September 2017, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 124-131 Desertification Detected in the Udhaim River Basin, Iraq Based on Spectral Indices Derived from Remote Sensing Images
by Mail Abd Al Salam Mohammed - 132-138 The dependency between annual air temperature and solar activity. A case study of Warsaw in 1951–2010
by Boryczka Jerzy & Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Kossowska-Cezak Urszula & Wawer Jolanta
June 2017, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 51-59 Transforming innovation models in European regions: Breaking out of path dependency and growing faster?
by Pylak Korneliusz & Wojnicka-Sycz Elżbieta - 60-67 Local innovation systems in Poland - the beginning of the road
by Dziemianowicz Wojciech & Laskowska Agnieszka & Peszat Klaudia - 68-72 EU cohesion policy as a requirement to voivodeship development pathways
by Szlachta Jacek - 73-78 Staying on the old development path, but ‘smartly’ – a case study of Warmia and Masuria
by Dziemianowicz Wojciech - 79-83 The role of territorial capital in building the competitive advantages of Podkarpackie Voivodeship
by Dąbrowska Anna & Szlachta Jacek - 84-88 Changing the development path of a region – a case study of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship
by Peszat Klaudia & Szlachta Jacek
March 2017, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-18 The renaissance of tramways and urban redevelopment in France
by Boquet Yves - 19-24 Reshaping local borders in Europe today. A critical reflection founded on an analysis of the case of Finland
by Xavier Albacete & Joan Tort - 25-34 Perception of urban safety: the case of Lublin, Poland
by Pantyley Viktoriya & Rodzoś Jolanta & Piskorski Mateusz - 35-43 Spatial politics and infrastructure development: Analysis of historical transportation data in Gauteng - South Africa (1975–2003)
by McKay Tracey & Simpson Zach & Patel Naeem - 44-50 The Regional Heterogeneity of Productivity Determinants: Evidence from Ukrainian Firms
by Cieślik Andrzej & Michałek Jan Jakub & Nasadiuk Iryna
December 2016, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 5-10 Does Zipf’s law hold for Polish cities?
by Cieślik Andrzej & Teresiński Jan - 11-21 Temporal analysis of urban changes and development in Warsaw’s ventilation corridors
by Wicht Marzena & Osińska-Skotak Katarzyna - 22-28 Regional differentiation and the geopolitical and transboundary position of the Presheva Valley
by Ejupi Arsim & Ramadani Ibrahim - 29-37 The seasonal variability of the amount of global solar radiation reaching the ground in urban and rural areas on the example of Warsaw and Belsk
by Nelken Kinga & Leziak Kamil - 38-47 Lakes sensitivity to climatic stress – a sociological assessment
by Lackowska Marta & Nowicka Barbara & Bałandin Marta & Grochowski Mirosław - 48-58 Influence of Parameterization of Some Physical Processes in Soils on Numerical Meteorological Forecasts of Surface Fields
by Mazur Andrzej & Duniec Grzegorz - 59-63 An accuracy assessment of European Soil Sealing Dataset (SSL2009): Stara Miłosna area, Poland - a case study
by Pabjanek Piotr & Krówczyńska Małgorzata & Wilk Ewa & Miecznikowski Michał
September 2016, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 5-13 Regional specialization and geographic concentration: experiences from Slovak industry
by Lehocký Filip & Rusnák Jaroslav - 14-18 Comparison of factors influencing the Internationalisation Process in France and Poland
by Laskowska Agnieszka - 19-31 The application of a modified Monte Carlo method in the simulation of settlement pattern’s spatial development in the example of Mstów (Śląskie voivodship, Poland)
by Wolski Oskar - 32-36 IPO in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council
by Zein Aidrous Irina Ahmed & Grigorievna Sofya Glavina - 37-43 Local Tax Competition in Poland?
by Swianiewicz Paweł & Łukomska Julita
June 2016, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 5-12 Land Management Strategies and their Implications for Mazahua Farmers’ Livelihoods in the Highlands of Central Mexico
by García-Fajardo Belina & Orozco-Hernández María Estela & McDonagh John & Álvarez-Arteaga Gustavo & Mireles-Lezama Patricia - 13-18 Opportunities and costs of tourism for a new Humanism
by Bizzarri Carmen - 19-24 Limitations of urban development in land of social origin: the case of the metropolitan area of the city of Toluca (ZMCT)
by Jiménez-Sánchez Pedro Leobardo & Calderón-Maya Juan Roberto & Campos-Alanís Héctor - 25-31 Predicting the Extent of Inundation due to Sea-Level Rise: Al Hamra Development, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE. A Pilot Project
by Arthur Robert M. & Garland G. G. - 32-38 The value chain of a commune as an attempt to integrate various theoretical concepts
by Dziemianowicz Wojciech - 39-45 Agricultural land cover changes in metropolitan areas of Poland for the period 1990–2012
by Nalej Marta - 46-53 Textural features of the beach sediments of Wast Water Lake, Northwest England
by Bala Emilia
March 2016, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 5-10 Data acquisition with the APEX hyperspectral sensor
by Vreys Kristin & Iordache Marian-Daniel & Bomans Bart & Meuleman Koen - 11-15 Geometric correction of APEX hyperspectral data
by Vreys Kristin & Iordache Marian-Daniel & Biesemans Jan & Meuleman Koen - 16-20 Atmospheric correction of APEX hyperspectral data
by Sterckx Sindy & Vreys Kristin & Biesemans Jan & Iordache Marian-Daniel & Bertels Luc & Meuleman Koen - 21-27 The application of APEX images in the assessment of the state of non-forest vegetation in the Karkonosze Mountains
by Jarocińska Anna M. & Kacprzyk Monika & Marcinkowska-Ochtyra Adriana & Ochtyra Adrian & Zagajewski Bogdan & Meuleman Koen - 28-33 Forest species mapping using airborne hyperspectral APEX data
by Tagliabue Giulia & Panigada Cinzia & Colombo Roberto & Fava Francesco & Cilia Chiara & Baret Frédéric & Vreys Kristin & Meuleman Koen & Rossini Micol - 34-40 Assessment of Imaging Spectroscopy for rock identification in the Karkonosze Mountains, Poland
by Mierczyk Monika & Zagajewski Bogdan & Jarocińska Anna & Knapik Roksana - 41-46 Mapping asbestos-cement roofing with the use of APEX hyperspectral airborne imagery: Karpacz area, Poland – a case study
by Krówczyńska Małgorzata & Wilk Ewa & Pabjanek Piotr & Zagajewski Bogdan & Meuleman Koen
December 2015, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 5-8 “Metropolregionen” in Germany: The Enforcement of Global City-Regions
by Eckardt Frank - 9-20 Livelihood assessment in district 1 of Medellin – Colombia
by Mendoza Ciro Alfonso Serna & Czerny Miroslawa & Pineda Abraham Allec Londoño & Rojas Oscar Alonso Velez - 21-25 Impact of the activities of local government on the quality of life of households, in the opinion of the inhabitants, of the border commune, Hanna
by Siedlecka Agnieszka - 26-33 The world’s biggest hotel companies. Old trends and new tendencies
by Kowalczyk Andrzej - 34-43 The location choice of graduate entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom
by Polonyová Eva & Ondoš Slavomír & Ely Philip - 44-55 Development of agritourism in Poland: a critical analysis of students’ expectations of agritourism farms
by Kamińska Wioletta & Mularczyk Mirosław - 56-63 Regeneration-degeneration processes in the inland dune forests in protected areas of central Poland (Kampinos National Park)
by Kowalska Anna & Kołaczkowska Ewa - 64-71 Impacts of ICT on the Spatial Differentiation of Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards in Poland
by Werner Piotr & Iwańczak Bartłomiej - 72-77 The evaluation of archival maps in geohistorical research
by Panecki Tomasz
September 2015, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 5-13 Touristic development of the La Lopé National Park (Gabon) in light of the SWOT analysis
by Jędrusik Maciej & Lisowski Andrzej & Mouketou-Tarazewicz Dieudonné & Ropivia Marc-Louis & Zagajewski Bogdan - 14-21 Urban planning in riverfront areas. A case study of a mediterranean city: Terrassa (Catalonia, NE Spain)
by Riu Albert Santasusagna & Donada Joan Tort - 22-35 Measures of social segregation in the context of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris metropolitan areas
by Grzegorczyk Anna & Jaczewska Barbara - 36-42 The role of public spaces in creating place attachment (example of Zacisze, Warsaw housing estate)
by Mantey Dorota - 43-55 The peripheries of development: development and labour in circumstances of constant shortages, as exemplified by the Frías district of Peru
by Czerny Miroslawa & Córdova-Aguilar Hildegardo & Rzucidło Anna - 56-62 Driving under the influence…..”Of social factors”
by Arthur Robert M. - 63-69 Natural capital as a factor in regional competitiveness
by Kasztelan Armand - 70-75 Regional economic resilience: concepts, empirics and a critical review
by Tóth Balázs István - 76-81 Agglomeration externalities, market structure and employment growth in high-tech industries: Revisiting the evidence
by Cieślik Andrzej & Ghodsi Mahdi - 82-86 Determinants influencing the amount of asbestos-cement roofing in Poland
by Wilk Ewa & Krówczyńska Małgorzata & Pabjanek Piotr
June 2015, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 5-8 Island cities: the case of Belfast, Northern Ireland
by Royle Stephen A. - 9-13 Ecotourism as a Means of Conservation of the Landscape of Rodrigues Island
by Jauze Jean-Michel - 14-20 Kadavu Island: adaptation and stagnation in the Fijian periphery
by Sofer Michael - 21-24 Tourist Neo-colonialism as an Indication of the Future of Islands. The Example of Borobodur (Central Java)
by Cywiński Paweł - 25-32 The right place. Solid waste management in the Republic of Maldives: between infrastructural measures and local practices
by Malatesta Stefano & Friedberg Marcella Schmidt di & Pecorelli Valeria & Pietro Andrea Di & Cajiao M. Angelica - 33-39 Some geo-botanic features of the Kurile Islands
by Ganzei Kirill - 40-49 Anthropogenic transformation of the relief of the Aegean Islands
by Tsermegas Irena
March 2015, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 5-11 Changes in the distribution of quantitative features of guest houses in the Medina of Marrakesh
by Kałaska Maciej - 12-18 Regional variation in the effect of schooling on people's incomes in Poland
by Domański Henryk & Pokropek Artur - 19-23 The Application of Corporate Social Responsibility in European Agriculture
by Mazur-Wierzbicka Ewa - 24-28 The public and economic aspects of the functioning of protected areas within a commune
by Jaros Henryk - 29-34 Towards a general theory of landscape systems: the integration of the geoecological and bioecological approaches
by Tandarić Neven
December 2014, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 5-16 The Warsaw soundscape - structure and specifics
by Romanowska Małgorzata - 17-23 Institutional innovations in the Forest industry in Russia: a case study of Irkutsk province
by Dayneko Dennis V. & Gustafson Eric J. - 24-33 Demographic types of small cities in Poland
by Kamińska Wioletta & Mularczyk Mirosław - 34-40 Creating a common symbol classification for a new historical geoportal of Poland
by Panecki Tomasz - 41-46 Thermal seasons in Warsaw during the period 1961-2013
by Majewski Grzegorz & Przewoźniczuk Wiesława
September 2014, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 5-15 Urbanization: Concepts, Trends and Analysis in Three Latin American Cities
by Piña William Alfonso - 16-25 Impact of Tourist and One-Day Visitor Arrivals on Economic Growth. Case Study of the Cayman Islands
by Podhorodecka Katarzyna - 26-30 The Elusive Sustainable Development of Small Tropical Islands
by Jędrusik Maciej - 31-39 Processing of 3D Weather Radar Data with Application for Assimilation in the NWP Model
by Ośródka Katarzyna & Szturc Jan & Jakubiak Bogumił & Jurczyk Anna - 40-46 Identifying the Climatic Conditions in Iraq by Tracking Down Cooling Events in the North Atlantic Ocean in the Period 3000–0 BC
by Muslih Khamis D.
June 2014, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 5-9 Radiative Transfer Model parametrization for simulating the reflectance of meadow vegetation
by Jarocińska Anna M. - 10-14 Variability in spectral characteristics of trampled high-mountain grasslands
by Kycko Marlena & Zagajewski Bogdan & Kozłowska Anna - 15-22 Laboratory and image spectroscopy for evaluating the biophysical state of meadow vegetation in the Krkonoše National Park
by Jelének Jan & Kupková Lucie & Zagajewski Bogdan & Březina Stanislav & Ochytra Adrian & Marcinkowska Adriana - 23-29 Mapping vegetation communities of the Karkonosze National Park using APEX hyperspectral data and Support Vector Machines
by Marcinkowska Adriana & Zagajewski Bogdan & Ochtyra Adrian & Jarocińska Anna & Raczko Edwin & Kupková Lucie & Stych Premysl & Meuleman Koen - 30-34 Multi-temporal analysis of vegetation reflectance using MERIS data in the Czech Republic
by Štych Přemysl & Malíková Lucie & Kříž Jan & Holman Lukáš - 35-45 Error simulations of uncorrected NDVI and DCVI during remote sensing measurements from UAS
by Chiliński Michał T. & Ostrowski Marek - 46-52 UAV – a useful tool for monitoring woodlands
by Zmarz Anna - 53-58 Asbestos manufacturing plants in Poland
by Wilk Ewa & Krówczyńska Małgorzata & Zagajewski Bogdan - 59-64 The Electronic Spatial Information System – tools for the monitoring of asbestos in Poland
by Krówczyńska Małgorzata & Wilk Ewa & Zagajewski Bogdan
March 2014, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 5-16 Artificialization and Islandness on the Spanish Tourist Coast
by Pons Antoni & Rullan Onofre - 17-25 Natural hazard and disaster tourism
by Rucińska Dorota & Lechowicz Maciej - 26-30 The genesis, methodical foundations, and problems in the realisation of the Atlas de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
by Gay Jean-Christophe - 31-36 World industry in post-industrial society: tendencies and regional shifts
by Rodionova Irina A. - 37-43 Smart specialisations for voivodeships – the first steps toward improvement?
by Dziemianowicz Wojciech & Peszat Klaudia - 44-51 Analysis of evapotranspiration in the catchment of the Nurzec River, Poland using MODIS data
by Ślązek Mateusz - 52-60 Landscape changes based on sedimentological and geochemical studies in the region of Brudzeń Duży
by Smolska Ewa & Szwarczewski Piotr - 61-67 Heat stress and occupational health and safety – spatial and temporal differentiation
by Błażejczyk Krzysztof & Baranowski Jarosław & Błażejczyk Anna
December 2013, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 5-12 Main aspects of system hierarchy in ecological landscape research
by Richling Andrzej & Lechnio Jerzy - 13-20 Delimitation of landscape units treated as estimation fields in the modelling of a landscape system
by Richling Andrzej & Malinowska Ewa & Szumacher Iwona - 21-27 Structure, function and cross-scale properties of landscape boundaries – a case study of the Płock area
by Kulczyk Sylwia - 28-33 Application of landscape metrics in the evaluation of geodiversity
by Malinowska Ewa & Szumacher Iwona - 34-41 Land cover as a factor affecting the structure and modifying the dynamics of a landscape system
by Solon Jerzy & Lechnio Jerzy - 42-49 Application of the catena concept in studies of landscape system dynamics
by Malinowska Ewa & Szumacher Iwona
September 2013, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 5-11 Tourist function in rural areas of Poland. Spacial diversity and changing trends
by Durydiwka Małgorzata - 12-18 Survey of recreational use of The Las Kabacki forest nature reserve in Warsaw (Poland)
by Malinowska Ewa & Szumacher Iwona - 19-25 Geography studies in Poland after 1989 — selected issues
by Tracz Mariola & Hibszer Adam - 26-32 Regional diversity in the socio-economic situation of Poland’s rural population in the period 1967-2001, assessed by anthropological methods
by Łaska-Mierzejewska Teresa & Olszewska Elżbieta
June 2013, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 5-11 History and identity across small islands: a Caribbean and a personal journey
by Baldacchino Godfrey - 12-19 Latin America from crisis to sustainable growth: image change and new development paradigms
by Kholina Veronika N. & Massarova Alyona R. - 20-29 Social and ethnic segregation in the Paris metropolitan area at the beginning of the 21st century
by Grzegorczyk Anna - 30-37 The features of economic behavior of the urban population in the ethnic the region of Kashubia (Kashuby / Cassubia)
by Czapliński Paweł & Szymańska Wioletta - 38-41 Soil as the landscape balance indicator
by Ostaszewska Katarzyna & Szumacher Iwona
March 2013, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 5-14 Highs and lows of the resortification of the Saint-Paul coast (Reunion Island)
by Jauze Jean-Michel - 15-24 The institution of co-operation in border regions – examples of the activities of Polish organisations
by Szmigiel-Rawska Katarzyna - 25-33 Multidimensionality of immigrant integration policy at the local level. Examples of initiatives in Germany and The United Kingdom
by Jaczewska Barbara - 34-41 Stream water temperature: a short review with special reference to diurnal dynamics
by Łaszewski Maksym
December 2012, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 5-10 Policies on intergroup relations in Central and East European cities: a comparative analysis of Budapest, Prague, Wrocław and Tallinn
by Kohlbacher Josef & Matusz Protasiewicz Patrycja - 11-15 Land use change impact on soil organic matter. Loess landscape case study
by Sosnowska Agnieszka - 16-22 Verification of forecasts of periodic changes in the climate of Warsaw in the period 1779-2010
by Boryczka Jerzy & Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Kossowska-Cezak Urszula & Wawer Jolanta - 23-29 Is a regional trading bloc forming in southeast Asia? New evidence for ASEAN countries
by Cieślik Andrzej & Song Tao - 30-35 Collective self-reliance: A portrait of a Yugoslav development strategy
by Pierzyńska Justyna
October 2012, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 5-10 Natural conditions for the development of sustainable agriculture in the eastern part of the Łowicko-Błońska plain
by Braun Barbara & Brzozowska Justyna - 11-16 Cavernous weathering forms in SW Iceland: a case study on weathering of basalts in a cold temperate maritime climate
by Zwalińska Katarzyna & Dąbski Maciej - 17-22 The communist world from dawn till dusk. a political geography perspective
by Solarz Marcin Wojciech - 23-28 The Russian economic space: evolution during periods of reform, growth and crisis (1990–2010)
by Kholina Veronika N. & Mironova Marina N. - 29-35 Contemporary migration of Poles to Lebanon and Egypt
by Kałaska Maciej & Suchcicka Maria - 36-42 Description and course of backpacking trips depending on the nationality of the tourists
by Brzózka Małgorzata - 43-48 Reasons for choosing geography studies. Comparative analysis of two academic centres: Warsaw and Kielce
by Awramiuk-Godun Alina & Mularczyk Mirosław - 49-56 Choropleth maps and diagram maps in atlas of cartographic presentation methods
by Pasławski Jacek & Korycka-Skorupa Jolanta & Nowacki Tomasz & Opach Tomasz - 57-63 Neighbourhood coefficients of cellular automata for research on land use changes with map algebra
by Werner Piotr A.
January 2011, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 9-40 Geography and Social Sciences in Transdisciplinary Science
by Lisowski Andrzej - 9-40 Geography and Social Sciences in Transdisciplinary Science
by Lisowski Andrzej - 41-61 Europeanization - Fashionable Notion or Inspiring Conceptual Frames?
by Lackowska-Madurowicz Marta - 41-61 Europeanization - Fashionable Notion or Inspiring Conceptual Frames?
by Lackowska-Madurowicz Marta - 65-78 Function of Agricultural Terraces in Mediterranean Conditions - Selected Examples From the Island of Ikaria (The Southern Sporades, Greece)
by Tsermegas Irena & Dłużewski Maciej & Biejat Katarzyna & Szynkiewicz Adam - 65-78 Function of Agricultural Terraces in Mediterranean Conditions - Selected Examples From the Island of Ikaria (The Southern Sporades, Greece)
by Tsermegas Irena & Dłużewski Maciej & Biejat Katarzyna & Szynkiewicz Adam - 79-91 Assessment of Regional Bioclimatic Contrasts in Poland
by Błażejczyk Krzysztof - 79-91 Assessment of Regional Bioclimatic Contrasts in Poland
by Błażejczyk Krzysztof - 93-102 Contemporary Climate Changes in the High Mountain Part of the Tatras
by Żmudzka Elwira - 93-102 Contemporary Climate Changes in the High Mountain Part of the Tatras
by Żmudzka Elwira - 103-114 Heat and Cold Waves in an Annual Cycle Air Temperatures in Warsaw (1951-2010)
by Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Boryczka Jerzy & Kossowska-Cezak Urszula & Wawer Jolanta - 103-114 Heat and Cold Waves in an Annual Cycle Air Temperatures in Warsaw (1951-2010)
by Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Boryczka Jerzy & Kossowska-Cezak Urszula & Wawer Jolanta - 115-122 Annual and Daily Changes of Thunderstorms in Temperate Climate in London, Warsaw and Moscow
by Grabowska Katarzyna - 115-122 Annual and Daily Changes of Thunderstorms in Temperate Climate in London, Warsaw and Moscow
by Grabowska Katarzyna - 123-129 Functions of Urban Greenspace and Ecosystem Services
by Szumacher Iwona - 123-129 Functions of Urban Greenspace and Ecosystem Services
by Szumacher Iwona - 133-151 Subregional Growth Poles in the Competition for Development Factors
by Dąbrowska Anna & Łukomska Julita - 133-151 Subregional Growth Poles in the Competition for Development Factors
by Dąbrowska Anna & Łukomska Julita - 171-186 Potential and Conditions for the Development of the Creative Sector in Warsaw
by Dudek-Mańkowska Sylwia & Fuhrmann Magdalena & Grochowski Mirosław & Zegar Tomasz - 171-186 Potential and Conditions for the Development of the Creative Sector in Warsaw
by Dudek-Mańkowska Sylwia & Fuhrmann Magdalena & Grochowski Mirosław & Zegar Tomasz - 187-200 Higher Schools vs. Cities' Social Capital in the Light of Theory of Contacts Świetokrzyskie Voivodeship Case
by Mularczyk Mirosław - 187-200 Higher Schools vs. Cities' Social Capital in the Light of Theory of Contacts Świetokrzyskie Voivodeship Case
by Mularczyk Mirosław - 201-212 Island Studies. Island Geography. but What is an Island?
by Jędrusik Maciej - 201-212 Island Studies. Island Geography. but What is an Island?
by Jędrusik Maciej - 215-229 A New Concept of Multi-Scenario, Multi-Component Animated Maps for the Visualization of Spatio-Temporal Landscape Evolution
by Opach Tomasz & Midtbø Terje & Nossum Alexander - 215-229 A New Concept of Multi-Scenario, Multi-Component Animated Maps for the Visualization of Spatio-Temporal Landscape Evolution
by Opach Tomasz & Midtbø Terje & Nossum Alexander - 231-240 The Potential of Fuzzy Logic for Quantitative Land Cover Change Analysis Basing on Historical Topographic Maps
by Zachwatowicz Maria - 231-240 The Potential of Fuzzy Logic for Quantitative Land Cover Change Analysis Basing on Historical Topographic Maps
by Zachwatowicz Maria
December 2010, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-12 The Geochemical Landscape Concept and Its Usefulness in Physical Geography
by Ostaszewska Katarzyna - 13-19 Landscape Representativeness Within the Network of Ecological Corridors Linking Natura 2000 Areas in Poland
by Gerlée Alina - 21-32 Selected Methods of Estimating Water Retention Capacity – A Comparative Study With the Pińczów Region As An Example
by Kaim Katarzyna - 33-45 Temporal Changes of Land Cover in Relation to Chosen Environmental Variables in Different Types of Landscape
by Zachwatowicz Maria & Giętkowski Tomasz - 47-58 Cooling and Warming of Climate of the Earth’s Northern Hemisphere (On the Basis of Fluctuations of the Oxygen Isotope ΔO and Dendrological Data)
by Boryczka Jerzy & Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Unton-Pyziołek Arleta & Gieszcz Piotr - 59-70 Changes in Thermal Conditions in the High Mountain Areas and Contemporary Warming in the Central Europe
by Żmudzka Elwira - 71-78 Changes in Storm Frequency in the Mediterranean Sea Region
by Grabowska Katarzyna - 79-89 Weather Condition Characteristics at the H. Arctowski Station (South Shetlands, Antarctica) for 2006, in Comparison With Multi-Year Research Results
by Angiel Piotr J. & Potocki Mariusz & Biszczuk-Jakubowska Julita - 91-102 Principles of the New Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) and its Application to Bioclimatic Research in European Scale
by Błażejczyk Krzysztof & Broede Peter & Fiala Dusan & Havenith George & Holmér Ingvar & Jendritzky Gerd & Kampmann Bernhardt & Kunert Anna - 103-109 Bioclimatic Conditions of Paris, Rome and Budapest on the Basis of the Universal Thermal Climate Index
by Idzikowska Danuta - 111-119 The Role of Terrain Relief, Buildings, and Green Spaces in the Diversification of Lviv’s Local Climate
by Mucha Bohdan & Wawer Jolanta - 121-134 Impact of Build-Up Areas and Housing Estate Vegetation on Diversity of the Local Climate in Warsaw
by Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Boryczka Jerzy & Wawer Jolanta - 135-143 Comparison of Air Temperature Characteristics in Forest Communities in Puszcza Borecka and in Open Space
by Pietras Katarzyna - 145-167 Regional Conditions for Maximum Probable Discharge in Poland’s Rivers
by Gutry-Korycka Małgorzata & Woronko Dariusz & Suchożebrski Jarosław - 169-176 Estimation of the Degree of Extremality of High-Water Flows in Selected Rivers in Poland in 1971–2006
by Nowicka Barbara - 177-183 Variability of Spring Riverflow of Selected Lowland Rivers
by Piętka Izabela - 185-192 Basic Parameters of the Thermal Regime of Rivers in the Vistula River Catchment
by Oksiuta Monika - 193-202 Changes in Morphology of Selected Segments of the Vistula River Bed
by Bogucka-Szymalska Małgorzata - 203-212 Restoring the Social Value of Rivers Through Education: the Case of the Vistula River in Warsaw
by Angiel Joanna - 213-219 Colluvic Umbrisols As a Result of the Erosion Process of Rolling and Hilly Country in Agricultural Area
by Braun Barbara - 221-227 Issues of Secondary Succession in the Subalpine Forest Glades of the Carpathian Mountains. (Case Study)
by Sosnowska Agnieszka - 229-239 Shopping Centres in Warsaw and Bratislava: A Comparative Analysis
by Dudek-Mańkowska Sylwia & Križan Frantisek - 241-253 Social Capital in Rural Areas in Poland the Case of the Świętokrzyskie Province
by Kamińska Wioletta - 255-264 Changes in the Administrative Hierarchy of Cities and Entrepreneurship in Suburban Areas (The Cases of Kielce and Radom)
by Mularczyk Mirosław - 265-272 Residents’ Relationship with the Territory and the Spatial Planning of Residential Housing Developments
by Fuhrmann Magdalena - 273-281 The Peripheral Housing Estate as a Form of Urban Spatial Development. The Status Quo and Perspectives
by Pieniążek Marek - 283-294 Socio-Economic Conditions in Warsaw Districts and the Availability of Extracurricular Activities in Primary Schools
by Awramiuk Alina & Fuhrmann Magdalena - 295-301 The Relations Between Man and the Natural Environment as the Methodological Basis for Delimitation of Regions
by Walewski Andrzej & Kantowicz Ewelina - 303-314 Variety of Economic Share of Tourism on Tropical Islands
by Podhorodecka Katarzyna - 315-323 Settlement and Transport Network Diversification and Complexity in Honduras
by Grzegorczyk Anna - 325-329 The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Central European Education Systems
by Bobiatyńska Marta - 331-339 Why is the City Maps’ Content of Eastern and Central European Countries So Extensive?
by Ciołkosz-Styk Agata & Ostrowski Wiesław - 341-348 The Role of Map Legends in the Process of Map Use. Conclusions from An Exploratory Study
by Gołębiowska Izabela - 349-361 Choropleth Map and Diagram Map – About Merging Methods of Cartographic Presentation
by Korycka-Skorupa Jolanta
December 2008, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-7 In Memoriam: Maksymilian Skotnicki 1937–2007
by Walewski Andrzej - 11-19 Stability of Natural Systems – Theory and Practice
by Gerlée Alina - 21-32 Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies in Urban Parks as a Basis for Their Sustainable Management
by Sikorski Piotr & Jackowiak Karolina & Szumacher Iwona - 33-49 Functioning of Hydrogenic Landscapes the Upper Włodawka River Catchment Basin
by Osowiec Michał - 51-56 Geographical Research of the 30th Polish Antarctic Expedition at Arctowski Polish Station (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)
by Angiel Piotr - 57-66 Cyclic Changes of Climate in Europe During the Last Millenium According to Dendrological Data
by Boryczka Jerzy & Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Bijak Szymon