March 1988, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 435-440 Orientation in Spatial Layout of the Earth in the Light of Geographical Competitions Results
by Wilczyńska-Wołoszyn Maria M.
March 1986, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-10 Physical Geography: Its State and Perspectives
by Richling Andrzej - 11-16 Photomorphic Regionalization of Poland
by Olędzki Jan R. - 17-24 Interprétation des Types Morphogénétiques du Relief de la Glaciation Baltique sur Images Landsat
by Wołk-Musiał Elżbieta - 25-30 On the Morphology of Glacial Formations of North-Eastern Poland. The Case of the Biebrza River Valley
by Musiał Andrzej - 31-40 Relationship Between Relief and Tectonics on the North-Eastern Border of the Holy Cross Mountains
by Kosmowska-Suffczyńska Danuta - 41-46 Rôle de L'abrasion Dans la Transformation de Rives des Lacs Artificiels, sur L'exemple du Lac Włocławskie
by Korotaj Maria J. - 47-54 Une Méthode D'analyse Aréométrique du Sol
by Prószyński Marek - 55-70 A Mathematical Model of Poland's Climate
by Boryczka Jerzy & Stopa-Boryczka Maria - 71-78 L'humidité Atmosphérique au-Dessus du Territoire de la Pologne
by Lenart Witold - 79-84 Saturation Deficit in Various Air Masses
by Olszewski Krzysztof - 85-90 Variations de la Température du Jour au Lendemain par Rapport à la Circulation Atmosphérique
by Kossowska-Cezak Urszula - 91-102 Deformation of Fields of Meteorological Elements Under the Influence of Buildings
by Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Kopacz-Lembowicz Maria & Kossowska-Cezak Urszula & Mierzwiński Bohdan & Wawer Jolanta - 103-106 Hydrological Typology of Basins in the Light of Cluster Analysis
by Gutry-Korycka Małgorzata - 107-112 Prediction of Anthropogenic Changes in the Hydrological Cycle
by Soczyńska Urszula - 113-118 Sur les Problèmes de la Génèse des Lacs: Exemple du Lac Błędowo Auprès de la Rivière Wkr
by Szymaniak Marta & Więckowski Kazimierz - 119-124 Une Méthode de Détermination des Voies de Migration des Combinaisons Chimiques dans les Eaux Souterraines des Petits Bassins Versants
by Malinowska-Miros Ewa - 125-132 Photointerpretation Survey of Changes in the Range of the Tatra Subalpine Forests
by Bielecka Elżbieta - 133-140 The Discrimination Of Crops By Using Air Photography. A Case Study Of The Płock Region
by Woźniak Krzysztof - 141-146 Towards Evolutionary Concepts in Geography. Remarks on the Ecological Approach
by Kantowicz Ewelina - 147-152 Some Remarks on Natural Disasters and the Social and Economic Development
by Plit Florian - 153-158 A Method for Assessing Relations Between the Physicogeographical Boundaries and Location and Growth of Settlement
by Gocłowski Andrzej - 159-164 Localisation de L'ancienne Sidérurgie et Paysages Géochimiques en Mazovie
by Wicik Bogumił & Woyda Stefan - 165-170 Problems of War and Social Situation in the World
by Otok Stanisław - 171-178 Studies on Space Economy in Poland, Experiences of the Decade 1975–1985
by Kukliński Antoni - 179-184 Industrialization and Urbanization
by Komorowski Stanisław M. - 185-202 Regions in the Period of Crisis and Introduction of the Economic Reform
by Szul Roman & Mync. Mirosław Grochowski Agnieszka - 203-208 Aspects Spatiaux de la Qualité de Vie et de la Justice Sociale
by Gorzelak Grzegorz - 209-214 Tourist Regions and Territorial Recreation Systems
by Krzymowska-Kostrowicka Alicja - 215-222 Second Homes Ownership in the Urban Environment. The Case of Warsaw
by Kowalczyk Andrzej - 223-230 Varied Attractiveness of Urban Terrains. The Case of Warsaw
by Swianiewicz Paweł - 231-236 The Role of Space in Medical Behaviour of Population. The Case of Warsaw
by Grochowski Mirosław - 237-242 The Geography of Crime. A Case Study of Warsaw
by Bartnicki Sławomir P. - 243-248 Changes in the Spatial and Functional Structure of Selected Towns in North-Eastern Poland
by Mycke-Dominko Małgorzata - 249-254 The Innovation Diffusion Theory in Studies on Contacts of the Australian Communities of Polish Origin with Poland
by Achmatowicz-Otok Anna - 255-264 Crises in Africa: Etatisation, the Peasantry, and the Logic of Diminishing Reproduction
by Dutkiewicz Piotr & Shenton Robert - 265-272 African Development and International Capital
by Stefański Bogdan - 273-278 A Propos des Aires Ethniques en Afrique
by Komorowski Zygmunt - 279-284 Densité de Population et Intensité D'utilisation du Sol en Afrique Noire
by Skotnicki Maksymilian - 285-292 Modernisation des Méthodes Traditionnelles de L'agriculture dans L'ouest Camerounais
by Kawalec Aleksander - 293-296 Les Barrières Naturelles du Développement de L'agriculture sur les Petites Iles Africaines
by Jędrusik Maciej - 297-304 Investigaciones de Campo en las Huastecas: Antecedentes, Temática y la Ejecución del Estudio
by Dembicz Andrzej - 305-312 Actividades Económicas en los Centros Poblacionales
by Czerny Mirosława - 313-320 Composición de Fuerza de Trabajo Rural en Relación con Sistemas de Tenencia de la Tierra y Orientación de la Produción Agropecuaria
by Skoczek Maria - 321-326 Los Movimientos Migratorios de la Población Entre los Países de América Latina
by Bonasewicz Andrzej - 327-334 Theoretical Problems of General Cartography
by Grygorenko Wiktor - 335-342 The Criteria of Cartographic Method Classification
by Ostrowski Wiesław - 343-348 Transformations of the Complex General Economic Map in School Atlases
by Kowalski Paweł - 349-354 Sur la Formation Professionnelle des Professeurs de Geographie
by Krzymowska-Kostrowicka Alicja & Tomalkiewicz Jadwiga & Domachowski Roman
March 1984, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-10 La Géographie à L'université de Varsovie
by Kusiński Witold - 11-20 Dilemmas in Polish Geography
by Kukliński Antoni - 21-26 Remarks on Geographical Environment
by Dumanowski Bolesław - 27-32 Typology of Natural Landscape in Poland on Tiie Scale of 1 : 500 000
by Richling Andrzej - 33-46 Interpretation of Some Geographical Elements on the Basis of Landsat–1 MSS Images
by Olędzki Jan R. - 47-56 La Déglaciation Fossile et le Problème de la Stratigraphie du Pléistocène
by Radłowska Cecylia - 57-66 Ancient Glaciations in the North-Western Part of Nordenskiӧld Land and Their Extent in the Light of Characteristic Occurrence of Erratics
by Musiał Andrzej - 67-78 Morphometry of the Baltic Glaciation Relief and Its Legibility in Aerial Photographs
by Wołk-Musiał Elżbieta - 79-86 The Origin of Salt and Salinity of Dry Central Mongolian Steppes
by Wicik Bogumił - 87-96 The Multiperiodical Changes of Air Temperature in Warsaw
by Boryczka Jerzy & Stopa-Boryczka Maria - 97-108 Snow Cover as a Medium to Study Supply of Pollution from the Atmosphere to Soil
by Lenart Witold & Nowicki Wojciech - 109-114 The Nature of Bottom Deposits in Some Chosen Gostynin Lakes
by Szymaniak Marta & Więckowski Kazimierz - 115-122 Physico-Geographical Principles of Modelling the Dynamic Hydrological Systems
by Soczyńska Urszula - 123-134 New Results of Calculation of Water Balance of the Baltic Sea
by Mikulski Zdzisław - 135-142 Mathematical-Physical Model of Interception Process in the Plant Cover
by Gutry-Korycka Małgorzata - 143-152 Three Courses of Regional Comparative Studies: Cross-National, Regional and Cross-National Regional Comparisons
by Gorzelak Grzegorz - 153-162 Trends in Regional Geography
by Kantowicz Ewelina & Skotnicki Maksymilian - 163-170 Some Problems of Regional Studies in Poland
by Szul Roman - 171-176 Regional Differentiation of the World's Social Situation
by Otok Stanisław - 177-188 Diagnosis of Social System. Spatial Aspects. The Case of Poland
by Komorowski Stanisław M. - 189-196 Changes in Spatial Structure of Venezuela's Economy
by Bonasewicz Andrzej - 197-200 L'urbain, la Géographie Urbaine et L'analyse de Systèmes
by Sulejczak Ewa - 201-212 The System of Cities in Latin America
by Czerny Mirosława - 213-222 Photointerpretation as a Method in Studying Spatial Structure of a Town. A Case Study f Ełk
by Mycke-Daminko Małgorzata - 223-232 Continuity of Urban Locations and the Main, Complex Physico-Geographical Boundaries in the Crimean Peninsula (U.S.S.R.)
by Gocłowski Andrzej - 233-240 An Attempt at a New Classification of Plantations
by Dembicz Andrzej - 241-250 Organization of Space in the Areas of Agricultural Colonization in Latin America
by Skoczek Maria - 251-260 The System Approach in Modelling Recreation
by Krzymowska-Kostrowicka Alicja - 261-266 Some Problems of Regional Differentiation of Quality of Life
by Mync Agnieszka - 267-276 Place Vocabulary Project „Schools in Warsaw and Beyond Warsaw"
by Tomalkiewicz Jadwiga - 277-286 Design Elements of Geographical Map Contents
by Grygorenko Wiktor - 287-298 Comprehensive Wall Maps
by Bonatowski Gabriel & Horodyski Bogdan - 299-306 Teaching of the Map Reading Skill
by Wilczyńska Maria Magdalena - 307-318 On the Reliability of Thematic Maps
by Pasławski Jacek - 319-344 La Formation de la Notion de L'espace Chez les Enfants Aveugles au Moyen des Cartes Géographiques
by Jaworska Barbara