February 1996, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 163-177 Economic impacts of East Coast Fever immunization on smallholder farms, Kenya: a simulation analysis
by Hezron O. Nyangito & James W. Richardson & Darrell S. Mundy & Adrian W. Mukhebi & Peter Zimmel & Jerry Namken - 179-189 The impact of floods on the adoption rate of high‐yielding rice varieties in Bangladesh
by Jean‐Paul Azam - 191-199 Efficient income redistribution for a small country using optimal combined instruments
by K. Salhofer - 201-204 Measuring research benefits in an imperfect market
by Richard J. Sexton & Terri A. Sexton - 205-205 Measuring research benefits in an imperfect market
by Thomas. J. Voon - 207-208 Agricultural economics compact disk
by Patricia Klosky - 208-210 The emerging global food system
by T. Kelley White - 210-211 Sustainable agriculture in the American midwest
by E. Wesley F. Peterson
November 1995, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 75-88 U.S. corn exports: the role of the exchange rate
by Ronald A. Babula & Fred J. Ruppel & David A. Bessler - 89-99 Poverty alleviation in Mozambique: a multi‐market analysis of the role of food aid
by Paul Dorosh & Carlo del Ninno & David E. Sahn - 101-108 A decision support system for strategic planning on pig farms
by G.B.C. Backus & G.Th. Timmer & A.A. Dijkhuizen & V.R. Eidman & F. Vos - 109-117 Farm‐level nonparametric analysis of cost‐minimization and profit‐maximization behavior
by Allen M. Featherstone & Ghassan A. Moghnieh & Barry K. Goodwin - 119-123 Are piglet prices rational hog price forecasts?
by Ole Gjølberg - 125-135 Dynamic modelling of agroforestry and soil fertility interactions: implications for multi‐disciplinary research policy
by Suresh Chandra Babu & Arne Hallam & B. Rajasekaran - 137-148 Implications of alternative environmental policies on phosphorus loading from poultry litter
by Ramu Govindasamy & Mark J. Cochran
October 1995, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-9 Farmers' perceptions and adoption of new agricultural technology: evidence from analysis in Burkina Faso and Guinea, West Africa
by Akinwumi A. Adesina & Jojo Baidu‐Forson - 11-25 Restructuring of traditional farms and new land relations in Russia
by Karen Brooks & Zvi Lerman - 27-37 Restructuring of traditional farms and new land relations in Ukraine
by Zvi Lerman & Karen Brooks & Csaba Csaki - 39-49 Agriculture as a provider of public goods: a case study for Norway
by Rolf Jens Brunstad & Ivar Gaasland & Erling Vårdal - 51-61 Sources of agricultural productivity growth and stagnation in sub‐Saharan Africa
by George Frisvold & Kevin Ingram - 63-64 The social dynamics of agrarian change
by Stephen Jones - 64-66 The failure of food policy in revolutionary Nicaragua
by Dale Colyer - 66-68 Ghana under structural adjustment
by Awudu Abdulai - 68-71 The agrarian origins of commerce and industry
by Tan Siew Hoey - 71-72 Famine and food security in Ethiopia
by Dejene Aredo
October 1995, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 193-240 Agricultural economics: an educational and research agenda for nations in transition
by G.H. Peters
April 1995, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 115-128 Liberalization of agricultural input markets in Bangladesh: process, impact, and lessons
by Raisuddin Ahmed - 129-140 Soil conservation and governmental policies in tropical areas: Does aid worsen the incentives for arresting erosion?
by Sverre Grepperud - 141-150 The cost of agricultural production risk
by Bruce A. Babcock & Jason F. Shogren - 151-162 Landlords and farmers: implications of disparities in bargaining power for tenancy in agriculture
by H. Andersson - 163-170 A partial adjustment model with rational expectations applied to the goat sector in Greece
by Christos V. Fotopoulos - 171-181 Segmentation in the informal credit markets: the case of the Philippines
by Geetha Nagarajan & Richard L. Meyer & Leroy J. Hushak - 183-192 Returns from research in economies with policy distortions: hybrid sorghum in Sudan
by Mohamed M. Ahmed & William A. Masters & John H. Sanders
April 1995, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-9 Approximation methods for ranking risky investment alternatives
by David Bigman - 11-21 Value of moving from central planning to a market system: lessons from the Israeli water sector
by Nir Becker - 23-35 Equity and efficiency considerations in area versus individual yield insurance
by Calum G. Turvey & Zahirul Islam - 37-53 How integrated are world beef markets? The case of Australian and U.S. beef markets
by Dimitris Diakosavvas - 55-68 Labor productivity measurement in Japanese agriculture, 1956–90
by Yoshimi Kuroda - 69-78 Effects of agricultural production fluctuations on the Chinese macroeconomy
by Guanghe Ran & Francis In & John L. Dillon - 79-90 Price expectations of sheep and goats by producers and intermediaries in Quetta market, Pakistan
by Abelardo Rodríguez & Imran Ali & Muhammad Afzal & Nisar A. Shah & Usman Mustafa - 91-98 Estimating preference change in meat demand in Saudi Arabia
by Safer H. Al‐Kahtani & Badr El‐din E. Sofian - 99-107 Estimation of dynamic maize supply response in Zambia
by Kenneth A. Foster & Anthony Mwanaumo
December 1994, Volume 11, Issue 2-3
- 99-110 Impacts of official development assistance on agricultural growth, savings and agricultural imports
by Mylène W. Kherallah & John C. Beghin & E. Wesley F. Peterson & Fred J. Ruppel - 111-123 Compensated optimal response under uncertainty in agricultural household models
by Atanu Saha - 125-141 Farmers and the U.S. Congress: rethinking basic institutional assumptions about agricultural policy
by William P. Browne & Won K. Paik - 143-158 Alternative models of input allocation in multicrop systems: Irrigation water in the Central Plains, United States
by Michael R. Moore & Noel R. Gollehon & Marc B. Carey - 159-170 Role of information in the adoption of best management practices for water quality improvement
by Peter M. Feather & Gregory S. Amacher - 171-189 Estimating random effects production function models with selectivity bias: an application to Swedish crop producers
by Almas Heshmati - 191-196 Impacts of land fragmentation on the cost of producing wheat in the rain‐fed region of northern Jordan
by Amer S. Jabarin & Francis M. Epplin - 197-206 Measurement of cost inefficiency with safety first measure of risk
by Ashok Parikh & Mir Kalan Shah - 207-217 Demand for food in Myanmar (Burma)
by T. Soe & R.L. Batterham & R.G. Drynan - 219-235 Determinants of agriculture's relative decline: Thailand
by Will J. Martin & Peter G. Warr - 237-256 Evaluation of external market effects and government intervention in Malaysia's agricultural sector: A computable general equilibrium framework
by Kim Leng Yeah & John F. Yanagida & Hiroshi Yamauchi - 257-269 On‐site economic evaluation of soil conservation practices in Honduras
by Julio A. Cárcamo & Jeffrey Alwang & George W. Norton - 271-288 Economics of erosion‐control and seed‐fertilizer technologies for hillside farming in Honduras
by Miguel A. López‐Pereira & John H. Sanders & Timothy G. Baker & Paul V. Preckel - 289-299 Managerial form, ownership and efficiency: a case‐study of Argentine agriculture
by Marcos Gallacher & Stephan J. Goetz & David L. Debertin - 301-309 Impacts of FFW on nutrition in rural Kenya
by Athanasenas Athanasios & Mesfin Bezuneh & Brady J. Deaton - 311-324 Market liberalization and integration of maize markets in Malawi
by Francesco Goletti & Suresh Babu - 325-333 Profitability analysis of foodgrain in the Sudan's irrigated agricultural sector
by Yusuf T. Gumaa & Hamid H. Faki & Abu Bakr I. Mohamed & Mohamed A. Ismail - 335-343 Effects of household size and composition on consumption in rural households in Matabeleland South, Zimbabwe
by Trevor Young & Abdalla A. Hamdok
September 1994, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-17 Differential human capital and structural evolution in agriculture
by John L. Rodgers - 19-28 An analysis of population growth, Green Revolution and terms of trade in the presence of cropsharing in agriculture
by M.A. Taslim - 29-42 From weed to wealth? Prospects for medic pastures in the Mediterranean farming system of north‐west Syria
by Thomas L. Nordblom & David J. Pannell & Scott Christiansen & Nerses Nersoyan & Faik Bahhady - 43-49 Farmer‐to‐farmer transfer of new crop varieties: an empirical analysis on small farms in Uganda
by W. Grisley - 51-59 Japan's peanut import demand: implications for United States exports
by Ping Zhang & Stanley M. Fletcher & Dale H. Carley - 61-69 Food demand in rural China: evidence from rural household survey
by Shenggen Fan & Gail Cramer & Eric Wailes - 71-81 Impact of eliminating government interventions on China's rice sector
by Shenggen Fan & Eric Wailes & Gail Cramer - 83-91 Ex ante assessment of the returns to livestock disease control in Indonesia
by I.W. Patrick & D.T. Vere - 93-94 Environmental economics
by Jock R. Anderson - 94-96 Political economy of food and nutrition policies
by Mandi Rukuni - 96-98 Agricultural transition in central and Eastern Europe and the former U.S.S.R
by Joachim Von Braun
May 1994, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 207-217 Resource supplies and changing world agricultural comparative advantage
by James A. Tobey & G.V. Chomo - 219-231 Technology, production environment, and household income: Assessing the regional impacts of technological change
by Mitch Renkow - 233-243 Value of information on crop response function to soil salinity in a farm‐level optimization model
by Eli Feinerman - 245-256 Evidence of the empirical relevance of the infant industry argument for the protection of Brazilian ethanol production
by Kevin Rask - 257-267 International trade in a differentiated good: Trade elasticities in the world rice market
by Mercedita C. Agcaoili‐Sombilla & Mark W. Rosegrant - 269-282 Returns to wheat breeding research in Nepal
by Michael L. Morris & H.J. Dubin & Thaneswar Pokhrel - 283-295 ‘Second‐generation’ MVs and the evolution of the Green Revolution: the case of Central Luzon, 1966–90
by Keijiro Otsuka & Fe Gascon & Seki Asano - 297-305 The law of one price: a test based on prices for selected inputs in New Zealand agriculture
by S.B. Delpachitra & R.L. St Hill - 307-316 Asymmetry in beef, lamb and pork farm‐retail price transmission in Australia
by G.R. Griffith & N.E. Piggott
April 1994, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 107-123 Sustaining growth in agriculture: a quantitative review of agricultural research investments
by Jock R. Anderson & Philip G. Pardey & Johannes Roseboom - 125-141 Sources of EC horticultural import growth from developing countries
by José María García Alvarez‐Coque & Romeo M. Bautista - 143-152 Efficiency estimation in a profit maximising model using flexible production function
by Subal C. Kumbhakar - 153-164 Impact of hybrid rice on input demand and productivity
by Justin Yifu Lin - 165-177 Separability in farm‐household economics: an experiment with linear programming
by Julie C. Delforce - 179-191 Production technologies in Ethiopian agriculture
by Asmcrom Kidane & David G. Abler - 193-200 Extensification of agriculture and deforestation: empirical evidence from Sudan
by Abdelmoneim H. Elnagheeb & Daniel W. Bromley - 201-206 A critical assessment of the political preference function approach in agricultural economics
by David S. Bullock & Kyeong‐Soo Jeong
January 1994, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-11 Evaluating alternative price expectation models for multiproduct supply analysis
by Christopher S. McIntosh & C. Richard Shumway - 13-25 Modernization of a peasant crop in Colombia: evidence and implications
by Willem Janssen & Norha Ruiz de Londoño - 27-37 Efficiency in agricultural production: the case of peasant farmers in eastern Paraguay
by Boris E. Bravo‐Ureta & Robert E. Evenson - 39-47 Impacts of the training and visit extension system on farmers' knowledge and adoption of technology: Evidence from Pakistan
by Syed Sajidin Hussain & Derek Byerlee & Paul W. Heisey - 49-59 Testing two trade models in Latin American agriculture
by Carlos Anthony Arnade - 61-70 Impact of the US–EC price war on major wheat exporters' shares of the Chinese market
by Fredoun Z. Ahmadi‐Esfahani & Paul H. Jensen - 71-80 Agricultural trade negotiations as a strategic game
by Shiva S. Makki & Luther Tweeten & James Gleckler - 81-88 A gravity model analysis of meat trade policies
by Won W. Koo & David Karemera & Richard Taylor - 89-93 Measuring research benefits in an imperfect market
by T.J. Voon - 95-99 Gendered impacts of fertilizer subsidy removal programs in Malawi and Cameroon
by Melinda Smale & Paul W. Heisey
December 1993, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 279-296 Measuring the sustainability and economic viability of tropical farming systems: a model from sub‐Saharan Africa
by Simeon K. Ehui & Dunstan S.C. Spencer - 297-311 Technology characteristics, farmers' perceptions and adoption decisions: A Tobit model application in Sierra Leone
by Akinwumi A. Adesina & Moses M. Zinnah - 313-333 Estimation of stochastic frontier production functions with time‐varying parameters and technical efficiencies using panel data from Indian villages
by G.E. Battese & G.A. Tessema - 335-346 Agricultural policy adjustments in the Korean rice economy
by Yong Dae Kwon & Hiroshi Yamauchi - 347-356 A generalized Armington trade model: Respecification
by Seung‐Ryong Yang & Won W. Koo - 357-360 Dutch Perspectives In Environmental Economic Policy
by Sara J. Scherr - 360-361 Demand Analysis, Econometrics, And Policy Models
by Lester V. Manderscheid
September 1993, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 183-201 Analysis of the technical efficiency of state rubber farms in Vietnam
by Tran Vo Hung Son & Tim Coelli & Euan Fleming - 203-214 Risk analysis of new maize technology in Zaire: a portfolio approach
by Glenn C.W. Ames & Donald W. Reid & Li‐Fang Hsiou - 215-239 Maize acreage response under differential prices in the Republic of Benin, West Africa
by Barthelemy G. Honfoga - 241-267 Peasant household modelling: Farming systems evolution and sustainability in northern Zambia
by Stein T. Holden - 269-271 The Green Revolution Reconsidered
by Vernon W. Ruttan - 271-274 Disarray In World Food Markets
by Ulrich Koester - 274-276 World Food Problem
by Roger Fox - 276-278 Agricultural Economies And Rural Sociology
by Donald E. Voth
August 1993, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 89-108 Production economics: Worthwhile investment?
by C. Richard Shumway - 109-126 Estimating feed utilisation matrices using a cost function approach
by Ludo Peeters & Yves Surry - 127-143 Advanced breakeven analysis of agricultural enterprise budgets
by Carl R. Dillon - 145-154 Inflation, capital markets and the supply of beef
by Claudio Sapelli - 155-163 Demand for red meat, poultry, and fish in Morocco: an almost ideal demand system
by Abdellah Mdafri & B. Wade Brorsen - 165-180 Agriculture‐led growth: foodgrains versus export crops in Madagascar
by Paul Dorosh & Steven Haggblade
July 1993, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-13 Chile's agricultural diversification
by Carlos Arnade & Amy Sparks - 15-35 An application of Target MOTAD Model to crop production in Zambia: Gwembe Valley as a case study
by Phiri Maleka - 37-51 Growth in horticultural trade: Japan's market for developing countries
by Masayoshi Honma - 53-87 Price and quantity controlled agricultural markets and disequilibrium econometrics: a survey
by Edward Oczkowski
June 1993, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 267-273 Trade and Development
by Michel Petit & Suzanne Gnaegy - 275-294 International trade and agricultural development in developing countries: Significance of the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations
by Ulrich Koester - 295-311 Mix and sequencing of economywide and agricultural reforms: Chile and New Zealand
by Alberto Valdés - 313-343 Implications of agricultural trade liberalization for the developing countries
by Antônio Salazar P. Brandão & Will J. Martin - 345-375 Trade and agricultural development in the 1980s and the challenges for the 1990s: Asia
by Romeo M. Bautista - 377-400 Trade and agricultural development in the 1980s and the challenges for the 1990s: Latin America
by G. Edward Schuh & Roberto Junguito - 401-420 Challenges of trade and agricultural development for East/Central Europe and states of the former USSR
by Karen M. Brooks - 421-434 Role of agriculture in economic development revisited
by D. Gale Johnson
March 1993, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 187-197 Resource allocation and productivity of cereal state farms in Ethiopia
by Mesfin Mirotchie & Daniel B. Taylor - 199-209 Efficiency of small‐scale farmers in Ethiopia: a case study in the Baso and Warana sub‐district
by Abenet Belete & John L. Dillon & Frank M. Anderson - 211-226 Tactical responses to seasonal conditions in whole‐farm planning in Western Australia
by Ross S. Kingwell & David J. Pannell & Stephen D. Robinson - 227-242 A markup over average cost pricing rule for meat and poultry in the United States
by Catherine C. Langlois - 243-263 Cost structure and technical change in rural banking
by James Obben
February 1993, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 91-105 Will developing country debt forgiveness increase agricultural trade?
by Daniel Pick & Barry Krissoff - 107-124 Demand for cereal grains in Asia: the effect of urbanization
by Jikun Huang & Cristina C. David - 125-138 Intra‐annual sheep price patterns and factors underlying price variations in the central highlands of Ethiopia
by K. Andargachew & Ray F. Brokken - 139-159 Livestock pricing policy in sub‐Saharan Africa: objectives, instruments and impact in five countries
by Timothy O. Williams - 161-171 Economic returns to cowpea research, extension, and input distribution in Senegal
by Lisa A. Schwartz & James A. Sterns & James F. Oehmke - 173-185 Efficiency of U.S. conservation‐compliance program
by Ramu Govindasamy & Wallace Huffman
December 1992, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-19 Nearly optimal linear programming as a guide to agricultural planning
by Scott R. Jeffrey & Ron R. Gibson & Merle D. Faminow - 21-31 Cardinal criteria for ranking uncertain prospects
by David Bigman - 33-43 Labour on the family farm: a theory under uncertainty – an extension
by Ziv Bar‐Shira & Israel Finkelshtain - 45-56 Willingness to pay for pST‐treated pork
by Abdelmoneim H. Elnagheeb & Wojciech J. Florkowski & Chung‐Liang Huang & Catherine Halbrendt - 57-77 Improvement strategies for farming systems in the Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia
by Bezabih Emana & Harmen Storck - 79-81 Agricultural Trade Liberalization
by Elisabetta Croci Angelini - 82-84 Imperfect Competition And Political Economy
by J. Loyat
October 1992, Volume 7, Issue 3-4
- 185-208 Frontier production functions and technical efficiency: a survey of empirical applications in agricultural economics
by George E. Batiese - 209-224 Intervention bias in agricultural policy
by Robert J. Myers - 225-243 Effects of adjustment of the green drachma to its current exchange rate
by Nicholas C. Baltas - 245-265 Effect of modern rice varieties and irrigation on household income distribution in Nepalese villages
by Ganesh Thapa & Keijiro Otsuka & Randolph Barker - 267-287 Soil, water and crop management alternatives in rainfed agriculture in the Sahel: an economic analysis
by John C. Day & David W. Hughes & Walter R. Butcher - 289-299 Application of stochastic dominance criteria to evaluate bean production strategies in Central Province, Zambia
by Mesfin Bezuneh - 301-315 Differentiated products and supply controls in the analysis of agricultural policy reform: the case of tobacco
by John Beghin & Ruey‐er Chang - 317-329 Effects of international shocks and domestic macroeconomic policies upon Brazilian agriculture
by Geraldo S.A. Camargo Barros - 331-339 Impacts of feed ingredient subsidy removal and concurrent trade liberalization in Tunisia
by Patricia Kristjanson & Wallace E. Tyner - 341-349 Relationship between agricultural growth and farm imports in LDCs: a Sims' causality test based on 35 countries
by Xiling Wu & Xianbin Yao - 351-369 Gini's coefficient of mean difference as a measure of adoption speed: theoretical issues and empirical evidence from India
by Hans G.P. Jansen - 371-394 A critical assessment of the political preference function approach in agricultural economics
by Stephan von Cramon‐Taubadel
July 1992, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 91-107 Principles of stochastic dynamic optimization in resource management: the continuous‐time case
by Bruce A. Larson - 109-124 Allocable fixed inputs as a cause of joint production: an empirical investigation
by Howard D. Leathers - 125-139 A continuing evolution in U.S. agricultural and food policy ‐ The 1990 Act
by R.G.F. Spitze - 141-153 Gendered impacts of fertilizer subsidy removal programs in Malawi and Cameroon
by Christina H. Gladwin - 155-166 Estimation and use of risk aversion coefficient for traditional dryland agriculture in western Sudan
by Eltighani M. Elamin & LeRoy F. Rogers - 167-184 Incorporating risk in the economic analysis of agronomic trials: fertilizer use on barley in Syria
by Ahmed Mazid & Elizabeth Bailey
June 1992, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-12 Effects of subsidized wheat consumption by state in India
by G. Chellaraj & B. Wade Brorsen & Paul L. Farris - 13-23 Rural banking in Nigeria: Empirical evidence of indicative policy variables from Anambra State
by Aja Okorie - 25-37 Interaction between livestock and feeds policies: evidence from Southeast Asia
by Allan N. Rae - 39-54 Changes of the rice distribution and the functions of the food control system in Japan
by Tokuzo Mishima - 55-64 A proposal for the reduction of domestic price variability during the phase‐in period of trade liberalization
by Dermot J. Hayes & Thomas I. Wahl & S.R. Johnson - 65-75 An econometric analysis of U.S. vital wheat gluten imports
by François Ortalo‐Magné & Barry K. Goodwin - 77-90 Estimating the effectiveness of extension information systems using farm trials and subjective probabilities
by Wayne H. Howard & Robert W. Blake & Thomas O. Knight & C. Richard Shumway & Michael A. Tomaszewski
April 1992, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 301-314 Induced technical change in centrally planned economies
by Shenggen Fan & Vernon W. Ruttan - 315-332 Adoption and abandonment of irrigation technologies
by Ariel Dinar & Dan Yaron - 333-344 Choice of utility function form: its effect on classification of risk preferences and the prediction of farmer decisions
by Sugu M.M. Zuhair & Daniel B. Taylor & Randall A. Kramer - 345-352 Evaluating the economic impact of quality‐reducing, seed‐borne diseases: Lessons from Karnal bunt of wheat
by John P. Brennan & Elizabeth J. Warham & Derek Byerlee & Julio Hernandez‐Estrada - 353-364 Impacts of capital and land constraints on the economics of new livestock technology in western Kenya
by Fanny B. Nyaribo & Douglas L. Young - 365-384 Linking of U.S. monetary policy and exchange rates to world soybean markets
by Cameron S. Thraen & Tsorng‐Chyi Hwang & Donald W. Larson
February 1992, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 201-215 Development of township enterprise and alleviation of the employment problem in rural China
by Zhang Y. Zhou & John L. Dillon & Guang H. Wan - 217-250 Institutional effects on changes in Chinese foodgrain production and its variability
by Guang H. Wan - 251-266 Dynamic factor demand equations in U.S. and Canadian agriculture
by J. Friesen & S. Capalbo & M. Denny - 267-285 Canadian dairy policy and the returns to federal dairy cattle research
by Glenn Fox & Bruce Roberts & George L. Brinkman - 287-288 Principles Of Agricultural Economics
by Alan Matthews - 288-290 World Agriculture: Toward 2000
by Ian Goldin - 291-292 Food Subsidies In Developing Countries
by David Colman - 293-295 Elasticities In International Agricultural Trade
by Thomas W. Bickerton - 295-297 Macroeconomics, Agriculture And Exchange Rates
by John Beghin - 297-299 Government And Agriculture In Western Europe, 1880‐1988
by Elisabetta Croci‐Angelini
December 1991, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 97-113 Modelling stochastic crop response to fertilisation when carry‐over matters
by Patrick A. Jomini & Robert R. Deuson & J. Lowenberg‐DeBoer & André Bationo - 115-128 A stochastic dynamic programming framework for weed control decision making: an application to Avena fatua L
by Sushil Pandey & R.W. Medd - 129-157 Capital accumulation and the growth of aggregate agricultural production
by Stephen L. Haley - 159-175 Development of agriculture in Ethiopia since the 1975 land reform
by Abenet Belete & John L. Dillon & Frank M. Anderson - 177-183 Urbanization and food imports in sub‐Saharan Africa
by James Tabi & Wayne H. Howard & Truman Phillips - 185-200 Economic factors affecting human fertility in the developing areas of Southern Africa
by Cheryl D. Fairlamb & Wilhelmus L. Nieuwoudt
October 1991, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-13 Agricultural settlement with joint production services
by Eli Feinerman & Yoav Kislev - 15-29 Size and industry effects in the performance of agricultural cooperatives
by Zvi Lerman & Claudia Parliament