March 1998, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 263-274 Continuity and change in rural architecture in Southern Anatolia
by Ząbek Maciej - 275-282 The sociocultural situation of adolescents
by Gülçubuk Bülent & Gün Sema & Yildirak Nurettin
March 1996, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-12 The map of landscape use of Central Europe
by Richling Andrzej - 13-20 Typology and regionalization of contemporary landscape development processes in Poland
by Bogacki Mirosław - 21-28 The natural environment of watershed divide zone of the Vassdalen and Berzeliusdalen Valleys (West Spitsbergen) by use of teledetection
by Wołk-Musiał Elżbieta - 29-36 Contemporary glaciation of the Pamirs
by Szulc-Rojan Elżbieta - 37-40 The natural and the anthropogenic elements in the relief of Ikaria Island (Greece)
by Tsermegas Irena - 41-54 Natural warming of the Earth's climate in 18th through 20th centuries
by Boryczka Jerzy - 55-64 Thermal characteristics of the climate of Europe
by Stopa-Boryczka Maria - 65-70 The macrotypes of atmospheric circulation and the diurnal course of relative humidity
by Olszewski Krzysztof - 71-76 Monthly thermal and precipitation anomalies in Warsaw and their causes
by Kossowska-Cezak Urszula - 77-84 Les variations cycliques de la température de l'air au-dessus du territoire de la Pologne
by Żmudzka Elwira - 85-90 The rate of heating and cooling of the air in town and outside of it
by Wawer Jolanta - 91-96 The notion of water resources — their types and characteristics
by Mikulski Zdzisław - 97-106 Evaluation of rainfall-runoff models performance for flood computation in mountainous basins
by Soczyńska Urszula & Nowicka Barbara & Somorowska Urszula & Ignar Stefan & Górski Dariusz & Ostrowski Jerzy - 107-116 Ground water circulation and chemistry in hydrotopes of the Vistula Valley near the city of Plock
by Lenartowicz Maciej & Bajkiewicz-Grabowska Elżbieta - 117-122 L'interdisciplinarité de la protection de l'environnement et les problèmes de l'intégration des sciences humaines et naturelles
by Kantowicz Ewelina - 123-126 Les conséquences d'une éventuelle élévation du niveau de la mer (le cas des Pays-Bas)
by Miszczyńska Izabela & Walewski Andrzej - 127-130 Studies on human settlement and related concepts by Walenty Winid (1894-1945)
by Jędrzejczyk Dobiesław - 131-138 The method of "distances and percentage shares" of Walenty Winid. Application to towns of Bangladesh
by Winidowa Jadwiga - 139-142 Direct investment of foreign capital in Poland
by Cetnarska Hanna & Dziakowska Hanna - 143-146 Les problèmes de la restructuration des régions anciennement industrialisées (l'exemple de la voïvodie de Walbrzych)
by Wieloński Andrzej & Wilk Waldemar - 147-150 Le centre et la périphérie des grandes villes en période de transition
by Kusiński Witold - 151-158 Les Polonais en Biélorussie et en Ukraine
by Bonasewicz Andrzej - 159-168 The changes in population and urbanization of the border areas of Spain and Portugal
by Osiński Stanisław - 169-172 Ecological agriculture in Poland
by Durydiwka Małgorzata - 173-180 The analysis of the land prices in Warsaw
by Achmatowicz-Otok Anna & Jarosz Andrzej - 181-186 Perception of natural hazards in Poland
by Lisowski Andrzej - 187-196 Differentiation of tourist behaviour in natural environment
by Krzymowska-Kostrowicka Alicja - 197-202 Sustainable development and perspectives for development of tourism in rural areas in Poland
by Kowalczyk Andrzej - 203-212 Tourist function in the big modern European cities
by Butowski Leszek - 213-224 The structure and distribution of tourist accomodation base in Western Caucasus
by Więckowski Marek - 225-234 Desertification on Sahara borders and in Central Asia — comparative study
by Plit Florian - 235-244 Densité de population et intensité d'utilisation du sol au Libéria
by Peńsko Katarzyna - 245-250 The PhS fertilizer usage in Zambia
by Mbewe Richard - 251-260 Remarks on the dasymetric method
by Goleń Jan & Ostrowski Wiesław
March 1994, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-10 L'écologie du paysage comme synthèse des études sur le milieu naturel
by Richling Andrzej - 11-16 Contemporary Landscape Development Processes as an Indicator of Anthropopressure
by Bogacki Mirosław - 17-26 Système d'information spatiale SINUS – instrument de l'analyse géomorphologique
by Wołk-Musial Elżbieta - 27-30 Late Quaternary Tectonics and Déglaciation. A Case Study of the Region of Szydlowiec (NE Margin of the Holy Cross Mts)
by Kosmowska-Suffczyńska Danuta - 31-34 Contemporary Morphogenetic Processes in the West Pamirs
by Szulc Elżbieta - 35-40 La morphogenèse de la terre de Nordenskjӧld entre la mer du Groenland, le Gronfjorden et le Bellsund
by Musiał Andrzej & Horodyski Bogdan & Kossobudzki Krzysztof - 41-48 Les processus géochimiques (hypergéniques) s'opérant dans les paysages gypseux du Centre-Sud de la Pologne
by Wicik Bogumił - 49-56 Changes of Water Relations in the Middle Narew Valley (1968-1988)
by Olędzki Jan R. - 57-68 Water and Solid Matter Circulation in the Alluvial River Valley
by Bajkiewicz-Grabowska Elżbieta & Mikulski Zdzisław - 69-78 Record of Holocene Climatic Cycles in Lake Sediments in Central Poland
by Boryczka Jerzy & Wicik Bogumił - 79-82 Thermal Effects on the Air Masses Transformation
by Olszewski Krzysztof - 83-92 Influence of Global Climate Changes on Spatial Distribution of Air Temperature and Precipitation in Poland
by Gutry-Korycka Małgorzata & Werner Piotr - 93-102 The Heat Island in Warsaw and Its Effects
by Boryczka Maria-Stopa & Kopacz-Lembowicz Maria & Błażek Elżbieta - 103-108 Periods of Precipitation Shortage in Warsaw in the Years 1871-1990
by Kossowska-Cezak Urszula - 109-112 Wanda Rewienska (1897-1942): précurseur de la théorie de Christaller dans la géographie économique polonaise
by Jędrzejczyk Dobiesław - 113-118 Le rôle des villes dans la formation des systèmes locaux d'habitat
by Kusiński Witold - 119-122 La géographie du chômage en Pologne
by Kapler Hanna & Wieloński Andrzej - 123-126 The Role of Small-Scale Industry in Structural Transformation of Poland's Economy
by Wieloński Andrzej - 127-132 Flood Damage and Losses in Rural Poland (1960- 1990)
by Lisowski Andrzej - 133-138 Les Polonais en Lituanie et en Lettonie
by Bonasewicz Andrzej - 139-146 German and Native Population in Poland's Western and Northern Territories (1945-1950) as Seen by German and Polish Publications
by Pawełas Adam - 147-152 Landscape as the Object of Investigation. An Axiological Approach
by Krzymowska-Kostrowicka Alicja - 153-160 Attempt at Application of the GIS Methods to Investigation of Landscape Aesthetics Perception in Poland
by Achmatowicz-Otok Anna & Wągrowska Monika - 161-168 L'influence des résidences secondaires sur l'environnement naturel et le développement local
by Kowalczyk Andrzej - 169-174 L'environnement naturel et la base touristique en Andalousie
by Widy-Kwiatkowska Joanna - 175-180 Integration of the Communities in the Areas under Large Irrigation Projects in Africa
by Łęcka Izabella - 181-184 Végétation ancienne et actuelle en Afrique Centrale – changement anthropique de l'étendue de la forêt dense humide
by Gilarowski Jerzy - 185-189 Geographical Background
by Plit Florian - 190-198 A Preliminary Survey of the Historical Evidence
by Kubiak Władysław B. & Żakowski Władyslaw - 199-204 Qasr El-Farafra: Its Spatial Organization, Infrastructure and Social Services as Seen in 1993
by Kuzak Celina & Gudowski Janusz - 205-212 Land Utilization in the Farafra Oasis
by Skotnicki Maksymilian - 213-215 New Settlements in the Farafra Oasis
by Raubo Dorota - 216-220 Family in the Farafra Oasis
by Puchnarewicz Elżbieta - 221-226 Perception of Drought by the Peoples of the Sahel
by Ząbek Maciej - 227-234 The Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Transformation of Rural Areas in Cuba in the 1980s
by Skoczek Maria - 235-242 Urban Growth Till the Year 2000 and National Policy in Bangladesh
by Winidowa Jadwiga - 243-248 The World Seen from Petersburg. Some Remarks on the Geographical Range of the Russian Politicians' Interests at the Beginning of the 19th Century
by Czubaty Jarosław - 249-252 Research Aspects of Cartography
by Siwek Jerzy - 253-260 Logical and Semantic Premises for Designing a System of Cartographic Signs
by Grygorenko Wiktor - 261-277 Space in the Images of Children and Youth
by Tomalkiewicz Jadwiga
March 1992, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-10 On the Methodology of Assessment of Aesthetic Values of Landscape
by Richling Andrzej - 11-16 Geochemical Landscapes of the Middle Mazovia (environs of Warsaw)
by Wicik Bogumił - 17-24 Development of Surface Relief of the Western Part of Nordenskiӧld Land (West Spitsbergen)
by Musiał Andrzej & Horodyski Bogdan & Kossobudzki Krzysztof - 25-32 L'Utilisation des unités photomorphiques dans l'étude du relief des régions polaires
by Wołk-Musial Elżbieta & Musiał Andrzej - 33-44 The Influence of Parameters of the Solar System on Earth's Climate
by Boryczka Jerzy - 45-52 Dependence of Climate upon Geographical Factors in Poland and in Vietnam
by Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Van Than Nguyen - 53-58 Macrotypes of Atmospheric Circulation and Diurnal Course of the Air Temperature
by Olszewski Krzysztof - 59-64 The Thermal and Precipitation Conditions of the Summer Months and Seasons in Warsaw
by Kossowska-Cezak Urszula - 65-70 The Impact of Weather Conditions on the Intensity of the Urban Heat Island in Warsaw
by Wawer Jolanta - 71-78 On the Origin of the Term "Hydrology" and Derivative Sciences
by Mikulski Zdzisław - 79-88 Numerical Simulation of the Man-Made Impact on Hydrological Processes
by Gutry-Korycka Małgorzata & Soczyńska Urszula - 89-94 Assessment of Lakes Eutrophization Rate on the Basis of Catchment Area Evaluation
by Bajkiewicz-Grabowska Elżbieta - 95-98 Essai de reconstitution de l'étendue de la forêt dense humide en Afrique Occidentale d'avant la période agricole
by Gilarowski Jerzy - 99-104 Periodical Changes of Precipitation in Poland and their Causes
by Boryczka Jerzy & Gutry-Korycka Małgorzata & Łopata Katarzyna - 105-108 Transformations de l'environnement naturel associées aux grands ouvrages hydrauliques et leur dépendance du climat
by Łęcka Izabella - 109-114 Les petits aménagements hydroénergétiques. Recherches francopolonaises
by Balabanian Olivier & Bouet Guy & Lenart Witold & Skotnicki Maksymilian - 115-120 La dégradation de l'environnement naturel en Pologne et dans les pays en développement
by Plit Florian - 121-124 Giza Channel of the Nile in Maedieval Period. A Contribution to Historical Geography of Greater Cairo Region
by Kubiak Władysław - 125-130 The Relationship between Natural Conditions and Location of Settlement
by Gocłowski Andrzej - 131-136 Assessment of Therapeutical Values of Natural Environment for Recreational Needs. A Case Study of Warsaw Environs
by Krzymowska-Kostrowicka Alicja - 137-142 Survey of Settlement Landscape Aesthetics in Poland
by Achmatowicz-Otok Anna - 143-146 The Social Ecological Movements in Poland
by Otok Stanisław - 147-152 The Effect of Winter Hazards on Road Transportation in Poland
by Lisowski Andrzej - 153-162 Morphological Analysis of Recreational Settlements in the Region of Warsaw
by Kowalczyk Andrzej - 163-166 Adjustment of Agriculture to the Requirements of Market Economy. Observations from Turkey and Poland in 1991
by Adamowicz Mieczysław & Eraktan Selahettin & Gudowski Janusz & Piskorz Władysław - 167-170 Adjustment Challenge for Rural Families: Experience from Turkey and Poland
by Eraktan Gulcan & Łęcka Izabella & Puchnarewicz Elżbieta & Taluǧ Cemal - 171-174 Feasibility of a Comparative Study on Family Farms Adjustment Processes. Poland –Turkey Pilot Studies, 1991
by Erkus Ahmet & Konarski Henryk & Puchnarewicz Elżbieta - 175-178 Tobacco Policy in Turkey. Lessons for Poland
by Bąkiewicz Anna & Ceylan Coscun & Olhan Emine - 179-184 Urbanization Processes in Rural Areas of the Suburban Zone of Warsaw
by Jędrzejczyk Dobiesław & Wilk Waldemar - 185-194 Regional Differentiation of the Urbanization Level in Poland
by Kusiński Witold - 195-200 Bangladesh Cities according to the "Rank-Size Rule"
by Winidowa Jadwiga - 201-204 The Industry in Poland against a Background of Structural Changes in the World Industry
by Wieloński Andrzej - 205-212 Application of Vector's Typogram Method. A Case Study of Warsaw Suburban Industry
by Werner Piotr - 213-216 Benon Janowski as the Pioneer of Application of Gravitation Models (Patterns) in the Geographico-Economic Research
by Jędrzejczyk Dobiesław - 217-222 Institut Européen du Développement Régional et Local près l'Université de Varsovie
by Jałowiecki Bohdan - 223-226 Pour une géographie des iles
by Jędrusik Maciej - 227-232 The Mapping as a Method of Scientific Research
by Grygorenko Wiktor - 233-238 On Some Reliability Factors in Cartographic Research
by Siwek Jerzy
March 1990, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-16 Systems of Landscape Classifications in Poland
by Richling Andrzej - 17-22 Sequence of Slope Landscape Units as the Result of Landscape Development. A Case Study of the Low Beskide
by Bielecka Elżbieta - 23-30 The Role and Place of Hyperthermal Geocomplexes in the Landscape- Geochemical Systems
by Wicik Bogumił & Lewandowski Wojciech & Velchev Angel & Petrov Peter - 31-36 Specific Character of Esker-Type Glacial Forms on the Foreland of the Holy Cross Mountains
by Drecki Jacek & Kosmowska-Suffczyńska Danuta - 37-48 Morphodynamic Processes in the Light of an Analysis of Different-Age Alluvial Deposits in the Vistula Valley near Płock
by Mycielska-Dowgiałło Elżbieta & Cichosz-Kostecka Anna & Florek Wacław & Jatczak Dorota - 49-52 Polar Research of the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of the University of Warsaw at Spitsbergen in the Years 1980—1988
by Musiał Andrzej - 53-62 Quaternary Deposits of Orustdalen (West Spitsbergen)
by Musiał Andrzej & Drecki Jacek & Horodyski Bogdan & Kossobudzki Krzysztof - 63-70 Cartographic Aspects of Geomorphological Maps of Polar Areas
by Horodyski Bogdan - 71-78 Changes in Earth's Climate in the 18th through 21st Centuries and their Reasons
by Boryczka Jerzy - 79-88 The Climate of Poland against a Background of Climates of the Northern Hemisphere
by Stopa-Boryczka Maria - 89-96 The Role of Air Mass Types in Shaping Twenty Four Hours' Variations in Cloudiness
by Olszewski Krzysztof - 97-106 Prediction of Design Floods in Ungauged Basins
by Soczyńska Urszula - 107-112 The Effect of Urbanization on the Hydrological System and Water Quality. Co-operation of Central and East European Countries under the IHP UNESCO
by Mikulski Zdzisław - 113-120 Ten Years of Experimental Hydroclimatological Studies in the Masovian Geographical Observatory of Warsaw University of Murzynowo near Płock
by Danielak Danuta & Lenart Witold - 121-128 Wind Hazards in Rural Poland 1975—1986
by Lisowski Andrzej - 129-134 Differentiation of the Environment and the Thresholds of Ecological Degradation in the Irrigated Areas of the Dry Zone
by Kantowicz Ewelina - 135-144 Hierarchization of the Components of the Natural Environment and the Studies on Relations between Nature and Man
by Gocłowski Andrzej - 145-150 Remarques sur l'inspiration chrétienne dans les recherches géographiques
by Plit Florian - 151-158 System of Social Information in the Practice of Social Geography
by Otok Stanisław - 159-166 Les Polonais et les autres. Le problème des "nôtres" et des "étrangers" dans la société polonaise
by Nowicka Ewa & Łodziński Sławomir - 167-172 Problems of Delimitation and Typology of Border Regions
by Kałuski Stefan - 173-180 Policies and Prospects of Urban Redevelopment in Poland
by Gorzelak Grzegorz - 181-190 Private Economy in the Warsaw Region
by Mync Agnieszka & Szul Roman - 191-196 Images and Attitudes towards Towns Built in People's Poland. The Case of Nowa Huta
by Libura Hanna - 197-204 Second homes and Functional Changes in the Suburban Zone of Warsaw
by Kowalczyk Andrzej - 205-210 Changes in the Structure of GDP VS. Changes in the Employment Pattern in Latin America in the Years 1950 and 1980
by Bonasewicz Andrzej - 211-220 Settlements of Agricultural Production Cooperatives and their Place in the Settlement System of Cuba
by Skoczek Maria - 221-224 Some Notes on Population Migration in Bangladesh
by Winid Jadwiga - 225-228 L'agriculture dans les petites îles tropicales. Pourquoi est-elle diversifiée?
by Jędrusik Maciej - 229-236 Cognitive and Methodological Attributes of Cartography
by Grygorenko Wiktor - 237-242 Evaluation of the General Economic Map in European Atlases for Secondary Schools
by Kowalski Paweł - 243-246 International Remote-Sensing Experiment: "Telegeo-87-Narew"
by Olędzki Jan R.
March 1988, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-10 Geography At The University Of Warsaw
by Skotnicki Maksymilian - 11-28 The Map of Landscape Use
by Richling Andrzej & Lewandowski Wojciech - 29-38 Evaluation of Natural Landscape in the Taunus Foreland and the Lower Main Plain; An Attempt at a Geochemical Classification
by Ostaszewska Katarzyna - 39-44 L'approche Systémique dans la Géomorphologie: Exemple du Développement des Processus D'abrasion
by Korotaj-Kokoszczyńska Maria & Kokoszczyński Ryszard - 45-48 The Role of Denudation and Erosion in the Transformation of the Middle Polish (RISS) Glaciation Relief
by Kosmowska-Suffczyńska Danuta - 49-54 Analyse Comparative Des Altérations Des Granits Et Du Sol Des Massifs Montagneux Des Tatra Et Des Rila
by Wicik Bogumił & Welczew Angel - 55-68 Sedimentologic Analysis of Thick Deposits in the Karst Pit at the N Border of the Holy Cross MTS (Poland)
by Barcicki Mirosław & Cichosz-Kostecka Anna & Goździk Jan & Mycielska-Dowgiałło Elżbieta & Prόszyńska-Bordas Hanna - 69-78 Relief-Forming Processes in the Polar Zone. Example from Nordenskiӧld Land (West Spitsbergen)
by Lacika Jan & Musiał Andrzej - 79-84 The Use of Panoramic Ground-Photographs in Geomorphologic Mappings of Polar Regions. Example from West Spitsbergen
by Horodyski Bogdan & Kossobudzki Krzysztof & Musiał Andrzej - 85-98 Studies of the Chemical Composition of the Soil Cover as a Method of Determining the Spatial Range of the Influence of Large Urban-Industrial Complex on the Environment
by Lenart Witold & Malinowska-Miros Ewa - 99-104 Attempt at Analysis of Holocene Climate Cycles on the Basis of Lake Sediments
by Boryczka Jerzy & Wicik Bogumił & Gutry-Korycka Małgorzata - 105-112 Diurnal Changes of the Air Temperature in Different Air Masses
by Olszewski Krzysztof - 113-126 Deformation of the Field of Air Temperature Due to the Relief of Poland
by Boryczka Jerzy & Stopa-Boryczka Maria - 127-132 L'influence des Conditions Atmosphériques sur L'île Urbaine de la Chaleur à Varsovie
by Mierzwinski Bohdan - 133-144 Air Temperature Field Deformation under the Influence of Built-Up Area in Warsaw
by Stopa-Boryczka Maria - 145-152 L'influence de L'habitat Urbain sur la Variabilité de la Température du Jour au Lendemain
by Kossowska-Cezak Urszula - 153-162 Deformation of Heat and Moisture Circulation Around a Large Industrial Plant (The Example of Płock Petrochemical Complex)
by Lenart Witold & Danielak Danuta - 163-170 Overland Flow Determination by Geomorphologic and Hydrodynamic Methods
by Nowicka Barbara & Soczyńska Urszula - 171-180 Semi-Enclosed Seas as a Complex Hydrological System
by Mikulski Zdzisław - 181-186 Relations between Man and Environment in Research and Teaching of Regional Geography
by Kantowicz Ewelina - 187-192 The Influence of Physico-Geographical Boundaries on Settlement and Settlements Borders
by Gocłowski Andrzej - 193-198 L'importance des Conditions Naturelles dans le Fonctionnement des Frontières Politiques
by Kałuski Stefan - 199-206 Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Studies of Interrelations between Recreation and Natural Environment in Suburban Zones
by Krzymowska-Kostrowicka Alicja - 207-218 The Notion of Economic Region in the Light of Holistic Interpretation
by Kusiński Witold & Jȩdrzejczyk Dobiesław - 219-224 Some Remarks on Behaviour of Enterprises and Their Influence on Space. A Comparative Approach
by Szul Roman - 225-232 La Loi Polonaise sur L'aménagement du Territoire et la Charte Européenne de L'aménagement du Territoire: Analyse Comparative
by Mync Agnieszka - 233-238 The Concentration and the Potential of Industry. A Case of Saar-Lor-Lux Region
by Werner Piotr - 239-244 Nature of Social Landscape
by Otok Stanisław - 245-250 Sociétés Scientifiques Régionales en Pologne
by Piasecka Marta - 251-258 Spatial Distribution of Local Initiatives in the Field of Education in Poland
by Rajkiewicz Andrzej - 259-266 Spatial Diffusion of Social Activity: The Example of „MONAR" Movement in Poland
by Kowalczyk Andrzej - 267-276 Spatial Images of Crime in Warsaw
by Bartnicki Sławomir P. - 277-280 Spatial Accessibility of Medical Services in the Urban Area in the Light of Pathological Urbanisation Processes
by Grochowski Mirosław - 281-290 Changes of the Spatial Structure in Selected Towns of North-Eastern Poland against the Background of some Elements of the Geographical Environment
by Mycke-Dominko Małgorzata - 291-296 Changes of Homogeneity of Australia Population over the Years 1971–1981
by Achmatowicz-Otok Anna - 297-302 Procesos de Urbanizacion en las Areas de Colonizacion Agricola en America Latina
by Skoczek Maria - 303-312 Small City and Its Region: Huejutla de Reyes
by Czerny Mirosława & Makowski Jerzy - 313-320 Las Migraciones de la Población Y Desarrollo Regional en America Latina
by Bonasewicz Andrzej - 321-328 Migration and Urban Growth: Some Evidence from Bangladesh (1961–1981)
by Winid Jadwiga - 329-334 Residential Preferences in Nigeria: A Case Study of Anambra State
by Lisowski Andrzej - 335-342 Food Crisis in the Least Developed Countries
by Stefański Bogdan - 343-348 Distributional Effects of Economic Growth. Regional Cross-Section for Rural India
by Gudowski Janusz & Haque T. & Srivastava Dru - 349-356 Le Potentiel Agro-Écologique du Kivu (Zaïre)
by Kawalec Aleksander - 357-362 L'agriculture dans les Petites Îles Tropicales. Essai de Typologie
by Jędrusik Maciej - 363-376 Crises of State in Black Africa?
by Dutkiewicz Piotr & Williams Gavin - 377-386 Computer Identification of Cartographic Picture Structure
by Grygorenko Wiktor - 387-396 General Economic Maps in School Atlases at the Beginning of the 20th Century
by Kowalski Pawel - 397-402 Functions of Tourist Maps of Towns as a Basis for Designing Their Content: An Example of Pragmatic Approach to the Map Language
by Ostrowski Jerzy & Ostrowski Wiesław - 403-412 Les Cartes des Préférences Résidentielles (Le Cas de la Ville de Sanok)
by Libura Hanna - 413-422 Evaluation of the Photointerpretation Method for Delimitation of Geocomplexes in the Beskid Mountains
by Bielecka Elżbieta - 423-428 Studies on Education of Geography Teachers in Poland
by Tomalkiewicz Jadwiga - 429-434 L'enseignement de la Geographie A L'egole Primaire Polonaise
by Domachowski Roman