1994, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 348-378 The Persistence of Female Labor Supply: Empirical Evidence and Implications
by Kathryn Shaw - 379-405 Sources of Bias in Women's Wage Equations: Results Using Sibling Data
by David Neumark & Sanders Korenman - 406-428 Panel Estimates of Male-Female Earnings Functions
by Moon-Kak Kim & Solomon W. Polachek - 429-460 Wage Changes and Job Changes of Canadian Women: Evidence from the 1986-87 Labour Market Activity Survey
by Michael G. Abbott & Charles M. Beach - 461-480 Gender Differences in Displacement Cost: Evidence and Implications
by Thomas F. Crossley & Stephen R. G. Jones & Peter Kuhn - 481-503 The Effects of Human Capital and Job Characteristics on Pay
by Paul L. Schumann & Dennis A. Ahlburg & Christine Brown Mahoney - 504-534 The Impact of Unionization on Male-Female Earnings Differences in Canada
by Denise J. Doiron & W. Craig Riddell - 535-554 Pregnancy and Parental Leave Benefits in the United States and Canada: Judicial Decisions and Legislation
by Eileen Trzcinski & William T. Alpert - 555-587 Gender Differences in Pensions
by William E. Even & David A. Macpherson - 588-599 Labor Supply and Child Status Effects on Household Demands
by Christopher J. Nicol & Alice Nakamura - 600-620 The Converging Market Work Patterns of Married Mothers and Lone Mothers in Canada
by Martin D. Dooley - 621-636 Welfare Effects on Female Headship with Area Effects
by Robert Moffitt - 637-669 Marital Status and Fertility in the United States: Welfare and Labor Market Effects
by T. Paul Schultz - 670-693 Are There Increasing Returns to the Intergenerational Production of Human Capital? Maternal Schooling and Child Intellectual Achievement
by Mark R. Rosenzweig & Kenneth I. Wolpin
1994, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-19 Labor Market Discrimination against Men with Disabilities
by Marjorie Baldwin & William G. Johnson - 20-41 Incorporating the Causes of Occupational Differences in Studies of Racial Wage Differentials
by Andrew M. Gill - 42-61 Is Subsidized Employment Cost Effective for Welfare Recipients? Experimental Evidence from Seven State Demonstrations
by Stephen H. Bell & Larry L. Orr - 62-81 The Effect of Criminal Conviction on Income and the Trust "Reposed in the Workmen"
by Joel Waldfogel - 82-107 Private Sector Scientists and Engineers and the Transition to Management
by Jeff Biddle & Karen Roberts - 108-125 Organizational Failure and Transfers in the Public Sector: Evidence from an Experiment in the Financing of Mental Health Care
by Richard G. Frank & Martin Gaynor - 126-155 The Effect of Illicit Drug Use on the Labor Supply of Young Adults
by Robert Kaestner - 156-180 Schooling as Human Capital or a Signal: Some Evidence
by Eugene A. Kroch & Kriss Sjoblom - 181-201 The Effect of Tax-Transfer Policies on Fertility in Canada, 1921-88
by Junsen Zhang & Jason Quan & Peter van Meerbergen
1993, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 694-734 Investments in the Schooling and Health of Women and Men: Quantities and Returns
by T. Paul Schultz - 735-758 Women, Insurance Capital, and Economic Development in Rural India
by Mark R. Rosenzweig - 759-790 Information, Learning, and Wage Rates in Low-Income Rural Areas
by Andrew D. Foster & Mark R. Rosenzweig - 791-837 Gender and Life-Cycle Differentials in the Patterns and Determinants of Adult Health
by John Strauss & Paul J. Gertler & Omar Rahman & Kristin Fox - 838-862 Quality of Medical Care and Choice of Medical Treatment in Kenya: An Empirical Analysis
by Germano Mwabu & Martha Ainsworth & Andrew Nyamete - 863-898 Daughters, Education, and Family Budgets Taiwan Experiences
by William L. Parish & Robert J. Willis - 899-932 Gender Differences in the Returns to Schooling and in School Enrollment Rates in Indonesia
by Anil B. Deolalikar - 933-974 Educational Investments and Returns for Women and Men in Côte d'Ivoire
by Wim P. M. Vijverberg
1993, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 435-462 Wage Losses for Displaced Workers: Is It Really the Firm That Matters?
by William J. Carrington - 463-481 Pensions, Bonding, and Lifetime Jobs
by Steven G. Allen & Robert L. Clark & Ann A. McDermed - 482-496 Effects of Training, Occupation, and Training-Occupation Match on Wage
by Lawrence Hotchkiss - 497-518 Income Effects and the Value of Health
by William N. Evans & W. Kip Viscusi - 519-537 The Usefulness of Predicted Values for Prior Work Experience in Analyzing Labor Market Outcomes for Women
by Randall K. Filer - 538-554 Selection Bias and the Degree Effect
by Harley Frazis - 555-570 An Examination of the Role That Intercollegiate Athletic Participation Plays in Academic Achievement: Athletes' Feats in the Classroom
by Michael T. Maloney & Robert E. McCormick - 571-592 Why Do Different Countries Choose a Different Public-Private Mix of Educational Services?
by Estelle James - 593-617 Workers' Compensation and the Distribution of Occupational Injuries
by John W. Ruser - 618-648 Educational Attainment, Industrial Structure, and Male Earnings through the 1980s
by Gregory Acs & Sheldon Danziger
1993, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 205-229 Maternal Expectations and Ex Post Rationalizations: The Usefulness of Survey Information on the Wantedness of Children
by Mark R. Rosenzweig & Kenneth I. Wolpin - 230-258 Is There Sex Discrimination in the Legal Profession? Further Evidence on Tangible and Intangible Margins
by David N. Laband & DBernard F. Lentz - 259-278 Mismatch in the Spanish Labor Market: Overeducation?
by Alfonso Alba-Ramírez - 279-296 The Decline of Private-Sector Unionism and the Gender Wage Gap
by William E. Even & David A. Macpherson - 297-317 Do Community-Based, Long-Term-Care Services Reduce Nursing Home Use? A Transition Probability Analysis
by Vernon L. Greene & Mary E. Lovely & Jan I. Ondrich - 318-342 The Effects of Comparable Worth in the Public Sector on Public/Private Occupational Relative Wages
by Greg Hundley - 343-364 Gender Differences in Training, Capital, and Wages
by John M. Barron & Dan A. Black & Mark A. Loewenstein - 365-382 The Varied Economic Returns to Postsecondary Education: New Evidence from the Class of 1972
by W. Norton Grubb - 383-411 Changes in the Male/Female Wage Gap, 1976-85
by Alison J. Wellington
1993, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-24 A Budget-Based Definition of Poverty: With an Application to Single-Parent Families
by Trudi J. Renwick & Barbara R. Bergmann - 25-54 Chronic Poverty in the United States
by Joan R. Rodgers & John L. Rodgers - 55-79 Wage Determination of Registered Nurses in Proprietary and Nonprofit Nursing Homes
by A. G. Holtmann & Todd L. Idson - 80-110 Economic Disability and Health Determinants of the Hazard of Nursing Home Entry
by Alvin E. Headen Jr. - 111-133 Wage Offers and Full-Time and Part-Time Employment by British Women
by John F. Ermisch & Robert E. Wright - 134-161 Individual Heterogeneity and Interindustry Wage Differentials
by Michael P. Keane - 162-184 Measuring Poverty among Canadian Households: Sensitivity to Choice of Measure and Scale
by Shelley A. Phipps - 185-203 Unemployment and Infant Health: Time-Series Evidence from the State of Tennessee
by Theodore Joyce & Naci Mocan
1992, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 551-574 Schooling Choices and Demographic Cycles
by Evangelos M. Falaris & H. Elizabeth Peters - 575-601 The Association between Men's Economic Status and Their Family and Community Origins
by Mary Corcoran & Roger Gordon & Deborah Laren & Gary Solon - 602-628 Labor Earnings, Discrimination, and the Racial Composition of Jobs
by Barry T. Hirsch & Edward J. Schumacher - 629-642 Updated Estimates of the Impact of Prenatal Care on Birthweight Outcomes by Race
by Richard G. Frank & Donna M. Strobino & David S. Salkever & Catherine A. Jackson - 643-660 The Impact of Occupational Safety and Health Regulation on the Risk of Workplace Accidents: Quebec, 1983-87
by Paul Lanoie - 661-678 Constraints on the Choice of Work Hours: Agency Versus Specific-Capital
by Shulamit Kahn & Kevin Lang
1992, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 381-421 Advertising and the Price, Quantity, and Quality of Primary Care Physician Services
by John A. Rizzo & Richard J. Zeckhauser - 422-444 The Impact of Children on Married Women's Labor Supply: Black-White Differentials Revisited
by Evelyn L. Lehrer - 445-471 Optimal Allocation of Time and Estimation of Market Wage Functions
by B. F. Kiker & M. Mendes de Oliveira - 472-484 Quality and Cost in Early Childhood Education
by Irene Powell & James Cosgrove - 485-510 Family Time Use: Leisure, Home Production, Market Work, and Work Related Travel
by Eric J. Solberg & David C. Wong - 511-5330 Intertemporal Substitution and Labor Supply in Japan
by Richard Beason
1992, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 233-255 Marriage, Motherhood, and Wages
by Sanders Korenman & David Neumark - 256-278 Labor Supply, Hours Constraints, and Job Mobility
by Joseph G. Altonji & Christina H. Paxson - 279-312 Benefits of Compensatory Preschool Education
by W. Steven Barnett - 313-328 Quantitative Literacy and the Likelihood of Employment among Young Adults in the United States
by Francisco L. Rivera-Batiz - 329-361 New Evidence on Whether Unemployment and out of the Labor Force are Distinct States
by Füsun Gönül - 362-379 Why Did Child Support Award Levels Decline from 1978 to 1985?
by Philip K. Robins
1992, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 9-39 The Child Care Labor Market
by David M. Blau - 40-69 New Evidence on the Supply of Child Care: A Statistical Portrait of Family Providers and an Analysis of Their Fees
by James R. Walker - 70-111 Price, Quality, and Income in Child Care Choice
by Sandra L. Hofferth & Douglas A. Wissoker - 112-133 Employment of New Mothers and Child Care Choice: Differences by Children's Age
by Arleen Leibowitz & Jacob Alex Klerman & Linda J. Waite - 134-165 Child Care and the Labor Supply of Married Women: Reduced Form Evidence
by David C. Ribar - 166-203 A Structural Model of Labor Supply and Child Care Demand
by Charles Michalopoulos & Philip K. Robins & Irwin Garfinkel - 204-230 Child Care Subsidies and Labor Supply in Sweden
by Siv Gustafsson & Frank Stafford
1991, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 581-607 Career Plans and Expectations of Young Women and Men: The Earnings Gap and Labor Force Participation
by Francine D. Blau & Marianne A. Ferber - 608-622 The Decline of Sex Segregation and the Wage Gap, 1970-80
by Judith Fields & Edward N. Wolff - 623-653 Longitudinal Patterns of Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration Health and Safety Regulations in the Manufacturing Sector
by Wayne B. Gray & Carol Adaire Jones - 654-678 Do the School Nutrition Programs Supplement Household Food Expenditures?
by Sharon K. Long - 679-703 Explaining Pension Dynamics
by Rebecca A. Luzadis & Olivia S. Mitchell - 704-725 Opportunistic Behavior by Firms in Implicit Pension Contracts
by Christopher Cornwell & Stuart Dorsey & Nasser Mehrzad - 726-741 Job Tenure and Joblessness of Displaced Workers
by Robert G. Valletta - 742-755 The Distribution of Economic Losses among Displaced Workers: A Replication
by Paul Swaim & Michael Podgursky
1991, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 393-423 A Simultaneous Wage and Labor Supply Model with Hours Restrictions
by Martijn P. Tummers & Isolde Woittiez - 424-456 Welfare Benefits and Lone Parents' Employment in Great Britain
by John F. Ermisch & Robert E. Wright - 457-472 The Structure of the Female/Male Wage Differential: Is It Who You Are, What You Do, or Where You Work?
by Erica L. Groshen - 473-508 Who Receives Medical Care?: Income, Implicit Prices, and the Distribution of Medical Services among Pregnant Women in the United States
by Mark R. Rosenzweig & T. Paul Schultz - 509-534 A Longitudinal Analysis of Sibling Correlations in Economic Status
by Gary Solon & Mary Corcoran & GRoger Gordon & Deborah Laren
1991, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 183-211 How Does Mother's Education Affect Child Height?
by Duncan Thomas & John Strauss & Maria-Helena Henriques - 212-235 Reestimating Osha's Effects: Have the Data Changed?
by John W. Ruser & Robert S. Smith - 236-255 Are First Impressions Important in Academia?
by Aloysius Siow - 256-281 Vocational Schooling, Occupational Matching, and Labor Market Earnings in Israel
by Shoshana Neuman & Adrian Ziderman - 282-307 Does Marriage Really Make Men More Productive?
by Sanders Korenman & David Neumark - 308-337 The Incentive Effects of Medicaid on Women's Labor Supply
by Anne E. Winkler - 338-361 Measuring the Intensity of Poverty among Subpopulations: Applications to the United States
by John L. Rodgers & Joan R. Rodgers
1991, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-26 Occupational Differences in the Ability of Men to Delay Retirement
by Thomas N. Chirikos & Gilbert Nestel - 27-46 Effects of the Minimum Wage on the Employment Status of Youths: An Update
by Alison J. Wellington - 47-71 Physicians' Choices of Specialty, Location, and Mode: A Reexamination within an Interdependent Decision Framework
by Jeremiah E. Hurley - 72-105 School District Leave Policies, Teacher Absenteeism, and Student Achievement
by Ronald G. Ehrenberg & Randy A. Ehrenberg & Daniel I. Rees & REric L. Ehrenberg - 106-138 Self-Reported Versus Objective Measures of Health in Retirement Models
by John Bound - 139-153 Equal Employment Opportunity Law and Firm Profitability
by Joni Hersch - 154-164 An Assessment of Measurement Error Bias for Estimating the Effect of Mental Distress on Income
by Richard Frank & Paul Gertler
1990, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 559-583 The Empirical Content of Nash-Bargained Household Behavior
by Marjorie B. McElroy - 584-598 On the Empirical Implementation of Some Game Theoretic Models of Household Labor Supply
by Peter Kooreman & Arie Kapteyn - 599-634 Testing the Neoclassical Model of Family Labor Supply and Fertility
by T. Paul Schultz - 635-664 Intra-Household Resource Allocation: An Inferential Approach
by Duncan Thomas - 665-696 The Intrahousehold Demand for Nutrients in Rural South India: Individual Estimates, Fixed Effects, and Permanent Income
by Jere R. Behrman & Anil B. Deolalikar - 697-711 The Response of Births to Changes in Health Care Costs
by Arleen Leibowitz - 712-735 The Taxation of the Poor
by Howard Chernick & Andrew Reschovsky - 736-751 The Characteristics of Business Owners Data Base
by Timothy Bates & Robert McGuckin - v:25:y:1990:i:4:p: Is Union Job Dissatisfaction Real?
by Joni Hersch & Joe A. Stone
1990, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 313-316 Introduction
by Robert Moffitt - 317-357 The Effect of Taxes on Male and Female Labor Supply in Sweden
by N. S. Blomquist & U. Hansson-Brusewitz - 358-389 Labor Supply and Taxation in France
by François Bourguignon & Thierry Magnac - 390-414 The Effect of Taxes on Labor Supply in Italy
by Ugo Colombino & Daniela del Boca - 415-490 Assessing Empirical Approaches for Analyzing Taxes and Labor Supply
by Thomas MaCurdy & David Green & Harry Paarsch - 491-516 The Effect of Income Taxation on Labor Supply in the United States
by Robert K. Triest - 517-558 Labor Supply, Income Taxes, and Hours Restrictions in the Netherlands
by Arthur van Soest & Isolde Woittiez & Arie Kapteyn
1990, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 147-178 Advance Notice and Job Search: The Value of an Early Start
by Paul Swaim & Michael Podgursky - 179-201 Alternative Assessments of the Performance of Schools: Measurement of State Variations in Achievement
by Eric A. Hanushek & Lori L. Taylor - 202-227 Cigarette Smoking, Seatbelt Use, and Differences in Wage-Risk Tradeoffs
by Joni Hersch & W. Kip Viscusi - 228-252 Labor Market Effects of Language Enclaves: Hispanic Men in the United States
by Walter S. McManus - 253-266 College Grades and Labor Market Rewards
by Ethel B. Jones & John D. Jackson - 267-274 Change in the U.S. Income Distribution from 1970 to 1980: Assessing State and Regional Impacts
by Daniel J. Slottje - 275-311 Review: Social Science Research and Policy
by Henry J. Aaron & Edward M. Gramlich & Eric A. Hanushek & James J. Heckman & Aaron Wildavsky
1990, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-31 The Wisconsin Child Support Assurance System: Estimated Effects on Poverty, Labor Supply, Caseloads, and Costs
by Irwin Garfinkel & Philip K. Robins & Pat Wong & Daniel R. Meyer - 32-54 The Economic Well-Being of the Disabled: 1962-84
by Robert Haveman & Barbara Wolfe - 55-89 The Crowding Hypothesis and Comparable Worth
by Elaine Sorensen - 90-105 Firm Size and Executive Compensation
by Peter F. Kostiuk - 106-124 The Effects of Salaries and Opportunity Costs on Length of Stay in Teaching: Evidence from North Carolina
by Richard J. Murnane & Randall J. Olsen - 125-136 An Index Number Approach to the Measurement of Wage Differentials by Sex
by Peter F. Orazem & J. Peter Mattila & Ruoh Chiann Yu
1989, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 562-598 The Specification and Estimation of Dynamic Stochastic Discrete Choice Models: A Survey
by Zvi Eckstein & Kenneth I. Wolpin - 599-628 AFDC and the Formation of Subfamilies
by Robert Hutchens & George Jakubson & Saul Schwartz - 629-643 The Impact of Surplus Schooling on Earnings: Some Additional Findings
by Richard R. Verdugo & Naomi Turner Verdugo - 644-663 Does More Schooling Make Women Better Nourished and Healthier? Adult Sibling Random and Fixed Effects Estimates for Nicaragua
by Jere R. Behrman & Barbara L. Wolfe - 664-688 The Effect of Child Support Payments on the Labor Supply of Female Family Heads: An Econometric Analysis
by John W. Graham & Andrea H. Beller - 689-708 Insurance and Medical List Prices
by Robert H. Lee - 709-724 Estimating the Distribution of Desired Family Size and Excess Fertility
by Charles Calhoun
1989, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 343-360 Anatomy of the Selection Problem
by Charles F. Manski - 361-395 Measuring the Effect of Disability on Labor Force Participation
by Steven Stern - 396-413 Why So Many Children of Doctors Become Doctors: Nepotism vs. Human Capital Transfers
by Bernard F. Lentz & David N. Laband - 414-432 Optimal Investment in Human Capital under Conditions of Nonstable Population
by Evert van Imhoff - 433-455 Schooling, Self-Selection, and Health
by Mark C. Berger & J. Paul Leigh - 456-468 Education, Variation in Earnings, and Nonmonetary Compensation
by Alan D. Mathios - 469-493 Quits and Race
by Jeffrey S. Zax - 494-527 Immigrant Worker Assimilation: Is It a Labor Market Phenomenon?
by Sherrie A. Kossoudji - 528-544 Family Background and School Achievement among Low Income Blacks
by Linda Datcher-Loury - 545-559 A Switching Regression Model of Public-Private Sector Wage Differentials in Peru: 1985-86
by Morton Stelcner & Jacques van der Gaag & Wim Vijverberg
1989, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 195-220 Dynamic Labor Force Participation Decisions of Males in the Presence of Layoffs and Uncertain Job Offers
by Füsun Gönül - 221-252 Cohort Size and the Academic Labor Market
by David C. Stapleton - 253-279 Identifying Experimental Program Effects with Confounding Price Changes and Selection Bias: The Municipal Health Services Program
by Richard W. Foster - 280-286 The Effects of Pay Incentives on Teacher Absenteeism
by Stephen L. Jacobson - 287-298 The Consumption Value of Schooling: An Empirical Estimate of One Aspect
by Edward T. Gullason - 299-318 Why Do Smaller Firms Pay Less?
by David S. Evans & Linda S. Leighton
1989, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-38 Unemployment Behavior: Evidence from the CPS Work Experience Survey
by Thomas S. Coleman - 39-53 Endogenous Covariates in Duration Models and the Effect of Adolescent Childbirth on Schooling
by Randall J. Olsen & George Farkas - 54-87 The Effect of Medical Need and Medicaid on AFDC Participation
by Rebecca M. Blank - 88-114 Poverty and the Distribution of Material Hardship
by Susan E. Mayer & Christopher Jencks - 115-142 The Demand for Employment-Based Health Insurance Plans
by Roger Feldman & Michael Finch & Bryan Dowd & Steven Cassou - 143-161 Female Labor Supply in Japan: Implications of the Informal Sector for Labor Force Participation and Hours of Work
by M. Anne Hill - 162-193 Review: Dollars and Dreams: A Reduced Middle Class? Alternative Explanations
by Charles M. Beach
1988, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 417-436 Accounting for Changes in the Labor Supply of Recently Divorced Women
by William R. Johnson & Jonathan Skinner - 437-461 Heterogeneity, Intrafamily Distribution, and Child Health
by Mark R. Rosenzweig & Kenneth I. Wolpin - 462-487 Marriage Markets and Assortative Mating with Household Public Goods: Theoretical Results and Empirical Implications
by David Lam - 488-513 Retrospective Versus Panel Data in Analyzing Lifecycle Events
by H. Elizabeth Peters - 514-534 Migration and Wages of Young Men
by Evangelos M. Falaris - 535-549 The Stability of Household Production Technology: A Replication
by Mark R. Rosenzweig & T. Paul Schultz - 550-562 A Comparison of Choice-Based Multinomial and Nested Logit Models: The Family Structure and Welfare Use Decisions of Divorced or Separated Women
by Saul D. Hoffman & Greg J. Duncan - 563-576 Econometric Analysis of Birth Rate Dynamics in Britain
by John Ermisch
1988, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 279-295 Employers' Discriminatory Behavior and the Estimation of Wage Discrimination
by David Neumark - 296-319 Trucking Regulation, Unionization, and Labor Earnings: 1973-85
by Barry T. Hirsch - 320-341 A Framework for Assessing Productivity Loss from Schistosomiasis
by Calla Wiemer - 342-355 Do Physicians Underutilize Aides?
by Douglas M. Brown - 356-371 Direct and Indirect Effects of Parental Education Level on the Demand for Higher Education
by David A. Kodde & Jozef M. M. Ritzen - 372-387 Returns to Nursing Education: 1970-84
by Charles R. Link - 388-396 Sibling and Intergenerational Correlations in Welfare Program Participation
by Gary Solon & Mary Corcoran & Roger Gordon & Deborah Laren
1988, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 155-172 When 'Equal Opportunity' is not Enough: Training Costs and Intergenerational Inequality
by Christopher J. Ruhm - 173-192 The Consumer Demand for Education
by H. Youn Kim - 193-210 Household Cost Functions and Equivalence Scales
by Bernard M. S. van Praag & Nico L. van der Sar - 211-221 The Definition and Measurement of Poverty
by Aldi Hagenaars & Klaas de Vos - 222-242 Some Methodological Issues in the Implementation of Subjective Poverty Definitions
by Arie Kapteyn & Peter Kooreman & Rob Willemse - 243-266 Review: Poverty and the Measurement of Individual Welfare
by Joop Hartog - 267-277 Essays in Social Experimentation: What Experiments are Needed for Manpower Policy?
by Anders Björklund
1988, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-20 Systematic and Random Search A Synthesis
by Lawrence M. Kahn & Stuart A. Low - 21-33 Accepting an Early Retirement Bonus an Empirical Study
by Jeanne M. Hogarth - 34-56 The Earnings of Female and Male Middle Managers: A Canadian Case Study
by Kathy Cannings - 57-75 An Econometric Analysis of Costs and Scale Economies in the Nursing Home Industry
by Niccie L. McKay - 76-92 Excess Demand, the Percentage of Medicaid Patients, and the Quality of Nursing Home Care
by John A. Nyman - 93-107 The Distribution of Economic Losses among Displaced Workers: Measurement Methods Matter
by Janice Fanning Madden - 108-122 English Language Proficiency and the Determination of Earnings among Foreign-Born Men
by Evelina Tainer