December 2008, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 67-75 Storms in Europe (1994–2005) – Their Relationship with Continentality of Climate
by Grabowska Katarzyna - 77-88 Tendencies in Climate Changes in Poland and Ukraine During the Last Centuries and Their Causes
by Boryczka Jerzy & Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Mucha Bohdan - 89-103 The Influence of Cloudiness on Air Temperature and Precipitation on the Territory of Poland (1951–2000)
by Żmudzka Elwira - 105-111 Differentiation of Thermal Conditions in the Vertical Profile of Natural National Park of Carpathians
by Mucha Bohdan & Kicińska Bożena & Wawer Jolanta - 113-120 Daily Oscillations of the Air Temperature in Selected Coniferous Communities in the Borecka Forest
by Pietras Katarzyna - 121-132 Soil Regions of Poland According To Ag Boden Criteria
by Ostaszewska Katarzyna - 133-144 Water Level Fluctuations in the Turawa Reservoir in Relation to the Tourist Use of the Water Body
by Jankowski Andrzej T. & Ruman Marek - 145-151 Soils and Chemical Cycling of Elements After Land Use Changes (Case Studies)
by Harasimiuk Andrzej - 153-162 Impact of Agricultural Use on Chosen Soil Properties
by Braun Barbara - 163-168 Will Xerothermic Grasslands of the Ponidzie Region Survive?
by Grabowski Tomasz - 169-175 Distant Yet Linked Places – A Theoretical Outlook on Geography of Contemporary Economic Activity
by Łuczak Robert - 177-185 Image of Warsaw in the Consciousness of Its Inhabitants, Entrepreneurs and Tourists
by Dudek-Mańkowska Sylwia - 187-196 Attitudes of Local Government Authorities Towards a Neighbouring Town
by Mularczyk Mirosław - 197-208 Cosmopolitans of Small Fatherlands
by Swianiewicz Paweł & Lackowska Marta - 209-218 Tourism Management in the Vicinity of the Selected Retention Reservoirs in Poland
by Duda-Gromada Katarzyna - 219-229 Transformations of Tourism in the Colca Valley – New Actors and New Patterns of Local Development
by Lisocka-Jaegermann Bogumiła & Wołoszczak Katarzyna - 231-237 Tourism in Rural Areas of Castilla-La Mancha
by Zwierzchowska Joanna - 239-250 Changes in the Environment and Migration in Southern Morocco – Example of the Mhamid Oasis
by Sobczak Karolina - 251-258 Madagascar – An Island or a Continent? On the Notions of ‘Island’ and ‘Insularity’
by Jędrusik Maciej - 259-265 The Use of Isolation Indicator for Explaining Tourism Arrivals on Tropical Islands
by Podhorodecka Katarzyna - 267-276 Stages of Development of Cartography as a Science
by Ostrowski Wiesław - 277-288 Cartographic Methods and Their Correctness on Maps in the Polish Press Since the mid–19th Century
by Kowalski Paweł - 289-298 Unusual Graphic Solutions and Their Place in Classification of Cartographic Presentation Methods
by Korycka-Skorupa Jolanta - 299-308 The Vistula River as One of Poland’s Symbols and Its Perception by High School Students from Vistula Towns
by Angiel Joanna - 309-314 Geographical Paths as an Auxiliary Didactic Resource – A Study Proposal
by Markowska Agata K. - 315-316 The Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
by Walewski Andrzej
December 2006, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-11 Models of Landscape Units – Utopia or Necessity?
by Ostaszewska Katarzyna - 13-24 Ladakh and Zanskar
by Zgorzelski Marek - 25-30 Soil-Geochemical Aspects of Land Use in Abandoned Land in Central Poland
by Harasimiuk Andrzej & Tarchalska Ewa & Pałgan Andrzej - 31-41 Warming and Cooling of The Earth’s Climate and Their Causes
by Boryczka Jerzy - 43-53 Cyclic Temperature and Precipitation Fluctuations in Poland in the 19th-21st Centuries
by Boryczka Jerzy & Stopa-Boryczka Maria - 55-65 Pressure Field Over Europe and North Atlantic Favourable for The Occurrence of Clear and Cloudy Days in Poland
by Żmudzka Elwira - 67-73 Dangerous Weather Phenomena in Europe in The Year 2000 and their Dependence on Circulation
by Grabowska Katarzyna - 75-80 The Influence of The North Atlantic Oscillations (NAO) on The Climate of Warsaw and Lviv
by Boryczka Jerzy & Mucha Bohdan & Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Wawer Jolanta - 81-86 Dependence of Air Quality Conditions in Cities in North-Western Poland on the Direction of Air Inflow
by Kicińska Bożena - 87-94 Changes of The Thermic Seasons in Warsaw in The Period 1933–2004
by Kossowska-Cezak Urszula - 95-101 The Sedimentation Processes in Włocławek Reservoir
by Bogucka Małgorzata & Magnuszewski Artur - 103-110 The Role of Morphogenetic and Anthropogenic Processes in The Development of Gullies and Methods of Their Prevention (On The Example of The Vicinity of Kazimierz Dolny)
by Kalińska Edyta - 111-117 Variability of Textural Characteristics of Sandur Deposits of Fláajökull and Falljökull (SE Iceland)
by Angiel Piotr - 119-123 Methods of Examining The Nature-Man Relationship in Warsaw Regional Geography
by Walewski Andrzej - 125-130 Possibilities of Balancing of Anthropogenic Changes of Relief and Water Conditions in The Tatra Mountains
by Radziewicz Tomasz - 131-140 City Parks in Europe
by Szumacher Iwona - 141-146 The Natural Environment and Changes in Population Distribution
by Skotnicki Maksymilian - 147-153 Desertification: On Significance of The Term and Research of The Phenomenon
by Plit Florian - 155-163 Natural and Cultural Landscapes of Equatorial Africa
by Gilarowski Jerzy - 165-173 Social and Occupational Changes in Small Towns in The Swiętokrzyskie Voivodship During the Transformation of the Political System
by Mularczyk Mirosław - 175-184 Development and Distribution of Private Microfirms in Mid-Size Polish Towns During the Transformation Period
by Kamińska Wioletta & Mularczyk Mirosław - 185-196 Depopulation of the Russian far East. Magadan Oblast: A Case Study
by Wites Tomasz - 197-203 Types of Demographic Evolution in The Microstates
by Barańska Magdalena - 205-214 Western European Retail Chains in The Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia – Similarities and Differences
by Wilk Waldemar - 215-223 Warsaw Metropolitan Area in an International Relations Network
by Grochowski Mirosław & Fuhrmann Magdalena & Madurowicz Mikołaj & Pieniążek Marek & Wilk Waldemar & Zegar Tomasz - 225-231 Trends of Economic Development of Warsaw and their Spatial Implications
by Grochowski Mirosław & Pieniążek Marek & Wilk Waldemar & Zegar Tomasz - 233-242 Transformation of Rural Communities in Las Huastecas Region in Mexico. Preliminary Field Research Report
by Lisocka-Jaegermann Bogumiła & Skoczek Maria & Martínez Joaquín Roberto González - 243-250 On The Evolution of Tropical Islands Economies in Modern Times
by Jędrusik Maciej - 251-259 Perspectives of Development of Ecotourism in West Africa – Examples from Niger, Mali and The Ivory Coast
by Kulczyk Sylwia - 261-268 Methods of Assessment of The Natural Environment in Examining the Relationship Between its Diversity, Values and Tourism in Western Australia’s National Parks
by Bednarek Małgorzata - 269-275 Economic Significance of Tourism in The Lesser Antilles
by Piraszewska Katarzyna - 277-286 The Role of Didactic Trails in Geographical Education in Poland
by Angiel Joanna - 287-296 Evolution of Sozological Maps in Poland
by Siwek Jerzy - 297-304 Modern Methods of Use of Geographic Maps in Field Research for Localisation of Objects
by Macioch Andrzej - 305-313 The Application of Decision Binary Trees to Assess the Usefulness of The Digital Terrain Model in Studying the Relationships Between Relief and Vegetation in The Polish High Tatra
by Kącki Karol - 315-327 Differentiation Between Forms of Urban Development Using The Object-Oriented Classification Method with Central Warsaw as The Example
by Zaremski Karol - 329-335 Simulation of Changes of The Warsaw Urban Area 1969-2023 (Application of Cellular Automata)
by Werner Piotr - 337-341 Geographical Dimension of Internet Domains
by Pokojska Paulina & Pokojski Wojciech
December 2004, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-11 The Concept of the Natural System and Its Importance for the Development of Integrated Research on the Natural Environment
by Richling Andrzej - 13-17 Four Fundamental Methodological Problems of Landscape Geography
by Ostaszewska Katarzyna - 19-25 Landscape Boundaries – Belts or Lines ? Examples from Southern and Northern Poland
by Kulczyk Sylwia - 27-39 Application of Soil Science Research to the Determination of the Pollution Resistance Potential of Landscape
by Malinowska Ewa - 41-50 Soil – Plant Relations on Sandy Grassland in the Middle Vistula River Valley
by Harasimiuk Andrzej & Cyrczak Magdalena - 51-55 Chemistry of Raw Humus Vs. Chemistry of Atmospheric Precipitation on the Example of Pine Forests of the Pomeranian Lakeland
by Wicik Bogumił - 57-61 Magnetic Susceptibility of Chernozems
by Hasso-Agopsowicz Agata & Jeleńska Maria & Wicik Bogumił - 63-69 Plough Sole as the Result of the Agricultural Land Use
by Stojek Barbara - 71-74 Orographic Barrier of the Great Himalayas
by Zgorzelski Marek - 75-80 Wall-Sided Glaciers
by Lewandowski Wojciech & Zgorzelski Marek - 81-91 Change of Grain Size Parameters of Sediments as a Result of Wind Activity. Barchans Jarangiyn Els in Gobi, Mongolia
by Potocki Mariusz & Angiel Piotr - 93-99 The Origins of the Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)
by Markowska Joanna - 101-118 Climate of the Europe. Past, Present, Future
by Boryczka Jerzy & Stopa-Boryczka Maria - 119-126 Contemporary Warming and Daily Values of Temperature (on the Example of Warsaw)
by Kossowska-Cezak Urszula - 127-137 The Climatic Background of Agricultural Production in Poland (1951 – 2000)
by Żmudzka Elwira - 139-149 Application and Verification of a Water Balance Model With Distributed Parameters (On the Example of Rega River Basin)
by Pokojska Paulina - 151-160 The Size of the Basic Unit in Geographical Analysis
by Suchożebrski Jarosław - 161-168 Inferring Changes in Dynamic Groundwater Storage from Recession Curve Analysis of Discharge Data
by Somorowska Urszula - 169-174 Inertia of the Catchment Systems Within the Polish Lowlands
by Pokojski Wojciech - 175-184 The Role of Lakes in Natural Groundwater Drainage
by Bajkiewicz-Grabowska Elżbieta - 185-194 The Development of the Utilisation of Water Power in Poland
by Mikulski Zdzisław - 195-197 An Interdisciplinary Study of the Farafra Oasis (Egypt) by a Team from the Institute of Developing Countries at the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of Warsaw University
by Plit Florian - 199-206 Geopolitical Essence of Central Europe in Writings of Eugeniusz Romer
by Jędrzejczyk Dobiesław - 207-216 The Significance of Geographic Location for the Success of Territorial Secession. African Example
by Trzciński Krzysztof - 217-228 Abortions in Russia Before and After the Fall of the Soviet Union
by Wites Tomasz - 229-240 Development of the Jewish Urban Settlement in Israel in View of the Theory of the Innovation Diffusion
by Mularczyk Mirosław - 241-247 The Effect of Changes in Administrative Division on the Economic Position of the Largest Cities in Poland
by Wilk Waldemar - 249-261 Changes in Poland’s Industry After 1989
by Osiński Stanisław - 263-269 The Development of Tourism in Protected Areas and the Exploitation of the Natural Environment by Local Communities in Africa and Asia
by Dudek Anna - 271-280 Nature and Tourism on Tropical and Subtropical Islands
by Jędrusik Maciej - 281-290 Types of Topographic Map Generalization: The Example of the 1: 50 000 Map
by Ostrowski Wiesław - 291-300 Concept of the New Topographic Map of Poland at the Scale of 1: 50 000
by Ostrowski Wiesław - 301-310 The Problem of Cartographic Representation in Relation To the Polish Cultural Landscape
by Opach Tomasz - 311-322 Development and Function of Maps in the Transmission of Press Information in Poland
by Kowalski Paweł - 323-331 Geoinformatics – An Integrated Spatial Research Tool
by Olędzki Jan Romuald - 333-347 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Environmental Research and Water Management
by Absalon Damian & Jankowski Andrzej T. & Leśniok Mieczysław - 349-358 Examples of Object-Oriented Classification Performed on High-Resolution Satellite Images
by Lewiński Stanisław & Zaremski Karol - 359-362 The Remote Sensing Method of Forest Fire Danger Rating Categorization
by Mycke-Dominko Małgorzata
December 2002, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 9-13 The 25 Years of the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of the Warsaw University (1977 – 2002)
by Skoczek Maria - 15-19 Landscape as the Object of Investigation of Various Disciplines
by Richling Andrzej - 21-29 The Study of the Natural Environment and the Socio-Economic Relations of the Surroundings of Pińczów (1959 – 2000)
by Richling Andrzej & Stopa-Boryczka Maria - 31-39 A New Way of Using the Statistical Indicators in Landscape Research
by Ostaszewska Katarzyna - 41-46 Selected Aspects of Natural Processes in Urban Parks on the Example of the Łazienki Park in Warsaw
by Szumacher Iwona - 47-55 Plant-and-Soil Zonation in the Surroundings of the Ajinour Salt Lake in NW Azerbaijan
by Wicik Bogumił & Solon Jerzy - 57-65 The Aeolian Landscapes of High Mountains
by Zgorzelski Marek - 67-75 Age of the Fláajökull Moraine Ridges (SE Iceland). Critical Approach to Use of Lichenometry
by Dąbski Maciej - 77-88 The 50 Years of Research and Teaching Activity of the Department of Climatology at the Warsaw University
by Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Boryczka Jerzy - 89-101 The Progress in the Study of the Causes of Climate Changes on the Earth
by Boryczka Jerzy - 103-111 The Warming in Poland: The Range and the Seasonality of Changes in Air Temperature During the Second Half of the 20th Century
by Kożuchowski Krzysztof & Żmudzka Elwira - 113-118 The Frequency of Occurrence of Thunderstorms in Poland
by Grabowska Katarzyna - 119-129 The Climate of Warsaw in the Research Conducted at the Department of Climatology of Warsaw University
by Stopa-Boryczka Maria & Kopacz-Lembowicz Maria & Wawer Jolanta - 131-138 Anomalous Months and Seasons in Terms of Temperature and Precipitation in the Second Half of the 20th Century in Warsaw
by Kossowska-Cezak Urszula - 139-146 The Increase in Reservoir Retention in Poland
by Mikulski Zdzisław - 147-155 The Search for the Periodicity and the Tendencies in the Extreme Water Stage of Vistula River During the Last Century
by Łopata Katarzyna & Gutry-Korycka Małgorzata - 157-166 The Impact of Changes in Land Use Within a River Valley on the Conditions of Formation of Freshets
by Nowicka Barbara & Jabłonowski Grzegorz - 167-174 Perspectives of Water Management in a Protected Area of the Kampinos National Park
by Somorowska Urszula - 175-184 A Method for Assessing the Conditions of Migration of Pollutants to the Groundwater on the Agriculturally Used Lowland Areas
by Suchożebrski Jarosław - 185-194 The Impact Assessment of Construction and Operation of the Transit Gas Pipeline Russia — Western Europe on Environment
by Lenart Witold & Roge Małgorzata - 195-202 Changes of Functions of Polish State Borders and the Development of Cross-Border Co-Operation After 1989
by Osiński Stanisław - 203-208 Polish Space in the System of the European Transport Connections
by Majewski Jakub - 209-212 Varsovie, Ville De L’utopie Socialiste
by Jędrzejczyk Dobiesław - 213-224 Cambios De Comportamientos Socioeconómicos De La Población Rural De La Huasteca, 1985 – 20011
by Lisocka-Jaegermann Bogumiła - 225-231 Movilidad Espacial De La Población Rural De Las Huastecas
by Miętkiewska-Brynda Joanna - 233-240 Estructura Funcional De Los Centros Urbanos De La Región De Las Huastecas En México
by Zarzycka Agata - 241-246 Quelques Modèles De Colonisation Touristique Contemporaine
by Jędrusik Maciej - 247-254 The Development of Alternative Tourism as a Factor in the New Migration Behaviour of the Population in Latin America
by Skoczek Maria - 255-261 Ecological Tourism and Local Development in Costa Rica
by Siwińska Małgorzata - 263-270 Semiotic Approach to Cartographic Generalisation
by Ostrowski Wiesław - 271-277 A Few Remarks on the Interpretation of Uhorczak’s Typograms As Tool for Presentation and Typology of Multi-Role Phenomena
by Werner Piotr - 279-306 Application of Field Remote Sensing Techniques for Vegetation Investigation. Case Study of Siwica Glade Reserve
by Jakomulska Anna & Zagajewski Bogdan & Traut Anna - 307-317 Using Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Techniques in Mapping Soil Moisture on a Regional Scale
by Ołdak Anna & Jackson Thomas J. - 319-327 The Map of the Narew River National Park on the Scale of 1:25,000 Elaborated on the Basis of the Merger of the Satellite and Aerial Imagery
by Lewiński Stanisław & Zagajewski Bogdan
March 2000, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-10 The Nature of Boundaries of Geocomplexes and the Landscape Types: the Example of Surroundings of Pinczow in Southern Poland
by Kulczyk Sylwia - 11-18 The Dynamics of the River Network Structure in the Dnister Basin as a Reaction to the Anthropogenic Changes of Nature Conditions
by Bogacki Mirosław & Kovaltchouk Ivan & Mykhnovitch Andrei - 19-28 An Integrated Model of Water Erosion of Soils in a Watershed
by Dziurzyński Tomasz - 29-38 The Winter Routes of Cyclones over Europe
by Kowalewski Michał K. - 39-52 The Warmings and Coolings of the Climate of Warsaw during the Last Centuries and their Conditioning
by Boryczka Jerzy & Stopa-Boryczka Maria - 53-58 The Differences of Temperature between the Downtown and the Peripheries of Warsaw in the Years 1933-1998
by Kossowska-Cezak Urszula - 59-70 Variability of the Vegetative Period in Poland
by Olszewski Krzysztof & Żmudzka Elwira - 71-76 Dependence of Acidity of Precipitation upon Atmospheric Circulation
by Olszewski Krzysztof - 77-84 Temporal and Spatial Patterns of High Intensity Rainfalls in Poland
by Kupczyk Elżbieta & Suligowski Roman - 85-94 The Influence of the Direction of Air Inflow on the Sulphur Dioxide Concentration in Poland
by Kicińska Bożena - 95-104 Application of the Rainfall-Runoff Models to Design Flood Computation
by Soczyńska Urszula & Nowicka Barbara & Somorowska Urszula - 105-112 The Development of Research on Water Balance in the 20th Century in Poland and an Attempt of its Assessment
by Mikulski Zdzisław - 113-128 Alimentation Conditions of River Valleys with Complex Structures
by Gutry-Korycka Małgorzata & Gąsowska Gabriela - 129-136 Estimation of Nutrient Concentrations in Runoff from an Agricultural Watershed
by Somorowska Urszula - 137-146 Changes in the Heavy Metal Content in River Alluvia of Lower Vistula during the Last 100 Years
by Szwarczewski Piotr - 147-158 The Influence of Anthropogenic Factors on the Changes in Landscape Structures
by Błach Barbara - 159-164 Mathematical Method of Analysing Forms of the Rural Settlements of Benon Janowski
by Jędrzejczyk Dobiesław - 165-174 Location of Capitals of the World and the Boundaries of Vegetation Zones
by Lechowicz Maciej - 175-178 Pologne. Données récentes sur les mouvements migratoires internationaux
by Bonasewicz Andrzej - 179-184 Rate and the Scale of Privatisation in Poland
by Wieloński Andrzej & Bazydło Agnieszka - 185-192 Structural Changes in Industry in the Polish Eastern Border Regions between 1985 and 1997
by Osiński Stanisław - 193-198 The Geoecology of Tourism — a New Direction in the Geography of Tourism
by Krzymowska-Kostrowicka Alicja - 199-206 Les changements dans la mise en valeur touristique de la région de Mazurie. Exemple des gminas de Mikołajki et Piecki
by Douzant-Rosenfeld Denise & Lisocka-Jaegermann Bogumiła & Makowski Jerzy & Skoczek Maria & Tulet Jean-Christian - 207-214 Natural Disasters: from Humility in the Face of Destiny to Risk Acceptance
by Lisowski Andrzej - 215-230 Social Isolation as a Geographical Phenomenon
by Jędrusik Maciej - 231-236 Analyse des facteurs de dégradation de la forêt humide équatoriale de Nyungwe
by Gilarowski Jerzy - 237-242 Water Engineering Projects and the Spread of Parasitic Infections in Tropical Areas of Africa and Asia
by Łęcka Izabella - 243-252 Chair of Cartography at the University of Warsaw (on the 50th Anniversary of its Establishment)
by Pasławski Jacek - 253-262 From Data to Cartographic Presentation Forms
by Korycka-Skorupa Jolanta - 263-266 Should Maps Be Nice-Looking?
by Siwek Jerzy - 267-282 Remote Sensing Measurements of Lead Concentration in Plants
by Zagajewski Bogdan
March 1998, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-12 80th anniversary of geography at the Warsaw University and 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
by Richling Andrzej - 13-28 Comparison of structure of mountainous environments of Loch Coruisk Valley (Skye, Scotland) and the Five Lakes Valley (the Tatra Mountains)
by Jakomulska Anna - 29-40 Land use and cover changes in the evacuated rural areas (the case of Bieszczady Mts)
by Wolski Jacek - 41-46 Types of contemporary relief modelling processes in Vietnam
by Bogacki Mirosław & Tan Pham Minh - 47-54 Marginal zone of Flájӧkull (Iceland). Initial results of research
by Dąbski Maciej & Fabiszewski Bartosz & Pękalska Alina - 55-66 Texture characterization of the contemporary coarse clastic outwash sediments of Fláajӧkull and Flljӧkull in south-eastern Iceland
by Smolska Ewa & Szwarczewski Piotr & Giriat Dorota & Borkowski Krzysztof - 67-76 The effects of earthquakes on the natural environment in Greece
by Tsermegas Irena - 77-86 Resistance of lakes of the Krutynia river-lake system (Mazurian Lakeland) and susceptibility of their drainage basins to degradation
by Bajkiewicz-Grabowska Elżbieta - 87-94 Seasonal changes of wetness conditions in the Łasica catchment (Poland)
by Somorowska Urszula - 95-104 Problems of contemporary climatology in the domain of climate change
by Boryczka Jerzy - 105-114 Prévisions de la température de l'air en Pologne jusqu'à l'an 2010
by Żmudzka Elwira - 115-122 The thermal and precipitation conditions during the winter seasons in Poland
by Kossowska-Cezak Urszula - 123-128 On thermal characteristic analysis of city climates
by Stopa-Boryczka Maria - 129-134 Dependence of the urban heat island on the atmospheric circulation types
by Wawer Jolanta - 135-140 Variations annuelles du nombre de jours d'orage à Varsovie
by Wesołowska Katarzyna - 141-148 Influence of atmospheric conditions on traffic accidents. The case of Radom
by Śmietanka Magdalena - 149-152 Méthode d'analyse de la composition ethnique d'une population d'après Jerzy Smoleński (1881-1940)
by Jędrzejczyk Dobiesław - 153-156 Les Polonais en Russie et au Kazakhstan
by Bonasewicz Andrzej - 157-162 The consequences of the contemporary ownership transformations in Polish agriculture
by Durydiwka Małgorzata & Dziakowska Hanna & Wieloński Andrzej - 163-170 Changes in the commodity structure in Poland's foreign trade in the years 1992-1996
by Osiński Stanisław - 171-178 The development of telephone services in Poland (1989-1996)
by Wilk Waldemar - 179-186 Changes in Warsaw space in the city's residents perception
by Dziakowska Hanna & Grochowski Mirosław - 187-196 The time budget of the population of Warsaw
by Gołębowska Joanna & Lisowski Andrzej - 197-212 Tourism and the local economy in Ecuador
by Lisocka-Jaegermann Bogumiła & Makowski Jerzy & Skoczek Maria - 213-218 Resarch origin and its organisation
by Gudowski Janusz & Eraktan Gülcan - 219-224 The region of interest — an historical survey
by Popko Maciej & Żakowski Władysław - 225-230 The Western and Eastern Routes 60 years after Leszczycki's investigation
by Eraktan Gücan & Eraktan Selahettin & Gudowski Janusz - 231-234 Natural environment then and today
by Plit Florian - 235-252 Changes in the land use in Southern Anatolia
by Skotnicki Maksymilian - 253-258 Rural transformation. Sample survey analysis
by Eraktan Gülcan & Gudowski Janusz & Olhan Emine - 259-262 Women's participation in the agricultural production
by Gülçubuk Bülent & Gün Sema & Yildirak Nurettin