2024, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 1-12 Exploring the Dynamics of Innovation in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
by Maier Andreea & Osoian Codruța - 13-25 The Impact of Social Norms on Foreign Direct Investments
by Vlad Ioana Maria - 26-39 The Nexus Between Investors’ Sentiment and Hedge Funds Risk Premiums
by Vodă Tudor-Ovidiu - 40-61 Digital Influencers: Catalysts for Customer Engagement and Purchase Intention
by Hani Ghamama & Haider Syed Waqar & Raza Aamir & Silva Susana C. & Dias Joana Carmo - 62-85 A Comparison of the Intangible Asset Related Standards, IAS38, IVS210 and ISA620 Using Similarity Analysis
by Georgiou Andreas
2024, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 1-20 Human Capital Development, Income Inequality and Public Sector Investment in Nigeria
by Ogbeide-Osaretin Evelyn Nwamaka & Shedrack Ifeanyi & Aliu Timothy - 21-36 Effects of Financial Inclusion and Out of Pockets Cost on Human Health (1990 - 2020)
by Akintunde Temitope Sade & Oladimeji Ifeade Adetutu & Aribatise Adekunle - 37-53 The Impact of Inbound Marketing on Digital Consumer Behavior in Algeria
by Telilani Ghozlan & Boutedja Djamel - 54-74 Women in Accounting in Communist and Post-Communist Romania: Academia Case Study
by Deaconu Adela & Puşcaş Georgiana & Nistor Cristina Silvia & Filip Crina Ioana - 75-88 Dynamic Stochastic Panel Analysis of FDI Inflows, Employment Generation and Poverty Reduction in Some Selected ECOWAS Countries
by Omitogun Olawunmi & Omoyele Olufemi Samuel & Awomailo Lanke B. & Olanipekun Wahid Damilola & Aderemi Timothy Ayomitunde
December 2023, Volume 68, Issue 3
- 1-12 ESG Spillover and Volatility
by Sandu Diana-Mihaela - 13-25 Impact of IFRS Adoption on Financial Statements Value Relevance. A Study of Eastern vs. Western European Countries
by Giuglea Antonia Cosmina - 26-39 Exploring Determinants of Transfer Pricing Practices Among Romanian Publicly Traded Companies
by Fulop Renata - 40-63 European Macroeconomic Dynamics on Financial Markets and Economic Policy: A Cross Country Study for Spillover Effects
by Ciocîrlan Cecilia & Zwak-Cantoriu Maria-Cristina & Stancea Andreea & Plăcintă Dimitrie-Daniel - 64-84 Effective Communication as a Success Factor in Project Management in an Universitary Context
by Miclea Roxana-Denisa & Irimiaș Tudor
August 2023, Volume 68, Issue 2
- 1-16 The Nexus Between Foreign Portfolio Diversification and Kinship
by Socaciu Erzsébet-Mirjám - 17-33 Unconventional Monetary Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study for Central and Eastern European Countries
by Clichici Dorina - 34-54 Investigating Students’ Behavioral Biases in Regard to Financial Decision-Making
by Albert Réka - 55-72 The Effects of Government Expenditure on the Output: A Real Business Cycle Analysis for the Romanian Economy
by Radu Ștefan-Constantin - 73-86 The Impact of Governance Upon Sustainable Development. Empirical Evidence
by Baciu Leonina Emilia
April 2023, Volume 68, Issue 1
- 1-20 Demand for Government Spending: Do Our Beliefs About Public Debt Matter?
by Stancea Andreea & Ciocirlan Cecilia - 21-41 Herding Behavior in Frontier Nordic Countries
by Ivasiuc Arina - 42-61 The Price Impact of S&P 500 Affiliation
by Gavrilova Daria - 62-77 The European Banks Under the Shock of the Russian Invasion of 2022: An Event Study Approach
by Furdui Călin & Șfabu Dorina Teodora - 78-99 The Impact of Social Norms on Stock Liquidity
by Dimcea Andrei
December 2022, Volume 67, Issue 3
- 1-13 HR Trends and Tendencies in Hungary in the Light of the Experiences of the Latest Cranet Survey 2021
by Poór József & Jarjabka Ákos & Karoliny Zsuzsa & Balogh Gábor & Galambosné Tiszberger Mónika & Kőmüves Zsolt Sándor & Szabó Katalin & Szabó-Szentgróti Gábor - 14-26 Employee Engagement and Job Burnout in the Context of Teleworking
by Osoian Codruța & Petre Anamaria - 27-36 Sustainable Development and the Critical Role of HRM
by Papalexandris Nancy - 37-52 Government Educational Spending and Human Capital Development in ECOWAS Sub-Region: Implication For Sustainable Development
by Oloke Emmanuel & Olanipekun Wahid Damilola & Mabinuori Oladotun Toriola & Ojo Lucas B. & Aderemi Timothy Ayomitunde - 53-70 A Decade of Talent Management Practices in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, A Systematic Review of a Developing Field
by Graham Barrington
August 2022, Volume 67, Issue 2
- 1-20 Effect of Government Agricultural Expenditure on Economic Growth: Evidence from a Developing Country
by Megbowon Ebenezer Toyin & Mothae Lerato & Relebohile Joseph Rapholo - 21-32 Overview on Social Media User Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Fear of Missing Out and Social Networking Fatigue to Privacy Concerns
by Mican Daniel & Andreica Mihuț Ioana Sorina & Sterie Luigia-Gabriela & Sitar-Taut Dan-Andrei - 33-49 Claims Settlement and Risk Attitudes: Evidence from the Motor Insurance Policyholders
by Ajemunigbohun Sunday Stephen & Olowokudejo Folake Feyisayo & Adeleke Ismaila - 50-66 The Impact of Access to Credit on Welfare Inequality in Malawi
by Makuluni Fatso E. & Dunga Hannah Mayamiko - 67-83 An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Capital, Market Risks, and Liquidity Shocks in the Banking Industry
by Rena Ravinder & Kamuinjo Albert V.
April 2022, Volume 67, Issue 1
- 1-10 Does Female Education Generate Economic Growth? An Empirical Analysis of Western Balkan Countries
by Jusaj Yvesa & Fetai Besnik - 11-26 Involuntary Unemployment Under Ongoing Nominal Wage Rate Decline in Overlapping Generations Model
by Tanaka Yasuhito - 27-43 Capitalization of Human Skills and Competencies – An Exploratory Model
by Bouzida Zahia & Malek Nadir & Ghomari Souhila - 44-62 The Relative Success of IFRS Adopted African Countries to Attract Foreign Investment
by Oberholzer Merwe & Omotoso Matthew Olubayo & Schutte Danie & Buys Pieter - 63-76 Human Capital Development and Sustainable Development: Evidence from Nigeria
by Olowookere Johnson Kolawole & Olanipekun Wahid Damilola & Sokunbi Gbenro Matthew & Aderemi Timothy Ayomitunde
December 2021, Volume 66, Issue 3
- 1-20 Quality of Information Disclosed in Integrated Reports, in the Extracting Sector: Insights from Europe
by Zanellato Gianluca - 21-39 National Industry 4.0 Platforms in the Visegrad 4 Countries – A Comparison with the Frontrunner Digital Economies in Europe
by Gyimesi Áron - 40-56 The Nexus Between Hedge Fund Size and Risk-Adjusted Performance
by Catan Daniela - 57-76 Green Brand Positioning for Organic Food: A Content Analysis of Corporate Websites
by Stoica Mihai - 77-92 The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Exploring the Determinants of Internet Access in Emerging Economies
by Mhlanga David & Beneke John
August 2021, Volume 66, Issue 2
- 1-24 The Main Determinants of Development –PLS Path Analysis Applied to the Factors of Endogenous Development
by Bodnár Gábor - 25-37 Female Stereotypes in Romanian Advertising: An Interpretative Content Analysis
by Ujică Alexandra & Băbuţ Raluca - 38-55 Measuring Experience in International Business: A Systematic Literature Review
by Parracho João & Silva Susana - 56-73 The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and the Congruence of Desired and Perceived Job Attributes: An Exploratory Study of IT Professionals
by Mihalca Loredana - 74-86 Co-Workers Support and Job Performance
by Pelin Irina Ioana & Osoian Codruta
April 2021, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 1-12 Why Commit When the Future is Bright? The Interactive Effects of Future Time Perspecitve and Organizational Cynicism
by Goodman Joseph M. & Corser Grant C. & Hartman Nathan - 13-35 Banking with a Chatbot – A Study on Technology Acceptance
by Alt Mónika-Anetta & Vizeli Ibolya & Săplăcan Zsuzsa - 36-60 Challenges Faced By Auditors When Estimating Fair Values. An Experiment in an Emerging Economy
by Deaconu Adela & Ciurdaş Ioana & Bonaci Carmen - 61-74 The Regional Structure of Higher Education and the Role of Distance Learning
by Krankovits Melinda & Kukorelli Irén Szörényiné - 75-96 Modelling Total Factor Productivity in a Developing Economy
by Eita Joel Hinaunye & Pedro Marcio Jose
December 2020, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 1-13 Institutional Quality. Human Capital and Industrial Sector Growth in Ecowas
by Ologbenla Patrick - 14-26 Microeconomic Foundation of the Phillips Curve
by Tanaka Yasuhito - 27-38 Internal Branding: Antecedents of Employee Attitudes, Satisfaction, and Organizational Loyalty
by Scridon Mircea-Andrei - 39-52 Determinants of Financial Inclusion in Southern Africa
by Mhlanga David & Denhere Varaidzo - 53-64 Investigating External Debt and Exchange Rate Fluctuations in Nigeria: Any Difference with ARDL Model?
by Aderemi Timothy Ayomitunde & Fagbola Lawrence Olusegun & Sokunbi Gbenro Matthew & Ebere Chidinma Edith
August 2020, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 1-11 The Effect of the Covid-19 on the Automotive Supply Chains
by Pató Beáta Sz.G. & Herczeg Márk - 12-28 Involuntary Unemployment in a Neoclassical Model
by Tanaka Yasuhito - 29-45 Money Supply, Inflation and Economic Growth: Co-Integration and Causality Analysis
by Hicham Ayad - 46-64 Attitudes, Knowledge, and Practices of Customs Administrators on Trade Facilitation
by Pasara Michael Takudzwa & Gonyora Chamunorwa & Meyer Daniel Francois - 65-89 Consumer Perceptions of Critical Success Factors for Small Local Consumer Brands
by Dobbelstein Thomas & Mason Roger B. & Kamwendo Andrew
April 2020, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-19 Causality Between Public Debt, Public Debt Service and Economic Growth in an Emerging Economy
by Saungweme Talknice & Odhiambo Nicholas M. - 20-38 A Keynesian Approach to Fiscal Policy for Full Employment and Continuous Time Debt Dynamics
by Tanaka Yasuhito - 39-53 A Panel ARDL Analsis of the Productivity of Key Economic Sectors Contributing to Local Economic Growth in an Emerging Country
by Garidzirai Rufaro & Muzindutsi Paul-Francois - 54-66 Analysis of the Factors Impacting the Online Shopping Decision-Making Process
by Mican Daniel & Sitar-Taut Dan-Andrei - 67-83 Military Expenditure and Macroeconomic Perfromance – The Case of an Emerging Country
by Ologbenla Patrick
December 2019, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 1-22 Evaluating Good and Bad News During Pre and Post Financial Meltdown: Nigerian Stock Market Evidence
by Nageri Kamaldeen Ibraheem - 23-38 Does Public Debt Service Expenditure Crowd-Out Economic Growth? Empirical Evidence from an African Developing Country
by Saungweme Talknice & Odhiambo Nicholas M. - 39-53 Corporate Tax Avoidance Practices: An Empirical Evidence from Nigerian Firms
by Adegbite Tajudeen Adejare & Bojuwon Mustapha - 54-68 The Relationship Between Selected Market Orientation Dimensions and Organizational Performance within Universities in South Africa
by Mokoena Bakae Aubrey
August 2019, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 1-11 The Importance of Supplier Evaluation in Short Supply Chains
by Pató Gáborné Szűcs Beáta & Kiss Fanni - 12-32 Institutional Efficiency, Entrepreneurship, and the Premises of Economic Development in the Eastern European Countries
by Ignatov Augustin - 33-52 What Do Managers Think About the Success Potential of CRM Campaigns?
by Castanheira Bruna Monteiro & Costa E Silva Susana & Martins Carla Carvalho - 53-71 Identifying Key Fraud Indicators in the Automobile Insurance Industry Using SQL Server Analysis Services
by Benedek Botond & László Ede - 72-83 Industrial Sector Growth, Macroeconomic Performance, and Corruption in the Sub Sahara Africa
by Atanda Oyerinde Adewale - 84-102 The Inflation-Growth Relationship in SSA Inflation-Targeting Countries
by Mavikela Nomahlubi & Mhaka Simba & Phiri Andrew
April 2019, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 3-15 Employees’ Competences in Knowledge-Intensive Business Sector – Comparative Analysis in Two Cee Countries
by Samul Joanna & Skapska Elzbieta & Pankov Dmitrij - 16-32 Automating Forward and Reverse Supply Chains in the Context of Industry 4.0
by Covaci Florina Livia - 33-44 A Causality Analysis of the Relationships Between Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Economic Growth and Employment in South Africa
by Meyer Daniel Francois & Sanusi Kaseem Abimbola - 45-58 Determinants of the Perceived Internship Effectiveness: Exploring Students’ Experiences
by Ivana Diana - 59-70 Analysis of the Demand for Private Healthcare in South Africa
by Dunga Steven Henry
December 2018, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 3-14 Trade Competition Measurement and the Choice of Measurement Indexes
by Dumitrescu Iulia Monica & Crespo Nuno & Simões Nadia - 15-32 Competitiveness Through the Integration of Logistics Activities in SMEs
by Omoruyi Osayuwamen - 33-55 The FDI-Growth Nexus in South Africa: A Re-Examination Using Quantile Regression Approach
by Khobai Hlalefang & Hamman Nicolene & Mkhombo Thando & Mhaka Simba & Mavikela Nomahlubi & Phiri Andrew - 56-67 Gender Differences and Other Findings on the Cognitive Reflection Test
by Avram Laura-Augustina - 68-90 An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Interest Rates to Facilitate Price Stability and Economic Growth in South Africa
by Meyer Danie Francois & Chipeta Chama & Camel Richard Thabang Mc
August 2018, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 3-34 Involuntary Unemployment in a Neoclassical Growth Model with Public Debt and Human Capital
by Farmer Karl & Kuplen Stefan - 35-48 Determinants of FDI in BRICS Countries: Panel Data Approach
by Biyase Mduduzi & Rooderick September - 49-66 Insights on Consumer Online Purchase Decisions of Women’s Footwear
by e Silva Susana Costa & Monteiro Adriana & Duarte Paulo - 67-86 Non-Performing Loans, Banking System and Macroeconomy
by Morakinyo Akinola & Muller Colette & Sibanda Mabutho - 87-106 Public and Private Investment and Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation
by Makuyana Garikai & Odhiambo Nicholas M.
April 2018, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 3-19 Multidimensional Poverty Analysis of Urban and Rural Households in South Africa
by Megbowon Ebenezer Toyin - 20-36 The 20 Keys Methodology – Continuous Improvement for Organizational Efficiency
by Erceg Aleksandar & Dotlić Predrag & Mikuš Monika - 37-62 Dividend Payout, Retention Policy and Financial Performance in Commercial Banks: Any Causal Relationship?
by Olarewaju Odunayo Magret & Migiro Stephen Oseko & Sibanda Mabutho - 63-72 Financial Literacy and Stock Price Informativeness: a Cross-Country Study
by Todea Anita - 73-89 What Mongolia Produces that the World Should Know About? Consumers’ Information Processing Mechanisms
by Purevdorj Tuul & Silva Susana Costa e
December 2017, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 3-32 Existence and Efficiency of Stationary States in a Renewable Resource Based OLG Model with Different Harvest Costs
by Farmer Karl & Bednar-Friedl Birgit - 33-46 Measuring the Impact of Extrinsic Cues on Consumers’ Purchasing Decision for Food Products
by Fetai Besnik & Sadiku-Dushi Nora & Ismaili Raman - 47-66 Banks’ Vulnerability and Financial Openness across Central and Eastern Europe
by Nistor Simona - 67-82 Evaluation of a Campus Service Quality Recreational Scale
by Mokoena Bakae Aubrey & Dhurup Manilal Roy - 83-100 Understanding Success according to Crowdfunding Project’s Initiators
by Costa e Silva Susana & Vieira Ana Isabel Tavares
August 2017, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 3-19 The Role of EU Innovation Policies in the Sustainable Development of the Energy Sector
by Sirbu Olesea & Crudu Rodica & Ignatov Augustin - 20-41 The Effect of Exchange Rate Movements and Economic Growth on Job Creation
by Chipeta Chama & Meyer Daniel Francois & Muzindutsi Paul-Francois - 42-54 The Outcomes of the Romanian Educational System and Economic Indicators
by Jivan Alexandru & Șipoş Ciprian Alexandru & Weisz Janeta - 55-76 Competitive Condition of Sub-Saharan Africa Commercial Banks
by Akande Joseph Olorunfemi & Kwenda Farai - 77-88 The Impact of the Problems Faced by Online Customers on Ecommerce
by Sabou Simona & Avram-Pop Bianca & Zima Liliana Adela
April 2017, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 3-19 Alternative Views on the Participation of Non-Euro Zone Countries at the Bank Union
by Donath Liliana & Mihutescu Cerna Veronica - 20-30 A Gender and Marital Status Analysis of Household Income in a Low-Income Township
by Dunga Steven Henry - 31-49 Performance Through Efficiency in the Public Healthcare System – A DEA Approach in an Emergent Country
by Nistor Cristina Silvia & Ștefănescu Cristina Alexandrina & Crișan Andrei-Răzvan - 50-60 Determinants of Access to Formal Credit by the Poor Households
by Biyase Mduduzi & Fisher Bianca - 61-75 Are Cultural and Gender Diversity Drivers of Firm Performance in Post- Crises Emergent Economies?
by Sumedrea Silvia
December 2016, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 3-19 Understanding Changes on the Country-of-origin Effect of Portugal
by Costa e Silva Susana & Saraiva Lucénio - 20-31 The Organizational Culture Dimensions – The Case of an Independent Private University in Macedonia
by Zeqiri Jusuf & Alija Shpresa - 32-42 Teachers’ Motivations and Expectations Regarding Lifelong Learning
by Dabija Dan-Cristian & Abrudan Ioana-Nicoleta & Postelnicu Cătălin - 43-58 Supply Chain Management and Customer Satisfaction in Small to Medium Enterprises
by Omoruyi Osayuwamen & Mafini Chengedzai - 59-78 Determinants of Profitability: Evidence from Power and Energy Sector
by Fareed Zeeshan & Ali Zahid & Shahzad Farrukh & Nazir Muhammad Imran & Ullah Assad