June 2000, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 41-58 The effect of barge and ocean freight price volatility in international grain markets
by Michael S. Haigh & Henry L. Bryant - 59-70 Grain transport and rural credit in Mozambique: solving the space–time problem
by Channing Arndt & Rico Schiller & Finn Tarp - 71-84 Income distribution in rice–growing villages during the post‐Green Revolution periods: the Philippine case, 1985 and 1998
by Jonna P. Estudillo & Agnes R. Quisumbing & Keijiro Otsuka - 85-101 Evolution of land tenure institutions and development of agroforestry: evidence from customary land areas of Sumatra
by Keijiro Otsuka & S. Suyanto & Tetsushi Sonobe & Thomas P. Tomich - 103-118 Modeling the impact of technological change on nutrition and marketed surplus
by Mohamed M. Ahmed & Paul V. Preckel & Timothy G. Baker & Miguel Lopez‐Pereira - 119-130 Optimal weed control under static and dynamic decision rules
by JunJie Wu
December 1999, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 221-229 Intellectual property rights and developing country agriculture
by Richard K. Perrin - 231-239 Redistribution of social benefits from advances in extension and research in the Tanzanian maize industry
by Ephraim M. Nkonya & Joe L. Parcell - 241-256 Adoption of soil conservation: the case of the Philippine uplands
by Ma. Lucila A. Lapar & Sushil Pandey - 257-267 Externalities in the agricultural export sector and economic growth: a developing country perspective
by Sheila Amin Gutiérrez de Piñeres - 269-277 Pass‐through of exchange rates and tariffs in Greek‐US tobacco trade
by Anthony N. Rezitis & A. Blake Brown - 279-294 The effects of land sales restrictions: evidence from south India
by John L. Pender & John M. Kerr - 295-307 A structural time series analysis of US broiler exports
by Crispin M. Kapombe & Dale Colyer - 309-322 Implications of trade reform for agricultural markets in northeast Asia: a Korean example
by Daniel A. Sumner & Hyunok Lee & Daniel G. Hallstrom - 323-324 The impact of prices and macroeconomic policies on agricultural supply: a reply
by Nlandu Mamingi
October 1999, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 109-120 Agricultural higher education in transforming Central and Eastern Europe
by Csaba Csaki - 121-130 The influence of technology characteristics on the rate and speed of adoption
by F.‐J. Batz & K.J. Peters & W. Janssen - 131-144 Modeling inter‐sectoral growth linkages: An application to U.S. agriculture
by Munisamy Gopinath & Terry L. Roe - 145-154 A conceptual framework of adoption of an agricultural innovation
by Amir K. Abadi Ghadim & David J. Pannell - 155-172 Imperfect competition, functional forms, and the size and distribution of research benefits
by Julian M. Alston & Richard J. Sexton & Mingxia Zhang - 173-189 Components of the wholesale bid‐ask spread and the structure of grain markets: the case of rice in India
by Raghbendra Jha & K.V.B. Murthy & Hari K. Nagarajan & Ashok Seth - 191-203 Modelling embedded risk in peasant agriculture: methodological insights from northern Malawi
by Andrew Dorward - 205-216 The impact of perception and other factors on the adoption of agricultural technology in the Moret and Jiru Woreda (district) of Ethiopia
by W. Negatu & A. Parikh - 217-219 Toward the Rural‐Based Development of Commerce and Industry: Selected Experiences from East Asia, Y. Hayami (Ed.), World Bank, EDI Learning Resource Series, Washington, DC, 1998, US$ 30.00, 312 pp., ISBN 0‐8213‐4026–3
by N. Islam
August 1999, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-18 The organization of agricultural research in western developed countries
by Wallace E. Huffman & Richard E. Just - 19-20 The impact of prices and macroeconomic policies on agricultural supply: a synthesis of available results A comment
by J.M. Boussard - 21-39 Meat and milk self‐sufficiency in Asia: forecast trends and implications
by A.S. Rutherford - 41-51 Returns to investments in small ruminant research in Indonesia The Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SR‐CRSP) in West Java
by Corinnc Vaklivia - 53-67 Risks and returns from soil conservation: evidence from low‐income farms in the Philippines
by Gerald E. Shively - 69-79 Family farm dynamics in Canada and Israel: the case of farm exits
by Ayal Kimhi & Ray Bollman - 81-92 A comparative analysis of water price support versus drought compensation scheme
by N. Becker - 93-108 Grain price stabilization in India: Evaluation of policy alternatives
by Shikha Jha & P.V. Srinivasan
May 1999, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 191-201 Least‐cost cheap‐food policies: some implications of international food aid
by Julian M. Alston & Vincent H. Smith & Albert Acquaye & Safdar Hosseini - 203-214 The impact of agricultural and household technologies on women: a conceptual and quantitative analysis in Burkina Faso
by Pareena G. Lawrence & John H. Sanders & Sunder Ramaswamy - 215-230 The effects of real exchange rate depreciation on stochastic producer prices in low‐income agriculture
by Christopher B. Barrett - 231-239 Factors influencing adoption of land‐enhancing technology in the Sahel: lessons from a case study in Niger
by J. Baidu‐Forson - 241-252 Agriculture and economic growth in Ethiopia: growth multipliers from a four‐sector simulation model
by Steven A. Block - 253-262 Seasonality and spatial integration in agricultural (product) markets
by George P. Zanias - 263-276 Export taxes and sectoral economic growth: evidence from cotton and yarn markets in Pakistan
by Darren Hudson & Don Ethridge - 277-286 Agricultural research priority setting under multiple objectives: an example from Zimbabwe
by Gladys Mutangadura & George W. Norton - 287-288 Agricultural Development in China, 1949‐1989: The Collected Papers of Kenneth R. Walker (1931‐1989). Robert F. Ash (Ed.), Oxford University Press, New York, 1998, 367pp., US $85.00 (cloth), 0‐19‐713613‐3
by Jikun Huang - 288-289 Agricultural Restructuring and Sustainability: A Geographical Perspective. Brian IIbury, Quentin Chiotti, and Timothy Rickard (Eds.), Oxford University Press, New York, 1997, 348 pp, US$90.00. ISBN 0‐85199‐165‐3
by J.C. Alliston - 289-290 Irrigation
by Ruth Meinzen‐Dick
March 1999, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 79-93 Middlemen and peasants in rice marketing in the Philippines
by Y. Hayami & M. Kikuchi & E.B. Marciano - 95-103 Prospects for food security in the 21st Century: with special emphasis on Africa
by Alex F. McCalla - 105-120 An economic assessment of the Common Market Organization for bananas in the European Union
by Hervé Guyomard & Catherine Laroche & Chantal Le Mouël - 121-133 The performance of Botswana's traditional arable agriculture: growth rates and the impact of the accelerated rainfed arable programme (ARAP)
by Tebogo B. Seleka - 135-141 The income earned by women: impacts on welfare outcomes
by Lawrence Haddad - 143-157 Wheat policy and economy‐wide reform in Brazil
by Orlando Monteiro da Silva & Thomas Grennes - 159-172 The microeconomics of the developmental paradox: on the political economy of food price policy
by Christopher B. Barrett - 173-183 Income risk and farm consumption behavior
by Kevin Z. Chen & Karl D. Meilke & Calum Turvey - 185-186 Tree planting in the developing world
by Steven Franzel - 186-188 Development economics
by Agnes R. Quisumbing - 188-190 Rural South Africa
by Kay Muir‐Leresche
January 1999, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-9 Cointegration and causality in international agricultural economics research
by Hector O. Zapata & José M. Gil - 11-21 Impacts of foreign policies on the gains from research and promotion
by J.P. Voon & G.W. Edwards - 23-35 Technical, allocative and economic efficiencies in swine production in Hawaii: a comparison of parametric and nonparametric approaches
by Khem R. Sharma & PingSun Leung & Halina M. Zaleski - 37-49 Measuring the production efficiency of alternative land tenure contracts in a mixed crop‐livestock system in Ethiopia
by Sarah Gavian & Simeon Ehui - 51-56 The mixing ratio in the Indonesian dairy industry
by P. Riethmuller & J. Chai & D. Smith & B. Hutabarat & B. Sayaka & Y. Yusdja - 57-67 Co‐integration and error‐correction modelling of agricultural export supply in Cameroon
by N. Emmanuel Tambi - 69-74 Managerial efficiency under risk for broiler producers in Saudi Arabia
by Sherin A. Sherif & Safer H. Al‐Kahtani - 75-76 Japan's beef industry
by Mahfuzuddin Ahmed - 76-78 Agricultural policies
by Michael L. Morris
December 1998, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 257-267 Tariff rate quotas: structural and stability impacts in growing markets
by Philip C. Abbott & Philip L. Paarlberg - 269-282 Structures and processes required for research, higher education and technology transfer in the agricultural sciences: a policy appraisal
by C.T. Whittemore - 283-295 Government intervention and market integration in Indonesian rice markets
by Mohammad Ismet & Andrew P. Barkley & Richard V. Llewelyn - 297-307 Adoption of new tobacco varieties in Greece: Impacts of empirical findings on policy design
by Efthalia Dimara & Dimitrios Skuras - 309-325 Trends in China's regional grain production and their implications
by Hong Yang - 327-340 National agricultural commodity research priorities for Pakistan
by Joseph G. Nagy & M.A. Quddus - 341-348 Technical efficiency and productivity of maize producers in eastern Ethiopia: a study of farmers within and outside the Sasakawa‐Global 2000 project
by E.T. Seyoum & G.E. Battese & E.M. Fleming - 349-358 Price supply response of vegetable growers in the Sultanate of Oman
by Abdullah Omezzine & Omar S. Al‐Jabri - 359-366 The demand for meat and fish in Spain: Urban and rural areas
by A. Gracia & L.M. Albisu - 367-368 Asian Rice Bowls: The Returning Crisis? Prabhu L. Pingali, Mahabub Hossain, and Roberta V. Gerpacio. CAB International (in association with the International Rice Research Institute), Wallingford, UK, 1997, xii + 34Ipp., US$100.00 or £55. ISBN 085199‐162‐9
by Keijiro Otsuka - 369-370 Quantitative development policy analysis
by Awudu Abdulai - 370-373 The political geography of sustainable agriculture
by Kostas G. Stamoulis - 373-375 Rural finance for food security for the poor
by Chris Barrett
September 1998, Volume 19, Issue 1-2
- 1-1 Agricultural Growth, Poverty, and the Environment: Introduction
by Peter Hazell - 1-13 Policy and competitiveness of agroforestry‐based technologies for maize production in Cameroon: An application of policy analysis matrix
by Akinwumi A. Adesina & Ousmane N. Coulibaly - 15-25 Induced innovation and land degradation: Results from a bioeconomic model of a village in West Africa
by Bruno Barbier - 27-32 Pasture taxes and agricultural intensification in southern Mali
by Timothy J. Dalton & William A. Masters - 33-44 Credit constraints and smallholder dairy production in the East African highlands: application of a switching regression model
by H.A. Freeman & Simeon K. Ehui & Mohammad A. Jabbar - 45-51 Agricultural productivity in developing countries
by Lilyan E. Fulginiti & Richard K. Perrin - 53-62 Technology, market policies and institutional reform for sustainable land use in southern Mali
by Arie Kuyvenhoven & Ruerd Ruben & Gideon Kruseman - 63-71 Tenure, land rights, and farmer investment incentives in China
by Guo Li & Scott Rozelle & Loren Brandt - 73-79 Welfare impacts of technological change on women in southern Mali
by Nina Lilja & John H. Sanders - 81-86 The impact of agricultural research in Africa: aggregate and case study evidence
by William A. Masters & Touba Bedingar & James F. Oehmke - 87-97 The interface between growth, trade, pollution and natural resource use in Chile: evidence from an economy wide model
by Dominique van der Mensbrugghe & David Roland‐Holst & Sébastien Dessus & John Beghin - 99-112 Population growth, agricultural intensification, induced innovation and natural resource sustainability: An application of neoclassical growth theory
by John L. Pender - 113-125 Determinants of farmers' indigenous soil and water conservation investments in semi‐arid India
by John L. Pender & John M. Kerr - 127-143 The rise and fall of public sector plant breeding in the United Kingdom: a causal chain model of basic and applied research and diffusion
by C. Thirtle & P. Bottomley & P. Palladino & D. Schimmelpfennig & R. Townsend - 145-157 Testing the induced innovation hypothesis: an error correction model of South African agriculture
by C. Thirtle & R. Townsend & J. van Zyl - 159-174 Agricultural development with rainforest conservation: methods for seeking best bet alternatives to slash‐and‐burn, with applications to Brazil and Indonesia
by Thomas P. Tomich & Meine van Noordwijk & Stephen A. Vosti & Julie Witcover - 175-180 Farm size, productivity and returns to scale in agriculture revisited: a case study of wine producers in South Africa
by R.F. Townsend & J. Kirsten & N. Vink - 181-191 Water conveyance, return flows and technology choice
by Chieko Umetsu & Ujjayant Chakravorty - 193-202 Water pricing policies, public decision making and farmers' response: implications for water policy
by Consuelo Varela‐Ortega & José M. Sumpsi & Alberto Garrido & María Blanco & Eva Iglesias - 203-217 Pesticide productivity, host‐plant resistance and productivity in China
by David Widawsky & Scott Rozelle & Songqing Jin & Jikun Huang - 219-229 Market access by smallholder farmers in Malawi: implications for technology adoption, agricultural productivity and crop income
by Manfred Zeller & Aliou Diagne & Charles Mataya
May 1998, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 209-215 World agricultural development–The paradox of human organization
by Ismail Shariff - 217-231 Adjustment costs and dynamic factor demands for U.S. cigarette manufacturing
by Anthony N. Rezitis & A. Blake Brown & William E. Foster - 233-247 Resource degradation and adoption of land conservation technologies in the Ethiopian Highlands: A case study in Andit Tid, North Shewa
by Bekelc Shiferaw & Stein T. Holden - 249-259 Measuring the social costs of suboptimal combinations of policy instruments: A general framework and an example
by D.S. Bullock & K. Salhofer - 261-272 How to define and study farmers' management capacity: theory and use in agricultural economics
by Carin W. Rougoor & Ger Trip & Ruud B.M. Huirnc & Jan A. Renkema - 273-290 Understanding farmers' decision making processes and improving managerial assistance
by Bo ÖhlméYr & Kent Olson & Berndt Brehmer - 291-299 The effects of expenditure growth and urbanisation on food consumption in East Asia: a note on animal products
by Allan N. Rae
March 1998, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 107-126 Competition in the US meatpacking industry: is it history?
by Azzeddine M. Azzam - 127-143 Multiple job holdings among dairy farm families in New York and Ontario
by Alfons Weersink & Charles Nicholson & Jeeveka Weerhewa - 145-155 Environinental and economic consequences of technology adoption: IPM in viticulture
by Jorge Fernandez‐Cornejo - 157-165 Efficiency and technical progress in traditional and modern agriculture: evidence from rice production in China
by Xiaosong Xu & Scott R. Jeffrey - 167-175 Impacts of price and exchange rate policies on pesticide use in the Philippines
by Jessica D. Tjornhom & George W. Norton & Victor Gapud - 177-189 The economics of on‐farm processing: model development and an empirical analysis
by Sone Ekman & Hans Andersson - 191-198 Advertising, concentration and profitability in Greek food manufacturing industries
by A. Vlachvei & K. Oustapassidis - 199-207 Further evidence on pesticides, productivity and farmer health: Potato production in Ecuador
by John M. Antle & Donald C. Cole & Charles C. Crissman
January 1998, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-19 Spatial allocation and the shadow pricing of product characteristics
by Jean‐Paul Chavas & Thomas L. Cox & Edward Jesse - 21-30 Buyer preferences for sheep and goats in southern Nigeria: A hedonic price analysis
by M.A. Jabbar - 31-46 Valuing soil conservation benefits of agroforestry: contour hedgerows in the Eastern Visayas, Philippines
by Subhrendu Pattanayak & D. Evan Mercer - 47-52 Transactional framework of sharecropping: empirical evidence
by Tek‐Ann Chew - 53-62 Seasonality and unit roots: the demand for fruits
by Carlos Arnade & Daniel Pick - 63-74 Investigating improved pasture productivity change on the New South Wales tablelands
by D.T. Vere - 75-87 Production function for wheat: a case study of Southeastern Anatolian Project (SAP) region
by Ismail H. Ozsabuncuoglu - 89-100 The demand for food and beverages in Norway
by Kyrre Rickertsen
December 1997, Volume 17, Issue 2-3
- 95-114 Marketing reforms, market development and agricultural production in China
by Alfons Weersink & Scott Rozelle - 115-131 The trade and environment nexus in Mexican agriculture. A general equilibrium analysis
by John Beghin & Sebastien Dessus & David Roland‐Hoist & Dominique van der Mensbrugghe - 133-146 A stall‐feeding management for improved cattle in semiarid central Tanzania: factors influencing adoption
by Aloyce R.M. Kaliba & Allen M. Featherstone & David W. Norman - 147-164 Four case studies of agri‐food CVDs and a proposal for reforming national administered protection agencies
by Karl D. Meilke & Rakhal Sarker - 165-177 Consumption risk, farm characteristics, and soil conservation adoption among low‐income farmers in the Philippines
by Gerald E. Shively - 179-189 Technical efficiency in the Spanish agrofood industry
by Belén Iráizoz Apezteguía & Manuel Rapún Gárate - 191-199 Potential of China's grain production: evidence from the household data
by Yiping Huang & K.P. Kalirajan - 201-209 Production costs and input substitution in Zimbabwe's smallholder agriculture
by Timothy J. Dalton & William A. Masters & Kenneth A. Foster - 211-222 Estimation of farmers' risk attitude: an econometric approach
by Z. Bar‐Shira & R.E. Just & D. Zilberman - 223-237 Dynamic input demand functions and resource adjustment for US agriculture: state evidence
by Perry Warjiyo & Wallace E. Huffman - 239-264 China and Taiwan access to the World Trade Organization: implications for U.S. agriculture and trade
by Zhi Wang - 265-275 Economic reform and aggregate cropping patterns for Egypt
by Fawaz M. Shousha & Gregory R. Pantsch - 277-288 Cap reform: modelling supply response subject to the land set‐aside
by V. Eldon Ball & Jean‐Christophe Bureau & Kelly Eakin & Agapi Somwaru - 289-290 Rice Research in Asia: Progress and Priorities. R.E. Evenson, R.W. Herdt, and M. Hossain. Eds., R.E. Evenson, R.W. Herdt, and M. Hossain, Eds., CAB International, Wallingford, U.K., 1996, xi + 418 pp., £55.00, ISBN 0‐851‐98997‐7
by Jock R. Anderson
October 1997, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-20 Agricultural trade liberalization: growth, welfare and large country effects
by Kirit S. Parikh & N.S.S. Narayana & Manoj Panda & A. Ganesh Kumar - 21-34 Dynamic adjustment in the US beef market with imports
by Brian L. Buhr & Hanho Kim - 35-44 Identifying international rice research spillovers in New South Wales
by John P. Brennan & Inder Pal Singh & Laurie G. Lewin - 45-58 Developments in biophysical and bioeconomic simulation of agricultural systems: a review
by Caleb A. Oriade & Carl R. Dillon - 59-74 Understanding the health and nutritional status of children in Ghana
by W.K. Asenso‐Okyere & F.A. Asante & M. Nubé - 75-87 Returns to smallholder dairying in the Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania
by Ntengua Mdoe & Steve Wiggins
August 1997, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 155-169 The estimation of marginal utility of income for application to agricultural policy analysis
by E. Neal Blue & Luther Tweeten - 171-184 The market efficiency hypothesis: the case of coffee and cocoa futures
by Jean Bosco Sabuhoro & Bruno Larue - 185-192 Technical efficiency in paddy farms of Tamil Nadu: an analysis based on farm size and ecological zone
by Bedassa Tadesse & S. Krishnamoorthy - 193-204 Implications of the minimum access rice import on supply and demand balance of rice in Japan
by Toshiyuki Kako & Masahiko Gemma & Shoichi Ito - 205-217 The supply response of aggregate agricultural output in Jamaica
by John Gafar - 219-226 Utilizing conjoint analysis to design modern crop varieties: empirical example for groundnut in Niger
by Jojo Baidu‐Forson & Bonny R. Ntare & Farid Waliyar - 227-235 Fertilizer demand in Greece
by G.J. Mergos & Ch.E. Stoforos - 237-243 Economic welfare analysis of policy‐induced structural change in the Indonesian poultry industry
by Endang Suwartini & H. Garth Coffin & Kisan Gunjal
May 1997, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 87-98 Emerging differences in state grain trading: Australia and Canada
by Colin A. Carter & William W. Wilson - 99-109 Agricultural competitiveness: The case of the United States and major EU countries
by Munisamy Gopinath & Carlos Arnade & Mathew Shane & Terry Roe - 111-124 Research and extension expenditures and productivity in Japanese agriculture, 1960–1990
by Yoshimi Kuroda - 125-138 Ex‐ante agricultural research evaluation with site specific technology generation: the case of sorghum in Kenya
by Bradford F. Mills - 139-152 Sensitivity analysis of normative economic models: theoretical framework and practical strategies
by David J. Pannell - 153-154 The economics of agriculture
by Jere R. Behrman
March 1997, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-15 Private irrigation investment in Colombia: effects of violence, macroeconomic policy, and environmental conditions
by Ariel Dinar & Andrew Keck - 17-34 The impact of prices and macroeconomic policies on agricultural supply: a synthesis of available results
by Nlandu Mamingi - 35-45 Wheat production in Saudi Arabia between feasibility and efficiency
by K.A. Al‐Hamoudi & Sherin A. Sherif & B.E. Sofian - 47-53 Relative efficiency of women as farm managers: Profit function analysis in Côte d'Ivoire
by Akinwumi A. Adesina & Kouakou K. Djato - 55-65 Technical change and irreversible investment under risk
by Javier Mario Ekboir - 67-76 Demand for dairy products in Mexico
by Ayşen Tanyeri‐Abur & C. Parr Rosson
January 1997, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 155-167 Framing the Allais paradox as a daily farm decision problem: tests and explanations
by Israel Finkelshtain & Eli Feinerman - 169-185 Food aid, food policy and the Uruguay round: implications for Bangladesh
by Peter G. Warr & Helal Ahammad - 187-199 The economic and financial gains from water markets in Chile
by Robert R. Hearne & K. William Easter - 201-212 Impact of domestic content requirement on the US tobacco and cigarette industries
by John C. Beghin & A. Blake Brown & M. Hasyim Zaini - 213-221 Stochastic dominance analysis of on‐farm‐trial data: The riskiness of alternative phosphate sources in Burkina Faso
by Victor Hien & Daniel Kaboré & Sansan Youl & J. Lowenberg‐DeBoer - 223-225 Transforming agrarian economies
by C. Peter Timmer
November 1996, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 83-96 Impacts of trade liberalizations under the Uruguay Round on the world sugar market
by Stephen Devadoss & Jurgen Kropf - 97-112 Analysis of USA‐European Community oilseeds agreements
by Glenn C.W. Ames & Lewell Gunter & Claudia D. Davis - 113-126 Nonparametric analysis of technical, pure technical, and scale efficiencies for food crop production in East Java, Indonesia
by Richard V. Llewelyn & Jeffery R. Williams - 127-136 Farm productivity in Rwanda: effects of farm size, erosion, and soil conservation investments
by Fidele Byiringiro & Thomas Reardon - 137-149 Planting strategies of maize farmers in Kenya: a simultaneous equations analysis in the presence of discrete dependent variables
by Rashid M. Hassan - 151-153 Science under scarcity
by James F. Oehmke
September 1996, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-16 China's projected cereals deficits in a world context
by Nikos Alexandratos - 17-28 Production efficiency of Chinese agriculture: evidence from rural household survey data
by Jirong Wang & Gail L. Cramer & Eric J. Wailes - 29-46 Agreement on agriculture in the Uruguay Round of GATT: from Punta del Este to Marrakesh
by Zuhair A. Hassan - 47-60 An application of cointegration theory in the estimation of the Almost Ideal Demand system for food consumption in Bulgaria
by K.G. Balcombe & J.R. Davis - 61-72 Unconventional adjustment strategies for rural households in the less developed areas in Greece
by Dimitrios Damianos & Dimitrios Skuras - 73-75 The economics of agricultural technology in semi‐arid Sub‐Saharan Africa
by Valerie Kelly
August 1996, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 143-157 Economy‐wide reform and agricultural recovery: Observations of economic Darwinism among transition economies
by Alberto Valdes & Suzanne Gnaegy - 159-173 Econometric estimation of a global spillover matrix for wheat varietal technology
by My wish K. Maredia & Richard Ward & Derek Byerlee - 175-184 Sustainable development of forest resources in industrialized countries
by William McKillop & Amin Sarkar - 185-200 Challenges in quantitative economic analysis in support of multilateral trade negotiations
by Karl D. Meilke & Don McClatchy & Harry de Gorter - 201-212 Assessing the effects of tariff reform on U.S. food manufacturing industries: the role of imperfect competition and intermediate inputs
by D. Kent Lanclos & Thomas W. Hertel & Stephen Devadoss
July 1996, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 73-83 A study of economic efficiency of Iranian farmers in Ramjerd district: an application of stochastic programming
by Javad Torkamani & J. Brian Hardaker - 85-91 Modelling agricultural production of small‐scale farmers in sub‐Saharan Africa: A case study in western Kenya
by Adedapo Odulaja & Fassil G. Kiros - 93-102 Farm size, relative efficiency and agrarian policy in Côte d'Ivoire: profit function analysis of rice farms
by Akinwumi A. Adesina & Kouakou K. Djato - 103-122 Endogenous risk in weed control management
by David W. Archer & Jason F. Shogren - 123-133 Dynamic relationships between US and Thai rice prices
by Earl L. Taylor & David A. Bessler & Mark L. Waller & M. Edward Rister - 135-142 Farmers' time allocation between farm work and off‐farm work and the importance of unobserved group effects: evidence from Israeli cooperatives
by Ayal Kimhi
April 1996, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-9 Fungicide use under risk in Swiss wheat production
by Nikolaus Gotsch & Uri Regev - 11-19 The dynamics of household beef consumption in Cameroon
by N. Emmanuel Tambi - 21-31 Expectations, supply response, and marketing boards: An example from Kenya
by Alex Winter‐Nelson - 33-44 Profitability, efficiency and comparative advantage of African cattle meat and milk production: the case of trypanotolerant village cattle production
by P. Itty - 45-60 Quantifying the socio‐economic determinants of sustainable crop production: an application to wheat cultivation in the Tarai of Nepal
by Mubarik Ali - 61-63 World agriculture: toward 2000
by Pierre Crosson - 63-64 Modern rice technology and income distribution in Asia
by Glenn D. Pederson - 65-66 Feeding and greening the world
by Curtis Farrar
February 1996, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 149-161 Introducing socioeconomic characteristics into production analysis under risk
by Eli Feinerman & Israel Finkelshtain