- 2006 A sectoral anatomy of the spanish productivity puzzle
by Pilar Cuadrado & Enrique Moral-Benito & Irune Solera - 2005 An introduction to the current debate on central bank digital currency (CBDC)
by Juan Ayuso Huertas & Carlos Antonio Conesa Lareo - 2005 Una introducción al debate actual sobre la moneda digital de banco central (CBDC)
by Juan Ayuso Huertas & Carlos Antonio Conesa Lareo - 2004 Determinants of investment in tangible and intangible fixed assets
by Miguel García-Posada & Álvaro Menéndez & Maristela Mulino - 2003 Structural transformation in the Spanish economy
by Omar Rachedi - 2002 Public intervention in the rental housing market: a review of international experience
by David López-Rodríguez & María de los Llanos Matea - 2002 La intervención pública en el mercado del alquiler de vivienda: una revisión de la experiencia internacional (Updated March 2020)
by David López-Rodríguez & María de los Llanos Matea - 2001 The use of BVARs in the analysis of emerging economies
by Ángel Estrada & Luis Guirola & Iván Kataryniuk & Jaime Martínez-Martín - 1810 Spain’s tax structure in the context of the European Union
by David López-Rodríguez & Cristina García Ciria
- 1916 Financial innovation for a sustainable economy
by Andrés Alonso & José Manuel Marqués - 1916 Innovación financiera para una economía sostenible
by Andrés Alonso & José Manuel Marqués - 1915 La mejora de la situación de las finanzas públicas de las corporaciones locales en la última década
by Mario Alloza & Pablo Burriel - 1914 Ciclos económicos y clusters regionales en Europa
by María Dolores Gadea-Rivas & Ana Gómez-Loscos & Eduardo Bandrés - 1913 A tentative exploration of the effects of Brexit on foreign direct investment vis-à-vis the United Kingdom
by Ana de Almeida & Teresa Sastre & Duncan van Limbergen & Marco Hoeberichts - 1912 An estimation of the effects of Brexit on trade and migration
by Rodolfo Campos & Jacopo Timini - 1911 Assessing the macroeconomic impact of Brexit through trade and migration channels
by Antoine Berthou & Sophie Haincourt & Marie-Elisabeth de la Serve & Ángel Estrada & Moritz A. Roth & Alexander Kadow - 1910 El índice de precios de consumo: usos y posibles vías de mejora
by Luis Julián Álvarez - 1909 The survey of financial competences (ECF): description and methods of the 2016 wave
by Olympia Bover & Laura Hospido & Ernesto Villanueva - 1908 Can survey-based information help assess investment gaps in the eu?
by Pana Alves & Daniel Dejuán & Laurent Maurin - 1907 The process of structural change in the spanish economy from a historical standpoint
by Víctor González-Díez & Enrique Moral-Benito - 1907 El proceso de cambio estructural de la economía española desde una perspectiva histórica
by Víctor González-Díez & Enrique Moral-Benito - 1906 Measuring credit-to-gdp gaps. The hodrick-prescott filter revisited
by Jorge E. Galán - 1905 Brexit: current situation and outlook
by Juan Luis Vega (coord.) - 1905 Brexit: balance de situación y perspectivas
by Juan Luis Vega (coordinador) - 1904 An application of dynamic factor models to nowcast regional economic activity in Spain
by María Gil & Danilo Leiva-Leon & Javier J. Pérez & Alberto Urtasun - 1903 Exporting Spanish firms. Stylized facts and trends
by Eduardo Gutiérrez Chacón & César Martín Machuca - 1902 An analysis of the impact of the rise in the national minimum wage in 2017 on the probability of job loss
by Aitor Lacuesta & Mario Izquierdo & Sergio Puente - 1902 Un análisis del impacto de la subida del salario mínimo interprofesional en 2017 sobre la probabilidad de perder empleo
by Aitor Lacuesta & Mario Izquierdo & Sergio Puente - 1901 Bitcoin: A solution for payment systems or a solution in search of a problem?
by Carlos Conesa
- 1811 Previsión de la carga de intereses de las Administraciones Públicas
by Jorge Martínez - 1810 Estructura impositiva de España en el contexto de la Unión Europea
by David López-Rodríguez & Cristina García Ciria - 1809 Monitoring the Spanish economy from a regional perspective: main elements of analysis
by Concha Artola & María Gil & Javier J. Pérez & Alberto Urtasun & Alejandro Fiorito & Diego Vila - 1808 The evolution of spanish total factor productivity since the global financial crisis
by Chenxu Fu & Enrique Moral-Benito - 1807 Institutional and economic determinants of regional public debt in Spain
by Mar Delgado-Téllez & Javier J. Pérez - 1806 Income, consumption andwealth inequality in Spain
by Brindusa Anghel & Henrique Basso & Olympia Bover & José María Casado & Laura Hospido & Mario Izquierdo & Ivan A. Kataryniuk & Aitor Lacuesta & José Manuel Montero & Elena Vozmediano - 1805 The microeconomic origins of the Spanish boom
by Enrique Moral-Benito - 1804 The Spanish survey of household finances (EFF): Description and methods of the 2014 wave
by Olympia Bover & Laura Crespo & Carlos Gento & Ismael Moreno - 1803 The challenges of public deleveraging
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & David López Rodríguez & Javier J. Pérez - 1803 Los retos del desapalancamiento público
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & David López Rodríguez & Javier J. Pérez - 1802 Evaluating the macro-representativeness of a firm-level database: an application for the Spanish economy
by Miguel Almunia & David López-Rodríguez & Enrique Moral-Benito - 1801 A short-term forecasting model for the Spanish economy: GDP and its demand components
by Ana Arencibia Pareja & Ana Gómez Loscos & Mercedes de Luis López & Gabriel Pérez Quirós
- 1709 New version of the quarterly model of Banco de España (MTBE)
by Ana Arencibia Pareja & Samuel Hurtado & Mercedes de Luis López & Eva Ortega - 1708 The financial and real performance of non-financial corporations in the Euro area: 1999-2015
by Vicente Salas & Lucio San Juan & Javier Vallés - 1707 Microsimulation tools for the evaluation of fiscal policy reforms at the Banco de España
by Olympia Bover & José María Casado & Esteban García-Miralles & Roberto Ramos & José María Labeaga - 1706 Monitoring the Spanish Economy through the Lenses of Structural Bayesian VARs
by Danilo Leiva-Leon - 1705 Indicators to monitor and follow construction investment
by Ángel Luis Gómez & M.ª del Carmen Sánchez - 1704 Labour market adjustment in Europe during the crisis: microeconomic evidence from the Wage Dynamics Network survey
by Mario Izquierdo & Juan Francisco Jimeno & Theodora Kosma & Ana Lamo & Stephen Millard & Tairi Rõõm & Eliana Viviano - 1703 A suite of inflation forecasting models
by Luis J. Álvarez & Isabel Sánchez - 1702 Regional business cycles across europe
by Eduardo Bandrés & María Dolores Gadea-Rivas & Ana Gómez-Loscos - 1701 The Spanish public pension system: current situation, challenges and reform alternatives
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & Juan Francisco Jimeno & Roberto Ramos
- 1608 Determinants and implications of low global inflation rates
by Juan Carlos Berganza & Pedro del Río & Fructuoso Borrallo - 1607 The fiscal and macroeconomic effects of government wages and employment reform
by Javier J. Pérez & Marie Aouriri & Maria M. Campos & Dmitrij Celov & Domenico Depalo & Evangelia Papapetrou & Jurga Pesliakaite & Roberto Ramos Magdaleno & Marta Rodríguez-Vives - 1606 Public finances and inflation: the case of Spain
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & Samuel Hurtado & Francisco Martí & Javier J. Pérez - 1605 An exploration of real-time revisions of output gap estimates across European countries
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & Aitor Lacuesta & Enrique Moral-Benito - 1604 Macroprudential theory: advances and challenges
by Henrique S. Basso & James Costain - 1603 Potential growth of the spanish economy
by Pilar Cuadrado & Enrique Moral-Benito - 1602 An index of external positioning for the Spanish economy
by Luis Molina & Esther López & Enrique Alberola - 1601 Macroprudential policy: objectives, instruments and indicators
by Javier Mencía & Jesús Saurina
- 1504 Potential Demand of Primary Dwellings
by María de los Llanos Matea - 1503 Employment, wage and price reactions to the crisis in spain: firm-level evidence from the wdn survey
by Mario Izquierdo & Juan Francisco Jimeno - 1502 La tasa de actividad en España: resistencia cíclica, determinantes y perspectivas futuras
by José Manuel Montero & Ana Regil - 1501 Los Mecanismos Extraordinarios De Pago A Proveedores De Las Administraciones Públicas En España
by Mar Delgado Téllez & Pablo Hernández de Cos & Samuel Hurtado & Javier J. Pérez
- 2434 Navigating the boom and bust of global SPACs
by Carlos González Pedraz & Adrian van Rixtel & Roberto Pascual González - 2433 El mercado de la vivienda residencial en España: evolución reciente y comparación internacional
by Andrés Lajer Baron & David López Rodríguez & Lucio San Juan - 2432 El mercado del alquiler de vivienda residencial en España: evolución reciente, determinantes e indicadores de esfuerzo
by Dmitry Khametshin & David López Rodríguez & Luis Pérez García - 2431 A taxonomy of macro-financial risks and policies to address them
by Mariya Melnychuk & Javier Mencía - 1407 The Spanish survey of household finances (EFF): description and methods of the 2011 wave
by Olympia Bover & Enrique Coronado & Pilar Velilla - 1406 Estructura impositiva y capacidad recaudatoria en España: Un análisis comparado con la UE
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & David López Rodríguez - 1405 Macroeconomic policy in Brazil: inflation targeting, public debt structure and credit policies
by Fernando López Vicente & José María Serena Garralda - 1404 Los desafíos para la política monetaria en las economías avanzadas tras la Gran Recesión
by Juan Carlos Berganza & Ignacio Hernando & Javier Vallés - 1403 Update and re-estimation of the quarterly model of Banco de España (MTBE)
by Samuel Hurtado & Pablo Manzano & Eva Ortega & Alberto Urtasun - 1402 El empleo de las administraciones públicas en España: caracterización y evolución durante la crisis
by Antonio Montesinos & Javier J. Pérez & Roberto Ramos - 1401 Integración financiera y modelos de financiación de los bancos globales
by José María Serena & Eva Valdeolivas
- 1304 Some Thoughts On The Spanish Economy After Five Years Of Crisis
by Eloísa Ortega & Juan Peñalosa - 1303 Fiscal policy and external imbalances in a debt crisis: the Spanish case
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & Juan F. Jimeno - 1302 Los canales del desapalancamiento del sector privado: una comparación internacional
by Daniel Garrote & Jimena Llopis & Javier Vallés - 1301 China’s economic growth and rebalancing
by Ettore Dorrucci & Gabor Pula & Daniel Santabárbara
- 1209 The fall of the labour income share in advanced economies
by Ángel Estrada & Eva Valdeolivas - 1208 Fiscal rules in Latin America: a survey
by Juan Carlos Berganza - 1207 Los retos para la política económica en un entorno de tipos de interés próximos a cero
by Ignacio Hernando & Jimena Llopis & Javier Vallés - 1206 Long-run growth and demographic prospects in advanced economies
by Galo Nuño & Cristina Pulido & Rubén Segura-Cayuela - 1205 The impact of fiscal consolidation on economic growth. An illustration for the Spanish economy based on a general equilibrium model
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & Carlos Thomas - 1204 Luis Ángel Rojo en el Banco de España
by José Luis Malo de Molina - 1203 Tracking the future on the web: construction of leading indicators using internet searches
by Concha Artola & Enrique Galán - 1202 What role, if any, can market discipline play in supporting macroprudential policy?
by María J. Nieto - 1201 The Spanish economic crisis: key factors and growth challenges in the euro area
by Eloísa Ortega & Juan Peñalosa
- 1107 Health care expenditure in the oecd countries: efficiency and regulation
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & Enrique Moral-Benito - 1106 Nueva actualización del modelo trimestral del Banco de España
by Samuel Hurtado & Elena Fernández & Eva Ortega & Alberto Urtasun - 1105 Central banks and macroprudential policy. Some reflections from the Spanish experience
by Enrique Alberola & Carlos Trucharte & Juan Luis Vega - 1104 An estimate of the potential growth of the Spanish economy
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & Mario Izquierdo & Alberto Urtasun - 1103 The Spanish survey of household finances (eff): description and methods of the 2008 wave
by Olympia Bover - 1102 Central banking in Latin America: changes, achievements, challenges
by Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel - 1101 The growing weight of the emerging economies in the world economy and governance. The case of the BRICs
by Luis Orgaz & Luis Molina & Carmen Carrasco
- 1002 The Impact of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis on Central Eastern and SouthEastern Europe (CESEE) and Latin America
by Sonsoles Gallego & Sándor Gardó & Reiner Martin & Luis Molina & José María Serena - 1001 Housing Cycles In The Major Euro Area Countries
by Luis J. Álvarez & Guido Bulligan & Alberto Cabrero & Laurent Ferrara & Harald Stahl
- 0905 Modelling export and import demand functions: the Spanish case
by Coral García & Esther Gordo & Jaime Martínez-Martín & Patrocinio Tello - 0904 The impact of oil price changes on Spanish and euro area consumer price inflation
by Luis J. Álvarez & Samuel Hurtado & Isabel Sánchez & Carlos Thomas - 0903 Employment generation by small firms in Spain
by Paloma López-García & Sergio Puente & Ángel Luis Gómez - 0902 The effect of oil prices on potential growth
by Ángel Estrada & Pablo Hernández de Cos - 0901 The Spanish economy in EMU: The first ten years
by Ángel Estrada & Juan Francisco Jimeno & José Luis Malo de Molina
- 0810 The dynamics of household income and wealth: results from the panel of the Spanish Survey of Household Finances (EFF) 2002-2005
by Olympia Bover - 0809 The composition of public finances and long-term growth: a macroeconomic approach
by Francisco de Castro Fernández & José Manuel González Mínguez - 0808 Structured finance and the financial turmoil of 2007-2008: and introductory overview
by Sarai Criado & Adrian van Rixtel - 0807 Map of the international exposure of the Spanish economy
by Miguel García-Posada & Josep M.ª Vilarrubia - 0806 Simplification of IMF lending. Why not just one flexible credit facility?
by Miguel de las Casas & Xavier Serra - 0805 The role of the IMF in recent sovereign debt restructurings: Implications for the policy of lending into arrears
by Javier Díaz-Cassou & Aitor Erce-Domínguez & Juan J. Vázquez-Zamora - 0804 Recent episodes of sovereign debt restructurings. A case-study approach
by Javier Díaz-Cassou & Aitor Erce-Domínguez & Juan J. Vázquez-Zamora - 0803 The Spanish Survey of Household Finances (EFF): description and methods of the 2005 wave
by Olympia Bover - 0802 Delving into country risk
by Silvia Iranzo - 0801 EU framework for safeguarding financial stability: Towards an analytical benchmark for assessing its effectiveness
by María J. Nieto & Garry J. Schinasi
- 0706 Opinion-based surveys in the conjunctural analysis of the Spanish economy
by Javier Jareño - 0705 Inflation-linked bonds from a central bank perspective
by Juan Angel Garcia & Adrian van Rixtel - 0704 Valuation effects in the Spanish International Investment Position
by Arturo Macías & Álvaro Nash - 0703 Corporate governance and corporate ownership: The investment behaviour of Japanese institutional investors
by Yener Altunbaş & Alper Kara & Adrian van Rixtel - 0702 A simulation of the effects of the personal income tax reform on the tax burden
by Isabel Argimón & Francisco de Castro & Ángel Luis Gómez - 0701 Los principales rasgos y experiencias de la integración de la economía española en la UEM
by José Luis Malo de Molina
- 0608 House prices and real interest rates in Spain
by Juan Ayuso & Roberto Blanco & Fernando Restoy - 0607 Radiografía del sector servicios en España
by Esther Gordo & Javier Jareño & Alberto Urtasun - 0606 Posible impacto de Basilea II en los países emergentes
by Alicia García-Herrero & Sergio Gavilá - 0605 International recycling of petrodollars
by Juan Ruiz & Josep Vilarrubia - 0604 The importance of being mature: the effect of demographic maturation on global per-capita income
by Rafael Gómez & Pablo Hernández de Cos - 0603 Imputation of the 2002 wave of the Spanish survey of household finances (EFF)
by Cristina Barceló - 0602 El Banco de Francia, el BPI y la creación del Servicio de Estudios del Banco de España a principios de la década de 1930
by Pablo Martín-Aceña - 0601 Modeling the impact of aging on social security expenditures
by Juan F. Jimeno & Juan A. Rojas & Sergio Puente
- 0507 Monetary policy, financial stability and asset prices
by Jaime Caruana - 0506 Fiscalidad de la vivienda en España
by Víctor García-Vaquero & Jorge Martínez - 0505 Una larga fase de expansión de la economía española
by José Luis Malo de Molina - 0504 Cross country macroeconomic heterogeneity in EMU
by Ana Buisán & Fernando Restoy - 0503 An industry approach to understanding export performance: stylised facts and empirical estimation
by Ana Buisán & David Learmonth & María Sebastiá-Barriel - 0502 China's banking reform: An assessment of its evolution and possible impact
by Alicia García-Herrero & Sergio Gavilá & Daniel Santabárbara - 0501 Size and heterogeneity matter. A microstructure-based analysis of regulation of secondary markets for governments bonds
by José Ramón Martínez-Resano
- 0404 El impacto de la puesta en circulación del euro sobre los precios de consumo
by Luis J. Álvarez & Pilar Cuadrado Salinas & Javier Jareño & Isabel Sánchez García