May 2017, Volume 107, Issue 5
- 466-470 Government-Academic Partnerships in Randomized Evaluations: The Case of Inappropriate Prescribing
by Adam Sacarny & David Yokum & Shantanu Agrawal - 471-475 Reminders and Recidivism: Using Administrative Data to Characterize Nonfilers and Conduct EITC Outreach
by John Guyton & Pat Langetieg & Day Manoli & Mark Payne & Brenda Schafer & Michael Sebastiani - 476-480 Does Machine Learning Automate Moral Hazard and Error?
by Sendhil Mullainathan & Ziad Obermeyer - 481-485 Wearable Technologies and Health Behaviors: New Data and New Methods to Understand Population Health
by Benjamin Handel & Jonathan Kolstad - 486-490 Is American Health Care Uniquely Inefficient? Evidence from Prescription Drugs
by Margaret Kyle & Heidi Williams - 491-495 Is American Pet Health Care (Also) Uniquely Inefficient?
by Liran Einav & Amy Finkelstein & Atul Gupta - 496-500 Mothers Care More, but Fathers Decide: Educating Parents about Child Health in Uganda
by Martina Björkman Nyqvist & Seema Jayachandran - 501-505 Precommitment, Cash Transfers, and Timely Arrival for Birth: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Nairobi Kenya
by Jessica Cohen & Katherine Lofgren & Margaret McConnell - 506-510 Personality Traits and Performance Contracts: Evidence from a Field Experiment among Maternity Care Providers in India
by Katherine Donato & Grant Miller & Manoj Mohanan & Yulya Truskinovsky & Marcos Vera-Hernández - 511-515 Traditional Beliefs and Learning about Maternal Risk in Zambia
by Nava Ashraf & Erica Field & Giuditta Rusconi & Alessandra Voena & Roberta Ziparo - 516-521 Does Forest Loss Increase Human Disease? Evidence from Nigeria
by Julia Berazneva & Tanya S. Byker - 522-525 Shale Gas Development and Drinking Water Quality
by Elaine Hill & Lala Ma - 526-529 The Impact of Indonesian Forest Fires on Singaporean Pollution and Health
by Tamara L. Sheldon & Chandini Sankaran - 530-535 Disease and Gender Gaps in Human Capital Investment: Evidence from Niger's 1986 Meningitis Epidemic
by Belinda Archibong & Francis Annan - 536-540 How Children with Mental Disabilities Affect Household Investment Decisions
by Vicki L. Bogan & Jose M. Fernandez - 541-545 Excess Male Infant Mortality: The Gene-Institution Interactions
by Roland Pongou & Barthelemy Kuate Defo & Zacharie Tsala Dimbuene - 546-550 Using Causal Forests to Predict Treatment Heterogeneity: An Application to Summer Jobs
by Jonathan M.V. Davis & Sara B. Heller - 551-555 Does Public Assistance Reduce Recidivism?
by Crystal S. Yang - 556-559 Moving to Job Opportunities? The Effect of "Ban the Box" on the Composition of Cities
by Jennifer L. Doleac & Benjamin Hansen - 560-564 The Effect of Criminal Records on Access to Employment
by Amanda Agan & Sonja Starr - 565-571 Keeping It in the Family: Lineage Organization and the Scope of Trust in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Jacob Moscona & Nathan Nunn & James A. Robinson - 572-577 The Evolution of Egalitarian Sociolinguistic Conventions
by Suresh Naidu & Sung-Ha Hwang & Samuel Bowles - 578-581 How the Second-Order Free Rider Problem Is Solved in a Small-Scale Society
by Sarah Mathew - 582-587 Why Being Wrong Can Be Right: Magical Warfare Technologies and the Persistence of False Beliefs
by Nathan Nunn & Raul Sanchez de la Sierra - 588-592 Aggregate Demand and the Top 1 Percent
by Adrien Auclert & Matthew Rognlie - 593-597 Earnings Inequality and Other Determinants of Wealth Inequality
by Jess Benhabib & Alberto Bisin & Mi Luo - 598-602 Large Firms and International Business Cycle Comovement
by Julian di Giovanni & Andrei A. Levchenko & Isabelle Mejean - 603-607 Big Banks, Idiosyncratic Volatility, and Systemic Risk
by Ricardo T. Fernholz & Christoffer Koch - 608-613 China's Gradualistic Economic Approach and Financial Markets
by Markus K. Brunnermeier & Michael Sockin & Wei Xiong - 614-620 Rents, Technical Change, and Risk Premia Accounting for Secular Trends in Interest Rates, Returns on Capital, Earning Yields, and Factor Shares
by Ricardo J. Caballero & Emmanuel Farhi & Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas - 621-627 Euro-Area Quantitative Easing and Portfolio Rebalancing
by Ralph S. J. Koijen & François Koulischer & Benoît Nguyen & Motohiro Yogo - 628-632 Capitalization of School Quality in Housing Prices: Evidence from Boundary Changes in Shelby County, Tennessee
by Courtney A. Collins & Erin K. Kaplan - 633-637 Teenage Motherhood and Sibling Outcomes
by Jennifer A. Heissel - 638-643 The Importance of Information Targeting for School Choice
by Kehinde F. Ajayi & Willa H. Friedman & Adrienne M. Lucas - 644-649 Trends in Economics and Other Undergraduate Majors
by Wendy A. Stock - 650-654 Some Lasting Effects of Undergraduate Economics on Retirement Planning
by William Bosshardt & William B. Walstad - 655-659 Promoting Undergraduate Research in Economics
by Gail M. Hoyt & KimMarie McGoldrick - 660-664 Learning Outcomes for Economists
by Sam Allgood & Amanda Bayer - 667-669 Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting: Chicago, IL, January 6, 2017
by Peter L. Rousseau - 670-673 Report of the Secretary
by Peter L. Rousseau - 674-677 Report of the Treasurer
by Peter L. Rousseau - 678-680 American Economic Association Universal Academic Questionnaire Summary Statistics
by Charles E. Scott & John J. Siegfried - 681-681 List of Online Reports
by Peter L. Rousseau - 683-688 Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee: Chicago, IL, April 29, 2016
by Peter L. Rousseau - 689-698 Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee: Chicago, IL, January 5, 2017
by Peter L. Rousseau - 699-712 Report of the Editor: American Economic Review
by Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg - 713-715 Report of the Editor: Journal of Economic Literature
by Steven Durlauf - 716-718 Report of the Editor: Journal of Economic Perspectives
by Enrico Moretti - 719-725 Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
by Esther Duflo - 726-734 Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
by Matthew D. Shapiro - 735-742 Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
by Richard Rogerson - 743-748 Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
by Andrew Postlewaite & Johannes Horner - 749-751 Report of the Director: Job Openings for Economists
by John J. Siegfried - 752-758 Report: Committee on Economic Education
by Sam Allgood - 759-776 Report: Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP)
by Shelly Lundberg - 777-791 Report: Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession (CSMGEP)
by Cecilia Rouse & Gary A. Hoover - 792-794 Report: American Economic Association Committee on Statistics (AEAStat)
by Robert Moffitt - 795-796 Report: Committee on Government Relations
by Jonathan Skinner - 797-797 Report of the Search Committee for the Editor of the American Economic Review
by David Autor
April 2017, Volume 107, Issue 4
- 967-1004 Narrative Economics
by Robert J. Shiller - 1005-1029 Banks as Secret Keepers
by Tri Vi Dang & Gary Gorton & Bengt Holmström & Guillermo Ordoñez - 1030-1058 Escaping the Great Recession
by Francesco Bianchi & Leonardo Melosi - 1059-1103 The Social Cost of Near-Rational Investment
by Tarek A. Hassan & Thomas M. Mertens - 1104-1135 The Macrodynamics of Sorting between Workers and Firms
by Jeremy Lise & Jean-Marc Robin - 1136-1164 Financing Innovation: Evidence from R&D Grants
by Sabrina T. Howell - 1165-1206 Reducing Crime and Violence: Experimental Evidence from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Liberia
by Christopher Blattman & Julian C. Jamison & Margaret Sheridan - 1207-1238 Does the Gender Composition of Scientific Committees Matter?
by Manuel Bagues & Mauro Sylos-Labini & Natalia Zinovyeva - 1239-1263 A Comprehensive Approach to Revealed Preference Theory
by Hiroki Nishimura & Efe A. Ok & John K.-H. Quah - 1264-1292 Correlation Misperception in Choice
by Andrew Ellis & Michele Piccione - 1293-1312 Balanced Growth Despite Uzawa
by Gene M. Grossman & Elhanan Helpman & Ezra Oberfield & Thomas Sampson - 1313-1334 Geographic Dispersion of Economic Shocks: Evidence from the Fracking Revolution
by James Feyrer & Erin T. Mansur & Bruce Sacerdote - 1335-1361 Borrowing on the Wrong Credit Card? Evidence from Mexico
by Alejandro Ponce & Enrique Seira & Guillermo Zamarripa - 1362-1364 How to Control Controlled School Choice: Comment
by Battal Doğan
March 2017, Volume 107, Issue 3
- 633-689 Nonparametric Counterfactual Predictions in Neoclassical Models of International Trade
by Rodrigo Adao & Arnaud Costinot & Dave Donaldson - 690-713 Evidence Games: Truth and Commitment
by Sergiu Hart & Ilan Kremer & Motty Perry - 714-747 Gender Differences in Accepting and Receiving Requests for Tasks with Low Promotability
by Linda Babcock & Maria P. Recalde & Lise Vesterlund & Laurie Weingart - 748-784 Using a Free Permit Rule to Forecast the Marginal Abatement Cost of Proposed Climate Policy
by Kyle C. Meng - 785-823 Inflation Dynamics during the Financial Crisis
by Simon Gilchrist & Raphael Schoenle & Jae Sim & Egon Zakrajšek - 824-857 The Great Escape? A Quantitative Evaluation of the Fed's Liquidity Facilities
by Marco Del Negro & Gauti Eggertsson & Andrea Ferrero & Nobuhiro Kiyotaki - 858-896 A Structural Model of the Retail Market for Illicit Drugs
by Manolis Galenianos & Alessandro Gavazza - 897-930 Modeling the Revolving Revolution: The Debt Collection Channel
by Lukasz A. Drozd & Ricardo Serrano-Padial - 931-965 Unplanned Purchases and Retail Competition
by Justin P. Johnson
February 2017, Volume 107, Issue 2
- 305-330 High Discounts and High Unemployment
by Robert E. Hall - 331-353 No Price Like Home: Global House Prices, 1870-2012
by Katharina Knoll & Moritz Schularick & Thomas Steger - 354-386 In with the Big, Out with the Small: Removing Small-Scale Reservations in India
by Leslie A. Martin & Shanthi Nataraj & Ann E. Harrison - 387-424 Price Cutting and Business Stealing in Imperfect Cartels
by B. Douglas Bernheim & Erik Madsen - 425-456 Peer Effects in the Workplace
by Thomas Cornelissen & Christian Dustmann & Uta Schönberg - 457-492 Cultural Proximity and Loan Outcomes
by Raymond Fisman & Daniel Paravisini & Vikrant Vig - 493-526 You Owe Me
by Ulrike Malmendier & Klaus M. Schmidt - 527-561 Does Extending Unemployment Benefits Improve Job Quality?
by Arash Nekoei & Andrea Weber - 562-591 Detecting Potential Overbilling in Medicare Reimbursement via Hours Worked
by Hanming Fang & Qing Gong - 592-622 Misallocation and the Distribution of Global Volatility
by Maya Eden - 623-628 The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit: Comment
by Samuel Lundstrom - 629-631 The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit: Reply
by Gordon B. Dahl & Lance Lochner
January 2017, Volume 107, Issue 1
- 1-30 Networks, Markets, and Inequality
by Julien Gagnon & Sanjeev Goyal - 31-53 Beeps
by Jeffrey C. Ely - 54-108 Microeconomic Origins of Macroeconomic Tail Risks
by Daron Acemoglu & Asuman Ozdaglar & Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi - 109-137 Coarse Competitive Equilibrium and Extreme Prices
by Faruk Gul & Wolfgang Pesendorfer & Tomasz Strzalecki - 138-168 Clicking on Heaven's Door: The Effect of Immigrant Legalization on Crime
by Paolo Pinotti - 169-216 Deposit Competition and Financial Fragility: Evidence from the US Banking Sector
by Mark Egan & Ali Hortaçsu & Gregor Matvos - 217-248 Tax Policy and Heterogeneous Investment Behavior
by Eric Zwick & James Mahon - 249-282 Price Setting in Online Markets: Basic Facts, International Comparisons, and Cross-Border Integration
by Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Oleksandr Talavera - 283-303 Are Online and Offline Prices Similar? Evidence from Large Multi-channel Retailers
by Alberto Cavallo
December 2016, Volume 106, Issue 12
- 3607-3659 Efficient Bailouts?
by Javier Bianchi - 3660-3699 Breakthroughs, Deadlines, and Self-Reported Progress: Contracting for Multistage Projects
by Brett Green & Curtis R. Taylor - 3700-3729 Are There Environmental Benefits from Driving Electric Vehicles? The Importance of Local Factors
by Stephen P. Holland & Erin T. Mansur & Nicholas Z. Muller & Andrew J. Yates - 3730-3764 The Determinants of Productivity in Medical Testing: Intensity and Allocation of Care
by Jason Abaluck & Leila Agha & Chris Kabrhel & Ali Raja & Arjun Venkatesh - 3765-3799 Quality and Accountability in Health Care Delivery: Audit-Study Evidence from Primary Care in India
by Jishnu Das & Alaka Holla & Aakash Mohpal & Karthik Muralidharan - 3800-3828 Sticky Leverage
by João Gomes & Urban Jermann & Lukas Schmid - 3829-3868 Understanding the Gains from Wage Flexibility: The Exchange Rate Connection
by Jordi Galí & Tommaso Monacelli - 3869-3897 Creative Destruction and Subjective Well-Being
by Philippe Aghion & Ufuk Akcigit & Angus Deaton & Alexandra Roulet - 3898-3931 Income-Induced Expenditure Switching
by Rudolfs Bems & Julian di Giovanni - 3932-3961 Choice Inconsistencies among the Elderly: Evidence from Plan Choice in the Medicare Part D Program: Comment
by Jonathan D. Ketcham & Nicolai V. Kuminoff & Christopher A. Powers - 3962-3987 Choice Inconsistencies among the Elderly: Evidence from Plan Choice in the Medicare Part D Program: Reply
by Jason Abaluck & Jonathan Gruber
November 2016, Volume 106, Issue 11
- 3238-3274 Dynamic Procurement under Uncertainty: Optimal Design and Implications for Incomplete Contracts
by Malin Arve & David Martimort - 3275-3299 Intertemporal Price Discrimination: Dynamic Arrivals and Changing Values
by Daniel F. Garrett - 3300-3330 Does Welfare Inhibit Success? The Long-Term Effects of Removing Low-Income Youth from the Disability Rolls
by Manasi Deshpande - 3331-3366 Taxing Top CEO Incomes
by Laurence Ales & Christopher Sleet - 3367-3400 Leverage and Beliefs: Personal Experience and Risk-Taking in Margin Lending
by Peter Koudijs & Hans-Joachim Voth - 3401-3438 Trade and the Global Recession
by Jonathan Eaton & Samuel Kortum & Brent Neiman & John Romalis - 3439-3479 Firm Size Distortions and the Productivity Distribution: Evidence from France
by Luis Garicano & Claire Lelarge & John Van Reenen - 3480-3520 Medicaid Insurance in Old Age
by Mariacristina De Nardi & Eric French & John Bailey Jones - 3521-3557 Free to Choose? Reform, Choice, and Consideration Sets in the English National Health Service
by Martin Gaynor & Carol Propper & Stephan Seiler - 3558-3576 The Berlin Stock Exchange in Imperial Germany: A Market for New Technology?
by Sibylle Lehmann-Hasemeyer & Jochen Streb - 3577-3589 Endogenous Entry to Security-Bid Auctions
by Takeharu Sogo & Dan Bernhardt & Tingjun Liu - 3590-3605 Persuading Voters
by Ricardo Alonso & Odilon Câmara
October 2016, Volume 106, Issue 10
- 2783-2816 Can Tracking Raise the Test Scores of High-Ability Minority Students?
by David Card & Laura Giuliano - 2817-2851 The Real Effects of Monetary Shocks in Sticky Price Models: A Sufficient Statistic Approach
by Fernando Alvarez & Hervé Le Bihan & Francesco Lippi - 2852-2866 Adverse Selection and Auction Design for Internet Display Advertising
by Nick Arnosti & Marissa Beck & Paul Milgrom - 2867-2894 How Much Energy Do Building Energy Codes Save? Evidence from California Houses
by Arik Levinson - 2895-2929 Building State Capacity: Evidence from Biometric Smartcards in India
by Karthik Muralidharan & Paul Niehaus & Sandip Sukhtankar - 2930-2981 Taxation and the International Mobility of Inventors
by Ufuk Akcigit & Salomé Baslandze & Stefanie Stantcheva - 2982-3028 Regional Redistribution through the US Mortgage Market
by Erik Hurst & Benjamin J. Keys & Amit Seru & Joseph Vavra - 3029-3063 Corruption, Trade Costs, and Gains from Tariff Liberalization: Evidence from Southern Africa
by Sandra Sequeira - 3064-3103 The Agricultural Origins of Time Preference
by Oded Galor & Ömer Özak - 3104-3132 Managerial Attention and Worker Performance
by Marina Halac & Andrea Prat - 3133-3158 The Power of Forward Guidance Revisited
by Alisdair McKay & Emi Nakamura & Jón Steinsson - 3159-3184 Trade, Domestic Frictions, and Scale Effects
by Natalia Ramondo & Andrés Rodríguez-Clare & Milagro Saborío-Rodríguez - 3185-3223 On the Timing and Pricing of Dividends: Comment
by Florian Schulz - 3224-3237 On the Timing and Pricing of Dividends: Reply
by Jules H. van Binsbergen & Ralph S. J. Koijen
September 2016, Volume 106, Issue 9
- 2407-2425 Robust Social Decisions
by Eric Danan & Thibault Gajdos & Brian Hill & Jean-Marc Tallon - 2426-2457 Beyond GDP? Welfare across Countries and Time
by Charles I. Jones & Peter J. Klenow - 2458-2493 Bailouts, Time Inconsistency, and Optimal Regulation: A Macroeconomic View
by V. V. Chari & Patrick J. Kehoe - 2494-2527 Long-Run Risk Is the Worst-Case Scenario
by Rhys Bidder & Ian Dew-Becker - 2528-2551 Properties of the Combinatorial Clock Auction
by Jonathan Levin & Andrzej Skrzypacz - 2552-2581 Timing Decisions in Organizations: Communication and Authority in a Dynamic Environment
by Steven R. Grenadier & Andrey Malenko & Nadya Malenko - 2582-2624 Who Benefits from State Corporate Tax Cuts? A Local Labor Markets Approach with Heterogeneous Firms
by Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato & Owen Zidar - 2625-2657 Runs on Money Market Mutual Funds
by Lawrence Schmidt & Allan Timmermann & Russ Wermers - 2658-2698 Skill Transferability, Migration, and Development: Evidence from Population Resettlement in Indonesia
by Samuel Bazzi & Arya Gaduh & Alexander D. Rothenberg & Maisy Wong - 2699-2721 Asymmetric Information and Intermediation Chains
by Vincent Glode & Christian Opp - 2722-2741 How to Count Citations If You Must
by Motty Perry & Philip J. Reny - 2742-2759 The Allocation of Future Business: Dynamic Relational Contracts with Multiple Agents
by Isaiah Andrews & Daniel Barron - 2760-2782 A Behavioral Analysis of Stochastic Reference Dependence
by Yusufcan Masatlioglu & Collin Raymond
August 2016, Volume 106, Issue 8
- 1969-2008 Dynamic Delegation of Experimentation
by Yingni Guo - 2009-2045 Marijuana on Main Street? Estimating Demand in Markets with Limited Access
by Liana Jacobi & Michelle Sovinsky - 2046-2085 Endogenous Skill Acquisition and Export Manufacturing in Mexico
by David Atkin - 2086-2109 The Realization Effect: Risk-Taking after Realized versus Paper Losses
by Alex Imas - 2110-2144 Health Care Exceptionalism? Performance and Allocation in the US Health Care Sector
by Amitabh Chandra & Amy Finkelstein & Adam Sacarny & Chad Syverson - 2145-2184 Evolving Choice Inconsistencies in Choice of Prescription Drug Insurance
by Jason Abaluck & Jonathan Gruber - 2185-2218 Effects of Deregulation and Consolidation of the Broadcast Television Industry
by Jessica Calfee Stahl - 2219-2255 Macroeconomic Effects of Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Policies
by Kurt Mitman - 2256-2303 Financial Intermediation, Investment Dynamics, and Business Cycle Fluctuations
by Andrea Ajello - 2304-2328 Capital Taxation under Political Constraints
by Florian Scheuer & Alexander Wolitzky - 2329-2348 Ostracism and Forgiveness
by S. Nageeb Ali & David A. Miller - 2349-2370 Moderating Political Extremism: Single Round versus Runoff Elections under Plurality Rule
by Massimo Bordignon & Tommaso Nannicini & Guido Tabellini - 2371-2405 Monitoring Corruptible Politicians
by Gustavo J. Bobonis & Luis R. Cámara Fuertes & Rainer Schwabe
July 2016, Volume 106, Issue 7
- 1577-1600 Behavioral Economics: Past, Present, and Future
by Richard H. Thaler - 1601-1631 Perceiving Prospects Properly
by Jakub Steiner & Colin Stewart - 1632-1662 The Surprisingly Swift Decline of US Manufacturing Employment
by Justin R. Pierce & Peter K. Schott - 1663-1704 Network Structure and the Aggregation of Information: Theory and Evidence from Indonesia
by Vivi Alatas & Abhijit Banerjee & Arun G. Chandrasekhar & Rema Hanna & Benjamin A. Olken - 1705-1741 CoVaR
by Tobias Adrian & Markus K. Brunnermeier - 1742-1774 Interest Rates and Equity Extraction during the Housing Boom
by Neil Bhutta & Benjamin J. Keys - 1775-1801 Experiments on Decisions under Uncertainty: A Theoretical Framework
by Eran Shmaya & Leeat Yariv - 1802-1848 The Long-Run Effects of the Scramble for Africa
by Stelios Michalopoulos & Elias Papaioannou - 1849-1877 Discounts as a Barrier to Entry
by Enrique Ide & Juan-Pablo Montero & Nicolás Figueroa - 1878-1920 Charters without Lotteries: Testing Takeovers in New Orleans and Boston
by Atila Abdulkadiroğlu & Joshua D. Angrist & Peter D. Hull & Parag A. Pathak - 1921-1957 Sequential Markets, Market Power, and Arbitrage
by Koichiro Ito & Mar Reguant - 1958-1966 Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports: Comment
by Bart Los & Marcel P. Timmer & Gaaitzen J. de Vries
June 2016, Volume 106, Issue 6
- 1221-1243 Measuring and Understanding Behavior, Welfare, and Poverty
by Angus Deaton - 1244-1277 Do Schools Matter for High Math Achievement? Evidence from the American Mathematics Competitions
by Glenn Ellison & Ashley Swanson - 1278-1319 Too-Systemic-to-Fail: What Option Markets Imply about Sector-Wide Government Guarantees
by Bryan Kelly & Hanno Lustig & Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh - 1320-1365 Agricultural Productivity and Structural Transformation: Evidence from Brazil
by Paula Bustos & Bruno Caprettini & Jacopo Ponticelli - 1366-1401 The Demand for Energy-Using Assets among the World's Rising Middle Classes
by Paul J. Gertler & Orie Shelef & Catherine D. Wolfram & Alan Fuchs - 1402-1436 Domestic Value Added in Exports: Theory and Firm Evidence from China
by Hiau Looi Kee & Heiwai Tang - 1437-1475 Attention Discrimination: Theory and Field Experiments with Monitoring Information Acquisition
by Vojtěch Bartoš & Michal Bauer & Julie Chytilová & Filip Matějka - 1476-1494 Measuring Discounting without Measuring Utility
by Arthur E. Attema & Han Bleichrodt & Yu Gao & Zhenxing Huang & Peter P. Wakker - 1495-1521 Does Affirmative Action Work? Caste, Gender, College Quality, and Academic Success in India
by Surendrakumar Bagde & Dennis Epple & Lowell Taylor - 1522-1536 Rational Inattention and Organizational Focus
by Wouter Dessein & Andrea Galeotti & Tano Santos - 1537-1561 Technological Innovations, Downside Risk, and the Modernization of Agriculture
by Kyle Emerick & Alain de Janvry & Elisabeth Sadoulet & Manzoor H. Dar - 1562-1565 Optimal Expectations and Limited Medical Testing: Evidence from Huntington Disease: Corrigendum
by Emily Oster & Ira Shoulson & E. Ray Dorsey
May 2016, Volume 106, Issue 5
- 1-1 Foreword
by Robert J. Shiller - 1-1 Editors' Introduction
by William R. Johnson & Kelly Markel - 1-30 Restoring Rational Choice: The Challenge of Consumer Financial Regulation
by John Y. Campbell - 31-34 The Phillips Curve: Back to the '60s?
by Olivier Blanchard - 35-38 Dealing with Long-Term Deficits
by Martin Feldstein - 39-42 Monetary Policy, Financial Stability, and the Zero Lower Bound
by Stanley Fischer - 43-47 How to Restore Equitable and Sustainable Economic Growth in the United States
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 48-51 Can We Restart the Recovery All Over Again?
by John B. Taylor