- 108 Essays in Public Economics and on Equality of Opportunity
by Paul Schüle - 107 Empirical Essays on Digital Platforms
by Lena Abou El-Komboz - 106 Essays in the Economics of Digital Transformation
by Moritz Goldbeck - 105 Improving Educational Outcomes: Analyses of Interventions and Public Opinion
by Katharina Wedel
- 104 Essays in Applied Economics
by Jean-Victor Alipour - 103 Essays in Political Economy
by Fabian Ruthardt - 102 Determinants and Consequences of Student Test Scores: Evidence from International, Big, and Text Data
by Pietro Sancassani - 101 Culture, Feedback, and Gender in Education
by Lavinia Kinne - 100 Handbook of ifo Surveys
by Stefan Sauer & Moritz Schasching & Klaus Wohlrabe
- 97 Inequality, Infrastructure, and Institutions – Empirical Studies in Public Economics and Political Economy
by Florian Dorn - 96 Human Capital and Education Policy: Evidence from Survey Data
by Elisabeth Grewenig - 95 Consequences of Future Climate Policy: Regional Economies, Financial Markets, and the Direction of Innovation
by Marie-Theres von Schickfus - 94 The Regional Distribution of Income and Wages: Causes and Consequences
by Lea Immel - 93 Essays on Equality of Opportunity
by Paul Hufe
- 92 The Trade Effects of Anti-Dumping Duties, Non-Tariff Barriers and Maritime Security: Gravity Applications
by Alexander-Nikolai Sandkamp - 91 Infrastructure, Institutions and Identity – Determinants of Regional Development Empirical Evidence from Germany
by Stefanie Gäbler - 90 From Fossil Fuels to Renewables: Studies on the Effects of Resource Endowments and Climate Policy on Economic Outcomes
by Ana Maria Montoya Gómez - 89 Education, Skills & Labor-Market Success: Microeconometric Analyses Using Large-Scale Skills Assessments
by Franziska Bernadette Hampf - 88 ifo Handbuch der Konjunkturumfragen
by Stefan Sauer & Klaus Wohlrabe - 87 Macroeconomics, Nonlinearities, and the Business Cycle
by Magnus Reif
- 86 Conditions and Consequences of Education – Microeconometric Analyses
by Annika B. Bergbauer - 85 Complex dimensions of climate policy: the role of political economy, capital markets, and urban form
by Waldemar Marz - 84 Empirical essays on fiscal federalism and political economy in Germany
by Manuela Krause - 83 Microeconometric Analyses on Determinants of Individual Labour Market Outcomes
by Lisa Simon - 82 The Role of Information for Public Preferences on Education – Evidence from Representative Survey Experiments
by Katharina Werner - 81 Geography Matters: Spatial Dimensions of Trade, Migration and Growth
by Thomas Steinwachs
- 80 Microeconometric Analysis of Individual and Institutional Determinants of Education and Occupational Choice
by Natalie Obergruber - 79 Empirical Essays on the Socioeconomic Consequences of Economic Uncertainty
by Wolfgang Auer - 78 Education Economics from a Historical Perspective
by Ruth Maria Schüler
- 77 Fossil Resources and Climate Change – The Green Paradox and Resource Market Power Revisited in General Equilibrium
by Johannes Pfeiffer - 76 Economic Perspectives on the Implications of Public Child Care and Schooling for Educational Outcomes in Childhood and Adult Life
by Larissa Zierow - 75 Microeconometric Analyses of Cognitive Achievement Production
by Bernhard Enzi - 74 Five Essays on International Trade, Factor Flows and the Gains from Globalization
by Inga Heiland - 73 Essays on the Behavior of Firms and Politicians
by Marina Riem - 72 The Collateral Policy of Central Banks - An Analysis Focusing on the Eurosystem
by Christopher Weber - 71 Studies on Issues in Political Economy since the Global Financial Crisis
by Kai Jäger
- 70 Market Consequences of ICT Innovations
by Constantin Mang - 69 The Collateral Framework of the Eurosystem and Its Fiscal Implications
by Jakob Korbinian Eberl - 68 Effectiveness of Climate Policies: Empirical Methods and Evidence
by Julian Dieler - 67 Wealth and Politics: Studies on Inter Vivos Transfers and Partisan Effects
by Christoph Schinke - 66 The Sovereign Default Problem in the Eurozone - Why Limited Liability Resulted in Excessive Debt Accumulation and How Insurance Can Counteract
by Nadjeschda Katharina Arnold - 65 Economic Growth and Business Cycle Forecasting at the Regional Level
by Robert Lehmann - 64 Corporate Governance und Unternehmenserfolg - Eine empirische Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen den Führungs-, Kontroll- und Anreizstrukturen und der Geschäftsentwicklung deutscher Banken
by Johannes Steinbrecher - 63 Empirical Studies on Public Debt and Fiscal Transfers
by Markus Reischmann
- 62 Climate Policy and the Intertemporal Supply of Fossil Resources
by Christian Beermann - 61 Microeconometric Analyses on Economic Consequences of Selective Migration
by Jens Ruhose - 60 Investment in ICT: Determinants and Economic Implications
by Nadine Fabritz - 59 The Rents of Banking A Public Choice Approach to Bank Regulation
by Florian Christopher Buck - 58 Essays on the Integration of New Energy Sources into Existing Energy Systems
by Luise Röpke - 57 Microeconometric Evaluations of Education Policies
by Benedikt Siegler
- 56 Essays on Offshoring, Wage Inequality and Innovation
by Sebastian Benz - 55 Essays on International Trade and Development
by Benedikt Heid - 54 Lohnrisiko und Altersarmut im Sozialstaat
by Wolfgang Nagl - 53 Empirical Essays in the Economics of Ageing and the Economics of Innovation
by Janina Reinkowski
- 52 Nonresponse in Business Tendency Surveys: Theoretical Discourse and Empirical Evidence
by Christian Seiler - 51 Demand-Oriented Innovation Policy: A Critical Review
by Oliver Falck & Simon Wiederhold - 50 Institutional Determinants of Student Achievement - Microeconometric Evidence
by Susanne Link - 49 Trade, Climate Policy and Carbon Leakage - Theory and Empirical Evidence
by Rahel Aichele - 48 Gravity Model Applications and Macroeconomic Perspectives
by Jasmin Katrin Gröschl - 47 Business Fluctuations, Job Flows and Trade Unions - Dynamics in the Economy
by Beate Schirwitz
- 46 Human Capital, Technology Diffusion, and Economic Growth - Evidence from Prussian Census Data
by Erik Hornung - 45 Determinants of Firm Innovation - Evidence from German Panel Data
by Stefan Kipar - 44 Three Empirical Essays on the Long-Run Consequences of Early-Life Living Conditions
by Sven Neelsen - 43 The Role of Public Procurement in Innovation: Theory and Empirical Evidence
by Simon Wiederhold - 42 ifo Investorenrechnung - Dokumentation von Quellen, Verarbeitung und Methodik
by Thomas Strobel & Stefan Sauer & Klaus Wohlrabe - 41 Educational Production in Preschools and Schools - Microeconometric Evidence from Germany
by Martin Schlotter
- 40 Microeconometric Analyses of Education Production in Germany
by Marc Piopiunik - 39 Schooling and the Formation of Cognitive and Non-cognitive Outcomes
by Elke Lüdemann - 38 Innovationstätigkeit von Unternehmen : die Rolle von Qualifikationen, Kooperationen und Clusterpolitik
by Oliver Falck & Stefan Kipar & Ludger Wößmann - 37 The emergence of broadband internet and consequences for economic and social development
by Nina Czernich
- 36 Konjunkturprognose in Deutschland. Ein Beitrag zur Prognose der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung auf Bundes- und Länderebene
by Gerit Vogt - 35 Guss 2020 - Perspectives for the global market for foundry products
by Hans-Günther Vieweg & Michael Reinhard - 34 Educational institutions and equality of opportunity
by Gabriela Schütz - 33 Evaluation of the experimentation clause in par. 6c SGB II: Macroanalysis and Regional Comparisons (Field 4)
by Martin Werding & Thiess Büttner & Herbert Hofmann & Christian Holzner & Sonja Munz & Andrea Kirchmann & Martin Rosemann & Jochen Späth & Harald Strotmann
- 32 Regulierung in Telekommunikationsmärkten : technologische Dynamik und Wettbewerbspotenziale
by Nina Czernich & Oliver Falck & Thomas Kiessl & Tobias Kretschmer - 31 Steuerausfälle im Bereich der Mehrwertsteuer : Gründe, Ausmaß und Abhilfemöglichkeiten
by Andrea Gebauer - 30 Projections Regarding the Long-term Sustainability of Public Finances
by Martin Werding & Herbert Hofmann
- 29 Beschäftigungs- und familienpolitische Aspekte der Teilzeitarbeit im Lichte des Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetzes - eine Evaluierung
by Sonja Munz - 28 Effects of innovation on firm performance
by Stefan Lachenmaier - 27 Strategic decisions on electronic business-to-business markets
by Kai Sülzle - 26 Essays on network industries : privatization, regulation, and productivity measurement
by Andreas Kuhlmann
- 25 Introduction to the mechanical and electrical engineering sectors of new EU member states
by Hans-Günther Vieweg & Andreas Kuhlmann & Bernhard Bambullis & Frank Fiedler & Susanne Krebs & Jürgen Polzin & Gabriele Roubal & Ulrich Scheinost & Anke Uhlig - 24 Besteuerungsanreize in den deutschen Kommunalfinanzen
by Christian Kelders - 23 Gesamtwirtschaftliche Folgen von Vermögensblasen im internationalen Vergleich
by Harm Bandholz & Oliver Hülsewig & Gerhard Illing & Timo Wollmershäuser
- 22 Changes in the market structure of the public water supply – an analysis of economic, ecological and social effects considering Germany as example
by Matthias Egerer - 21 Glaubwürdigkeit der Geldpolitik : eine empirische Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Europäischen Zentralbank
by Sandra Hamella - 20 Implikationen des Internets für das Transaktions- und Transaktionskostenniveau in der chinesischen Volkswirtschaft unter besonderer Berücksichtigung eines Digital Divides
by Christian Schmidkonz - 19 Status and outlook of the “New Economy” in selected EU member states from a German Viewpoint
by Hans-Günther Vieweg & Thomas Fuchs & Reinhard Hild & Andreas Kuhlmann & Stefan Lachenmaier & Michael Reinhard & Uwe Christian Täger & Sebastian de Ramon & Jan-Egbert Sturm - 18 Umweltorientierte Subventionspolitik in Deutschland : Muster, Konzeptionen, Reformperspektiven
by Tilmann Rave - 17 Modellrechnungen zur langfristigen Tragfähigkeit der öffentlichen Finanzen
by Martin Werding & Anita Dehne
- 16 Optimale Regulierung von Netzbetreibern unter Berücksichtigung der Netzqualität
by Claudia Kriehn - 15 Handbuch der umfragebasierten Konjunkturforschung
by Georg Goldrian - 14 Modelle zur Übertragung individueller Altersrückstellungen beim Wechsel privater Krankenversicherer
by Volker Meier & Florian Baumann & Martin Werding
- 13 Angebot und Nachfrage im Außenhandel : Theoretische Überlegungen und eine Kointegrationsanalyse für Deutschland
by Martin Meurers - 12 Die Bedeutung von Patentschutz für den Technologietransfer in Entwicklungsländer : Erfahrungen der chemischen Industrie in Südkorea, Malaysia und Chile im Vergleich
by Thomas Röhm - 11 Finanzmärkte, Corporate Governance, IuK-Technologien : treibende Faktoren für den Wandel in der Industrie
by Hans-Günther Vieweg & Michael Reinhard & Alfons J. Weichenrieder & Ralf Meisenzahl & Bent Nowack & Alfons Weichenrieder - 10 International comparison of old-age provision: revenues, benefits, taxation
by Robert Fenge & Andrea Gebauer & Christian Holzner & Volker Meier & Martin Werding - 7 Enterprise groups and the measurement of concentration in the official statistics: Measuring capital linkage between enterprises and competition-relevant concentrations
by Uwe Christian Täger & Sylvia Brander & Josef Lachner
- 9 Mechanical engineering in the age of globalisation and the New Economy
by Hans-Günther Vieweg & Carsten Dreher & Herbert Hofmann & Steffen Kinkel & Gunter Lay & Ulrich Schmoch - 8 The impact of demographic change on public finances: projections for the German public pension scheme: Model calculation up to 2050
by Martin Werding & Harald Blau
- 6 Incentive effects of the Länder fiscal equalisation scheme: Theoretical and empirical analysis
by Christian Baretti - 5 Fiscal Policy and the European Stability and Growth Pact: Between macroeconomic necessities and economic- and fiscal-policy requirements
by Willi Leibfritz & Rolf Horst Dumke & Albert Müller & Wolfgang Ochel & Michael Reutter & Frank Westermann - 4 Inhabitant weighting at the Länder level in the Länder fiscal equalisation scheme: Expertise for Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hessia und North-Rhine Westfalia
by Christian Baretti & Bernd Huber & Karl Lichtblau & Rüdiger Parsche - 3 Family policy for young families: Effects of the CDU/CSU’s family grant concept
by Martin Werding - 2 EU enlargement and labour-force migration: Proposals for a gradual convergence of labour markets
by Hans-Werner Sinn & Gebhard Flaig & Martin Werding & Sonja Munz & Nicola Düll & Herbert Hofmann
- 1 Prospects and limits of federal competition
by Christian Baretti & Robert Fenge & Bernd Huber & Willi Leibfritz & Matthias Steinherr