November 2019, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1317-1356 How do tax progressivity and household heterogeneity affect Laffer curves?
by Hans A. Holter & Dirk Krueger & Serhiy Stepanchuk - 1357-1399 A historical welfare analysis of Social Security: Whom did the program benefit?
by William B. Peterman & Kamila Sommer - 1401-1451 Labor market sorting and health insurance system design
by Naoki Aizawa - 1453-1493 The effect of homeownership on the option value of regional migration
by Florian Oswald - 1495-1536 Semiparametric estimation of the canonical permanent‐transitory model of earnings dynamics
by Yingyao Hu & Robert Moffitt & Yuya Sasaki - 1537-1577 Measuring quality for use in incentive schemes: The case of “shrinkage” estimators
by Nirav Mehta - 1579-1618 Quantile treatment effects in difference in differences models with panel data
by Brantly Callaway & Tong Li - 1619-1657 Identification of average effects under magnitude and sign restrictions on confounding
by Karim Chalak - 1659-1701 Identification of games of incomplete information with multiple equilibria and unobserved heterogeneity
by Victor Aguirregabiria & Pedro Mira - 1703-1746 Identification‐ and singularity‐robust inference for moment condition models
by Donald W. K. Andrews & Patrik Guggenberger - 1747-1785 Inference under covariate‐adaptive randomization with multiple treatments
by Federico A. Bugni & Ivan A. Canay & Azeem M. Shaikh - 1787-1824 Improved inference on the rank of a matrix
by Qihui Chen & Zheng Fang - 1825-1849 Experimenting with the transition rule in dynamic games
by Emanuel Vespa & Alistair J. Wilson
July 2019, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 803-852 The aggregate effects of labor market frictions
by Michael W. L. Elsby & Ryan Michaels & David Ratner - 853-890 Nonstationary dynamic models with finite dependence
by Peter Arcidiacono & Robert A. Miller - 891-929 Dynamic selection and distributional bounds on search costs in dynamic unit‐demand models
by Jason R. Blevins & Garrett T. Senney - 931-979 On uniform asymptotic risk of averaging GMM estimators
by Xu Cheng & Zhipeng Liao & Ruoyao Shi - 981-1017 Normality tests for latent variables
by Martín Almuzara & Dante Amengual & Enrique Sentana - 1019-1068 Estimation and inference with a (nearly) singular Jacobian
by Sukjin Han & Adam McCloskey - 1069-1107 Exiting from quantitative easing
by Fumio Hayashi & Junko Koeda - 1109-1151 Long‐term government debt and household portfolio composition
by Andreas Tischbirek - 1153-1193 Food for fuel: The effect of the US biofuel mandate on poverty in India
by Ujjayant Chakravorty & Marie‐Hélène Hubert & Beyza Ural Marchand - 1195-1232 Effects of parental leave policies on female career and fertility choices
by Shintaro Yamaguchi - 1233-1277 College choice, selection, and allocation mechanisms: A structural empirical analysis
by José Raimundo Carvalho & Thierry Magnac & Qizhou Xiong - 1279-1315 HIP, RIP, and the robustness of empirical earnings processes
by Florian Hoffmann
May 2019, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 419-456 Jump factor models in large cross‐sections
by Jia Li & Viktor Todorov & George Tauchen - 457-485 On optimal inference in the linear IV model
by Donald W. K. Andrews & Vadim Marmer & Zhengfei Yu - 487-526 A more powerful subvector Anderson Rubin test in linear instrumental variables regression
by Patrik Guggenberger & Frank Kleibergen & Sophocles Mavroeidis - 527-563 Identification of a nonseparable model under endogeneity using binary proxies for unobserved heterogeneity
by Benjamin Williams - 565-606 The long run health consequences of rural‐urban migration
by Janna E. Johnson & Evan J. Taylor - 607-641 Uncertainty about future income: Initial beliefs and resolution during college
by Yifan Gong & Todd Stinebrickner & Ralph Stinebrickner - 643-691 The right stuff? Personality and entrepreneurship
by Barton H. Hamilton & Nicholas W. Papageorge & Nidhi Pande - 693-733 Optimal unemployment insurance with monitoring
by Ofer Setty - 735-773 Financial frictions, trends, and the great recession
by Pablo A. Guerron‐Quintana & Ryo Jinnai - 775-801 Communication and behavior in organizations: An experiment
by Piotr Evdokimov & Umberto Garfagnini
January 2019, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-41 Uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis for economic models
by Daniel Harenberg & Stefano Marelli & Bruno Sudret & Viktor Winschel - 43-65 Strong convergence and dynamic economic models
by Robert L. Bray - 67-103 Inference in dynamic discrete choice problems under local misspecification
by Federico A. Bugni & Takuya Ura - 105-144 Partial identification by extending subdistributions
by Alexander Torgovitsky - 145-184 Bayesian inference on structural impulse response functions
by Mikkel Plagborg‐Møller - 185-215 All over the map: A worldwide comparison of risk preferences
by Olivier l'Haridon & Ferdinand M. Vieider - 217-237 Eliciting risk preferences using choice lists
by David J. Freeman & Yoram Halevy & Terri Kneeland - 239-273 Incidence, salience, and spillovers: The direct and indirect effects of tax credits on wages
by Ghazala Azmat - 275-310 Hurdles and steps: Estimating demand for solar photovoltaics
by Kenneth Gillingham & Tsvetan Tsvetanov - 311-351 Recursive allocations and wealth distribution with multiple goods: Existence, survivorship, and dynamics
by R. Colacito & M. M. Croce & Zhao Liu - 353-385 Monetary policy switching and indeterminacy
by Jean Barthélemy & Magali Marx - 387-418 Discretionary monetary policy in the Calvo model
by Willem Van Zandweghe & Alexander L. Wolman
November 2018, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1087-1121 Inference for VARs identified with sign restrictions
by Eleonora Granziera & Hyungsik Roger Moon & Frank Schorfheide - 1123-1151 A method for solving and estimating heterogeneous agent macro models
by Thomas Winberry - 1153-1194 Joint analysis of the discount factor and payoff parameters in dynamic discrete choice models
by Tatiana Komarova & Fabio Sanches & Daniel Silva Junior & Sorawoot Srisuma - 1195-1241 Estimation of dynastic life‐cycle discrete choice models
by George‐Levi Gayle & Limor Golan & Mehmet A. Soytas - 1243-1263 Global identification of linearized DSGE models
by Andrzej Kocięcki & Marcin Kolasa - 1265-1297 Quasi‐Bayesian model selection
by Atsushi Inoue & Mototsugu Shintani - 1299-1333 A new model for interdependent durations
by Bo E. Honoré & Áureo de Paula - 1335-1370 Heterogeneous treatment effects with mismeasured endogenous treatment
by Takuya Ura - 1371-1417 Specification testing in random coefficient models
by Christoph Breunig & Stefan Hoderlein - 1419-1451 A scale‐free transportation network explains the city‐size distribution
by Marcus Berliant & Axel H. Watanabe - 1453-1487 Meaning and credibility in experimental cheap‐talk games
by Ernest K. Lai & Wooyoung Lim - 1489-1542 Household debt and crises of confidence
by Thomas Hintermaier & Winfried Koeniger
July 2018, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 521-540 A divide and conquer algorithm for exploiting policy function monotonicity
by Grey Gordon & Shi Qiu - 541-569 Credible ecological inference for medical decisions with personalized risk assessment
by Charles F. Manski - 571-615 Empirical welfare analysis for discrete choice: Some general results
by Debopam Bhattacharya - 617-642 The identification power of smoothness assumptions in models with counterfactual outcomes
by Wooyoung Kim & Koohyun Kwon & Soonwoo Kwon & Sokbae Lee - 643-658 The age‐time‐cohort problem and the identification of structural parameters in life‐cycle models
by Sam Schulhofer‐Wohl - 659-706 Life‐cycle and intergenerational effects of child care reforms
by Marc K. Chan & Kai Liu - 707-733 The effect of public pensions on women's labor market participation over a full life cycle
by Virginia Sánchez‐Marcos & Carlos Bethencourt - 735-784 Turbulence and the employment experience of older workers
by Etienne Lalé - 785-823 Precautionary borrowing and the credit card debt puzzle
by Jeppe Druedahl & Casper Nordal Jørgensen - 825-863 Smoking initiation: Peers and personality
by Chih‐Sheng Hsieh & Hans van Kippersluis - 865-901 Measuring mobility
by Frank A. Cowell & Emmanuel Flachaire - 903-944 Solution methods for models with rare disasters
by Jesús Fernández‐Villaverde & Oren Levintal - 945-993 Ambiguity and the historical equity premium
by Fabrice Collard & Sujoy Mukerji & Kevin Sheppard & Jean‐Marc Tallon - 995-1017 Information structure and statistical information in discrete response models
by Shakeeb Khan & Denis Nekipelov - 1019-1051 When does regression discontinuity design work? Evidence from random election outcomes
by Ari Hyytinen & Jaakko Meriläinen & Tuukka Saarimaa & Otto Toivanen & Janne Tukiainen - 1053-1085 Do basketball scoring patterns reflect illegal point shaving or optimal in‐game adjustments?
by Jesse Gregory
March 2018, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-38 Estimating matching games with transfers
by Jeremy T. Fox - 39-84 Optimal sup‐norm rates and uniform inference on nonlinear functionals of nonparametric IV regression
by Xiaohong Chen & Timothy M. Christensen - 85-139 Learning in network games
by Jaromír Kovářík & Friederike Mengel & José Gabriel Romero - 141-181 An empirical model of non‐equilibrium behavior in games
by Brendan Kline - 183-216 Endogenous sample selection: A laboratory study
by Ignacio Esponda & Emanuel Vespa - 217-246 Pirates of the Mediterranean: An empirical investigation of bargaining with asymmetric information
by Attila Ambrus & Eric Chaney & Igor Salitskiy - 247-303 Neighborhood dynamics and the distribution of opportunity
by Dionissi Aliprantis & Daniel R. Carroll - 305-341 Income effects and the welfare consequences of tax in differentiated product oligopoly
by Rachel Griffith & Lars Nesheim & Martin O'Connell - 343-394 Identifying dynamic spillovers of crime with a causal approach to model selection
by Gregorio Caetano & Vikram Maheshri - 395-440 Identification, data combination, and the risk of disclosure
by Tatiana Komarova & Denis Nekipelov & Evgeny Yakovlev - 441-482 Simultaneous selection of optimal bandwidths for the sharp regression discontinuity estimator
by Yoichi Arai & Hidehiko Ichimura - 483-520 The superintendent's dilemma: Managing school district capacity as parents vote with their feet
by Dennis Epple & Akshaya Jha & Holger Sieg
November 2017, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 685-728 Latent indices in assortative matching models
by William Diamond & Nikhil Agarwal - 729-760 Determining the number of groups in latent panel structures with an application to income and democracy
by Xun Lu & Liangjun Su - 761-808 Does redistribution increase output? The centrality of labor supply
by Kartik Athreya & Andrew Owens & Felipe Schwartzman - 809-849 Identification of time and risk preferences in buy price auctions
by Daniel Ackerberg & Keisuke Hirano & Quazi Shahriar - 851-893 How to solve dynamic stochastic models computing expectations just once
by Kenneth L. Judd & Lilia Maliar & Serguei Maliar & Inna Tsener - 895-927 Dynamic skill accumulation, education policies, and the return to schooling
by Christian Belzil & Jorgen Hansen & Xingfei Liu - 929-975 Demand heterogeneity in insurance markets: Implications for equity and efficiency
by Michael Geruso - 977-1020 The distribution of wealth and the marginal propensity to consume
by Christopher Carroll & Jiri Slacalek & Kiichi Tokuoka & Matthew N. White - 1021-1036 A note on identification of discrete choice models for bundles and binary games
by Jeremy T. Fox & Natalia Lazzati - 1037-1082 Measuring the willingness‐to‐pay for others' consumption: An application to joint decisions of children
by Sabrina Bruyneel & Laurens Cherchye & Sam Cosaert & Bram De Rock & Siegfried Dewitte
July 2017, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 317-365 The endogenous grid method for discrete‐continuous dynamic choice models with (or without) taste shocks
by Fedor Iskhakov & Thomas H. Jørgensen & John Rust & Bertel Schjerning - 367-396 Tolerating defiance? Local average treatment effects without monotonicity
by Clément de Chaisemartin - 397-433 Estimating price sensitivity of economic agents using discontinuity in nonlinear contracts
by Patrick Bajari & Han Hong & Minjung Park & Robert Town - 435-478 Precautionary saving and aggregate demand
by Edouard Challe & Julien Matheron & Xavier Ragot & Juan F. Rubio‐Ramirez - 479-503 Unbiased instrumental variables estimation under known first‐stage sign
by Isaiah Andrews & Timothy B. Armstrong - 505-551 Identification and estimation of a bidding model for electronic auctions
by Brent R. Hickman & Timothy P. Hubbard & Harry J. Paarsch - 553-587 Identifying idiosyncratic career taste and skill with income risk
by Daniel Barth & Stephen H. Shore & Shane T. Jensen - 589-610 Counterfactual mapping and individual treatment effects in nonseparable models with binary endogeneity
by Quang Vuong & Haiqing Xu - 611-650 Solving the Diamond–Mortensen–Pissarides model accurately
by Nicolas Petrosky‐Nadeau & Lu Zhang - 651-683 Discretizing nonlinear, non‐Gaussian Markov processes with exact conditional moments
by Leland E. Farmer & Alexis Akira Toda
March 2017, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-38 Inference for subvectors and other functions of partially identified parameters in moment inequality models
by Federico A. Bugni & Ivan A. Canay & Xiaoxia Shi - 39-73 Measuring segregation on small units: A partial identification analysis
by Xavier D'Haultfœuille & Roland Rathelot - 75-115 On financing retirement with an aging population
by Ellen R. McGrattan & Edward C. Prescott - 117-147 A nonlinear certainty equivalent approximation method for dynamic stochastic problems
by Yongyang Cai & Kenneth Judd & Jevgenijs Steinbuks - 149-180 Testing for fundamental vector moving average representations
by Bin Chen & Jinho Choi & Juan Carlos Escanciano - 181-200 Ascending auctions with bidder asymmetries
by Dominic Coey & Bradley Larsen & Kane Sweeney & Caio Waisman - 201-218 A note on identifying heterogeneous sharing rules
by Pierre‐André Chiappori & Ju Hyun Kim - 219-238 Testing ambiguity theories with a mean‐preserving design
by Chun‐Lei Yang & Lan Yao - 239-275 Who is sitting next to you? Peer effects inside the classroom
by Sok Chul Hong & Jungmin Lee - 277-316 Do siblings free‐ride in “being there” for parents?
by Shiko Maruyama & Meliyanni Johar
November 2016, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 671-725 Why medical innovation is valuable: Health, human capital, and the labor market
by Nicholas W. Papageorge - 727-780 Estimation of games with ordered actions: An application to chain‐store entry
by Andres Aradillas‐López & Amit Gandhi - 781-820 Grade retention and unobserved heterogeneity
by Robert J. Gary‐Bobo & Marion Goussé & Jean‐Marc Robin - 821-857 Robust dynamic energy use and climate change
by Xin Li & Borghan Narajabad & Ted Temzelides - 859-887 Recursive utility using the stochastic maximum principle
by Knut K. Aase - 889-933 Evaluating factor pricing models using high‐frequency panels
by Yoosoon Chang & Yongok Choi & Hwagyun Kim & Joon Y. Park - 935-968 Euler equation estimation: Children and credit constraints
by Thomas H. Jørgensen - 969-995 Social networks and parental behavior in the intergenerational transmission of religion
by Eleonora Patacchini & Yves Zenou
July 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 329-366 Bayesian inference in a class of partially identified models
by Brendan Kline & Elie Tamer - 367-409 Inference under stability of risk preferences
by Levon Barseghyan & Francesca Molinari & Joshua C. Teitelbaum - 411-447 Explaining the gender wage gap: Estimates from a dynamic model of job changes and hours changes
by Kai Liu - 449-482 Clearinghouses for two‐sided matching: An experimental study
by Federico Echenique & Alistair J. Wilson & Leeat Yariv - 483-521 Unobserved heterogeneity in dynamic games: Cannibalization and preemptive entry of hamburger chains in Canada
by Mitsuru Igami & Nathan Yang - 523-559 Pooling data across markets in dynamic Markov games
by Taisuke Otsu & Martin Pesendorfer & Yuya Takahashi - 561-589 Identification and estimation of semiparametric two‐step models
by Juan Carlos Escanciano & David Jacho‐Chávez & Arthur Lewbel - 591-611 Drifts and volatilities under measurement error: Assessing monetary policy shocks over the last century
by Pooyan Amir‐Ahmadi & Christian Matthes & Mu‐Chun Wang - 613-636 The development and spread of financial innovations
by Isaiah Hull - 637-669 Perturbation methods for Markov‐switching dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models
by Andrew Foerster & Juan F. Rubio‐Ramírez & Daniel F. Waggoner & Tao Zha
March 2016, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-36 Communication with multiple senders: An experiment
by Emanuel Vespa & Alistair J. Wilson - 37-81 The empirical content of games with bounded regressors
by Brendan Kline - 83-115 Duality in dynamic discrete‐choice models
by Khai Xiang Chiong & Alfred Galichon & Matt Shum - 117-156 Terms of endearment: An equilibrium model of sex and matching
by Peter Arcidiacono & Andrew Beauchamp & Marjorie McElroy - 157-192 Testing the quantity–quality model of fertility: Estimation using unrestricted family size models
by Magne Mogstad & Matthew Wiswall - 193-224 Pensions, household saving, and welfare: A dynamic analysis of crowd out
by David M. Blau - 225-255 Experience and worker flows
by Aspen Gorry - 257-287 Bayesian estimation of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with asset prices
by Martin Kliem & Harald Uhlig - 289-328 The cyclical dynamics of illiquid housing, debt, and foreclosures
by Aaron Hedlund
November 2015, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 567-597 Estimating dynamic discrete‐choice games of incomplete information
by Michael Egesdal & Zhenyu Lai & Che‐Lin Su - 599-635 A Bayesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of stock market bubbles and business cycles
by Jianjun Miao & Pengfei Wang & Zhiwei Xu - 637-661 The impact of weather insurance on consumption, investment, and welfare
by Francesca Nicola - 663-702 Peer effects in sexual initiation: Separating demand and supply mechanisms
by Seth Richards‐Shubik - 703-748 Physicians' financial incentives and treatment choices in heart attack management
by Dominic Coey - 749-794 Estimating nonseparable models with mismeasured endogenous variables
by Suyong Song & Susanne M. Schennach & Halbert White - 795-823 Evaluating default policy: The business cycle matters
by Grey Gordon - 825-856 Response mode and stochastic choice together explain preference reversals
by Sean M. Collins & Duncan James
July 2015, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 257-307 Political mergers as coalition formation: An analysis of the Heisei municipal amalgamations
by Eric Weese - 309-358 Inference on sets in finance
by Victor Chernozhukov & Emre Kocatulum & Konrad Menzel - 359-384 Estimating overidentified, nonrecursive, time‐varying coefficients structural vector autoregressions
by Fabio Canova & Fernando J. Pérez Forero - 385-428 Accounting for cross‐country differences in intergenerational earnings persistence: The impact of taxation and public education expenditure
by Hans A. Holter - 429-461 Flexible Bayesian analysis of first price auctions using a simulated likelihood
by Dong‐Hyuk Kim - 463-497 Likelihood‐ratio‐based confidence sets for the timing of structural breaks
by Yunjong Eo & James Morley - 499-529 Combinatorial approach to inference in partially identified incomplete structural models
by Marc Henry & Romuald Méango & Maurice Queyranne - 531-565 Research and development, profits, and firm value: A structural estimation
by Missaka Warusawitharana
March 2015, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-47 Merging simulation and projection approaches to solve high‐dimensional problems with an application to a new Keynesian model
by Lilia Maliar & Serguei Maliar - 49-83 Treatment response with social interactions: Partial identification via monotone comparative statics
by Natalia Lazzati - 85-121 A nondegenerate Vuong test
by Xiaoxia Shi - 123-152 Maximum likelihood inference in weakly identified dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models
by Isaiah Andrews & Anna Mikusheva - 153-187 Explaining the size distribution of cities: Extreme economies
by Marcus Berliant & Hiroki Watanabe - 189-221 Time‐consistent optimal fiscal policy over the business cycle
by Zhigang Feng - 223-256 Stepping stone and option value in a model of postsecondary education
by Nicholas Trachter
November 2014, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 495-530 Model averaging, asymptotic risk, and regressor groups
by Bruce E. Hansen - 531-554 Nonparametric identification of dynamic decision processes with discrete and continuous choices
by Jason R. Blevins - 555-581 The persistent–transitory representation for earnings processes
by Mette Ejrnæs & Martin Browning - 583-630 Understanding the income gradient in college attendance in Mexico: The role of heterogeneity in expected returns
by Katja Maria Kaufmann - 631-674 Do households use home‐ownership to insure themselves? Evidence across U.S. cities
by Michael Amior & Jonathan Halket - 675-704 Optimal fiscal policy with heterogeneous agents
by Marco Bassetto - 705-749 Altruistically motivated transfers under uncertainty
by Daniel Barczyk & Matthias Kredler
March 2014, Volume 5
- 1-27 Heterogeneity and risk sharing in village economies
by Pierre‐André Chiappori & Krislert Samphantharak & Sam Schulhofer‐Wohl & Robert M. Townsend - 29-66 Complementarity and aggregate implications of assortative matching: A nonparametric analysis
by Bryan S. Graham & Guido W. Imbens & Geert Ridder - 67-121 Does the rotten child spoil his companion? Spatial peer effects among children in rural India
by Christian Helmers & Manasa Patnam - 123-144 Partial identification of finite mixtures in econometric models
by Marc Henry & Yuichi Kitamura & Bernard Salanié - 145-174 Identification of income–leisure preferences and evaluation of income tax policy
by Charles F. Manski - 175-194 Concave‐monotone treatment response and monotone treatment selection: With an application to the returns to schooling
by Tsunao Okumura & Emiko Usui
July 2014, Volume 5
- 195-223 Estimating ambiguity aversion in a portfolio choice experiment
by David Ahn & Syngjoo Choi & Douglas Gale & Shachar Kariv - 225-269 Maternal health and the baby boom
by Stefania Albanesi & Claudia Olivetti - 271-295 Control functions in nonseparable simultaneous equations models
by Richard Blundell & Rosa L. Matzkin - 297-349 Inefficient continuation decisions, job creation costs, and the cost of business cycles
by Wouter J. Den Haan & Petr Sedlacek - 351-376 Gender differences and dynamics in competition: The role of luck
by David Gill & Victoria Prowse - 377-416 Size‐dependent regulations, firm size distribution, and reallocation
by François Gourio & Nicolas Roys - 417-456 Corporate control and executive selection
by Francesco Lippi & Fabiano Schivardi - 457-494 Inference in dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models with possible weak identification
by Zhongjun Qu