke
January 2015, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-15 Non-market valuation: usage and impacts in environmental policy and management in Australia
by Abbie A. Rogers & Marit E. Kragt & Fiona L. Gibson & Michael P. Burton & Elizabeth H. Petersen & David J. Pannell - 16-38 Productivity and farm size in Australian agriculture: reinvestigating the returns to scale
by Yu Sheng & Shiji Zhao & Katarina Nossal & Dandan Zhang - 39-60 An economic model of aboriginal fire-stick farming
by Elizabeth A. Wilman - 61-77 Valuing seasonal climate forecasts in a state-contingent manner
by Jason Crean & Kevin Parton & John Mullen & Peter Hayman - 78-94 Local economic impacts of an unconventional energy boom: the coal seam gas industry in Australia
by David A. Fleming & Thomas G. Measham - 95-115 Assessing the returns to R&D on perennial crops: the costs and benefits of Pierce's disease research in the California winegrape industry
by Julian M. Alston & Kate B. Fuller & Jonathan D. Kaplan & Kabir P. Tumber - 116-132 A modified production possibility frontier for efficient forestry management under the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme
by Todd Hale & Viktoria Kahui & Daniel Farhat - 133-153 The role of the commonwealth environmental water holder in annual water allocation markets
by Tiho Ancev - 154-156 Ecosystem Services in Agricultural and Urban Landscapes , edited by Steve Wratten , Harpinder Sandhu , Ross Cullen , and Robert Costanza . Published by Wiley-Blackwell , Queensland, Australia, 2013 , pp. 200 , ISBN: 978-1-4051-7008-6, AU$ 124.95 (hardcover), AU$99.99 (E-book)
by Adam Daigneault - 156-158 Emissions Trading Design – A Critical Overview , edited by Stefan E. Weishaar . Published by Edward Elgar , UK , 2014 , pp. 249 , ISBN: 978 1 78195 221 4, AUD$114.00 (hardcover)
by Deborah Cotton
October 2014, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 499-503 Global Food Security—Introduction
by Allan Rae & Philip Pardey - 504-518 Contemporary food policy challenges and opportunities
by Per Pinstrup-Andersen - 519-537 Food insecurity and its determinants
by Peter Warr - 538-553 Data at our fingertips, myths in our minds: recent grain price jumps as the ‘perfect storm’
by Brian D. Wright - 554-570 Global food security in 2050: the role of agricultural productivity and climate change
by Uris Lantz C. Baldos & Thomas W. Hertel - 571-589 A Bounds Analysis of World Food Futures: Global Agriculture Through to 2050
by Philip G. Pardey & Jason M. Beddow & Terrance M. Hurley & Timothy K.M. Beatty & Vernon R. Eidman - 590-606 Emerging economies, productivity growth and trade with resource-rich economies by 2030
by Kym Anderson & Anna Strutt - 607-621 Poverty impacts of the volume-based special safeguard mechanism
by Maros Ivanic & Will Martin - 622-624 Principles and Standards for Benefit–Cost Analysis , edited by Scott Farrow and Richard O. Zerbe Jr. Published by Edward Elgar , 2013 , 447 pages, ISBN: 978 1 78195 343 3, AU$165.00 (hardcover)
by Cagri S. Kumru - 624-627 Transitioning to a Green Economy: Political Economy of Approaches in Small States , edited by Nadine Smith , Anna Halton and Janet Strachan . Published by Commonwealth Secretariat , London UK , 2014 , 213 pages, ISBN: 978-1849291279; AU$ 129.00 (paperback)
by Matthew Dornan - 644-647 Jack Neville Lewis
by Warren Musgrave & Richard Stayner & Roley Piggott & Alistair Watson
July 2014, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 301-313 Australia and resources in the Asian century
by Ross Garnaut - 314-335 Valuing quality attributes of Australian merino wool
by Elizabeth Nolan & Terence Farrell & Madeleine Ryan & Candice Gibbon & Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani - 336-352 Measuring the risk attitude of decision-makers: are there differences between groups of methods and persons?
by Syster C. Maart-Noelck & Oliver Musshoff - 353-373 A laboratory assessment of the choice of vessel size under individual transferable quota regimes
by Kenta Tanaka & Keisaku Higashida & Shunsuke Managi - 374-391 Drinking cheaply: the demand for basic wine in Italy
by Luigi Cembalo & Francesco Caracciolo & Eugenio Pomarici - 392-408 The evolution of foreign wine demand in China
by Andrew Muhammad & Amanda M. Leister & Lihong McPhail & Wei Chen - 409-429 Payoffs from research and development along the Australian food value chain: a general equilibrium analysis
by Brent Borrell & Tingsong Jiang & David Pearce & Ian Gould - 430-452 Does timing matter? A real options experiment to farmers' investment and disinvestment behaviours
by Hanna J. Ihli & Syster C. Maart-Noelck & Oliver Musshoff - 453-470 Valuing public and private urban tree canopy cover
by Ram Pandit & Maksym Polyakov & Rohan Sadler - 471-494 Cost-effective regulation of nonpoint emissions from pastoral agriculture: a stochastic analysis
by Graeme J. Doole & Alvaro J. Romera - 495-498 Developing Successful Agriculture: An Australian Case Study , edited by Zhang-Yue Zhou (James Cook University, Townsville). Published by CAB International , Wallingford, UK , 2013 , 240 pages, ISBN 9781845939458, AUD$115.92 (hardcover)
by Malcolm Wegener
April 2014, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 147-170 Broadacre farm productivity and profitability in south-western Australia
by Nazrul Islam & Vilaphonh Xayavong & Ross Kingwell - 171-184 The impact of geographic reputation on the value created in Champagne
by David Menival & Steve Charters - 185-204 Nondiscretionary residential water use: the impact of habits and water-efficient technologies
by Maria A. Garcia-Valiñas & Wasantha Athukorala & Clevo Wilson & Benno Torgler & Robert Gifford - 205-222 Agri-environmental auctions for phosphorus load reduction: experiences from a Finnish pilot
by Antti Iho & Jussi Lankoski & Markku Ollikainen & Markku Puustinen & Jonne Lehtimäki - 223-243 The consequences of using increasing block tariffs to price urban water
by Hugh Sibly & Richard Tooth - 244-262 Does China's demand boom curb Australian iron ore mining depletion?
by Creina Allen & Garth Day - 263-280 Do Japanese consumers care about sustainable fisheries? Evidence from an auction of ecolabelled seafood
by Hirotsugu Uchida & Cathy A. Roheim & Hiroki Wakamatsu & Christopher M. Anderson - 281-290 A response to Doole and Marsh ([Doole, G., 2013]) article: methodological limitations in the evaluation of policies to reduce nitrate leaching from New Zealand agriculture
by Adam Daigneault & Suzie Greenhalgh & Oshadhi Samarasinghe - 291-294 Use of positive mathematical programming invalidates the application of the NZFARM model
by Graeme Doole & Dan Marsh - 295-297 The Economics of Regulation in Agriculture: Compliance with Public and Private Standards , by Floor Brouwer , Glenn Fox , Roel Jongeneel . Published by CAB International , $160.00 (Hardback)
by Dan Marsh - 298-300 Why Australia Prospered: The Shifting Sources of Economic Growth , edited by Ian W. MacLean . Published by Princeton University Press , Princeton , NJ, USA. ISBN 978-0-691-15467-1
by Shauna Phillips
January 2014, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-21 World food prices and poverty in Indonesia
by Peter Warr & Arief Anshory Yusuf - 22-42 Interfuel substitution in Australia: a way forward to achieve environmental sustainability
by MD Shahiduzzaman & Khorshed Alam - 43-59 Price integration in the Australian rock lobster industry: implications for management and climate change adaptation
by Ana Norman-Lόpez & Sean Pascoe & Olivier Thébaud & Ingrid Putten & James Innes & Sarah Jennings & Alistair Hobday & Bridget Green & Eva Plaganyi - 60-77 Economic impacts of climate change on the Australian dairy sector
by Kevin Hanslow & Don Gunasekera & Brendan Cullen & David Newth - 78-89 Methodological limitations in the evaluation of policies to reduce nitrate leaching from New Zealand agriculture
by Graeme J. Doole & Dan K. Marsh - 90-110 A copula-based approach to the simultaneous estimation of group and meta-frontiers by constrained maximum likelihood
by Alexandre Repkine - 111-129 Assessing the trade-offs of increased mining activity in the Surat Basin, Queensland: preferences of Brisbane residents using nonmarket valuation techniques
by Jill Windle & John Rolfe - 130-145 Does complex hydrology require complex water quality policy?
by Simon Anastasiadis & Suzi Kerr & Marie-Laure Nauleau & Tim Cox & Kit Rutherford
October 2013, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 465-482 Food miles or carbon emissions? Exploring labelling preference for food transport footprint with a stated choice study
by Vincenzina Caputo & Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr & Riccardo Scarpa - 483-500 The regional economic effects of a reduction in carbon emissions
by Anping Chen & Nicolaas Groenewold & Alfred J. Hagger - 501-520 Measuring technical efficiency of dairy farms with imprecise data: a fuzzy data envelopment analysis approach
by Amin W. Mugera - 521-538 West and Central African iron ore development and its impact on world prices
by Luke Hurst - 539-558 Economic valuation of recreational fishing in Western Australia: statewide random utility modelling of fishing site choice behaviour
by Jananee Raguragavan & Atakelty Hailu & Michael Burton - 559-578 Modelling outcome-related risk in choice experiments
by Klaus Glenk & Sergio Colombo - 579-600 Optimal export tax rates of cocoa beans: A vector error correction model approach
by Risti Permani - 601-619 The welfare cost of Japanese rice policy with home-good preference and an endogenous import price
by James Fell & Donald MacLaren
July 2013, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 301-319 Consumer demand for diet quality: evidence from the healthy eating index
by Zhifeng Gao & Xiaohua Yu & Jonq-Ying Lee - 320-343 Exploiting comparative advantage in agriculture and resources: the way forward for Small Island States
by Renuka Mahadevan & John Asafu-Adjaye - 344-358 Collateral, bank monitoring and firm performance: the case of newly established wine-farmers
by Julien Cadot - 359-378 Representing climatic uncertainty in agricultural models – an application of state-contingent theory
by Jason Crean & Kevin Parton & John Mullen & Randall Jones - 379-398 Farmer responses to changing risk aversion, enterprise variability and resource endowments
by Adam M. Komarek & T. Gordon MacAulay - 399-421 Effective use of public funding in the Murray-Darling Basin: a comparison of buybacks and infrastructure upgrades
by Glyn Wittwer & Janine Dixon - 422-440 Modelling agricultural land use allocation in regional Australia
by Eddie Oczkowski & Yapa Bandara - 441-460 Cost-effective strategies to mitigate multiple pollutants in an agricultural catchment in North Central Victoria, Australia
by Graeme J. Doole & Olga Vigiak & David J. Pannell & Anna M. Roberts - 461-463 Douglas Henry McKAY, CBE, 1923–2012
by Malcolm Wegener
April 2013, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 159-177 The distributional effects of the Hilmer reforms on the Australian gas industry
by George Verikios & Xiao-guang Zhang - 178-192 Comparing economic performance of organic and conventional U.S. beef farms using matching samples
by Jeffrey Gillespie & Richard Nehring - 193-213 Valuing recreational fishing in Tasmania and assessment of response bias in contingent valuation
by Satoshi Yamazaki & Steven Rust & Sarah Jennings & Jeremy Lyle & Sven Frijlink - 214-233 Effects of alternative elicitation formats in discrete choice experiments
by Gabriela Scheufele & Jeff Bennett - 234-252 Measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture: economic implications for policy and agricultural producers
by Tas Thamo & Ross S. Kingwell & David J. Pannell - 253-272 Auctioning contracts for environmental services
by Peter Bardsley & Ingrid Burfurd - 273-297 El Niño southern oscillation and its effects on world vegetable oil prices: assessing asymmetries using smooth transition models
by David Ubilava & Matt Holt - 298-300 Food Policy for Developing Countries: The Role of Government in Global, National, and Local Food Systems , edited by Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Derrill D. Watson II . Published by Cornell University Press , Ithaca and London , 2011 , pp. xx + 400 , ISBN 978-0-8014-4818-8, $45.00 (hardcover)
by Uttam Sharma
January 2013, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-14 Is it too late to stabilise the global climate?
by John Quiggin - 15-37 Conservation tenders: linking theory and experiments for policy assessment
by Steven Schilizzi & Uwe Latacz-Lohmann - 38-59 Space matters: the importance of amenity in planning metropolitan growth
by Parvin Mahmoudi & Darla Hatton MacDonald & Neville D. Crossman & David M. Summers & John van der Hoek - 60-78 The impact of mining and smelting activities on property values: a study of Mount Isa city, Queensland, Australia
by Prasad Neelawala & Clevo Wilson & Wasantha Athukorala - 79-103 A process for the development and application of simulation models in applied economics
by Graeme J. Doole & David J. Pannell - 104-122 Effort optimisation in artisanal fisheries with multiple management objectives, collective quotas and heterogeneous fleets
by Carlos Castillo & Jorge Dresdner - 123-140 Dairy productivity and climatic conditions: econometric evidence from South-eastern United States
by Deep Mukherjee & Boris E. Bravo-Ureta & Albert De Vries - 141-151 Firm behaviour under uncertainty: a simple parametric model
by Sriram Shankar - 152-154 Creating Wine: The Emergence of a World Industry, 1840–1914
by Tim Davis - 154-158 Breaking the Sheep’s Back: The Shocking True Story of The Decline and Fall of The Australian Wool Industry
by Henry Haszler
October 2012, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 455-474 Upstream demand for water use by new tree plantations imposes externalities on downstream irrigated agriculture and wetlands
by Thomas L. Nordblom & John D. Finlayson & Iain H. Hume - 475-497 The benefits from public agricultural research in Uruguay
by José E. Bervejillo & Julian M. Alston & Kabir P. Tumber - 498-520 Valuing Australian botanic collections: a combined travel-cost and contingent valuation study
by Paul Mwebaze & Jeff Bennett - 521-541 Integrating spatial dependence into Stochastic Frontier Analysis
by Francisco José Areal & Kelvin Balcombe & Richard Tiffin - 542-557 Agricultural commodities pricing model applied to the Brazilian sugar market
by Leonel M. Pereira & Celma de Oliveira Ribeiro & José R. Securato - 558-582 Livelihood diversification strategies in the Himalayas
by Dil Bahadur Rahut & Maja Micevska Scharf - 583-596 Towards a theory of policy timing
by Klaus Mittenzwei & David S. Bullock & Klaus Salhofer - 597-620 Production economics in the presence of risk
by Sriram Shankar
July 2012, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 315-331 Where in the world is it cheapest to cut carbon emissions?
by David I. Stern & John C. V. Pezzey & N. Ross Lambie - 332-346 Macroeconomics versus environmental-macroeconomics
by Dodo J. Thampapillai - 347-365 The returns to promotion of healthy choices in Tasmania: are you in the dark about the power of mushrooms?
by Julian M. Alston & Joanna C. Parks - 366-384 The consequences of a human food pathogen vaccine on food demand: a calibrated partial-equilibrium analysis of the U.S. beef market
by Stéphan Marette & Brian E. Roe & Mario F. Teisl - 385-404 Domestic and trade impacts of foot-and-mouth disease on the Australian beef industry
by Peter Tozer & Thomas L. Marsh - 405-425 U.S. demand for organic and conventional vegetables: a Bayesian censored system approach
by Panagiotis Kasteridis & Steven T. Yen - 426-437 Presumptions of linearity and faith in the power of centralised decision-making: two challenges to the efficient management of environmental water in Australia
by Lin Crase & Suzanne O’Keefe & Brian Dollery - 438-454 Protester or non-protester: a binary state? On the use (and non-use) of latent class models to analyse protesting in economic valuation
by Jürgen Meyerhoff & Anna Bartczak & Ulf Liebe
April 2012, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 149-151 Mineral and energy policies
by Deborah Peterson & Ross Cullen - 152-170 Opportunities and challenges facing the Australian resources sector
by Kate Penney & Jane Melanie & Clare Stark & Terry Sheales - 171-200 Living standards, terms of trade and foreign ownership: reflections on the Australian mining boom
by Robert G Gregory - 201-221 Mining booms and government budgets
by John Freebairn - 222-243 The contemporary China resources boom
by Ross Garnaut - 244-259 Non‐renewable resource taxation: policy reform in Australia
by Lindsay Hogan - 260-279 Climbing the electricity ladder generates carbon Kuznets curve downturns
by Paul J. Burke - 280-301 Optimal environmental policy design for mine rehabilitation and pollution with a risk of non‐compliance owing to firm insolvency
by Ben White & Graeme J. Doole & David J. Pannell & Veronique Florec - 302-313 Mining activity, income inequality and gender in regional Australia
by Andrew F. Reeson & Thomas G. Measham & Karin Hosking
January 2012, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-21 Optimal conservation investment for a biodiversity‐rich agricultural landscape
by Ben White & Rohan Sadler - 22-41 A bioeconomic model for Hooker’s sea lion bycatch in New Zealand
by Viktoria Kahui - 42-60 Allocation trade in Australia: a qualitative understanding of irrigator motives and behaviour
by Adam Loch & Henning Bjornlund & Sarah Wheeler & Jeff Connor - 61-81 Does anybody like water restrictions? Some observations in Australian urban communities
by Bethany Cooper & John Rose & Lin Crase - 82-101 Empirical evaluation of nonpoint pollution policies under agent heterogeneity: regulating intensive dairy production in the Waikato region of New Zealand
by Graeme J. Doole & David J. Pannell - 102-116 Tax mix change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
by John Freebairn - 117-140 Market access, organic farming and productivity: the effects of Fair Trade affiliation on Thai farmer producer groups
by Leonardo Becchetti & Pierluigi Conzo & Giuseppina Gianfreda - 141-143 Risk and Precaution
by Alexandra Lobb - 144-146 The Economics of Natural and Unnatural Disasters
by Russell Gorddard - 146-148 The End of Abundance: Economic Solutions to Water Scarcity
by Lisa Yu‐Ting Lee
October 2011, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 469-486 Evaluating environmental policies under uncertainty through application of robust nonlinear programming
by Graeme J. Doole & David J. Pannell - 487-499 Economic effects of water recovery on irrigated agriculture in the Murray‐Darling Basin
by Rupert Quentin Grafton & Qiang Jiang - 500-517 Water markets in Australia: an experimental analysis of alternative market mechanisms
by John G. Tisdell - 518-536 Testing for allocation efficiencies in water quality tenders across catchments, industries and pollutants: a north Queensland case study
by John Rolfe & Romy Greiner & Jill Windle & Atakelty Hailu - 537-559 Long‐term versus temporary certified emission reductions in forest carbon sequestration programs
by Gregmar I. Galinato & Aaron Olanie & Shinsuke Uchida & Jonathan K. Yoder - 560-578 The primacy of human capital and social capital in influencing landholders’ participation in programmes designed to improve environmental outcomes
by Mark Morrison & Eddie Oczkowski & Jenni Greig - 579-598 The determinants of technology adoption by UK farmers using Bayesian model averaging: the cases of organic production and computer usage
by Richard Tiffin & Kelvin Balcombe - 599-620 Estimating the social welfare effects of New Zealand apple imports
by David C. Cook & Luis R. Carrasco & Dean R. Paini & Rob W. Fraser
July 2011, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 297-321 Reducing Indonesia’s deforestation‐based greenhouse gas emissions
by Peter Warr & Arief Anshory Yusuf - 322-341 The efficiency of the Environmental Management Charge in the Cairns management area of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
by Marina Farr & Natalie Stoeckl & Rabiul Alam Beg - 342-359 Modelling drought and recovery in the southern Murray‐Darling basin
by Glyn Wittwer & Marnie Griffith - 360-373 Valuing traceability of imported beef in Korea: an experimental auction approach
by Ji Yong Lee & Doo Bong Han & Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr & Song Soo Lim - 374-392 Valuing a multistate river: the case of the River Murray
by Darla Hatton MacDonald & Mark D. Morrison & John M. Rose & Kevin J. Boyle - 393-410 Jointly determined livestock disease dynamics and decentralised economic behaviour
by Benjamin M. Gramig & Richard D. Horan - 411-428 Off‐farm employment and reasons for entering farming as determinants of production enterprise selection in US agriculture
by Jeffrey Gillespie & Ashok Mishra - 429-450 Predicting versus testing: a conditional cross‐forecasting accuracy measure for hypothetical bias
by Dmitriy Volinskiy & Wiktor Adamowicz & Michele Veeman - 451-453 Multiyear versus single‐year drought: a comment on Peck and Adams
by Tiho Ancev - 454-457 A reply to ‘Multiyear versus single‐year drought: a comment on Peck and Adams’
by Dannele E. Peck & Richard M. Adams
April 2011, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 145-158 Intergenerational equity and the social discount rate
by Helen Scarborough - 159-179 Using choice experiments to value catchment and estuary health in Tasmania with individual preference heterogeneity
by Marit E. Kragt & J.W. Bennett - 180-198 A hybrid commodity price‐forecasting model applied to the sugar–alcohol sector
by Celma O. Ribeiro & Sydnei M. Oliveira - 199-219 Socioeconomic aspects of rice‐fish farming in Bangladesh: opportunities, challenges and production efficiency
by Nesar Ahmed & Kerstin K. Zander & Stephen T. Garnett - 220-238 The impacts of climate change on Australia and New Zealand: a Gross Cell Product analysis by land cover
by S. Niggol Seo - 239-256 Determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption in Malaysia: an ordinal system approach
by Steven T. Yen & Andrew K.G. Tan & Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr - 257-272 Is native timber tree intercropping an economically feasible alternative for smallholder farmers in the Philippines?
by Fernando Santos Martin & Meine van Noordwijk - 273-290 Resource use efficiency under self‐selectivity: the case of Bangladeshi rice producers
by Sanzidur Rahman - 291-294 Famine: A Short History
by Roger Mauldon - 294-296 Oil Panic and the Global Crisis: Predictions and Myths
by David Pannell
January 2011, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 12-34 Managing complexity in modern farming
by Ross Kingwell - 35-52 Research and productivity in Thai agriculture
by Waleerat Suphannachart & Peter Warr - 53-71 Subsidies and distortions in China’s agriculture: evidence from producer‐level data
by Jikun Huang & Xiaobing Wang & Huayong Zhi & Zhurong Huang & Scott Rozelle - 72-89 Deriving efficient frontiers for effort allocation in the management of invasive species
by Oscar J. Cacho & Susan M. Hester - 90-106 Event‐specific data envelopment models and efficiency analysis
by Robert G. Chambers & Atakelty Hailu & John Quiggin - 107-125 Optimal vessel size and output in the Australian northern prawn fishery: a restricted profit function approach
by Sean Pascoe & Simon Vieira & Catherine M. Dichmont & André E. Punt - 126-143 On the regulation of spatial externalities: coexistence between GM and conventional crops in the EU and the ‘newcomer principle’
by Michele Graziano Ceddia & Mark Bartlett & Caterina De Lucia & Charles Perrings
October 2010, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 389-406 How would global trade liberalization affect rural and regional incomes in Australia?
by Kym Anderson & James Giesecke & Ernesto Valenzuela - 407-420 Choice experiment adaptive design benefits: a case study
by Geoffrey N. Kerr & Basil M. H. Sharp