Autumn 2023, Volume XXX, Issue 3(636), Autumn
- 209-218 Competition policies and legislation regarding the European-Asian economic corridors
by Rareș-Mihai NIȚU - 219-230 Modern leadership communication and strategic lobbying
by Dumitru Alexandru BODISLAV & Raluca Iuliana GEORGESCU & Ionuț-Valeriu ANDREI & Dan Cezar OSICEANU - 231-248 Determinants of foreign capital inflows. The role of push versus pull factors
by Ramesh BOMMADEVARA & Sri Ram PADYALA - 249-256 A revolutionary journey: Business development through digitalization
by Anna KANT - 257-272 Are stock markets of emerging economies informationally efficient? Causal analysis of stock prices and macroeconomic variables of EM7 economies for the recent decade
by Mearaj-ud-Din DAR & Khursheed Ahmad BUTT - 273-296 The nexus of foreign trade and economic growth in Tanzania. Examining the influence of COVID-19 pandemic. Evidence from vector error correction model
by William MESIET - 297-304 The impact of management accounting practices: Comparative analysis study between Jordan and Romania
by Omar ALHATO - 305-314 The economic vision of artificial intelligence's (AI) efficiency
by Andrei Bogdan Decebal DIACONU - 315-322 Impact of FDI and energy consumption on the agricultural productivity of BRICS nations
by Sanjay Kumar PATEL & Devashish JOSHI - 323-332 Re-visiting exchange rate volatility – risk perception relation. New evidence from Fourier tests
by Selim KAYHAN & Tayfur BAYAT - 333-342 The impact of globalization on labour market specially focusing on wage inequality and job displacement. A theoretical analysis
by Ananya GOGOI
Summer 2023, Volume XXX, Issue 2(635), Summer
- 5-22 The future of money and the money supply
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Virgil IACOB & Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU - 23-42 Implications of migration policies on reducing income inequalities and poverty in Europe
by Monica BURESCU MIHĂILA & Paula Roxana CUCOȘ - 43-62 The green and digital transition through innovation, SME competitiveness, and economic resilience: Evidence from the European Union economies
by Lejla TERZIĆ - 63-72 An analysis regarding the transition from quantitative easing to quantitative tightening in the Euro Area
by Laura-Mădălina IACOB (PÎRȘCOVEANU) - 73-82 Modern leadership in business organisations during economic disruption
by Raluca Iuliana GEORGESCU - 83-102 Does the effectiveness of money supply and foreign direct investment determine the industrial growth performance in India?
by Mrutyunjaya SAHOO & Praveen SAHU - 103-118 The effect of poverty and income inequality on CO2 emission based on Environmental Kuznets Curve analysis: Empirical evidence from selected developing countries
by Yusuf Ekrem AKBAS & Fuat LEBE - 119-124 Can renewable energy sources pump the economy
by Georgiana Tatiana BONDAC & Alexandru TOMA - 125-138 Evolution of growth theory: from Harrod to Romer
by Mrinal SAIKIA & Prakash DAS & Disha NEOG - 139-148 Role of information systems for management in multispeciality hospitals to improve performance: A conceptual framework
by Navya GANDHAVALLA & Abin GEORGE - 149-162 Measuring stock market uncertainty
by Prasad Teja DAKEY - 163-182 Frequency domain causality analysis of financial development and economic growth in Côte d’Ivoire
by Brou Emmanuel AKA & Yao Silvère KONAN - 183-198 Theoretical framework to introduce rainfall index-based futures contracts in India
by Dileep N & G. KOTRESHWAR - 199-210 Quest of dynamic linkages between monetary factors and food inflation in India
by Amritkant MISHRA & Ajit Kumar DASH & Amba AGARWAL - 211-230 Does foreign direct investment contribute to reducing unemployment in Algeria?
by Mohammed DAOUDI - 231-238 An enquiry into extreme price movements of the cryptocurrencies in the backdrop of COVID-19
by Suvvari ANANDARAO & Balaga Mohana RAO & Anoop S KUMAR - 239-250 Effect of inflation on the growth and development of the Pakistan economy: An empirical analysis
by Tom JACOB & Raphael RINCY & V.S. AJINA
Spring 2023, Volume XXX, Issue 1(634), Spring
- 5-20 Obstacles to innovation and policy implications: exploring the case of Romanian firms
by Mihaela DIACONU - 21-36 Adjusting the 5C pentagon for better health policymaking: observing the leading behavioural risks factors (diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption)
by Ioana Teodora BIŢOIU & Cristina Elena NICOLESCU - 37-66 Incentivizing CEOs via pay and forced turnover: Do tenure and managerial ability matter?
by Nadide BANU OLCAY GÜNER - 67-76 Forecasting the Romanian inflation rate: An Autoregressive Integrated Moving-Average (ARIMA) approach
by Rareș-Petru MIHALACHE & Dumitru Alexandru BODISLAV - 77-90 The effects of geopolitical risks on tourism revenues of the Middle East and Asian countries
by Ismet GOCER & Peter KOVACS - 91-114 The potential of macroeconomic forces and ICT in affecting the sectorial growth: ARDL approach in the context of East Asian countries
by Sadik Aden DIRIR - 115-136 Validity of asset pricing models in Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) information technology index
by Akin ARDA & Arif SALDANLI & Sümeyra UZUN - 137-152 Dynamic relationship between external debt and unemployment in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Samuel Erasmus ALNAA & Juabin MATEY - 153-168 An analysis of factors influencing empowerment of rural women through Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (SGSY)
by Ravi Kumar GUPTA & Udit MAHESHWARI & Debendra Nath DAS - 169-176 The impact of Covid-19 payment moratoria on the Romanian banking system
by Eugen-Marian VIERESCU - 177-188 Uncertainty and monetary policy during the Covid-19 pandemic in Tunisia: Evidence from a Bayesian VAR
by Dorra TURKI & Foued Badr GABSI - 189-204 Research on the evolution of migration in Romania after the fall of the communist regime
by Ioana Manuela MÎNDRICAN & Elena Florentina MATEI - 205-214 Black Sea and East Mediterranean approach on sustainable development
by Elena-Iulia CHITA & Silvia DUMITRESCU-POPA - 215-226 An economic analysis of trade war and deglobalization in current international relations within the paradigm of globalization
by Altaf Hussain PADDER - 227-238 Financial difficulties and economic recession: Evidence from Canadian seniors
by Samir AMINE & Wilner PREDELUS - 239-254 Inflation targeting and exchange rate pass-through in India: Lessons from international experience
by Arshid Hussain PEER & Mirza Allim BAIG - 255-262 The circular economics of constructions
by Rareș-Mihai NIȚU - 263-272 Market mood index and stock market. Evidence from National Stock Exchange
by Neha SETH & Yogesh KUMAR - 273-284 Analysis of the effects of social and fiscal policy on incomes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania
Winter 2022, Volume XXIX, Issue 4(633), Winter
- 5-20 Development banks – promoters of economic development?
by Dan Costin NIŢESCU & Valentin MURGU - 21-40 The nexus between global oil prices and Islamic and conventional stock markets in the developed and developing countries
by Tuğba KAYHAN & Mustafa UYSAL - 41-56 American bilateral trade with emerging economies and its influence on world economic recovery post Covid-19: Analysis through VECM
by G.K. Chetan Kumar & K.B. Rangappa & Suchitra S - 57-68 Energy poverty and the vulnerable energy consumer in Romania: A curious case of policy schizophrenia
by Corina MURAFA - 69-88 Transitions into self-employment in European Union and Israel: Field study
by Iyad SNUNU - 89-102 A cross country analysis of components of economic growth through the growth accounting approach
by Yashasvi PANDEY & C.R. BISHNOI - 103-116 Financial liberalization and economic growth: The case of Algeria
by Mohammed BENAZZA & Djahida LAYATI - 117-132 Financial inclusion in sub-Saharan Africa: Benchmarking against peer developing countries
by Mahamat Ibrahim AHMAT-TIDJANI & Brou Emmanuel AKA - 133-146 Cointegration and stock market interdependence: Evidence from India and selected Asian and African stock markets
by Tom JACOB & LITTLEFLOWER P. J - 147-162 Government subsidies and income inequality in Algeria: An analytical and empirical study
by Siham MATALLAH & Lahouari BENLAHCENE & Amal MATALLAH - 163-172 An analysis of the effect of widespread unemployment on corruption
by Udit MAHESHWARI & Ashutosh PRIYA & Ravi Kumar GUPTA - 173-184 The Russia-Ukraine invasion toward increasing food security threat for population: An empirical study using T-GARCH model
by Naima BENTOUIR - 185-196 Energy consumption and economic growth nexus in Africa: New insights from emerging economies
by Obukohwo Oba EFAYENA & Enoh Hilda OLELE & Ngozi Patricia BUZUGBE - 197-204 Two conditions which induce Giffen behavior in any numerical analysis if applied to the Wold-Juréen (1953) utility function
by Robert SPROULE & Michael KARRAS - 205-216 How large is the size of Côte d'Ivoire's informal sector? A MIMIC approach
by Paul Vivien OYIBO & Friedrich SCHNEIDER - 217-230 Portfolio construction and performance evaluation: Evidence from India and Iran
by Fatemeh KIASSI - 231-238 Cost structures, technology levels and collusion
by Suryaprakash MISHRA - 239-252 The trend of the economic evolution in Romania in the context of crises
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Virgil IACOB & Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU
Autumn 2022, Volume XXIX, Issue 3(632), Autumn
- 5-26 Financial development and public debt. Estimating the role of institutional quality
by Qamar ABBAS & Muhammad RAMZAN & Sumbal FATIMA - 27-42 An econometric approach to analyse the perceived cartel behaviour of OPEC
by C.R. BISHNOI & Apeksha SHARMA - 43-60 Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 and export performances of the European economies
by Alem MERDIĆ & Kadrija HODŽIĆ - 61-80 Multifractal analysis of equities. Evidence from the emerging and frontier banking sectors
by Akash P. POOJARI & Siva Kiran GUPTHA & G Raghavender RAJU - 81-88 Using automated systems to run a modern state and benchmarking the solution with advanced indicators
by Dumitru Alexandru BODISLAV - 89-102 Health expenditure, life expectancy, fertility rate, CO2 emissions and economic growth Do public, private and external health expenditure matter?
by Mahmoud M. SABRA - 103-112 The economic effects of working remotely: causes and implications
by Silvia-Elena IACOB & Rareș-Mihai NIȚU & Radu-Alexandru BUDU - 113-130 Cash conversion cycle and its relationship with profitability as a cash management tool in companies: An application on companies trading in Borsa Istanbul
by Bilgehan TEKİN & Yusuf GÖR - 131-150 Measuring financial inclusion and its present status in South Asian countries. Evidence from a multidimensional Financial Inclusion Index
by Susanta Kumar SETHY & Phanindra GOYARI - 151-168 Stock market linkages in Asia. Revisiting Granger causality evidences
by T.G. Saji - 169-182 The effects of exchange rate changes on the bilateral trade balances between the MENA country group and France: empirical evidences based on non-linear ARDL approach
by Hande Aksoz YILMAZ - 183-196 Postmodernism and communication in education. European funds for combatting school dropout in Romania
by Elvira Alexandra GHERASIM - 197-206 Fiscal and monetary policy effects on economic growth in Romania (1990-2020)
by Ismail AMANI & Brahim BOUYACOUB - 207-222 Economic growth at the expense of technology
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Stefan Virgil IACOB & Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU - 223-232 Inflation seriously affects the standard of living of the population
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Stefan Virgil IACOB & Cristian Marius RĂDUT & Denis-Arthur STRIJEK
Summer 2022, Volume XXIX, Issue 2(631), Summer
- 5-24 International banking, crises and strategic interests
by Dan Costin NIȚESCU & Cristian ANGHEL - 25-38 The importance of demand, uncertainty and monetary policy shocks from the euro area for the Romanian economy
by George ANTON - 39-48 Fiscal consolidation and public debt in the European Union: Reevaluating the relationship
by Lara Greta MERLING & Alexandru VLADOI - 49-64 Measuring the impact of philanthropy on small businesses: A case study of small business in Israel
by Ani MATEI & Menachem ZILBERKLANG - 65-80 Whether high frequency intraday data behave randomly: Evidence from NIFTY 50
by Subrata ROY - 81-88 Poverty in Romania: an analysis at regional level
by Maria-Daniela TUDORACHE - 89-106 The past, the present and the prospective future of efficient market hypothesis: a theoretical and empirical investigation of international stock markets
by Laurel PASRICHA & Neelam DHANDA - 107-124 Casual nexus between economic growth, FDI and employment: An inquiry into BRICS and ASEAN
by Mohd IRSHAD & Syed Hasan QAYED - 125-138 A comparative analysis of export-led and domestic demand-led growth hypotheses in BRICS economies
by Neha JAIN - 139-150 Reinsurance – an efficient solution of catastrophe risk transfer for the housing stock of Romania
by Nicoleta RADU - 151-164 Normative analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on prominent sectors of Indian economy by using ARCH Model
by G.K. Chetan Kumar & K.B. Rangappa & S. Suchitra - 165-174 Linear and nonlinear effect of exchange rate on inflation in Pakistan
by Kashif MUNIR - 175-186 Assessing the performance of mutual funds
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Virgil IACOB & Iulian RADU - 187-195 Model for estimating the profitability of placing asset portfolios on the capital market
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Virgil IACOB & Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU
Spring 2022, Volume XXIX, Issue 1(630), Spring
- 5-26 Economic resilience in Central and Eastern European countries
by Elena-Mădălina ZAMFIR (AVRAM) & Georgiana BALABAN & Cosmin MARINESCU - 27-38 Romania's economy on the threshold of recession
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Virgil IACOB - 39-48 Testing the Marshall-Lerner condition for Romania
by Ecaterina TOMOIAGA & Monica Ioana POP SILAGHI - 49-62 Empirical evidence to the nonmonotonic relationship between public health expenditure and economic growth
by Swapnanil SENGUPTA - 63-82 Institutional quality and public healthcare
by Kashish TIBREWAL & Saswati CHAUDHURI - 83-92 Consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic on hygiene purchase behavior
by Elena Rusalca VELICU & Ovidiu Andrei Cristian BUZOIANU & Carol Cristina GOMBOS & Ana Maria BOLAHAN - 93-100 Banking management in the prism liquidity – profitability interrelation
by Valentin PAUNA & Amelia DIACONU & Svetlana PLATAGEA GOMBOS & Raluca Iuliana GEORGESCU - 101-122 Long-term price and income elasticity of residential natural gas demand in Turkey
by Halim TATLI - 123-142 The impact of foreign direct investment on the economy of Bangladesh: A time-series analysis
by Mohammad Abdullah Al FAISAL & Mohammed Saiful ISLAM - 143-160 Does gravity work in the context of India and ASEAN bilateral trade? An application of the FGLS method
by Saba GULNAZ & Hemlata MANGLANI - 161-172 The dynamics of India – ASEAN trade with special reference to manufactured exports and their technological composition
by Nikhat KHALID & Saba ISMAIL - 173-186 How does Israel share Palestinians their international aid
by Mahmoud M. SABRA - 187-214 Attention economy and higher-order beliefs in voters’ online attention searches
by Paritosh Chandra SINHA - 215-222 Volatility and asymmetric analysis of Indian indices during Covid-19 pandemic period
by S. Shameem BANU & N.S. SHIBU
Winter 2021, Volume XXVIII, Issue 4(629), Winter
- 5-18 The pandemic crisis – A new factor to slow down the expansion of the Eurozone
by Iulian Nicolae VASILOIU - 19-30 Revealing the effects of competitiveness and innovation on economic growth: Evidence from European leading and following countries
by Lejla TERZIĆ - 31-50 Public service delivery dilemma and economic growth challenges in the MENA Region
by Siham MATALLAH & Lahouari BENLAHCENE - 51-70 Hidden Markov Model using transaction patterns for ATM card fraud detection
by E.B. Nkemnole & A.A. Akinsete - 91-104 Productivity growth in Chinese cities: The agglomeration effect for cross-regional industrial structures
by Yuanjun GE & Fa-Hsiang CHANG - 105-120 Time-varying volatility spillover of foreign exchange rate in three Asian markets: Based on DCC-GARCH approach
by Mohini GUPTA & Purwa SRIVASTAVA & Amritkant MISHRA & Malayaranjan SAHOO - 121-134 Non-linear effect of public debt on economic growth: The case of Tunisia
by Ahmed MAAROUFI & Ghazi BOULILA - 135-150 Application of single Sharpe index on the optimal portfolio construction using Indian blue-chip stocks
by Debajit RABHA & Rajkumar Giridhari SINGH - 151-168 Budget policy, economic cycle and debt in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) countries: Empirical evidence based on a regime change model
by Sèwanoudé Honoré HOUNGBEDJI - 169-178 The impact of government spending on the economic growth of a sample of developing countries using panel data
by Amine TAMMAR - 179-190 The evolution of consumer prices – the main brake on economic growth
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Virgil IACOB - 191-204 Analysis of income inequalities in the pre-pandemic COVID-19 period
Autumn 2021, Volume XXVIII, Issue 3(628), Autumn
- 5-14 Two vital reference elements in the evolution of the current model of European integration – The Maastricht Treaty and the implementation of the single currency – Euro
by Alin Ioan CREŢU & Alina Ștefania CHENIC - 15-32 Development in Romania during the post-crisis period: A human, economic and social perspective
by Maria-Daniela TUDORACHE - 33-44 Multifactorial analysis of the price formation in the terms of a risk-free rate
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Iulian RADU - 45-56 Financial contracts with several types of agents
by Laura CONSTANTIN & Ștefan Virgil IACOB & Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU - 57-64 Evaluation of the methodological relationship between real business cycle model and macroprudential policy
by Ayşegül Ladin SÜMER - 65-82 Efficiency of commercial banks in India after global financial crises
by K. Ravirajan & K.R. Shanmugam - 83-100 Effectiveness of monetary policy and interest rate pass-through in India since financial sector reforms
by N. Kubendran - 101-114 FDI and ODA effects on recipient countries imports: Evidence from selected MENA countries
by Mahmoud M. SABRA - 115-128 Estimating the relationship between governance, economic growth, inequality and poverty
by Mohammed TOUITOU & Ahmed BOUDEGHDEGH - 129-142 Environmental Kuznets curve and India: Evidence from autoregressive distributed lag model
by Jaganath BEHERA - 143-156 Rural urban migration with heterogeneous firms, heterogonous laborer and the effect of wage subsidy
by Sravaitri CHAUDHURI & Ranajoy BHATTACHARYYA & Sukanta BHATTACHARYA - 157-168 The relationship between exchange rates, foreign trade and economic growth: An application on Turkey
by Çiğdem ALIM & Necati Alp ERILLI
Summer 2021, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2(627), Summer
- 5-18 The impact of non-banking financial markets on economic development
by Ioana Raluca ANDREI - 19-32 The effect of financial liberalization on Malaysian economic growth
by Amani AZZOUZA - 33-44 Causal relationship between agricultural exports and economic growth: a diagnostic approach
by Ankit CHHIKARA & Laurel PASRICHA - 45-82 COVID-19 and CAPM: a tale of reference dependence with the pharma stocks’ returns
by Paritosh Chandra SINHA & Pooja AGARWAL - 83-96 Statistical analysis on population ageing
by Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Dragoș-Alexandru HAȘEGAN - 97-112 An impulse response function analysis of the impact of modern payment technologies on money demand in Nigeria
by Tersoo IORNGURUM & Godwin NWAOBI - 113-124 Statistical analysis on the evolution of economic activity in Romania
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Cristian Marius RĂDUȚ & Laura CONSTANTIN - 125-134 Determinants of trade flows to Agadir Agreement countries: gravity model three-way approach
by Sadok ACHOUR & Dr. Fatima HADJI - 135-154 Case study: The impact on the Romanian State Budget in the case of EU adoption of the CCCTB Directive
by Răzvan V. BALABAN - 155-174 Public expenditure and economic development: New evidence from the BRICS-SAARC-ASEAN region
by Mohd Arshad ANSARI & Faraz KHAN & Manish Kumar SINGH - 175-206 The external debt burden and economic growth in Africa: a panel data analysis
by Manamba EPAPHRA & William MESIET - 207-232 What explains the real exchange rate movement for the BRICS nations? With a separate analysis for Indian economy
by Hariom ARORA - 233-258 Export supporting strategy, distance to frontier and economic growth
by Birgit KIRSCHBAUM-BEHL - 259-284 Volatility Forecasting, Market Efficiency and Effect of Recession of SRI Indices
by Subrata ROY - 285-293 The impact of taxation on growth: the case of Greece
by Athanasios ANASTASIOU & Vasiliki KREMASTIOTI
Spring 2021, Volume XXVIII, Issue 1(626), Spring
- 5-22 How do immigration impact unemployment and economic prosperity? An extensive investigation from the OECD nations
by Swapnanil SENGUPTA & Rareș Petru MIHALACHE - 23-42 Influences and spatial effects on subjective well-being
by Ioana CIORBAGIU - 43-60 Pre- and post- analysis of Bank of Japan’s policy implementation of negative interest rates
by Alexander I. VILLANUEVA - 61-84 Using of KPIs and Dashboard in the analysis of Nike company's performance management
by Ionuț NICA & Nora CHIRIȚĂ & Ștefan IONESCU - 85-100 Economic policy uncertainty and adaptability in international capital markets
by Paulo Vitor Souza de SOUZA & César Augusto Tibúrcio SILVA - 101-116 Is the creation of major objectives in the European Union an objective that may constitute a challenge for the Member States of the European Union?
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Virgil IACOB & Ana Maria POPESCU - 117-134 Romania’s coal-fired power plants efficiency and pollution in the context of the European green deal
by Vlad NERĂU - 135-150 Equilibrium in a Stackelberg duopoly
by Ciprian RUSESCU - 151-166 Energy and economic growth. An empirical analysis
by Antonios ADAMOPOULOS - 167-182 Fiscal competition and public expenditure composition in the era of globalization: Panel data analysis
by Şahin AKKAYA & Ferda Yerdelen TATOĞLU & Ufuk BAKKAL - 183-200 Empirics of technology and unemployment in advanced countries
by Hami SAKA & Mehmet ORHAN & M.K. Savaş ÖKTE - 201-218 Capital account liberalisation in India: Volatility of capital flows and selective policy issues
by Shivangi JAISWAL & Dr. N. KUBENDRAN - 219-230 Health, health production and input financing: A theoretical note
by Biswajit MANDAL & Saswati CHAUDHURI & Arindam MANDAL - 231-238 The response of monetary policy to the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. The path of a credit-based economic recovery
by Umit BULUT - 239-246 The co-integration and causal relationship between saving and economic growth in India
by Dr. Tariq Ahmad BHAT & Tariq Ahmad LONE & Dr. Khursheed Hussain DAR - 247-258 Does exchange rate volatility affect financial depth? Evidence from BRICS countries
by Oğuzhan ŞENGÜL - 259-272 Debt-financed public investment in developing countries: Does the efficiency of public investment matter?
by Amarachukwu Anthony ANYANWU - 273-288 Dynamic connection between macroeconomic variables and sectoral stock returns: Evidence from India
by Parminder KAUR & Dr. Ravi SINGLA - 289-296 A pragmatic evaluation of the interconnection between currency futures return volatility, open interest and volume
by Karthika P. DEVAN & Johney JOHNSON - 297-310 Fiscal policy and growth-inequality tradeoffs: Bayesian evidence from Cote d’Ivoire
by Kouassi YEBOUA - 311-316 My colleague is corrupt: Information disclosure to control corruption
by Indervir SINGH & Ashapurna BARUAH
Winter 2020, Volume XXVII, Issue 4(625), Winter
- 5-20 The European Union in the face of the prospect of achieving major objectives in the conditions of the pandemic and economic-financial crisis
by Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE & Ștefan Daniel ARMEANU & Constantin ANGHELACHE - 21-42 What determines the portfolio investment flows to Central and Eastern European Countries in the European Union 2001-2017?
by Donny TANG - 43-54 Analysis of the correlation between taxation indicators and economic growth at the macroeconomic level in European Union and Romania
by Cătălina MOTOFEI - 55-72 Measuring Adobe Company performance from the perspective of a Complex Adaptive System
by Nora CHIRIȚĂ & Andrei VIȘAN & Mihaela POPESCU - 73-88 Welfare enhancing uncertainty
by Sravaitri CHAUDHURI - 89-106 Business process modeling. Using Unified Modeling Language to streamline the design of the TO-BE system within a company
by Ionuț NICA & Ștefan IONESCU - 107-130 Static and dynamic analysis of intra-industry trade of BRICS countries
by Kuldeep Kumar LOHANI - 131-142 Fossil fuel consumption, economic growth and CO2 emissions. Causality evinced from the BRICS world
by Rochna ARORA & Dr. Baljit KAUR - 143-158 Methods used in risk financing
by Ana Maria POPESCU & Ștefan Virgil IACOB & Alina Eliza DABIJA - 159-168 Is there a relationship between economic welfare and innovation performance? Evidence from selected European countries
by Lejla TERZIĆ - 169-176 Analyzing Romania GDP: Final consumption, gross investment, and net exports influence compared to previously published models
by Alexander I. VILLANUEVA - 177-186 Analysis of the natural movement of the population under the spectrum of the health crisis
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Virgil IACOB - 187-194 On the relationship between economic growth and government debt for Bulgaria. Test of the Reinhart-Rogoff hypothesis
by Yu HSING - 195-216 Testifying the role of regulatory environment in trade facilitation: Impact on intra-regional trade in South-Asia
by Tanya GANDHI & Shahid AHMED - 217-232 India and trade blocs: A gravity model analysis
by Arjun SINGH & Dr. S.P. PADHI - 233-244 Predicting the volatility in stock return of emerging economy: An empirical approach
by Aastha KHERA & Dr. Miklesh Prasad YADAV - 245-262 Portfolio optimization with VaR approach: A comparative analysis for Japan, London, New York and India
by Parul BHATIA & Priya GUPTA - 263-274 Income-dependent impacts of financial development and human capital on economic growth. A non-stationary panel analysis
by Mohsen MOHAGHEGH & A.S. VALIPOUR - 275-288 Monetary policy and exchange rate pass-through in India
by Bhavish SHARMA - 289-308 Impact of medium of instruction in education on economic growth and development
by Durbhita V VAISHNAV - 309-322 Institutions and economic growth: A comparative analysis of developing and developed countries based on institutionalized social technologies index
by Danish Ahmed SIDDIQUI & Qazi Masood AHMED - 323-330 Exports, imports and economic growth in India: An empirical analysis
by K. Krishna REDDY - 331-344 BEPS – A challenge for the increasing budget revenues in the process of digitalization
by Ionuț MIȘA & Meral KAGITCI - 345-356 Implementation of public policies. The compatibility of the model of public policy with the target space of the policy
by Luminița Gabriela POPESCU - 357-368 Fiscal sustainability in Romania
by Ioan-Radu PETRARIU & Lucian Constantin VÎLCU & Iulian Cornel LOLEA & Liana VLADU
Autumn 2020, Volume XXVII, Issue 3(624), Autumn
- 5-20 Social protection systems and economic growth
by Dorina GHEȚAN & Ada PAIERELE - 21-40 Analysis of the impact generated by COVID-19 in banking institutions and possible economic effects
by Nora CHIRIȚĂ & Ionuț NICA - 41-54 Covid crisis: Fiscal, monetary and macro-financial policy responses
by Provash Kumer SARKER - 55-74 Simulation of financial contagion effect using the NetLogo software at the level of the banking network
by Ionuț NICA - 75-84 Impact of education and government effectiveness on the shadow economy
by Sorina Emanuela ȘTEFONI & Andreea DRAGHIA