Autumn 2020, Volume XXVII, Issue 3(624), Autumn
- 85-96 Financial development and income inequality: An empirical analysis on the emerging market economies
by Günay ÖZCAN - 97-106 Aspects and evolutions specific to monetary policy in Romania. A complex topical analysis
by Günay ÖZCAN & Alin Ioan CREŢU & Laurențiu TEȘCAN - 107-126 Foreign trade policy and economic growth: Indian evidence
by Subrata ROY - 127-138 The effect of external debt on long run economic growth in developing economies: Evidence from heterogeneous panel data models with cross sectional dependency
by Muhammed BENLI - 139-160 Structural modeling of fiscal structure for policy analysis: A case study of India
by Rajbhushan J NAYAK & Vishwanath PANDIT & Gopakumar K. U - 161-178 Macroeconomic variables and market expectations: Indian Stock Market
by Neha GUPTA & Arya KUMAR - 179-192 Relationship analysis of stocks prices and exchange rates of three leading Asian economies
by Anisha & Aastha Khera - 193-202 Bitcoins as a determinant of stock market movements: A comparison of Indian and Chinese Stock Markets
by Pritpal Singh BHULLAR & Dyal BHATNAGAR - 203-212 The causal relationship between Indian energy consumption and the GDP: A shift from conservation to feedback hypothesis post economic liberalisation
by Saakshi CHAUHAN & Rajnish PANDE & Subrat SHARMA - 213-222 The dependence and dynamic correlation between Islamic and conventional insurances and stock market: A multivariate short memory approach
by Rym Charef El ANSARI & Riadh El ABED - 223-234 Does exchange rate has any impact on economic growth in India? An empirical analysis
by Khulsum SHAIK & Babu RAO G - 235-242 Corruption, technological innovation and environmental quality in South Asian countries: An empirical insight
by Malayaranjan SAHOO & Deeptimayi SAHOO - 243-260 Analysis of the quarterly evolution of the Gross Domestic Product
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Virgil IACOB & Tudor SAMSON - 261-270 The main theoretical aspects regarding the capital adequacy models
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU & Ștefan Gabriel DUMBRAVĂ - 271-284 Considerations regarding the effects of COVID-19 on the tourism market
by Cristina-Andrada BABA & Aurelia-Felicia STĂNCIOIU & Manuela Rozalia GABOR & Florin-Alexandru ALEXE & Flavia Dana OLTEAN & Alexandra Cristina DINU
Summer 2020, Volume XXVII, Issue 2(623), Summer
- 5-18 Mathematical model used in substantiating optimal contract
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Dumitru MARIN & Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU - 19-32 Examining the drivers of business cycle divergence between Euro Area and Romania
by Ionuț JIANU - 33-50 Migration, economic causes and decisions
by Mircea Constantin ȘCHEAU & Ștefan Zaharie POP & Andreea Valentina ȘOIMU - 51-64 The voluntary pension funds – a viable solution to supplement the pensioners' incomes
by Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Dragoș Alexandru HAȘEGAN - 65-78 An approach to measuring credit risk in a banking institution from Romania
by Nora CHIRIȚĂ & Ionuț NICA - 79-94 Study on the evolution of tourism and perspectives
by Ștefan Virgil IACOB - 95-108 Investigating personnel dynamics within SMEs: A survey analysis for the case of Romania
by Mădălina Ecaterina POPESCU & Larisa STĂNILĂ & Maria Denisa VASILESCU - 109-130 Causes of the curve: Assessing risk in public and private financial economics
by Todd J. BARRY - 131-146 An approach to the index of economic freedom using the data mining technique in the economic environment context
by Ionuț NICA - 147-168 Banking sector and bank liquidity – key actors within financial crises?
by Dan Costin NIŢESCU & Florin Alexandru DUNĂ & Adriana Daniela CIUREL - 169-174 Existence of rewards for a sustainable enterprise in the context of the human resources strategy
by Constantin Ciprian IACOB & Nicolae MOROIANU - 175-190 Do export, financial development, and institutions affect FDI outflows? Insights from Asian developing countries
by Pragyanrani BEHERA & Prajukta TRIPATHY & Bikash Ranjan MISHRA - 191-204 Are resources a curse or blessings? Evidence from panel ARDL model
by Shakti Mohan TANDI & Prajna Paramita MISHRA - 205-214 Investigating factors affecting cooperative and non-cooperative behavior: An experimental game in the classroom
by Metin TETİK - 215-224 Impact of exchange rate regimes on inflation: An empirical analysis of BRICS countries
by Babu RAO G. - 225-240 Tax structure and economic growth in general category states in India: A panel auto regressive distributed lag approach
by Dillip Kumar MUDULI & Nityasundar MANIK - 241-262 Banking Sector Reforms and the Goals of Nationalised Commercial Banks in India
by Kubendran NARAYANASAMY - 263-280 Determinants of economic growth in India: A time series perspective
by Manoj Kumar DAS & Titiksha DAS - 281-288 Impact of credit guarantee on the output gap: A panel data analysis of Asian sovereigns
by Mohammad MUSTAFA - 289-300 Analyzing the robustness of ARIMA and neural networks as a predictive model of crude oil prices
by Sudhi SHARMA & Miklesh YADAV - 301-324 Not a long ago, the agriculture sector was the main pillar of any economy in the world. It not only provides food production, but it participates to the expansion of the economic growth as well. In this paper, we shall try to investigate the relationship between agriculture sector and economic growth for 30 African countries over the period of 1980-2017 with individual and temporal fixed-effect panel model and panel cointegration. We found with Pedroni and Westerlund tests that we have not a cointegration relationship between variables; hence we cannot estimate the long-run panel model. Therefore, we only estimated the panel model with individual and temporal fixed-effect, then we established that the two variables of economic openness relied to agriculture sector are positive, but insignificant, while the variable of the agriculture value-added was positive and statically accepted at the level of 1%, and the coefficient of the labour force in the agriculture sector appears negative and insignificant. The panel Granger causality showed that there is bidirectional causality between agricultural raw materials exports and imports, and the causality of Dumitrescu and Hurlin established that there are several causalities
by Salah Eddine SARI HASSOUN & Abdelkader SAHED & Khayereddine Salim ADDA & Asma Hadjira SEBBANE
Spring 2020, Volume XXVII, Issue 1(622), Spring
- 5-20 An approach to the use of cryptocurrencies in Romania using data mining technique
by Nora CHIRIȚĂ & Ionuț NICA - 21-40 Intellectual property rights, human capital and types of entrepreneurship in emerging and developing countries
by Kamilia LOUKIL - 41-56 Trade relation between India and other BRICS countries: A multidimensional approach using Gravity Model and Granger Causality
by Dr. N. KUBENDRAN - 57-74 Do the macroeconomic indicators influence foreign direct investment inflow? Evidence from India
by Akhil SHARMA & Abdul RISHAD - 75-86 Conceptual dimensions regarding the financial contagion and the correlation with the stock market in Romania
by Ionuț NICA & Nora CHIRIȚĂ - 87-104 An analysis of poverty among the informal workers of India
by Rajyasri ROY & Amit KUNDU - 105-124 Financial stress index, growth and price stability in India: Some recent evidence
by Jayantee SAHOO - 125-136 Testing Wagner’s Law for sub-Saharan Africa: A panel cointegration and causality approach
by Mustapha JOBARTEH - 137-146 A review of international Fisher’s effect focusing on inflation in Indian context for corporate decisions
by Sharath AMBROSE & Dr. K.R. MANJUNATH - 147-158 Factors that influence wages differences in formal sector on male and female workers in Palembang City
by Intan NURPRATIWI & Syamsurijal AK & YUNISVITA - 159-170 Optimal Taylor rule in the new era central banking perspective
by Ayşegül Ladin SÜMER - 171-182 The analysis of the quarterly evolution of the gross domestic product in 2019
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Ștefan Virgil IACOB & Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU - 183-200 The analysis of the international trade of Romania
by Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Virgil IACOB & Dragoș Alexandru HAȘEGAN - 201-217 The Romanian population’s perceptions regarding income inequalities and discrimination
by Amalia CRISTESCU & Ana-Maria GATEA & Eva MILITARU
2019, Volume XXVI, Issue Special
- 7-18 Solvency capital requirements for a Romanian non-life insurer under Solvency II and Risk-Based Capital frameworks
by Aurora Elena DINA (MANOLACHE) - 19-26 Bancassurance between MiFID II and IDD
by Elda MARZAI (ABLIZ) - 27-38 Does the world need an international investment organization to battle climate change?
by Hilmar Þór HILMARSSON - 39-44 Defining the concept of risk applied in entrepreneurship. Conceptual delimitation risk – entrepreneurial uncertainty
by Andrei Alexandru TĂRĂBÎC & Gabriel MORAR - 45-52 Effects of changing the balancing formula of Romanian local budgets
by Attila GYÖRGY - 53-60 Inherent inefficiencies of the financial system in Romania
by Andrei STĂNCULESCU - 61-70 Determinants of public debt. The case of the European Union countries
by Bogdan Florin FILIP - 71-76 A discussion on basic investment alternatives
by Andrei STĂNCULESCU - 77-82 Economic growth and impact of social and economic factors in the Baltic States
by Cosmina-Ștefania CHIRICU - 83-94 The Nordic-Baltic region: European integration and security concerns
by Hilmar Þór HILMARSSON - 95-108 The competition between traditional power centers and emerging powers
by Ștefan Cătălin TOPLICEANU - 109-118 Lending evolution in Romania from the perspective of Prudential Regulations or how can the banking system be helped by financial crisis
by Maria Alexandra CRISTEA - 119-127 The financial performance of the companies from the oil sector. A comparative analysis
by Meral KAGITCI
Winter 2019, Volume XXVI, Issue 4(621), Winter
- 5-18 Expanding the Eurozone. The stage of economic convergence for Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania
by Iulian Nicolae VASILOIU - 19-34 Business R&D investments in the EU: Main dynamics and economic effects
by Mihaela DIACONU - 35-52 Volatility experience of major world stock markets
by M. MALLIKARJUNA & R. Prabhakara RAO - 53-62 Unemployment hysteresis analysis for OECD countries
by Muhammed TIRAŞOĞLU - 63-74 Culture as a driving factor for foreign direct investments in the Western Development Region of Romania
by Norbert FÖLDI - 75-84 A Deep Neural Network (DNN) based classification model in application to loan default prediction
by Selçuk BAYRACI & Orkun SUSUZ - 85-92 The new Keynesian Phillips Curve. Implications. Strengths and weaknesses
by Rareș-Petru MIHALACHE & Dumitru Alexandru BODISLAV - 93-110 Corporate ownership structure and performance: An enquiry into India
by Pradiptarathi PANDA & Jinesh PANCHALI - 111-128 Turkey’s macroeconomic policy challenges in the aftermath of the 2018 crisis: A sectoral financial balances analysis
by Sashi SIVRAMKRISHNA & Dhruva Teja NANDIPATI - 129-138 Main aspects on the nature of dynamic models
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU & Oana BÎRSAN - 139-148 An analyses model of the Romanian privately managed pension system
by Dragoș Alexandru HAȘEGAN - 149-162 Dynamic models used in analysis capital and population
by Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Virgil IACOB & Gabriel-Ștefan DUMBRAVĂ & Marius POPOVICI - 163-180 Poverty rate determinants in the Central and Eastern Europe member states
by Maria-Daniela TUDORACHE - 181-200 Wagner versus Keynesian Hypothesis: Role of aggregate and disaggregate expenditure in Pakistan
by Kashif MUNIR & Wajid ALI - 201-218 GARCH based VaR estimation: An empirical evidence from BRICS stock markets
by Siva Kiran GUPTHA. K & Prabhakar RAO. R - 219-240 Does FDI substitute exports of home country? A case of US FDI in select Asian economies
by Ketan C. LIMAYE & Achut P. PEDNEKAR - 241-264 Exploring the role of institutions in cross country Malmquist productivity analysis: A two-stage double bootstrap DEA approach
by Danish Ahmed SIDDIQUI & Qazi Masood AHMED - 265-272 Does the Mundell-Fleming Model apply to Poland?
by Yu HSING - 273-278 The validity of Okun’s Law: Evidences from Indian economy
by Tariq Ahmad BHAT & Tariq Ahmad LONE & Towseef Mohi Ud DIN
Autumn 2019, Volume XXVI, Issue 3(620), Autumn
- 5-20 The main factors of economic growth in the European Union
by Amalia CRISTESCU & Gabriela TÎLVĂR - 21-34 Currency risk management model
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL & Dana Luiza GRIGORESCU - 35-44 Assessing the performance of Pillar II in Romania – time weighted versus money weighted rate of return
by Bogdan Andrei DUMITRESCU & Andreea Elena DRAGHIA - 45-58 Does democracy increase total tax revenues? The case of selected OECD countries
by Günay ÖZCAN & İbrahim ÖZMEN - 59-70 An evaluation of the turnover tax system in South Africa
by Danie SCHUTTE & Danelle LABUSCHAGNE & Maria-Andrada GEORGESCU & Cornelia POP - 71-86 Sensitivity of bankruptcy prediction models to the change in econometric methods
by Bhanu Pratap SINGH & Alok Kumar MISHRA - 87-98 Risk management associated with the interbank relationships
by Cristian ANGHEL - 99-114 Challenging the status quo: Steel producer case study on the enterprise value for M&A
by Mădălina Viorica MANU & Ilie VASILE - 115-122 Innovation as imperative for increasing productivity and economic growth: The case of the selected EU member countries and non-EU member countries
by Lejla TERZIĆ - 123-134 International Financial Markets face to face with Artificial Intelligence and Digital Era
by Narcisa Roxana MOȘTEANU - 135-150 Determinants of domestic saving rate in Turkey: A new generation econometric analysis
by Ismet GOCER - 151-158 A behavioral model of failure in business
by Cristina Mariana ENE (VASILE) & Cosmin VIZINIUC & Alexandru TAŞNADI - 159-170 The effect of oil prices on foreign trade deficit in the economics of Bulgaria
by Nazife Özge BEŞER - 171-178 Relationship between mortality and financial crisis. The case of Greece
by Dimitrios DAPONTAS - 179-192 Profit management in the case of financial distress and global volatile market behaviour: Evidence from Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange
by Tuğba KAYHAN & Temur KAYHAN & Engin YARBAŞI - 193-204 Insurance consumption in the Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia): Financial and institutional determinants
by Dalila BENZIANE & Qasim SHAH - 205-222 Non-linear finance-growth nexus for African countries: A panel smooth transition regression approach
by Mustapha JOBARTEH & Huseyin KAYA
Summer 2019, Volume XXVI, Issue 2(619), Summer
- 5-20 The education and training. Priorities of the European Union
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE & Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL - 21-46 Posted offers in exogenous networks: A theoretical application and experimental results
by Lisa BREGER & Andrea SORENSEN - 47-62 The role of Japan in the development of emerging markets in Asia. Key lessons learned for China
by Ionela VOINEA - 63-78 Empirical examination of the stability of expectations – Augmented Phillips Curve for developing and developed countries
by Yhlas SOVBETOV & Muhittin KAPLAN - 79-90 The causality between economic growth and stock market in developing and developed countries: Toda-Yamamoto approach
by Bilgehan TEKIN & Erol YENER - 91-104 Government failure vs. Market failure. The implications of incomplete information
by Rareș Petru MIHALACHE & Dumitru Alexandru BODISLAV - 105-120 Foreign direct investment and total factor productivity in South Asia
by Zaira ADNAN & Mamta CHOWDHURY & Girijasankar MALLIK - 121-138 The effects of political and financial risks on foreign direct investments to the MENAT countries
by Feyza BALAN - 139-148 Exploring the nexus between macroeconomic variables and stock market returns in Germany: An ARDL Co-integration approach
by Riadh El ABED & Amna ZARDOUB - 149-156 Income inequalities and economic convergence in CEE countries
by Tamara NAE - 157-172 Exchange rate regimes and its impact on growth: An empirical analysis of BRICS countries
by Babu Rao G. - 173-184 Dynamics of business cycle and long-term economic growth of Pakistan
by Usama Ehsan KHAN & Syed Monis JAWED - 185-204 Per capita gross domestic product and welfare of Gabonese households: A VAR model with exogenous hypothesis
by Giscard ASSOUMOU-ELLA - 205-216 Co-integration with regime shift between government expenditure and poverty reduction in Algeria
by Hicham AYAD - 217-259 Trade in a two sector endogenous growth model with two accumulating factors
by Birgit KIRSCHBAUM-BEHL - 261-276 What discriminates the welfare outcomes of children in India. A multiple discriminant analysis in selected states
by Atul MEHTA & Joysankar BHATTACHARYA
Spring 2019, Volume XXVI, Issue 1(618), Spring
- 5-22 Why do high ability people also suffer from money illusion? Experimental evidence of behavioral contradiction
by Mariko SHIMIZU - 23-36 Macroeconomic stability of new member states of the European Union: Fifth enlargement
by Sanel RAZIĆ & Merim KASUMOVIĆ - 37-50 The global context of economic crises and cohesion funds in the EU
by Andrei GIURESCU - 51-60 Is real depreciation or more government deficit expansionary? The case of Macedonia
by Yu HSING - 61-72 Models and theories in a frictions and wage rigidities labor market
by Cristian MARINESCU & Dumitru Alexandru BODISLAV - 73-88 Human capital and the FDI-Income inequality nexus in African countries: Panel smooth transition regression approach
by Kouassi YEBOUA - 89-114 Are institutions a crucial determinant of cross country economic efficiency? A two-stage double bootstrap data envelopment analysis
by Danish Ahmed SIDDIQUI & Qazi Masood AHMED - 115-128 The relationship between unemployment and some macroeconomic variables: Empirical evidence from India
by Malayaranjan SAHOO & Jayantee SAHOO - 129-150 Inequity in health care sector in India: A case study of district level in four Indian states
by Brijesh C. PUROHIT - 151-158 Performance in public administration: Doing outside the box under the rule of procedures
by Adelina DUMITRESCU PECULEA - 159-168 Trade effects based on general equilibrium
by Baoping GUO - 169-182 Empirically testing Keynesian defense burden hypothesis, nonlinear hypothesis, and spillover hypothesis: Evidence from Asian countries
by Qurat Ul AIN & Syed Imran RAIS & Syed Tahir Hussain SHAH & Khalid ZAMAN & Shakira EJAZ & Abdul MANSOOR
2018, Volume XXV, Issue Special
- 7-14 Review of effects of economic reforms on economic development of the countries in transition
by Jelena TOSKOVIC & Jovana KISIN - 15-30 Iceland and its participation in European economic integration: advantages and disadvantages of European Union and Euro Area membership
by Hilmar Þór HILMARSSON - 31-44 The role of fiscal policies in maintaining macroeconomic stability. A DSGE model approach
by George PASMANGIU - 45-48 A new approach to corporate governance
by Andrei Stănculescu - 49-60 Bancassurance – one of the most important distribution channels in Europe
by Elda MARZAI (ABLIZ) - 61-72 Comparative Assessment of Risk-Based Capital, Solvency II and Swiss Solvency Test
by Aurora Elena DINA (MANOLACHE) - 73-90 Redesigning Optimal Mechanisms in Social Assistance
by Cosmin SERBANESCU & Adrian VINTILESCU & Lacramioara CORCHES - 91-112 How do unemployment benefits and minimum wage affect poverty?
by Cristina Irina PARASCHIV - 113-120 The economic impact of indirect taxes on economic growth in European context
by Chiricu Cosmina-Ștefania - 121-134 The impact of government health and education expenditure on income inequality in European Union
by Ionuț JIANU - 135-146 Determinants of fiscal discipline in Romania – the IMF and the EU
by Sandina Maria JELOAICA - 147-162 Impact of the Volatility of Indian oil prices on sectoral returns in Indian Equity Markets
by Rinku JAIN & Kirti AREKAR & Aayesha TAHERAH - 163-174 Evolution of the main macroeconomic indicators as a result of Romania's integration into the EU
by Ana-Maria URÎȚESCU - 175-196 A direct measurement of corporate financial constraints of SMEs and large firms in Mauritius. A firm level survey analysis
by Chakeel PRAYAGSING & Kheswar JANKEE - 197-208 Political connection and allocation of capital in the corporate sector in Mauritius. A game approach (theoretical relationship)
by Chakeel PRAYAGSING & Kheswar JANKEE - 209-217 A game of bank resolution
by Gabriel MITRACHE
Winter 2018, Volume XXV, Issue 4(617), Winter
- 5-24 Origin and continuity in spatial development: The case of Romania
by Ion POHOAȚĂ & Raluca CLIPA & Delia-Elena DIACONAȘU - 25-38 Study of population by domicile and residence. Natural movement and imbalances
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Cristian Marian BARBU & Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL & Sorinel CĂPUȘNEANU - 39-50 Romanian branded hotels: are they worth the effort?
by Cornelia POP & Monica-Maria COROS & Maria-Andrada GEORGESCU & Maria BONEA - 51-66 Biracial Asian and white: Demographic and labor market status
by Linus YAMANE - 67-96 Institutionalized social technologies index: A global perspective
by Danish Ahmed SIDDIQUI & Qazi Masood AHMED - 97-120 Sustainability and efficiency of microfinance institutions in South Asia
by Brijesh C. PUROHIT & S. SARAVANAN - 121-134 A revisited causality analysis of Okun’s Law: The case of Turkey
by Ugur Korkut PATA & Suleyman YURTKURAN & Adem KALCA - 135-144 Causality between foreign direct investments and exports in India
by Abraham BABU - 145-154 Structural budget balance and fiscal policy stance in Tunisia
by Wissem KHANFIR - 155-168 Price transmission for natural rubber: India integration with world markets
by T.G. Saji - 169-178 Tax smoothing hypothesis: The Tunisian case
by Samia OMRANE BELGUITH & Foued Badr GABSI & Ameni MTIBAA - 179-204 The importance of efficiency for life insurer profit: A study of Canadian life insurance companies
by William WISE - 205-220 Does financial sector affect economic development in ASEAN during 2010-2016?
by Novelia SUSANTI & Didik SUSETYO & Dr. AZWARDI - 221-234 Do remittances really attract foreign direct investments? Evidence from panel cointegration
by Mercy Laita PALAMULENI - 235-252 The effect of credit default swap premiums on developing markets’ economies: The case of exchange rates
by Yunus AÇCI & Selim KAYHAN & Tayfur BAYAT
Autumn 2018, Volume XXV, Issue 3(616), Autumn
- 5-24 Private brand – differentiating concept and source of stimulation of the Romanian retail trade
by Ion ANGHEL & Anca Maria HRISTEA - 25-48 Macroeconomic determinants of the labour share of income: Evidence from OECD economies
by Ivan D. TROFIMOV & Nazaria Md. ARIS & Muhammad Khairil Firdaus Bin ROSLI - 49-60 Analysis of the investments made on the Romanian capital market by the privately managed pension funds – Pillar II
by Alexandra DARMAZ-GUZUN - 61-76 Exchange rate pass-through to macroeconomic indicators using Vector Auto Regression: Empirical evidence from Pakistan
by Farhan AHMED & Muhammad OWAIS & Sandhya KUMARI & Rohit RAJJANI - 77-90 Analysis of the educational activity in Romania
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL - 91-100 Macroeconomic variables and stock prices in emerging economies: A panel analysis
by Raghutla CHANDRASHEKAR & P. SAKTHIVEL & T. SAMPATH & Krishna Reddy CHITTEDI - 101-112 Consumerism and exclusion in a throw-away culture
by Alexandru TAŞNADI & Iustin Emanuel ALEXANDRU & Gheorghe USTINESCU & Petru Ciprian BRADU - 113-134 The effects of microeconomic factors on the stock market: A panel for the stock exchange in Istanbul ARDL analysis
by Khatereh SADEGHZADEH - 135-144 Return, shock and volatility spillovers between the bond markets of Turkey and developed countries
by Selçuk BAYRACI - 145-152 Causal relationship between internet use and economic development for selected Central Asian economies
by Fuat SEKMEN & Hasmet GOKIRMAK - 153-168 Financial sector development and the poor in developing countries: revisiting the access to finance channel
by Atul MEHTA & Joysankar BHATTACHARYA - 169-178 Impact of unbalanced economic growth to dynamic trade specialization
by Putri AYU & Maizul RAHMIZAL & IRWANDI - 179-186 Base erosion and profit shifting in multinational corporations
by Vedang Ratan VATSA
Summer 2018, Volume XXV, Issue 2(615), Summer
- 5-26 Studying banking performance from an accounting perspective: Evidence from Europe
by Maria Carmen HUIAN & Marilena MIRONIUC & Oana Iuliana MIHAI - 27-50 Corruption, governments’ debts, trade, and global growth
by Wei-Bin ZHANG - 51-68 Innovation – trends and patterns at Romanian firms
by Mihaela DIACONU - 69-104 How to build an economy free of recession and stagnation: results from a multi-commodity macro model
by Samuel MENG - 105-118 Analyzing the employment rate of the population, unemployment and vacancies in the economy
by Constantin ANGHELACHE & Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL & Ștefan Gabriel DUMBRAVĂ & Lucian ENE - 119-132 An implicit model of adjustment costs in differential input demand systems
by Gülcan ÖNEL - 133-148 Diversity and proportionality, challenges or opportunities for the European banking sector?
by Dan Costin NIȚESCU - 149-162 A competitive economy as the path to future prosperity: Comparative analysis of selected European countries
by Lejla TERZIĆ - 163-186 Studying the political economy of reforms: The Greek case, 2010-2017
by Dimitris P. SKALKOS - 187-194 Analysis of the evolution of the number of pensioners and pensions in Romania
by Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL & Constantin ANGHELACHE - 195-204 Inflation unemployment dynamics in Hungary – A structured cointegration and vector error correction model approach
by Vijay VICTOR & Maria FEKETE FARKAS & Florence JEESON - 205-220 Are defence expenditures the reasons of foreign debts in Turkey?
by Serap BARIŞ - 221-230 Exports, imports and economic growth in India: Evidence from cointegration and causality analysis
by Raju GUNTUKULA - 231-246 The role of economic growth and energy consumption on CO2 emissions in E7 countries
by Buhari DOĞAN & Osman DEĞER - 247-254 Which comes first – savings or growth? Time series evidence from ECOWAS countries
by Yaya KEHO
Spring 2018, Volume XXV, Issue 1(614), Spring
- 5-14 Political economy map – A useful tool for public policy decision makers
by Claudiu DOLTU - 15-30 Macroeconomic uncertainty and FDI in developing countries
by Pradeep Kumar DAS - 31-40 Impact of foreign direct investment inflows on tax revenues in OECD countries: A panel cointegration and causality analysis
by Yilmaz BAYAR & Omer Faruk OZTURK - 41-54 Macroprudential stability indicators of financial systems: Analysis of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia
by Merim KASUMOVIĆ & Mirna MEŠIĆ - 55-72 Does exchange rate always affect the number of inbound tourists significantly in China?
by Xue GAO & Hsu-Ling CHANG & Chi-Wei SU - 73-94 The effects of Turkish-Russian political relations on bilateral trade balance: Cointegration and causal analysis
by Abidin ÖNCEL & Liudmila LIAPINA - 95-112 The relationship between financial deepening and economic growth: Bootstrap causality approach for the selected upper middle income countries
by Mesut Alper GEZER - 113-124 Financial development, trade openness and growth in India
by Raghutla CHANDRASHEKAR & T. SAMPATH & Krishna Reddy CHITTEDI - 125-136 The impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions on tourism: Does the source of emission matter?
by Can Tansel TUGCU & Mert TOPCU - 137-166 Effect of exchange rate policy on GDP and GDP components: The Kyrgyz Republic Case
by Fuat SEKMEN & Nurbek MADMAROV - 167-182 Dynamic linkages between corruption, economic growth, and income inequality in Pakistan: Say ‘No’ to corruption
by Sheraz Ahmad CHOUDHARY & Khalid Zaman & Shakira EJAZ - 183-192 Impact of defence expenditures on external debt: An econometric analysis for Turkey and Turkic Republics
by Kadir KARAGÖZ