- dp0704 Path Interdependence in a Dynamic Two Country Heckscher-Ohlin Model
by Beatriz Gaitan & Terry L. Roe - dp0703 Finance and Competition
by Harris Dellas & Ana Fernandes - dp0702 Accuracy versus Falsification Costs: The optimal Amount of Evidence under different Procedures
by Winand Emons & Claude Fluet - dp0701 Applying Markowitz's Critical Line Algorithm
by Andras Niedermayer & Daniel Niedermayer
- dp0606 The Allocation of Resources under Uncertainty
by Harris Dellas & Ana Fernandes - dp0605 Genetic Tests and Intertemporal Screening in Competitive Insurance Markets
by Winand Emons - dp0604 Does a Platform Monopolist Want Competition?
by Andras Niedermayer - dp0603 Discounting The Global Climate When Technological Change is Endogenous
by Gunter Stephan & Georg M ller-F rstenberger - dp0602 Applying Markowitz's Critical Line Algorithm
by Andras Niedermayer & Daniel Niedermayer - dp0601 Indirect Construction of Hedonic Price Indexes: Empirical Evidence for Private Properties in Switzerland
by Stefan S. Fahrlaender
- dp0518 A Large Deviation Approach to the Measurement of Mobility
by Robert Aebi & Klaus Neusser & Peter Steiner - dp0517 Does a Platform Owning Monopolist Want Competition?
by Andras Niedermayer - dp0516 Learning, voting and the information trap
by Aleksander Berentsen & Esther Bruegger & Simon Loertscher - dp0515 Switching Costs, Firm Size, and Market Structure
by Simon Loertscher & Yves Schneider - dp0514 Job Insecurity and Youth Emancipation: A Theoretical Approach
by Sascha O. Becker & Samuel Bentolila & Ana Fernandes & Andrea Ichino - dp0513 Knowledge, Technology Adoption and Financial Innovation
by Ana Fernandes - dp0512 Market making oligopoly
by Simon Loertscher - dp0511 Global and local players in a model of spatial competition
by Simon Loertscher & Gerd Muehlheusser - dp0510 Horizontally Differentiated Market Makers
by Simon Loertscher - dp0509 Hotelling's Beach with Linear and Quadratic Transportation Costs: Existence of Pure Strategy Equilibria
by Alain Egli - dp0508 Different Modeling Strategies for Discrete Choice Models of Female Labour Supply: Estimates for Switzerland
by Reto Nyffeler - dp0507 Semiparametric Construction of Spatial Generalized Hedonic Models for Private Properties
by Stefan Sebastian Fahrlaender - dp0506 The Optimal Amount of Falsfied Testimony
by Winand Emons & Claude Fluet - dp0505 Replicator Dynamics with Frequency Dependent Stage Games
by Esther Bruegger - dp0504 Endogenous Institutions and the Dynamics of Corruption
by Esther Bruegger - dp0503 The Performance of Panel Unit Root and Stationarity Tests: Results from a Large Scale Simulation Study
by Jaroslava Hlouskova & Martin Wagner - dp0502 Intensity Targeting or Emission CAPS: Non-Cooperative Climate Change Policies and Technological Change
by Georg M ller-F rstenberger & Gunter Stephan - dp0501 On Stability in Competition: Tying and Horizontal Product Differentiation
by Alain Egli
- dp0419 Playing It Safe with Low Conditional Fees versus Being Insured by High Contingent Fees
by Winand Emons - dp0418 The Carbon Kuznets Curve: A Cloudy Picture Emitted by Bad Econometrics?
by Martin Wagner & Georg M ller-F rstenberger - dp0417 On Holders, Blades and Other Tie-In Sales
by Alain Egli - dp0416 What's Really the Story with this Balassa-Samuelson Effect in the CEECs?
by Martin Wagner & Jaroslava Hlouskova - dp0415 What Determines the Speed of Adjustment to the Target Capital Structure?
by Wolfgang Drobetz & Gabrielle Wanzenried - dp0414 The evolution of income-related health inequalities in Switzerland over time
by Robert E. Leu & Martin Schellhorn - dp0413 The evolution of income-related inequalities in health care utilization in Switzerland over time
by Robert E. Leu & Martin Schellhorn - dp0412 Product Market Competition, Managerial Inventives, and Firm Valuation
by Stefan Beiner & Markus Schmid & Gabrielle Wanzenried - dp0411 Legal Restrictions on Buyout Fees: Theory and Evidence from German Soccer
by Eberhard Feess & Bernd Frick & Gerd Muehlheusser - dp0410 Black Sheep and Walls of Silence
by Gerd Muehlheusser & Andreas Roider - dp0409 Conditional versus Contingent Fees
by Winand Emons - dp0408 Equilibrium Mobility
by Robert Aebi & Klaus Neusser & Peter Steiner - dp0407 The Economics of US-style Contingent Fees and UK-style Conditional Fees
by Winand Emons & Nuno Garoupa - dp0406 Redistribution to Rent Seekers, Foreign Aid and Economic Growth
by Roland Hodler - dp0405 Does it pay to be a good student? Results from the Swiss graduate labour market
by Juerg Schweri - dp0404 The Curse of Natural Resources in Fractionalized Countries
by Roland Hodler - dp0403 CEEC Growth Projections: Certainly Necessary and Necessarily Uncertain
by Martin Wagner & Jaroslava Hlouskova - dp0402 W hlbare Selbstbehalte in der Krankenversicherung der Schweiz: Nachfragesteuerung oder Selektion?
by Martin Schellhorn - dp0401 Prognose uni- und multivariater Zeitreihen
by Manfred Deistler & Klaus Neusser
- dp0320 Monopolistic Intermediation in the Gehrig (1993) Search Model Revisited
by Simon L rtscher - dp0319 How often should you open the door? Optimal monitoring to screen heterogeneous agents
by Andrea Ichino & Gerd Muehlheusser - dp0318 Berufliche Weiterbildung in der Schweiz
by Michael Gerfin & Robert E. Leu & Reto Nyffeler - dp0317 Firm-sponsored Work-Related Training in Frictional Labour Markets: An empirical analysis for Switzerland
by Michael Gerfin - dp0316 Work-Related Training and Wages: An empirical analysis for male workers in Switzerland
by Michael Gerfin - dp0315 Escalating Penalties for Repeat Offenders
by Winand Emons - dp0314 How Feminine is Corporate America?
by Gabrielle Wanzenried - dp0313 On Polynomial Cointegration in the State Space Framework
by Dietmar Bauer & Martin Wagner - dp0312 A Canonical Form for Unit Root Processes in the State Space Framework
by Dietmar Bauer & Martin Wagner - dp0311 Income Segregation and Local Progressive Taxation: Empirical Evidence from Switzerland
by Kurt Schmidheiny - dp0310 Wealth inequality and dynamic stability
by Christian Ghiglino - dp0309 Product Market Competition and Executive Compensation: An Empirical Investigation
by Patricia Funk & Gabrielle Wanzenried - dp0308 The Performance of Subspace Algorithm Cointegration Analysis: A Simulation Study
by Dietmar Bauer & Martin Wagner - dp0307 The Demand for Tests
by Thomas Liebi - dp0306 Global Climate Change and the Equity-Efficiency Puzzle
by Alan S. Manne & Gunter Stephan - dp0305 Capital Structure Inertia and CEO Compensation
by Gabrielle Wanzenried - dp0304 The Impact of In-Work Benefits on Poverty and Household Labour Supply. A simulation study for Switzerland
by Michael Gerfin & Robert E. Leu - dp0303 Does subsidised temporary employment get the unemployed back to work? An econometric analysis of two different schemes
by Michael Gerfin & Michael Lechner & Heidi Steiger - dp0302 On Cheating and Whistle-Blowing
by Aleksander Berentsen & Esther Br gger & Simon L rtscher - dp0301 Does Distribution Matter? When Flexibility, Equity and Efficiency in Greenhouse Gas Abatement
by Gunter Stephan & Georg M ller-F rstenberger
- dp0220 A Large Deviation Approach to the Measurement of Mobility
by Robert Aebi & Klaus Neusser & Peter Steiner - dp0219 Wage Rigidity and Monetary Union
by Harris Dellas & George Tavlas - dp0218 Financial development and stock returns: A cross country analysis
by Harris Dellas & Martin K. Hess - dp0217 Technology Shocks and Employment
by Fabrice Collard & Harris Dellas - dp0216 Equilibrium and Stratification with Local Income Taxation when Households Differ in both Preferences and Incomes
by Kurt Schmidheiny - dp0215 Income Stratifcation in Multi-Community Models
by Kurt Schmidheiny - dp0214 Signaling with Capital Structure Revisited
by Gabrielle Wanzenried - dp0213 The impact of heterogeneity on indeterminacy
by Christian Ghiglino & Marielle Olszak-Duquenne - dp0212 Multistep Predictions from Multivariate ARMA-GARCH: Models and their Value for Portfolio Management
by Jaroslava Hlouskova & Kurt Schmidheiny & Martin Wagner - dp0211 Subgame Perfect Punishment for Repeat Offenders
by Winand Emons - dp0210 A Comparison of Johansen's, Bierens and the Subspace Algorithm Method for Cointegration Analysis
by Martin Wagner - dp0209 Capital Structure Dynamics in UK and Continental Europe
by Gabrielle Wanzenried - dp0208 On the Dynamics of Physician Density; Theory and Empirical Evidence for Switzerland
by Sandra Nocera & Gabrielle Wanzenried - dp0207 Monitoring Eco-Labels: You Can Have Too Much of a Good Thing
by Thomas Liebi - dp0206 Information and Barometric Prices: An Explanation for Price Stickiness
by Simon L rtscher & Michael Manz - dp0205 Asymptotic Properties of Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Multiple Frequency I(1) Processes
by Dietmar Bauer & Martin Wagner - dp0204 A Canonical Form for Unit Root Processes in the State Space Framework
by Dietmar Bauer & Martin Wagner - dp0203 Coordination Failure and Financial Contagion
by Michael Manz - dp0202 The Market for Used Cars: A New Test of the Lemons Model
by Winand Emons & George Sheldon - dp0201 Trusting Labels: A Matter of Numbers?
by Thomas Liebi
- dp0104 A Note on the Optimal Punishment for Repeat Offenders
by Winand Emons - dp0103 Perjury versus Truth-Revelation: Quantity or Quality of Testimony
by Winand Emons - dp0102 Does Distribution Matter? When Flexibility and Pareto-Efficiency in Greenhouse Gas Abatement
by Gunter Stephan & Georg M ller-F rstenberger - dp0101 The Contingent Valuation Method in Health Care: An Economic Evaluation of Alzheimer's Disease
by Dario Bonato & Sandra Nocera & Harry Telser
- dp0004 Credit Risk Management - RAROC-lead capital allocation and profit maximization
by Helmut Zink - dp0001 Where-to-Abate and Where-to-Invest Flexibility: An Integrated Assessment Analysis of Climate Change
by Gunter Stephan & Georg M ller-F rstenberger
- dp9906 Banking and Trade of Carbon Emission Rights: A CGE Analysis
by Georg M ller-F rstenberger & Gunter Stephan - dp9905 Evaluating Theories of Income Dynamics: A Probabilistic Approach
by Robert Aebi & Klaus Neusser & Peter Steiner - dp9904 Mobility, Beta-Convergence, and Multiple Regimes
by Boris A. Z rcher - dp9903 A Model of Income Mobility and Convergence
by Boris A. Z rcher - dp9902 Costs of Abatement, International Trade and Global Climate
by Georg M ller-F rstenberger & Gunter Stephan - dp9901 Does Stackelberg Leadership Pay in the Presence of Strategic Trade Policy?
by Walter Elberfeld & Mark de Snaijer
- dp9808 Product Differentiation and Price Competition between a Safe and a Risky Seller
by Winand Emons - dp9807 Optimal Health Investment Strategies in a Linear Control Model
by Christoph Eisenring - dp9806 Comparative Dynamics in a Health Investment Model
by Christoph Eisenring - dp9805 Capacity as a Determinant of the Supply for Physicians' Services
by Fridolin E. Marty - dp9804 The Value of Interdisciplinary Cooperation: Do Sophisticated Climate Models Provide Additional Insight into the Economics of Climate Change?
by F. Joos & Georg M ller-F rstenberger & Gunter Stephan - dp9803 Income Inequality, Mobility, and the Life Cycle Switzerland in the 80's and 90's
by Boris Zuercher & Michael Gerfin - dp9802 On the Heterogeneity of Firms
by Mark de Snaijer - dp9801 Central Bank Independence and Sacrifice Ratios: A Critique
by Ernst Baltensperger & Peter Kugler
- dp9711 The Strategic Choice of the Firm's Organizational Structure
by Mark de Snaijer - dp9710 Climate-Change Policies and International Rate-of-Return Differentials
by Gunter Stephan & Alan S. Manne - dp9709 The Payback Period Rule: Its Impact on Innovation and Economic Growth
by Georg M ller-F rstenberger - dp9708 Innovation, Implementation, and the Business Cycle
by J rg Blum & Mark de Snaijer - dp9707 Discounting and the Economic Costs of Altruism in Greenhouse Gas Abatement
by Gunter Stephan & Georg M ller-F rstenberger - dp9706 Are there Shifts in the Output-Inflation Trade-off? The Case of Switzerland
by Ernst Baltensperger & Thomas J.Jordan - dp9705 Seigniorage and the Transfer of Central Bank Profits to the Government
by Ernst Baltensperger & Thomas J.Jordan - dp9704 Imperfect Tests and Natural Insurance Monopolies
by Winand Emons - dp9703 Income Distribution Dynamics Across Swiss Cantons
by Boris Z rcher - dp9702 The Unequal Distribution of Unequal Pay - An Empirical Analysis of the Gender Wage Gap in Switzerland
by Dorothe Bonjour & Michael Gerfin - dp9701 Intra- and Intergenerational Effects of Global Carbon Limits: A Five Region Analysis
by Gunter Stephan & Georg M ller-F rstenberger & Pascal Previdoli
- dp9610 Economic Incentives, Intergenerational Altruism and Sustainability
by Gunter Stephan & Georg M ller-F rstenberger - dp9609 The Double Dividend of Carbon Rights
by Gunter Stephan & Georg M ller-F rstenberger - dp9608 Expertise, Contingent Fees, and Excessive Litigation
by Winand Emons - dp9607 Further Evidence against the Existence of Low-dimensional Chaos in the Foreign Exchange Market
by Robert H hener - dp9606 Long Term Bond Yields, Monetary Policy and the Expectations Hypothesis of the Term Structure of Interest Rates
by Peter Kugler - dp9605 The Informational Role of Volume: A Comment on Blume, Easley and O'Hara
by Chiente Hsu & Gerhard O. Orosel - dp9604 The Revival of the Expectations Hypothesis of the US Term Structure of Interest Rates
by Chiente Hsu & Peter Kugler - dp9603 Money Inventories In Search Equilibrium
by Aleksander Berentsen - dp9602 Non-competitive Equilibrium in a Frictionless Decentralised Market
by Aleksander Berentsen - dp9601 Some Implications of Joint Production on General Equilibrium Prices
by Georg M ller-F rstenberger
- dp9506 Overlapping Generations Or Infinitely-Lived Agents: Designing A Framework For The Economics Of Global Warming
by Gunter Stephan & Georg M ller-F rstenberger & Pascal Previdoli - dp9505 Dauerabh ngigkeit der Abgangsrate aus der Arbeitslosigkeit. Eine empirische Untersuchung f r die Schweiz
by Michael Gerfin & Martin Schellhorn - dp9504 Environmental Policy and International Cooperation: Introduction and Overview
by Georg M ller-F rstenberger & Gunter Stephan - dp9503 Einkommensungleichheit zwischen Frauen und M nnern. Eine konomische Analyse der Schweizer Arbeitskr fteerhebung: Kommentar
by Dorothe Bonjour & Michael Gerfin - dp9502 Welfare Comparison between Switzerland and West Germany
by Michael Gerfin - dp9501 Credence Goods Monopolists
by Winand Emons
- dp9409 Principles of Seigniorage
by Ernst Baltensperger & Thomas Jordan - dp9408 Demand and Supply Shocks in the IS-LM Model: Empirical Findings for five Countries
by Thomas J. Jordan & Carlos Lenz - dp9407 Market Structure and Sequential Decision Making in an Overlapping Generations Economy
by Gunter Stephan & Thomas Wiedmer - dp9406 Laissez-Faire, Kooperation oder Alleingang: Klimapolitik in der Schweiz
by Gunter Stephan & Damian Imboden - dp9405 Income Distribution, Income Inequality and Life Cycle Effects - A Nonparametric Analysis for Switzerland
by Michael Gerfin - dp9404 Market Structure in Models with Overlapping Generations
by Thomas Wiedmer - dp9403 Monetary and Real Shocks in a Monetary Union: The Swiss Case
by Thomas Jordan & Carlos Lenz - dp9402 Credence Goods and Fraudulent Experts
by Winand Emons - dp9401 Seigniorage, Inflation and the Capital Stock
by Ernst Baltensperger & Thomas Jordan
- dp9316 Der Stand der schweizerischen Fiskalpolitik
by Thomas Jordan - dp9315 Parametric and Semiparametric Estimation of the Binary Response Model of Labor Market Participation
by Michael Gerfin - dp9314 Life Quality Assessment of Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Adjuvant Therapy
by Petra Busch & Peter Schwendener & Robert Leu - dp9313 Nationale Armuts- und Altersstudie: Wirtschaftliche Lage und Lebensqualit t der Schweizer Wohnbev lkerung
by Robert E. Leu & Stefan Burri - dp9312 Monopolistic Competition with Marketing and Search - A Characterization of Epsilon-Nash Equilibria for Finite Markets
by Helmut Zink - dp9311 Increasing Returns, Procyclical Productivity, and Countercyclical Price Mark-Ups
by Helmut Zink - dp9310 The Provision of Environmental Protection Measures under Incomplete Information: An Introduction to the Theory of Mechanism Design
by Winand Emons - dp9309 Market Power, Uncertainty, and the Level of Trade
by Winand Emons - dp9308 Good Times, Bad Times, and Vertical Upstream Integration
by Winand Emons - dp9307 Zur Durchsetzbarkeit von Umweltabgaben: Eine wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Betrachtung
by Gunter Stephan & Thomas Wiedmer
- dp9306 Outliers, Intervention Models and Non-Linear Exchange Rate Dynamics
by Horst Kr ger & Peter Kugler - dp9305 The Dynamic Covariance Structure of Exchange Rate Changes: Empirical Results from a Factor GARCH Model
by Peter Kugler - dp9304 Testing for a Long Run Relationship for Trend and Difference Stationary Series
by Peter Kugler & Peter Schwendener - dp9303 Growth and Exports in LCD's: A Multivariate Time Series Study
by Peter Kugler & Jom a Dridi - dp9302 The Dynamics of Demand and Supply Shocks: A Multicountry Study
by Dorothe Bonjour & Peter Kugler - dp9301 Demand for Imports, Supply of Exports and Technical Progress in NIC's
by Peter Kugler - dp9204 Ignorance and Sequential Decision Making in an Overlapping Generations Economy
by Gunter Stephan & Thomas Wiedmer - dp9203 Monet re Aussenwirtschaftstheorie - Ein Survey
by Ernst Baltensperger - dp9202 Myopic Decision Rules and the Innovation of Techniques: Formulation and Solution of Intertemporal Equilibrium Models
by Gunter Stephan - dp9201 Social Incidence and Economic Costs of Carbon Limits - A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Switzerland
by Gunter Stephan & Renger van Nieuwkoop & Thomas Wiedmer
- dp9112 Umwelt, Bewusstsein, Staat und Markt: eine wirtschafts-wissenschaftli che Betrachtung
by Gunter Stephan - dp9111 Das Arbeitsangebot von Frauen in der Schweiz - Eine empirische Untersuchung unter Ber cksichtigung von Einkommenssteuern und Stun denbeschr nkungen
by Michael Gerfin - dp9110 Equity in the Finance and Delivery of Health Care in Switzerland
by Robert E. Leu & Michael Gerfin - dp9109 Der Nordamerikanische Freihandelsraum - Ein neuer Block im Welthandel?
by Egon Tuchtfeldt & Erich B rkler - dp9108 Carbon Dioxide Control in an Energy Model for Switzerland
by Silvia Rothen - dp9107 Hyperinflation, Payment Behavior of Firms and Stability Problems
by Helmut Zink - dp9106 Non-Linearities in Foreign Exchange Markets: A Different Perspective
by Horst Kr ger & Peter Kugler - dp9105 The Permanent Component of GNP and Consumption: Results from an Univariate Analysis for Switzerland
by Peter Kugler - dp9104 Non-Linear Dependence of Exchange Rate Changes and International Interest Rate Differentials: An Empirical Investigation
by Peter Kugler - dp9103 Taxing CO2 Emissions and its Economic Impact - A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Switzerland
by Gunter Stephan & Renger van Nieuwkoop & Thomas Wiedmer - dp9102 The Making of Tests for Indices
by Arthur Vogt - dp9101 Pareto- Efficiency and Valuation Equilibria in a General Equilibrium Model when Markets are Incomplete and Agents Ignorant
by Ernst Baltensperger & Gunter Stephan
- dp9008 Codependence in a VAR Framework
by Peter Kugler & Peter Schwendener - dp9007 International Real Interest Rate Equalization: A Multivariate Time Series Approach
by Peter Kugler - dp9006 Demand for Imports, Supply of Exports and Technical Progress: Results from a GNP Function Estimate for Switzerland
by Peter Kugler - dp9005 Chaos, Arch and the Foreign Exchange Market: Empiri cal Results from Weekly Data
by Peter Kugler & Carlos Lenz - dp9004 Multivariate Cointegration Analysis and the Long-run Validity of PPP
by Peter Kugler & Carlos Lenz - dp9003 Regulating Environmental Externalities and Innovation: A Methodo logical Approach for Analyzing Short-run and Long-run Effects
by Gunter Stephan - dp9002 Arbeitsangebot bei eingeschr nkter Wahl der Arbeitsstunden
by Michael Gerfin - dp9001 Innovation, Decentralization and Equilibrium
by Gunter Stephan & Gerhard Wagenhals
- dp2405 The effect of higher out-of-pocket payments on drug prices and demand
by Fabienne Loetscher, Christian P.R. Schmid, Michael Gerfin