Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- dp2502 Interest Rate Smoothing in the Face of Energy Shocks
by Stefano Maria Corbellini - dp2501 Pricing Liquidity Support: A PLB for Switzerland
by Cyril Monnet, Dirk Niepelt, Remo Taudien
- dp2411 Strategic Attribute Learning
by Jean-Michel Benkert, Ludmila Matyskova, Egor Starkov - dp2410 Never-ending Search for Innovation
by Jean-Michel Benkert, Igor Letina - dp2409 P-hacking and Significance Stars
by Costanza Naguib - dp2408 The Welfare Costs of Inflation Reconsidered
by Luca Benati, Juan-Pablo Nicolini - dp2407 Time is Knowledge: What Response Times Reveal
by Jean-Michel Benkert, Shuo Liu, Nick Netzer - dp2406 A Theory of Recommendations
by Jean-Michel Benkert, Armin Schmutzler - dp2404 Truth by Consensus: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation
by Gabriele Camera, Rod Garratt, Cyril Monnet - dp2403 Quantifying Trade from Renaissance Merchant Letters
by Fabio Gatti - dp2402 The Slanted-L Phillips Curve
by Pierpaolo Benigno, Gauti B. Eggertsson - dp2401 Estimating the Welfare Costs of Very High Inflations and Hyperinflations
by Luca Benati, Juan-Pablo Nicolini
- dp2313 The International Supply of Reserve Currency
by Pierpaolo Benigno - dp2312 Is the Impact of Opening the Borders Heterogeneous?
by Costanza Naguib - dp2311 Optimal Epidemic Control
by Mart n Gonzales-Eiras, Dirk Niepelt - dp2310 Participatory Teaching Improves Learning Outcomes: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Tanzania
by Martina Jakob, Konstantin Buechel, Daniel Steffen, Aymo Brunetti - dp2309 Startup Acquisitions: Acquihires and Talent Hoarding
by Jean-Michel Benkert, Igor Letina, Shuo Liu - dp2308 Forecasting Global Temperatures by Exploiting Cointegration with Radiative Forcing
by Luca Benati - dp2307 On the Relationship between Adaptation and Mitigation
by Ralph Winkler - dp2306 Impulse Response Analysis at the Zero Lower Bound
by Luca Benati & Thomas A. Lubik - dp2304 Fragility of Secured Credit Chains
by Piero Gottardi & Vincent Maurin & Cyril Monnet - dp2303 Gibson s Paradox and the Natural Rate of Interest
by Luca Benati & Pierpaolo Benigno - dp2302 A Semi-nonparametric Copula Model for Earnings Mobility
by Costanza Naguib & Patrick Gagliardini - dp2301 Life-Cycle Inequality: the Black and White Differential
by Giacomo De Giorgi & Luca Gambetti & Costanza Naguib
- dp2216 Optimal monetary and transfer policy in a liquidity trap
by Stefano Maria Corbellini - dp2214 The Economics of Advice
by Winand Emons & Severin Lenhard - dp2213 Sovereign Bond Prices, Haircuts and Maturity
by Dirk Niepelt - dp2212 Money and Banking with Reserves and CBDC
by Dirk Niepelt - dp2211 Monetary Policy in a World of Cryptocurrencies
by Pierpaolo Benigno - dp2210 A New Approach to Estimating the Natural Rate of Interest
by Luca Benati - dp2208 Financial Turmoil and Earnings Mobility
by Costanza Naguib - dp2206 Life after Default: Credit Hardship and its Effects
by Giacomo De Giorgi & Costanza Naguib - dp2205 Research Joint Ventures: The Role of Financial Constraints
by Philipp Brunner & Igor Letina & Armin Schmutzler - dp2204 Selecting the Best when Selection is Hard
by Mikhail Drugov & Margaret Meyer & Marc M ller - dp2203 Bilateral Trade with Loss-Averse Agents
by Jean-Michel Benkert - dp2202 Exploring the Trade-Off Between Leaning Against Credit and Stabilizing Real Activity
by Luca Benati - dp2201 The Political Economy of Early COVID-19 Interventions in US States
by Martin Gonzalez-Eiras & Dirk Niepelt
- dp2114 Inadequate Teacher Content Knowledge and What to Do About It: Evidence from El Salvador
by Aymo Brunetti & Konstantin B chel & Martina Jakob & Ben Jann & Daniel Steffen - dp2113 The Welfare Costs of Inflation
by Luca Benati & Juan-Pablo Nicolini - dp2112 The Joint Dynamics of Money and Credit Multipliers Since the Gold Standard Era
by Luca Benati - dp2111 Attention Please! Health Plan Choice and (In-)Attention
by Tamara Bischof & Michael Gerfin & Tobias Mueller - dp2110 Long-Run Evidence on the Quantity Theory of Money
by Luca Benati - dp2109 Advance Selling in the Wake of Entry
by Nadia Ceschi & Marc Moeller - dp2108 A New Approach to Estimating the Natural Rate of Interest
by Luca Benati - dp2107 Searching for Hysteresis
by Luca Benati & Thomas Lubik - dp2106 All-Pay Auctions with Reserve Price and Bid Cap
by Oleg Muratov - dp2105 Imperfect Competition with Costly Disposal
by Severin Lenhard - dp2104 Cartel Stability in Times of Low Interest Rates
by Severin Lenhard - dp2103 Life-Cycle inequality: blacks and whites differentials in life expectancy, savings, income, and consumption
by Giacomo De Giorgi & Luca Gambetti & Costanza Naguib - dp2102 Mapping an Information Design Game into an All-Pay Auction
by Oleg Muratov - dp2101 Permissioned Distributed Ledgers and the Governance of Money
by Raphael Auer & Cyril Monnet & Hyun Song Shin - dp2003 Killer Acquisitions and Beyond: Policy Effects on Innovation Strategies
by Igor Letina & Armin Schmutzler & Regina Seibel
- dp2023 Multivariate Distribution Regression
by Jonas Meier - dp2022 Money Velocity and the Natural Rate of Interest
by Luca Benati - dp2021 International Evidence on Long-Run Money Demand
by Luca Benati & Robert E. Lucas Jr. & Juan Pablo Nicolini & Warren Weber - dp2020 Leaning Against House Prices: A Structural VAR Investigation
by Luca Benati - dp2019 Optimally Controlling an Epidemic
by Dirk Niepelt & Mart n Gonzalez-Eiras - dp2018 Monetary Policy with Reserves and CBDC: Optimality, Equivalence, and Politics
by Dirk Niepelt - dp2017 Fighting for Lemons: The Encouragement Effect in Dynamic Contests with Private Information
by Juan Beccuti & Marc M ller - dp2016 Estimation, Inference, and Interpretation in the Regression Discontinuity Design
by Blaise Melly & Rafael Lalive - dp2015 Should Banks Create Money?
by Christian Wipf - dp2014 Entrepreneur-Investor Information Design
by Oleg Muratov - dp2013 Liquidity, the Mundell-Tobin Effect, and the Friedman Rule
by Lukas Altermatt & Christian Wipf - dp2012 In the Eye of the Storm: Firms, Putty-Clay and Capital Destruction
by Martino Pelli & Jeanne Tschopp & Natalia Bezmaternykh & Kodjovi M Eklou - dp2011 Optimal Contest Design: Tuning the Heat
by Igor Letina & Shuo Liu & Nick Netzer - dp2010 Electricity Use as a Real Time Indicator of the Economic Burden of the COVID-19-Related Lockdown: Evidence from Switzerland
by Benedikt Janzen & Doina Radulescu - dp2009 Tractable Epidemiological Models for Economic Analysis
by Martin Gonzalez-Eiras & Dirk Niepelt - dp2008 On the Optimal Lockdown During an Epidemic
by Martin Gonzalez-Eiras & Dirk Niepelt - dp2007 On the Optimality of Price-posting in Rental Markets
by Juan Beccuti - dp2006 The Relative Effectiveness of Teachers and Learning Software: Evidence from a Field Experiment in El Salvador
by Konstantin Buechel & Martina Jakob & Daniel Steffen & Christoph Kuehnhanss & Aymo Brunetti - dp2005 Teacher Content Knowledge in Developing Countries: Evidence from a Math Assessment in El Salvador
by Aymo Brunetti & Konstantin Buechel & Martina Jakob & Ben Jann & Christoph Kuehnhanss & Daniel Steffen - dp2004 Monetary Policy Implementation and Pass-Through
by Fabio Canetg - dp2002 Rebating Antitrust Fines to Encourage Private Damages Actions
by Winand Emons & Severin Lenhard - dp2001 Rising Concentration and Wage Inequality
by Guido Matias Cortes & Jeanne Tschopp
- dp1911 The Welfare Costs of Inflation
by Luca Benati & Juan-Pablo Nicolini - dp1909 Estimating the Gains from Trade in Frictional Local Labor Markets
by Germ n Pupato & Ben Sand & Jeanne Tschopp - dp1908 Screening by Mode of Trade
by Juan Beccuti & Marc Moeller - dp1907 Who Cares When You Close Down? The Effects of Primary Care Practice Closures on Patients
by Tamara Bischof & Boris Kaiser - dp1906 Price Discrimination and Salient Thinking
by Nana Adrian - dp1905 Market Interaction and the Focus on Consequences in Moral Decision Making
by Nana Adrian & Ann-Kathrin Crede & Jonas Gehrlein - dp1904 Partnerships with Asymmetric Information: The Benefit of Sharing Equally amongst Unequals
by Nana Adrian & Marc M ller - dp1903 On the Equivalence of Private and Public Money
by Markus K. Brunnermeier & Dirk Niepelt - dp1902 On the Instability of Banking and other Financial Intermediation
by Chao Gu & Cyril Monnet & Ed Nosal & Randall Wright - dp1901 Shocking Interest Rate Floors
by Fabio Canetg & Daniel Kaufmann
- dp1826 Cagan s Paradox Revisited
by Luca Benati - dp1825 Shall We Twist?
by Sophie Altermatt & Simon Beyeler - dp1824 The Long-Run Demand for M2 Reconsidered
by Sophie Altermatt - dp1823 Confidence and the Financial Accelerator
by Christian Myohl & Yannic Stucki - dp1822 Optimal Fiscal Policy and Private Sector Borrowing Constraints
by Christian Myohl - dp1821 The Effect of a Financial Block on the Identification of Confidence Shocks in a Structural VAR Model
by Christian Myohl - dp1820 The effects of firing costs on employment and hours per employee
by Yannic Stucki & Jacqueline Thomet - dp1819 Technology shocks and hours worked: a cross-country analysis
by Jacqueline Thomet & Philipp Wegm ller - dp1818 A neoclassical perspective on Switzerland s 1990s stagnation
by Yannic Stucki & Jacqueline Thomet - dp1817 Strategic Deviations in Optimal Monetary Policy
by Fabio Canetg - dp1816 The Effectiveness of Leniency Programs when Firms choose the Degree of Collusion
by Winand Emons - dp1815 The Risk-Taking Channel of Liquidity Regulations and Monetary Policy
by Stephan Imhof & Cyril Monnet & Shengxing Zhang - dp1814 Optimal Exclusion
by Cyril Monnet & Erwan Quintin - dp1813 Reserves For All? Central Bank Digital Currency, Deposits and their (Non)-Equivalence
by Dirk Niepelt - dp1812 Dealers' Insurance, Market Structure, And Liquidity
by Francesca Carapella & Cyril Monnet - dp1811 Money and Credit: A Long-Term View
by Luca Benati - dp1810 Intangible Capital Formation, International Equity Investments, and Output Synchronization
by Guido Baldi & Andre Bodmer - dp1809 Learning from failure in healthcare: Dynamic panel evidence of a physician shock effect
by Raf Van Gestel & Tobias Mueller & Johan Bosmans - dp1808 Does personalized information improve health plan choices when individuals are distracted?
by Cornel Kaufmann & Tobias Mueller & Andreas Hefti & Stefan Boes - dp1805 Can News and Noise Shocks Be Disentangled?
by Luca Benati - dp1804 Long-Run Money Demand Redux
by Luca Benati - dp1803 Dynamic Tax Externalities and the U.S. Fiscal Transformation in the 1930s
by Dirk Niepelt - dp1802 Financial Policy
by Dirk Niepelt - dp1801 The New Keynesian Model with Stochastically Varying Policies
by Klaus Neusser
- dp1710 Does My High Blood Pressure Improve Your Survival? Overall and Subgroup Learning Curves in Health
by Raf Van Gestel & Tobias Mueller & Johan Bosmans - dp1709 Your Retirement and My Health Behavior: Evidence on Retirement Externalities from a fuzzy regression discontinuity design
by Tobias Mueller & Mujaheed Shaikh - dp1707 What Drives Money Velocity?
by Luca Benati - dp1706 Money Velocity and the Natural Rate of Interest
by Luca Benati - dp1705 Could the Bubble in U.S. House Prices Have Been Detected in Real Time?
by Luca Benati - dp1704 Cointegration Tests and the Classical Dichotomy
by Luca Benati - dp1703 Sovereign Bond Prices, Haircuts and Maturity
by Dirk Niepelt - dp1702 On the optimal design of place-based policies: A structural evaluation of EU regional transfers
by Yashar Blouri & Maximilian v. Ehrlich - dp1701 Time Varying Rational Expectations Models: Solutions, Stability, Numerical Implementation
by Klaus Neusser
- dp1608 Cities and the Structure of Social Interactions: Evidence from Mobile Phone Data
by Konstantin B chel & Maximilian von Ehrlich - dp1607 Generic Inference on Quantile and Quantile Effect Functions for Discrete Outcomes
by Victor Chernozhukov & Ivan Fernandez-Val & Blaise Melly & Kaspar W thrich - dp1606 Benchmarking Heterogeneous Distribution System Operators: Evidence from Norway
by George Elias - dp1605 Local quantile treatment effects
by Blaise Melly und Kaspar W thrich - dp1604 A Topological View on the Identification of Structural Vector Autoregressions
by Klaus Neusser - dp1603 Financial development and inequality in the global economy
by Maximilian von Ehrlich und Tobias Seidel - dp1601 Strategic Communication with Reporting Costs
by Claude Fluet & Winand Emons
- dp1602 International Evidence on Time-Variation in Trend Labor Productivity Growth
by Philipp Wegmueller - dp1512 Consumption smoothing at retirement: average and quantile treatment effects in the regression discontinuity design
by Daniel Burkhard - dp1511 Financial incentives and physician prescription behavior: Evidence from dispensing regulations
by Daniel Burkhard & Christian Schmid & Kaspar W thrich - dp1510 Lumpy investment and variable capacity utilization: firm-level and macroeconomic implications
by Andreas Bachmann - dp1509 Semiparametric estimation of quantile treatment effects with endogeneity
by Kaspar W thrich - dp1508 Sharing a River with Downstream Externalities
by Sarina Steinmann und Ralph Winkler - dp1507 Evaluating pay-as-you-go social security systems
by Andreas Bachmann & Kaspar W thrich - dp1506 The persistent effects of place-based policy: Evidence from the West-German Zonenrandgebiet
by Maximilian von Ehrlich & Tobias Seidel - dp1505 Penalty Structures and Deterrence in a Two-Stage Model: Experimental Evidence
by Lisa R. Anderson & Gregory DeAngelo & Winand Emons & Beth Freeborn & Hannes Lang - dp1504 Economic Openness and Fiscal Multipliers
by Marco Riguzzi & Philipp Wegmueller - dp1503 Allocation of Expenditures in Elderly Households and the Cost of Widowhood
by Daniel Burkhard - dp1502 The influence of noise on net revenue and values of investment properties: Evidence from Switzerland
by Stefan Sebastian Fahrl nder & Michael Gerfin & Manuel Lehner
- dp1501 Which Factors Drive the Skill-Mix of Migrants in the Long-Run?
by Andreas Beerli & Ronald Indergand - dp1408 A Comparison of two Quantile Models with Endogeneity
by Kaspar W thrich - dp1407 Utility functions, fiscal shocks and the open economy - In the search of a positive consumption multiplier
by Philipp Wegmueller - dp1406 Economic Openness and Fiscal Multipliers
by Marco Riguzzi - dp1405 Optimal Leniency Programs when Firms Have Cumulative and Asymmetric Evidence
by Marc Blatter & Winand Emons & Silvio Sticher - dp1404 Floating or fixed exchange rates: The role of government size
by Philipp Wegmueller - dp1403 Health Care Demand in the Presence of Discrete Price Changes
by Michael Gerfin & Boris Kaiser & Christian Schmid - dp1402 Optimal Selling Mechanisms under Imperfect Commitment: Extending to the Multi-Period Case
by Juan I. Beccuti - dp1401 Optimal Selling Mechanisms under Imperfect Commitment
by Juan I. Beccuti
- dp1313 Competitive Market Segmentation
by Silvio Sticher - dp1312 Exclusivity Clauses: Enhancing Competition, Raising Prices
by Marc Blatter & Silvio Sticher - dp1311 Selection upon Wage Posting
by Silvio Sticher - dp1310 Evaluating pay-as-you-go social security systems
by Andreas Bachmann & Kaspar W thrich - dp1309 Detailed Decompositions in Generalized Linear Models
by Boris Kaiser - dp1308 Decomposing Differences in Arithmetic Means: A Doubly-Robust Estimation Approach
by Boris Kaiser - dp1307 Sudden stop regimes and output: a Markov switching analysis
by Andreas Bachmann & Stefan Leist - dp1306 Why Plaintiffs' Attorneys Use Contingent and Defense Attorneys Fixed Fee Contracts
by Winand Emons & Claude Fluet - dp1305 Does full insurance increase the demand for health care?
by Stefan Boes & Michael Gerfin - dp1304 Set Identification of Generalized Linear Predictors in the Presence of Non-Classical Measurement Errors
by Kaspar W thrich - dp1303 Does Physician Dispensing Increase Drug Expenditures?
by Boris Kaiser & Christian Schmid - dp1302 Cooperation preferences and framing effects
by Aur lie Dariel - dp1301 Identification of Supplier-induced Demand What kind of consumer information matters?
by Christian Schmid
- dp1207 Institutions and the Sectoral Organization of Production
by Ana Fernandes - dp1206 Global Warming, Technology Transfer and Trade in Carbon Energy: Challenge or Threat?
by Gunter Stephan & Georg M ller-F rstenberger - dp1205 Exchange rate pass-through to various price indices: empirical estimation using vector error correction models
by Andreas Bachmann - dp1204 Fiscal Multipliers in Recessions
by Matthew Canzoneri & Fabrice Collard & Harris Dellas & Behzad Diba - dp1203 Climate (change) and conflict: resolving a puzzle of association and causation
by Christian Almer & Stefan Boes - dp1202 The Effect of Kyoto Emission Targets on Domestic CO2 Emissions: A Synthetic Control Approach
by Christian Almer & Ralph Winkler - dp1201 International Trade and the Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability
by Oliver Schenker & Gunter Stephan
- dp1107 Driving Forces of the Swiss Output Gap
by Stefan Leist - dp1106 Political influence on non-cooperative international climate policy
by Wolfgang Habla & Ralph Winkler - dp1105 Sustainable Climate Treaties
by Hans Gersbach & Noemi Hummel & Ralph Winkler - dp1104 Measuring Co-Movements of CDS Premia during the Greek Debt Crisis
by Sergio Andenmatten & Felix Brill - dp1103 Identification of Causal Education Effects Using a Discontinuity in School Entry Tests: First Results from a Pilot Study
by Stefan Boes & Dominik Hangartner & Lukas Schmid - dp1102 On the causal effect of schooling on smoking: evidence without exogeneity conditions
by Stefan Boes
- dp1101 The Participation Gap Evidence from Compulsory Voting Laws
by Domink Hangartner & Lukas Schmid - dp1015 Contracts as Rent-Seeking Devices: Evidence from German Soccer
by Eberhard Feess & Michael Gerfin & Gerd Muehlheusser - dp1014 Strategic behavior in IEAs: When and why countries joined the Kyoto Protocol
by Christian Almer & Ralph Winkler - dp1013 Growth and Welfare under Endogenous Lifetime
by Maik T. Schneider & Ralph Winkler - dp1012 The Effects of Immigration on Wages: An Application of the Structural Skill-Cell Approach
by Michael Gerfin & Boris Kaiser - dp1011 Inequality and Aggregate Savings in the Neoclassical Growth Model
by Reto Foellmi - dp1010 Consumption Paths under Prospect Utility in an Optimal Growth Model
by Reto Foellmi & Rina Rosenblatt-Wisch & Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hopp - dp1009 Non-homothetic preferences, parallel imports and the extensive margin of international trade
by Reto Foellmi & Christian Hepenstrick & Josef Zweim ller - dp1008 What Really Matters: Discounting, Technological Change and Sustainable Climate
by Georg M ller-F rstenberger & Gunter Stephan - dp1007 Trading Off Generations: Infinitely-Lived Agent Versus OLG
by Maik T. Schneider & Christian Traeger & Ralph Winkler - dp1006 Market Imperfections, Wealth Inequality, and the Distribution of Trade Gains
by Reto Foellmi & Manuel Oechslin - dp1005 Mass versus Exclusive Goods, and Formal-Sector Employment
by Reto Foellmi & Josef Zweim ller - dp1004 External Price Benchmarking vs. Price Negotiation for Pharmaceuticals
by Philipp Ackermann - dp1003 Litigation and Settlement under Court Error
by Philipp Ackermann - dp1002 Loyalty Rewards and Monopoly Pricing
by Philipp Ackermann - dp1001 Incentive Compatible Reimbursement Schemes for Physicians
by Winand Emons
- dp0904 Adversarial versus Inquisitorial Testimony
by Winand Emons & Claude Fluet - dp0903 The economies of scale of living together and how they are shared - Estimates based on a collective household model
by Aline B tikofer & Michael Gerfin
- dp0902 Priorities in the Location of Multiple Public Facilities
by Olivier Bochet & Sidartha Gordon - dp0901 Maximal Domains for Strategy-proof or Maskin Monotonic Choice Rules
by Olivier Bochet & Ton Storcken - dp0805 Non-comparative versus Comparative Advertising as a Quality Signal
by Winand Emons & Claude Fluet - dp0804 Global Climate Change and the Funding of Adaptation
by Seraina Buob & Gunter Stephan - dp0803 Priors from DSGE Models for Dynamic Factor Analysis
by Gregor B urle - dp0802 Endogenous Political Economy: On the Inevitability of Inefficiency under the Natural Resource Curse
by Ana Fernandes - dp0801 The Role of Sectoral Shifts in the Great Moderation
by Daniel Burren
- dp0707 On Platforms, Incomplete Contracts, and Open Source Software
by Andras Niedermayer - dp0706 When is Seller Price Setting with Linear Fees Optimal for Intermediaries?
by Simon Loertscher & Andras Niedermayer - dp0705 A Note on Business Cycle Accounting
by Gregor Baeurle & Daniel Burren