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Philipp C. Wichardt


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.

Working papers

  1. Bergh, Andreas & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2018. "Mine, Ours or Yours? Unintended Framing Effects in Dictator Games," Working Paper Series 1205, Research Institute of Industrial Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Martin Paldam, 2019. "Methods used in economic research. An empirical study of trends and levels," Working Papers CEB 19-002, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
    2. Paldam Martin, 2021. "Methods Used in Economic Research: An Empirical Study of Trends and Levels," Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment Journal, De Gruyter, vol. 15(1), pages 28-42, January.
    3. Martin Paldam, 2018. "The strategies of economic research - An empirical study," Economics Working Papers 2018-04, Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University.

  2. Lönnqvist, Jan-Erik & Verkasalo, Markku & Walkowitz, Gari & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2014. "Measuring individual risk attitudes in the lab: Task or ask? An empirical comparison," Kiel Working Papers 1905, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).

    Cited by:

    1. François Desmoulins-Lebeault & Jean-François Gajewski & Luc Meunier, 2018. "Personality and Risk Aversion," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 38(1), pages 472-489.
    2. Giuseppe Attanasi & Nikolaos Georgantzis & Valentina Rotondi & Daria Vigani, 2018. "Lottery- and survey-based risk attitudes linked through a multichoice elicitation task," Post-Print halshs-01948205, HAL.
    3. Thomas Buser & Muriel Niederle & Hessel Oosterbeek, 2012. "Gender, Competitiveness and Career Choices," NBER Working Papers 18576, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    4. Zafer Akýn & Ý. Erdem Seçilmiþ, 2015. "Risk Behavior, Risk Perception and Online Shopping: An Experimental Approach," IPEK Working Papers 1507, Ipek University, Department of Economics, revised Sep 2015.
    5. Pan He & Marcella Veronesi & Stefanie Engel, 2016. "Consistency of Risk Preference Measures and the Role of Ambiguity: An Artefactual Field Experiment from China," Working Papers 03/2016, University of Verona, Department of Economics.
    6. Jonathan Chapman & Pietro Ortoleva & Erik Snowberg & Colin Camerer & Mark Dean, 2017. "Willingness-To-Pay and Willingness-To-Accept are Probably Less Correlated than You Think," CESifo Working Paper Series 6492, CESifo.
    7. Coppola, Michela, 2014. "Eliciting risk-preferences in socio-economic surveys: How do different measures perform?," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 1-10.
    8. Alexis Garapin & Laurent Muller & Bilel Rahali, 2015. "Does Trust Mean Giving and not Risking? Experimental Evidence from the Trust Game," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 125(5), pages 701-716.
    9. Martin Koudstaal & Randolph Sloof & Mirjam van Praag, 2014. "Risk, Uncertainty and Entrepreneurship: Evidence From a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 14-136/VII, Tinbergen Institute.
    10. Hardeweg, Bernd & Menkhoff, Lukas & Waibel, Hermann, 2011. "Experimentally-validated survey evidence on individual risk attitudes in rural Thailand," Hannover Economic Papers (HEP) dp-464, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät.
    11. Verschoor, Arjan & D’Exelle, Ben & Perez-Viana, Borja, 2016. "Lab and life: Does risky choice behaviour observed in experiments reflect that in the real world?," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 128(C), pages 134-148.
    12. Jonathan P. Beauchamp & David Cesarini & Magnus Johannesson, 2017. "The psychometric and empirical properties of measures of risk preferences," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Springer, vol. 54(3), pages 203-237, June.
    13. Naranjo, Maria A. & Alpízar, Francisco & Martinsson, Peter, 2019. "Alternatives for Risk Elicitation in the Field: Evidence from Coffee Farmers in Costa Rica," EfD Discussion Paper 19-21, Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg.
    14. Aurelie Dariel & Curtis Kephart & Nikos Nikiforakis & Christina Zenker, 2017. "Emirati women do not shy away from competition: Evidence from a patriarchal society in transition," Working Papers 20170011, New York University Abu Dhabi, Department of Social Science, revised Nov 2017.
    15. Muriel Niederle, 2014. "Gender," NBER Working Papers 20788, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    16. Sauter, Philipp & Hermann, Daniel & Mußhoff, Oliver, 2015. "Risk attitudes of foresters, farmers and students: An experimental multimethod comparison," DARE Discussion Papers 1514, Georg-August University of Göttingen, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (DARE).
    17. Burkhard C. Schipper, 2015. "Sex Hormones and Competitive Bidding," Management Science, INFORMS, vol. 61(2), pages 249-266, February.
    18. Jonathan Chapman & Erik Snowberg & Stephanie Wang & Colin Camerer, 2018. "Loss Attitudes in the U.S. Population: Evidence from Dynamically Optimized Sequential Experimentation (DOSE)," CESifo Working Paper Series 7262, CESifo.
    19. Sepahvand, Mohammad H. & Shahbazian, Roujman, 2018. "Sibling Correlation in Risk Attitudes: Evidence from Burkina Faso," Working Paper Series 2018:6, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
    20. Maggioni, Mario A. & Rossignoli, Domenico & Beretta, Simona & Balestri, Sara, 2018. "Trust behind bars: Measuring change in inmates’ prosocial preferences," Journal of Economic Psychology, Elsevier, vol. 64(C), pages 89-104.
    21. Swee-Hoon Chuah & Robert Hoffmann & Jeremy Larner, 2014. "Elicitation effects in a multi-stage bargaining experiment," Experimental Economics, Springer;Economic Science Association, vol. 17(2), pages 335-345, June.
    22. Chuang, Yating & Schechter, Laura, 2015. "Stability of experimental and survey measures of risk, time, and social preferences: A review and some new results," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 117(C), pages 151-170.
    23. Vieider, Ferdinand M. & Lefebvre, Mathieu & Bouchouicha, Ranoua & Chmura, Thorsten & Hakimov, Rustamdjan & Krawczyk, Michal & Martinsson, Peter, 2013. "Common components of risk and uncertainty attitudes across contexts and domains: Evidence from 30 countries," Discussion Papers, WZB Junior Research Group Risk and Development SP II 2013-402, WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
    24. Stöhr, Tobias & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2016. "Conflicting identities: Cosmopolitan or anxious? Appreciating concerns of host country population improves attitudes towards immigrants," Kiel Working Papers 2045, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).
    25. Andreas C. Drichoutis & Achilleas Vassilopoulos, 2016. "Intertemporal stability of survey-based measures of risk and time preferences over a three-year course," Working Papers 2016-3, Agricultural University of Athens, Department Of Agricultural Economics.
    26. Robert L. Clark & Robert G. Hammond & Christelle Khalaf & Melinda Sandler Morrill, 2017. "Planning for Retirement? The Importance of Time Preferences," NBER Working Papers 23501, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    27. Christian Königsheim & Moritz Lukas & Markus Nöth, 2017. "Financial Knowledge, Risk Preferences, and the Demand for Digital Financial Services," Schmalenbach Business Review, Springer;Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft, vol. 18(4), pages 343-375, October.
    28. David B. Johnson & Matthew D. Webb, 2017. "An Experimental Test of the No Safety Schools Theorem," Carleton Economic Papers 17-10, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
    29. Schweri, Jürg & Hartog, Joop, 2015. "Do Wage Expectations Influence the Decision to Enroll in Nursing College?," IZA Discussion Papers 9120, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
    30. Liebenehm, Sabine, 2018. "Temporal Stability of Risk Attitudes and the Impact of Adverse Shocks—A Panel Data Analysis from Thailand and Vietnam," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 102(C), pages 262-274.
    31. Liebenehm, Sabine & Degener, Nele & Strobl, Eric, 2018. "Rainfall shocks and risk aversion: Evidence from Southeast Asia," TVSEP Working Papers wp-006, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade, Project TVSEP.
    32. Tamás Csermely & Alexander Rabas, 2016. "How to reveal people’s preferences: Comparing time consistency and predictive power of multiple price list risk elicitation methods," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Springer, vol. 53(2), pages 107-136, December.
    33. Ola Andersson & Håkan J. Holm & Jean-Robert Tyran & Erik Wengström, 2013. "Risk aversion relates to cognitive ability: Fact or Fiction?," Discussion Papers 13-10, University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
    34. Menkhoff, Lukas & Sakha, Sahra, 2017. "Estimating risky behavior with multiple-item risk measures," Journal of Economic Psychology, Elsevier, vol. 59(C), pages 59-86.
    35. Brian E. Roe, 2015. "The Risk Attitudes of U.S. Farmers," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 37(4), pages 553-574.
    36. Norma Burow & Miriam Beblo & Denis Beninger & Melanie Schröder, 2017. "Why Do Women Favor Same-Gender Competition? Evidence from a Choice Experiment," Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin 1662, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
    37. Charness, Gary & Gneezy, Uri & Imas, Alex, 2013. "Experimental methods: Eliciting risk preferences," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 87(C), pages 43-51.
    38. John Ameriks & Gábor Kézdi & Minjoon Lee & Matthew D. Shapiro, 2020. "Heterogeneity in Expectations, Risk Tolerance, and Household Stock Shares: The Attenuation Puzzle," Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 38(3), pages 633-646, July.
    39. Fabio Galeotti & Daniel John Zizzo, 2014. "What happens if you single out? An experiment," Post-Print halshs-01080927, HAL.
    40. Ibrahim Filiz & Thomas Nahmer & Markus Spiwoks & Kilian Bizer, 2018. "Portfolio diversification: the influence of herding, status-quo bias, and the gambler’s fallacy," Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Springer;Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, vol. 32(2), pages 167-205, May.
    41. Bertrand Koebel & André Schmitt & Sandrine Spaeter, 2016. "DO SELF-THEORIES ON INTELLIGENCE EXPLAIN OVERCONFIDENCE AND RISK TAKING? A Field Experiment," Working Papers of BETA 2016-11, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
    42. Christoph Merkle & Philipp Schreiber & Martin Weber, 2017. "Framing and retirement age: The gap between willingness-to-accept and willingness-to-pay," Economic Policy, CEPR, CESifo, Sciences Po;CES;MSH, vol. 32(92), pages 757-809.
    43. Pham, Huong Dien, 2017. "Do cultural factors alter the relationship between risk attitudes and economic welfare?," TVSEP Working Papers wp-003, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade, Project TVSEP.
    44. Bucciol, Alessandro & Zarri, Luca, 2017. "Do personality traits influence investors’ portfolios?," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 68(C), pages 1-12.
    45. Huhtala, Anni & Remes, Piia, 2016. "Dimming Hopes for Nuclear Power: Quantifying the Social Costs of Perceptions of Risks," Working Papers 57, VATT Institute for Economic Research.
    46. Fabio Galeotti & Daniel John Zizzo, 2012. "Trust and trustworthiness with singleton groups," Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) 12-03, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
    47. Thomas Buser, 2014. "The Impact of Losing in a Competition on the Willingness to seek Further Challenges," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 14-083/I, Tinbergen Institute.
    48. Stöhr, Tobias & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2016. "Openness to Concerns of Host Country Population Improves Attitudes Towards Immigrants," VfS Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change 145574, Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association.
    49. Sauter, Philipp A. & Hermann, Daniel & Mußhoff, Oliver, 2018. "Are foresters really risk-averse? A multi-method analysis and a cross-occupational comparison," Forest Policy and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 95(C), pages 37-45.
    50. Michalis Drouvelis & Daniele Nosenzo, 2012. "Group Identity and Leading-by-Example," Discussion Papers 2012-05, The Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics, School of Economics, University of Nottingham.
    51. Gloede, Oliver & Menkhoff, Lukas & Waibel, Hermann, 2011. "Risk attitude and risk behavior: Comparing Thailand and Vietnam," Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference, Berlin 2011 33, Verein für Socialpolitik, Research Committee Development Economics.
    52. Alessandro Bucciol & Luca Zarri, 2015. "Does Investors' Personality Influence their Portfolios?," Working Papers 03/2015, University of Verona, Department of Economics.
    53. Sonsino, Doron & Shifrin, Max & Lahav, Eyal, 2016. "Disentangling trust from risk-taking: Triadic approach," MPRA Paper 80095, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    54. Lépine, Aurélia & Treibich, Carole, 2020. "Risk aversion and HIV/AIDS: Evidence from Senegalese female sex workers," Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier, vol. 256(C).
    55. Sepahvand, Mohammad & Shahbazian, Roujman, 2017. "Intergenerational Transmission of Risk Attitudes: The Role of Gender, Parents and Grandparents in Burkina Faso," Working Paper Series 2017:13, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
    56. Anne Corcos & François Pannequin & Claude Montmarquette,, 2017. "Measuring individual risk-attitudes: an experimental comparison between Holt & Laury measure and an insurance-choices-based procedure," Working Papers 2017-79, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics.
    57. Xie, Yuxin & Hwang, Soosung & Pantelous, Athanasios A., 2018. "Loss aversion around the world: Empirical evidence from pension funds," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 88(C), pages 52-62.
    58. Uwe Dulleck & Jacob Fell & Jonas Fooken, 2011. "Within-subject Intra- and Inter-method consistency of two experimental risk attitude elicitation," NCER Working Paper Series 74, National Centre for Econometric Research.
    59. Ece Yagman & Malcolm Keswell, 2015. "Accents, Race and Discrimination: Evidence from a Trust Game," SALDRU Working Papers 158, Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town.
    60. Howard, Gregory E. & Roe, Brian E., 2011. "Comparing the Risk Attitudes of U.S. and German Farmers," 2011 International Congress, August 30-September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland 114528, European Association of Agricultural Economists.

  3. Miriam Schütte & Philipp C. Wichardt, 2012. "Delegation in Long-Term Relationships," SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research 480, DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP).

    Cited by:

    1. Ester Manna & Alessandro De Chiara, 2016. "Delegation with a Reciprocal Agent," UB School of Economics Working Papers 2016/346, University of Barcelona School of Economics.

  4. Anke Gerber & Jakob Neitzel & Philipp Christoph Wichardt, 2012. "Minimum Participation Rules for the Provision of Public Goods," CESifo Working Paper Series 3733, CESifo.

    Cited by:

    1. Astrid Dannenberg & Carlo Gallier, 2020. "The choice of institutions to solve cooperation problems: a survey of experimental research," Experimental Economics, Springer;Economic Science Association, vol. 23(3), pages 716-749, September.
    2. Martinsson, Peter & Persson, Emil, 2016. "Public Goods and Minimum Provision Levels: Does the institutional formation affect cooperation?," Working Papers in Economics 655, University of Gothenburg, Department of Economics.
    3. Misato Inaba & Tetsuya Kawamura & Kazuhito Ogawa, 2024. "The effect of commitment in the public goods game with endogenous institution formation," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 95(1), pages 67-83, March.
    4. Alexander Lenger & Stephan Wolf & Nils Goldschmidt, 2021. "Choosing inequality: how economic security fosters competitive regimes," The Journal of Economic Inequality, Springer;Society for the Study of Economic Inequality, vol. 19(2), pages 315-346, June.
    5. Hong, Fuhai, 2015. "International Environmental Agreements with reference points," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 59(C), pages 68-73.
    6. Kube, Sebastian & Schaube, Sebastian & Schildberg-Hörisch, Hannah & Khachatryan, Elina, 2015. "Institution formation and cooperation with heterogeneous agents," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 78(C), pages 248-268.
    7. Abhijit Ramalingam & Sara Godoy & Antonio J. Morales & James M. Walker, 2015. "An individualistic approach to institution formation in public good games," Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) 14-10R, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
    8. Xiaochuan Huang & Takehito Masuda & Yoshitaka Okano & Tatsuyoshi Saijo, 2016. "Cooperation among behaviorally heterogeneous players in social dilemma with stay of leave decisions," KIER Working Papers 944, Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research.
    9. Dannenberg, Astrid & Gallier, Carlo, 2019. "The choice of institutions to solve cooperation problems: A survey of experimental research," ZEW Discussion Papers 19-021, ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research.
    10. Cason, Timothy N. & Zubrickas, Robertas, 2017. "Enhancing fundraising with refund bonuses," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 101(C), pages 218-233.
    11. Kesternich, Martin, 2015. "Minimum participation rules in international environmental agreements: Empirical evidence from a survey among delegates in international climate negotiations," ZEW Discussion Papers 15-009, ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research.
    12. Astrid Dannenberg & Carlo Gallier, 2019. "The Choice of Institutions to Solve Cooperation Problems: A Survey of Experimental Research," MAGKS Papers on Economics 201911, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Department of Economics (Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung).
    13. Tobias Schütze & Philipp C. Wichardt & Philipp Christoph Wichardt, 2023. "A Real Effort vs. Standard Public Goods Experiment: Overall More All-or-Nothing, Lower Average Contributions and Men Become More Selfish in the Effort-Loss Frame," CESifo Working Paper Series 10444, CESifo.
    14. Feess, Eberhard & Kerzenmacher, Florian & Muehlheusser, Gerd, 2020. "Moral Transgressions by Groups: What Drives Individual Voting Behavior?," IZA Discussion Papers 13383, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
    15. Timothy N. Cason & Robertas Zubrickas, 2019. "Donation-Based Crowdfunding with Refund Bonuses," Purdue University Economics Working Papers 1319, Purdue University, Department of Economics.
    16. Gallier, Carlo, 2020. "Democracy and compliance in public goods games," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 121(C).
    17. He, Pinglin & Zhang, Shuhao & Wang, Lei & Ning, Jing, 2023. "Will environmental taxes help to mitigate climate change? A comparative study based on OECD countries," Economic Analysis and Policy, Elsevier, vol. 78(C), pages 1440-1464.

  5. Jan-Erik Loennqvist & Markku Verkasalo & Gari Walkowitz & Philipp C. Wichardt, 2011. "Measuring Individual Risk Attitudes in the Lab: Task or Ask? An Empirical Comparison," Cologne Graduate School Working Paper Series 02-03, Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences.

    Cited by:

    1. François Desmoulins-Lebeault & Jean-François Gajewski & Luc Meunier, 2018. "Personality and Risk Aversion," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 38(1), pages 472-489.
    2. Giuseppe Attanasi & Nikolaos Georgantzis & Valentina Rotondi & Daria Vigani, 2018. "Lottery- and survey-based risk attitudes linked through a multichoice elicitation task," Post-Print halshs-01948205, HAL.
    3. Thomas Buser & Muriel Niederle & Hessel Oosterbeek, 2012. "Gender, Competitiveness and Career Choices," NBER Working Papers 18576, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    4. Zafer Akýn & Ý. Erdem Seçilmiþ, 2015. "Risk Behavior, Risk Perception and Online Shopping: An Experimental Approach," IPEK Working Papers 1507, Ipek University, Department of Economics, revised Sep 2015.
    5. Pan He & Marcella Veronesi & Stefanie Engel, 2016. "Consistency of Risk Preference Measures and the Role of Ambiguity: An Artefactual Field Experiment from China," Working Papers 03/2016, University of Verona, Department of Economics.
    6. Jonathan Chapman & Pietro Ortoleva & Erik Snowberg & Colin Camerer & Mark Dean, 2017. "Willingness-To-Pay and Willingness-To-Accept are Probably Less Correlated than You Think," CESifo Working Paper Series 6492, CESifo.
    7. Coppola, Michela, 2014. "Eliciting risk-preferences in socio-economic surveys: How do different measures perform?," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 48(C), pages 1-10.
    8. Alexis Garapin & Laurent Muller & Bilel Rahali, 2015. "Does Trust Mean Giving and not Risking? Experimental Evidence from the Trust Game," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 125(5), pages 701-716.
    9. Martin Koudstaal & Randolph Sloof & Mirjam van Praag, 2014. "Risk, Uncertainty and Entrepreneurship: Evidence From a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 14-136/VII, Tinbergen Institute.
    10. Hardeweg, Bernd & Menkhoff, Lukas & Waibel, Hermann, 2011. "Experimentally-validated survey evidence on individual risk attitudes in rural Thailand," Hannover Economic Papers (HEP) dp-464, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät.
    11. Verschoor, Arjan & D’Exelle, Ben & Perez-Viana, Borja, 2016. "Lab and life: Does risky choice behaviour observed in experiments reflect that in the real world?," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 128(C), pages 134-148.
    12. Jonathan P. Beauchamp & David Cesarini & Magnus Johannesson, 2017. "The psychometric and empirical properties of measures of risk preferences," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Springer, vol. 54(3), pages 203-237, June.
    13. Naranjo, Maria A. & Alpízar, Francisco & Martinsson, Peter, 2019. "Alternatives for Risk Elicitation in the Field: Evidence from Coffee Farmers in Costa Rica," EfD Discussion Paper 19-21, Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg.
    14. Aurelie Dariel & Curtis Kephart & Nikos Nikiforakis & Christina Zenker, 2017. "Emirati women do not shy away from competition: Evidence from a patriarchal society in transition," Working Papers 20170011, New York University Abu Dhabi, Department of Social Science, revised Nov 2017.
    15. Muriel Niederle, 2014. "Gender," NBER Working Papers 20788, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    16. Sauter, Philipp & Hermann, Daniel & Mußhoff, Oliver, 2015. "Risk attitudes of foresters, farmers and students: An experimental multimethod comparison," DARE Discussion Papers 1514, Georg-August University of Göttingen, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (DARE).
    17. Burkhard C. Schipper, 2015. "Sex Hormones and Competitive Bidding," Management Science, INFORMS, vol. 61(2), pages 249-266, February.
    18. Jonathan Chapman & Erik Snowberg & Stephanie Wang & Colin Camerer, 2018. "Loss Attitudes in the U.S. Population: Evidence from Dynamically Optimized Sequential Experimentation (DOSE)," CESifo Working Paper Series 7262, CESifo.
    19. Sepahvand, Mohammad H. & Shahbazian, Roujman, 2018. "Sibling Correlation in Risk Attitudes: Evidence from Burkina Faso," Working Paper Series 2018:6, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
    20. Maggioni, Mario A. & Rossignoli, Domenico & Beretta, Simona & Balestri, Sara, 2018. "Trust behind bars: Measuring change in inmates’ prosocial preferences," Journal of Economic Psychology, Elsevier, vol. 64(C), pages 89-104.
    21. Swee-Hoon Chuah & Robert Hoffmann & Jeremy Larner, 2014. "Elicitation effects in a multi-stage bargaining experiment," Experimental Economics, Springer;Economic Science Association, vol. 17(2), pages 335-345, June.
    22. Chuang, Yating & Schechter, Laura, 2015. "Stability of experimental and survey measures of risk, time, and social preferences: A review and some new results," Journal of Development Economics, Elsevier, vol. 117(C), pages 151-170.
    23. Vieider, Ferdinand M. & Lefebvre, Mathieu & Bouchouicha, Ranoua & Chmura, Thorsten & Hakimov, Rustamdjan & Krawczyk, Michal & Martinsson, Peter, 2013. "Common components of risk and uncertainty attitudes across contexts and domains: Evidence from 30 countries," Discussion Papers, WZB Junior Research Group Risk and Development SP II 2013-402, WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
    24. Stöhr, Tobias & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2016. "Conflicting identities: Cosmopolitan or anxious? Appreciating concerns of host country population improves attitudes towards immigrants," Kiel Working Papers 2045, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).
    25. Andreas C. Drichoutis & Achilleas Vassilopoulos, 2016. "Intertemporal stability of survey-based measures of risk and time preferences over a three-year course," Working Papers 2016-3, Agricultural University of Athens, Department Of Agricultural Economics.
    26. Robert L. Clark & Robert G. Hammond & Christelle Khalaf & Melinda Sandler Morrill, 2017. "Planning for Retirement? The Importance of Time Preferences," NBER Working Papers 23501, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    27. Christian Königsheim & Moritz Lukas & Markus Nöth, 2017. "Financial Knowledge, Risk Preferences, and the Demand for Digital Financial Services," Schmalenbach Business Review, Springer;Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft, vol. 18(4), pages 343-375, October.
    28. David B. Johnson & Matthew D. Webb, 2017. "An Experimental Test of the No Safety Schools Theorem," Carleton Economic Papers 17-10, Carleton University, Department of Economics.
    29. Schweri, Jürg & Hartog, Joop, 2015. "Do Wage Expectations Influence the Decision to Enroll in Nursing College?," IZA Discussion Papers 9120, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
    30. Liebenehm, Sabine, 2018. "Temporal Stability of Risk Attitudes and the Impact of Adverse Shocks—A Panel Data Analysis from Thailand and Vietnam," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 102(C), pages 262-274.
    31. Liebenehm, Sabine & Degener, Nele & Strobl, Eric, 2018. "Rainfall shocks and risk aversion: Evidence from Southeast Asia," TVSEP Working Papers wp-006, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade, Project TVSEP.
    32. Tamás Csermely & Alexander Rabas, 2016. "How to reveal people’s preferences: Comparing time consistency and predictive power of multiple price list risk elicitation methods," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Springer, vol. 53(2), pages 107-136, December.
    33. Ola Andersson & Håkan J. Holm & Jean-Robert Tyran & Erik Wengström, 2013. "Risk aversion relates to cognitive ability: Fact or Fiction?," Discussion Papers 13-10, University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics.
    34. Menkhoff, Lukas & Sakha, Sahra, 2017. "Estimating risky behavior with multiple-item risk measures," Journal of Economic Psychology, Elsevier, vol. 59(C), pages 59-86.
    35. Brian E. Roe, 2015. "The Risk Attitudes of U.S. Farmers," Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, vol. 37(4), pages 553-574.
    36. Norma Burow & Miriam Beblo & Denis Beninger & Melanie Schröder, 2017. "Why Do Women Favor Same-Gender Competition? Evidence from a Choice Experiment," Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin 1662, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research.
    37. Charness, Gary & Gneezy, Uri & Imas, Alex, 2013. "Experimental methods: Eliciting risk preferences," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 87(C), pages 43-51.
    38. John Ameriks & Gábor Kézdi & Minjoon Lee & Matthew D. Shapiro, 2020. "Heterogeneity in Expectations, Risk Tolerance, and Household Stock Shares: The Attenuation Puzzle," Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 38(3), pages 633-646, July.
    39. Fabio Galeotti & Daniel John Zizzo, 2014. "What happens if you single out? An experiment," Post-Print halshs-01080927, HAL.
    40. Ibrahim Filiz & Thomas Nahmer & Markus Spiwoks & Kilian Bizer, 2018. "Portfolio diversification: the influence of herding, status-quo bias, and the gambler’s fallacy," Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Springer;Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, vol. 32(2), pages 167-205, May.
    41. Bertrand Koebel & André Schmitt & Sandrine Spaeter, 2016. "DO SELF-THEORIES ON INTELLIGENCE EXPLAIN OVERCONFIDENCE AND RISK TAKING? A Field Experiment," Working Papers of BETA 2016-11, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
    42. Christoph Merkle & Philipp Schreiber & Martin Weber, 2017. "Framing and retirement age: The gap between willingness-to-accept and willingness-to-pay," Economic Policy, CEPR, CESifo, Sciences Po;CES;MSH, vol. 32(92), pages 757-809.
    43. Pham, Huong Dien, 2017. "Do cultural factors alter the relationship between risk attitudes and economic welfare?," TVSEP Working Papers wp-003, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade, Project TVSEP.
    44. Bucciol, Alessandro & Zarri, Luca, 2017. "Do personality traits influence investors’ portfolios?," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 68(C), pages 1-12.
    45. Huhtala, Anni & Remes, Piia, 2016. "Dimming Hopes for Nuclear Power: Quantifying the Social Costs of Perceptions of Risks," Working Papers 57, VATT Institute for Economic Research.
    46. Fabio Galeotti & Daniel John Zizzo, 2012. "Trust and trustworthiness with singleton groups," Working Paper series, University of East Anglia, Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS) 12-03, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK..
    47. Thomas Buser, 2014. "The Impact of Losing in a Competition on the Willingness to seek Further Challenges," Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 14-083/I, Tinbergen Institute.
    48. Stöhr, Tobias & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2016. "Openness to Concerns of Host Country Population Improves Attitudes Towards Immigrants," VfS Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change 145574, Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association.
    49. Sauter, Philipp A. & Hermann, Daniel & Mußhoff, Oliver, 2018. "Are foresters really risk-averse? A multi-method analysis and a cross-occupational comparison," Forest Policy and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 95(C), pages 37-45.
    50. Michalis Drouvelis & Daniele Nosenzo, 2012. "Group Identity and Leading-by-Example," Discussion Papers 2012-05, The Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics, School of Economics, University of Nottingham.
    51. Gloede, Oliver & Menkhoff, Lukas & Waibel, Hermann, 2011. "Risk attitude and risk behavior: Comparing Thailand and Vietnam," Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference, Berlin 2011 33, Verein für Socialpolitik, Research Committee Development Economics.
    52. Alessandro Bucciol & Luca Zarri, 2015. "Does Investors' Personality Influence their Portfolios?," Working Papers 03/2015, University of Verona, Department of Economics.
    53. Sonsino, Doron & Shifrin, Max & Lahav, Eyal, 2016. "Disentangling trust from risk-taking: Triadic approach," MPRA Paper 80095, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    54. Lépine, Aurélia & Treibich, Carole, 2020. "Risk aversion and HIV/AIDS: Evidence from Senegalese female sex workers," Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier, vol. 256(C).
    55. Sepahvand, Mohammad & Shahbazian, Roujman, 2017. "Intergenerational Transmission of Risk Attitudes: The Role of Gender, Parents and Grandparents in Burkina Faso," Working Paper Series 2017:13, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
    56. Anne Corcos & François Pannequin & Claude Montmarquette,, 2017. "Measuring individual risk-attitudes: an experimental comparison between Holt & Laury measure and an insurance-choices-based procedure," Working Papers 2017-79, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics.
    57. Xie, Yuxin & Hwang, Soosung & Pantelous, Athanasios A., 2018. "Loss aversion around the world: Empirical evidence from pension funds," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 88(C), pages 52-62.
    58. Uwe Dulleck & Jacob Fell & Jonas Fooken, 2011. "Within-subject Intra- and Inter-method consistency of two experimental risk attitude elicitation," NCER Working Paper Series 74, National Centre for Econometric Research.
    59. Ece Yagman & Malcolm Keswell, 2015. "Accents, Race and Discrimination: Evidence from a Trust Game," SALDRU Working Papers 158, Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town.
    60. Howard, Gregory E. & Roe, Brian E., 2011. "Comparing the Risk Attitudes of U.S. and German Farmers," 2011 International Congress, August 30-September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland 114528, European Association of Agricultural Economists.

  6. Ludwig, Sandra & Wichardt, Philip C. & Wickhorst, Hanke, 2011. "On the Positive Effects of Overcon fident Self-Perception in Teams," Discussion Papers in Economics 12246, University of Munich, Department of Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Brookins, Philip & Lucas, Adriana & Ryvkin, Dmitry, 2014. "Reducing within-group overconfidence through group identity and between-group confidence judgments," Journal of Economic Psychology, Elsevier, vol. 44(C), pages 1-12.
    2. Geyer, Hannah & Wickhorst, Hanke, 2011. "Overconfidence and team-performance: An analysis of NBA-players' self-perception," CIW Discussion Papers 4/2011, University of Münster, Center for Interdisciplinary Economics (CIW).
    3. Chen, Si & Schildberg-Hörisch, Hannah, 2019. "Looking at the bright side: The motivational value of confidence," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 120(C).

  7. Ludwig, Sandra & Wichardt, Philipp C. & Wickhorst, Hanke, 2010. "Overconfidence Can Improve an Agent's Relative and Absolute Performance in Contests," Discussion Papers in Economics 11885, University of Munich, Department of Economics.

    Cited by:

    1. Robert Bordley & Marco LiCalzi & Luisa Tibiletti, 2014. "A target-based foundation for the "hard-easy effect" bias," Working Papers 23, Department of Management, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia.
    2. Kim Gannon & Hanzhe Zhang, 2020. "An Evolutionary Justification for Overconfidence," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 40(3), pages 2494-2504.
    3. Zahra Murad & Chris Starmer & Martin Sefton, 2015. "How do risk attitudes affect measured confidence?," Discussion Papers 2015-26, The Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics, School of Economics, University of Nottingham.
    4. Ivana Vitanova, 2022. "CEO overconfidence and corporate tournaments," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 43(5), pages 1423-1438, July.
    5. Chen, Si & Schildberg-Hörisch, Hannah, 2018. "Looking at the Bright Side: The Motivation Value of Overconfidence," IZA Discussion Papers 11564, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
    6. Yaoyao Wu, 2022. "Disappointment aversion in tournaments," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 43(1), pages 26-30, January.
    7. Vanessa Mertins & Wolfgang Hoffeld, 2015. "Do Overconfident Workers Cooperate Less? The Relationship Between Overconfidence and Cooperation in Team Production," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 36(4), pages 265-274, June.
    8. Marcus Roel & Manuel Staab, 2021. "The benefits of being misinformed," Working Papers halshs-03145270, HAL.
    9. Chen, Si & Schildberg-Hörisch, Hannah, 2019. "Looking at the bright side: The motivational value of confidence," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 120(C).
    10. Simon Dato & Andreas Grunewald & Daniel Müller, 2018. "Expectation-based loss aversion and rank-order tournaments," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 66(4), pages 901-928, December.

  8. Philipp C. Wichardt & Daniel Schunk & Patrick W. Schmitz, 2008. "Participation costs for responders can reduce rejection rates in ultimatum bargaining," IEW - Working Papers 398, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich.

    Cited by:

    1. Elmar Lukas & Andreas Welling, 2011. "The Impact of Managerial Flexibility on Negotiation Strategy and Bargaining Power," FEMM Working Papers 110008, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty of Economics and Management.
    2. Vernon L. Smith & Bart J. Wilson, 2017. "Equilibrium Play in Voluntary Ultimatum Games: Beneficence Cannot Be Extorted," Working Papers 17-17, Chapman University, Economic Science Institute.
    3. Güth, Werner & Kocher, Martin G., 2014. "More than thirty years of ultimatum bargaining experiments: Motives, variations, and a survey of the recent literature," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 108(C), pages 396-409.
    4. Amrita Bahri & Monica Lugo, 2020. "Trumping Capacity Gap with Negotiation Strategies: the Mexican USMCA Negotiation Experience," Journal of International Economic Law, Oxford University Press, vol. 23(1), pages 1-23.
    5. Baltrusch, Maximilian & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2024. "Gender effects in dictator game giving under voluntary choice of the recipient’s gender: Women favour female recipients," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 109(C).

  9. Anke Gerber & Philipp C. Wichardt, 2008. "Providing Public Goods in the Absence of Strong Institutions," IEW - Working Papers 303, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich.

    Cited by:

    1. Timothy N. Cason & Alex Tabarrok & Robertas Zubrickas, 2021. "Early Refund Bonuses Increase Successful Crowdfunding," Purdue University Economics Working Papers 1326, Purdue University, Department of Economics.
    2. Constantine Iliopoulos & Irini Theodorakopoulou, 2014. "Mandatory Cooperative and the Free Rider Problem: the Case of Santo Wines in Santorini, Greece," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 85(4), pages 663-681, December.
    3. Dannenberg, Astrid & Lange, Andreas & Sturm, Bodo, 2010. "On the formation of coalitions to provide public goods: Experimental evidence from the lab," ZEW Discussion Papers 10-037, ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research.
    4. Alexandros Karakostas & Martin G. Kocher & Dominik Matzat & Holger A. Rau & Gerhard Riewe, 2021. "The Team Allocator Game: Allocation Power in Public Goods Games," CESifo Working Paper Series 9023, CESifo.
    5. Molina, Chai & Akcay, Erol & Dieckmann, Ulf & Levin, Simon & Rovenskaya, Elena A., 2018. "Combating climate change with matching-commitment agreements," SocArXiv 7yc3g, Center for Open Science.
    6. Boadway, Robin & Song, Zhen & Tremblay, Jean-François, 2013. "Non-cooperative pollution control in an inter-jurisdictional setting," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 43(5), pages 783-796.
    7. Jens Gudmundsson & Jens Leth Hougaard & Chiu Yu Ko, 2022. "Sharing sequentially triggered losses: Automatic conflict resolution through smart contracts," IFRO Working Paper 2020/05, University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics.
    8. Chen, Cuicui & Zeckhauser, Richard, 2018. "Collective action in an asymmetric world," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 158(C), pages 103-112.
    9. Julian Rauchdobler & Rupert Sausgruber & Jean-Robert Tyran, 2010. "Voting on Thresholds for Public Goods: Experimental Evidence," FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 66(1), pages 34-64, March.
    10. Rahel Aichele, 2013. "Trade, Climate Policy and Carbon Leakage - Theory and Empirical Evidence," ifo Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsforschung, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, number 49, May.
    11. Robin Boadway & Jean-Francois Tremblay & Zhen Song, 2009. "The Efficiency Of Voluntary Pollution Abatement When Countries Can Commit," Working Paper 1205, Economics Department, Queen's University.
    12. Wang, Jianwei & Chen, Wei & Yu, Fengyuan & Zhou, Siyuan & He, Jialu & Xu, Wenshu & Dai, Wenhui, 2024. "The emergence of cooperation in the context of prior agreement with threshold and posterior compensation," Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, vol. 474(C).
    13. Anke Gerber & Philipp Wichardt, 2013. "On the Private Provision of Intertemporal Public Goods with Stock Effects," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 55(2), pages 245-255, June.
    14. Aichele, Rahel & Felbermayr, Gabriel, 2013. "The Effect of the Kyoto Protocol on Carbon Emissions," Munich Reprints in Economics 20171, University of Munich, Department of Economics.
    15. Hans Gersbach & Noemi Hummel & Ralph Winkler, 2017. "Sustainable Climate Treaties," CESifo Working Paper Series 6385, CESifo.
    16. Jon Hovi & Hugh Ward & Frank Grundig, 2015. "Hope or Despair? Formal Models of Climate Cooperation," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 62(4), pages 665-688, December.
    17. Hans Gersbach & Noemi Hummel & Ralph Winkler, 2021. "Long-Term Climate Treaties with a Refunding Club," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 80(3), pages 511-552, November.
    18. Adrian Amelung, 2016. "Das "Paris-Agreement": Durchbruch der Top-Down-Klimaschutzverhandlungen im Kreise der Vereinten Nationen," Otto-Wolff-Institut Discussion Paper Series 03/2016, Otto-Wolff-Institut für Wirtschaftsordnung, Köln, Deutschland.
    19. Hans Gersbach & Quirin Oberpriller & Martin Scheffel, 2019. "Double Free-Riding in Innovation and Abatement: A Rules Treaty Solution," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 73(2), pages 449-483, June.
    20. Kornek, Ulrike & Edenhofer, Ottmar, 2020. "The strategic dimension of financing global public goods," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 127(C).
    21. Gersbach, Hans & Winkler, Ralph, 2012. "Global refunding and climate change," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 36(11), pages 1775-1795.
    22. Arno Riedl, 2010. "Behavioral and Experimental Economics Do Inform Public Policy," FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, vol. 66(1), pages 65-95, March.
    23. Cason, Timothy N. & Zubrickas, Robertas, 2017. "Enhancing fundraising with refund bonuses," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 101(C), pages 218-233.
    24. McEvoy, David M. & McGinty, Matthew, 2023. "The problem of financing global public goods," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 153(C).
    25. Wood, Peter John, 2010. "Climate Change and Game Theory: a Mathematical Survey," Working Papers 249379, Australian National University, Centre for Climate Economics & Policy.
    26. Todd Cherry & David McEvoy, 2013. "Enforcing Compliance with Environmental Agreements in the Absence of Strong Institutions: An Experimental Analysis," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 54(1), pages 63-77, January.
    27. Anke Gerber & Jakob Neitzel & Philipp Christoph Wichardt, 2012. "Minimum Participation Rules for the Provision of Public Goods," CESifo Working Paper Series 3733, CESifo.
    28. Nathan W. Chan, 2019. "Funding Global Environmental Public Goods Through Multilateral Financial Mechanisms," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 73(2), pages 515-531, June.
    29. Gersbach, Hans & Hummel, Noemi, 2016. "A development-compatible refunding scheme for a climate treaty," Resource and Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 44(C), pages 139-168.
    30. Federica Alberti & Edward J. Cartwright, 2012. "Full agreement and the provision of threshold public goods," Jena Economics Research Papers 2011-063, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
    31. Tatsuya Sasaki & Isamu Okada & Satoshi Uchida & Xiaojie Chen, 2015. "Commitment to Cooperation and Peer Punishment: Its Evolution," Games, MDPI, vol. 6(4), pages 1-14, November.
    32. Goeschl, Timo & Haberl, Beatrix & Soldà, Alice, 2023. "How to Organize Monitoring and Punishment: Experimental Evidence," Working Papers 0737, University of Heidelberg, Department of Economics.
    33. Olivier Bos & Béatrice Roussillon & Paul Schweinzer, 2013. "Agreeing on Efficient Emissions Reduction," CESifo Working Paper Series 4345, CESifo.
    34. Tobias Schütze & Philipp C. Wichardt & Philipp Christoph Wichardt, 2023. "A Real Effort vs. Standard Public Goods Experiment: Overall More All-or-Nothing, Lower Average Contributions and Men Become More Selfish in the Effort-Loss Frame," CESifo Working Paper Series 10444, CESifo.
    35. Carlos E. Jijena Michel & Javier Perote & José D. Vicente-Lorente, 2018. "Efficiency and Sustainability in Teamwork: The Role of Entry Costs," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 10(7), pages 1-19, July.
    36. Timothy N. Cason & Robertas Zubrickas, 2019. "Donation-Based Crowdfunding with Refund Bonuses," Purdue University Economics Working Papers 1319, Purdue University, Department of Economics.
    37. Takashima, Nobuyuki, 2023. "Self-enforcing international environmental agreements with third-party organizations: Initial payment, technological development, and refunding," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 228(C).
    38. David McEvoy, 2013. "Enforcing compliance with international environmental agreements using a deposit-refund system," International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 13(4), pages 481-496, November.
    39. Frank Stähler, 2023. "An optimal investor-state dispute settlement mechanism," Journal of Economics, Springer, vol. 138(1), pages 1-16, January.
    40. Gaduh,Arya Budhiastra & Pradhan,Menno Prasad & Priebe,Jan & Susanti,Dewi, 2021. "Scores, Camera, Action : Social Accountability and Teacher Incentives in Remote Areas," Policy Research Working Paper Series 9748, The World Bank.

  10. Wichardt, Philipp C., 2007. "Why and How Identity Should Influence Utility," Discussion Paper Series of SFB/TR 15 Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems 193, Free University of Berlin, Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Bonn, University of Mannheim, University of Munich.

    Cited by:

    1. Aguiar, Fernando & Brañas Garza, Pablo & Espinosa Alejos, María Paz & Miller Moya, Luis Miguel, 2009. "Personal identity. A theoretical and experimental analysis," DFAEII Working Papers 1988-088X, University of the Basque Country - Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II.
    2. Tirole, Jean & Bénabou, Roland, 2007. "Identity, Dignity and Taboos: Beliefs as Assets," CEPR Discussion Papers 6123, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    3. Gerber, Anke & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2009. "Providing public goods in the absence of strong institutions," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 93(3-4), pages 429-439, April.
    4. Fernando Aguiar & Pablo Branas-Garza & Maria Paz Espinosa & Luis M. Miller, 2007. "Personal Identity in the Dictator Game," Jena Economics Research Papers 2007-007, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.

  11. Philipp C. Wichardt, "undated". "An Application of Global Games to Signalling Models," IEW - Working Papers 223, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich.

    Cited by:

    1. Fehr, Ernst & Fischbacher, Urs & Kosfeld, Michael, 2005. "Neuroeconomic Foundation of Trust and Social Preferences," CEPR Discussion Papers 5127, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    2. Falk, Armin & Fehr, Ernst & Zehnder, Christian, 2005. "The Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages," IZA Discussion Papers 1625, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
    3. Tania Singer & Ernst Fehr, 2005. "The Neuroeconomics of Mind Reading and Empathy," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 95(2), pages 340-345, May.

  12. Christian Ewerhart & Philipp Wichardt, "undated". "Signaling, Globality, and the Intuitive Criterion," IEW - Working Papers 189, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich.

    Cited by:

    1. Bruno S. Frey & Simon Luechinger & Alois Stutzer, 2004. "Calculating Tragedy: Assessing the Costs of Terrorism," CESifo Working Paper Series 1341, CESifo.
    2. Bruno S. Frey, 2004. "?Just Forget It?: Memory Distortion as Bounded Rationality," CREMA Working Paper Series 2005-01, Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts (CREMA).
    3. Philipp C. Wichardt, "undated". "An Application of Global Games to Signalling Models," IEW - Working Papers 223, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich.

  13. Philipp C. Wichardt & Pavlo R. Blavatskyy, "undated". "Base-Rate Neglect and Imperfect Information Acquisition," IEW - Working Papers 233, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich.

    Cited by:

    1. Fehr, Ernst & Fischbacher, Urs & Kosfeld, Michael, 2005. "Neuroeconomic Foundation of Trust and Social Preferences," CEPR Discussion Papers 5127, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
    2. Falk, Armin & Fehr, Ernst & Zehnder, Christian, 2005. "The Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages," IZA Discussion Papers 1625, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
    3. Tania Singer & Ernst Fehr, 2005. "The Neuroeconomics of Mind Reading and Empathy," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 95(2), pages 340-345, May.


  1. Andreas Bergh & Philipp C Wichardt, 2022. "Mine or ours? Unintended framing effects in dictator games," Rationality and Society, , vol. 34(1), pages 78-95, February.

    Cited by:

    1. Horky, Florian & Krell, Felix & Fidrmuc, Jarko, 2023. "Setting the stage: Fairness behavior in virtual reality dictator games," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 107(C).
    2. Chapkovski, Philipp, 2022. "Interactive experiments in Toloka," MPRA Paper 111980, University Library of Munich, Germany.

  2. Bergh, Andreas & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2018. "Accounting for context: Separating monetary and (uncertain) social incentives," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 72(C), pages 61-66.

    Cited by:

    1. Bergh, Andreas & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2018. "Mine, Ours or Yours? Unintended Framing Effects in Dictator Games," Working Paper Series 1205, Research Institute of Industrial Economics.
    2. Andreas Bergh & Philipp C Wichardt, 2022. "Mine or ours? Unintended framing effects in dictator games," Rationality and Society, , vol. 34(1), pages 78-95, February.

  3. Gerber, Anke & Neitzel, Jakob & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2013. "Minimum participation rules for the provision of public goods," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 64(C), pages 209-222.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  4. Anke Gerber & Philipp Wichardt, 2013. "On the Private Provision of Intertemporal Public Goods with Stock Effects," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 55(2), pages 245-255, June.

    Cited by:

    1. Hans Gersbach & Noemi Hummel & Ralph Winkler, 2021. "Long-Term Climate Treaties with a Refunding Club," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 80(3), pages 511-552, November.
    2. Hans Gersbach & Quirin Oberpriller & Martin Scheffel, 2019. "Double Free-Riding in Innovation and Abatement: A Rules Treaty Solution," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 73(2), pages 449-483, June.
    3. Anke Gerber & Jakob Neitzel & Philipp Christoph Wichardt, 2012. "Minimum Participation Rules for the Provision of Public Goods," CESifo Working Paper Series 3733, CESifo.
    4. Takashima, Nobuyuki, 2023. "Self-enforcing international environmental agreements with third-party organizations: Initial payment, technological development, and refunding," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 228(C).

  5. Philipp C. Wichardt, 2012. "Norms, cognitive dissonance, and cooperative behaviour in laboratory experiments," International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 39(5), pages 342-356, April.

    Cited by:

    1. Jussila Hammes , Johanna, 2017. "The impact of career concerns and cognitive dissonance on bureaucrats’ use of cost-benefit analysis," Working papers in Transport Economics 2017:5, CTS - Centre for Transport Studies Stockholm (KTH and VTI).
    2. Wichardt, Philipp C., 2007. "Why and How Identity Should Influence Utility," Discussion Paper Series of SFB/TR 15 Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems 193, Free University of Berlin, Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Bonn, University of Mannheim, University of Munich.
    3. Johanna Jussila Hammes, 2021. "The Impact of Career Concerns and Cognitive Dissonance on Bureaucrats’ Use of Benefit-Cost Analysis," Environmental & Resource Economics, Springer;European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 80(2), pages 409-424, October.
    4. Andreas Bergh & Philipp C Wichardt, 2022. "Mine or ours? Unintended framing effects in dictator games," Rationality and Society, , vol. 34(1), pages 78-95, February.
    5. Greer Gosnell, 2017. "Be who you ought or be who you are? Environmental framing and cognitive dissonance in going paperless," GRI Working Papers 269, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.
    6. Tsang-Kai Hung & Chih-Hung Wang & Mu Tian & Ming Lin & Wen-Hsiu Liu, 2022. "How to Prevent Stress in the Workplace by Emotional Regulation? The Relationship Between Compulsory Citizen Behavior, Job Engagement, and Job Performance," SAGE Open, , vol. 12(2), pages 21582440221, June.

  6. Wichardt, Philipp C., 2012. "Existence of valuation equilibria when equilibrium strategies cannot differentiate between equal ties," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 74(2), pages 709-713.

    Cited by:

    1. Seel, Christian & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2012. "How burning money requires a lot of rationality to be effective," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 115(1), pages 111-113.

  7. Carlsson, Hans & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2012. "On the belief (in-)dependence of sequential equilibria," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 115(3), pages 504-507.

    Cited by:

    1. Hans Carlsson & Philipp Christoph Wichardt, 2019. "Strict Incentives and Strategic Uncertainty," CESifo Working Paper Series 7715, CESifo.

  8. Philipp C. Wichardt, 2011. "Identity, Utility, and Cooperative Behaviour: An Evolutionary Perspective," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 113, pages 418-443, June.

    Cited by:

    1. Bergh, Andreas & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2018. "Mine, Ours or Yours? Unintended Framing Effects in Dictator Games," Working Paper Series 1205, Research Institute of Industrial Economics.
    2. Bergh, Andreas & Wichardt, Philipp, 2014. "Accounting for context: Separating monetary and social incentives," Kiel Working Papers 1971, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).
    3. Philipp C. Wichardt, 2012. "Norms, cognitive dissonance, and cooperative behaviour in laboratory experiments," International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 39(5), pages 342-356, April.
    4. Andreas Bergh & Philipp C Wichardt, 2022. "Mine or ours? Unintended framing effects in dictator games," Rationality and Society, , vol. 34(1), pages 78-95, February.
    5. Bergh, Andreas & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2018. "Accounting for context: Separating monetary and (uncertain) social incentives," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 72(C), pages 61-66.
    6. Baltrusch, Maximilian & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2024. "Gender effects in dictator game giving under voluntary choice of the recipient’s gender: Women favour female recipients," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 109(C).

  9. Ludwig, Sandra & Wichardt, Philipp C. & Wickhorst, Hanke, 2011. "Overconfidence can improve an agent's relative and absolute performance in contests," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 110(3), pages 193-196, March.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  10. Gerber, Anke & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2010. "Iterated reasoning and welfare-enhancing instruments in the centipede game," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 74(1-2), pages 123-136, May.

    Cited by:

    1. Ganglmair, Bernhard & Holcomb, Alex & Myung, Noah, 2020. "Expectations of reciprocity when competitors share information: Experimental evidence," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 170(C), pages 244-267.
    2. Le Coq, Chloe & Tremewan, James & Wagner, Alexander K., 2013. "On the Effects of Group Identity in Strategic Environments," SITE Working Paper Series 24, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, revised 10 Oct 2014.
    3. Kawagoe, Toshiji & Takizawa, Hirokazu, 2012. "Level-k analysis of experimental centipede games," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 82(2), pages 548-566.
    4. Johannes G. Jaspersen, 2016. "Hypothetical Surveys And Experimental Studies Of Insurance Demand: A Review," Journal of Risk & Insurance, The American Risk and Insurance Association, vol. 83(1), pages 217-255, January.

  11. Wichardt, Philipp C., 2010. "Modelling equilibrium play as governed by analogy and limited foresight," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 70(2), pages 472-487, November.

    Cited by:

    1. Lambert, Nicolas S. & Marple, Adrian & Shoham, Yoav, 2019. "On equilibria in games with imperfect recall," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 113(C), pages 164-185.

  12. Gerber, Anke & Wichardt, Philipp C., 2009. "Providing public goods in the absence of strong institutions," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 93(3-4), pages 429-439, April.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  13. Wichardt, Philipp C. & Schunk, Daniel & Schmitz, Patrick W., 2009. "Participation costs for responders can reduce rejection rates in ultimatum bargaining," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 103(1), pages 33-35, April.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  14. Philipp C. Wichardt, 2009. "A status‐based motivation for behavioural altruism," International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 36(8), pages 869-887, July.

    Cited by:

    1. Alvin Etang Ndip & David Fielding & Stephen Knowles, 2010. "Giving to Africa and Perceptions of Poverty," Working Papers 1008, University of Otago, Department of Economics, revised Aug 2010.
    2. Philipp C. Wichardt, 2012. "Norms, cognitive dissonance, and cooperative behaviour in laboratory experiments," International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 39(5), pages 342-356, April.
    3. Judd Antin & Matthew Earp, 2010. "With a little help from my friends: Self‐interested and prosocial behavior on MySpace Music," Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Association for Information Science & Technology, vol. 61(5), pages 952-963, May.
    4. Takanori Ida & Kazuhito Ogawa, 2012. "Inequality aversion, social discount, and time discount rates," International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 39(5), pages 314-329, April.

  15. Aspers, Patrik & Kohl, Sebastian & Roine, Jesper & Wichardt, Philipp, 2008. "An economic sociological look at economics," economic sociology. perspectives and conversations, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, vol. 9(2), pages 5-15.

    Cited by:

    1. Aspers, Patrik, 2009. "How are markets made?," MPIfG Working Paper 09/2, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies.
    2. Julie A. Nelson, 2010. "Sociology, Economics, and Gender," American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 69(4), pages 1127-1154, October.
    3. Nelson, Julie A., 2009. "Sociology, Economics, and Gender: Can Knowledge of the Past Contribute to a Better Future?," Working Papers 179070, Tufts University, Global Development and Environment Institute.

  16. Wichardt, Philipp C., 2008. "Existence of Nash equilibria in finite extensive form games with imperfect recall: A counterexample," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 63(1), pages 366-369, May.

    Cited by:

    1. Burkhard Schipper, 2017. "Kuhn's Theorem for Extensive Games with Unawareness," Working Papers 204, University of California, Davis, Department of Economics.
    2. Lambert, Nicolas S. & Marple, Adrian & Shoham, Yoav, 2019. "On equilibria in games with imperfect recall," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 113(C), pages 164-185.
    3. Wichardt, Philipp C., 2012. "Existence of valuation equilibria when equilibrium strategies cannot differentiate between equal ties," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 74(2), pages 709-713.
    4. Wichardt, Philipp C., 2010. "Modelling equilibrium play as governed by analogy and limited foresight," Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 70(2), pages 472-487, November.
    5. Carlos Alós-Ferrer & Klaus Ritzberger, 2017. "Characterizations of perfect recall," International Journal of Game Theory, Springer;Game Theory Society, vol. 46(2), pages 311-326, May.
    6. Francesco De Sinopoli & Claudia Meroni, 2017. "A concept of sincerity for combinatorial voting," Working Papers 01/2017, University of Verona, Department of Economics.

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