- 1/2023 Do fiscal rules reduce public investment? Evidence from European regions
by Mühlenweg, Leonard & Gerling, Lena
- 3/2022 Drivers of economic growth: The special case of Sub-Saharan Africa
by Helfer, Helena - 2/2022 Institutional hierarchies and economic growth: A bundled approach
by Helfer, Helena - 1/2022 A chance to win or lose it all? A systematic literature review on the consequences of natural disasters for governments
by Kindsmüller, Anna
- 4/2021 Building bridges: Bilateral manager connections and international trade
by Hoch, Felix & Rudsinske, Jonas - 3/2021 Trust we lost: The Treuhand experience and political behavior in the former German Democratic Republic
by Kellermann, Kim Leonie - 2/2021 Die Pandemie verschiebt die Dringlichkeiten in der Infrastrukturpolitik
by Kindsmüller, Anna - 1/2021 Die Konjunkturreagibilität öffentlicher Investitionen am Beispiel der deutschen Schuldenbremse
by Boldrick, Isabel
- 1/2020 Why so negative? Negative party positioning in spatial models of voting
by Hoch, Felix & Kellermann, Kim Leonie
- 5/2019 Rally around the EU flag! Supra-nationalism in the light of Islamist terrorism
by Nowak, Anna - 4/2019 Fiscal decentralization and electoral participation: Analyzing districts in Indonesia
by Farah, Alfa - 3/2019 The impact of election information shocks on populist party preferences: Evidence from Germany
by Gerling, Lena & Kellermann, Kim Leonie - 2/2019 Winning a district election in a clientelistic society: Evidence from decentralized Indonesia
by Farah, Alfa - 1/2019 The dynamics of political myths and ideologies
by Apolte, Thomas & Müller, Julia
- 6/2018 You failed! Government satisfaction and party preferences facing Islamist terrorism
by Nowak, Anna - 5/2018 Immigration and anti-immigrant sentiments: Evidence from the 2017 German parliamentary election
by Kellermann, Kim Leonie & Winter, Simon - 4/2018 An empirical investigation on the distributional impact of network charges in Germany
by Schlesewsky, Lisa & Winter, Simon - 3/2018 Radioinactive: Are nuclear power plant outages in France contagious to the German electricity price?
by Rinne, Sonja - 2/2018 Fiscal disparity, institutions and asymmetric yardstick competition
by Farah, Alfa - 1/2018 A theory of autocratic transition: Prerequisites to self-enforcing democracy
by Apolte, Thomas
- 4/2017 Political participation and party capture in a dualized economy: A game theory approach
by Kellermann, Kim Leonie - 3/2017 Minimum wages and vocational training incentives in Germany
by Kellermann, Kim Leonie - 2/2017 Riots and the window of opportunity for coup plotters: Evidence on the link between urban protests and coups d'état
by Gerling, Lena - 1/2017 I hope I die before I get old: The supply side of the market for suicide bombers
by Apolte, Thomas
- 6/2015 Social market economy: Towards a comprehensive composite index
by Helfer, Helena - 5/2015 Autocracy and the public: Mass revolts, winning coalitions, and policy control in dictatorships
by Apolte, Thomas - 4/2015 Überschätzen sich Schüler?
by Schleithoff, Fabian - 3/2015 Youth bulges, insurrections, and politico-economic institutions: Theory and empirical evidence
by Apolte, Thomas & Gerling, Lena - 2/2015 Gordon Tullock's theory of dictatorship and revolution
by Apolte, Thomas - 1/2015 Abused rebels and winning coalitions: Regime change under the pressure of rebellions
by Apolte, Thomas
- 3/2014 Sensitivity of economists during market allocation
by Suttner, Johannes R. - 2/2014 Youth bulges, insurrections, and politico-economic institutions
by Apolte, Thomas - 1/2014 Maternity leave and its consequences for subsequent careers in Germany
by Franz, Nele
- 6/2013 The supply of democracy explaining voluntary democratic transition
by Apolte, Thomas - 5/2013 Income comparisons, income adaptation, and life satisfaction: How robust are estimates from survey data?
by Pfaff, Tobias - 4/2013 Testing the Easterlin hypothesis with panel data: The dynamic relationship between life satisfaction and economic growth in Germany and in the UK
by Pfaff, Tobias & Hirata, Johannes - 3/2013 Unkonventionelle Geldpolitik: Warum die Europäische Zentralbank ihre Unabhängigkeit nicht verloren hat
by Schwäbe, Carsten - 2/2013 Which qualifications does a minister of the German Federal Government need to be reoccupied?
by Scharfenkamp, Katrin - 1/2013 Zur Ethik von Rankings im Hochschulwesen: Eine Betrachtung aus ökonomischer Perspektive
by Müller, Harry
- 03/2012 Wie (un-)fair sind Ökonomen? Neue empirische Evidenz zur Marktbewertung und Rationalität
by Ruske, René & Suttner, Johannes - 02/2012 An empirical study of the limits and perspectives of institutional transfers
by Möller, Marie - 01/2012 Toward a more general approach to political stability in comparative political systems
by Apolte, Thomas
- 11/2011 Geschlechtsspezifische Verdienstunterschiede und Diskriminierung am Arbeitsmarkt: Eine Untersuchung unter Berücksichtigung von Voll- und Teilzeitarbeit
by Franz, Nele - 10/2011 Economic voting and economic revolutionizing? The economics of incumbency changes in European democracies and revolutionary events in the Arab World
by Möller, Marie - 9/2011 Das "Bruttonationalglück" als Leitlinie der Politik in Bhutan – eine ordnungspolitische Analyse
by Pfaff, Tobias - 8/2011 Bestimmungsgründe für die Beschäftigung und Rekrutierung von Älteren sowie für das Angebot an altersspezifischen Personalmaßnahmen
by Lehmann, Christian - 7/2011 Warum der Baseler Ausschluss für Bankenaufsicht mit seinem antizyklischen Kapitalpuffer falsch liegt
by Ludwig, Björn - 6/2011 Coping with unpleasant surprises in a complex world: Is rational choice possible in a world with positive information costs?
by Congleton, Roger D. - 5/2011 Kompetenzziele für das allgemein bildende Fach "Wirtschaft / Ökonomie" in der Sekundarstufe I: Ein gemeinsamer Vorschlag nordrhein-westfälischer Hochschullehrer für Ökonomische Bildung
by Buddensiek, Marit & Krafft, Dietmar & Krzatala, Karin & Lahme, Cornelius & Liening, Andreas & Mittelstädt, Ewald & Müller, Christian & Piorkowsky, Michael-Burkhard & Pollmann, Matthias Christian & Retzmann, Thomas & Schlösser, Hans Jürgen & Volkmann, Elna-Cathérine - 4/2011 Overconfidence and team-performance: An analysis of NBA-players' self-perception
by Geyer, Hannah & Wickhorst, Hanke - 3/2011 Gefangen im Dilemma? Ein strategischer Ansatz der Wahl- und Revolutionsteilnahme
by Möller, Marie - 2/2011 Plädoyer für eine problemorientierte, lerntheoretisch fachlich fundierte ökonomische Bildung
by Krol, Gerd-Jan & Loerwald, Dirk & Müller, Christian - 1/2011 Die Gemeinschaft der Lehrenden und Lernenden: Festvortrag zur Promotionsfeier der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät am 24. November 2010 in der Aula des Schlosses
by Dilger, Alexander